Don Newman

American basketball coach (San Antonio Spurs
Died on Wednesday September 12th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Don Newman:

@dodgerfanalways: @gman416 @Dodgers1819 He was consistent don't slight him. He absolutely dominated at times because he knew how to… - 6 years ago

@maradinas: @hitRECordJoe Crawling - LP Complicated - Avril Blink-182 I don’t wanna miss a thing - Aerosmith Californication… - 6 years ago

@Yello777: RT @GeorgesLangRTL: When a former DJ and good friend of mine (Sam Bernett) send me a picture of a Hollywood Star DJ (Paul Newman)... Don’t… - 6 years ago

@GeorgesLangRTL: When a former DJ and good friend of mine (Sam Bernett) send me a picture of a Hollywood Star DJ (Paul Newman)... Do… - 6 years ago


@capnstarlight: @Gary_Hardgrave @AnnastaciaMP And really all she has to do to thrive is 1. Not be Campbell Newman 2. Spend, spend,… - 6 years ago

@prophet_newman_: RT @Vonisthenublack: @SubDeliveryZone @Bobrisky222 @_Oluwanishola_ @wizkidayo There pple who want a baby wit u but due 2 circumstance thing… - 6 years ago

@Gobluejojo1978: @newman_44 I hope. Don't like the makeup. Looks silly. - 6 years ago

@chay_newman: i don’t feel like a real person but other than that everyone’s good i guess xx - 6 years ago

@lak_newman: RT @vic_moser: Hate when I show my mom a funny video and she’s like “who’s that?” like I don’t know...just laugh and give me my phone back - 6 years ago

@Kimberl46149999: @Madeleine_1115 @sarahja33413961 @JOHN_NEWMAN_FAN @_ania_an @CatchouFiloute2 @carolconnor123 @laura_chaillou… - 6 years ago

@newman_jules1: RT @CarolineLucas: Don't people usually call press conferences when they've got something to say? Instead we got humiliated PM spouting th… - 6 years ago

@smb92907: @EBraeden Must get frustrating to having to reassure everytime you you go on vacation, us fans just don't like not… - 6 years ago

@TurlockPoker: Double Bonus hand three Aces and Four Aces on the 6 Card Bonus for $800 on 3 Card Poker! Don’t forget we also have… - 6 years ago

@Newman_Grl: @myNATURALhigh I love online shopping until it’s time to wait 😂 but that’s just for things that I don’t need now. B… - 6 years ago

@randler14: Former FBI Director Andy McCabe was reportedly told by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to wear a recording d… - 6 years ago

@gumby611841: I don't think Roush will exist in four years. Newman going to the 6 car is just a swan song for both Newman and t… - 6 years ago

@candid14: UGH....another tee shirt. Who are his sponsors? I hope CAT goes with him. Don't want to buy another jacket. - 6 years ago

@newman_bev: RT @gwenofmonmouth: Good morning #castlelovers! First we are off to #Austria, #CzechRepublic & #France! These are 3 really nice castles and… - 6 years ago

@Cardinal_Newman: Due to traffic on the m6 Y11 will be back more around 7pm. Please don’t block the entrance to school - 6 years ago

@fj_newman: RT @Devin_Heroux: Back in Toronto where it’s annoyingly hot and humid still. Summer, it’s time to go away. My sweaters and scarfs don’t app… - 6 years ago

@mt_newman: RT @AriFleischer: Don't be surprised if Professor Ford continues her refusal to talk to the Judiciary Committee. Chairman Grassley will the… - 6 years ago

@Kimberl46149999: @carolconnor123 @sarahja33413961 @JOHN_NEWMAN_FAN @JandricRadmila @Madeleine_1115 @CatchouFiloute2 @1171954… - 6 years ago

@sarahja33413961: @carolconnor123 @Kimberl46149999 @JOHN_NEWMAN_FAN @JandricRadmila @Madeleine_1115 @CatchouFiloute2 @1171954… - 6 years ago

@thomasvarcoel: RT @PeterWMurphy1: @AFLFootyShow Sam Newman's faux farewell was tedious, self-absorbed and boring in its self-pitying narcissism. His eunuc… - 6 years ago

@AtomK13: @GavWill13 I’ve been beating the “I don’t get the Newman hype” since last season. He just seems like A Guy. - 6 years ago

@s_eye_p: RT @TheCardConnect: If Space Jam 2 doesn't include Newman then just don't do it. - 6 years ago

@newman_jules1: RT @Suewilson91: I voted Remain. I'd vote Remain again tomorrow, & the day after. I'm not going to get over it. I'm not going to get behind… - 6 years ago

@FITWELLSTUDIO: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@Smile__Petal: RT @PeterWMurphy1: @AFLFootyShow Sam Newman's faux farewell was tedious, self-absorbed and boring in its self-pitying narcissism. His eunuc… - 6 years ago

@EngagedGaze: Didn't get a chance to read @OMAROSA's new book #Unhinged? Don't worry, Elizabeth Walker did for you! Check out her… - 6 years ago

@a_adev: @londonfredd @realDonaldTrump I see a Cathy Newman approach here. You didn't see me say that, did I say it? Don't c… - 6 years ago

@npc210: @GavWill13 Newman/Kramer don't look like starters at all. I'd bring back Kang just for the potential upside, but I… - 6 years ago

@Ruth_Newman: RT @myrrandah: Horror movies that don’t totally suck and are currently on Netflix: A Thread - 6 years ago

@newman_jules1: RT @VictorianDad: "Just get on with it", cry the Great British public on Brexit. They can't. They don't know what "it" is. In fact, "… - 6 years ago

@for_newman: @KamalaHarris There was no urgency for Garland, I don’t see why we should now rush Kavanaugh through. This sort of… - 6 years ago

@Pv_Exposed: RT @KurlsAndKlass: @Pv_Exposed Debrus pizza delivering pizza on that golf cart. When that pimp came to the UC because, “you don’t eat for… - 6 years ago

@noukie123456789: Ik heb een video toegevoegd aan een @YouTube-afspeellijst: - 6 years ago

@KurlsAndKlass: @Pv_Exposed Debrus pizza delivering pizza on that golf cart. When that pimp came to the UC because, “you don’t eat… - 6 years ago

@newman_mt: RT @JulieGerdeman: Inspiring panel on Women's Leadership & Diversity Issues in #Healthcare. Find a mentor & sponsor, be aware of unconsciou… - 6 years ago

@Nick_Newman: @jhoffman I don't want to know what this is in reference to and I'm going to look. - 6 years ago

@BombshellsCom: Now Streaming Betty Grable; Charlie Spivak & His Orchestra; Chorus; Emil Newman - Don't Carry Tales Out of School… - 6 years ago

@newman_macy: @lydiaashford But it don’t matter, noooo - 6 years ago

@AndyOwens1313: @newman_branch @teab35 @mmpadellan You're like that annoying little kid that wants so desperately to be involved, b… - 6 years ago

@newman_franklin: RT @CamLowkey_: If yo friends don’t run up like this they ain’t yo real friends - 6 years ago

@brody_newman: Gotta ruin everything good, don’t they😒 - 6 years ago

@kyle_newman_: RT @bennythebull: Don’t let the Space Jam 2 news distract you from the fact that the Monstars blew a 66-18 halftime lead - 6 years ago

@WillRuss19: @pattykelleher4 @matthewsadler18 @stickers_bown @Tradeguru69 @GeelongCats My other take on this, is that if we land… - 6 years ago

@newman_rb: RT @dog_feelings: if you don’t mind. i’m gonna love you a whole lot - 6 years ago

@lak_newman: RT @myrrandah: Horror movies that don’t totally suck and are currently on Netflix: A Thread - 6 years ago

@fj_newman: RT @sarahkendzior: .@AndreaChalupa: "What people need to understand about sexual assault is that it never goes away. You relive it. That so… - 6 years ago

@Arie__Newman: @valaddall_ I don’t really know any other way to take pics but I hope all my friends guys and girls comment on this… - 6 years ago

@SndtrackRadio: Now playing: Any Day Now (Joey Newman) - Love Don't Live Here Anymore Listen @ - 6 years ago

@DieZeonScum: @loesmittyjmj There seem to be just as many young Catholic men as women at our Newman center. I don’t think the men… - 6 years ago

@newman_44: RT @PopularPups: Don't touch my baby - 6 years ago

@lak_newman: RT @brentconner_: Stages of Twitter: 1. You create account 2. You don't understand 3. You don't visit for a few months 4. You Return 5… - 6 years ago

@squids4less: Newman tips: don't be tru to be Newman. - 6 years ago

@fj_newman: RT @PopularPups: Don't touch my baby - 6 years ago

@KeatonFerkol: RT @JeremyRMedina: this started as a joke that newman was judas and then i don't know what happened - 6 years ago

@mutinyhotel: Celebrate 70 years of the @JrOrangeBowl tomorrow, Sept. 20th! Don't miss the Festival Kickoff Celebration at… - 6 years ago

@AdvocateArtemis: RT @jinglebellrock: @traceybryan9 @elisekumar @emlinne The reason most women "can't" breastfeed is that they don't really know how. We don'… - 6 years ago

@MJMiller_Legion: RT @voxdotcom: "One striking thing about this story is that it’s so undramatic ... False stories typically have a lurid quality, often inv… - 6 years ago

@WaymooMoody: I'm intrigued with Pablo Reyes. Don't see a hole in his swing. Need to see more, but so far I like what I see. Kram… - 6 years ago

@womenscentervt: Hey Hokies! Don't forget about VT Digging in the Crates first event of the year TOMORROW at 7pm in the Newman Multi… - 6 years ago

@2blacksocks: @TheGreatFeather You need to kick back, relax, and take in a great movie. May I suggest, The Sting, winner of best… - 6 years ago

@TheHomelyBaby: RT @JeremyRMedina: this started as a joke that newman was judas and then i don't know what happened - 6 years ago

@CHS_BSB_Knox: RT @CoachChurchMC: Schools committed to work Oct 13 camp so far... TN Wesleyan, Union College, Tennessee, Carson Newman, and Johnson. Still… - 6 years ago

@Coach_DParrott: RT @CoachChurchMC: Schools committed to work Oct 13 camp so far... TN Wesleyan, Union College, Tennessee, Carson Newman, and Johnson. Still… - 6 years ago

@anthonykbdavis2: RT @GarbageFan98: Jax is proposing to Victoria Newman, while Brooke Logan cheats on Zach Slater (who’s chatting with Lance Prentiss & Lois… - 6 years ago

@alovelymeka: @LetsTalkSoaps @Browneyegurl4 @s25701122 @Crispy829 It’s like B.B. don’t have anything else to write about! I miss… - 6 years ago

@KatharineES: @AdriennSzkovacs @BeilinsonOrel @johnpaul_newman @smallestleaf I enjoyed it! I like that animation style with the n… - 6 years ago

@newman_branch: @AnnaEvansMomma @NatashaBertrand @SharonCoryell3 That was courageous. But you should have had him locked up. I'm su… - 6 years ago

@BakerMikeRomeo: RT @JeremyRMedina: this started as a joke that newman was judas and then i don't know what happened - 6 years ago

@newman_branch: @ThomasNovth @mmpadellan I don't believe her. She can't remember where it happened, when it happened. Those she nam… - 6 years ago

@newman_branch: @GRabenau @teab35 @mmpadellan I don't believe her. She can't remember where it happened, when it happened. Those sh… - 6 years ago

@_Cingo: RT @joeymonts18: If Windhorst isn’t playing Newman’s character, don’t even bother - 6 years ago

@Jordannn_Newman: RT @Emilieephan: If my future man ain’t this wild & down I don’t want him - 6 years ago

@JerryScherwin: Who’s going to be LeBron’s Murray/Knight (aka Newman) combo? After thinking about it for a few minutes I don’t thin… - 6 years ago

@joeymonts18: If Windhorst isn’t playing Newman’s character, don’t even bother - 6 years ago

@newman_mt: RT @mvollmer1: Don’t miss The #BigIdeas2018 Summit - a unique CPO-level think-tank event, amplified by #SocialMedia. After London and Melbo… - 6 years ago

@Scott12Colin: @johnredwood Why don't you call out Cathy Newman and #c4news for their rabid anti-Brexit campaign? Newman was like… - 6 years ago

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