Donald Moffat

British-American actor (The Thing
Died on Thursday December 20th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Donald Moffat:

@wagamamacobra: RT @classicsman70: 'The Thing' (1982) Dir. by John Carpenter. A research team in Antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien that assume… - 6 years ago

@PartyPo64237937: RT @deadmeatjames: RIP Donald Moffat, who played Garry in my favorite horror movie of all time, John Carpenter's The Thing. 87 is a good lo… - 6 years ago

@ashby62: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@ADarkWhimsy: @garethlpowell My favourite film. Not even kidding. Best line? 'I know you gentlemen have been through a lot. And w… - 6 years ago


@AGRammal: RT @AGRammal: RiP Donald Moffat 1930-2018 😔 #RiP #DonaldMoffat #1930 #2018 - 6 years ago

@Roge46: Veteran film actor Donald Moffat dies - 6 years ago

@yajanni3: RT @CineArte_BsAs: RIP #DonaldMoffat (26 December 1930 – 20 December 2018) The Thing, 1982, directed by @TheHorrorMaster. Kurt Russell, T… - 6 years ago

@TheNerdOnline: Donald Moffat, Veteran Actor, Dies at 87 - - 6 years ago

@aponcarla: RT @CineArte_BsAs: RIP #DonaldMoffat (26 December 1930 – 20 December 2018) The Thing, 1982, directed by @TheHorrorMaster. Kurt Russell, T… - 6 years ago

@johnnie_torch: Just wanted to take a moment to eulogize Donald Moffat whom I learned recently passed on. He was in many famous fil… - 6 years ago

@DustinHendrix6: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@IrishJayhawk66: A Shroud of Thoughts: Godspeed Donald Moffat via ⁦@mercurie80⁩ - 6 years ago

@Kawerna: R.I.P. :( - 6 years ago

@SeleneElara: RIP Donald Moffat. He was in my all time favorite movie ‘The Thing.’ Sad to hear of his passing. - 6 years ago

@JasonBrawn: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RT @CineArte_BsAs: RIP #DonaldMoffat (26 December 1930 – 20 December 2018) The Thing, 1982, directed by @TheHorrorMaster. Kurt Russell, T… - 6 years ago

@harpercreates: #DonaldMoffat a talented and inspiring actor, dead at 87. Rest In Peace, sir. - 6 years ago

@voxmobile1: @nicholasham1 I share your concerns and much is concerning at the moment. That said, was checking something on IMDB… - 6 years ago

@voxmobile1: @TheRealGregoryH Good stuff. Sorry to read Donald Moffat passed away a few days ago. He was fun to watch. - 6 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @CineArte_BsAs: RIP #DonaldMoffat (26 December 1930 – 20 December 2018) The Thing, 1982, directed by @TheHorrorMaster. Kurt Russell, T… - 6 years ago

@CineArte_BsAs: RIP #DonaldMoffat (26 December 1930 – 20 December 2018) The Thing, 1982, directed by @TheHorrorMaster. Kurt Russe… - 6 years ago

@ClassicFilmRead: A Shroud of Thoughts - Godspeed Donald Moffat - 6 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: Godspeed Donald Moffat - 6 years ago

@DarksideDistro: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@Karaoke_God: Wow! I just found out that Donald Moffat died a few days ago. You may not know the name, but you know the face. - 6 years ago

@CorestarPaul: RT @corinhardy: "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIE… - 6 years ago

@ryan_rapp1: RT @CraigGerber_: Donald Moffat’s son is our incredible song mix engineer on both Elena and Sofia and my heart goes out to Gabe and his fam… - 6 years ago

@lshafran: Always liked this guy He Was One of Those Actors Whose Face You Almost Certainly Would Recognize, Even If You Didn’… - 6 years ago

@alieninwhite: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies - 6 years ago

@kanjasuppa: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies - 6 years ago

@soaprookie: RT @DanaDelany: I will never forget dancing on the top of his feet when Donald Moffat played my dying father in China Beach. Or the silly j… - 6 years ago

@WM212121: The Chaos President Cold Open - SNL Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) speaks with - Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant… - 6 years ago

@PaulDragonwolf1: In Memoriam: Donald Moffat (1930-2018) - 6 years ago

@darknite125: RT @DarthGandalf1: Latest post for HoG. My tribute to a great character actor. RIP Donald Moffat. - 6 years ago

@DarthGandalf1: Latest post for HoG. My tribute to a great character actor. RIP Donald Moffat. - 6 years ago

@HouseofGeekery: In Memoriam: Donald Moffat (1930-2018) - 6 years ago

@plusultra56: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@mustywitter: 📷 oldschoolsciencefiction: Happy birthday as well as a somewhat belated rest in peace to Donald Moffat.... - 6 years ago

@urbandevil64: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@Spartan23: @WilliamBibbiani I honestly haven't, simply because I literally just got familiar with the film thanks to your Dona… - 6 years ago

@barbaravitali2: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Born Today, Dec 26, in 1930, Donald Moffat! Born Dec 26, 1930 - over 120 roles including his Debut film role (credited… - 6 years ago

@pccote66: RT @pccote66: #BornToday 12/26: Donald Moffat (Class Action,The Right Stuff)(1930-18) Jared Leto (Panic Room---Junior) (47) John Walsh (Hos… - 6 years ago

@thisisangeliki: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Born Today, Dec 26, in 1930, Donald Moffat! Born Dec 26, 1930 - over 120 roles including his Debut film role (credited… - 6 years ago

@Arias22Arias: RT @corinhardy: "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIE… - 6 years ago

@SergeBroom: Donald Moffat passed away last Thursday. - 6 years ago

@HeartFireFilm: RT @moviegeeksunite: Now Available: The Movie Geeks celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Right Stuff by featuring 2008 interviews with rec… - 6 years ago

@on_laid: RT @moviegeeksunite: Now Available: The Movie Geeks celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Right Stuff by featuring 2008 interviews with rec… - 6 years ago

@moviegeeksunite: Now Available: The Movie Geeks celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Right Stuff by featuring 2008 interviews with… - 6 years ago

@TheWilderRide: RT @TheThingMinute: Happy birthday to our favorite 'capitan' Donald Moffat! "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you fin… - 6 years ago

@mdlmer: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Born Today, Dec 26, in 1930, Donald Moffat! Born Dec 26, 1930 - over 120 roles including his Debut film role (credited… - 6 years ago

@moviegeeksunite: MGU Interview: Actor Donald Moffat: - 6 years ago

@AlmeidaMarhta: Murió Donald Moffat, reconocido y veterano actor británico: - 6 years ago

@fdbpl: Fani kinematografii będą go kojarzyli przede wszystkim z zagrania w klasyku kina grozy z lat osiemdziesiątych zatyt… - 6 years ago

@Vidardogsmum: RT @PlymouthOTD: Unfortunately Donald Moffat passed away just a few days ago. Our thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace Donald https:… - 6 years ago

@nbablib: Famous Birthdays: Mao Tse-tung(1893), Richard Widmark(1914), Steve Allen(1921), Alan King(1927), Donald Moffat(1930… - 6 years ago

@Ashleyb26646208: RT @pccote66: #BornToday 12/26: Donald Moffat (Class Action,The Right Stuff)(1930-18) Jared Leto (Panic Room---Junior) (47) John Walsh (Hos… - 6 years ago

@mpburmeister: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Born Today, Dec 26, in 1930, Donald Moffat! Born Dec 26, 1930 - over 120 roles including his Debut film role (credited… - 6 years ago

@BirthdayVault: Born Dec 26: Eden Sher 27, Kit Harington 32, Chris Daughtry 39, Jared Leto 47, Lars Ulrich 55, John Walsh 73, Phil… - 6 years ago

@TelefilmSpoiler: Nasceva oggi, nel 1930 a Plymouth, l'attore DONALD MOFFAT. Apparso in film come "La cosa" e "Uomini veri". Moffat è… - 6 years ago

@J0NBELLI0NB0T: RT @ExitEnterTweets: DECEMBER 26: Jon Bellion, Jack Benny, Jay Farrar, Dian Fossey, Kit Harington, Howard Hawks, Jared Leto, David Lowrey,… - 6 years ago

@ExitEnterTweets: DECEMBER 26: Jon Bellion, Jack Benny, Jay Farrar, Dian Fossey, Kit Harington, Howard Hawks, Jared Leto, David Lowre… - 6 years ago

@vjmclaughlin21: RT @CryptoLoren: Donald Moffat, who was born in Plymouth, England, 26 Dec 1930, died in Sleepy Hollow, NY, 20 Dec 2018. He played LBJ in Th… - 6 years ago

@PlymouthShadows: RT @PlymouthOTD: Unfortunately Donald Moffat passed away just a few days ago. Our thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace Donald https:… - 6 years ago

@awrighthi: Donald Moffat: Veteran film and theatre character actor dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@claraelvisa: Rest in peace Donald Moffat xx - 6 years ago

@InOdaWeTrust: También cumplirían años Richard Widmark (1914-2008), Elisha Cook Jr (1903-1995) y Donald Moffat (1930-2018). - 6 years ago

@bombadil6: Remembering Donald Moffat, who just passed last week, on his B'day. - 6 years ago

@CryptoLoren: Donald Moffat, who was born in Plymouth, England, 26 Dec 1930, died in Sleepy Hollow, NY, 20 Dec 2018. He played LB… - 6 years ago

@hungryghost741: RT @PlymouthOTD: #OTD Donald Moffat was born in #Plymouth. He has starred in over 121 films and TV appearances and is best known for playin… - 6 years ago

@WishIwasSpock: RT @SonyMovieCh: Remembering Donald Moffat (1930–2018). Photo: John Carpenter's THE THING (1982) #RIPDonaldMoffat - 6 years ago

@WishIwasSpock: RT @BoozeFlix: RIP Donald Moffat. LBJ in The Right Stuff. Larry Slade in The Iceman Cometh on Broadway. His delivery of this epic line from… - 6 years ago

@Bltmovies: #OTD Born 1914 Richard Widmark 1927 Dennis Quilley 1930 Donald Moffat 1986 Kit Harrington 1939 Fred Schepisi 1933 C… - 6 years ago

@TLBray92: RT @PlymouthOTD: Unfortunately Donald Moffat passed away just a few days ago. Our thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace Donald https:… - 6 years ago

@IanAmes: RT @PlymouthOTD: Unfortunately Donald Moffat passed away just a few days ago. Our thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace Donald https:… - 6 years ago

@PlymouthOTD: Unfortunately Donald Moffat passed away just a few days ago. Our thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace Donald - 6 years ago

@moiDJ1975: RT @PlymouthOTD: #OTD Donald Moffat was born in #Plymouth. He has starred in over 121 films and TV appearances and is best known for playin… - 6 years ago

@IanAmes: RT @PlymouthOTD: #OTD Donald Moffat was born in #Plymouth. He has starred in over 121 films and TV appearances and is best known for playin… - 6 years ago

@Justinscake: RT @JimKirkwoodJr: Remembering Donald Moffat, born December 26, 1930. - 6 years ago

@djbullock4: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@MadBleuz: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies - 6 years ago

@JimKirkwoodJr: Remembering Donald Moffat, born December 26, 1930. - 6 years ago

@Storygraphe: 26/12 4/6 #Anniversaire Jean #Ferrat 30 #musique †13-03-2010;Félix #Eboué 1884 #politique †17-05-44;Donald #Moffat… - 6 years ago

@marhoiland: RT @jamesmjharrison: Donald Moffat: Veteran film and theatre character actor dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@Fuchan2525Kan: RT @outsider2588: 【映画速報】「今そこにある危機」などに出演していたイギリスの俳優ドナルド・モファットが死去。享年87歳。 #映画 #ドナルドモファット #今そこにある危機 #訃報 - 6 years ago

@_ishingMachine: Happy Birthday Donald Moffat!!! - 6 years ago

@MadBleuz: Two-Time Tony Nominee Donald Moffat Dead at 87 | Playbill - 6 years ago

@4u2cfolwurheart: Beloved Film And Theater Actor Donald Moffat Dies From Stroke Complications At 87 - 6 years ago

@ValekVL: Rest in Peace - 6 years ago

@PascalGavillet: Né un 26 décembre: Donald Moffat (1930 - 2018), british actor. - 6 years ago

@odomo88: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies - 6 years ago

@WishIwasSpock: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@ORadio: I Loved him in " Tales of The City " - 6 years ago

@languillaume45: Donald Moffat est décédé à l'âge de 87 ans - 6 years ago

@languillaume45: - 6 years ago

@HorrorMovFreaks: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@Karlane34: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@BigBookClint: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@bob_sarles: RIP Donald Moffat, 87, Actor - 6 years ago

@Storygraphe: 26/12 4/6 #Naissance Jean #Ferrat 30 #musique †13-03-2010;Félix #Eboué 1884 #politique †17-05-44;Donald #Moffat 30… - 6 years ago

@ryanthewriter: RT @MarkTLive: Accomplished Broadway actor...And his best-known film roles include turns as Lyndon B. Johnson in The Right Stuff, a corrupt… - 6 years ago

@MSN_Entertain: Donald Moffat, 'The Right Stuff' and 'The Thing' actor, dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@willow_peck: RT @WarnerArchive: RIP, the talented Mr. Moffat. - 6 years ago

@passengersmh: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@charlyx80: RT @classicsman70: 'The Thing' (1982) Dir. by John Carpenter. A research team in Antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien that assume… - 6 years ago

@danieLo_gG: RT @classicsman70: 'The Thing' (1982) Dir. by John Carpenter. A research team in Antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien that assume… - 6 years ago

@MrDutch78: RT @classicsman70: 'The Thing' (1982) Dir. by John Carpenter. A research team in Antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien that assume… - 6 years ago

@blackstarcanyon: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@changemewtf: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@sentencebender: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@sixyardcecil: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@zebulon35: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@cinerolly: L'acteur Donald Moffat est mort - 6 years ago

@JFNMovieGuy: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@MySouthernHeels: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Donald Moffat, 87, a Top Actor Who Thrived in Second Billings, Dies - 6 years ago

@altr_nate85: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@AliceGravil: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@JohnConstantin1: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

@WeirdNerd42: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Donald Moffat was a brilliant character actor. He graced my movie THE THING and his "tied to this f--- g couch' line w… - 6 years ago

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