Donald Harper

American diver
Died on Thursday December 7th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Donald Harper:

@apeman33: RT @FSHS_Wrestling: Cherryvale Tournament results: Boys- Corbin Shelden 1st, Donald Harper 2nd, Will Wunderly 2nd, Mark Adams 1st, Jon Dani… - 7 years ago

@coachmetcalf165: RT @FSHS_Wrestling: Cherryvale Tournament results: Boys- Corbin Shelden 1st, Donald Harper 2nd, Will Wunderly 2nd, Mark Adams 1st, Jon Dani… - 7 years ago

@FSHS_Wrestling: Cherryvale Tournament results: Boys- Corbin Shelden 1st, Donald Harper 2nd, Will Wunderly 2nd, Mark Adams 1st, Jon… - 7 years ago

@harper: RT @sarahkendzior: Donald Trump says ‘people will die’ as a result of focus on Russia allegations - 7 years ago


@fadedhipster905: @bellasopinions @RegGunClips @KyleKulinski When Harper was prime minister he didn't want to tax the rich because he… - 7 years ago

@PaganMediaBites: RT @PaganMediaBites: During the course of the Idol No More Movement, INM FN's once sent this msg to the former Stephen Harper gov I think… - 7 years ago

@PaganMediaBites: During the course of the Idol No More Movement, INM FN's once sent this msg to the former Stephen Harper gov I thi… - 7 years ago

@Donald_Fitz: RT @CBCNews: 'Shocked': Retiring chief justice was blindsided by Stephen Harper's public attack - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @andersonDrLJA: If Donald Trump is a Nazi for not calling out Nazis, was #Obama an #IslamicTerrorist for not calling out ISLAMIC TERRORI… - 7 years ago

@AgtOrangeSoda: Donald Harper or Stephen Trump - 7 years ago

@CircaLiz: @DrJenGunter @CDCgov This happened in Canada during the Harper years: "More than 2,000 positions and people were lo… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @BreakingNLive: BREAKING: @LisaBloom (Lisa Bloom) has reportedly been caught paying a woman off with as much as $ 750,000 in exchange fo… - 7 years ago

@harper: RT @nickbilton: Had a truly fascinating conversation with Tim Wu (@superwuster) where he explains how the president hijacked our attention,… - 7 years ago

@Harper_34_: RT @Jacob_Weller16: Picture this,it’s 2017, Donald Trump is your president, net neutrality is on a cliff, Everybody vapes, You wake up and… - 7 years ago

@heath_harper: @judgeroymooreAL, Donald Trump is asking you to be reasonable. Think about that. - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @grantstern: I would pay good money to tag Donald Trump Jr. (but he blocked me for exposing his #TrumpRussia money laundering ties) in t… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @standardnews: Donald Trump barred from Royal Borough in London during state visit to UK - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Christmas cancelled in Nazareth by Palestinians. Can you even begin to imagine the response in this region and across t… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @itvnews: European Union leaders have given the green light for the second stage of #Brexit talks to begin, @eucopresident Donald Tusk s… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @Brexit: Donald Tusk congratulates Theresa May as EU agrees to start next phase of Brexit process - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: LOLOL Donald Trump Jr. doesn't seem to know his dad appointed the FCC commissioner - 7 years ago

@harper_rory: Will Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Lead to Trade War? - 7 years ago

@harper: RT @owillis: Like Donald Trump - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @essenviews: For less than $500,000, Putin got what he most wanted out of the Kremlin’s campaign to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential… - 7 years ago

@fuegobenz: I grew up in a era where LeBron is king. Lil Wayne’s the best alive. John Cena is everything that is man. Tom Brady… - 7 years ago

@coldacid_ebooks: Harper government to ban Donald Trump from ever entering Canada. - 7 years ago

@harper_jenna: RT @StephenKing: Donald Trump is unfit for office and needs to resign. - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @JuddLegum: Trump family tried to vote absentee in the NYC mayoral election: MELANIA: Didn't follow directions to sign envelope so her… - 7 years ago

@harper_cox_: RT @danpfeiffer: The notion that Donald Trump is an "idiot" is one held by a majority of the country, most Republican Senators, his Secreta… - 7 years ago

@Harper_Ian: RT @sjredmond: Hoisted on his own twitard. Roy Moore was the flawed candidate YOU supported fully in this election Donald Trump and democra… - 7 years ago

@not_pm_harper: RT @JuddLegum: Trump family tried to vote absentee in the NYC mayoral election: MELANIA: Didn't follow directions to sign envelope so her… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @cnni: A series of text messages exchanged between top FBI employees that were critical of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump were… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @realDonaldTrump: Wishing all of those celebrating #Hanukkah around the world a happy and healthy eight nights in the company of those t… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @StefanMolyneux: They attempt to paint President Donald Trump as anti-Semitic even after he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israe… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @exlabourite: Donald Trump should 100% tell everybody he's getting a flight to London Heathrow, then turn up at Manchester Airport. Im… - 7 years ago

@karen__harper: RT @IceManNYR: Totally dishonest answer to the multiple accusations of sexual harassment against Donald Trump. #PressBriefing #MeToo https:… - 7 years ago

@Luckymelb: They don't come much worse than Donald Harper at Narrogin. His a discace... like really if you have no ability do something else. - 7 years ago

@ggintheland: @davidakin @GerryRitzxMP Come on @davidakin this must be Harper’s fault or your pal Donald’s? - 7 years ago

@LRiczu: RT @elsworthroy: this is why i loved having Harper as pm - 7 years ago

@elsworthroy: this is why i loved having Harper as pm - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @NicolleDWallace: Some free PR advice for my pals in the media - Donald Trump would love to have a fight about whether the press tells t… - 7 years ago

@bret_harper: Inside #Trump’s Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation - 7 years ago

@harper_steve: RT @ProudResister: I resist Donald Trump... Because we need affordable healthcare NOT tax cuts for rich. Because we need to protect our E… - 7 years ago

@sunlightwarden: Now imagine this in a political system. The instant we admit governments can get in illegitimately and make permane… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @business: "Theresa May's team was surprised by an announcement that Donald Tusk would be making a dawn statement in Brussels on Friday.… - 7 years ago

@John_W_Harper: RT @jules_su: FUN FACT: The ratio between Doug Jones and Roy Moore was almost exactly the same as the ratio between Hillary Clinton and Don… - 7 years ago

@karen__harper: RT @jessica89398527: Donald Trump got 3 things wrong in 1 tweet this morning>> #HappyHanukkah #AlabamaSenateElectio… - 7 years ago

@louisa_faux: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@MATUGAMATUGA: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@Libby_Harper: RT @chrissyteigen: The shit Donald Trump cares about is absolutely fucking absurd. What a petty brat. - 7 years ago

@cr_harper: RT @EconUS: Donald Trump's interior secretary recommended boundary revisions to two more national monuments - 7 years ago

@luckhardtjason: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@audricmoses: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@harper: RT @jbouie: The self described hardest working president ever spends up to eight hours a day watching TV - 7 years ago

@lynn_carleton: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@61_alvin: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@canteach: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@AllBelongHere: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@papillon4444: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@bernie8859: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@LauraMorie: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Donald Harper, US-amerikanischer Wasserspringer und Turner, am 30.11.2017 mit 85 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@RickAcadie: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@HopeAldridge: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@YngvarTheMean: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@CodieneC: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@bilongma: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@yvonne4tn: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@Terrilltf: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@rkn429: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@TheMovieProjec1: RT @HaikuVikingGal: Donald Trump has emboldened the Nazis. Stephen Harper has emboldened the Nazis. Andrew Scheer has emboldened the Nazis.… - 7 years ago

@Janice_Harper: RT @CBSNews: NEW: Donald Trump Jr. was offered access to hacked Democratic data during campaign. A source who received the email in questio… - 7 years ago

@yanmtl: This video is sponsored by STEPHEN HARPER and DONALD TRUMP, and hungry oil fascists alike who prefer to deny climat… - 7 years ago

@british_north: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Regitardoh: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@TOTigerLilly: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@ltoolis: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Harper_US: RT @krassenstein: BREAKING: CNN is reporting Donald Trump, Don Jr. and others w/in the campaign received an email with a decryption key & w… - 7 years ago

@RossiterD3: RT @MrMurder37: @dabeard @aldotcom @mlh_holmes @maddow Harper Lee on Roy Moore, and Rep.Lewis on Donald Trump. Parallel these stories tonig… - 7 years ago

@inopaulec: - 7 years ago

@BikeRocketCom: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@feinberg_linda: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@ZanzibarStreet: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Jdavis_Halton: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Contented2851: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@GriffinCOA: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@TheCarpenter79: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Donald Harper (85) Olympic diver - 7 years ago

@sarahpineiros: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@sandyc1772: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@warrengolinski: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@coolfirehotice: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@trikebum: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@annajunglenauts: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Jamarcaledon1: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@kchernecky: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@Lesley_NOPE: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@wright1000: RT @TorontoStar: The federal government stood virtually alone in its refusal to openly criticize U.S. President Donald Trump’s reckless mov… - 7 years ago

@datskendrixmama: donald harper is the only man i want.. see the difference is i see the difference with him... i know - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @zesty_politics: Black congressmen skip civil rights museum opening over Trumps attendance - 7 years ago

@Mel_Harper_D: RT @PhilippeReines: To the 60% of GOP who think Russia’s a witch hunt: Ask yourselves why only Russia scored meetings/calls/emails w donal… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @WhiteHouse: President Trump proclaims December 7, 2017, as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: - 7 years ago

@MrMurder37: @dabeard @aldotcom @mlh_holmes @maddow Harper Lee on Roy Moore, and Rep.Lewis on Donald Trump. Parallel these stories tonight please. - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @ASK_des: #skypapers Bonnie bloody Greer non stop Donald Trump bashing every show she’s on. Change the record your boring us all to deat… - 7 years ago

@harper_cox_: RT @Mikel_Jollett: Al Franken lost his senate seat. Harvey Weinstein lost his company. Anthony Weiner is in jail. Roy Moore is STILL the R… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @funder: Franken resigned. So who’s next? Donald F•cking Trump is, that’s who. #TrumpSexProbe #TrumpResign - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @MaddisonJordan: @SadiqKhan You gonna give the Pakistanis some talking to about their ancient blasphemy laws, polygamy or child marriage… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Donald Harper - #DonaldHarper #Donald #Harper #rip - 7 years ago

@Janice_Harper: RT @TomArnold: I’m disappointed with my friend Leeann Tweedon. Her partner at KABC John Phillips is a Roger Stone pal & they coached her fo… - 7 years ago

@DrJerryCuster: I fully expect before this is over, you’re going to get to a point where Donald Trump will say, “Oh, yeah, Donald… - 7 years ago

@Bergg69: RT @MuskokaMoneybag: The evidence is overwhelming that President Donald Trump is playing from former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s doomed… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @EdKrassen: So instead of Donald Trump winning the Time Magazine Person of the Year award, women like the ones who Trump sexually assaul… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @ProudResister: Steve Bannon represents White Supremacy, Roy Moore represents Pedophilia, Mitch McConnell represents Billionaires, Donal… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @MassD: WELL, DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT! "House Democrat slams Donald Trump Jr. for ‘serious case of amnesia’ after testimony" http… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @chelseahandler: Just evacuated my house. It’s like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire. Literally and figuratively. Stay safe eve… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @itvnews: Not sure how to get your hair done for the Christmas party season? How about this? A man in Taiwan has had Donald Trump's face… - 7 years ago

@AngAngieAngela: “Serial sex abuser Donald Trump comes out in support of pedophilia and Roy Moore” by Harper Thorpe - 7 years ago

@ck_harper: RT @Independent: America flies supersonic bomber over Korean peninsula in 'show of force' - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @Rustafa555: Proud of a President that stands with Israel. God Bless Donald J Trump Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital,… - 7 years ago

@T_Miller_Harper: RT @AFP: #BREAKING President Donald Trump is to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, upending decades of careful US policy and ignoring… - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: RT @RepDonBeyer: Donald Trump dictated a statement on this meeting that said "We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russia… - 7 years ago

@JenSnowbunnyLaw: RT @MegBarclay1: “Serial sex abuser Donald Trump comes out in support of pedophilia and Roy Moore” by Harper Thorpe - 7 years ago

@N_Harper: RT @TheTweetOfGod: I know for a fact that Donald Trump has a very small penis. Please retweet this enough that he can't help but respond.… - 7 years ago

@MegBarclay1: “Serial sex abuser Donald Trump comes out in support of pedophilia and Roy Moore” by Harper Thorpe… - 7 years ago

@harper_nyesha: Billy Bush confirms Donald Trump was indeed on the disturbing Access Hollywood tape. - 7 years ago

@Janice_Harper: RT @GottaLaff: Oh hey, look who's talking! >>>> Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That... He said it. “Grab ‘em by the pussy.” https:… - 7 years ago

@harper: RT @nytimes: Op-Ed Contributor: Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That - 7 years ago

@cm_harper: @TheRickyDavila @realDonaldTrump Sounds like Treasonous Donald Trump is having another meltdown. #TickTock #MuellerTime - 7 years ago

@halima_harper: RT @johnpavlovitz: @Franklin_Graham @POTUS @realDonaldTrump A dark skinned, homeless, refugee Jesus wouldn't be allowed in Donald Trump's A… - 7 years ago

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