Don Young

American politician
Died on Saturday March 19th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Don Young:

@imdyinginhere: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@_trissbh: @Itsmelexig32 I think her shooting her self was an accident. I just don’t think she made the decision to kill herse… - 3 years ago

@A_Tass1: @jamieleekah07 @GoDreamGirls Couldn’t agree more Jamie. It would be like saying “I don’t like Auskick at half time… - 3 years ago

@Chiboc1: RT @MessiXtra_: Most people don't understand it was a harder decision for young Lionel Messi to reject Spain National team multiple times… - 3 years ago


@FedNet_on_TVU: Congress on @TVUNetworks Search, 3/29/22 (ET): Don Young lies in state 1030/1100: Arrival/ceremony 1200-1330: Statuary Hall viewing - 3 years ago

@FedNet_on_LiveU: Congress on @LiveU Matrix, 3/29/22 (ET): Don Young lies in state 1030/1100: Arrival/ceremony 1200-1330: Statuary Hall viewing - 3 years ago

@Saurabh02131989: RT @WrestlingHumble: Becky Lynch made some arrangements for a young fan who has had two brain surgeries to meet WWE superstars backstage at… - 3 years ago

@navyllera: RT @translatingTXT: 💛 yeonjun, please give me a netflix recommendation 🦊 pls pls watch <money heist> 🦊 <money heist> is so much fun to wat… - 3 years ago

@OurOpinion4U: RT @OurOpinion4U: ‘Don’t Say Gay' legislation signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis - 3 years ago

@OurOpinion4U: ‘Don’t Say Gay' legislation signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis - 3 years ago

@jaywill73097884: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Cornpop131: RT @santiagomayer_: If young Florida voters needed something that’d inspire them to go vote, Ron DeSantis just gave it to them. Gen Z won… - 3 years ago

@temiethorpe1: RT @deejayfaremi: It's 2022 and young people believe it's okay to go about hitting other people if they are hurt by something that person s… - 3 years ago

@young_diversity: RT @NirvanaM1nd: I don’t get how anyone could look at these comics that show how being Spider-Man negatively affects his life to the point… - 3 years ago

@KLF: Unsolicited advice for young staffers in DC: Don’t talk loudly about your boss, how they vote, or any office drama… - 3 years ago

@demilynne701: It’s dangerous and disturbing what Disney are doing. Children as young as 5 really don’t need to know about lgbt an… - 3 years ago

@casualita1: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@AnnaNoel444: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@lotusbeex: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@aimantaip: RT @fiihazmii: If you don't know what's happening here , You're too young - 3 years ago

@Vpizzle1: @TheReal_Calicoe "Just cause you young don't mean I'm old." Realest bar of the battle brody. - 3 years ago

@RFIwMtjocAhDwSS: RT @penguincafe_orc: ♫   "Young and Fine" Montreux Jazz Festival     1982 /* Michael Brecker: ts Mike Mainieri: vib Don Grolnick: pf E… - 3 years ago

@Boubs4444: I don't believe that we should keep on teaching to African young people to endlessly dwell about the past and find… - 3 years ago

@Skids_Fanboy: RT @NonnaMichele: @ABC Look at those poor kids. I don't like when kids are used for props. Those children are not being taught those things… - 3 years ago

@ThorsenGry: RT @Mangold_Lenett: @WaltDisneyCo It was only ever “known” as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by disingenuous hacks and people sympathetic to the… - 3 years ago

@HotdogAttack: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@afkatac: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@AlexCarmonaPer2: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@Ellylion48: RT @HollyMRodriguez: Modern society looks at adoption and cringes. Many lies have been spread about the process, people judge women who giv… - 3 years ago

@Ms_melaninmonro: RT @NonnaMichele: @ABC Look at those poor kids. I don't like when kids are used for props. Those children are not being taught those things… - 3 years ago

@EmSheDoesIt: @mendozaj1974 @juanvante Ahhh I see what you mean- yeah if they’re switching from softball to baseball later in lif… - 3 years ago

@Dovebyrd: RT @NonnaMichele: @ABC Look at those poor kids. I don't like when kids are used for props. Those children are not being taught those things… - 3 years ago

@Irishboi777: RT @davidhogg111: Florida is going to be the first of many states to pass the don’t say gay bill unless we make an example out of the homop… - 3 years ago

@lemosbot: don't you think I was too young? you should've known - 3 years ago

@nessy_soy: RT @WrestlingHumble: Becky Lynch made some arrangements for a young fan who has had two brain surgeries to meet WWE superstars backstage at… - 3 years ago

@Pagooters: RT @santiagomayer_: If young Florida voters needed something that’d inspire them to go vote, Ron DeSantis just gave it to them. Gen Z won… - 3 years ago

@EUJacksonville: DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, better known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. So we’re here to s… - 3 years ago

@folioweekly: DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, better known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. So we’re here to s… - 3 years ago

@livenowfox: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed the new law critics have called the "Don't Say Gay" bill, which bars ins… - 3 years ago

@lovesyaface: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@EdNC_Rural: From Holloway, don't forget the importance of showcasing the wins and prototyping. "History is important, but we'v… - 3 years ago

@trucilamutasa: @HStvNews @CCCZimbabwe @nelsonchamisa Honestly speaking that archaic tv & radio station is doing you a huge favour.… - 3 years ago

@erdnoid: RT @WrestlingHumble: Becky Lynch made some arrangements for a young fan who has had two brain surgeries to meet WWE superstars backstage at… - 3 years ago

@Orlando86140978: @KorinePoczatko @WPupo @thehill Parents can take care of that at home. Sure don’t need teachers talking about sex to very young children. - 3 years ago

@agedneverold: RT @Reuters: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that would prohibit classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gende… - 3 years ago

@AsToldByZilla: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@mikeyydri: @bobbiekingsbury @CBSNews @GovRonDeSantis No one cares if you’re gay, they just don’t want you forcing the unnecess… - 3 years ago

@InestimableTali: @EnvyyyM I don't tolerate the way Jada has been distracting black men, normalizing the debasing of one's husband, a… - 3 years ago

@Leko_Mashele: RT @KATLEGO_YWE: The issue of Nhlanhla Lux really broke my heart I don't wanna lie. Seeing a young black men who helps his community being… - 3 years ago

@CordellCockett3: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@FBGHolyGhost: My young hoe 22, if she don’t keep it P, imma fuck her mama - 3 years ago

@valuabletofind1: @Amanda_Mental NOT OK. I had a co-worker/stalker go through the phone book to find me (and I had a super common las… - 3 years ago

@yeonjunaidi: RT @translatingTXT: 💛 yeonjun, please give me a netflix recommendation 🦊 pls pls watch <money heist> 🦊 <money heist> is so much fun to wat… - 3 years ago

@bubbaforstock: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@mpandainsilk: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@jindadilkashmir: RT @jindadilkashmir: “Don’t limit your challenges, Challenge your limits” Visuals from a Half marathon in which young minds of #Kashmir p… - 3 years ago

@flyingfishh_: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@juniefilms: RT @translatingTXT: 💛 yeonjun, please give me a netflix recommendation 🦊 pls pls watch <money heist> 🦊 <money heist> is so much fun to wat… - 3 years ago

@Young_Yolaaaa: @nagel10 Haha I don’t think you could go wrong with either one tbh - 3 years ago

@OhYouFancy_Huh_: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@e_yacht: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@buzzvalium: @EvelynnBagenda_ we don't need Jesus yamanaka factors vaccine for aging telomerase and hyperbaric oxygen you'll sta… - 3 years ago

@bwakanang_acc: RT @translatingTXT: 💛 yeonjun, please give me a netflix recommendation 🦊 pls pls watch <money heist> 🦊 <money heist> is so much fun to wat… - 3 years ago

@hamburglarhimbo: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@iPerwez: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@SkoochXC: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@yuriisrose: RT @chatonagrestee: sorry, but i don’t take zag’s response as a win. It shouldn’t take teenagers and young adults complaining on the intern… - 3 years ago

@eliasns15: RT @translatingTXT: 💛 yeonjun, please give me a netflix recommendation 🦊 pls pls watch <money heist> 🦊 <money heist> is so much fun to wat… - 3 years ago

@starrybright: @WorkersPartyGB I don’t believe for a minute this is a young girls body. looks more like a man. - 3 years ago

@RepairMan_Marz: Ya dumb if yall don't think that shit from the Oscar's last night wasn't staged these mfs is actors young 😴 - 3 years ago

@Teri84463242: @3YearLetterman @bubbaprog We have too many bullies in this world. You don’t need to be teaching young kids to solv… - 3 years ago

@Coolranch4lyfe: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@NSlayton: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@young_sades: RT @stuckinspincycl: Mother-in-law made a comment last night about "I know. When I started working I made $7 an hour." Y'all... I looked i… - 3 years ago

@goldennutrix: RT @Elliotcute: I honestly still don't understand how jobless young people are holding iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. 😳 - 3 years ago

@abluecanary: RT @PeterMoskos: Robbers don't look for fair fights. As Jack Maple said, predatory criminals target the old, the young, the week, and the d… - 3 years ago

@Chipperbuilt775: A 10. Scrubbing out 300 mi of tanks and obsolete armored equipment and we just don't want to kill the young boys th… - 3 years ago

@MariaAragon64: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@Stanley06022125: @dr_parnasse @urchaoticgf @hasanthehun To be honest, Hasan fosters the environment for these type of comments. So t… - 3 years ago

@marymcnamara: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@DiyanAmirah: RT @fiihazmii: If you don't know what's happening here , You're too young - 3 years ago

@writingcliches: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@Coachcalexander: Don’t care how rude or untasteful the joke, you just can’t do that! And I love me some Will Smith, but he should ha… - 3 years ago

@EddieBrady1: @ThomasEvansAdur @Crewedavid @RCorbettMEP You don’t have any evidence Meanwhile the evidence for #brexit being cata… - 3 years ago

@marqisezech: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@BalliRawat0511: RT @sunandavashisht: What happened at Oscar’s last night is a reflection of America’s declining civilization. Responsible people know when… - 3 years ago

@LanaOceanAuthor: @AshleyIrene33 @EVargasTV @ScottFeinberg @brianstelter No. Will Smith LAUGHED at that joke. He was upset when Chris… - 3 years ago

@MoCreamCoffee: @Eebrokaka01 @xSterman @MilanEye @AntoVitiello #RealMadrid thought they could unearth the gem in him. Madrid has bo… - 3 years ago

@KaitiRich: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@CoolBalla15: RT @kcblueDEMinKS: @ungerbn103 @EricBoehlert I’ve never been called for a poll! That’s in 67 years! So, who is getting polled. The young fo… - 3 years ago

@LastLapPodcast: It's always entirely possible that maybe, a bit like with Schumi and Kimi, that at certain points the generation of… - 3 years ago

@Slurpster: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@NGImpacts: RT @dave_schilling: I’m excited to find out how Will Smith slapping Chris Rock explains something it has nothing to do with from 50 young f… - 3 years ago

@Darren_Young_A: @latstetter "finding me dead?" ... don't you also shower and shave like this? - 3 years ago

@tkane163: @waltshaub You don't need to delete it. It's testimony to how you view acceptable adult male behavior in the face… - 3 years ago

@foodgov: Always tell the restaurant about your food allergy before you order. Trained staff will know what to do to keep you… - 3 years ago

@TheTattooedProf: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@blp_city: RT @mhdksafa: War is a place where young people who don't know each other, and don't hate each other, kill each other, by the decision of o… - 3 years ago

@Indytruther1: Hey @iamwandasykes the bill does not say don't say gay jackass. It's an antigrooming bill put in place to stop pred… - 3 years ago

@FSAWales: Always tell the restaurant about your food allergy before you order. Trained staff will know what to do to keep you… - 3 years ago

@JSulliv17120097: RT @BehizyTweets: Alaska’s Division of Elections will not verify the authenticity of voter signatures on the ballots cast in the upcoming J… - 3 years ago

@freesiameadow: RT @fiihazmii: If you don't know what's happening here , You're too young - 3 years ago

@maskmanoyebamy: RT @Elliotcute: I honestly still don't understand how jobless young people are holding iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. 😳 - 3 years ago

@Muzaya13: RT @DavidColtart: I don’t often look forward to reading the @HeraldZimbabwe ,aka Pravda, but this morning is one of those days. It is going… - 3 years ago

@pauie_paui: Having a Rs at a very young age is just a waste of time. Wanna know why? They acting like they're inlove but they j… - 3 years ago

@Jeyonuh: RT @mastertobs: @iTattedVal @buhlakay11 Aight quick story time For y’all niggas who don’t know, when young dolph died key Glock deactivated… - 3 years ago

@collinsorage: @dan_jollah @Jaluo254 @MwambireHon Surely if you truly believe in this....why must it be the elderly who do it....d… - 3 years ago

@laca_zz: RT @Elliotcute: I honestly still don't understand how jobless young people are holding iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. 😳 - 3 years ago

@haningwaslost: 🫀 Don't judge people by just looking I was often judged from looking since I was young. Th… - 3 years ago

@NicPTID: @mrlhughes There's no one more savage than Ricky Gervais, but you don't see Leonardo DiCaprio slapping him when mak… - 3 years ago

@Navorimage: @Gwen_Scissors "Young lady? Oh I already like you more already, don't mind me watching as you snip away!" - 3 years ago

@Darren_Young_A: RT @blackintheempir: Another Reminder The US is assisting in a genocide in Yemen, supporting apartheid in "Israel", illegally occupying Sy… - 3 years ago

@rasheed_bhat: RT @NorthernComd_IA: “Don’t limit your challenges, Challenge your limits” #IndianArmy organises World Peace Marathon 2022 at #Bhaderwah. Y… - 3 years ago

@dhruvbhim: RT @NorthernComd_IA: “Don’t limit your challenges, Challenge your limits” #IndianArmy organises World Peace Marathon 2022 at #Bhaderwah. Y… - 3 years ago

@SarahRo60349217: @Neshia720 @BuzzFeed I just don't get American humour, the rest of us have moved on to know its unacceptable to mak… - 3 years ago

@Zaynab_Shindara: RT @Elliotcute: I honestly still don't understand how jobless young people are holding iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. 😳 - 3 years ago

@juliendorra: @ali_heston @benz145 Relevant: people who should be trying it (because they are creative early adopters) but are no… - 3 years ago

@AJiiun: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, Add more to what you already know. Understand what you don't know. Seek to improve your knowledge and u… - 3 years ago

@murti_bing: RT @davidhogg111: Florida is going to be the first of many states to pass the don’t say gay bill unless we make an example out of the homop… - 3 years ago

@OzoBante: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, Add more to what you already know. Understand what you don't know. Seek to improve your knowledge and u… - 3 years ago

@jimdson: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@TotsuSensei: @SeeReax I mean bro could’ve had him apologized in private or something other than that. I don’t think a slap was n… - 3 years ago

@The_Alize_Show: 4 some reason Im having second thoughts about this young guy that I met I saw him today we spoke for a little bit a… - 3 years ago

@TheRealOrtutay: @georgehahn You people are idiots if you think only is Chris rock presses charges, he did it on live TV and if a co… - 3 years ago

@belovedofthesky: RT @gabrielledrolet: “fewer people are tuning into the oscars than ever before! young people hate cinema!” actually we just don’t have cable - 3 years ago

@_that_Harrison: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@AllonTWGoode: RT @LAJohnson89: I don’t care how ”offended” you are, you cannot give people the power to have you act outside of yourself in one of your b… - 3 years ago

@JapanTrends: RT @robotopia: Japan will lower the age of adulthood from 20 to 18 on April 1. This gov't poster reminds young people they can sign contrac… - 3 years ago

@MUSTASH_ONLY: @KarlousM Who has the will Smith black air forces meme...I know it's in the internet somewhere...or if y'all can ad… - 3 years ago

@jackjohnsoniv7: RT @DMalebranche: When evaluating young Black gay men requesting #HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) after condomless sex, it is not ok to… - 3 years ago

@30stunna: RT @DaltonJ_Johnson: "I don't see the similarity, actually," -- Steve Kerr says of people trying to compare Trae Young to Steph Curry - 3 years ago

@dhypeislive: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@PurpleWolvy22: @DavenportTroy @sammy______G @conedx I don't have something to do with the Bengals unfortunately...I think you misr… - 3 years ago

@cnnevets: Also, the book I'm reading right now (fantasy novel) uses a question-asking young child as a prompt for in-characte… - 3 years ago

@FrankieMcGarry1: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Young_Capital: RT @NatashaMScruggs: Chris Rock has some symptoms in line with autism and Asperger’s and I don’t think he meant any harm by the joke. Just… - 3 years ago

@YallAreNosey_: RT @DavidCastilloAC: We're like the Jacob Peterson of Stars coverage. True, Strongside is young, but I don't think our inexperience deserve… - 3 years ago

@JWatts_24: Just like fans at sports venues… y’all say what y’all want and the players don’t have the “right” to respond. “It’s… - 3 years ago

@Nk992739: RT @IamChandreshP: Best of Luck to All my Young Friends of 10th & 12th for their Exams. Don't #Stress much, do your #Best and forget the Re… - 3 years ago

@LichenCraig: RT @LAJohnson89: I don’t care how ”offended” you are, you cannot give people the power to have you act outside of yourself in one of your b… - 3 years ago

@MattBowdler: @petefrasermusic Time is so accelerated when kids are young and then, on top of that, life goes and makes you acute… - 3 years ago

@ShaunDumasBBall: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@DickersonJacob: @beachbillions @BookmarkerLove @UofKSteelersFan @BeerlyFootball Sharpe played with Don Majowski and young Favre. Not much of an argument. - 3 years ago

@rhunul: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Gender_n0tfound: @french__t0ast Toast don't do it I'll only be 63 so young - 3 years ago

@TimCannata: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@kerriclaireneil: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@ygcankissmyass: No fr. Ive’s maknae is a 07 liner for example. She’s talented as hell, but so young. It’s a harsh industry and I do… - 3 years ago

@Rogpod13: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Peacheserratica: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Galaxiou2: @TexasBlue76 @Brownskinned06 People downplay the aphasia. They don't understand what it's like to not find words or… - 3 years ago

@adrian_bryant: RT @davidhogg111: Florida is going to be the first of many states to pass the don’t say gay bill unless we make an example out of the homop… - 3 years ago

@gauge14iv: RT @d_a_zeck: Alright, I’ll say it. Why the fuck are we sitting here and pretending that we don’t know what’s causing large numbers of you… - 3 years ago

@ajgrundy1980: @Foxtastic12 @Staceywestblog We have had 5 good months. Sept 20 to Jan 21. The rest under 🍎 have been 💩. Model dunt… - 3 years ago

@ANTIENFORCER: RT @fyrelights: she made a mistake. name one time she hasn't. she's young. don't bullshit me. you were twice the person at half her age. - 3 years ago

@stormy3655: RT @davidhogg111: Florida is going to be the first of many states to pass the don’t say gay bill unless we make an example out of the homop… - 3 years ago

@KLefOmoileshaa: RT @Omah_Lay: I have food in my mouth so I don’t talk too much. It’s wise to drink plenty water, but unhealthy not to piss them off. The pu… - 3 years ago

@tonerobaba6: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@CoachJay08: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@Tharogelo4: @FrederickMabal1 Clicks CEO, go an open a case and stop suffocating. You will die young if you don't check your bre… - 3 years ago

@jonas3911: RT @TheCentrist14: I know I am old fashion, but I am not a fan of these shirts that say "Fuck (Biden or Trump or whoever). I just don't th… - 3 years ago

@Meghan6391: RT @CBCPitchbot: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@Stew_BJ: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@ianbbdesign: RT @FiftyBucksVT: Edgar: "I saw him from being a young kid, becoming and adult, having a voice. The thing is with Lewis is that, and for me… - 3 years ago

@taywinlm: RT @speaknowbot: don't you think 19's too young to be played by your dark twisted games, when i loved you so? - 3 years ago

@renzo_anderson: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@tlliseh: RT @FiftyBucksVT: Edgar: "I saw him from being a young kid, becoming and adult, having a voice. The thing is with Lewis is that, and for me… - 3 years ago

@LogosAndLiberty: RT @TheDRNet1: @oppo_taco13 @KimIversenShow @SaraGonzalesTX @glennbeck Ok. So then we can have a reasoned debate over what's age appropriat… - 3 years ago

@Mxlo2K: @HatingOnVon ur young that don’t know what bills is and how much stress it is barely people have cars at 18 if they… - 3 years ago

@bttrfiesrfre: @JustinTMichael I still get carded cuz some folks at checkout don't believe I'm the age I am even with the salt & p… - 3 years ago

@dirtyjersey701: RT @davidhogg111: Don't like the FL state legislature's don't say gay bill? The last thing they want is thousands of young people register… - 3 years ago

@EMEXFRAIN: I don’t trust young/old white male pastors. They’re creepy. - 3 years ago

@_jvm2222jtk: @NewsHour @megbthompson Niel Young wrote a campy jingle, about "don't forget about what the good book said," Maybe… - 3 years ago

@philmarfisi: @LauderAdam But I don't think our culture is ready to address this from that lens yet. That would require public le… - 3 years ago

@Aviendha69: RT @THWayne55: @HousingCrisisW I don’t believe it, young people have to rent because guys like this are driving up the cost. This should be… - 3 years ago

@GAjebutters: RT @1archibongedet: Ruger was violated. His only crime is that he is a male celebrity. He couldn't even continue the performance. We don't… - 3 years ago

@CongressionalT: RT @PandasAndVidya: "Young people don't WANT homes." - 3 years ago

@Dacron4show: @young_okj @Bored_again_ The story is insane sha. I don tire bro - 3 years ago

@Refugee_Assist: RT @Kititout1: Putting this out there again, we need astros and adult kits/shirts for young adults who want to play football but can’t beca… - 3 years ago

@312shelly3: RT @HousingCrisisW: Toronto landlord who owns 30,000 houses explains why young people don't want homes - 3 years ago

@RutledgeCoach: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@SecCardona: To the young artists watching the #Oscars tonight: let it be a reminder that your dreams are valid. Many of the peo… - 3 years ago

@GrantAl54571381: @Johnfis08605918 No worries there's broken hands when bombs like that connect on bone ! Don't let him come back too… - 3 years ago

@cerul14: RT @fiihazmii: If you don't know what's happening here , You're too young - 3 years ago

@enduard3: RT @fixyourheartsor: every mad men episode ends like: *Don taking the kids to mcdonald's* Bobby #5: I want a happy meal Sally: I want a Mc… - 3 years ago

@kcblueDEMinKS: @ungerbn103 @EricBoehlert I’ve never been called for a poll! That’s in 67 years! So, who is getting polled. The you… - 3 years ago

@Imdalostaeon: Happy birthday my bro... I just wanna say I'm proud of you... For working hard for your dreams at such a young age.… - 3 years ago

@DesireSinclair1: RT @Omah_Lay: I have food in my mouth so I don’t talk too much. It’s wise to drink plenty water, but unhealthy not to piss them off. The pu… - 3 years ago

@SunG108_II: Twitter and social media in general is scary because it seems a lot of young black people don’t think we need anybo… - 3 years ago

@AhShaunDavis1: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@annbauerwriter: I don't think anyone should be forced to take the vaccine. But I'm growing weary of the wild knee-jerk responses ev… - 3 years ago

@DepressedNurse1: Still quite in shock over the death of @BethMatthewsz . I have followed her on another account for a long time. I’m… - 3 years ago

@CoachMarksJr: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@taeyoontine: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@Designin6Utopia: @olgatokariuk Majority of young people don't like Putin. Also the polls are rigged by the regime. A wild guess woul… - 3 years ago

@beezuszn: @nasisnastee her being a pioneer don’t equate to talent she trees Young M.A. will out bar 4 bar nicki for a fact lol - 3 years ago

@dmslat: @DougJBalloon Don’t forget Young Conor - 3 years ago

@DontaviusG12: RT @NGUCoachLong: Young coaches: it’s ok to start at the bottom and learn from the bottom up. Things you learn in the valley you don’t lear… - 3 years ago

@syfarifin: @edkesuma That makes sense lol. Yeah, enjoy your time, buddy. You're still young so do in the speed you want to run… - 3 years ago

@whois_kl_: RT @Omah_Lay: I have food in my mouth so I don’t talk too much. It’s wise to drink plenty water, but unhealthy not to piss them off. The pu… - 3 years ago

@ladylustress: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@KiWiBRO_ENT: RT @SkubaBaby: Go get a old white nigga wit a aarp kard if you want a mf to just smile, listen to you talk and repeat compliments all day h… - 3 years ago

@burntbraincell: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@NIborn59: RT @Eyeswideopen69: It isn’t just about hacking cases. The Telegraph, The Mail and the Express are all making losses. Their average reade… - 3 years ago

@mathew2370: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@MaryCos33850069: RT @d_a_zeck: Alright, I’ll say it. Why the fuck are we sitting here and pretending that we don’t know what’s causing large numbers of you… - 3 years ago

@mooswift13: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@AmonVandenacht: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@najaarafi97: RT @joytranslations: 🐱 said when he was young he had 3 chicks he raised and named them “live well”, “forever”, and “don’t die”. only one su… - 3 years ago

@harish504: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@CrimePunishmnt1: @TTChelps few bus(300 route) even tho he had a room he didn't let us in again He is always angry, always yells at… - 3 years ago

@MacleanJoyce: @crazysexyghoul At your young age you’ll be eating cookies for at least another 50 years…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣don’t worry about it… - 3 years ago

@christinemsmit2: @RougeNoirUK Critical thinking, questioning everything especially when the jab manufacturers are not liable for inj… - 3 years ago

@JLWestozzy: @TheWestSport Yeah I don't mind. Will take a few losses on the chin to see the young players get some time - 3 years ago

@JohnRobertMcRae: @Kate_DowlingNZ This really does suck Kate. Sorry to read this. Schools don't have to be places where kids are bull… - 3 years ago

@JikiriMaryam: RT @bouro__: well I don't really care for fictional characters birthday but hbd young goat lord 🙌 the best in his series - 3 years ago

@jasmynarlert: RT @ceenotes_1of1: @rico56st Excuse my ignorance if i piss anybody off (because we know how y’all get over facts) but the young boy couldn’… - 3 years ago

@FrancCrist: RT @lapatina_: @olgatokariuk I also don’t understand where are they gonna find bureaucrats. They don’t have enough young, educated people w… - 3 years ago

@LoLaLoLondon: RT @AdamParkhomenko: The bombing continues to increase with each passing day and so does the city’s death count. Human lives don’t matter t… - 3 years ago

@EstebenH: RT @lapatina_: @olgatokariuk I also don’t understand where are they gonna find bureaucrats. They don’t have enough young, educated people w… - 3 years ago

@Diamond_Clips: red sox fans of the 200-game winner probably don't even remember this dashing young actor playing a baseball player… - 3 years ago

@cashzwrldd: Kids anytime you go to a carnival ride always make sure to ask them to double check your seat belt and if you feel… - 3 years ago

@ajayvalour: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@caramelpeach3s: RT @Astrologer101: @shreemastrology Venus in Capricorn don’t fall in love with you. They fall in love with SECURITY. They know from a young… - 3 years ago

@zakiimnida: RT @niziubbl: RM 🦙 220327 - 12:06 : I found a photo of me before I became a trainee : Just around the time I auditioned for JYP in summer… - 3 years ago

@ehmashikeni: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@MikocheniReport: @NangumaKiangi Yup: A very young 'Caciotta Plain' from Njombe Milk Factory. Rind hasn't even hardened yet so we a… - 3 years ago

@FrancieJones: RT @AdamParkhomenko: The bombing continues to increase with each passing day and so does the city’s death count. Human lives don’t matter t… - 3 years ago

@sanbisealing: "I don't need anyone to protect me. I am more than capable of taking care of myself." Saying the words made her fee… - 3 years ago

@Clothemage: Why must I have baby face I don’t even think I look that young but according to most people I do - 3 years ago

@JOHNORO12164731: @krispytofuuu I don't believe you would lie about that so yeah I do believe you and, when I was young I too was a b… - 3 years ago

@GFRD06_IZONE12: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@moonzilla1: My young ho 22 if she don’t keep it p ima fuck her momma - 3 years ago

@qiu_young_51: RT @wangyueyuanyu: If you don’t have time to check out the QnA stream from the offline collab here’s a brief text version of the answers an… - 3 years ago

@motsamai247: @djmolepo I honestly don't think sending a young men to jail is a great idea but they call it correctional service… - 3 years ago

@chocovxn: RT @catchmypandora: I'm not really a "fanbase".. just a fan account so please don't expect me to spend money like one or anything, I'm just… - 3 years ago

@DuterteWatchdog: @sofiacclvi The glorious Russian army. Hahaha! But honestly, I feel sorry for the young blokes who have been sent… - 3 years ago

@saneandbrave: please don't let them normalise this - it isn't normal and IT MUST STOP - 3 years ago

@mukeshparmar146: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@hemlokitty: RT @KevKoeser: recently fixated on the topic of how young directors don't get the same chances as old ones. these three legends are allowed… - 3 years ago

@Mathsgeist: @POTUS Excellent speech by President Biden in Warsaw. One of my favorite parts is watching the young lady signing w… - 3 years ago

@DBvelin: RT @ennui365: Adults keep saying: “We owe it to the young people to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope... I want you to feel the f… - 3 years ago

@KiltedKrush: RT @CCTC2012: @mynamesnotgordy I was out & about in Ottawa today and every place I stopped, I performed my personal “risk assessment” and j… - 3 years ago

@SluggerOToole4: @ektagohil95 @michaelgove @Conservatives Ekta???? Are you having a fkn laugh? He's a marble mouthed useless, drunke… - 3 years ago

@nancycollins: I came out of my stall and asked which young lady only had .99 to her name. One raised her hand. I handed her $20 a… - 3 years ago

@curtisrosemary: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@organicbishop: RT @nimsdai: Thank you for the amazing response to #14Peaks Chitwan. I’m super happy to have been able to share my #14Peaks film with the k… - 3 years ago

@jengrimes8: RT @wafflepop: @KmillanR @davidmweissman @elonmusk The basic premise is BS though. There are tons of platforms. Twitter is not even the mos… - 3 years ago

@FrogFuzzi: RT @KevKoeser: recently fixated on the topic of how young directors don't get the same chances as old ones. these three legends are allowed… - 3 years ago

@Onlygirl_Abby: @Omah_Lay My dear don't quit , continue but just have it at the front of your skull , "that smokers are reliable to… - 3 years ago

@LMarsanico: RT @EagleSoulMan: WHAT DOES LOVE LOOK LIKE PART 1 What is love? The young man asked Old man replied: It's hard to define How can i describ… - 3 years ago

@Rolloherb: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@MikaelFabisn: RT @willo1246: “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other, and don’t hate each other, kill each other, by the decision of… - 3 years ago

@RealUSMNT: RT @jtwiki6: @WillyA6 It could also be that the standard for the #USMNT to perform has risen immensely. We have quality young players playi… - 3 years ago

@tweetdeezballs: @JimmyRandazzo He was my favorite out the young core , a shame what that injury did. I hope he finds a role on this… - 3 years ago

@AK_BMONEY: somehow I only now learned Don Young passed away on a plane? weird, usually up on the news, but happened when vacat… - 3 years ago

@_joohyuns: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@Siva53722841: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@Fire_Mamba: @Young_StreetzTV Don’t give up.. try a different brand capture card bro - 3 years ago

@bletherhasset: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@Cryptonic2071: RT @talexmode: @zedbabycatcoin @KalAbehra @tommychong @BabyCatcoinBSC Baby bag it up! If you hesitate now, I say you're missing out! We're… - 3 years ago

@tashalizzie: @SuziGSelf Yes!!! Gorgeous!!! The hats alone must cost a fortune! And you know what else I love about GA is the you… - 3 years ago

@dchsn1_: RT @faiygoo: I don’t really give a fuck and my excuse is that I’m young - 3 years ago

@loadofmince: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@soulmateIisa: The truth is that I don't remember, I was too young, many years have passed😭 HBD LALISA MANOBAL สุขสันต์วันเกิดลิ… - 3 years ago

@elizvbethjulz: RT @faiygoo: I don’t really give a fuck and my excuse is that I’m young - 3 years ago

@OlivawTweet: RT @KevKoeser: recently fixated on the topic of how young directors don't get the same chances as old ones. these three legends are allowed… - 3 years ago

@westcoastk8: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@Reccaso: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@urbancowgrrl: RT @GHMansfield: Young boy seeing me a wheelchair user: “Mom, I want one of those.” Mom: “No you don’t. That thing is for people who can’t… - 3 years ago

@keneedilichukwu: Seriously young lady, you really don’t have to display this kinda content in order to influence. There are other m… - 3 years ago

@SparkleTheCat3: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@queenrenes: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@krsnas132: @HuffPost Enough - there're kids as young as nine sold to men by their own families, there're people who've never… - 3 years ago

@rythrinx: RT @rythrinx: @CFCLoanArmy_ Some people don't get the point here. No one is disrespecting Kante/J5 and Kova. As someone who follows and lov… - 3 years ago

@talexmode: @zedbabycatcoin @KalAbehra @tommychong @BabyCatcoinBSC Baby bag it up! If you hesitate now, I say you're missing o… - 3 years ago

@63_susan: RT @Baronessjenkin: Young people say to me ‘I agree with most of what @jk_rowling says’. When I ask what bits they don’t agree with, they… - 3 years ago

@uncle_june: @a0wtf What I don't understand, is when I was young David Chase was an old man, now I'm old David Chase is still an old man - 3 years ago

@Babyulkevil_: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@CrypticRoaming: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@Pinelites: @StonksReddit @BillyM2k @elonmusk So you believe age makes someone speaks responsibly? I don't think so. they're a… - 3 years ago

@gittdylan: RT @BowTiedFox: young people if you don’t know what you want to do, just study computer science at a local college for cheap if you don’t… - 3 years ago

@tillusultan: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@Dab00tybanditt: RT @BenStinar: Trae Young was the first (and only) player to ever lead the country in points and assists at Oklahoma. He’s currently lead… - 3 years ago

@KvnGBeeFy: @tommypi22 @Kooterrific @AriZonaPrince @statmuse You must don’t realize how strong trae young shows up against top… - 3 years ago

@Young__attorney: @Meemei_bappah The one wey you don collect nko?🍳🧐 - 3 years ago

@ayani_amos: RT @iamabayorr: “I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the Black Man, I am the White Man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about t… - 3 years ago

@thandiola: humbled myself in so many ways w/o even noticing bc of the fact that i represent my ancestors. i am who i am, i'm y… - 3 years ago

@AbebeSeyoum6: RT @TIME: "I don’t know if I can do anything other than act," says one young, formerly rising film star. "But it’s time to start figuring i… - 3 years ago

@CentralPenDems: RT @adndotcom: The list of potential candidates for Alaska's suddenly vacant lone U.S. House seat is long -- and getting longer. - 3 years ago

@BowTiedFox: RT @BowTiedFox: young people if you don’t know what you want to do, just study computer science at a local college for cheap if you don’t… - 3 years ago

@anupam20april: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@DrSunilKhatik: RT @swati_gs: Most young girls don’t know how to spot stalking and deal with stalkers. They are just so unaware of the threats it scares me… - 3 years ago

@this_josh_guy3: I can see why young dudes don’t want to to get married Stay free and single young kings - 3 years ago

@_so_idk_: @ravenhoec @Malthgg @OJ_Smoke_ @DonSaka77 “Men don’t need to speak for women” 😭 how the hell are you indoctrinated so bad at this young age - 3 years ago

@Fify_store: RT @Uzomajustin2: Get a young striker, I don't like this lewandowski news - 3 years ago

@ATV_Arasu: RT @hamzamlakdawala: A law firm wants someone who has 3 years of experience & is willing to work for Rs. 12,000/month + incentives (which a… - 3 years ago

@mickey_721: RT @itsakyo: Jo Hye-ryun: When Yoona was young- Park Mi-sun: Ah, SNSD? Jo: No, no, my daughter. (LOL) Jo: Don't you know my daughter is cal… - 3 years ago

@Leedsarewefoot1: @samuelgallaghe2 @RossLuniMcCabe As you keep telling @Rixonred15 pointless getting to the final if you don't win it… - 3 years ago

@blackreignfire: @xtog42 @kellyz136 @EricBoehlert "Youth voter turnout was lower than in 2017 and highlights the need for continued… - 3 years ago

@ChrisCarlin: RT @TimBrando: Ya never know NEVER! Some things don’t change in broadcasting. Memo to all young broadcasters, one day you may find yourself… - 3 years ago

@a1ofakindrafa: [If young Metro don’t trust you I’m gon’ shoot you] "Beaut… - 3 years ago

@Yo_Raiyce: RT @SenurPhro: Name a fan base as big as 30BG, they single-handedly put some artists on their head. We did that for young Bleu, Teni, Skiib… - 3 years ago

@RuthlessJacky: @Serpentbane @Tonyjbm1319 @DeanneHunt65 @GlasnostGone My grandfather, they are more supportive of the government. B… - 3 years ago

@ivypropen: @medha211003 Mom often told me, 20 is young. Always try new things. You think you bad at something? Why don't u try… - 3 years ago

@ItsThaMagee214: @Tark_mexeira @donski898989 @JonHeyman @shann_anigans Or their errors. Which I get. Young team. I’m just a yankee h… - 3 years ago

@indiaSEXYliyah_: RT @sheskiarra: i don’t want no bitch around me losing they mind over a nigga…u too young first of all - 3 years ago

@goldsludge: RT @fabled305: Hi to all young kings and queens chasing a better life don't give up on your dreams keep sleeping...... - 3 years ago

@valstulman: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@JeffreysDynaia1: @JLMoonlight92 @Bunnies798Acorn Yeah true. Idk why is that. Maybe because of Covid or is it they don't have enough… - 3 years ago

@TikkoT: RT @CochiseWebb: I don't wanna see any video yet along a young kid falling to their death, that shit is beyond heartbreaking because that c… - 3 years ago

@lips_pi: @qhomlah @kwakurafiki2 Ooh don’t put apart what the lord has joined. Their marriage is still young 😭 - 3 years ago

@TonbridgeDaily: @Tim_Dill_2703 Sad really. My son has it. Triple jabbed. Young & fit, but it hasn't been mild. 10 days in and just… - 3 years ago

@parmmaan16: RT @nimsdai: Thank you for the amazing response to #14Peaks Chitwan. I’m super happy to have been able to share my #14Peaks film with the k… - 3 years ago

@SalemMansour: We, the old should respect the age & act accordingly! Don't commit yourself to things that you used to do when you… - 3 years ago

@Focus4TheWin: RT @fairvote: Alaska's special U.S. House election has been scheduled: ▶️ The open primary is on June 11 ▶️ The #RankedChoiceVoting general… - 3 years ago

@Samataroy: RT @wc_mumbamarwo: This breaks my heart💔 Young people don’t flock to the poll like older Zimbabweans do. The Future belong to those with ma… - 3 years ago

@TeaToastParis: @Isobellambex I think with huge classes, you just don't know how bad it is for some. Maybe they're in an abusive fa… - 3 years ago

@lovbinnie: RT @joytranslations: 🐱 said when he was young he had 3 chicks he raised and named them “live well”, “forever”, and “don’t die”. only one su… - 3 years ago

@UncleMeag: My sister has Covid and every time I try to talk to someone about my worries for her I always get “well she’s young… - 3 years ago

@DinosaurJello: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@luvsmusic46: @lzyltnin @ThatEricAlper Whoa 👍 💕💕🎵🤞🤞 why don't I know Jesse Colin Young? Holy sh*t. Absolutely love. I used to… - 3 years ago

@SubratK23301968: @AnupamPKher Don't try to be philosopher . We know more about you . You may be a good film actor but not all that… - 3 years ago

@karencouls: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@NCdemblue: @dockellis10 @ElieNYC @nytopinion I don’t have young children, but still thinking about buying one. - 3 years ago

@immigrants24: RT @SevenSeasJames: Young people don’t want to participate in a ponzi scheme as income and labour fodder for the established landed gentry!… - 3 years ago

@Gilnitz: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@dchap1978: @eloquentsonia @whaeapower She died in her sleep at a young age. Healthy people don't do that. Her wieght was not h… - 3 years ago

@woproschalek: RT @nimsdai: Thank you for the amazing response to #14Peaks Chitwan. I’m super happy to have been able to share my #14Peaks film with the k… - 3 years ago

@Mahalakshmx: @PrettiBoi_pdf @_KimNoKrdashian @rico56st @Me These jobs don’t pay much for grown adults to be working there. That’… - 3 years ago

@andrewoates3: RT @BenStinar: Trae Young was the first (and only) player to ever lead the country in points and assists at Oklahoma. He’s currently lead… - 3 years ago

@NicoleRVasquez: We’re missing out by not capitalizing on what older people have that young people don’t. Analysis and innovation of… - 3 years ago

@Gatitaflora1: @Young_Lust15 A ver deforestada mental. Los curros se tienen que terminar. Don está el problema? Pelotuda amante d… - 3 years ago

@thekobysystem: RT @EDWINWILDIN: @stymeed When young metro don’t trust u - 3 years ago

@lovesanimals: RT @bengin1003: @islandmkl @donwinslow From this 74y/o woman to all the young women behind me: Remember this man. When a man is feeding you… - 3 years ago

@Arodmatos: RT @ennui365: Adults keep saying: “We owe it to the young people to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope... I want you to feel the f… - 3 years ago

@Tejera4578: RT @jonathankiwi: @stillgray Like that young man, the exact some thing happened to me in Oakland a couple of years back, although I was str… - 3 years ago

@Millernote: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@RomeshNadir: RT @ShimlaHelpline: Sensing the distrust the young lad gave them his AK47 and said they can shoot him if they don't trust him and walked aw… - 3 years ago

@robcryptx: this is a really important and illuminating thread, and it reminded me of an early episode of @Scroobiuspipyo's pod… - 3 years ago

@showntrueself: @zivinilee JFC, I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to teach young kids? Be kind. Be KIND. Don't hit or bite. - 3 years ago

@PhamousTweets: RT @mop3gyimie: If you don’t remember this advert then U are too young😂 - 3 years ago

@Jude90293402: RT @lacroicsz: when in fact most of these things are what NORMAL female sexuality is. it’s the women who are overly promiscuous, obsessed,… - 3 years ago

@marchbby_x: RT @alegna_xo: Y’all don’t be scared of asking for p*orn in public? Worse off that of a minor? Busy being thirsty to watch a young girl? So… - 3 years ago

@Natazy7: RT @psg_chief: A young Leo Messi fan: “Messi forgive my mother.. I don’t know why she named me Cristiano” 😂😂😂 Via @SC_ESPN 🇦🇷🇦🇷 - 3 years ago

@Tozerrrr: @_john_young I'm an #influencer m9. Don't be well jell. - 3 years ago

@ghadora_07: RT @feeIingsvibes: If you don't do stupid things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old. - 3 years ago

@shirishag75: RT @hamzamlakdawala: A law firm wants someone who has 3 years of experience & is willing to work for Rs. 12,000/month + incentives (which a… - 3 years ago

@mcderiques: RT @mistardrey: Why are humans ever comparing mistakes . One mistake vs another one. Two wrongs don't make a right. Every time you try to j… - 3 years ago

@SEXINDUSTRYEXP: @Mike557199 The thing people don't realize is that the industry was like war, you created bonds for a lifetime. I s… - 3 years ago

@maan_loa: RT @iamabayorr: “I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the Black Man, I am the White Man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about t… - 3 years ago

@rockstarvinay: RT @hamzamlakdawala: A law firm wants someone who has 3 years of experience & is willing to work for Rs. 12,000/month + incentives (which a… - 3 years ago

@tetegyunim: RT @bts_txt299: So they don't know that this idols who go to survival show when they're that young, cuz they have no hope to debut like txt… - 3 years ago

@Hw3NeJon2: RT @mop3gyimie: If you don’t remember this advert then U are too young😂 - 3 years ago

@BANKOLE2021: @Yemihazan I think the young 🌱 ones has hidden secrets that generate huge income for them but hardly will you get t… - 3 years ago

@cubanashawt: if u don’t love young thug it’s never going to work - 3 years ago

@TescoDarlinton: RT @mop3gyimie: If you don’t remember this advert then U are too young😂 - 3 years ago

@stbliz1: @abbietayo Omor young jonh don old and him no wicked again - 3 years ago

@Bjafn_cufc: RT @officialcufc: ⚽️🔵 “I don’t care if you’re a footballer or whether you work in an office, or wherever, you have to have standards that s… - 3 years ago

@JBrzoskaDL: Don’t play with me, play with your bitch. - Young Dolph. - 3 years ago

@oneLOUDERash: @ianyarborough I don't even know what to make of it. Too damn young. - 3 years ago

@roaringwolf88: @CeriCat @RUSSELLCOBURN10 @PhilCygnus Go to a bakery or Woolies and pick up a 4 pack for less than that🤷🏻‍♀️ Aren'… - 3 years ago

@Emmanuelymteule: RT @MsigwaPeter: Think global Don’t pursue your dream but position for the dream. I have seen young foolish people and l have seen handsom… - 3 years ago

@MarchOnMedia: Jim Larranaga has been at Miami so long there are a lot of young and casual fans who don’t remember his George Maso… - 3 years ago

@richardweiner: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@ajhilton7: RT @BenStinar: Trae Young was the first (and only) player to ever lead the country in points and assists at Oklahoma. He’s currently lead… - 3 years ago

@carydier: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@Richie_Swagg: RT @BenStinar: Trae Young was the first (and only) player to ever lead the country in points and assists at Oklahoma. He’s currently lead… - 3 years ago

@DamasoGarcia13: @KernowGold @mehdirhasan Yes, I’ve been watching my Premier League footy for months, seeing people cheek to jowl. O… - 3 years ago

@MiLKV12: RT @tbrown2wavey: When she say she don’t like young dolph - 3 years ago

@_Young_Don_: RT @chefphoteamuh: Elegant ass snatch 😹. “This offering shall suffice.” 🤌🏾 - 3 years ago

@SportsVibesTV: Thibs is something else. #knicks fans have been telling you to play the kids all season but we “don’t study the tea… - 3 years ago

@JenCages: RT @Krispi_Largo: @dqschmidt15 @Cary_wh @akfeministfrog @flightmedicems @AdorablePodcast @JenCages @MNoybn @alkivari @PaulStetson13 @Sinner… - 3 years ago

@Isabella_Cafe_: RT @PDATRlC: Also outfit concepts bc I don’t draw young coordinator fifi enough 🗿 - 3 years ago

@vicky_vichi: RT @Amerix_DontSimp: Dear young Men, Women don't give a fuck about all the reasons you're NOT in the top 20% of men. Your sob stories & e… - 3 years ago

@YoungNino215_: RT @TELLIONO: Young bitches really annoying i don’t see how y’all Niggas can talk to them they whole conversation be dumb 😂 - 3 years ago

@lilhedge27: RT @shannonrwatts: A reminder that young white men (under 30) supported Trump by a 6-point margin (51% versus 45%) in 2020. Not voting is… - 3 years ago

@BarryTaylorII: RT @TELLIONO: Young bitches really annoying i don’t see how y’all Niggas can talk to them they whole conversation be dumb 😂 - 3 years ago

@_Young_Don_: RT @DeuceThomas: On todays episode of: Youth basketball is going downhill - 3 years ago

@mayfairemoonB: @kafeimocha I don’t think there’s ever been a band I more wanted to have over for a barbecue, you know? They just s… - 3 years ago

@colin_s_74: @sophielouisecc It's easy to disregard the effects on people that aren't like you. It's easy do disregard effects t… - 3 years ago

@Addi_James: I see those young military members deployed to E Europe & think how terrible are Republicans who don’t want them to… - 3 years ago

@cinzywincy: @frankie_fatal @lolcalmdown @waywardwaverer @HildegardP @sgregory6686 @dt_ni Being honest - I've mostly met TM, and… - 3 years ago

@dangodeassi: RT @DrJN_SportsMed: 10. Hernia The classic 'old man's' inguinal direct or indirect hernia can still exist & cause pain in the young sport… - 3 years ago

@YalKnoItsNick: Single mothers raise boys who feel as tho they should take care of their mothers forever. It's a vicious cycle that… - 3 years ago

@EugeneMmene: RT @iamRobONeill: Young men, if you were given the choice: $10M dollars but you never play video games ever again Yes... or No...? Which… - 3 years ago

@drahmetoymak: RT @CommonSenseMD1: "A 4th vaccination of healthy young health care workers may have only marginal benefits...we observed low vaccine effic… - 3 years ago

@AliciaHilger67: @sarahnwode @faintlyfalling Interesting take. I don't see this as a male athletes fight. Young women have to stand… - 3 years ago

@Eijaz67682168: RT @ImRealSyed786: What you don’t sweat out when you’re young will turn into tears when you’re old. Japanese Proverb OUR PRIDE MUNAW… - 3 years ago

@MiriamForster: RT @Gwynnion: There is no sincere attempt to "protect" or "help" children or young adults. They just don't want us to exist. And if we ki… - 3 years ago

@Forced2u: @neveroneofthem @IDKWhatLifeIsNE @PrinceHAK33M You know what, believe it or not, I once was her age, I didn't come… - 3 years ago

@Samaush01: @LookingBeyond2 @USMNT_Thoughts @GrantWahl @tombogert You think this is football manager! You don’t realize how har… - 3 years ago

@Samattter1: RT @strongblacklead: UK's very own @nellarose spills the tea on each cast member of Young, Famous, and African. There are entangled crushes… - 3 years ago

@Catchthewind7: RT @horseyannie: @FlowersEnglish How can this he going on everyday? Makes me feel anxious, why doesn’t someone in power put a stop to this… - 3 years ago

@RossettiAllen: @coastalelite22 @AlexandraHo19 @Robin_Quon @DrLeanaWen How the hell am I a sociopath? Don’t you resize the effects… - 3 years ago

@113Edith: @GovRonDeSantis Hubbard, how poor you are using this evidence against young people Simply because you don't have pr… - 3 years ago

@TomkinsonLinda: RT @BME_Blackpool: Tonight Millie is sleeping out on Blackpool streets. Don’t worry, we haven’t evicted her! She’s raising money for Street… - 3 years ago

@BrendaPilott: I'd be sorry if we don't see the return of young backpackers on their OE. Especially given how many of our young pe… - 3 years ago

@ChurchBlackpool: RT @BME_Blackpool: Tonight Millie is sleeping out on Blackpool streets. Don’t worry, we haven’t evicted her! She’s raising money for Street… - 3 years ago

@PraveenRSY8055: RT @ManobalaV: @itisprashanth @BDUTT Not a trend in India even now. Please don't teach bad things to young generation #SaveGirlsFromPrashan… - 3 years ago

@NuffieldFound: RT @MCSTEMHub: ‘The Value of Nuffield Research Placements’ There’s still time for Y12's to apply for a Nuffield Research Placement. Don’t… - 3 years ago

@NyjTake: @GatorLover22 @BarryOnHere No to be honest we don’t really need Tyreek, there’s a chance of us getting DK or Locket… - 3 years ago

@2njer_i: RT @footsoldierRow: I kissed locums goodbye. I do agree with her that I have the ability to influence, and I use it to bring positive chang… - 3 years ago

@glennm52: RT @SenClaireCelsi: Iowa's birth rate is plummeting. Golly, I wonder why. Republicans who don't care that young families have no where to g… - 3 years ago

@ladeey_: RT @Slimchizzle: If you don’t know Chuddy K, Durella, General Pype, Mallam spicey, YQ, Danny young, Clever Jay, Sauce Kid, Ikechukwu, J Mar… - 3 years ago

@sunilbanthia: RT @SandeepMall: When I was in my 20s, like most 20 year olds, I would think future is far away that u don’t think about your mortality. Su… - 3 years ago

@_blackaroni_: RT @Slimchizzle: If you don’t know Chuddy K, Durella, General Pype, Mallam spicey, YQ, Danny young, Clever Jay, Sauce Kid, Ikechukwu, J Mar… - 3 years ago

@1Dei0n: RT @HoopsEmpire_: Hey All-NBA voters, If you have Demar Derozan over Trae Young for first-team, but also Lebron over Jayson Tatum…your doi… - 3 years ago

@Earthmaidenn: Why has it been so normalized to look at 20s to 30s as being old? Is it because society is so infatuated with young… - 3 years ago

@jwayunji: RT @BWSCP_official: Are you worried about a young person? If something doesn't feel right, don't wait, report it. Call the police on 101 o… - 3 years ago

@uPrado_: RT @khanyizama: I honestly don't understand young people who are backing up Cyril for a second term. 😏 - 3 years ago

@CantiUnplugged: RT @Gwynnion: There is no sincere attempt to "protect" or "help" children or young adults. They just don't want us to exist. And if we ki… - 3 years ago

@MaryRWilliams4: “I was a troubled young man who was sexually confused,” Hawkins said. “I came from a neighborhood and a family that… - 3 years ago

@katbalmy: @_Leyanelle_ @Dis_Critic @sappho_lyre @makeitmakes3n3e @crit_gen @nellstock @janeclarejones @gmpolice And I really… - 3 years ago

@FreshRhema: C4 Youth & Young Adults! Join us TONIGHT for the Refresher! Our very own pastor, Pastor Scott T. Sanders is speaki… - 3 years ago

@sophyvibes: Don’t let anyone look down on you because you’re young. - 3 years ago

@AMPerez_17: RT @HoopsEmpire_: Hey All-NBA voters, If you have Demar Derozan over Trae Young for first-team, but also Lebron over Jayson Tatum…your doi… - 3 years ago

@brucethegirl: RT @GHMansfield: Young boy seeing me a wheelchair user: “Mom, I want one of those.” Mom: “No you don’t. That thing is for people who can’t… - 3 years ago

@ChazLocke11: For all the young ones that don’t know about Pusha-T and Clipse … get some learnings in 🔥🔥🔥 - 3 years ago

@TheJesusShow: #NP Young C (@youngctho) - Don't Leave Me Lonley on TJS Radio! Download the app and listen live… - 3 years ago

@Mynameismee___: RT @Pengpappi_xo: Sisters, respect yourselves and respect your bodies. Don’t let a sweet talking guy take advantage of you, use you and the… - 3 years ago

@SoloJah1: RT @proudlahyor: We all gonna die someday, we just pray we don't die young or horribly. ✌️ - 3 years ago

@MatthewCBS7: Alaska Rep. Don Young to lie in state at US Capitol - 3 years ago

@sarmadbcn: RT @Jhagra: Don't see why Ms. @BakhtawarBZ constantly spews bias against a city she nor her party cares much about, but maybe she can learn… - 3 years ago

@_OsasuE: RT @proudlahyor: We all gonna die someday, we just pray we don't die young or horribly. ✌️ - 3 years ago

@KortSkoda: We don’t want him. I would love to go 2-14 and have the 1st overall pick. Give us Bryce Young! - 3 years ago

@RightInRI: RT @Redistrict: The first ranked-choice election in Alaska will be a special election (likely August) to replace late #AKAL Rep. Don Young - 3 years ago

@MKZee8: RT @Symply_Tumi: Themba's winning is very personal to me🥺 This will encourage so many young people (especially from Alex), that all is poss… - 3 years ago

@DefyingGravitee: RT @MaxieMoosie: Autistic kids in particular learn from a young age that their needs don't matter, and will learn to suppress what they wan… - 3 years ago

@DAngel987: RT @Jhagra: Don't see why Ms. @BakhtawarBZ constantly spews bias against a city she nor her party cares much about, but maybe she can learn… - 3 years ago

@LornaWr45964902: @anuska299 @loffredojeremy @RebelNewsOnline Your obviously young and have bought into Trudeaus idea of lawfulness.I… - 3 years ago

@beebayuu: RT @dojarabbit: I don’t want to work with any big company again. This is why I need my own bakeshop mehn. Want to show you I can do just as… - 3 years ago

@Steak287: @folktayl Really ? It was a popular meme you’re young and you don’t know that I’m impressed 🤣🤣 - 3 years ago

@AlEnz85: @Nelly_j_11 @BookOfEli_NFL Pitts is part of the rebuild though. He’s a weapon that makes a young QB better, plus he… - 3 years ago

@edronco: Hard to sum up Don Young in a nutshell. But this splendid sentence from @Nat_Herz's obit of Young gets damn close:… - 3 years ago

@JosephEugine: RT @LikoHVM: @amerix This is true. I don't live around many rural areas but when I go there, I see these young men wasting their lives away… - 3 years ago

@SuppnutNattarin: RT @Gupitae88: Inside the book there is also a fashion set of a young gulf from LOEWE for fans to see. to the fullest as well Don't forget… - 3 years ago

@MCSTEMHub: Don't Miss Out! Nuffield Research Placements: Year 12 NRPs are not about shadowing but about an authentic working… - 3 years ago

@Anali27061802: RT @Gupitae88: Inside the book there is also a fashion set of a young gulf from LOEWE for fans to see. to the fullest as well Don't forget… - 3 years ago

@Joefusko: @VLeighBlues @BuydensRemorse Do u have any evidence or documentation for the assertion that he was a young global l… - 3 years ago

@Neithan_mato256: @SylviaNamutyaba I don't know wat really happened between her n Dad dat made her to dump me all this period, but no… - 3 years ago

@MyEvilTwinX: @raptvcom Just young asl doin this music.🤷🏼‍♂️ You might here potential 🤷🏼‍♂️my music is s… - 3 years ago

@SbudaBlade: RT @daddyhope: This old lady understands that road maintenance is the responsibility of Mnangagwa’s regime and not councils. So why do we… - 3 years ago

@Young_Lamee: RT @XoMiahhh: what i thought i wanted i don’t want nomore - 3 years ago

@mightygeek123: @Jake27640020 Yeah it all depends on his age, if he's young,maybe counselling might work. But if he's already grown… - 3 years ago

@Pascal77830107: @DaGreat_Sage @Selbybok @CityTshwane Don't just respond to a tweet for the sake of responding. Save your energy you… - 3 years ago

@OdishaChanging: RT @PartabShiwani: What a shame! When one doesn’t go with you ,kill her, this is what done with young Hindu girl Pooja Kumari.We have obser… - 3 years ago

@Truth3211: @CrierStone @zerohedge I don’t support Nazis but there are white supremacists in Russia’s Army also. Most young Ru… - 3 years ago

@riksucks: don't let your young age be a coping mechanism for not pursuing your full potential. be the change in your circle.… - 3 years ago

@JanvierPopote: RT @kivumbi_the_1st: The people that work for @CityofKigali are the reasons why young capable Rwandans want to go Europe and America and do… - 3 years ago

@Agim54329919: @StretfordPaddck Buy young players we don’t need Dybala he will ask for fat paycheck! - 3 years ago

@MaryCarstensen: RT @personal_amber: @bailsmartens I am so sorry. I don't see how this isn't basic decency? Even before I became more progressive way back w… - 3 years ago

@Momademia: RT @HappensInMyLab: Me to course coordinator: "I have two young kids, I can't teach after 5" Male colleague: "Great, I also have a baby! I… - 3 years ago

@yacht_young: RT @Sauveur_James: I really like this girl and I don't really want something serious, I just want to get her pregnant.🥺 - 3 years ago

@young_savage2k: RT @kingsteppa_: women be tagging their man && the man don’t be saying shit back 🫤🥹😂 - 3 years ago

@Min_MooNah: RT @PROUDLY_IGALA: @IamProfstar I don't see anything funny here, and this makes me sad. I mean look at how old he is battling with young bo… - 3 years ago

@pre15t: RT @dramaclubjulian: if she don’t remember when Tyga was signed to pete wentz’s label Decaydance records pretending to be Travie McCoys cou… - 3 years ago

@caitlinfork: old people love believing the young people in their life couldn’t possibly be smarter than them. it’s really frustr… - 3 years ago

@Nrs_Kethz: RT @oyeweso_esther: @Nrs_Kethz Learn to treat people with kindness both old and young and don’t come and be doing do I look like your mate… - 3 years ago

@Kushiiiiiie: RT @TheJoyScribbles: I highly recommend having older friends as a young women. Older women friends. They don’t need to be your besties but… - 3 years ago

@is_it_amar: RT @shwnpurpose: So I come to say that you really don't understand. Shawn was invited not because he is young, but because he owns a film… - 3 years ago

@_toluuuu: RT @Cappy75728814: Straight out of Bc We taking this sound to the world u see They don't really like me talking about my shit Like the OG's… - 3 years ago

@OfficeSutra: RT @SpaceCalls: If you don't work hard when you are young, you will work hard when you are old #success #motivation #Hardwork #young #old #… - 3 years ago

@miminie_kkyu: RT @miminie_kkyu: //incest sweet tete asking his parents if he can take his jiminie out on a date and because they're young they let them p… - 3 years ago

@vincent_keiyh: RT @ItsMutai: "Uhuru ameona sisi ni wajinga ati atuletee kile kimtu hulia macho kama mbwa mzee" - Moses Kuria. Many young Kenyans don't kn… - 3 years ago

@NJGalea: @lydia_petze He came into the sport with so much hype, got an opportunity way too young and blew it, but then took… - 3 years ago

@ma_mainone: RT @jayythedope: Like this young man sent me a dm saying his girl didn’t text him or call him on his birthday so he decided not to call her… - 3 years ago

@mseeMhumble: RT @ItsMutai: "Uhuru ameona sisi ni wajinga ati atuletee kile kimtu hulia macho kama mbwa mzee" - Moses Kuria. Many young Kenyans don't kn… - 3 years ago

@zax2000: RT @ElectBetterUSA: Alaska will advance the top four candidates from a nonpartisan primary, and then use #RankedChoiceVoting to determine a… - 3 years ago

@TOD0CHACO: RT @bojack_bott: I’m at a place where I don’t need to grow as a person and can constantly surround myself with sycophants and enablers unti… - 3 years ago

@bisola_billions: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@ukraine1030385: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@Sebagalekgetho: RT @TheJoyScribbles: I highly recommend having older friends as a young women. Older women friends. They don’t need to be your besties but… - 3 years ago

@DeFunctie: RT @risemelbourne: Truth in Plain sight...Young Joe Biden...In his own words... "I don't think you should assume I'm not corrupt, it takes… - 3 years ago

@hannah_mwangi_: RT @ItsMutai: "Uhuru ameona sisi ni wajinga ati atuletee kile kimtu hulia macho kama mbwa mzee" - Moses Kuria. Many young Kenyans don't kn… - 3 years ago

@DollyVolly: RT @TomSatkowiak: Note: Don’t mistake this for something it’s not. This was one great player sharing a “basketball brotherhood” moment with… - 3 years ago

@BenjaminsOtenge: RT @ItsMutai: "Uhuru ameona sisi ni wajinga ati atuletee kile kimtu hulia macho kama mbwa mzee" - Moses Kuria. Many young Kenyans don't kn… - 3 years ago

@Turtle_Geek08: @FarFetchedShow @ImMrTransistor I don't know why but something about his look almost gives off a young Vlad Masters… - 3 years ago

@HLRuddAuthor: @mixbecca I don't agree with the camp that says young MCs *always* equal YA, but I definitely feel like YA needs to have young MCs - 3 years ago

@SlaussonAve: RT @jayythedope: Like this young man sent me a dm saying his girl didn’t text him or call him on his birthday so he decided not to call her… - 3 years ago

@kaiji91: RT @D_Kumii: Tatsuki Fujimoto: "When you look at the current young generation [...] they try to live in a simple way, day by day. I don't c… - 3 years ago

@LissaxPaul: RT @HotCommieGal: I really don’t like how people be calling Meg an “alcoholic”. It’s so weird. Because folks do not know her & the only tim… - 3 years ago

@IndySportsDude: @Dunkman42 Don’t think there are any bc of the combination of men are built stronger than women and that most boys… - 3 years ago

@Munene__kariuki: RT @ItsMutai: "Uhuru ameona sisi ni wajinga ati atuletee kile kimtu hulia macho kama mbwa mzee" - Moses Kuria. Many young Kenyans don't kn… - 3 years ago

@Simwins1: RT @danrosenbergnet: Hey Doug, we aren’t wearing masks because we are “nervous” or “afraid” ➡️ We wear masks to protect the medically vulne… - 3 years ago

@jaosbornenation: RT @CraigCaplan: Alaska headlines for the late Dean of the House: "Gruff, warm, combustible, shrewd: For 49 years, Don Young’s ideology was… - 3 years ago

@LadyXZayZay: RT @HotCommieGal: I really don’t like how people be calling Meg an “alcoholic”. It’s so weird. Because folks do not know her & the only tim… - 3 years ago

@Terence_M_Young: @justasisterfro2 These kids don’t know! 😂😂😂 - 3 years ago

@CraigCaplan: Alaska headlines for the late Dean of the House: "Gruff, warm, combustible, shrewd: For 49 years, Don Young’s ideol… - 3 years ago

@CharlieJamies14: @bigplay24slay Lots of people care about this young man. He's going to get a lot of support going forward. Whining… - 3 years ago

@LACGFY: RT @danrosenbergnet: Hey Doug, we aren’t wearing masks because we are “nervous” or “afraid” ➡️ We wear masks to protect the medically vulne… - 3 years ago

@benmckee14: RT @TomSatkowiak: Note: Don’t mistake this for something it’s not. This was one great player sharing a “basketball brotherhood” moment with… - 3 years ago

@razzgm: RT @gwyfaz: My wonderful niece took her own life a few days ago. She leaves behind two young boys. She was like a sister to my wife. Pleas… - 3 years ago

@crazy_megan: RT @danrosenbergnet: Hey Doug, we aren’t wearing masks because we are “nervous” or “afraid” ➡️ We wear masks to protect the medically vulne… - 3 years ago

@BryanD851: @seaks It will be interesting to see how he handles those bad AB's. I gave him the benefit of being young but I as… - 3 years ago

@salsaf__: RT @dagnest_: happy birthday to the one who will be forever young, Yoon Sanha 🥳 may your day be as special as you are.. oh just don't get t… - 3 years ago

@haitangmoon: hm i never understand as to why, or whats the basic qualifications. i do a lot of time see things that they’re not… - 3 years ago

@Morris_Aron: Young men be out here depressed as fuck man. And no one for the boy child? Come on. Which society will you be c… - 3 years ago

@promise_cures: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@bbyysugarrr: RT @dagnest_: happy birthday to the one who will be forever young, Yoon Sanha 🥳 may your day be as special as you are.. oh just don't get t… - 3 years ago

@Earthdecay: @GJGamble Well, whilst your still young. 34 is still young. Get your head down with your missus and make a plan to… - 3 years ago

@AlexMed19848223: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@j_whu_: @WestHam I guess Pikey don't count on the racism scale. Fuck your security and little grasses you've clearly plante… - 3 years ago

@CarlyPutnam: RT @KHNews: “If you’re blind or low-vision and you live alone, you don’t have a car,” said Sheila Young, pointing to the lines of cars at d… - 3 years ago

@Lawrenc73558094: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@Moka05614162: RT @linok_ua: Who raised this kid?! #Ukraine️ #Ukrainenazi Young Ukrainian 🇺🇦 man: "Yes I'm a nazi! And I was killing the people of #Donet… - 3 years ago

@ruruchicos: Back in the day when I was young lol I was at some point kind of jealous of others being able to copy like art from… - 3 years ago

@PublicHealthMap: RT @MRBImpact: Now that wordle is in my morning routine I may not follow the don’t pick up your device thing but the rest I’m on board with… - 3 years ago

@JohnAbudon11: RT @hazard_FanClubb: Young Master Hazard Will take over Felina Canino YouTube channel♥️ Haz is ready to entertain you. Will Papa Gulf be… - 3 years ago

@EaglesOutsiders: @notscottyandgem @LaPrincesaShaky @FrancoFinalForm Lmao young women think that y’all just don’t know YET - 3 years ago

@GC89267860: RT @RepDavidRouzer: Few are ever legends in their own time, but Don Young was — and what a difference did he make. No one cared more for th… - 3 years ago

@nwlaguy: RT @greggiroux: "I went into the classroom, wood stove, 25 students, all Native students, and I fell in love with the students. They were g… - 3 years ago

@BRT_Colorado: RT @tophmcgoph: I am on the @JeffCoDemocrats County Assembly zoom call listening to these older Dems who don't realize they're not on mute… - 3 years ago

@BirdDinners: RT @adgirlMM: All I know about Rep. Don Young is that he wrote a bill that made it legal for Alaska “hunters” to kill bear and wolf cubs in… - 3 years ago

@nnad202523: RT @dagnest_: happy birthday to the one who will be forever young, Yoon Sanha 🥳 may your day be as special as you are.. oh just don't get t… - 3 years ago

@patches_89: @nmategyero @markgoldbridge I didn’t say Arsenals method was a bad one but getting gassed about building a strong y… - 3 years ago

@macharoesink: RT @Gio2100: @IAPonomarenko War is a place where young people who don't know each other and don't hate each other kill each other, by the d… - 3 years ago

@Alicia05150: RT @linok_ua: Who raised this kid?! #Ukraine️ #Ukrainenazi Young Ukrainian 🇺🇦 man: "Yes I'm a nazi! And I was killing the people of #Donet… - 3 years ago

@IRENE02211204: RT @hazard_FanClubb: Young Master Hazard Will take over Felina Canino YouTube channel♥️ Haz is ready to entertain you. Will Papa Gulf be… - 3 years ago

@Shawnonwheels: RT @RodneyC18186863: I honestly don't understand why young women dye their hair gray. Anyone have a realistic answer? - 3 years ago

@jjoshuawilfred: @44Supremacy With what I see here atleast.. a lot don't like lewis, they want the young gun max than an oldie.. so… - 3 years ago

@RabyMildred: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@onuchemustapha: RT @moloGSD: lived life too fast I feel like an uncle at this young age, things wey eyes don see, wey boys done do person go think say you… - 3 years ago

@Conch_Out: - 3 years ago

@kengpornthip: RT @hazard_FanClubb: Young Master Hazard Will take over Felina Canino YouTube channel♥️ Haz is ready to entertain you. Will Papa Gulf be… - 3 years ago

@Miklang: @cspanwj Reading a Biden tweet about Don Young is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 3 years ago

@thatsilkscarf: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@young_magee: RT @Dream: I’m going to give away $30,000 to 1 random person who retweets this tweet AND follows Twitter Philanthropist @Pulte and Me!! (If… - 3 years ago

@CornersAdele: RT @AnnetteMckay15: Caitlyn Moran thinks mothers and grandmothers would say this is the best time to be a woman. I don’t agree. There is s… - 3 years ago

@Mamanongkana: RT @hazard_FanClubb: Young Master Hazard Will take over Felina Canino YouTube channel♥️ Haz is ready to entertain you. Will Papa Gulf be… - 3 years ago

@cxiearstph: RT @joshxjah: josh cullen blending in this pic full of young ppop idols: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶 🤣😭 - 3 years ago

@WUVThaifood: RT @hazard_FanClubb: Young Master Hazard Will take over Felina Canino YouTube channel♥️ Haz is ready to entertain you. Will Papa Gulf be… - 3 years ago

@tonycrust: I don't know if you're too young or blind as shit, but at the end of #SpiderManNoWayHome, this is Kraven. If they d… - 3 years ago

@felixsarcona5: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@LaraJuliette1: @MikeCarlton01 @mumbletwits I beg to differ. Don’t discount the young vote and women’s votes. Many of my friends an… - 3 years ago

@Drewshots_: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@The_Miracle91: @RocTheJetsFan So hear me out. Why not sign Julio Jones and draft a receiver at 10? Elite veteran in the locker roo… - 3 years ago

@BrendaWolton: @fedup42Mn @djgotstandards Yes definately affecting the young. They don’t need it . In fact no one needs it. For a… - 3 years ago

@BarthelSamantha: Don't love ❤️💖🌻 too hard... Because after he loves you for years in his without 🎭 but covered ways (or made you bel… - 3 years ago

@AIMWoundedKnee: No they don't Doug. You'll use just about anything, including the tragic deaths of these 2 young boys to have a go… - 3 years ago

@BoxingNews254: RT @ShowtimeShawnP: I got it 6-2 Berlanga. I don’t expect much to change and I def got some Constructive Criticism for Berlanga. What you a… - 3 years ago

@Pravins05083578: RT @shahid_siddiqui: Excellent work, very simple but highly informative and educative. Must see for young Indians who don’t have time to re… - 3 years ago

@mcgloin_james: RT @FoxNews: Biden honors deceased GOP Rep. Don Young: 'His legacy will continue in the America he loved' - 3 years ago

@kdo0_young: RT @_kthjk: - D-3 - Hi, I'm Karl (he/him) '04 liner. I'm still looking for more moots any fandom will do, don't be shy to interact with me… - 3 years ago

@SSucitob: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@MarkMolloy82: @robertson969 I agree with dropping the keeper though,to much pressure on a young laddie. Don't want to mentally sc… - 3 years ago

@Osiname_kun: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@amnotyourdaniel: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@ChitsaWeGutu: @zanupf_patriots Just like ANC , Zanu Pf is failing to groom vibrant youths to take the movement forward .As long t… - 3 years ago

@cpmatwell: @DavidHembrow @ellies671 do they though? I don't live there, and can't speak for anyone else. I can only compare my… - 3 years ago

@dedhoyin: RT @NaijaFlyingDr: Maybe it's a lack of empathy, but sometimes you don't realise the effects of things till you experience them. We had a… - 3 years ago

@Mustafayldzii: RT @PhilMitchell83: 3/13 Ask young people what they want to know about when it comes to sex, consent, respect & relationships. Don’t assume… - 3 years ago

@adil_ansari64: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@rhea_belcher: RT @realchadfile: say what you will about don young but he was the best sex I ever had - 3 years ago

@Ekuase10: RT @asemota: Financial education for young children is a category of fintech in Africa that started then died very quickly. I don't know if… - 3 years ago

@JulienneJan: RT @joshxjah: josh cullen blending in this pic full of young ppop idols: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶 🤣😭 - 3 years ago

@_vcess: RT @joshxjah: josh cullen blending in this pic full of young ppop idols: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶 🤣😭 - 3 years ago

@cheer_lim: RT @ABC: NEW: Pres. Biden issues statement on the passing of Rep. Don Young: "He always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska… - 3 years ago

@kayrhemd: RT @RufusOnya: Nigeria EFCC is a Systematic Scam Pls don't take their shenanigans serious. They are only good in intimidating & Harassing y… - 3 years ago

@young__at_heart: RT @nanaicez: ขณะที่ทั่วโลกคุยเรื่องการเป็น Global citizen แต่ประเทศไทยยังต้องนั่งอธิบายเรื่องสิทธิเหนือร่างกายของบุคคล , don’t tell me how… - 3 years ago

@Mic_Al_: @nexta_tv if you don't understand - that's what young people have parents for. go and ask your daddy - 3 years ago

@the87dude: @inthemews Don't are young at heart! - 3 years ago

@InfernoBlade64: @ppavnr - 3 years ago

@NanetteNH: Since I finished #TodoPorMiHija #Kızım, I started #Sila #Sıla. Cansu Dere looks like a little kid in it! I guess b… - 3 years ago

@champlobebop: RT @D_Kumii: Tatsuki Fujimoto: "When you look at the current young generation [...] they try to live in a simple way, day by day. I don't c… - 3 years ago

@jvmpstr: RT @blahcknproud: @DrOlufunmilayo Loan for wedding, birthday, burial is one of the worst financial decision young people can make. Live you… - 3 years ago

@grammiepie21: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@ChonkyBoi: @CQDThisIsCOVM62 @MonoValentine @syncfn_ @DiscussKing @LukeCyran @DudespostingWs "Alpha" wolves I'm pretty sure wer… - 3 years ago

@BOMABOMAA: @Smile_of_W @yinyin_anw @phiaw49 No young lady, we don't do Gtrans here - 3 years ago

@MyLovelyMe72: RT @joshxjah: josh cullen blending in this pic full of young ppop idols: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶 🤣😭 - 3 years ago

@edabney: RT @tomhewittnews: Hey Alaska, do you have a Don Young story you'd like to share with others? Thoughts on his legacy? (Tasteful) critiques… - 3 years ago

@AlyanaPenas: RT @joshxjah: josh cullen blending in this pic full of young ppop idols: don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶 🤣😭 - 3 years ago

@DjouderNouredd1: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@ivolkman: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@ColbyDuren: RT @NCAI1944: NCAI joins Tribal Nations in mourning the loss of @repdonyoung, one of #IndianCountry’s longest-standing congressional allies… - 3 years ago

@JohnMor74969633: RT @mbridget21: One nation looks to have got a seat in SA in the upper house and Sarah Hanson Young very angry saying "I don't think this r… - 3 years ago

@alohomora10101: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@Ken34205423: RT @jake_sisko: Don't forget the #Conservative Party of Canada staunchly supported Canada getting involved in the Iraq War in 2003. If Cons… - 3 years ago

@janinecarolina5: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@CooperSchlickau: RT @RepArmstrongND: Don Young was larger than life and a huge force in the House of Representatives. His love for his state and his willing… - 3 years ago

@Anwarovic13: RT @kay_boatx: Young boys don send me back to the trenches😭😭😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@DaveA70: RT @AlexHouseThomas: Manchin on the death of Alaska Rep. Don Young. - 3 years ago

@Anwarovic13: RT @TulsiGabbard: Great piece! Rep Don Young & I introduced the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act in March 2019. One page. De-schedu… - 3 years ago

@sabulosaa: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@BrianRCannon: RT @Rob_Richie: With the passing of Don Young, Alaska law requires a special election using its new Top 4 primary system: all candidates on… - 3 years ago

@allen12291958: RT @Mike_Pence: Don Young was a tireless champion for Alaska, America and he was my friend. He will be deeply missed. Karen and I send our… - 3 years ago

@RDS_1977: Don Peppe Diana's house. A bulwark of #legality for young people, for the people of #CasaldiPrincipe and for anyone… - 3 years ago

@ChuckRhodes15: RT @415holgate: With the death of Rep. Don Young, Alaska’s lone Congressional seat is open. A gay Democrat wants it. - 3 years ago

@Barnold1993: RT @eaglesdiehard: fwiw if you have any common sense you'll realize the Eagles don't actually believe in Hurts. You don't explore trading m… - 3 years ago

@LCourtry: @Ukhovs How do young men like this find the courage to say no, and what happens when they do? I don’t see they have ANY CHOICE. - 3 years ago

@1Corinth13_1_13: RT @POTUS: Don Young always stayed true to who he was and the people of Alaska he represented. His legacy will continue in the America he l… - 3 years ago

@TonyCalderon3rd: RT @Spazzie_Bunnie: It's pretty upsetting when you got such a good story for a game you really liked as a young child, but now it seems too… - 3 years ago

@Kendall_chan21: RT @dcbigjohn: Don Young was an unrepentant racist, sexist homophobic piece of trash. He was an incredibly cruel bully and one of the most… - 3 years ago

@SebastianClout: RT @SpectorHairDay: @SteveScalise @repdonyoung Live look at Don Young: - 3 years ago

@InKlepp: Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican, dead at 88 - 3 years ago

@SBdfox: Check out my #fiverr profile #Yuni #Vlive #Go_Bills #Brian_Cashman #Peña #San_José… - 3 years ago

@cowgirlup1a: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Republican U.S. Congressman Don Young from Alaska has died at age 88, he had been the currently longest serv… - 3 years ago

@SBdfox: Check out my #fiverr profile #Yuni #Vlive #Go_Bills #Brian_Cashman #Peña #San_José… - 3 years ago

@JillRob8421: RT @GOPLeader: Don Young was a giant, with a heart as big as the Capitol & a spirit as strong as the Alaskan wild. His absence will leave… - 3 years ago

@KenElli43478646: RT @RepKenBuck: Praying for the family and loved ones of Rep. Don Young. He was an incredible man and dedicated to service before self. Don… - 3 years ago

@Andrew5720: RT @SpeakerBoehner: Don Young was one of a kind. A leader devoted to his state and his constituents. A man with the courage to walk his own… - 3 years ago

@goblin19175214: RT @Sunecke: remember that time Don Young said Jewish people would have survived if they had guns and that they were “put into ovens” becau… - 3 years ago

@Daniell99660814: @profgotswaggz @itsbibitayo Go through my thread naaaa. You're not even done. Don't forget, AG was released before… - 3 years ago

@JMac9398: RT @dcbigjohn: Don Young was an unrepentant racist, sexist homophobic piece of trash. He was an incredibly cruel bully and one of the most… - 3 years ago

@SBdfox: Check out my #fiverr profile #Yuni #Vlive #Go_Bills #Brian_Cashman #Peña #San_José… - 3 years ago

@Anwarovic13: RT @SenJoniErnst: I’m saddened to hear of the passing of a true and lifelong statesman, and a giant of the U.S. Congress, Representative Do… - 3 years ago

@shyfakenews: RT @sarahmarie907: “yOu ShOuLdN’t SaY mEaN tHiNgS aBoUt DoN yOuNg” he shouldn’t have spent almost 50yrs treating my people like shit on our… - 3 years ago

@JoeLouis7: My mom bought me this album when I was young and haven't heard this song for years up until today and those same wo… - 3 years ago

@StephSwisher934: RT @dcbigjohn: Don Young was an unrepentant racist, sexist homophobic piece of trash. He was an incredibly cruel bully and one of the most… - 3 years ago

@h3ll_kat: @GeorgeTakei Really, shame on you people for bashing someone's looks.... As far as the law, as a parent I don't wan… - 3 years ago

@shyfakenews: RT @Sunecke: remember that time Don Young said Jewish people would have survived if they had guns and that they were “put into ovens” becau… - 3 years ago

@SBdfox: Check out my #fiverr profile #Yuni #Vlive #Go_Bills #Brian_Cashman #Peña #San_José… - 3 years ago

@rebels2008: RT @GOPdevilworship: @christos_ioa Don Young once threatened my family with a gun pointed to my son's head over a tax policy dispute. It wa… - 3 years ago

@Its_Bunches: Don Young dying during a full moon. I love that for the Indigenous people of Alaska. Reminder: No politician sh… - 3 years ago

@godbop: @young_hendo & I like BTI I don't favor one over the other tbh, but Gambino had a lot more behind the album. But mu… - 3 years ago

@Absyg777: @cryptor62816095 @bccponzi @KyleLDavies 🤣🤣sorry the irony for me to do the research when it seems you don't know wh… - 3 years ago

@CuriousWara: RT @visualizevalue: “One of the secrets to staying young is to always do things you don’t know how to do.” – Ruth Reichl - 3 years ago

@Roy12018228: @EducationGk1 @nlevett I don't think u need to be a gk at a young age. No one knows how tall they will be so they'r… - 3 years ago

@ganitlabs: @ArindamPhysics permanent positions don't, these do: #awards 1. young scientist/iyba award before 40 🧒 2. ssb awa… - 3 years ago

@TomFlowers: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@Tracysway9876: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@Anthony91138667: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@LilRdVet2: RT @business: Don Young, the longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died, @AP reports - 3 years ago

@MariaSammutMasc: RT @washingtonpost: Rep. Don Young has died at 88. The gruff Republican from Alaska was the longest-serving active member of the House. htt… - 3 years ago

@HollyCroft: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Don Young, the Alaska congressman who became the longest-serving Republican in House history, has died. He was… - 3 years ago

@Dffallis: @NoLieWithBTC The young don't like them because they are a bit more aware of life and the old boys don't appeal. MT… - 3 years ago

@MariaSammutMasc: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@ayallgood: RT @kamimagic: Rep. Don Young, was the Republicans longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and Congress in history, having r… - 3 years ago

@KevinShinn: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@FOXBaltimore: Alaska Rep. Don Young, the longest-serving member of the state’s congressional delegation died Friday. He was 88. - 3 years ago

@1Ellingham: @ALavoipierre @SNOMC @stugib @campbellclaret @Jacob_Rees_Mogg I don't give a shit what his point is!! I get his poi… - 3 years ago

@SusanPotter: @ayeyallhiring @CBSNews I bet Don Young could have avoid dying if he just showed the Grim Reaper a loaded rifle. - 3 years ago

@STimea3: RT @aishcloud: Disgusted with @Barclays who denied us consent to let today. We're stuck in a one bed flat with a young baby, unable to sell… - 3 years ago

@young_quentin: RT @Hockey_Robinson: • Roman Josi is on pace for 100-points. • Cale Makar is on a 31-goal, 98-point pace. • Adam Fox is on pace for 74… - 3 years ago

@Lola_star09: @urlocalcutebish 😭I still get mom makes such a big deal of my birthday and I don't even like the day..bu… - 3 years ago

@cb765: RT @KING5Seattle: During his 2014 reelection bid, Young described himself as intense and less-than-perfect but said he wouldn’t stop fighti… - 3 years ago

@Jstewartresist: RT @YesNews81: @EliseStefanik @RepStefanik @repdonyoung @DonYoungAK Republican Don Young forced to apologise for 'wetbacks' comment https:/… - 3 years ago

@AndrewKatsigair: Almost everyone is justifying it, the parliamentarians whose behaviour is cheap are not young, they're degenerates!… - 3 years ago

@c24torres42: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@EdwardMangle: RT @RSPCA_Norwich: If you see a baby animal that seems to be alone, don't touch them, watch from a distance to check they're orphaned first… - 3 years ago

@walkitoffni: RT @NaturalistDara: Wonderful to FINALLY visit the luminous and special Northern Ireland #WorldBookDay postbox in Castlewellan, a very spec… - 3 years ago

@jjmalave_3: RT @visualizevalue: “One of the secrets to staying young is to always do things you don’t know how to do.” – Ruth Reichl - 3 years ago

@justpersnickety: @YesNews81 @RepMeijer These guys and the fake platitudes are killing me. Don Young was damn near 90 a combative old… - 3 years ago

@Donald02198337: RT @FoxNews: Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican, dead at 88 - 3 years ago

@akmockingbird: @shannynmoore @Nat_Herz …this story is why a) I love my home state and b) fucking quintessential Don Young. I swear… - 3 years ago

@LuisZap22447746: @Brittenelle Don't get me wrong you look young and good - 3 years ago

@Iykeoriginal_: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, As sure as you live in the present, be futuristic. Start building your legacy. Here are 6 ways to buil… - 3 years ago

@AlufKhatool: RT @Reuters: Longest-serving U.S. congressman, Alaska's Don Young, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@yusuphmusic: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, As sure as you live in the present, be futuristic. Start building your legacy. Here are 6 ways to buil… - 3 years ago

@Simi_Sola18: RT @PerpetualAfriy5: Young, Rich and Famous. When I post you and I don’t talk about your flawless skin I don’t get happy 😃. You are a gre… - 3 years ago

@xnoapologiesx: @twelvespot @KyivIndependent The young grew up w social media, theyve traveled, have friends elsewhere, lived mostl… - 3 years ago

@JerkwaterJeff: RT @christos_ioa: RIP Don Young. Remembering one of my favorites stories about him, the time he held a knife to John Boehner’s throat: http… - 3 years ago

@yardenmorad8: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@world_news_ja: 米国最長寿の下院議員、アラスカ州のドン・ヤング氏が死去、88歳 - 3 years ago

@jujuslulu: @hanimablam @GrumpyNoMore2 @MarkRuffalo if you don't have a problem with them, why are u immediately assumed that t… - 3 years ago

@Mahmud12079427: RT @Reuters: Longest-serving U.S. congressman, Alaska's Don Young, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@MiracleUche_: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, As sure as you live in the present, be futuristic. Start building your legacy. Here are 6 ways to buil… - 3 years ago

@GbadeboHannah2: RT @folanski: Dear young Nigerian, As sure as you live in the present, be futuristic. Start building your legacy. Here are 6 ways to buil… - 3 years ago

@kkk030820: RT @Fritschner: The late Don Young, Congressman from Alaska - 3 years ago

@dissonantchords: RT @sarahmarie907: “yOu ShOuLdN’t SaY mEaN tHiNgS aBoUt DoN yOuNg” he shouldn’t have spent almost 50yrs treating my people like shit on our… - 3 years ago

@NdubuisiMba1: @ka_monitira @sportbible That's exactly his point if we're keeping it real...this young lads don't really know much… - 3 years ago

@Claude_F_: (To Alois) "For a mere butler, to go that far.... Don't worry, Young Master. The menial soul that can give love to… - 3 years ago

@lbr_nova: The evil old fuckers are starting to go cause of age, fuck Don Young - 3 years ago

@Alexandriaaxx3: RT @_Fuckimgoneee: What young boy say bitch don’t bring my bitch up she richer then all you niggas 😂🤘🏾 - 3 years ago

@katsinazaria: RT @simonembanna: This story about Young Thug’s BM is why I really don’t take the energy a lot of these men on this app have toward Black w… - 3 years ago

@bossman3pt0: RT @EverydayBastiat: RIP to a real OG - GOP Rep. Don Young of Alaska - 3 years ago

@CyndyMoshatane: RT @HlugaTheGuy: National Tourism Career Expo is aimed at changing young people’s lives for the better. There are opportunities that we don… - 3 years ago

@No_Mirth: RT @ptarmaggedon: I see you posting “rip Don Young” !! That man was *horrible* and creepy and there’s no need to change that in how he’s re… - 3 years ago

@pahanakun: @dougransom @thevivafrei @theJagmeetSingh Politicians don't need to enjoy their lifestyle. They're a bit overpaid,… - 3 years ago

@tip_ct: @Trek_The_Globe @Vincent03409491 @JohnFloridaMan @michaeltmcc @ArcherBM @JustinM11151153 @JonRFleming @AngryFleas… - 3 years ago

@FarhazBohari: Just to win Elections you are sowing HATE in young minds and destroying whole generation. And you know that you do… - 3 years ago

@Saintsfan5348: RT @Sunecke: remember that time Don Young said Jewish people would have survived if they had guns and that they were “put into ovens” becau… - 3 years ago

@RH_residents: RT @aishcloud: Disgusted with @Barclays who denied us consent to let today. We're stuck in a one bed flat with a young baby, unable to sell… - 3 years ago

@swensonmember: RT @AARPAlaska: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Rep. Don Young. Congressman Young was a tireless advocate for Alaskans of all age… - 3 years ago

@sithera: @NMandelaBaymuni Why don't you just say R1500 between 39 and up? 🙄 Why R4000 for young people? 🤔 - 3 years ago

@Adv_KuuBz: @Lloyd_Gramz @I_Am_Lebzito @Nothando__K True the see the "success" I think we ddnt travel the road and we have just… - 3 years ago

@errol_flynn69: RT @CaldronPool: "War is a place where young people who don't know each other, and don't hate each other, kill each other, by the decision… - 3 years ago

@DoNotTrustTrump: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@GiantTigerKitty: RT @Sunecke: remember that time Don Young said Jewish people would have survived if they had guns and that they were “put into ovens” becau… - 3 years ago

@RMKabejja: I don't care about the young anymore because I don't know if the young would have stood their ground the way Zari d… - 3 years ago

@keedanewss: Don Young’s Wife Lula Young: Age And Children Details - 3 years ago

@No_Mirth: RT @mikayIadawn: The only relevant thing I have to say about Don Young is that I passed out in his absolutely insane taxidermy-esque office… - 3 years ago

@ChthangBafferut: @mahimahi715 @POTUS The economy is still in shambles, or have you not been paying attention? Wages are too low in m… - 3 years ago

@scepticalindian: @kaushkrahul Let’s assume this happened a couple of years before 1992 so this kid is now at least 42 Bhakra were ne… - 3 years ago

@storchi07: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@juliuswambua_: RT @_teemoh: I’m watching this Young Famous and African reality series and I’ve discovered that being beautiful is a problem. All these lad… - 3 years ago

@U_Know_Nothing: RT @CraigKellyMP: Crimes against Humanity 🤡🤡 know there’s a risk 🤡🤡 know there’s a risk for young men BUT 🤡🤡 continue to push ahead BU… - 3 years ago

@so_solstice: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@AbdulhakeemIdr1: RT @simonembanna: This story about Young Thug’s BM is why I really don’t take the energy a lot of these men on this app have toward Black w… - 3 years ago

@libraparkway: RT @simonembanna: This story about Young Thug’s BM is why I really don’t take the energy a lot of these men on this app have toward Black w… - 3 years ago

@KhanUnited7: RT @visualizevalue: “One of the secrets to staying young is to always do things you don’t know how to do.” – Ruth Reichl - 3 years ago

@AmbiiMoore: RT @tedlieu: Representative Don Young spent most of his life serving the public. May he Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@AmbiiMoore: RT @RepShontelBrown: I’m deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my colleague, Rep. Don Young. A tireless fighter for Alaska and an unp… - 3 years ago

@so_solstice: RT @Reuters: Longest-serving U.S. congressman, Alaska's Don Young, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@AmbiiMoore: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Republican U.S. Congressman Don Young from Alaska has died at age 88, he had been the currently longest serv… - 3 years ago

@17frosted: RT @ptarmaggedon: @uluuraq kindness looks like holding someone accountable for their actions against my community rather than erasing them… - 3 years ago

@sinnedevol: RT @Havenaar64: Sarah Hansen Young is a WEF protégé The elite install them globally They win votes even when you don't understand because… - 3 years ago

@so_solstice: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@s2kgina: Had no idea who he was but im in shock that this is how I found out congressman Don Young died - 3 years ago

@marinkatee: RT @notoliiviia: Don Young's death is only shocking because I did not think it was physically possible for him to die - 3 years ago

@AmbiiMoore: RT @christos_ioa: RIP Don Young. Remembering one of my favorites stories about him, the time he held a knife to John Boehner’s throat: http… - 3 years ago

@EweezyFoSHEEZY: RT @adgirlMM: All I know about Rep. Don Young is that he wrote a bill that made it legal for Alaska “hunters” to kill bear and wolf cubs in… - 3 years ago

@AmbiiMoore: RT @sfpelosi: RIP Congressman Don Young. Truly an original - fiercely devoted to family, to Alaska, and to the U.S. House of Representative… - 3 years ago

@addy_alaska: RT @libbybakalar: Don Young died. He was a legend, like it or not (I did not). I always voted against him & thought a lot of the stuff he s… - 3 years ago

@WayneWwoods: RT @BurgessOwens: Sad to hear my friend and colleague Rep Don Young passed away tonight. As the House Dean, he was both loved and respected… - 3 years ago

@lolidefi: @3rdbrowngirl Ok sure which part then? My brown son? The white girl? To be honest they are not necessary to the sto… - 3 years ago

@TanjaMcConnor: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@MillerStanIL: RT @McClintockFan: Rest in peace, Don Young - 3 years ago

@shalpinpeace: RT @servicerotties: Winter accessibility issues mean I don't see many dogs when we're out so we arranged to meet some younger pups at a dry… - 3 years ago

@palmeralpha1: RT @SecDebHaaland: I am terribly sad to hear of my dear friend Congressman Don Young’s passing. (1/5) - 3 years ago

@LoveEndsHate: RT @JMilesColeman: Don Young - 3 years ago

@BlueTunnel2: Don Young was 1 year short of his goal to serve 50 years - 3 years ago

@RPMVJ: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@JacobPoki: RT @Fritschner: The late Don Young, Congressman from Alaska - 3 years ago

@tomdukeee: RT @EverydayBastiat: RIP to a real OG - GOP Rep. Don Young of Alaska - 3 years ago

@George47884255: RT @annezinkmd: So saddened to learn of the passing of Rep Don Young. He was kind, funny and deeply committed to Alaska We would joke how… - 3 years ago

@graygibson0: RT @SecretaryPete: The first time we spoke, Don Young cheerfully informed me that I was the 17th secretary he’d dealt with at DOT. Our po… - 3 years ago

@GuascoA: RT @BurgessOwens: Sad to hear my friend and colleague Rep Don Young passed away tonight. As the House Dean, he was both loved and respected… - 3 years ago

@BellsFlatsRat: I did an in-person interview with Don Young on my radio show back in 2008. He just showed up that day. I have no jo… - 3 years ago

@WKBW: Rep. Don Young, longest-serving congressmember, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@jimmydie1963: This guy was in my view representative of all that was wrong with the modern GOP. Look up The Bridge to Nowhere. - 3 years ago

@cloudgorl: RT @notoliiviia: Don Young's death is only shocking because I did not think it was physically possible for him to die - 3 years ago

@tvrecapsreviews: RT @baseballot: Don Young has represented Alaska for 78% of the time it has been a state. - 3 years ago

@DPChancellor: RT @kirk_bado: Alaska became a state in 1959. Since 1973, they’ve only known one representative: Don Young. - 3 years ago

@_ocis: RT @christos_ioa: RIP Don Young. Remembering one of my favorites stories about him, the time he held a knife to John Boehner’s throat: http… - 3 years ago

@Just_ProSamurai: RT @business: Representative Don Young, an Alaska Republican and the longest serving member of the U.S. House, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepFranklin: "Representative Don Young was a leader, a patriot, and a stalwart champion of Alaska." - 3 years ago

@DPChancellor: RT @mkraju: Sad news: GOP Rep. Don Young, the dean of the House and longest-serving member of Congress, one of the body’s most colorful ind… - 3 years ago

@RepFranklin: "Representative Don Young was a leader, a patriot, and a stalwart champion of Alaska." - 3 years ago

@RustyNa85941887: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@AustinLouis5: RT @BostonGlobe: Representative Don Young, longest-serving congressmember, dies - 3 years ago

@RayCase1: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@rsgaddy20: RT @CNNPolitics: BREAKING: Alaska GOP Rep. Don Young, the longest-serving member of the current Congress, has died at 88 - 3 years ago

@KaesiF: RT @RepBoebert: The Dean was a man of the people who served the state of Alaska well. His office was a first-class museum and home to ~60 h… - 3 years ago

@AustinLouis5: RT @ReedReports: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Don Young, the longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died. - 3 years ago

@sherri26240524: RT @pkcapitol: The wildest, most freewheeling interview I’ve had in last 5 years? Easy. Don Young. He was fun, crazy, maybe a little exagg… - 3 years ago

@DanielPJett: Rep. Don Young, the longest-serving Republican in history, has died at age 88. Don Young had the office next door… - 3 years ago

@im_jf3: RIP Don Young - 3 years ago

@AustinLouis5: RT @FoxNews: BREAKING NEWS: Longest serving GOP member of the House has died - 3 years ago

@BlackBoxMediaGP: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@maya0818: GOP Rep. Don Young, the longest-serving House member, dead at 88 - 3 years ago

@JohnSMichaelD: RT @Fritschner: The late Don Young, Congressman from Alaska - 3 years ago

@Debra40079252: RT @BurgessOwens: Sad to hear my friend and colleague Rep Don Young passed away tonight. As the House Dean, he was both loved and respected… - 3 years ago

@TELEXDesignCo: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@RcRegalstarfire: RT @13abc: BREAKING: Don Young, a blunt-speaking Republican and longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died. He w… - 3 years ago

@10acious_D: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@KevinBogardus: RT @HMNorthey: Seeing ⁦@DonYoungAK⁩ has passed - what a wild and gracious interview he was! “I damn near got eaten by a grizzly bear… I l… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCBS7: Rep. Don Young, longest-serving congressmember, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@NordeastB: RT @SecDebHaaland: I am terribly sad to hear of my dear friend Congressman Don Young’s passing. (1/5) - 3 years ago

@lovedoveclarke: To be clear I don’t give a wet donkey shit what people think about me but a lot of young black girls do and it disc… - 3 years ago

@DocBrock53: RT @JustTheNews: Breaking: Rep. Don Young of Alaska, oldest member of Congress, dies on trip back home | Just The News - 3 years ago

@nebraskanicole1: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@RickAllen2020: RT @fadde: I have two young daughters who are just beginning to show an interest in sports. I don't want to have to look them in the eye… - 3 years ago

@QueenbeeAxs: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@ThrashingDevill: @DoctorRollo @KyleCannillo The thing is, they are all so very young. Lots of players are still improving. Only a fe… - 3 years ago

@RischMoments: RT @DrewSav: Don Young was the last remaining member of Congress to have voted on the nominations of Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller to… - 3 years ago

@npr_usa: Alaska Rep. Don Young, the longest-serving current member of Congress, dies at age 88 - 3 years ago

@iirites: RT @FoxNews: BREAKING NEWS: Longest serving GOP member of the House has died - 3 years ago

@Gehaunna: RT @GOPLeader: Don Young was a giant, with a heart as big as the Capitol & a spirit as strong as the Alaskan wild. His absence will leave… - 3 years ago

@EnoughBs1: RT @RepSwalwell: I’ll miss Don Young. He was a good partner with me as co-chair of the Critical Elements Caucus in Congress. We believed Am… - 3 years ago

@tylmel: Don Young was a really bad member of Congress - 3 years ago

@mjean2: RT @mjean2: @Mr_Cedo Gracias por el mensaje q enviaste sobre Don Young! @repdonyoung @HouseGOP @NRSC @SenateGOP - 3 years ago

@rtradzilowski: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Congressman Don Young, the dean of the House, has died. He has served in the House for nearly half a century. https:… - 3 years ago

@jeffperson: RT @Redistrict: If there was one thing you could count on handicapping House races, it was Don Young running for reelection. But the crazie… - 3 years ago

@HerbNJDC: RT @BillPascrell: A Don Young story. In 2008 we were trying to make Paterson Great Falls a national park. Don was top R on Natural Resource… - 3 years ago

@MDelusion: RT @RepDavid: My thoughts and prayers are with Don Young’s family and loved ones. He was a longtime statesman that I am proud to have calle… - 3 years ago

@JakeLastfogel: RT @baseballot: Don Young has represented Alaska for 78% of the time it has been a state. - 3 years ago

@texasbeauregard: Don Young died? Damn. - 3 years ago

@RealLPerezLA: RT @Redistrict: If there was one thing you could count on handicapping House races, it was Don Young running for reelection. But the crazie… - 3 years ago

@PamNobl38177407: *I WILL PUBLISH IT AS MANY TIMES AS I CAN* "War is a place where young people who don't know each other, and don'… - 3 years ago

@DurhamFella: RT @SecretaryPete: The first time we spoke, Don Young cheerfully informed me that I was the 17th secretary he’d dealt with at DOT. Our po… - 3 years ago

@EAChrisMiller: RT @LarrySabato: I thought Rep. Don Young (R-AK) was eternal. But he has died at age 88. RIP. Served in House since 1973. - 3 years ago

@TheFreshMoney: RT @BurgessOwens: Sad to hear my friend and colleague Rep Don Young passed away tonight. As the House Dean, he was both loved and respected… - 3 years ago

@PabloAdopt: RT @CNNSotu: Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican and dean of the House, has died | ⁦@AnnieGrayerCNN⁩ & ⁦@kristin__wilson⁩ - 3 years ago

@MyPresident21: RT @RepGwenMoore: Deeply saddened to learn of the loss of my friend and colleague, Rep. Don Young. I’m grateful to have worked with him for… - 3 years ago

@LedgeKing: Alaska Rep. Don Young, longest-serving congress member, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@ProjectedPaul: RT @scottwongDC: “Lyndon Johnson was known as an arm twister on Capitol Hill but he’s got nothing on Alaska Republican Congressman Don Youn… - 3 years ago

@EricssenWen: RT @baseballot: Don Young has represented Alaska for 78% of the time it has been a state. - 3 years ago

@EricssenWen: RT @baseballot: Alaska hasn’t had a representative other than Don Young since Richard Nixon was president. - 3 years ago

@deathtocrazy: RT @Redistrict: If there was one thing you could count on handicapping House races, it was Don Young running for reelection. But the crazie… - 3 years ago

@Gileswb: RT @Reuters: Alaska U.S. congressman Don Young has died - statement - 3 years ago

@RA_Dillon: RT @CoryGardner: Don Young was a fierce Alaskan, a friend and leader. I am saddened at his loss, grateful for his service and know he’s wie… - 3 years ago

@lynbroAK: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@BKrivatsy: Don Young, dean of the House of Representatives, dies at 88 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@prpeep: RT @RepGwenMoore: Deeply saddened to learn of the loss of my friend and colleague, Rep. Don Young. I’m grateful to have worked with him for… - 3 years ago

@AfterDarkMarcel: #BREAKING TONIGHT: GOP Rep. Don Young of Alaska, longest-serving member of Congress, dies at the age of 88.… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Don Young wife: Meet Anne Garland Walton, wife of 7 years - 3 years ago

@EverydayBastiat: RIP to a real OG - GOP Rep. Don Young of Alaska - 3 years ago

@TrottoirRadio: RT @thehill: #BREAKING: Rep. Don Young, longest-serving member of Congress, dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@bymarkwalker: Don Young, Alaska Congressman Who Was Dean of the House, Dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@Stnagesis: Don Young passed away. Condolences to those that loved him. For the rest of us... CHEERS - 3 years ago

@SENSible_Views: RT @clahanna: Nick Holden wore the ‘A’ for the #Sens tonight but told DJ Smith ahead of the game “if it'll get anyone else going then I don… - 3 years ago

@roe_con: "Rep. Don Young, Alaska’s lone representative and the longest-serving member of Congress, has died" here:… - 3 years ago

@wlabovitz: RT @scottwongDC: SAD NEWS: DON YOUNG (R-Alaska), dean of the House of Representatives, suddenly died today while traveling home to Alaska,… - 3 years ago

@MelissaLeanneM: RT @HuffPostPol: The Republican was the longest-serving member of the 117th Congress, having served for 48 years. - 3 years ago

@AmericasImpetus: RT @PeterZampa: NEWS: “It’s with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we announce Congressman Don Young (R-AK), the Dean of the House and rev… - 3 years ago

@CindyReynolds: RT @BreakingNews: Rep. Don Young, who was first elected to Congress in 1973 and was the longest-serving House Republican in U.S. history, h… - 3 years ago

@DollArntzen: Alaskan Congressman Don Young Will Be Missed God Bless To His Family May You Find Comfort In Memories Shared.… - 3 years ago

@mikeviqueira: RT @baseballot: Don Young has represented Alaska for 78% of the time it has been a state. - 3 years ago

@FOX29philly: Young was the longest serving member of Congress - 3 years ago

@Jazzzmeister: NOT DON YOUNG - 3 years ago

@ZaqsPolitics: Alaska Republican Congressman Don Young dead at 88 - 3 years ago

@cheryl_marlin: RT @scabralreports: US Congressman Don Young, who served Alaska in the House of Representatives since 1973, has died. The cantankerous 88y… - 3 years ago

@NativeLenSA: RT @visualizevalue: “One of the secrets to staying young is to always do things you don’t know how to do.” – Ruth Reichl - 3 years ago

@seths2005: RT @SeanTrende: Don Young once stuck his hand in a bear trap during a congressional hearing to demonstrate they were not unduly painful. T… - 3 years ago

@RayPride: What sweet political-desk language for what sounds like just one more mad, venal political individual - 3 years ago

@aterkel: RT @richluchette: There are many Don Young stories, but this is the best. - 3 years ago

@layla_job: RT @simonembanna: This story about Young Thug’s BM is why I really don’t take the energy a lot of these men on this app have toward Black w… - 3 years ago

@OrangeMike: @GodcallsBS @SpiroAgnewGhost Don Young said other crazy stuff like, “We wonder why we have got the Freemen or the m… - 3 years ago

@johnmconnollyjr: I don’t have a great Don Young story. But I will always love how he stood in the Rayburn subway tunnel, constantly… - 3 years ago

@Phostir: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @SteveScalise: Sad to hear the news of Don Young’s passing. Don was not just the Dean of the House, he was also a dear friend and a true… - 3 years ago

@kmeaks85: RT @hugolowell: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Don Young, the longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died. - 3 years ago

@WaughSuzy: RT @KristiNoem: Don Young. A lifetime of service to our country. We honor his life and mourn his loss. - 3 years ago

@jayfonsecapr: RT @rollcall: Rep. Don Young, an Alaska Republican who has served in Congress since 1973, has died, his office said in a statement. - 3 years ago

@mendhamsliver: RT @DrAlGrossAK: Don Young was #AlwaysAlaska. Whether you agreed with him or not, you always respected him and his unconditional love for o… - 3 years ago

@APufferfish29: @JosephSzymanski Yeah :( Don Young - 3 years ago

@sameepshastri: Don Young, Alaska Congressman Who Was Dean of the House, Dies at 88 - 3 years ago

@realTuckFrumper: Republican Don Young dies after 49 years in Congress: report - 3 years ago

@StrainJessie: RT @AKNewsNow: Republican Congressman Don Young, Alaska’s lone representative in the U.S. House, has died. He was 88 years old. - 3 years ago

@Pooterbugsmom: RT @AnnieGrayerCNN: Republican Rep. Don Young, the Dean of the House and the longest serving member of the current Congress, has died. Here… - 3 years ago

@KTOOpubmedia: Don Young has died. The former teacher, trapper and riverboat captain from Fort Yukon was first elected to Alaska’s… - 3 years ago

@fabucat: RT @LeftwardSwing: Rep. Don Young (R - Alaska) has died. At 88 years old, he had been the longest serving member of Congress & began his… - 3 years ago

@ZekeJMiller: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Don Young, the longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died. - 3 years ago

@TrainLabor: Rest In Peace Don Young, a tireless fighter for Alaska - 3 years ago

@JawadPullin: RT @DrewSav: Don Young was the last remaining member of Congress to have voted on the nominations of Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller to… - 3 years ago

@john4senmajlead: RT @fmrRealBobRoss: RIP Don Young, the Chuck Grassley of Alaska and an absolute chad. He will be missed😔 - 3 years ago

@elizabeth_ee: @for_shizzle @abbytheactivist Also, teaching young children that they will go to hell if they don’t believe that Je… - 3 years ago

@LeVanderBrock: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@LoraAneM: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Republican U.S. Congressman Don Young from Alaska has died at age 88, he had been the currently longest serv… - 3 years ago

@ConnerDSwanson: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@DavidMarkDC: Late Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), first elected in a March 1973 special election, was the only member of Congress to… - 3 years ago

@tammy_dreyer: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Republican U.S. Congressman Don Young from Alaska has died at age 88, he had been the currently longest serv… - 3 years ago

@tinioril: RT @aidan_smx: Thinking about this Don Young story. Wild read from start to finish. - 3 years ago

@JimSwiftDC: RT @chasingray: As you may have heard, Congressman Don Young (R) of AK has died. He was elected in 1973 following the death of Congressman… - 3 years ago

@dwthompson1945: RT @dwthompson1945: Hmm, stay tuned for a surprise from Alaska... Don Young, R-AK. the longest serving member of Congress has a primary op… - 3 years ago

@ccroucher9: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@CRB1079: RT @MEPFuller: Don Young randomly shouting “No!” in the House chamber is like visiting your childhood home and hearing a sound that belongs… - 3 years ago

@LouisBertolotti: RT @adndotcom: Breaking news: Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died, according to former aides - 3 years ago

@rationalism2020: RT @IsaacDovere: Don Young lost his first House race in 1972, the same year Biden won his first Senate race - but then won the seat in a sp… - 3 years ago

@mikethemadbiol: RT @adndotcom: Breaking news: Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died, according to former aides - 3 years ago

@Maripuerta: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@DrewSav: Damn, Don Young died at the airport not at home. Awful way to go out. - 3 years ago

@majormarginal: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@tripleoss: @GoodsCapital I so hope this as well - were doomed if the trades don’t start to get some young blood in them - 3 years ago

@dancampbellfan9: Can someone make an edit on Wikipedia in Don Young's Personal Life section saying he interacted and followed many E… - 3 years ago

@lvertiz: RT @christos_ioa: RIP Don Young. Remembering one of my favorites stories about him, the time he held a knife to John Boehner’s throat: http… - 3 years ago

@PurpleHatKid: My sincere condolences. Don Young was an honorable man - 3 years ago

@ppm1214: I swear if I see anyone bad mouthing Don Young I'm gonna lose my sh*t. - 3 years ago

@ddmdmdmf: RT @SkylerOops_: Put it simply, Don Young was a true good man. He represented what we should all strive for. His love for our country and h… - 3 years ago

@RasicoDoug: RT @VATeenDems: Our deepest condolences are with the loved ones of Rep. Don Young. We join many across the world in mourning his loss and… - 3 years ago

@adriennerj: RT @CraigCaplan: Alaska Republican Don Young was the first Dean of the House from the Last Frontier state and was longest-serving Republica… - 3 years ago

@ddmdmdmf: RT @eric_stutzman5: I am entirely at a loss of what to say… Don Young is as much a part of Alaska as Denali and to think that he’s gone is… - 3 years ago

@AmeliaFrappolli: Going to be weird without the classic Don Young holler from the back of the chamber during votes. - 3 years ago

@RealBillyGrant: RIP to the Dean, Congressman Don Young. - 3 years ago

@StewartSmithTwt: RT @christos_ioa: RIP Don Young. Remembering one of my favorites stories about him, the time he held a knife to John Boehner’s throat: http… - 3 years ago

@CathyHeyworth: Flicks her Bic for Don Young. Fifty years, 25 terms as a House member. Since I was 16, and I remember vividly his… - 3 years ago

@JasonTheLib: don young man :( - 3 years ago

@ptarnation: RT @MEPFuller: This video is a pretty good introduction to Don Young. - 3 years ago

@david_darmofal: RT @BillPascrell: Don Young, DY, was Dean of our House, a tireless warrior for Alaska, a two-committee chairman, and a legend of our chambe… - 3 years ago

@juba_wong: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@ChrisMegerian: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@TrueBlueAlaskan: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepBonnie: I'm saddened to hear of the passing of Rep. Don Young, the longest serving member of Congress. Our politics were different b… - 3 years ago

@CahnEmily: RT @MEPFuller: Leaving this one here: - 3 years ago

@rohanarezel: It's a vicious cycle: * Young people don't turn out to vote because they feel disenfranchised. * Politicians ign… - 3 years ago

@ChiefJumbo: RT @Nat_Herz: His first chief of staff, Jack Ferguson: "He lost consciousness on the flight from L.A. to Seattle and his wife noticed he st… - 3 years ago

@1artniece2: RT @CongressmanHice: I'm deeply saddened to hear about the passing of my friend and colleague Don Young. He was a true Alaskan and steadfa… - 3 years ago

@KimsMom3: - 3 years ago

@TheKevinBoyd: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@JustinFleenor: BREAKING: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (@AP) — Don Young, the longest-serving member of Alaska’s congressional delegation, has died. - 3 years ago

@Arctic__char: RT @libbybakalar: Don Young died. He was a legend, like it or not (I did not). I always voted against him & thought a lot of the stuff he s… - 3 years ago

@RepBonnie: I'm saddened to hear of the passing of Rep. Don Young, the longest serving member of Congress. Our politics were di… - 3 years ago

@RaesLilMiss: First time I met Don Young was in Sea Galley as I was on my way to the salad bar with my dad. He’s like “oh let’s g… - 3 years ago

@EricaJoy: RT @adndotcom: Breaking news: Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died, according to former aides - 3 years ago

@nenachim1: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@nwlaguy: RT @chris_g_pino: Wow. Horrible news about Don Young. He really cared about Alaska and did so much for his state, party and ideology aside.… - 3 years ago

@Justoo6timez: RT @blakethomas94: Casual chiefs fans don’t see the beauty of afc west teams trading picks and spending big this off season. If Brett veach… - 3 years ago

@re_verbalvega21: RT @RepRiggleman: Don Young welcomed me immediately into the House of Representatives. He loved the bourbon I gave him too. When I first vi… - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @CongressmanHice: I'm deeply saddened to hear about the passing of my friend and colleague Don Young. He was a true Alaskan and steadfa… - 3 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepDustyJohnson: Don Young was a legend, a friend, and tough as nails. Once I was in his office admiring his incredible game trophies.… - 3 years ago

@CrassPolitical: RT @DrewSav: Don Young was the last remaining member of Congress to have voted on the nominations of Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller to… - 3 years ago

@HWLavelleMaps: Terrible to hear. Don Young was an Alaska institution who genuinely cared for his state. He’ll be dearly missed! - 3 years ago

@RaeMargaret61: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@ATWare_94: @ChampagneTeddy9 At this age he needs more pieces around him which the Falcons don’t have. If he was in a quality t… - 3 years ago

@907BlueDot: RT @adndotcom: Breaking news: Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died, according to former aides - 3 years ago

@JamesTheTweeter: Holy shit Don Young is dead - 3 years ago

@StolteNick: RT @algaraca: For the first time since Christmas Eve, 1968, will the three-legislator Alaska congressional delegation not have Ted Stevens… - 3 years ago

@CodyWil67343302: RT @thebias_news: BREAKING: Alaska’s sole congressional representative, Don Young, dies at 88. Young is the Republican Party's longest-serv… - 3 years ago

@MassiveNiki: @dancampbellfan9 we are crying about don young. - 3 years ago

@nwlaguy: RT @gop4senate2022: the longest serving U.S representative who has been serving since 1973. Don Young of Alaska has died, Alaska will final… - 3 years ago

@CrassPolitical: RT @Shane_maps: May Congress learn to be more like Don Young. We’d be better off for it. - 3 years ago

@areumjaeki: RT @crosswonc4rt: wtb lfs ph only — seeun young luv jw case pc — just the pc lang pls, I don't collect albums/jw case 😭 —budget flexi bu… - 3 years ago

@vodkasnowflake: RT @aidan_smx: Thinking about this Don Young story. Wild read from start to finish. - 3 years ago

@IronyDead: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@uep_youtube: RIP Don Young - 3 years ago

@lord__mike: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

@Hannahdelahant4: RT @SusanCollinStan: Rest In Peace Don Young - 3 years ago

@WhiskyNovember: @Jim1Jas @Anguscatlady @oaks56865294 @Indyrinty @BAZ__17 @princedex111 @claudia38585341 @Rye71828542… - 3 years ago

@JacobPoki: RT @OrgEaglePatriot: Don Young was an amazing man and an amazing politician. May he rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@G0THLAWYER: holy shit don young died - 3 years ago

@PsykoEl: @elwood @AlonzoBodden I don't "pick on" the US. I believe you're sort of violent army called the States. There is n… - 3 years ago

@jooeysiiu: RT @lruskin: Alaska Congressman Don Young, dean of the House, has died, according to friends, former staffers and relatives. - 3 years ago

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