Donald Barker

Canadian football official (Canadian Football League).
Died on Monday November 28th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Donald Barker:

@RichardPMacLean: Donald Trump, the Carnival Barker turned presidential candidate. – Larry L Franklin - 8 years ago

@Uncle_Whitey: And so the Donald Trump thank you Tour goes on. Once again we see he's just a carnival barker with chronic bad judgement - 8 years ago

@Francesbates: Hey guys I had this dream last night and Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell were in the final round of the price is right! Young Bob Barker - 8 years ago

@Battleborne: .@seanhannity .@oreillyfactor If Donald slips any further left my first impression was correct uuugh: - 8 years ago


@Brooklynwatch: “We actually kind of have the same views,” Barker said. "I think Donald Trump is going to do some really good things" Amanda Barker #KKK - 8 years ago

@JonGoode: Amanda Barker, an “imperial kommander” of the Loyal White Knights who is married to the founder of the group,... - 8 years ago

@Barker_D_C: So, do you really understand your existence, what is below your feet, what is above your head, or how your mind... - 8 years ago

@barker_554: RT @Nordic_Saab95: @lizsalandar @JuddLegum @sarahcpr Here: - 8 years ago

@TBartlettSvehla: @PolitikMasFina - Cheeto-dusted carny barker now in control. "Three Faces of Eve" was scary; now we have "Gazillion Faces of Donald." - 8 years ago

@callum_barker: RT @Skepta: There are about 7 billion- people on the planet so there are about 7 billion- Worlds. Somebody somewhere doesn't know who Dona… - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @JoyAnnReid: So 300 of the 800 jobs Mike Pence bought temporarily for $7mil weren't even slated to move to Mexico. - 8 years ago

@Cklooper2: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@Plinkleton: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@VoiceMelange: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@barker_history: - 8 years ago

@Dumptrumpusa1: @voxdotcom Donald Trump, carnival barker! - 8 years ago

@staceyj_barker: RT @SlateOutward: On #WorldAIDSDay, revisiting a fabulous 1989 ACT UP protest of Donald Trump: - 8 years ago

@TheFilmMaven: @seanhannity @ericbolling millions in free publicity rarely calling the Donald what he is - carnie barker - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @NYDailyNews: Donald Trump is reportedly considering naming Sarah Palin his secretary of veterans affairs - 8 years ago

@ella_barker: RT @doodle_d1207: Listen I know people are mad but I think we can all agree on this. Young Donald Trump was daddy af - 8 years ago

@KR_Barker: RT @BernieSanders: With Steve Mnunchin, Donald Trump is catering to the same Wall Street executives that have hurt working families time an… - 8 years ago

@daniel_barker: RT @boobygraffoe: Do not use this photo of Donald Trump. He does not like it. He told reporters he hates it. - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @Green_Footballs: Elizabeth Warren calls for an investigation into Donald Trump’s global conflicts of interest - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @CNNPolitics: A US-Cuba cold front is expected under Donald Trump - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @samkalidi: Burning the American flag is offensive but nowhere as offensive as what Donald Trump supporters have done to it. - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @CNNPolitics: What the Supreme Court has said about flag burning - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @CNN: Donald Trump's foreign business interests: 144 companies in 25 countries - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @dcexaminer: Member of Electoral College resigns to avoid voting for Donald Trump - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @marstu67: Obama’s Sacred Duty: Visiting the Wounded at Walter Reed Donald Trump cannot ever take the place of… - 8 years ago

@svend_madsen: Favorite Donald Trump nicknames: - Fuckface von Clownstick — Jon Stewart - Chicken Donald and Fascist Carnival Barker — Martin O'Malley - 8 years ago

@nsulaalumni: Thank you to Donald Barker for his $500 donation to the NSU Foundation & $500 to the DUF! We appreciate you #GivingTuesday #GivingTuesdayNSU - 8 years ago

@LodgeXLodge: Lodge #News:Vic Mensa Slams Donald Trump On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ (VIDEO) (AllHipHop News) Vic Mensa took his an - 8 years ago

@dannymaier2: RT @ShooterMcGavin_: Things Shooter is thankful for: - Grandma Gilmore - Bob Barker - Portland - My Wedge - Donald - Volkswagens - The IRS… - 8 years ago

@joynorthga: @sethmeyers Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Saddam Hussein~DON'T FORGET MA BARKER (HILLARY CLINTON) AND HER FAMILY OF CRIMINALS - 8 years ago

@joynorthga: @LateNightSeth Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Saddam Hussein~DON'T FORGET MA BARKER (HILLARY CLINTON) AND HER FAMILY OF CRIMINALS - 8 years ago

@joynorthga: Seth Meyers compares Donald Trump to Saddam Hussein~DON'T FORGET MA BARKER (HILLARY CLINTON) AND HER FAMILY OF CRIMINALS - 8 years ago

@KR_Barker: RT @Sarah_Smarsh: Update on how to push for audit of Donald's financial conflicts of interest, including 1-sentence email to Government Acc… - 8 years ago

@off_to_the_left: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@Tudanapshum: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@47denver: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@LisaTalmadge: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@dingalingy55: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@d_fu66: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@FroodyWisco: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@NightShade10: @people @linc0lnpark He's just deflecting again like the good carnival barker he is from the NYT's story yesterday: - 8 years ago

@MaryC3: RT @NightShade10: @Olivianuzzi @MaryC3 he's deflecting the NYT's story yesterday he always does this: - 8 years ago

@NightShade10: @Olivianuzzi @MaryC3 he's deflecting the NYT's story yesterday he always does this: - 8 years ago

@Kyle_Barker_esq: RT @CNNPolitics: Donald Trump, without evidence, claims "millions of people who voted illegally" cost him the popular vote - 8 years ago

@Halkn8: #BarackObama was right: #TRUMP carnival barker. Unfit to be #POTUS. His voters were "useful idiots" for whom? - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Donald Barker - #DonaldBarker #Donald #Barker #rip - 8 years ago

@MokanaStudios: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@ratm1961: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@camcam_barker: RT @FoxNews: President-elect @realDonaldTrump Slams @DrJillStein Over 'Ridiculous' Vote Recount Effort - 8 years ago

@scooterdawg: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@ILoveHillaryC: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@SirrK: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@mf_buckley: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@Alyssa__Barker_: RT @dejbanlaw: Jerry Fallwell Jr. Says Donald Trump Offered Him Cabinet Post - 8 years ago

@redyre: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@Donna_DHKBB: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@ravngsofamadman: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@KillianJones7: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@Tweetenette: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@PIE20121: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@suzanne_butzin: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@NastyResister: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@clairhughes150: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@cmoretti520: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@twchristi: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

@buckeyeadamfan: RT @ezlusztig: I never dreamed our democracy was so weak. Succumbing to a bumpkin fascist like Donald Trump? This carnival barker? Incompre… - 8 years ago

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