Don Leo Jonathan

American professional wrestler.
Died on Sunday October 14th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Don Leo Jonathan:

@The_Markaraja: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@WAMWrasslin: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@cdavidroberson2: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago


@lugered: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@crazieorcus: RT @yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。 #ファイ… - 6 years ago

@S_ATL_Wrestling: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@605pod: RT @ZaDragonEmperor: @GreatBrianLast after going back to your Don Leo Jonathan interview, I found some rare footage of his father. - 6 years ago

@GreatBrianLast: RT @ZaDragonEmperor: @GreatBrianLast after going back to your Don Leo Jonathan interview, I found some rare footage of his father. - 6 years ago

@MalcolmReece_UK: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@EyeAmSteveO: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@handbanana989: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@Thunderwing: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@CoolHeelJeremy: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@belltobellblaze: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@TheJimCornette: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ZaDragonEmperor: @GreatBrianLast after going back to your Don Leo Jonathan interview, I found some rare footage of his father.… - 6 years ago

@pepsipanther24: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@BlinskyGoth: RT @WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@WrestlingSpeak1: "The Sheik was someone who didn't have the physical size of some of the monsters at that time,like a Don Leo Jonath… - 6 years ago

@MickeyMcDave: @simmonssteve Don Leo Jonathan passed away this past week. Did you ever see him work when you were watching the mat… - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@j75YlMnCXweLJMO: RT @yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。 #ファイ… - 6 years ago

@paulvieira: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@pepsipanther24: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@JeffQuinton: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@MatsumotoKougyo: RT @yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。 #ファイ… - 6 years ago

@PEN_DAF: RT @yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。 #ファイ… - 6 years ago

@Maximussmed: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@MisterLorde: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@MoaT666: RT @yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。 #ファイ… - 6 years ago

@yosiow: “人間台風”ドン・レオ・ジョナサン(Don Leo Jonathan)です。 エディットポイント158。スキルなし。 もみあげセクシー。 必殺技のハイジャックバックブリーカーは使用率低めです。… - 6 years ago

@ElCheech216: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@S_ATL_Wrestling: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@ByMikeMooneyham: Pro wrestling says goodbye to Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@Jillybeanjab: RT @KassiusOhno: Don Leo Jonathan. How spectacular was he? THE prototypical athletic big man. If we didn’t have the footage to back up his… - 6 years ago

@yosiow: 花柄ショートタイツ!そういうのもあるのか… Dory Funk Jr. vs Don Leo Jonathan Part - 1 - 6 years ago

@Sports_PS4gamer: RT @TelleyTell: @WWE @TripleH @WWERomanReigns @Sports_PS4gamer @ECWDivaFrancine @LanceStorm @THETOMMYDREAMER @RealPaigeWWE @InnerN3rd @WWER… - 6 years ago

@Tonie_leo: RT @Mr_Oyagiri: Thank you President Goodluck Jonathan for giving us a new terminal at the Port Harcourt airport. We don’t mind Buhari cutt… - 6 years ago

@TelleyTell: @THETOMMYDREAMER @TheRealXPac @screamqueendaff @TheREALRIKISHI @TherealRVD @CodyRhodes @TripleH @WWE @RandyOrton… - 6 years ago

@TelleyTell: @WWE @TripleH @WWERomanReigns @Sports_PS4gamer @ECWDivaFrancine @LanceStorm @THETOMMYDREAMER @RealPaigeWWE… - 6 years ago

@chrislandroche: Don Leo Jonathan passes away - 6 years ago

@Ferrante207: My major takeaway from Big Dave's Don Leo Jonathan bio is that we gotta bring back the "Judo Jacket Match" for bloodsport. - 6 years ago

@WOLiveOnline: Wrestling Weekly: Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan, Cody vs. Aldis - 6 years ago

@WONF4W: Wrestling Weekly: Dick Slater, Don Leo Jonathan, Cody vs. Aldis - 6 years ago

@kswatrapper: RT @TGPWeb: In light of the recent passing of Don Leo Jonathan, @kswatrapper reflects on his battles with the legendary WWWF Champion https… - 6 years ago

@RyanKBoman: In light of the recent passing of Don Leo Jonathan, Trapper Tom Leturgey reflects on his battles with the legendary… - 6 years ago

@TGPWeb: In light of the recent passing of Don Leo Jonathan, @kswatrapper reflects on his battles with the legendary WWWF Ch… - 6 years ago

@nezzbabynezz: RT @jon_boucher: Killer Kowalski and Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@RyanKBoman: Don Leo Jonathan: When The Mormon Giant Defeated Bruno Sammartino…Twice - 6 years ago

@koyotewrestling: La muerte del legendario gigante Don Leo Jonathan sacudió al mundo de la lucha libre recientemente, y a su fallecim… - 6 years ago

@CCerovec: RT @CACReunion: The CAC is very sad to report the passing of the "Mormon Giant" Don Leo Jonathan. May he rest in peace. - 6 years ago

@Totalmarkforwre: RT @jon_boucher: Killer Kowalski and Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@john_sawh: RT @clawdvoniron: Andre the giant,fritz Von Erich,pat Patterson and don Leo Jonathan please like and retweet or retweet and like - 6 years ago

@clawdvoniron: Andre the giant,fritz Von Erich,pat Patterson and don Leo Jonathan please like and retweet or retweet and like - 6 years ago

@Tiger_Finger: RT @davemeltzerWON: New issue should be up soon I hope. It's finished. Decided to complete the Don Leo Jonathan story this week rather th… - 6 years ago

@steam5811: @davemeltzerWON Have you listened to the Don Leo Jonathan interview from earlier this year on @605pod? Probably his… - 6 years ago

@libsuperstar: RT @davemeltzerWON: The legend of Don Leo Jonathan, and Andre's first major feud - 6 years ago

@BangZoomMMA: RT @davemeltzerWON: The legend of Don Leo Jonathan, and Andre's first major feud - 6 years ago

@davemeltzerWON: The legend of Don Leo Jonathan, and Andre's first major feud - 6 years ago

@mightyjthunder: RT @davemeltzerWON: New issue should be up soon I hope. It's finished. Decided to complete the Don Leo Jonathan story this week rather th… - 6 years ago

@804TheRealest: RT @davemeltzerWON: New issue should be up soon I hope. It's finished. Decided to complete the Don Leo Jonathan story this week rather th… - 6 years ago

@davemeltzerWON: New issue should be up soon I hope. It's finished. Decided to complete the Don Leo Jonathan story this week rathe… - 6 years ago

@g_frapp: @KTrevorWilson And my era, Don Leo Jonathan passed last week. - 6 years ago

@TheBigBoot: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@NUFC_monkey: RT @90MC_Wrestling: Lou Thesz vs Don Leo Jonathan Best 2/3 falls 1955-ish - Territory Unknown* *only four matche… - 6 years ago

@90MC_Wrestling: Lou Thesz vs Don Leo Jonathan Best 2/3 falls 1955-ish - Territory Unknown* *only four ma… - 6 years ago

@statefan5024: @johnnymyspace @MSGRIDIRON With all do respect to Andre. Don Leo Jonathan is the most athletic big man of all time. - 6 years ago

@B_Sol: 📷 Brother Jonathan, father of Don Leo Jonathan - 6 years ago

@simplyk06: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@DadValleyDriver: RT @MrLARIATO: GODDAMN, the strength of Don Leo Jonathan! #AJPW - 6 years ago

@DaveWritesJunk: When the HBO Doc came out: “It’s blasphemy to say Andre wasn’t at LEAST 7’0”!” The last few days: “Here are a thou… - 6 years ago

@JohnFellInBMore: RT @MD_ProWrestling: @JohnFellInBMore @Sempervive @HistoryofWrest @MCWWrestling @TimHornbaker @605pod 67 years ago tonight at the Baltimor… - 6 years ago

@MemphisRasslin1: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@MD_ProWrestling: @JohnFellInBMore @Sempervive @HistoryofWrest @MCWWrestling @TimHornbaker @605pod 67 years ago tonight at the Balti… - 6 years ago

@BowToAmara: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@frank_fjc509: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@WWEFanducatch: RT @CatchNewz: Un dernier hommage pour The Mormon Giant ! - 6 years ago

@AngelAl3xander: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@OldWrestlingPic: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@clawdvoniron: DON LEO JONATHAN,farmer mgruder and pee wee Lopez - 6 years ago

@PEN_DAF: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

@Co_Reps: RT @CACReunion: The CAC is very sad to report the passing of the "Mormon Giant" Don Leo Jonathan. May he rest in peace. - 6 years ago

@harapeco160: RT @711makoto1: Don Leo Jonathan & Andre The Giant. - 6 years ago

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