Donna Carson

American folk singer (Hedge and Donna).
Died on Sunday November 24th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Donna Carson:

@donna_spackman: RT @mannyvu89: I can count more than all of my toes and fingers... the times that I read tweets from far-left Bernie/Tulsi bros arguing how… - 5 years ago

@gail_carson: Donna Nook: Seal image 'highlights impact of marine litter'. Again, what are WE doing that causes this & what are w… - 5 years ago

@d_silvius: @BillySt76696194 @EagleFanProbs Yep get rid of everybody. Keep Carson and nothing will change. The word is out that… - 5 years ago

@MCarsonOfficial: Donna Marie Laino Testimonial for Mitch Carson | Public Speaker - 5 years ago


@hodge_donna: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@MargieDalton: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@donna_proud: RT @ChristinePolon1: Better pay attention to these extremist Islamist's plans to take over our government. If you vote for ANY Muslim I hop… - 5 years ago

@NayaBLorde: @sbsunkins @BrinaTalksALot I agree. I get Donna is supposed to be a gift from CaRSon after losing Morgan, but I sta… - 5 years ago

@GHfan1122: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@bbudzinski: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@bbudzinski: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@richard39148515: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@32sin: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@YaFavTrainer: RT @FunGuilty: Carson and Donna 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@carkin_donna: RT @M2Madness: Johnny Carson knew about Prince Andrew in 1984... - 5 years ago

@Donna_Maria2: RT @M2Madness: Johnny Carson knew about Prince Andrew in 1984... - 5 years ago

@sncmojito: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@DeckerStar_Luv: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@YaFavTrainer: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna… - 5 years ago

@CarsonandZendal: RT @sncmojito: Great scenes from @lldubs, @MauriceBenard, @MaxGail, & our little Donna, @the_hulen_twins 😘 🦃❤ #CarSon #CarSOnna #SonnyAndM… - 5 years ago

@carkin_donna: RT @ReneeCarrollAZ: Every💕Heartbeat💕Matters "As a surgeon, I have operated on infant's pre-birth. I can assure you that they are very much… - 5 years ago

@CarsonandZendal: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@FaishawnCoulter: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@bbudzinski: RT @FunGuilty: Carson and Donna 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@dadon_donna: RT @ReneeCarrollAZ: Every💕Heartbeat💕Matters "As a surgeon, I have operated on infant's pre-birth. I can assure you that they are very much… - 5 years ago

@daytime6976: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@daytime6976: RT @FunGuilty: Carson and Donna 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@FaishawnCoulter: RT @FunGuilty: Carson and Donna 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@TiffineyCook: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@jeannied95: RT @naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday. Poor Mike… - 5 years ago

@naifar27: #GH #CarSon #Corinthos This is the couple & family that I love so much!!! They all had my whole heart ❤️ yesterday.… - 5 years ago

@alovelygrl: BABY DONNA IS SO CUTE! #GH #Carson - 5 years ago

@DonnasAuntie: Mike! If you do not put DONNA COURTNEY CORINTHOS DOWN! RET THIS MINUTE! I love mike! But he better PUT OUR BABY DOW… - 5 years ago

@hodge_donna: RT @EntheosShines: @Annakhait 👍🇺🇸 Watch how unhappy Obama was when Ben Carson told this amazing story a few years ago. Shortly after Ben w… - 5 years ago

@richard39148515: RT @foreverjasam: I NEED THE HD SCENES OF CARSON AND DONNA 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@FunGuilty: Carson and Donna 😍😍 - 5 years ago

@sncmojito: RT @foreverjasam: I NEED THE HD SCENES OF CARSON AND DONNA 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@stanaslauren: RT @foreverjasam: I NEED THE HD SCENES OF CARSON AND DONNA 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@foreverjasam: I NEED THE HD SCENES OF CARSON AND DONNA 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@bbudzinski: RT @BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@bauk1234: I knew it, Mike is holding Donna, terror on Michael & Carson's face - 5 years ago

@LauraCSummers: @foreverjasam Holidays can be hard for a lot of people for many reasons so hopefully you enjoy your trip down the r… - 5 years ago

@holt_donna: @larryelder Great point! She's so low IQ she prob has no clue what type DOCTOR Dr Carson is! Maybe her lack of br… - 5 years ago

@donna_proud: RT @larryelder: Larry Elder: If Trump Is 'Racist' for Questioning Maxine Waters' IQ, What Is Waters for Questioning the Intelligence of Dr.… - 5 years ago

@richard39148515: RT @BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@LindyCFF: @marybl62 @SonnyAndCarly @CarsonandZendal no he sadly cant but my guess is that Carson get distracted when Michael… - 5 years ago

@bbudzinski: RT @LindyCFF: @SonnyAndCarly @CarsonandZendal wonder if thats what starts to fight between Sonny and Mike that we saw in the promo since C… - 5 years ago

@LindyCFF: @SonnyAndCarly @CarsonandZendal wonder if thats what starts to fight between Sonny and Mike that we saw in the pro… - 5 years ago

@Tvchica: RT @BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@JaSamLoverFF: RT @BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@Squiddly1964: RT @BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@BillingsOctavia: On The Next #GH (11-28-19) No #JaSam.. #CarSon and Baby Donna will be on tomorrow!! 😊👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏼💗 - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Performer, director, writer, and broadcaster Jonathan Miller; broadcaster and writer Clive James; folk… - 5 years ago

@StoneColdMcCall: @mrsbeckyconnor I know! They got Sonny especially in every storyline but we don’t see him or Carly with the baby. D… - 5 years ago

@leist_donna: RT @sandra_foskey: Ben Carson Just Wiped the floor With Adams schiff and entire Dems - 5 years ago

@Donna_Eplin: RT @InBlondWeTrust: Maxine Waters said,”Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” To that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a career pol… - 5 years ago

@castel_donna: RT @MoooPapa: This week Maxine Waters went after Ben Carson telling the media he just isn't that smart. 😏 - 5 years ago

@spoilgirl03: RT @MauriceFF: @MauriceBenard @lldubs I can't wait for my book to arrive. You and Laura went on to become #TheBestTeamInTown We need more… - 5 years ago

@donna_kershner: RT @myjourneymyself: Ana Navarro mocked polls that showed black support for Trump saying polls were conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, K… - 5 years ago

@rithoto: @Iegdabs oooh ok uh anne carson, margaret attwood, mary oliver, pablo neruda and donna tartt also fiona apple and l… - 5 years ago

@donna_appraise: RT @varadmehta: The Eagles' receivers are killing the team because they're killing Carson Wentz. Stuff like this can and should be fixed th… - 5 years ago

@aguedamumany: Muere la cantante Donna Carson - 5 years ago

@donna_kershner: RT @jko017: Did Maxine Waters just question the Intelligence of former neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson? 😂 IMBECILE 😂⬇️⬇️⬇️ - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere la cantante Donna Carson - 5 years ago

@the0galle: Donna Carson (November 13, 1946 – November 21, 2019) - 5 years ago

@donna_kershner: RT @DiamondandSilk: And she lacks the mental capacity to be in Congress! - 5 years ago

@holt_donna: @Patrici15767099 OMG...coming from Mother Jeffrrson that's hysterical! I''d love2 hear her discuss that w BRAIN DR… - 5 years ago

@MauriceBenard: RT @MauriceFF: @MauriceBenard @lldubs I can't wait for my book to arrive. You and Laura went on to become #TheBestTeamInTown We need more… - 5 years ago

@MauriceFF: @MauriceBenard @lldubs I can't wait for my book to arrive. You and Laura went on to become #TheBestTeamInTown We… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Donna Carson - 5 years ago

@alovelygrl: RT @ALittleLiarPLL5: DONNA IS SO CUTE 🥰🥰🥰 #GH #CarSon - 5 years ago

@lavertue_donna: RT @LisaMei62: This is rich coming from this whack job. Maxine Waters: Ben Carson Lacks the 'Intelligence' to Be HUD Secretary | Breitbart… - 5 years ago

@StoneColdMcCall: @JaSamLoverFF It is. I wish we got more family time or love in the afternoon but I had someone in my mentions talk… - 5 years ago

@hodge_donna: RT @MAGAPATRIOT_TGM: The person lacking intelligence here is Maxine Waters! How can she say that about Ben Carson? I hope she never has an… - 5 years ago

@CoachJayUConn: @og_coupe @danorlovsky7 @donna_denardo @DariusJButler Everyone just keep giving Carson Wentz excuses!!!! All good.… - 5 years ago

@DariusJButler: @danorlovsky7 @CoachJayUConn @donna_denardo Carson-Ertz - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Donna Carson dies - #DonnaCarson #Donna #Carson #rip - 5 years ago

@sweetgurllll: and also let me just say that charlotte being chabby's and carson ending up with baby donna a few months later will… - 5 years ago

@Billhayton12345: @brianwhitman You're Carnac impression was spot on today. Just left the Donna Summer musical at pantages and it ha… - 5 years ago

@leist_donna: RT @Aliciastarr001: White House Prepares Plan to Save CA from Homelessness - The plan is expected to be shown to Trump in coming weeks. D… - 5 years ago

@L_Barr: @WubsNet @LisaSimpson24 Carson really really didn't need the vow renewal or baby Donna that is apparently living wi… - 5 years ago

@Sweethart963: @ritziroo You just know if Carson were to get stranded on a desert island he wouldn't hesitate to move in and take… - 5 years ago

@donna_krutz: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@donna_dmwlaw93: Say it like it is Dr Carson! We need to hear more plain speaking in DC. - 5 years ago

@the0galle: Donna Carson (November 13, 1946 – November 21, 2019) - 5 years ago

@dailey_donna: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@donna_kershner: RT @ChuckCallesto: Maxine Waters Calls Trump ‘Shameless’; Ben Carson RESPONDS.. What would you say to Maxine? - 5 years ago

@dadon_donna: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@carkin_donna: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@holt_donna: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@_Donna_M7: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@donna_menesini: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@donna_kershner: RT @Education4Libs: Maxine Waters said, “Trump’s shamelessness knows no bounds.” And to that Ben Carson replied, “Shamelessness is a caree… - 5 years ago

@donna_adler: RT @redneckreel1: Want to subpoena #HunterBiden? Sure, but let's make sure to also subpoena trump's two daughters, ivanka and jared too. I… - 5 years ago

@donna_menesini: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Folks, nobody can put someone in their place better than a brain surgeon 🤣 - 5 years ago

@hodge_donna: RT @freenaynow: Ben Carson Blasts 'Career Politician' Maxine Waters Over Massive Homelessness in Her District After 'Shameless' Attack on P… - 5 years ago

@CarsonandZendal: RT @sncmojito: "I'm happy for you. And Sonny. And the baby. The baby's a lucky kid." -- Jason "We are here to see Miss Donna." -- Sam 💛💙💗… - 5 years ago

@GHBase84_: RT @sncmojito: "I'm happy for you. And Sonny. And the baby. The baby's a lucky kid." -- Jason "We are here to see Miss Donna." -- Sam 💛💙💗… - 5 years ago

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