Donald Farley

Canadian cross-country skier
Died on Monday November 21st 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Donald Farley:

@farley_zach: RT @RedditCFB: Oregon could always embrace their inner, angry Donald: - 8 years ago

@farley_ocampo: RT @nypost: "Let me fill you in on a little something, kiddies. [Donald Trump is] your f--king president" - 8 years ago

@keithalamb: @schmangee Ford was the lost love child of Donald Trump and Chris Farley - 8 years ago

@farley_kelly: RT @andylassner: Do NOT use this photo of Donald Trump. He does NOT like it. He told reporters he HATES it. Please RETWEET. - 8 years ago


@farley_ocampo: RT @andylassner: Do NOT use this photo of Donald Trump. He does NOT like it. He told reporters he HATES it. Please RETWEET. - 8 years ago

@farley_ocampo: RT @TheEconomist: All the world over, a new nationalism is rising. It is a dangerous threat to prosperity and security - 8 years ago

@sian_farley: RT @voxdotcom: Donald Trump is now questioning the legitimacy of the election he won - 8 years ago

@jayme_farley: RT @piercearrow33: Donald Trump’s stock in Dakota Access oil pipeline company raises concern -... - 8 years ago

@mb_farley: RT @jason_a_w: Bernie Sanders has a pretty solid take on “fake news”. - 8 years ago

@fry_daddy_: The world deprives us of people like Chris Farley, but provides us with people like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. - 8 years ago

@SkiFondOrford: Commentaire de Jean-Guy Rancourt, du journal La Tribune, au sujet de Donald Farley. Le décès de l'ex-olympien et... - 8 years ago

@FasterSkier: At 46, Canada's former national teamer Donald Farley passed away last weekend; Petter Northug won't start this... - 8 years ago

@EricNiehoff: My Grandpa, Donald Dean Farley -- December 27, 1928 - November 25, 2009 - 8 years ago

@sian_farley: RT @davidfrum: The election of Donald Trump is the biggest win for Russian espionage since the Rosenbergs stole the A-bomb. - 8 years ago

@Benocal: RT @brianmckeever: Yesterday and today I skied for the memory of Donald Farley. He was a friend, a mentor & a great world class skier. Don,… - 8 years ago

@HarriPiironen: Lahden Hemohes-hiihdoissa 31:nneksi 15 km:n pertsalla sijoittunut kanadalainen kuollut: - 8 years ago

@Terri_Farley: RT @AdamParkhomenko: Hillary has received more votes for president than any white male in the history of the United States. Including Donal… - 8 years ago

@kathymfish: - 8 years ago

@farley_ocampo: RT @CNN: The Dalai Lama says he has "no worries" about President-elect Donald Trump - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: To Donald Farley #donaldfarley #friend #mentor - 8 years ago

@sian_farley: RT @Vausey: #doitlikenigel #farage #trump Nigel and Donald both did it! - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Donald Farley, 46, Canadian Cross Country Skier, Jimmy Fallon Soul Aspect, Down 11/19/16... - 8 years ago

@Kamview: - 8 years ago

@004nino: MORT QUÉBEC 3789) L ' #ex - #olympien #fondeur #Donald #Farley 46 #ans #perd la #vie 19-11-2016 | JDM - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Donald Farley, Canadian cross-country skier, Died at 46 - 8 years ago

@LouiSGSylvestre: RT @jpballeux: Les funérailles du fondeur et olympien Donald #Farley auront lieu samedi après-midi et soirée au Centre funéraire Guay de Ro… - 8 years ago

@MDoughertys: RT @cccski: The @cccski community is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of 1998 & 2002 Olympian Donald Farley. Our condolences to family… - 8 years ago

@farley_ocampo: RT @Reuters: A Japanese company which makes rubber Donald Trump masks says it's delighted with the level of business but not so happy about… - 8 years ago

@farley_ocampo: RT @TheEconomist: With Donald Trump as president, 2017 will mark the beginning of a darker global order - 8 years ago

@BanffAirporter: RT @cccski: ''If I don't train hard I have no chance to be good.If I train hard I have a chance 2 be good''#DonaldFarley Tribute: - 8 years ago

@joricle: RT @jpballeux: Les funérailles du fondeur et olympien Donald #Farley auront lieu samedi après-midi et soirée au Centre funéraire Guay de Ro… - 8 years ago

@oursenoire: SKI DE FOND - Donald Farley est mort . En vélo sur le p'tit train du nord à Sainte-Adèle. Bin voyons ! - 8 years ago

@dbetzel: @PrisonPlanet @lenardgamergate Chris Farley was Donald Trump's brother? say WHAT? - 8 years ago

@Mondesports: Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@foxlogan96: RT @brianmckeever: Yesterday and today I skied for the memory of Donald Farley. He was a friend, a mentor & a great world class skier. Don,… - 8 years ago

@kapustinvolt191: RT @brianmckeever: Yesterday and today I skied for the memory of Donald Farley. He was a friend, a mentor & a great world class skier. Don,… - 8 years ago

@IvanBabikov: RT @brianmckeever: Yesterday and today I skied for the memory of Donald Farley. He was a friend, a mentor & a great world class skier. Don,… - 8 years ago

@sonia_bergeron1: RT @RC_Sports: L'olympien Donald Farley est mort - 8 years ago

@abrski: RT @skitrax: Sad News – Olympian Donald Farley Passes Away #DonaldFarley - 8 years ago

@UltraYves: Un athlète, un homme que je respectais beaucoup même si on ne se connaissait pas personnellement. Parmi les plus gr… - 8 years ago

@RC_Sports: RT @jpballeux: Les funérailles du fondeur et olympien Donald #Farley auront lieu samedi après-midi et soirée au Centre funéraire Guay de Ro… - 8 years ago

@nicodaigle: RT @jpballeux: Les funérailles du fondeur et olympien Donald #Farley auront lieu samedi après-midi et soirée au Centre funéraire Guay de Ro… - 8 years ago

@jpballeux: Les funérailles du fondeur et olympien Donald #Farley auront lieu samedi après-midi et soirée au Centre funéraire Guay de Rosemère. - 8 years ago

@JFJjfjulien: RT @ladevita12: SKI DE FOND - Donald Farley est mort #lapresseplus - 8 years ago

@UltraYves: Un athlète, un homme que je respectais beaucoup même si on ne se connaissait pas personnellement. Parmi les plus... - 8 years ago

@skitrax: Sad News – Olympian Donald Farley Passes Away #DonaldFarley - 8 years ago

@Samgreerskier: RT @cccski: The @cccski community is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of 1998 & 2002 Olympian Donald Farley. Our condolences to family… - 8 years ago

@DaniellePlamon4: RT @metromontreal: Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@KodyMontreal: metromontreal: Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@newsquebec: Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@metromontreal: Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@anotao_nouvelle: L'ex-olympien Donald Farley perd la vie - 8 years ago

@PetaFussell: RT @cccski: ''If I don't train hard I have no chance to be good.If I train hard I have a chance 2 be good''#DonaldFarley Tribute: - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: RT @brianmckeever: Yesterday and today I skied for the memory of Donald Farley. He was a friend, a mentor & a great world class skier. Don,… - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: RT @cccski: ''Vrai leader...chaque entraînement était comme si c'était le 10km classique des Olympiques..''#DonaldFarley Hommage: - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: RT @quebectualite: ≡ Métro ► Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: RT @cccski: The @cccski community is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of 1998 & 2002 Olympian Donald Farley. Our condolences to family… - 8 years ago

@betterminded1: RT @cccski: ''If I don't train hard I have no chance to be good.If I train hard I have a chance 2 be good''#DonaldFarley Tribute: - 8 years ago

@quebectualite: ≡ Métro ► Décès de Donald Farley: des amis témoignent - 8 years ago

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