Donna Scheeder

American librarian
Died on Wednesday March 9th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Donna Scheeder:

@ricebilldc: RIP DONNA SCHEEDER Obituary (1947 - 2022) - Washington, DC - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Miguel Grinberg, escritor, poeta, traductor y periodista argentino 18 ago. 1937 - 4 mar. 2022 Pau Ri… - 3 years ago

@AMTAMMARO: RT @GPSalmeron: Another great face of our missed @IFLA past President. “EMCAC Chair Donna Scheeder Dies Peacefully at Home” - 3 years ago

@GPSalmeron: Another great face of our missed @IFLA past President. “EMCAC Chair Donna Scheeder Dies Peacefully at Home”… - 3 years ago


@LRCStPaulsSI: RT @SLAhq: Donna Wills Scheeder, who held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001, and generously ga… - 3 years ago

@SLANewYork: RT @SLAhq: Donna Wills Scheeder, who held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001, and generously ga… - 3 years ago

@ITIRoundup: IFLA and SLA Trailblazer Donna Scheeder Dies at 74 - 3 years ago

@enricothetenor: RT @SLAhq: Donna Wills Scheeder, who held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001, and generously ga… - 3 years ago

@brucerosenstein: Sad to learn of the death of my #library-world colleague Donna Scheeder, a longtime #leader in the profession and b… - 3 years ago

@SLAhq: Donna Wills Scheeder, who held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001, and… - 3 years ago

@AliciaOcaso1: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@AMTAMMARO: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@giusvitiello: RT @fesabid: Nos unimos al sentimiento de dolor de quienes conocimos a Donna Scheeder y de la comunidad bibliotecaria internacional que pie… - 3 years ago

@IFLACPDWL: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@ricardomontesg: RT @iflaparl: #IFLAPARL thanks Donna Scheeder for all her work to strengthen parliamentary libraries and the right of access to information… - 3 years ago

@hephaistos_ai: RT @004nino: RIP 26 135) #EMCAC #Chair #Donna #Scheeder 74 #Dies #cancer #March 7, 2022 #Peacefully at #Home - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 26 135) #EMCAC #Chair #Donna #Scheeder 74 #Dies #cancer #March 7, 2022 #Peacefully at #Home - 3 years ago

@KPW__DC: RT @capitalcommnews: Scheeder was a noted librarian, a former @IFLA President, a community activist and the chair of @easternmarketdc Advis… - 3 years ago

@gnyagg: RT @capitalcommnews: Scheeder was a noted librarian, a former @IFLA President, a community activist and the chair of @easternmarketdc Advis… - 3 years ago

@DC_Chander: So saddened to hear of the passing of Donna Scheeder. She was an amazing woman who dedicated the past decade+ tryi… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Donna Scheeder - #DonnaScheeder #Donna #Scheeder #rip - 3 years ago

@mridley: Donna Scheeder 1947-2022. Such sad news. Donna was a brilliant, inspirational leader. I will always remember her ki… - 3 years ago

@mica_n_can: @null Wikipedia更新記録英語版 Donna Scheeder / - 3 years ago

@bydcanarias: RT @fesabid: Nos unimos al sentimiento de dolor de quienes conocimos a Donna Scheeder y de la comunidad bibliotecaria internacional que pie… - 3 years ago

@mirosores2: RT @iflaparl: #IFLAPARL thanks Donna Scheeder for all her work to strengthen parliamentary libraries and the right of access to information… - 3 years ago

@Reciaria: RT @fesabid: Nos unimos al sentimiento de dolor de quienes conocimos a Donna Scheeder y de la comunidad bibliotecaria internacional que pie… - 3 years ago

@BibliotecasRBJ: RT @fesabid: Nos unimos al sentimiento de dolor de quienes conocimos a Donna Scheeder y de la comunidad bibliotecaria internacional que pie… - 3 years ago

@fesabid: Nos unimos al sentimiento de dolor de quienes conocimos a Donna Scheeder y de la comunidad bibliotecaria internacio… - 3 years ago

@rehabouf: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@alpsp: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@bn_org_pl: Zmarła Donna Scheeder, była przewodnicząca IFLA - 3 years ago

@KatefromUK: RT @SeemaRampersad: In Memoriam Donna Wills Scheeder - held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001,… - 3 years ago

@IFLACatSec: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

@AnneLehto: Sad news for the global library community. Donna Scheeder's presidential theme was 'Libraries: a call for action".… - 3 years ago

@Juanded90815347: RT @madamebiblio: El fallecimiento de Donna Scheeder en la portada de #Wikipedia en español @IFLA @librarycongress @eswikipedia @ALA_en_esp… - 3 years ago

@thorpe_clare: Vale Donna Scheeder 1947-2022 – IFLA. I had the privilege of meeting Donna and hearing her speak at #EBLIP10. She w… - 3 years ago

@madamebiblio: El fallecimiento de Donna Scheeder en la portada de #Wikipedia en español @IFLA @librarycongress @eswikipedia… - 3 years ago

@lisalibrarian: Such a loss. RIP my friend. You were an inspiration. - 3 years ago

@sladc: RT @SeemaRampersad: In Memoriam Donna Wills Scheeder - held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2001,… - 3 years ago

@SeemaRampersad: In Memoriam Donna Wills Scheeder - held leadership posts in the Library of Congress, led SLA as president in 2000-2… - 3 years ago

@Karolingva: I am extremely sad to read that Donna Scheeder has passed away. She was President during the time I worked at IFLA… - 3 years ago

@abc_cordoba: RT @IFLA: It is with deep sadness that IFLA informs its members and colleagues around the world of the passing of former President and IFLA… - 3 years ago

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