Don Weeks

American radio host (WGY).
Died on Wednesday March 11th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Don Weeks:

@AnkurMalviya6: RT @fascinatingtip: Drinking two cups of water before each meal helps you lose an average of an extra 4.5 lbs in 12 weeks than if you don't.

@Crabtree1997: I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow. 2 weeks off in London was perfect 🙋🙋

@Green14Heather: Gonna be a long 2 weeks without seeing @Momoleighhhh 😔 don't know if I can go that long! 😩💕 love you! have fun and stay aboard!❤️😉

@GetEmKi_: Been going through it for da last 2 weeks dawg 😭 don't seem to be getting any better man


@SusannaMatte: RT @FetethePress: Sunday news narrative this last few weeks suggests #HillaryClinton and #JebBush are no longer frontrunners. Don't believe…

@CoolestLifeHack: RT @fascinatingtip: Drinking two cups of water before each meal helps you lose an average of an extra 4.5 lbs in 12 weeks than if you don't.

@ItzzzPrime: @Cypher_W i'm going for the RC but I don't have a Elgato I just ordered it last night so I'll have my elgato in 2 weeks look after me please

@dyniace: RT @FetethePress: Sunday news narrative this last few weeks suggests #HillaryClinton and #JebBush are no longer frontrunners. Don't believe…

@adia_afa: RT @7DLife_NG: 4. Some people have been running this Country for 2 weeks now, we don't know them & they have no obligation to us. Such a ri…

@_kimcortez: don't see the point of starting year 13 for 3 weeks

@ayeni_jackson: RT @7DLife_NG: 4. Some people have been running this Country for 2 weeks now, we don't know them & they have no obligation to us. Such a ri…

@apizzamyheartt: Everyone keeps calling me a hippie bc I don't want an epidural and would rather hit 42 weeks than get induced

@Akayadede: RT @7DLife_NG: 4. Some people have been running this Country for 2 weeks now, we don't know them & they have no obligation to us. Such a ri…

@FetethePress: Sunday news narrative this last few weeks suggests #HillaryClinton and #JebBush are no longer frontrunners. Don't believe it. #ThisWeek

@MollyLawson16: @taaylor__rob honestly don't know what you're talking about bc the only time we've talked in weeks was about legacy soooo????

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