Don Kidd

American politician
Died on Saturday August 29th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Don Kidd:

@InDiWey_: "Would they put Erica's picture up there ?" - Kidd "I don't know" - Dora "Ah, they have to now. It would be harsh… - 4 years ago

@ola_billions: RT @BbnaijaAnalyst: Ozo - She tried to be like Kidd but I cant blame Kidd. Laycon felt bad too but we are all adults and we all don't think… - 4 years ago

@AlexAza84661720: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@maritha_ukah: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago


@CallMe_LadyB: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@chisomdoj: @newleeznlife @EricaNlewedim @SirUTI @DeleMomodu @TerryWaya @NguverenW @Kidd_Advocate @amishantel @dorkas123 @ngusy… - 4 years ago

@iam_Norex: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - Am worried about what she wore when she left the house. She gets Cold easily ..... Awwwwww 😍😍😍😍 don’t worry Kidd a… - 4 years ago

@MonaPMicah: RT @uncle_boma: Ceec never topped any poll. In fact, Nina gapped her once with 20% difference. Yet at the end, Nina was 5th and Ceec was 2n… - 4 years ago

@AuntyPrisca: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@OpeyemiFelicia2: @YNaija Nooooooooooo, d content left and y should I waste my time and data to watch,Kidd will be alrt, an update of… - 4 years ago

@tronex_t: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@Unavailss: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - Am worried about what she wore when she left the house. She gets Cold easily ..... Awwwwww 😍😍😍😍 don’t worry Kidd a… - 4 years ago

@PAchirga: @wuksbackup @Bley10716190 @RealKiddwaya @EricaNlewedim Awww Kidd..I have been cutting onions since yesterday,don't make me start now😢😢 - 4 years ago

@uyken1998: RT @3t1kd: @RealKiddwaya Kidd steady making us cry, We Can see his heart and feel his pain outchea. Hopefully the Family accepts his cho… - 4 years ago

@Mermaid_byHeart: @selflessqueen21 If you don’t vote him, you are indirectly voting for Erica’s enemies. She would more than anything… - 4 years ago

@Queen_Nessie_: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@LuuhKaone: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@Jasmine61041233: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@Princes61649456: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@_morayo_: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@fajie_mi: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@aridelly: RT @IamJhay_Leon: @Bervelynnnnnn @ekiloui Now I wish Erica sees Kidd's DS Don't think he's ever spoken so emotionally in the show, only one… - 4 years ago

@IamJhay_Leon: @Bervelynnnnnn @ekiloui Now I wish Erica sees Kidd's DS Don't think he's ever spoken so emotionally in the show, on… - 4 years ago

@Ashley4Wilx: RT @Made22447182: I may be acting all tough like I don't care about Kidd anymore, bt deep down,I want Baby G and Kidd's relationship to wor… - 4 years ago

@solotiny: RT @Jany144: Ozo: I don't feel like Kidd should be blame for it (Erica disqualification). Thank you Ozo 🙌 #bbnaija #prayforkiddwaya - 4 years ago

@TPK__Kidd: @distortedgleam Ace yells " Old man... Where are you don't think I'm leaving this place without talking to you " h… - 4 years ago

@Real_Eniola_o: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@Elegant553: @Amchizzy I don’t even understand why he is following Kidd everywhere very annoying guy - 4 years ago

@PhebyL: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@Evi_F_Lawrence: @Mtgee1 I don't blame him. if Nengi wasn't trying to get close to Kidd, it won't b like this - 4 years ago

@realhope4u: RT @lmasi_ugowe: Don't tell me nothing. Kidd 4king loved and miss Baby G. - 4 years ago

@kidd_wolf34: Nah self control for that long , just don’t nobody wanna fuck u - 4 years ago

@graciousbabay: RT @WALENCHY7: @BbnaijaAnalyst @_manlikerex Don’t mind them the beginning of erica destruction in bigbrother house was Kidd they won’t ever… - 4 years ago

@DangoteOfData: RT @Jany144: Ozo: I don't feel like Kidd should be blame for it (Erica disqualification). Thank you Ozo 🙌 #bbnaija #prayforkiddwaya - 4 years ago

@ClipperMailman: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@Phoebe90823063: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@LawalOl22435726: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@mudassir_3294: RT @urfavouriteVive: So Kidd went 2 meet bigge that night for him to stay with her, bigge said she was drunk and will be fine the next day,… - 4 years ago

@panterra_kinah: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to biggie: I don’t wanna talk about Erica Cos my heart will break. She wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was one… - 4 years ago

@kidd_wolf34: RT @BlackManBlessed: The young don’t remember that Fetty Wap had like 4 songs spinning on radio at the same time - 4 years ago

@_ayam_gift: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@dorkas123: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@testimony5921: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@ikeoluwa_a: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@lionking_onice: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@JosephAngaye: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@MarcXabiso: Nengi fans need to realise that they have no control of what she does. You can't make her to stay away from Ozo. Yo… - 4 years ago

@Rahma46273691: RT @blackMario007: #LayconGoingNowhere I just want to say that by now Erica don know say she never had content. The only thing she had was… - 4 years ago

@mynameisblue10: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@MalcolmDemawa: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@Joymoy10: I hate this "laycon caused Erica's DQ" narrative. It's so dishonest. Please, let's be sincere with ourselves. Erica… - 4 years ago

@EnonOboh: RT @ronaldnzimora: The Laycon now trying to ride Kidd's dick is he not the same one who claim that Kidd would sexually assault Erica if he… - 4 years ago

@breezy_iyke: RT @urfavouriteVive: Kidd read the brief again raised his hands to air Kidd: "erica this is for us don't worry" Me: kidd in as much you ar… - 4 years ago

@olaoluwakintan_: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Mansura67: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@hambali_maryam: RT @RoksieMarshall: #BBnaija Erica asks Ozo about his view of Kidd speaking with Nengi last night Ozo: I really don't know much about that… - 4 years ago

@KINIEKAextra: RT @blackMario007: #LayconGoingNowhere I just want to say that by now Erica don know say she never had content. The only thing she had was… - 4 years ago

@Yungblood_timz: RT @blackMario007: #LayconGoingNowhere I just want to say that by now Erica don know say she never had content. The only thing she had was… - 4 years ago

@vincent_olumide: RT @blackMario007: #LayconGoingNowhere I just want to say that by now Erica don know say she never had content. The only thing she had was… - 4 years ago

@NeoMogorosi11: RT @newleeznlife: OUR SHIP IS NOW A SOLID YATCH!💃 KiddWaya's Mum has offered @EricaNlewedim a holiday trip to UK;she would love to meet Er… - 4 years ago

@Dabeluchukwu_: Can’t believe we protected Kidd over Tolani, I don’t blame him for what happened but Tolani was better for than him… - 4 years ago

@Isaac729: RT @Frisky_NG: Kidd to Erica: if Laycon was a bad person he would have replied you and provoked a strike. He told me, I don’t want her to g… - 4 years ago

@Classic_lat: @towel_empress_ Don't worry,I won't do more than Kidd - 4 years ago

@HiAviles: @stephenasmith Doc rivers, Jason Kidd, Fish... is @stephenasmith serious.. “it has never happened to a black man”..… - 4 years ago

@Nonhle_Mkhyze: RT @CSexyCYN: Kidd bottling a lot in there. I felt that shit he was saying manh! I sha hope they don't poke you. Stay safe. - 4 years ago

@_savage_kidd_4x: RT @Polo_Capalot: Think imma stick to bein cold hearted I don’t wanna feel nothin.. - 4 years ago

@OmoOba_A: @Sandyenkay @namatovuwinny @Bervelynnnnnn Don’t compare Kidd with Laycon abeg the difference is clear - 4 years ago

@That_kid_kidd: That leak out baby! Don’t even look to rebound! - 4 years ago

@Esse__T: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@battery_kidd: RT @Fact: Don't be so quick to believe what you hear because lies spread quicker than the truth. - 4 years ago

@Mentoch: @NaptownBall Don't worry, I hear Jason Kidd is in the running for some of these jobs. - 4 years ago

@saturns_kidd: “Don’t feel at home on this planet” - 4 years ago

@PoppyAnita1: @naijalovergirl1 Don't worry, Kidd is still around, he's going to scatter everything well well - 4 years ago

@bumightpr: RT @Frisky_NG: Kidd to Erica: if Laycon was a bad person he would have replied you and provoked a strike. He told me, I don’t want her to g… - 4 years ago

@oma_sexy: @Zama_Mkhwa @AssistantEbukaa Please know that we r not voting for Nengi because we want her to date Ozo,she has mad… - 4 years ago

@KapteinKarisma: RT @YomYom_: Let My KING “KIDD” now start his Silicon Project with full effect!! 💪🏼💪🏼 Dear Ozo, I feel loike you don enter one chance - 4 years ago

@youngcoolk1317: @Freak_Ke J. Kidd will takeover more player friendly and respected. Don’t trip like you left your plane tickets at home ✈️ 🎫. - 4 years ago

@murphybotsha: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@Art2xWill: @RomeTrav Jason Kidd & Doc rivers. Enough said. Don’t fight the wrong fight bro... - 4 years ago

@KapteinKarisma: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@NeoMogorosi11: RT @Kiddricaboo: ......He said, Erica it’s for us, don’t worry!!!...Kidd❤️❤️...Erica u are blessed 💋💋 #kiddrica #ElitesUnconditionallyLove… - 4 years ago

@Caezor_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 4 years ago

@q_uincyp: RT @EL_DEINO: Nengi please don’t disappoint me!!! Disturb Kidd very well let Ozo cry himself into having sense - 4 years ago

@enitifee: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@imightdoitnow: RT @BathKongolo: @officialnick0 If you can't face Nengi and Kidd who offended you.. It's Laycon youll always make a scape goat and threaten… - 4 years ago

@julibae98: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@ErhunmwunseeO: RT @Kwanda11252779: Kidd- Erica it's for us don't worry😭😭😭😭 #Bbnaija - 4 years ago

@TipsyCole: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@king_don_come_: RT @Officials46: Someone said that Laycon fans big pass kiddrica fans join together Lets know who have more fans now that Erica is Disqual… - 4 years ago

@DamzyOlujimi: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@luggybest: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@iamKellynamura: @Chiamak93355159 Don’t worry your Oga will keep doing the follow follow while Kidd takes over Nengi’s heart you hear. - 4 years ago

@Kiddricaboo: ......He said, Erica it’s for us, don’t worry!!!...Kidd❤️❤️...Erica u are blessed 💋💋 #kiddrica… - 4 years ago

@posiethedon: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@GeminiKingin: @BBNaija @oppomobileng You see say that Eri🚗 na progress hinderer, now she's gone and Kidd is winning. Las las Kidd… - 4 years ago

@theLuluEvongM: @RickAnji Mann she didn’t beat him. I don’t remember seeing you this riled up when Con insinuated that she was chea… - 4 years ago

@Sma11JacKMaN: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@iam_Idunnu: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@gigoGHOST: RT @yummy_OZO: If Nengi doesn't behave herself she will lose more and more.If she doesn't stay off Kidd no Erica fan will vote for her.Elit… - 4 years ago

@PriscillaOmoba: RT @TifeBollz: Kiddwaya and Dorathy won the oppo task. A phone and N1million each. Kidd: “Erica it’s for us,don’t worry” Thank you run ba… - 4 years ago

@Ori_Ade_: RT @Biisi96: Nengi please don’t talk to kidd again oh. Before she use pin to chook your yansh when you are sleeping. Abeg oh 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Kroene6: @Patricetienne1 @crematedangel @Geo_AW and we don't know who they actually fought. Luffy and co. going up against M… - 4 years ago

@AwazarJohnJacks: @BoluwatifeShok2 @Kidd_Advocate @Official_mohnyc Yahoo boys don enjoy na - 4 years ago

@peddy_best1: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Phemimatteu: RT @joshhhhhhhh999: Erica: don't worry fans and your fans will surely join forces together Me: kidd+Erica fans really tried oo...… - 4 years ago

@JuiceofLagos: Kidd don dey chop ohhh.... Men will shame you shaaaaa - 4 years ago

@ebiere_rich: @bigknv How she take cast am, she said she was angry at what neo said ,and I remember the other day she was talking… - 4 years ago

@IamdunniLFC: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@teedavis24: RT @ForeverCooney: #BBNAIJA I like Ozo but sometimes he needs to chill. Nengi's moods or actions don't always revolve around him. All the h… - 4 years ago

@ijanosyke: RT @AfroVII: Now he'll be upset that she's upset that Neo was upset that Kidd came in a private jet. Nengi don buy market 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@CertifyDLovaBoy: RT @AfroVII: Now he'll be upset that she's upset that Neo was upset that Kidd came in a private jet. Nengi don buy market 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@AedanR4: RT @AfroVII: Now he'll be upset that she's upset that Neo was upset that Kidd came in a private jet. Nengi don buy market 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@ufayo01: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@soulchildPsalmy: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@minhosgalgot7: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@_yhou_yhou: RT @___FAREED: Best way to enslave a woman is to show her excessive love. Women don't run away from where they are over pampered. That's an… - 4 years ago

@toluafilakaa: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@ivyhart_lizbeth: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@mzzymellie: RT @AfroVII: Now he'll be upset that she's upset that Neo was upset that Kidd came in a private jet. Nengi don buy market 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@Ifinallymade_it: RT @ForeverCooney: #BBNAIJA I like Ozo but sometimes he needs to chill. Nengi's moods or actions don't always revolve around him. All the h… - 4 years ago

@pier_cebrace: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Jimmie_Jaymz: @OrdegaF I don't see Kidd having issues with anybody in that house Unless him over play kon break another rule asid… - 4 years ago

@Chiebuniem_: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@eneyi_deinfa: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@wendyemmanuel1: RT @uchelily7: Ohhh father...whatever Kidd decides to do in that house with anyone please don't allow Ozo to provoke or do a face off with… - 4 years ago

@aur1de: @caramelbabie_ But she also added to that bolo emotional mess. You don't want him but want to keep him at his detri… - 4 years ago

@tessayteee: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@iamfortune36: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@chinnysss: RT @OrdegaF: Kidd be wise this people are not your friend...don’t trust too much, be smart... - 4 years ago

@kidd_some: RT @TheJuiceGawd: You lose ya phone and ya wallet but Alicia keys still there... Don’t delete me Please - 4 years ago

@__vivianeee: RT @EL_DEINO: Nengi please don’t disappoint me!!! Disturb Kidd very well let Ozo cry himself into having sense - 4 years ago

@meliskka: @itz__praise @LucianaEdet No sympathy word from you about Erica, c'mon it's just a game or is it bcoz you and Layco… - 4 years ago

@FineBoyZilla: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@jervanblack: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@_Adewale1: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Namujju13: RT @Nancy_ajilore: Only One of my two fav with a Decent heart remains in the show Ozo please keep your emotions in check, i don't want kidd… - 4 years ago

@iam__tobias: @lifeofmobola Me engage strangers. God forbid. I don’t dislike him or anything. I just like Kidd so I obviously would want him to win - 4 years ago

@Doyin_Toroti: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@tessie_lala: RT @Biisi96: Kidd handler don sister zone Erica on him behalf. Aired dfk our son 🙏. - 4 years ago

@Hilda65479773: RT @RoksieMarshall: #BBnaija Erica asks Ozo about his view of Kidd speaking with Nengi last night Ozo: I really don't know much about that… - 4 years ago

@seazty: @SAMKLEF Funny how she taught she was in competition with Kidd.. If nengi wants him.. Even if she don marry Kidd… - 4 years ago

@TopeFem: @Q_Splendor I don't know why am doing my face like Kidd sha. 😳😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@Belyn_da: RT @prinzgbemi: Kidd papa don buy the whole DSTV and GOTV for Naija 😔😔😔😔 - 4 years ago

@realmace_: The simpest of simps are the ones expecting Kidd to give Erica the money she lost 😂😭 Kidd Wey him papa no get even… - 4 years ago

@iamclintongram: As big brother don evict Erica from house next week Saturday Kidd go find him rock partner 😂😂 - 4 years ago

@MartinIrabor_: RT @D_iiW: @_Timini As Kidd don safe, Ozo Dey run temperature right now - 4 years ago

@_thatkenyan: RT @gbemioladele: Ebuka is kind of slow today, baba self feel Erica absent, elite be careful, they want your vote for kidd, don't waste mon… - 4 years ago

@officialivyagbo: RT @Frisky_NG: Kidd to Erica: if Laycon was a bad person he would have replied you and provoked a strike. He told me, I don’t want her to g… - 4 years ago

@Chukwudileagba1: RT @JustinUg_: ✰ Lol. Kidd don see kid behavior . - 4 years ago

@gbemioladele: Ebuka is kind of slow today, baba self feel Erica absent, elite be careful, they want your vote for kidd, don't was… - 4 years ago

@Raichuu_Kidd: “I gotta close the window when I record cause NY don’t know how to be quiet” DAMN RIGHT SON - 4 years ago

@davidifencheta: Kidd don move on trust 😂 - 4 years ago

@Kosisoc41467204: RT @uchelily7: Ohhh father...whatever Kidd decides to do in that house with anyone please don't allow Ozo to provoke or do a face off with… - 4 years ago

@RetiredGoodBoy: I don't bkame Laycon or Kidd for Erica's action. Everybody should take responsibility for whatever they do. - 4 years ago

@mzgbemmy: RT @prinzgbemi: Kidd papa don buy the whole DSTV and GOTV for Naija 😔😔😔😔 - 4 years ago

@Enii_oluwa: @TheDeborah_ I don't think they will. The would rather donate money the set her up than vote Kidd - 4 years ago

@NanaA202003: Kidd just a reminder that Dora and Lucy are single and don’t have love interests in the house. In case you want to… - 4 years ago

@Nnennvya: Kidd X Nnegi .. ha let’s go #bbnaija FYI .. I don’t mean dating or anything .. but to freely be around each other… - 4 years ago

@__crystalle__: With the way I’m feeling now, I don’t know what to say. Elites thanks for all the support you gave Erica, she sure… - 4 years ago

@Khal_Ross: Sha tears must flow, just need kidd to focus on nengi. Ozo don’t deserve nothing - 4 years ago

@Margaret_odogwu: @GodswillTaiye @Bervelynnnnnn Really coming from a man at what point did laycon talk about erica in a bad way bette… - 4 years ago

@OmohTiwalade: @peach_40599 @deejaybign You think so? E go shock you ... Many sexy ass chicks dey wait for Kidd outside the house… - 4 years ago

@hameed_zamani: @lovemm2b @bbnaijafans_ He needs to play along with her You don't know? I love this kidd guy And as for prince, n… - 4 years ago

@OluwaKoredeSzn: RT @DirFamous: See the way Laycon, Kidd, Prince and other house mates dy feel Wizkid's Jam ... Wizkid don waste this masterpiece 😭😭😭.. #BBN… - 4 years ago

@Olumighty009: RT @Debbybruno3: Kidd:Laycon lets go and play ayo Laycon: Okay Kidd: Laycon, I love your music but I don’t really know the lyrics. Please… - 4 years ago

@AnthonyMercyp1: RT @iam_popson: Seeing Cee-C and Tacha, I thought I've have seen it all, until I see this Erica who combined both CeeC and Tacha attitude 😂… - 4 years ago

@femicrae: RT @femicrae: Imagine how frustrating it is for Elites to trend #BiggieForgive Erica, while she keeps making matters worse... Biggie, plea… - 4 years ago

@AmanyaJulian: RT @ronaldnzimora: The Laycon now trying to ride Kidd's dick is he not the same one who claim that Kidd would sexually assault Erica if he… - 4 years ago

@directorwestan: RT @iam_popson: Seeing Cee-C and Tacha, I thought I've have seen it all, until I see this Erica who combined both CeeC and Tacha attitude 😂… - 4 years ago

@femicrae: RT @femicrae: Ebuka, we don't want tables today... Bring the whole house down. We love to see it . . . based on what happened last night 😌… - 4 years ago

@Abbeybluez: RT @Zamo_tweet: Like for Laycon Retweet for Laycon and Comment for Laycon I don't want to see one i don't want to see anythin… - 4 years ago

@Mayomi65304456: RT @BBNaijafacts: "I don't want to talk about this anymore. If I say some things, it's going to hurt you." - Kidd to Erica #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@Mirabel58573129: RT @BusolaLad: Dorathy: no dark shades inside Kidd Kidd: ouch! I forgot Dorathy: don't worry that is why you have me, I will be you remind… - 4 years ago

@Mea_Khensy: RT @cryshots: I really don't fvck with trauma bonding cause it's unhealthy AF. Provide a psychologist so these HMs can unpack their trauma… - 4 years ago

@callmebvbby: RT @Kuchiiiii: Lol me sha I don’t want Erica pouring me acid when me and my girls are all over Kidd in Abuja 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@itzotuky: RT @bbnaijafans_: Erica to Kidd x Prince: Laycon is wicked, he is manipulative, I was attracted to his smartness and he is using it to be m… - 4 years ago

@femicrae: Ebuka, we don't want tables today... Bring the whole house down. We love to see it . . . based on what happened la… - 4 years ago

@BeebahBlack: RT @BBNaijafacts: "I don't want to talk about this anymore. If I say some things, it's going to hurt you." - Kidd to Erica #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@SanniUmar3: RT @Zamo_tweet: Like for Laycon Retweet for Laycon and Comment for Laycon I don't want to see one i don't want to see anythin… - 4 years ago

@heseph_sf: RT @iam_popson: Seeing Cee-C and Tacha, I thought I've have seen it all, until I see this Erica who combined both CeeC and Tacha attitude 😂… - 4 years ago

@iam_wizimatic: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 4 years ago

@mattalistical: RT @Megxo_official: Kidd even tell Laycon make he put everything wey he suppose Reply her for one verse for him song outside the house...… - 4 years ago

@mosifihla: RT @mike_okiki: Watch Kidd’s reaction. This is no longer funny. Don’t blame it on Alcoh… - 4 years ago

@EsquireMagic: RT @Kuchiiiii: Lol me sha I don’t want Erica pouring me acid when me and my girls are all over Kidd in Abuja 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@Sakid_kidd: RT @wwwfluffyclub: ( pls​ rt )​ 💭❇️🦷 ⋆⁺ ⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ‧₊ giveaway​ png ⚠️ don't​ use​ for​​​ commercial​ * 🅕︎🅛︎Ⓤ︎Ⓕ︎Ⓕ︎Ⓨ︎ 🅒︎🅛︎🅤︎🅑︎ 🥛🏌🏻‍♂️ ①​ https… - 4 years ago

@Klassikaljuwon: RT @DirFamous: See the way Laycon, Kidd, Prince and other house mates dy feel Wizkid's Jam ... Wizkid don waste this masterpiece 😭😭😭.. #BBN… - 4 years ago

@Litodra: @Amchizzy I don't understand how guys want he to be but you should understand that he has always have her back... H… - 4 years ago

@3lcarim: I don't want biggie to disqualify Erica , just like the bible says let my enemies stay and see what I will become ,… - 4 years ago

@femicrae: RT @femicrae: Imagine how frustrating it is for Elites to trend #BiggieForgive Erica, while she keeps making matters worse... Biggie, plea… - 4 years ago

@Michael_delllll: RT @2019Audio: Kidd long term action against Ozo Backfired him 2day Especially today he changed his main focus of manipulation And now d… - 4 years ago

@Lord_Sinzu: RT @Sexytelola: When they tell people don't be in a hurry to have sex with strangers they think is a joke, see how handsome guy like kidd e… - 4 years ago

@MhizBLE_Visuals: RT @Adeisstillalive: Lucy-I don’t want to be in Kidd’s group ⭐️-Lucy is irritating af Vee-I don’t like Erica ⭐️-Veenom Erica-I hate Ve… - 4 years ago

@Jessy92772983: @Nobsdaslushhkid Hope you remember there was a time she asked for help, Kidd said a doctor will see her, I don't know if she got a doc then. - 4 years ago

@sadd33q_: RT @malikiumar2: For God's sake don't scroll down/up without rt🙏 God bless as u rt ❣️jerseys 4k ❣️joggers 6.5k ❣️Nikes 6.5k Location Kadu… - 4 years ago

@AsapReplies: RT @AsapReplies: So last night, Erica was ringing Biggie's bell for voluntary exit🤦🏿😭 Ozo proposed to Nengi... did she say yes? 😂 OMO nex… - 4 years ago

@Danrosii: RT @thatgidigirl: Kidd to Ozo: Everytime she sees me with Nengi, she gets angry. Makes no sense! Nengi- Erica: If I wanted to have somethi… - 4 years ago

@iiamDeji: @vacario_x @tzbrianna How did he turn the HM against her? she picked Kidd a long time ago and the guy moved on and… - 4 years ago

@Neonbash3: RT @DeleOwaAfolabi: THE THREAT: Erica to Laycon Watch Kidd’s reaction. This is no longer funny. Don’t blame it on Alcohol pls, because indi… - 4 years ago

@Aijayomae: RT @BBNaijafacts: "I don't want to talk about this anymore. If I say some things, it's going to hurt you." - Kidd to Erica #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@rachmadiarazaq: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@JacquelineAdey3: RT @onyejekwechris: Laycon: You want? You want chocolate? Kidd: I don't eat chocolate Laycon: You don't eat chocolate? Oh that's nice Kidd:… - 4 years ago

@Angelsw32405273: @dotcom_ray @centiabeauty But you can assume yours right? You guys like fighting. I don't have strength. If Kidd sa… - 4 years ago

@brownicezZ: RT @Kwanda11252779: Erica - I don't care about what u have I care about you Kidd - yeah I know because we started this u ddnt know anythi… - 4 years ago

@jaustinuche: RT @thabelomaanda: Erica, I don’t need you. I have my plans and my goals. when i came to the house I didn’t come with Kidd. I didn’t even k… - 4 years ago

@sleekjane02: @DeleMomodu Gosh this man didn't mention any name here, and wheres the lie people have been rich shaming kidd in an… - 4 years ago

@WYozzy: RT @Nike43089270: Tricky - we the booless will sleep Erica - we the booless Tricky- you have a surname you are called the Wayas Kidd - D… - 4 years ago

@Ingryyyd_: @OmogheneTiffany We don’t want Kidd for Nengi. He belongs to the streets. - 4 years ago

@NellyChidi79: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to Erica: I don’t know nene from anywhere before the house. She told me she found out I was coming here from an art… - 4 years ago

@TheAgwam: RT @onyejekwechris: Laycon: You want? You want chocolate? Kidd: I don't eat chocolate Laycon: You don't eat chocolate? Oh that's nice Kidd:… - 4 years ago

@RossHuchingson: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@LKhairah: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd to Erica - You know me am Quiet I don’t say much but I analyze a lot. Apparently he said he has noticed the fun peop… - 4 years ago

@Ayo__come: RT @onyejekwechris: Laycon: You want? You want chocolate? Kidd: I don't eat chocolate Laycon: You don't eat chocolate? Oh that's nice Kidd:… - 4 years ago

@Mizz_Serwaah: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd to Erica: I don’t know nene from anywhere before the house. She told me she found out I was coming here from an art… - 4 years ago

@Adelowo_debby: RT @Mandie_simza: Erica - I don't care about what u have I care about you Kidd - yeah I know because we started this u ddnt know anything… - 4 years ago

@iamthepatoo: RT @ezele_nick: Kidd : Am not scared of Sunday eviction, i don't need the money am actually here to catch fun Neo: U be big man na,when we… - 4 years ago

@Jimmysultan1: RT @onyejekwechris: Laycon: You want? You want chocolate? Kidd: I don't eat chocolate Laycon: You don't eat chocolate? Oh that's nice Kidd:… - 4 years ago

@yori41610608: RT @ultimate_kombo: "nEnGi WaNtEd KiDd" 🙄 This was Nengi suggesting to step back if her friendship with Kidd was going to cause a problem i… - 4 years ago

@austin10ham: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@msfayfaye: RT @Jumdamsel: This clowns were shouting & trending don’t slut-shamed women or bring other women down. But will drag Nengi for everything t… - 4 years ago

@Victory94596464: @Mrs_ChimmyD You see now that u don't have sense!!! And you ability to comprehend is very low... I will help u. Pro… - 4 years ago

@EvrybodyH8sGabe: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@BostonSportsNe2: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@K_Taylor16: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@mroscarromero: RT @DrOlufunmilayo: Erica: Hi Lucy, you said you don't like working with kidd, you don't know how that made him feel. Lucy: Oh okay, when… - 4 years ago

@shallolllkkk: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya: Of course u don't need me. Nobody needs me. Aside, for the poor kids. Erica: I'm talking abt u saying ladies need… - 4 years ago

@Justflawless2: RT @princessmumee: Nengi knew about Kidd's PJ. Nengi was stalking Kidd. Nengi wants Kidd's money. Nengi is a gold-digger. But who got finge… - 4 years ago

@Fgene001: RT @Joseph_icon1: Erica: Lucy, you said you don't like working with kidd you don't know how that made him feel. Lucy: when kidd said he d… - 4 years ago

@EternalGraceMan: RT @Ronke_z: Kidd said something and y’all are dragging Erica. Are you ment? Don’t start nonsense, face Kidd pls #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@MattNussa: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@YaFA97316529: RT @Jumdamsel: This clowns were shouting & trending don’t slut-shamed women or bring other women down. But will drag Nengi for everything t… - 4 years ago

@Seth_Anderson02: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@_joe_fed_: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@jay3_coach: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@MzFrimpz: RT @Joseph_icon1: Erica: Lucy, you said you don't like working with kidd you don't know how that made him feel. Lucy: when kidd said he d… - 4 years ago

@OdijieOnose: RT @Mandie_simza: Erica - I don't care about what u have I care about you Kidd - yeah I know because we started this u ddnt know anything… - 4 years ago

@OC_Millie: @akp_isabel @_insideworld_ @TellBabylove @Sino60493289 Kidd dey use Obodo oyibo be Nigerian sense.. they… - 4 years ago

@jayatta25: RT @Ronke_z: Kidd said something and y’all are dragging Erica. Are you ment? Don’t start nonsense, face Kidd pls #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@Oluwagb05124638: RT @Ronke_z: Kidd said something and y’all are dragging Erica. Are you ment? Don’t start nonsense, face Kidd pls #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@ZabineLTS: RT @richard_leads: Summary of tonight gist... Kidd:i don't knw nengi b4 the house Verdict:lies,him and nengi knows each other but not close… - 4 years ago

@FrancisOff007: RT @Mandie_simza: Erica - I don't care about what u have I care about you Kidd - yeah I know because we started this u ddnt know anything… - 4 years ago

@crtsdsnkrs: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@DemonLeez: @oSwish187 @ShimmyDWilliams Waaaay better coaching candidates but they can spend they money how they please. He don… - 4 years ago

@Btibbs21: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@jdon_jdon: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Call3Me3Spidey: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@KINGSFAN209: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@ChinweOkafor16: RT @Mandie_simza: Lucy to Erica - I feel like Kidd is more of a friend to me than Dora and Prince 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lucy Lucy Lucy u don't like being… - 4 years ago

@Harv3lLa_: RT @Owy_xy: Lucy said Kidd is more of a friend to her than Prince and Dorathy. 😂😂 Anyway, that’s how she feels. But Lucy strikes me as all… - 4 years ago

@edwin_howe: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@KnubDaddy: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@G_Courtney4: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@TimMcGr43681229: Erica is so scared about the guy kidd is talking about.. madam don commit...#BBNaijia2020 - 4 years ago

@rattmambo: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Chika44674246: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica holding Kidd's mouth, shouting and Calling Dora Erica : Dora do you want sandwich. Dora : I don't want oo U the Wa… - 4 years ago

@Rozybaba: RT @chyses: She don start🤣🤣🤣 Kidd is now ur friend?🤣 Lucy is war #bbnaija - 4 years ago

@Homoshayleywah: Kidd don finally teach her 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@kidd_cowan_14: RT @DariusDickson__: sada baby don’t deserve this bro. - 4 years ago

@Kaybee152: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@Teema_anda: @ife_mii Was she supposed to be angry and push him away because he was on PDA with Erica? I don't get it why are yo… - 4 years ago

@excel_sammy: @pretty_jenny01 They should've put more comfort in the issue since they knew the kinda person she's. They don't hav… - 4 years ago

@T_Filippello: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Zeil_Tanner: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@The1tru_LeviLee: RT @GoziliH: Nengi - Ozo cannot slide oo, he has injury Ozo - I can try Nengi - Don't do it oo, Kidd shey you can do it. #BBNaija #Xcelle… - 4 years ago

@Kyr504: @indiKEV I don't know if Nash will succeed but there have been other players with no coaching experience getting jo… - 4 years ago

@T_OmoAkin: As e don tey wey Kidd carry weight now, e say make en test en ability with Laycon😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 Real men don't beef💯… - 4 years ago

@RoyBondyy: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@SharonS99004580: RT @Supastar009: Lucy: Slut shames Nengi You: I'm certainly giving her some votes, go girl Kidd: I don't like working with Lucy You: So tr… - 4 years ago

@jborowski_: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Mark_Kamillo: @CoachJayC I don’t think your wrong but his gameplay puts him in the same class of coach as Jason Kidd and Marc Jackson to me. - 4 years ago

@BurnerOlynyk: @IMSOAMBITIOUS90 @MCLOVIN21200 @TheUndefeated @FirstTake No they were a 6 seed because kidd wasn’t a good coach alo… - 4 years ago

@__sbreezy: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@CWARD33: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@TheBLKAntiHero: @canucks4cup430 I don’t get where he coming from because he said this wouldn’t happen for a black man and that’s tr… - 4 years ago

@WabiSabiJonah: @peteredmiston Jason Kidd... Mark Jackson... they don't fit your narrative though, do they? - 4 years ago

@EmmaWat84300254: RT @GoziliH: Nengi - Ozo cannot slide oo, he has injury Ozo - I can try Nengi - Don't do it oo, Kidd shey you can do it. #BBNaija #Xcelle… - 4 years ago

@MichaelOII21: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@TackoFallGoat: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@triciakiel: RT @GoziliH: Nengi - Ozo cannot slide oo, he has injury Ozo - I can try Nengi - Don't do it oo, Kidd shey you can do it. #BBNaija #Xcelle… - 4 years ago

@miemiey_rilwan1: RT @rubylaren: Let Susan Waya know we are voting her son kidd because our girl Erica wants us to. I don’t care about this stupid damage con… - 4 years ago

@luvwdz: me at the beginning of the year: I'm not gonna stan anyone else. me now: stans victon, the boyz, cravity, seungyoun… - 4 years ago

@MPShrike: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@JoshMags: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@WkndatBurnies: @NourishedByNat @Rjeff24 You a heavy Warriors fan so you know why Mark can’t land another job, it got nothing to do… - 4 years ago

@Kiiynah: RT @Goodyify1: @Abekelagos Don't worry it's remaining a few days,Kidd can go with Nene but I just want to remind you that nengi was right t… - 4 years ago

@santacarez: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@RosemaryLelo: RT @GoziliH: Nengi - Ozo cannot slide oo, he has injury Ozo - I can try Nengi - Don't do it oo, Kidd shey you can do it. #BBNaija #Xcelle… - 4 years ago

@LilTae__317: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@PRinCeSHaD316: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Chris2Peezy: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Labile_Lighter: RT @OlisaOsega: Kidd said he doesn’t want to be in the same group with Lucy anymore. The bad blood between them heightened after their Peps… - 4 years ago

@Gistfactory: RT @Khacha_advocate: Kidd: I don't want 2 wrk wit Lucy. Tolani: I don't want 2 wrk with Lucy. Erica: I don't want 2 wrk with Lucy. Immed… - 4 years ago

@Mckev9: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Mcbearcat7557: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@tewannyong: Laycon: Do you want Chocolates Kiddwaya: No I don't, give Erica she wants. Laycon: She'll play a game for it Me: O… - 4 years ago

@jpowell_15: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@tcsere: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@tommyweakley: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@BIGDirtyDawg: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@prudent_adibeli: RT @GoziliH: Nengi - Ozo cannot slide oo, he has injury Ozo - I can try Nengi - Don't do it oo, Kidd shey you can do it. #BBNaija #Xcelle… - 4 years ago

@Michael_Moamis: RT @Rjeff24: Derek Fisher, Jason Kidd all got jobs right away because of 20 years of HIGH LEVEL BBall IQ. Please don’t question Steve Nash’… - 4 years ago

@Melanieeyee1: RT @gloryjohn1990: Erica: what do you want Kidd: I don't really know what i want Erica: I think of what i want nd go for it. Erica: try n… - 4 years ago

@__KimNana_: I don't believe that's Kidd's mom. - 4 years ago

@TOzoadibe: RT @MiraHarlson: The fact that Elites can hype their fave without shading or dragging anyone. In fact we don't notice any other housemate e… - 4 years ago

@Alphaootu: Erica don vex 😂 Kidd dey hold am😭😂 - 4 years ago

@emodi_ekene: @idahoisegabriel All laycon fans dat hate Erica Dey craze we laycon fans true fans don’t hate ur girl I have seen h… - 4 years ago

@_naa_omi: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@Abiola__AA: Kidd don’t hold this lady. - 4 years ago

@Realmsnor1: Don't stop voting for Kidd, That's exactly what they want. Ask to selves the post was on sat why all of a sudden it… - 4 years ago

@EjimNina: RT @sweetch29156939: Let’s encourage young girls who strive to earn a living on their own terms by working hard They dnt depend on rich me… - 4 years ago

@bbnaijafans_: Lucy 🤦🏾‍♂️...Neo had to stand up for a very quiet don't like problems.. #BBNaija #BBNaijaLockdown - 4 years ago

@Mika_Ngobeni: Kidd and Erica please don’t say a single word!!! - 4 years ago

@aabiisoolaa: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@asiru_yemi: Lucy is so annoying 🙄very rubbish person! You don’t want to be on same team with Erica cos Kidd & Tbaj said she’s d… - 4 years ago

@KhadoniElite: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@DebbieAlex6: @PeterOzzy @velveteenlawyer All for Nengi please😭😭 Kidd has billionaires behind him. We don't have sponsors in team Nengi, we are only 5😭😭😭 - 4 years ago

@Kidd_stann: I beg for this boy like my life depends on it. Proud as I am, I fucking beg for this boy that I don't know from Ada… - 4 years ago

@Modirwadi5: @symply_kim They think Erica will follow follow Kidd after the show, 😂😂, they don't know - 4 years ago

@Ademide_W: Kidd mum is rude don’t like what she said,feeling bad for Erica already 😌 - 4 years ago

@omowumi_labulo: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd- I have a lot of judgemental people around me my Parents,uncles, Aunties, friends and family pressure. Everyone that… - 4 years ago

@Emuagbon1: RT @UcheDandyMUFC: Kidd just keeps repeating himself over and over again...and I don’t think Erica is listening. - 4 years ago

@HopeEbis: RT @TellBabylove: Am real as can be don’t drag me y’all will be wasting your time if you do. I think and reason different. Erica has done n… - 4 years ago

@OllyviaMwaafa1: RT @patrickwinter41: The sadest thing about Kiddwaya and Erica is that a large part of society wants them to fail. So many don't want Kidd… - 4 years ago

@NkosiHolly: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@NkosiHolly: RT @ekiloui: Lol, I’m shocked sef, she’s never mentioned her. Tbh I don’t think Kidd knows who he’s dealing with at this point either. - 4 years ago

@EdiriOteri: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@steadylikeme: RT @patrickwinter41: The sadest thing about Kiddwaya and Erica is that a large part of society wants them to fail. So many don't want Kidd… - 4 years ago

@nailawaya: RT @patrickwinter41: The sadest thing about Kiddwaya and Erica is that a large part of society wants them to fail. So many don't want Kidd… - 4 years ago

@gabbana_bleu: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@Itsjoyce080: RT @sweetch29156939: Let’s encourage young girls who strive to earn a living on their own terms by working hard They dnt depend on rich me… - 4 years ago

@OvaShidoo: RT @sweetch29156939: Let’s encourage young girls who strive to earn a living on their own terms by working hard They dnt depend on rich me… - 4 years ago

@NkosiHolly: RT @TellBabylove: Am real as can be don’t drag me y’all will be wasting your time if you do. I think and reason different. Erica has done n… - 4 years ago

@frenchysdairy: RT @eazygabazin: Kidd mama don vex o 😂 #BBNaija #EricaIsMe #LayconIsMe #Laycon - 4 years ago

@EfyaPriscy2: RT @sweetch29156939: Let’s encourage young girls who strive to earn a living on their own terms by working hard They dnt depend on rich me… - 4 years ago

@aziwe_r: RT @TellBabylove: Am real as can be don’t drag me y’all will be wasting your time if you do. I think and reason different. Erica has done n… - 4 years ago

@ozobbn6: @Koketso_MM @Sweetara360 Terry waya is a business Man U don’t expect him to disgraced his son on live vid... bring… - 4 years ago

@Queenesta4real: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@Mariah5011: RT @JayJaySarps: At this point Guys, is Kidd even aware of the person he is dealing with? Even me wey dey outside, I don't know oo. Damm,… - 4 years ago

@bbnaija20209: @nayummie Mutual where?😂 how?😂.. yesterday Kidd said " i don't know what i want" - 4 years ago

@tiwani_holloway: RT @ennydolie: Nengi: kidd lemmie see your feet Kidd: *shows his shoes* Nengi: I know it’s dirty Kidd: just like your ass Nengi: my ass is… - 4 years ago

@JaykayPamela: RT @sweetch29156939: Let’s encourage young girls who strive to earn a living on their own terms by working hard They dnt depend on rich me… - 4 years ago

@haven_kidd: RT @kristabouj: “Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.… - 4 years ago

@ZMA_UNLIMITED: @zadokzibar @Glory39421246 You guys don't know kidd he will go for you if you are forming for him the guy will just… - 4 years ago

@AlaselaMayowa: RT @Marvy_Writes: Kidd has got to be one of the few honest men in this world. We've seen Baby G consistently pressuring him into being comm… - 4 years ago

@AlexAza84661720: RT @Marvy_Writes: Kidd has got to be one of the few honest men in this world. We've seen Baby G consistently pressuring him into being comm… - 4 years ago

@naslaizer: RT @Amchizzy: Trikytee: Your eyes are red.. Go & sleep.. Kidd: I'm not feeling sleepy Trikytee: Ur eyes are closing Kidd: I'm talking to… - 4 years ago

@Pweedi_mel: RT @Supastar009: Erica: You don't show me your emotional side blah blah Kidd: I don't want to lead you on Erica: We don't really talk abou… - 4 years ago

@Obinna52832147: RT @gloryjohn1990: Erica: what do you want Kidd: I don't really know what i want Erica: I think of what i want nd go for it. Erica: try n… - 4 years ago

@damisteez: @lorneyao No hard feelings..just make sure you collect your share front the money...Una don too plenty...haba. Eric… - 4 years ago

@Miss_CynthiaE: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@klassicbam: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@chu_chu_ezekwem: RT @UcheDandyMUFC: Kidd just keeps repeating himself over and over again...and I don’t think Erica is listening. - 4 years ago

@ChikitoLala: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@sexynsikak: RT @Drewbaba: Erica: I did everything with Kidd in that HOH lounge Neo: Blowjob? Erica: I did everything Neo: I hope it’s only me you… - 4 years ago

@Feesah16: RT @tifeh_official: What's with those kidd and Erica fans though?. Literally I've been seeing insults and curses from them to other fans (l… - 4 years ago

@Preshy200: RT @Marvy_Writes: Kidd has got to be one of the few honest men in this world. We've seen Baby G consistently pressuring him into being comm… - 4 years ago

@jennife47025204: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya: I don't want to promise u anything & disappoint. Erica: I understand. I only ask questions to understand better be… - 4 years ago

@Jiboxy: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@ONyerii: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@jindu_afiana: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@ObukweluCollins: What's wit those kidd and Erica fans though?.Literally I've been seeing insults and curses from them2 other fans(ic… - 4 years ago

@PrincessNaruto4: RT @LitSego: Dora: Kidd whatever you do, don't wear a wig. 🗣️🗣️🤣 Dora I feel you. #BBNaija #VOTEKiddwaya - 4 years ago

@Laycons_Lass: RT @ImperialDatas: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angry… - 4 years ago

@NaijaHappyPlace: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@NkosiHolly: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@ThatLoveChild: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@veestan4L: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@Osayi345: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@feranmi_perez: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@suzzypelly: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@ImDatSabah: @mimie_dolce I think BigBrother is for the poor or is a charity home Cos I don’t understand why people been hating… - 4 years ago

@beyoumee: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@662_anu: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@Yankizayties: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@iamshexxxx: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@EkongDavid123: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@NHambuda: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@_mayborn_: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@faith9ice: RT @thic_didi: Please eh. Don’t let anything happening rn STOP YOU ALL FROM VOTING FOR KIDD. The polls are somehow. There is still time.… - 4 years ago

@ObisesanJohnson: @WathonisL @randa62329071 @TeamEricaBBN5 @ubifranklin1 @All Exactly!. Talking about attraction, this was the origin… - 4 years ago

@fox_supp: RT @emcee_wheelyems: Kidd: what's wrong you don't look happy, is it cos you didn't win? Erica: I'm not angry that I even lost I'm just angr… - 4 years ago

@Tht_kidd_D: RT @BlackPplCrazyy: Wait wait i don’t remember this part 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 4 years ago

@daitypret: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@PuppatiyaPtst: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@fajie_mi: RT @MichaelaFox16: @TellBabylove Guys please vote for Kiddwaya....go harder ....we don't know how many people are going home ..This guy nee… - 4 years ago

@the_rare_nerd: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@DonCy4real: @Fifiloou @BBNaija I don't know why Kidd will not stay away from Ozo and Nengi whenever they are together. Hmmm he… - 4 years ago

@wett9090: RT @emperor_jey: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out I’m here for Erica, if it works for her and Kidd I’m here till infinity and beyond a… - 4 years ago

@Winniecdo: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@Japaree_: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@ikoojo__: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@Tochii_: RT @BohemianBoujee: The fact that Nigerian men don't think an obviously gorgeous Erica isn't out of Laycon's league all on her own and that… - 4 years ago

@karik_tryphena: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@Darasimi__: RT @_adesewaaa: @Darasimi__ I'm just curious as to why it's Erica she's calling loose. Kidd that allegedly gave the back shots is a saint?… - 4 years ago

@Veeveeann_: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@whoiskyris: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@_adesewaaa: @Darasimi__ I'm just curious as to why it's Erica she's calling loose. Kidd that allegedly gave the back shots is a… - 4 years ago

@re_velry: RT @BohemianBoujee: The fact that Nigerian men don't think an obviously gorgeous Erica isn't out of Laycon's league all on her own and that… - 4 years ago

@Ph_Obidon: RT @Toke_Eji: The Kidd and Laycon relationship is going, na that girl go still loose in the end. Guys don't give a FUCK. - 4 years ago

@deshewa_: RT @Darasimi__: I don’t even know why you people think “Erica receiving back shots from kidd” is supposed to be an insult. My dear go and r… - 4 years ago

@thuka_x: RT @kechilauren: Even if Erica and Kidd don’t work out , so what? Babe stuck with her spec and what makes her happy , y’all so obsessed wit… - 4 years ago

@wealth_boniface: RT @ifekaolaedo: Kidd: play with Laycon Erica: i don't play with my enemies. Everywhere is quiet. Vee: i don't like her People: Vee is bi… - 4 years ago

@No1chick: @MsAdaO @Mrjemba Kidd joins every conversation not just theirs. Even when they’re talking about him, he’ll grab and… - 4 years ago

@Deborah70888821: RT @Sylv_Unusual: Kidd: Go and play with Laycon Eri🚗: I don't play games with me enemy This girl ehn, the boy doesn't see you as his enemy… - 4 years ago

@Joysparkle24: RT @TalkoonRant: If you check this thing well ba you'll notice that Erica likes laycon she's just overshadowed by Kidd's wealth, looks and… - 4 years ago

@REBIRTH95238281: @Bigmout54120446 @DrOlufunmilayo Majority viewer knows dat kidd is d player flirting around all d girl 2 hv fun wit… - 4 years ago

@nnenna_onyeama: @EdokiTheophilu2 @BBNaija Leave Ozo from ur mouth.. since is Kidd u want.. I don’t understand pple oh.. our 5fingers are not dsame.. note 📝 - 4 years ago

@StepAside11: @instablog9ja Kidd is getting tired of d girl self and even getting to laycon self,men don't have problem like we women - 4 years ago

@Pedrodaves: RT @TalkoonRant: If you check this thing well ba you'll notice that Erica likes laycon she's just overshadowed by Kidd's wealth, looks and… - 4 years ago

@queenRuthie4: @meenaban @Jiwor_ All is because of kidd. Even celebrities are jealous she has met someone that will blow her caree… - 4 years ago

@Ruthiannaa: @_itemi I don’t care abeg na them sabi... what’s slut shame? I thought they said she’s content by staying with Kidd… - 4 years ago

@Shanewe31936986: @B_KService @politricktian @instablog9ja Even at that of which I don't believe you. Laycon still maintained his dis… - 4 years ago

@Akinlade_ibk: Erica be giving attitudes cause of Kidd , she feels she doesn't need anything with kidd around. She don dey give K… - 4 years ago

@iambensiraemeka: #BBNaija Kidd is a friendly and social guy, and I've never seen or heard Erica say "Kidd don't talk to this or that… - 4 years ago

@lebogan11884220: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@Don_J_Ronald: @ChiomaL68183974 @brotherman___ @DrOlufunmilayo Trust me Ọzọ aint the spec of girls like Ka3na or even Nengi. Nengi… - 4 years ago

@SpeedyGonzLe1: RT @QueenDoosh27: Kiddwaya to Erica: You need to show d strong side of u. We only have 3 weeks left. Put ur emotions aside&focus.U don't ne… - 4 years ago

@princes15602807: RT @Sylv_Unusual: Kidd: Go and play with Laycon Eri🚗: I don't play games with me enemy This girl ehn, the boy doesn't see you as his enemy… - 4 years ago

@vian337: RT @crystalabeeke: @instablog9ja This Erica babe want to drag Kiddwaya into her hatred agenda. I am glad Kidd is not falling into it. Erica… - 4 years ago

@LjMomoh: RT @TalkoonRant: If you check this thing well ba you'll notice that Erica likes laycon she's just overshadowed by Kidd's wealth, looks and… - 4 years ago

@lisa25427444: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 4 years ago

@ahan_ikenna_: RT @TalkoonRant: If you check this thing well ba you'll notice that Erica likes laycon she's just overshadowed by Kidd's wealth, looks and… - 4 years ago

@ModupeDorcas3: RT @crystalabeeke: @instablog9ja This Erica babe want to drag Kiddwaya into her hatred agenda. I am glad Kidd is not falling into it. Erica… - 4 years ago

@Lordayo: @FauxOla @OkiemuteAbraham lmao me tits and bits? bro don't speak with ignorance. because I'm not on here 24/7 chatt… - 4 years ago

@dmajortweets: @FisayoOjabodu Let me tell you what I don't care what Erica wants and I know people don't too but how she goes abou… - 4 years ago

@SuzzyB88: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - My advice is to enjoy your week and don’t let all the Gang up and shout get to you. Just remain focused. Kiddwaya… - 4 years ago

@wuksbackup: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - My advice is to enjoy your week and don’t let all the Gang up and shout get to you. Just remain focused. Kiddwaya… - 4 years ago

@Ihatecows: RT @el_busery: Kidd: Erica play with Laycon. Erica: I don't play with my enemy. Elite... yes our queen said what she said ..she is real bla… - 4 years ago

@Samuel_CCN: RT @kendrickusain: Did I just hear Erica say I don't play with my enemy ??? So all of a sudden our own icon LAYCON has turned Erica's enemy… - 4 years ago

@thelordwins: @EricasStanBaby1 I still don't get how her a nengi aren't friends coz nengiseemingly doesn't have a problem with h… - 4 years ago

@beckyansy: @JulietIfy23 @geri_joi @EricaNlewedim @RealKiddwaya Yeah I get it but that's not Kidd. Erica is just that way. She… - 4 years ago

@NwakerenduH: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@That_kid_kidd: @iamDTG I like him in NO but I don’t think the Jazz letting him go for that. He raised the price the way he been hoopin in the playoffs - 4 years ago

@IkeStan_: RT @JayJaySarps: Kiddwaya : you need to show the strong side of you,Only 3 weeks left put ur emotions aside n focus. You don't need people… - 4 years ago

@folakemakinoso: RT @JayJaySarps: Kiddwaya : you need to show the strong side of you,Only 3 weeks left put ur emotions aside n focus. You don't need people… - 4 years ago

@Toxik_kidd: Y’all be on some bullshit talkin bout a nigga don’t get nun🤨 nigga i call ya girl and she will leave yu an come see… - 4 years ago

@NeoVeeship: RT @ifekaolaedo: Kidd: play with Laycon Erica: i don't play with my enemies. Everywhere is quiet. Vee: i don't like her People: Vee is bi… - 4 years ago

@Nkazie_98: @tshidi_monethi @BBNaija I don’t record anything but I also saw tweets. However I’m certain the one of her telling… - 4 years ago

@Nkazie_98: @FabUgeee @BBNaija I have never recorded or taken pictures of anything in that house, anyway I don’t know if the re… - 4 years ago

@ericaozo: RT @JayJaySarps: Kiddwaya : you need to show the strong side of you,Only 3 weeks left put ur emotions aside n focus. You don't need people… - 4 years ago

@Nezr1: RT @wuksbackup: Like I said. They show Kidd now he’s in bed. He has been all alone with Erica for over an hour since their mini argument. S… - 4 years ago

@Tessa84507683: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - you don’t need too much make up 😂😂😂😂 It’s a natural and organic look stuffs #kiddwaya #kiddrica #BBErica #bbnaijal… - 4 years ago

@IkeStan_: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@thisjaisenfym: @KsiBurner @jaret_kidd @DebatingHipHop_ I mean I don’t like yb but what an amazing response - 4 years ago

@graffigirl: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@HopeEbis: @Omotese7 Don't worry Kidd will invite him to come play for Erica and he will be told to clean her shoes instead. W… - 4 years ago

@asiimwe_anne: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@Gr8Timi: RT @Ceecneve: Erica choke on Vee drink Laycon don choke on Kidd own 😂😂😂😂 let’s go #BBNaija - 4 years ago

@plum_sandy: RT @JayJaySarps: Kiddwaya : you need to show the strong side of you,Only 3 weeks left put ur emotions aside n focus. You don't need people… - 4 years ago

@Gbefila1: RT @ifekaolaedo: Kidd: play with Laycon Erica: i don't play with my enemies. Everywhere is quiet. Vee: i don't like her People: Vee is bi… - 4 years ago

@Jasmine61041233: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@prettiedove: @jeseeker1 Yuuup! He’s still very solid with Kidd Lmao the people that try to claim him into a clique make me laugh… - 4 years ago

@jennikichomba99: RT @Amchizzy: Kiddwaya to Erica: Put emotions aside and focus. You don't need people here. Everyone is in a group already. The only people… - 4 years ago

@Lady_ATH: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@Consigliere909: @DaviesAngel1 @kosiRichard You don't know this game. The ends justifies the means. Let's discuss when Kidd's 5% climbs into double digits - 5 years ago

@sekinah_tosin: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@yaa_hate: @ipheee2 @charlesmarygold Don’t worry my dear The royal army always pay their debts we will vote kidd - 5 years ago

@_Ceksi: @Ayam__Sylviah @PeteniZama Erica was basically asking Kidd why they don't have like proper conversations like he ha… - 5 years ago

@PeaceXCE: RT @Asadimma: You people voting for Lucy and Triky to take Vee out, please don’t make this horrible mistake. I’m begging. Use that money a… - 5 years ago

@akinmamejidola1: @Citi_zen__ @victory60225561 @ChichiMarvis @BBNaija She go shock if she comot for that house and see what other hou… - 5 years ago

@graviiti_: Every guy out there knows Kidd is just there for the fun, he is not into that relationship. You women don’t want to… - 5 years ago

@murphybotsha: RT @dannystarr_: Explorers Prince fans Elites You all need to come through for kiddwaya Remember Kidd likes Dora and prince Elites… - 5 years ago

@murphybotsha: RT @LuluGrey_: If you like say we don't like kidd na you sabi, we'll still vote for him! It's all love from this side!! 💓 Sms VOTE Ki… - 5 years ago

@uforomma_: RT @UnrulyPesky: If Kidd is not 2nd on the poll this week, then me I don’t know for them. Miracle’s fans gave Nina 40 freaking percent desp… - 5 years ago

@mzvelvet3: RT @phemydarey: @DuchessT_ E go shock ERICA on Sunday...She would be asking herself, I nominated Laycon but Why is he not out of the big br… - 5 years ago

@katai57: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: It will stop. Erica: I don't want it to stop but I'm saying we can't be discussing that all d time. Kidd: No its fine… - 5 years ago

@Vanjay69: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@LauraMukete: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: I've sth in common with these ppl Tolani cos she knws my manager, Nengi cos of Abuja, Vee cos of London. For the guys,… - 5 years ago

@Temi_Dayoo: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: It will stop. Erica: I don't want it to stop but I'm saying we can't be discussing that all d time. Kidd: No its fine… - 5 years ago

@Jidel_Storm: RT @Asadimma: You people voting for Lucy and Triky to take Vee out, please don’t make this horrible mistake. I’m begging. Use that money a… - 5 years ago

@nwannek90290044: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: It will stop. Erica: I don't want it to stop but I'm saying we can't be discussing that all d time. Kidd: No its fine… - 5 years ago

@_Kkachee: RT @LuluGrey_: If you like say we don't like kidd na you sabi, we'll still vote for him! It's all love from this side!! 💓 Sms VOTE Ki… - 5 years ago

@itisteddie: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: I've sth in common with these ppl Tolani cos she knws my manager, Nengi cos of Abuja, Vee cos of London. For the guys,… - 5 years ago

@phemmzlon: @TawaAjoke1 @Princy4all @sayafrican No we aren't, she went to him first even called him her "enemy" then Kidd disru… - 5 years ago

@phemydarey: @BBNaija E go shock ERICA on Sunday...She would be asking herself, I nominated Laycon but Why is he not out of the… - 5 years ago

@RKayaga: RT @Evershed_YPT: When Erica told Kidd that my team and my fans would vote for you, and so don't worry, i felt that. That clearly means, E… - 5 years ago

@EmmaJibzy: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@ujuajibo: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@obanibi_ruth: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Tidera5: Elites, don’t split the votes on. Trikytee and Lucy have much larger fanbases than you think. Focus on Kidd this we… - 5 years ago

@clark_ferr: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Miztem2: @instablog9ja @BammyNM I don't think Neo ever had such conversation with Erica... I remember Erica trying to explai… - 5 years ago

@wepiss_: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@dannystarr_: I agree Kiddwaya is wrong for how he treated Erica last week Why don't we punish him with votes Pls let's not d… - 5 years ago

@Ibrovivid: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@_busayoxx: RT @UnrulyPesky: If Kidd is not 2nd on the poll this week, then me I don’t know for them. Miracle’s fans gave Nina 40 freaking percent desp… - 5 years ago

@iyawowa_: I don’t know why Kiddrica fans can’t concentrate on what’s more important. Triky that was far above Kidd last week… - 5 years ago

@jacob_ajuzie: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@talkativeteee: RT @StanYvonnee: Y’all are supporting Tolanibaj going after her friend’s man just because you don’t like Vee..ridiculous. Same people slut-… - 5 years ago

@Atoks1010: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@rachael_lov8: RT @faith_katai: @BBNaija Anyway elites thanks for the fun,its your favorite girl faith katai,after insulting don't forget to vote laycon o… - 5 years ago

@phemydarey: RT @phemydarey: LAYCON FOR THE FINAL😋😋😋 E go shock ERICA on Sunday...She would be asking herself, I nominated Laycon but Why is he not out… - 5 years ago

@StanYvonnee: Y’all are supporting Tolanibaj going after her friend’s man just because you don’t like Vee..ridiculous. Same peopl… - 5 years ago

@SecachiscoSpicy: RT @phemydarey: @AsoLeroi E go shock ERICA on Sunday...She would be asking herself, I nominated Laycon but Why is he not out of the big bro… - 5 years ago

@Tolexbabyt1: RT @Mcoded3: Nengi has Ozo’s team Vee has Neo’s team Lucy has Dora’s team Kidd has Erica’s team Laycon has only Icons DON’T SHARE YOUR VOTE… - 5 years ago

@FuckYou_Kidd: It was just a weekend really don't wanna hear shit about it. - 5 years ago

@yeffiong: @Bbn_Update_ This is becoming boring . Elites don’t participate, vote #kidd .... !!!!!! - 5 years ago

@la_rayyy: @__thesvnflower Well, wen it cmes 2 tasks given u wld see his efforts and dedication, he's smart ,fun persn. Nt dt… - 5 years ago

@olayigbade2010: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@kidd_brandon305: RT @BerniceKing: #BreonnaTaylor Please don’t forget Breonna. - 5 years ago

@Babyboy_Carti: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Lady_deeC: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Sonfizzle: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Dheoriginal: RT @JayJaySarps: Kidd : I'm sleeping alone Erica : but when you were head of house you slept alone na Kidd : but you were there most atim… - 5 years ago

@Deuces1Deuces: I don't even want Erica to be nominated next week & the following week too, but Laycon must stand. Her fans will… - 5 years ago

@dewums: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@MaryUtulu: RT @JayJaySarps: Kidd : I'm sleeping alone Erica : but when you were head of house you slept alone na Kidd : but you were there most atim… - 5 years ago

@GyorfiMariann: @jamesfirman6 Are you kidd me? I just don't know what to say. Sending lots love to you and your family - 5 years ago

@olivergisttv: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@Diva_Ambitious: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@welovekiddrica1: @Korks28 @__tariy You don't deserve to know about his Family. Kidd is very wise - 5 years ago

@EngrWolesola: @FolaLagos I just wish Ebuka can talk about the convo she had with kidd last night come Sunday, I really don’t know… - 5 years ago

@MisShingy: RT @Mandie_simza: These no way any elite will say don't vote for Kidd when he's literally the only person left for Erica in that house. The… - 5 years ago

@HoguiHatter: RT @wjtchoftheVOID: Me realizing that Law, Kidd and Luffy don't exist because they're fictional characters - 5 years ago

@Doeshimmer: RT @NwaBabyOne: Kidd say na "I really like him, obviously I don't know the full story btwn both of you" Erica: what do you mean you don't k… - 5 years ago

@TellBabylove: Kidd - it must be frustrating when girls don’t take your side when you feel they should understand Erica - Exactl… - 5 years ago

@Nigel03438965: @kiddwayakidney I am an elite,, we don't hate Kidd but we were angry because of what he did at the party with nengi… - 5 years ago

@Nonhle_Mkhyze: RT @InDiWey_: Kidd 🥺🥺❤️ "Just make sure you sleep on the same bed because she is on two strikes. I don't want come Sunday to hear this thi… - 5 years ago

@esteeeni: RT @ElJefe__: I don't know how Kidd Waya is expected to win this game in this country that loves tales of woe, suffering and humble beginni… - 5 years ago

@tessreborn: RT @layconoflagos: Nengi has Ozo’s team Vee has Neo’s team Lucy has Dora’s team Kidd has Erica’s team Laycon has only Icons DON’T SHARE YOU… - 5 years ago

@ayothedevil: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@JamarBlaque: @remilivia__ @BillBless1 I don't know what Kidd is trying to achieve in OZONE. - 5 years ago

@GinaDavids1: RT @Mcoded3: Nengi has Ozo’s team Vee has Neo’s team Lucy has Dora’s team Kidd has Erica’s team Laycon has only Icons DON’T SHARE YOUR VOTE… - 5 years ago

@ANYnotNEY: @Coolest_KIDD I know...I won’t be a long Verzuz or they’ll be songs that we don’t know and will get hip to - 5 years ago

@swanggolfer: RT @Erica78441803: Do you guys realize that there are 6 people up? Then you want to share Kidd’s votes with Triky, how? You don't even know… - 5 years ago

@Coolest_KIDD: @ANYnotNEY 😂😂😂😂😂😂 that battle don’t need to happen. It’s gon be like Mannie Fresh vs. Scott storch - 5 years ago

@iameyebee: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@Cheng_Kidd: RT @michellengms: Interesting. I've not quite made up my mind about having a %. I do think tht all parties should be merit based regardless… - 5 years ago

@habideenakinola: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@Nhemie66: @CoachDame_BSM If you counted hockey assist how many would Kidd have specially up until the NJ days. Steph is more… - 5 years ago

@Olasumbo30: @ehipraise @Joyallover I don't have an issue with Kidd. But that's the 2nd time he'd be doing that thing. 1st was w… - 5 years ago

@RashidEraloven: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@TheSophiaBello: Na she dey spoil her own life by herself. Don’t drag Kidd into this please 😂 - 5 years ago

@Benjikov: RT @AmalgaNima: Laycon don’t forget that u have a hug fan base in Ghana 🇬🇭....Kidd waya is a real dude 🙏#bbnaijialockdown - 5 years ago

@iam__remy: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@beautybyhanny: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@verona0616: @jennzinny @YorubaBoy__ @BBNaija Never! Erica must not be disqualified o ,I don't want to hear nonsense like "if ki… - 5 years ago

@___treasure7: RT @SaneyDuma: Neo: I believe my fans will do better next week Twitter🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐 Erica to Kidd: Don’t worry, my fans and your fans will join fo… - 5 years ago

@VictoryAlex4: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@offcial_mukhtar: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@ola_billions: RT @GossipGirliee: I like that Kidd and Laycon don’t let the drama derail them #BBNaijaLocdown - 5 years ago

@AdamSB___: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@_nirvana07: RT @Dee_153: Kidd’s favs better vote massively for him , don’t wait for Erica’s fans... remember ike last year, it’s all man for himself #B… - 5 years ago

@Philz_adamz: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@Oma_banti: RT @FOK_WestY1: Erica to Kiddwaya: Don’t worry I trust my fans and I trust your fans. Kidd: I trust my team too. Elites & Wayademgang: we… - 5 years ago

@Jiwor_: RT @InDiWey_: Kidd 🥺🥺❤️ "Just make sure you sleep on the same bed because she is on two strikes. I don't want come Sunday to hear this thi… - 5 years ago

@ThatBrightDude: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@UnclebeeOla: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@AbdulkhaliqHa18: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@peniel_art: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@thelordiswityou: RT @is_salsu: My two favorite people in the house. I love that irrespective of their differences Laycon and Kidd still rub minds. Men don’t… - 5 years ago

@kayzywizzzy: RT @jennygodswill: Erica to Kidd : if you leave I won't remain the same, so don't worry my fans will vote for you Biggie it's time for one… - 5 years ago

@Youngzaddy01: @ALAGBAAA @Ebuka She don tell kidd face to face so no fear - 5 years ago

@rachael_lov8: RT @yustell: Imagine this *arinka* accusing someone that has contributed greatly to most of the intellectual conversations in the house of… - 5 years ago

@SokeyeA: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@Kelly18592215: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@_quam_m: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@Raywole: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@iamthematta: RT @Mel_ForVibes: Kidd fell for Erica on that “ I wii always support you, even when I don’t agree with you” day. That’s when Rica finished… - 5 years ago

@Oluwadami_ayor: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@yustell: Imagine this *arinka* accusing someone that has contributed greatly to most of the intellectual conversations in th… - 5 years ago

@bamigbolaafola3: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@Royal__ninjas: RT @ChezzyTalks: @SwedishRat I'm tired. Like wht d hell is dis? Nengi doesn't have issues wit u but in ur head, she's ur problem. Like Ki… - 5 years ago

@Charlisangell: @DChikelue @Simi_NG @BBNaijafacts I still dnt understand wat this is about. don't know if Kidd said it but how does… - 5 years ago

@HonoBoy_: RT @OBAKSOLO: Kidd just keep enjoying yourself all-night, u don't need the money🤣🤣🤣 #bbnaija - 5 years ago

@ChezzyTalks: @SwedishRat I'm tired. Like wht d hell is dis? Nengi doesn't have issues wit u but in ur head, she's ur problem.… - 5 years ago

@BBErica1: RT @leroikingin: If Kiddwaya and Erica can hold hands together and pray I see no reason why anybody should wish them bad,it's evident they'… - 5 years ago

@Adekemi2408: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@lettylakesyde: RT @OBAKSOLO: @EricaTheWinner_ @___gus_____ Company of Olosho union. You Stan getting laid. Your Mama will be a Bastard if Kidd continue. L… - 5 years ago

@_iamdemilade: Erica don suffer o🤦‍♀️not bcos she’s with kidd but bcos she turn laycon down. Until people understand that not ever… - 5 years ago

@Maeri_jean: RT @leroikingin: If Kiddwaya and Erica can hold hands together and pray I see no reason why anybody should wish them bad,it's evident they'… - 5 years ago

@asiimwe_anne: RT @leroikingin: When Erica said "I know there are lots of people in this #BBNaija house that do not like me but I don't care" I became ver… - 5 years ago

@deo_lady: Kidd and Erica pray now?...well if I had 2 strikes, I’ll defs remember to pray that I don’t get a third. 😂 - 5 years ago

@BrainzLolu: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@cnslr_oladipo_3: @ifeoflagos1 Laycon wants her she doesn’t want him that type of way. Erica wants Kidd he doesn’t want her that type… - 5 years ago

@CptChuzz: RT @thick_sean: Before I forget, that Nene's response, Saying that her and Neo don't have anything, that she even thought that Tricky woul… - 5 years ago

@thick_sean: Before I forget, that Nene's response, Saying that her and Neo don't have anything, that she even thought that Tri… - 5 years ago

@ItegieJummy: RT @AbiAmek: Laycon is a liar He's gossiping about me... Me: don't you gossip him Laycon with Kidd, Tolani, Prince, Neo and even Vee tht… - 5 years ago

@Lexyzdoo: Last don’t forget she told Neo yesterday that if Kidd didn’t comes her way she would have follow Neo I personally w… - 5 years ago

@ninti31: @Juliet32556601 @nazordianne @Edus53196636 Except you have another video you're watching 😂😂😂😂 bcos if it's this vid… - 5 years ago

@Amaka55001095: RT @leroikingin: If Kiddwaya and Erica can hold hands together and pray I see no reason why anybody should wish them bad,it's evident they'… - 5 years ago

@olarht: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@jacquelyn_kidd: RT @moss_daya: Don’t get drained trying to play the healer in every relationship. I know you see the potential in someone, but sometimes th… - 5 years ago

@Toyosi68219937: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@vickyseifa: @JaftaYanga @BBNaija You still haven't answered the question. Since we know that Erica is forcing herself on Kidd… - 5 years ago

@OBAKSOLO: @EricaTheWinner_ @___gus_____ Company of Olosho union. You Stan getting laid. Your Mama will be a Bastard if Kidd c… - 5 years ago

@vennessa_akum: @joypopins So you man to tell me you are blind that your don’t see jerican and Kidd handler famzing too? When they… - 5 years ago

@ChiegeJessica: RT @jemi_Aced: #BBNaija #BiggieForgiveErica #BiggieForgiveKiddwaya Veenom : I don’t see Kidd & Erica as a force to contend with,they can’… - 5 years ago

@Kidd_Kream: @blvckroyaltea @hotpinkprint She has paid Homage and Created an whole lane that most don't understand and try to Shun her for being herself. - 5 years ago

@itsfynegal: RT @AbiAmek: Laycon is a liar He's gossiping about me... Me: don't you gossip him Laycon with Kidd, Tolani, Prince, Neo and even Vee tht… - 5 years ago

@243Robbinson: Kidd is totally done he knows these people don't like him is surly going to be up #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Kayor_17: RT @BBNaijafacts: "Laycon, let's talk about the almost kiss ..." "I don't want to talk about it." "Vee, can we talk?" "I'm not intereste… - 5 years ago

@HotyRica: RT @THECHASER11: Erica.. cant wait to introduce u to my friends,especially my Bestie Prince : calling Kiddwaya Kidd to Erica :Sorry baby… - 5 years ago

@Oyinbabes: @konyclare @BbnaijaAnalyst Girl, I'm not a Kidd Stan. Chile, I don't even care if he's in the bottom 4. - 5 years ago

@asiimwe_anne: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - you don’t need too much make up 😂😂😂😂 It’s a natural and organic look stuffs #kiddwaya #kiddrica #BBErica #bbnaijal… - 5 years ago

@dick_marshal: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Jane34389457: RT @Trust65662444: Team elites,team wayademgang and team kiddrica pls let's stick together and not fight one another....we nid each other t… - 5 years ago

@MiaPizzazz: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@iSpeakMyTrut: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@NgClosetXchange: @ObiehLoveth @BlessingVivia15 Lool I don't think you are her fan if you are, then you are not wise, if not you won'… - 5 years ago

@Nocxii_08: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@sisiese: RT @janesonsy16: @iphieajike @sisiese I don't think it was mindless because Erica even asked if she should be scared of her with Kidd.. She… - 5 years ago

@RukayaYussif4: RT @Trust65662444: Team elites,team wayademgang and team kiddrica pls let's stick together and not fight one another....we nid each other t… - 5 years ago

@FarFromABitch: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@derayo62084218: RT @Trust65662444: Team elites,team wayademgang and team kiddrica pls let's stick together and not fight one another....we nid each other t… - 5 years ago

@RukayaYussif4: RT @mimilondon10: How come they don’t show us when Erica and Kidd pray together? #BBnaija #BiggieForgiveErica - 5 years ago

@AmaririsuAmary1: RT @felicitykoncept: @POSTNAIJA Before I slept last night, Elites were jubilations that Erica will sleep on her bed. Last last,this girl st… - 5 years ago

@dejackoj2: @abdumillz @BStampu I don’t even like Kidd at all I will chose prince over him any day but girls like a playful boy… - 5 years ago

@janesonsy16: @iphieajike @sisiese I don't think it was mindless because Erica even asked if she should be scared of her with Kid… - 5 years ago

@Trust65662444: Team elites,team wayademgang and team kiddrica pls let's stick together and not fight one another....we nid each ot… - 5 years ago

@OlaniyiBenjami5: @Ebuka Ebuka you don shenk Erica and Kidd table - 5 years ago

@Reuben21685782: @zyzy_nwanyioma Me I don't understand...are yuh referring to the fact that Kidd is amongst the bottom 6? Superions… - 5 years ago

@amuta_precious: @BBNaija Biggie please forgive Erica and kidd 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 we have seen that they are guilty of all they’ve been punish… - 5 years ago

@FamousLaycon: @LBbnaija5 Kidd in his mind: this gal is SENSELESS DON'T COMMENT WITH UR SENSES - 5 years ago

@iamelenda: RT @sirisimaila: Erica to Kidd U do tin & don’t tink of how every other person wil feel Kidd : I think you’re over exaggerating. U don’t u… - 5 years ago

@Munasamuel1: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@gwc_atly: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@OlajideDMW: RT @Peaceamaka01: @Ebuka Bros I get some question for you, Are you afraid of kidd? What harm has laycon don to you? Apparently you behave l… - 5 years ago

@cassie_quartey: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@oshati: @LitSego I don't trust Prince, Dora and I am skeptical about Lucy.... I believe Laycon might not nominate him... La… - 5 years ago

@iamcandice__: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@dejidejo: RT @RicchCool: @dejidejo Not me at all. I am a different guy with different personalities that makes me a better person than him. I don't w… - 5 years ago

@felicitykoncept: @Azos75200051 @Ebyfyn @BBNaija Lmao 😂. I’m not delusional like you. I used probably cause I don’t wanna project wha… - 5 years ago

@maindavidosagie: @Odufunsh @EkitiKetekan Yes alot of people can relate to laycon cause they believe he is broke and hate on Kidd cau… - 5 years ago

@kristie_klassiq: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@thecreativemide: RT @jaysonrogue: With this hidden knowledge humans don't need to die before visiting heaven. Kidd | #Freemessi | Erica | Bae u - 5 years ago

@jidenne: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@__Mike_official: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@Queenst73520272: RT @yoriyor97783349: Nengi: kidd give me my pillow. Don’t u know u are not supposed to share pillow? N I kno u guys must ve done ur ***** o… - 5 years ago

@sthe83723832: RT @sayafrican: Did you see when biggie called Kidd for diary session🙄 he was only in boxers. He had to get up and wear his shorts.He is st… - 5 years ago

@Kennykis: @Bervelynnnnnn Elites hating Kidd is absolutely uncalled for. This guy is flawed no doubt but u can't deny the fact… - 5 years ago

@EdemejaroUche: RT @jaysonrogue: With this hidden knowledge humans don't need to die before visiting heaven. Kidd | #Freemessi | Erica | Bae u - 5 years ago

@OmowhomeOddy: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@doyeyen: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@Kidd_MBK: RT @g4bbytx: A CAR is a CAR. A JOB is a JOB. Don't let people belittle you. Remain HUMBLE ✨ - 5 years ago

@asvp_kidd: RT @santanahrey: you could find me, i ain’t hidin. i don’t move my feet when i be glidin. - 5 years ago

@Ihuomauz: @chimodel2000 @Sleemzy12 If you can believe something happened because of ordinary zip without a video, why are you… - 5 years ago

@steve_stevenso: In July you could have become a Quartermaster for under 4k. Now it costs over 20k. Pretty soon becoming a Captai… - 5 years ago

@nii__kotey: RT @dimpleszaddy: I am beginning to really understand why marriages don’t last this days because most of the people criticising ozo and nen… - 5 years ago

@nengifanaccount: RT @Hawt28: #BBNaija I like kidd but far away from my nengi. He is covered with a dark cloud. I don't like it.... He should move with his d… - 5 years ago

@TPK__Kidd: RT @threesworded: ||: I don't want to be 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 guy, but you know what's sexier than posting fanart for Seductive Sunday? Crediting it. Supp… - 5 years ago

@OzoneFallenWall: RT @_Mazeeda: It's hard to stay mad at this ship! I know I don't have sense I'll keep shipping! I almost collapse after d whole scenerio wi… - 5 years ago

@IwuAmarachiGra1: @Billionairebutt I don't like how kidd covered the camera with his middle finger and Erica following like she don't have a mind of her own - 5 years ago

@Heartless_Kidd_: RT @Kenworlddd: we don’t even have to have sex. just lay on me. kissing me. feeling me through you. - 5 years ago

@HalalBart: I don't understand why you are cursing me after our talk?!😯 Im just a little Springfield Halal kidd. Im not Billy… - 5 years ago

@davinso48595919: RT @Sho_dee3: #BBNaija Don't tell me she doesn't enjoy this 😂😂😂😂😂 and yet Ozo can't even get a warm hug😂😂 or maybe Ozo's hands are small🙊… - 5 years ago

@ebay_kokeh: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@Enogie_: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@Teeeye8: RT @Bolanle_____: I can promise wayademgang that if Erica wins HOH or is not up for eviction at the same time with kidd ,Kidd will top that… - 5 years ago

@kidd_idol: RT @Kenworlddd: we don’t even have to have sex. just lay on me. kissing me. feeling me through you. - 5 years ago

@xcx_kidd: RT @RastafariM: People don’t have money problems, people have MINDSET problems. - 5 years ago

@xcx_kidd: RT @davidhogg111: I don’t understand how conservatives can’t understand black lives matter, Jesus was literally killed as a result of stat… - 5 years ago

@xcx_kidd: RT @MichaelRapaport: Yo if you’re at a “Protest” shooting people, I don’t Fuck with you no matter what “SIDE” you’re on. WTF is wrong with… - 5 years ago

@tblackgunners: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@FlexxyE: If couple's of 15-20 years argue cos of issues of trust I don't see why we blame 2 persons with different idealism… - 5 years ago

@CaribbeanPurple: @Gloween_ @GodswillTaiye I don’t understand. We just saw Your fave putting Kidd’s ENTIRE ONE inside her mouth and l… - 5 years ago

@Chichi31741656: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@kidd_rynoo: I don’t want this series to ever end - 5 years ago

@EOnyediri: @NoraBer68522992 Y'all give her a break...I don't think she can handle being all alone in that house RN. I really j… - 5 years ago

@vivianojukwu: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@Bajoemillz: RT @Bae_doreen: Vee: triky don’t worry,when you come to London I and Kidd got your back. I don’t know for Nengi😂😂. Nengi: ahh, what do y… - 5 years ago

@BMicczy: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@femikari: @Cute_K4TohBad Naa why? Don't talk like DAT don't assume.. I remember elites saying if Erica gets evicted they will… - 5 years ago

@purplemendozaa: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@AbosedePatricia: RT @iamdayod1: Erica chop chop come dey ugly, food too much and she can't cook, always upon kidd she don chop her shape off...#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Iambusiyoung: @Darling40575781 @rhotymin @Mimie_Suleiman U don't know anything..wen Erica and laycon stop talking did laycon lose… - 5 years ago

@hanushkan: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@Dafiidiii: @MealdredO @LauraofLagos What they don’t understand is, even if Kidd is acting like an ass in the house, they can c… - 5 years ago

@lohlahdeh1: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@WavSkinny: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@litefury: RT @AyotuSays: I don’t understand Erica’s fans I swear! Let this girl have conversations in peace without having TL meltdowns. It’s so good… - 5 years ago

@Jasmine61041233: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@Sleek_Eleniyan: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@chocoletqueen: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@blordgist: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@Ispeakrea: I just can't wait for voting to start so that I will give my votes to Erica. I really don't like the way Kidd treat… - 5 years ago

@Zakznotzachs: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@MercyEke_Bbn4: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@afrohuzzi: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@nenegina123: RT @JayJaySarps: Erica practically tld Kidd she don't want to be de one to stop him frm doing what he wants,he cn do him n she shouldn't be… - 5 years ago

@ApparelRio: RT @TellBabylove: Kidd - you don’t need too much make up 😂😂😂😂 It’s a natural and organic look stuffs #kiddwaya #kiddrica #BBErica #bbnaijal… - 5 years ago

@VHkThorPaul: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@yomibarca01: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@leoleoqueen: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@MissAnnyBarbie: Now Kidd ways fans can see how great ERICAz fans are! like don't play with us! - 5 years ago

@CeciliaWonah: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@mommablaq: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@pablo_teee: RT @Larimols: Kidd just told Ticky "I don't care about the 85M 🙆🏾‍♀️#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@zandile_mz: Kidd annoys me with this 'I don't care about the money'...#bbnaija - 5 years ago

@kanyebaba: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@MissIgho: Kidd just said he doesn’t care about the money. Bros shouldn’t have said that because Nigerians don’t like such sta… - 5 years ago

@Yasminn_D: RT @H_L_MA: Eh Kidd you don’t care about the money? This is why they won’t vote you. - 5 years ago

@thesandrao_: Did you hear the way Kidd said ‘I don’t care about the money’ Oluwa o - 5 years ago

@estherdohwe: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@Larimols: Kidd just told Ticky "I don't care about the 85M 🙆🏾‍♀️#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Buhlebethu_xx: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@jerryjok: Haha kidd quickly clear triky " I don't care about money" - 5 years ago

@collins_Ajibs: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@Arc_Eme: RT @Biisi96: Ebuka: Laycon do you think there’s any distraction between Kidd and Erica Laycon: I don’t pay attention to them like that 🤣🤣… - 5 years ago

@biwomdz: “I don’t care about the money, man”. - #Kidd Time for him to go home? 🤔#BBNaija #BBNaijialockdown2020 - 5 years ago

@Kazzz___: RT @la_ghivver: EBUKA: How do you feel about ERICA and KIDD? Do you think there are any distractions? LAYCON: I don’t pay attention to them… - 5 years ago

@lizzy_fied: RT @EmmaNyra: Leave Laycon out of it! He’s bigger than Kidd and Erica issue. Don’t paint this narrative of Him. He’s been minding his busin… - 5 years ago

@don_henz: RT @TheYomiKazeem: Omo, nobody should paint Kidd as the bad guy because he can't give Erica what she wants o. When Erica didn't give Layc… - 5 years ago

@thatnaijagenius: RT @TayoAFC: Nengi don realise say Kidd na solid investment and she’s ready to chow lad like spaghetti. She even used that tiktok babe wey… - 5 years ago

@ForeFada6: RT @femalepreneur_: Many only see the success. They don't see the hardwork, late nights, nonstop trainings, the diets, discipline and most… - 5 years ago

@timiofak: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@Chidieb97083925: Nengi I repeat you don not owe anyone an apology,Kidd is not related to you and his not Married, Do whatever you wi… - 5 years ago

@Skyprince_music: RT @_starbiola: I always knew that Erica physical attraction to Kidd will always end in Premier tears. Don't get me wrong, they were cute t… - 5 years ago

@mac_don_: @901d8b5e3ade4d7 @Africana_xx When she called him a spoilt brat I guess you were okay with it. Erica has been sayin… - 5 years ago

@shugadani: I don’t give a fuck wat nengi does in dat house she is not in any relationship, she is free to do whatever d fuck s… - 5 years ago

@__taerg: RT @TayoAFC: Nengi don realise say Kidd na solid investment and she’s ready to chow lad like spaghetti. She even used that tiktok babe wey… - 5 years ago

@jaytigi: RT @pengmanmodel: Shey Kidd & Erica don fix their relationship? - 5 years ago

@Kolpat1: @chantycandy_ @AbdulazizLima @instablog9ja don't have to give insult. It is possible the father gives without… - 5 years ago

@Kingsle28424811: RT @femalepreneur_: Many only see the success. They don't see the hardwork, late nights, nonstop trainings, the diets, discipline and most… - 5 years ago

@Jamey_Pee: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@_Queen_Ozioma: RT @OlisaOsega: On this Erica and Kidd issue, Both of you are not in a relationship. He never asked you out, you didn’t either. Both of y… - 5 years ago

@__Amakaa: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@KMomoL: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@OG_XHIMO: RT @femalepreneur_: Many only see the success. They don't see the hardwork, late nights, nonstop trainings, the diets, discipline and most… - 5 years ago

@Liloaderogba_: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd : Erica you’re too controlling. I fucken hate that. You exaggerate things too much. It’s not gonna work if you’re t… - 5 years ago

@JimohRapport: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@tolutezzy_: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@sirisimaila: Kidd to Erica You’re too controlling. 😂From a guy point of view you’re too f***ing controlling and that shit never… - 5 years ago

@who_is_sk_: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@ManuelIsrael: RT @abenivibes: Erica: Obviously I can just turn off the feeling I have for him #BBNaijaLockdown #BBNaija Erica don fall in Love ooo I th… - 5 years ago

@Orunmumipe: RT @TheAlchemist___: : Whether you say it was purely physical or whatever, Erica had a connection with Kidd that she couldn't afford to hav… - 5 years ago

@kaycdgreat: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@ihcreme: RT @amarachi_13: Omo Kidd is still unapologetic about his actions,he is even saying Erica is too controlling.....Abeg I don go sleep I don… - 5 years ago

@Ehinomenn: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@MrFuelDon: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@ThyJuiceSmith: RT @morpher__: I don’t know why I feel I understand Kidd.. no be even his mentality something but in the beginning Erica saw him as a flirt… - 5 years ago

@RxYulan_: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@SandieCassie: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@goldenmoses: RT @TayoAFC: Erica can’t believe she don almost secure Kidd but can’t fully trap the boy lmfao. She go soon go meet Laycon to yarn “I made… - 5 years ago

@dammykyle: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@JIri_FYNO: RT @amarachi_13: Omo Kidd is still unapologetic about his actions,he is even saying Erica is too controlling.....Abeg I don go sleep I don… - 5 years ago

@sekhwete: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@NontobekoZwane8: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@_oduwaa: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@mejoke17: RT @mmuyiiwaa: Kidd with the amount of money and looks he has, will have definitely met many girls like Erica that will put themselves in t… - 5 years ago

@heitada: @Simply_me_Holly @MelanieChristi2 @jothursday11 @SIChrisMannix @SpencerJCox @slcmayor @SInow @jazz Don’t be a dumba… - 5 years ago

@stanuc4life: @VictorIsrael_ Ozo's unbelieving expression said it all.I still don't understand why Nengi would ask Kidd to help h… - 5 years ago

@goldenmoses: RT @0lajide: Erica and Nengi are cut from the same cloth, with Nengi being slightly more deliberate (read as devious). What they don’t reco… - 5 years ago

@Keneilwe81: RT @Amchizzy: Kidd: You can't expect me to change immediately. Maybe i want to be the way u want me to be but i don't know how to. It'll ta… - 5 years ago

@thellomundo: RT @ultimate_kombo: Kidd to Erica: "you are too controling and you don't reason, and that shit doesn't work on me" Did Kiddwaya just say E… - 5 years ago

@off_cock: RT @Neilzz5: @Ebuka I don't understand why she allows Kidd to touch her but pushes Ozo when he wants to. - 5 years ago

@_oduwaa: RT @UcheDandyMUFC: Did Kidd not say he wasn’t a commitment person right from the beginning??? Because I don’t understand why Kidd is the ba… - 5 years ago

@ALAGBAAA: RT @ultimate_kombo: Kidd to Erica: "you are too controling and you don't reason, and that shit doesn't work on me" Did Kiddwaya just say E… - 5 years ago

@ing_kidd: @ChaycingGold @goldenchavielle Bro this what happens when people don’t understand “dark humor” - 5 years ago

@ALAGBAAA: @sii_londiwe @Babyshaaark8809 Well it is what it is at this point. Their game is already all over the place. Kidd i… - 5 years ago

@mb_suavee: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@Iamshar09923489: @Nwagbala1 @bammybestowed So who zip it down at first ?Kidd don chop Nengi inside bathroom - 5 years ago

@goldenmoses: RT @TayoAFC: Erica: You’re making me look like a clown. Are you playing dumb right now??? Kidd: Expalin baby. I don’t understand what the… - 5 years ago

@ofiveofficial: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@Onye_nzuzu: RT @Sir_Fin: Kidd don play tape of him papa wealth e don turn royal rumble. - 5 years ago

@sii_londiwe: @ALAGBAAA @Babyshaaark8809 I don’t like Kidd for Erica I swear🤞🏼 - 5 years ago

@papidray: RT @DrOlufunmilayo: Tbaj told Erica: “Don’t let him go in and out anytime he wants'' And the next minute, She’s in Kidd’s arms. Ironic yea… - 5 years ago

@ChichovX: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@kvlharry: @InstaNaijaBlog Why don't Kidd stay at a place and face the thunder that want to fore him... - 5 years ago

@therookiegod: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@iamolumide__: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@Kene_n02: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@denzyAutos: RT @guru_kalexis: Morafucker ni Erica yi sha..... she and Kidd don dey kiss again..... Walahi dem don get this babe - 5 years ago

@RufaiAmeen: RT @la_ghivver: ERICA: My business is with you and you have no right to insult me by behaving like that. KIDD: you’re always in your feeli… - 5 years ago

@Harv3lLa_: RT @raychellered: Lmaooo ‘I still love *pauses* I still care about you’. Kidd don looseguard 🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@420TINO: RT @velveteenlawyer: I almost entered one chance with a Kidd-Like somebody. “You’re a great girl babe, but I’m so complicated, you can’t f… - 5 years ago

@Adorabl66059820: RT @JayJaySarps: Kidd : I knw u care,I care,we care So much dat,every little thing we do just make us flip Erica : the nonchalant side of u… - 5 years ago

@Horlarholuwah26: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@oyinkkkkaaaaann: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@Mercy_sCrown: RT @ewatomi___: Erica and Kidd don dey trend again - 5 years ago

@oluwaseun3402: @Letter_to_Jack P.s Ozo caught Nengi and Kidd in the bathroom, Nengi bra don dey unhooked during their night party.… - 5 years ago

@kikee_lomo: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@Moh__bash: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@ajikead: @miss__shaw Like you never told any lie or your boy too no dey lie and moreover she said she asked him why his dist… - 5 years ago

@kene_rick: @vintageintokyo I'm not surprised, from the onset that it started, Kidd had always said he was there to have fun, e… - 5 years ago

@__Toyibah: If I say I under Erica, I am quite mistaken. You say you don’t want love, you are just cruising. Then why are you g… - 5 years ago

@Ayowolede: - I don’t feel for Erica at all If it was another guy, she’d have left since. She’s doing agidi because it’s Kidd.… - 5 years ago

@MavisKwakye2: @EjayIjama @Rejasante Present ooo me am tired. Up til now people don’t know Kidd has always been up to something - 5 years ago

@Virgini46404787: RT @DzuniDe: Please Kidd I am pleading with you don't involve Dorathy, they will drag her and say she is rejoicing they are talking abiutt… - 5 years ago

@OHBEE49: RT @ObongRoviel: See if not that there’re in the same house Kidd for don delete and block Erica number, warn Security man for estate “If s… - 5 years ago

@DamolaOla2: Erica has gotten to the point that she can never turn off her feelings for kidd regardless of whatever kidd does t… - 5 years ago

@nuella01baby: @PinkycutsbyJeci @roseejiogu @milay_di @truthtutor So Kidd just said Nengi came out of the bathroom with her zip no… - 5 years ago

@AnuArnod: You don’t reason! You over react!! You are too controlling!! Ah ahn!!! All for one person!! This Kidd get big mouth o 🤣#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Enii_oluwa: RT @GabrielUmoru_: “You don’t reason” That’s too much now Kidd - 5 years ago

@Pweencesory: RT @Africana_xx: Kidd: I honestly think you’re controlling Erica: In what way? Kidd: in every way. You’re too controlling. You exaggerate… - 5 years ago

@Jessicalevi13: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd : Erica you’re too controlling. I fucken hate that. You exaggerate things too much. It’s not gonna work if you’re t… - 5 years ago

@Firdaws__C: Kidd : If you don’t care about Me anymore, that’s your business. Erica : 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Winniehope21: RT @JayJaySarps: Kidd : Erica you too controlling, you are controlling in every, I can say you don't reason, you don't think, and I underst… - 5 years ago

@GabriellaSpark6: All this stupid women comx to tweet non sense like did Kidd ask Erica out are fucken mad. What kind of weed do u sm… - 5 years ago

@BarneyF17: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd : Erica you’re too controlling. I fucken hate that. You exaggerate things too much. It’s not gonna work if you’re t… - 5 years ago

@Afolayanjosh7: Kidd to Erica- u don't reason Erica- 😟😟 Me 😂😂😂😂 #BBNajia #bbnaijalockdown2020 Laycon - 5 years ago

@Miss_Gwen27: RT @Giftama_: I feel Kidd is just trying to be nice to her because he’s on TV, doesn’t want people to call him the bad guy. Outside him for… - 5 years ago

@Onke_Klaas: “You’re too controlling... you don’t reason” Kidd is mad tonight. - 5 years ago

@J_Anowa: RT @Seriousist_: Kidd don dey cantab Erica. Please hook this thing in my artery - 5 years ago

@Sheni95076217: RT @Greyamela: He finally said it. Kidd to Erica: you're too controlling. You over react and exaggerate. You don't reason. You don't stop… - 5 years ago

@_ukayyy: RT @Bervelynnnnnn: Kidd : Erica you’re too controlling. I fucken hate that. You exaggerate things too much. It’s not gonna work if you’re t… - 5 years ago

@sisi_OPE: RT @velveteenlawyer: I almost entered one chance with a Kidd-Like somebody. “You’re a great girl babe, but I’m so complicated, you can’t f… - 5 years ago

@manlike22: Now Erica would wanna make this shitty ship work by force... 😁 Don't worry, tonight's cry na rehearsal, D&T still d… - 5 years ago

@OddDunayo: RT @Frisky_NG: Kidd to Erica: I told you, I don’t want to get married. Investment have enter water 🤣🤣 #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@ultimate_kombo: Kidd to Erica: "you are too controling and you don't reason, and that shit doesn't work on me" Did Kiddwaya just s… - 5 years ago

@vivianamadic: #BBNaijaLockdown Kidd my brother leave this girl, her drama n nkiru slyvainus tears.. She can't take disrespect fr… - 5 years ago

@Africana_xx: Kidd: I honestly think you’re controlling Erica: In what way? Kidd: in every way. You’re too controlling. You exa… - 5 years ago

@justunknown034: So kiddrica nd Ozone r doing u do me i do u man no go vex. Ozo nd Erica started then it was Kidd nd Nengi then Ozo… - 5 years ago

@jozfizzle: @ajamu86 I personally don't like restrictions if kidd can dance with anybody and Nengi also can dance with anyone w… - 5 years ago

@mubeen_hayatu: Thank God It will send clear signal to you Ozo you're full of grace & you won't be hurt by God grace... I'm not a f… - 5 years ago

@Samslanto: @Eyesaymymind I don tire for Kidd and Erica's ship.... abeg I wan ship brighto and Erica😌😌 - 5 years ago

@acesleek: Kidd don collect aswear - 5 years ago

@Wini_idundun: RT @bubandolo: If Nengi doesn't like what Kidd does to her she should tell him, don't be hypocrites Nengi likes it too. She is not in anywa… - 5 years ago

@LadyPulch: Does kidd chew food at all abi e dey just swallow straight🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ I don't understand his table manners at all. E d… - 5 years ago

@oguguamakwa_: @Chinemenma_ E no go bad. Ozo is the kind of guy Erica would fit with and Kidd would fit with nengi. But as table don turn 😔😭 - 5 years ago

@Nikki28170062: @rosenawa2 Kidd will help her zip the remaining thing don’t worry😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@By_Ifix: Lucy don start 😂😂😂😂 NA Kidd fit am - 5 years ago

@EsqNzube: If not because of the camera ehhh, kidd for don burst Nengi's ass .#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@herefornengii: Elites say they don’t want kidd, but when they see him with another girl, they start to convulse #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@bolu_jeffrey: RT @Olohiremee: Shey una don hear??? Nengi said Kidd is like her brother oh - 5 years ago

@JacqMazb12: We have been brother zoned along with Kidd ya neh let me go to bed and regroup. P.s my girl is so freakin drunk yoh… - 5 years ago

@Marmi91340199: I don't like how Kidd eats #BBNaija #BBNajia - 5 years ago

@ifeomaolisakwe: RT @Nengi_Godmother: @Dkl77012133 Lol but really, is Kidd the fake housemate? I don't get that guy ooo... Meanwhile Nengi must be in love… - 5 years ago

@nnawuiheee: @CruiseKontroll @TWEETORACLE Absolutely, she is way inside kidd than ozo. If kidd is ozo by one she for don Shift pant for am - 5 years ago

@amawilliamsa: @MhizzAssy @Ebuka But you saw Kidd almost suck Dora's breast..that Erica is censoring him don't want to talk about that - 5 years ago

@EfyaPriscy2: RT @louisadickson16: Elite please dead this nengi Kidd and ozo talk don’t give them highlights #PartyHardWithErica #PartyHardWithErica #Par… - 5 years ago

@mz_zina: He followed her is the issue here. I love this. We don accept say kidd no Dey stay one place and e no too like my b… - 5 years ago

@ITSDJPRETTIBOI: Erica and Kidd don settle? 🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@iam_stanley99: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@deejayzanga: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@AbasiekemeP: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Jossy83193285: RT @VictorIsrael_: Why Kidd like to CHOKE women like this? E Don move from Erica go Choke Nengi 😂😂😂😂😂. This dance is hot o #BBNaija https:… - 5 years ago

@felicitykoncept: Erica don start another shalaye with Kidd oh. Watch out! #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@YoungNobert: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@NanaAkua86: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@prayzinc: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@thrift_n_smile: RT @Versache_tales: I've been noticing this for awhile and I've been keeping quiet,Nengi virtually dances like that with every guy at their… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Physiologist: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@zeezika_: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@OfficialOzOBBNs: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@SindiNgidi3: RT @Mizz_Serwaah: I really don’t think Kidd loves Erica ....Elites please move on and concentrate on Erica 🙏🙏.#BBNaija - 5 years ago

@ZabineLTS: RT @Adaifeatu: Nengi dances with Laycon for up to 10 minutes but y'all don't meaning into it but if she dances with Kidd,.meltdown everywhe… - 5 years ago

@ADELODU03789142: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@AppiahJoyce11: RT @Adaifeatu: Nengi dances with Laycon for up to 10 minutes but y'all don't meaning into it but if she dances with Kidd,.meltdown everywhe… - 5 years ago

@Enenu__: RT @rubylaren: Kidd requested ma lo to sing to erica. I don’t understand the fraudsters I stan. Smh.s #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@AbioyeEkerin: RT @VictorIsrael_: Kidd went to pull Nengi away from dancing with Laycon, she ran to Ozo instead. She no Wan hear say Kidd choke her again.… - 5 years ago

@OfCreeks: RT @Adaifeatu: Nengi dances with Laycon for up to 10 minutes but y'all don't meaning into it but if she dances with Kidd,.meltdown everywhe… - 5 years ago

@AgemomenM: RT @rasrap21: LAYCON: I still care about U but for now, it has to be this way. Every time U come back to meet me & talk about this, it’s li… - 5 years ago

@IamokebuluAgwu: @MsIntrovert17 @a_funmibi @Eyesaymymind @THECHASER11 Lol who is calling who psychopaths 😂😂😂? Toxic lots. Don't go a… - 5 years ago

@Okache_jr: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@GCD_Kidd: @machomachta @CleTornado @Reflog_18 Who said that? Lol And as you saw what @GrimDelaGrim41 said, you have to purch… - 5 years ago

@Heeeeeesh1: Most elites have always liked Kidd I don't think we're naive enough to think all Wayademgeng like Erica and all Eli… - 5 years ago

@Ifeanyi28544057: @arias_kloset @Last_Nsolo @EricaNlewedim You can't blame Erica, we see everything because we're outside the house.… - 5 years ago

@Ericaslooseness: @Luwirdi I hope you don't mean Kidd drained her of her happiness . I am all for Erica but I'm not going to allow blame games - 5 years ago

@shalewaadu: RT @Bolanle_____: Y'all should wait for Laycon and Kidd to come out so that they date you. Stop calling Erica manipulative and an emotiona… - 5 years ago

@IkeStan_: RT @julibae98: I don't know how it happened but this human have a special place in my heart. I stanned u before, I'm stanning u now and I w… - 5 years ago

@OkpeyenE: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@ayo_najeem: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@OluwaSnowMan: RT @Fels77: If Kidd comes out of this show and snubs Erica, I don’t want to see anyone saying it’s because he didn’t feel genuinely about h… - 5 years ago

@tartoratoator: I don’t understand why people are trying to make Kidd look like a bad person, he didn’t do anything wrong, he told… - 5 years ago

@Edith_Ekpe_: RT @julibae98: I don't know how it happened but this human have a special place in my heart. I stanned u before, I'm stanning u now and I w… - 5 years ago

@mrjailertoo: @falomojoy @joshbillzz @Folorun17Kayode I don’t care what laycon does or doesn’t do,the fact is that when Kidd spea… - 5 years ago

@tia_licious: Men that act like kidd irritate me. They will play nice, care for you, do stuffs for you, but they will never affir… - 5 years ago

@TommieOssy: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@TTrevh: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@madamneka: RT @Fels77: If Kidd comes out of this show and snubs Erica, I don’t want to see anyone saying it’s because he didn’t feel genuinely about h… - 5 years ago

@Damiposh3: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Judith18954171: @shallewally @TellBabylove Went out of her way indeed, you guys just want to agend as if Kidd is not also at fault.… - 5 years ago

@TMT_DEHINBO: @efesuojoe I don't think so guy Na Kidd dey play anyhow when dem dey do serious things. Na Kidd never talk about… - 5 years ago

@EnitanEnigma: RT @rasrap21: LAYCON: I still care about U but for now, it has to be this way. Every time U come back to meet me & talk about this, it’s li… - 5 years ago

@cymerkib: @nengi_ninja101 @seemisolarh @LucyNgznnj Don't blame her, Kidd treating her so special n sweet made her to fall hea… - 5 years ago

@KiDd_Cody: RT @AllThingsBattle: “My whole team is lively .. My n*ggas’ll shoot out both pupils .. Don’t demonize (Demon eyes) me .. You don’t like how… - 5 years ago

@Amaryll07344883: RT @richard_leads: I'm happy seeing erotica fans calling Kidd a fu* like the billions don clear for their eye😂😂😂😂 #bbnaija - 5 years ago

@Journeyman_NG: RT @Iam_Raphstylez: Good morning guys, get this aceee 🌀💗 Just for 10k Please I don't have much followers or money to promote my business,… - 5 years ago

@don_papichulo__: RT @Tee_Classiquem1: Which Squad are you stanning in the big brother Naija house ? Retweet for Squad A Laycon Nengi Vee Ozo Neo Dorathy… - 5 years ago

@mruqqie: RT @Erica78441803: On the Erica and Kidd issue, stop policing people's behaviors and actions. How many times have you went back to the very… - 5 years ago

@NENGI39126891: @EstherAdeyemo11 😂😂😂 don't mind coconut head kidd - 5 years ago

@Kuchiiiii: RT @Fels77: If Kidd comes out of this show and snubs Erica, I don’t want to see anyone saying it’s because he didn’t feel genuinely about h… - 5 years ago

@MsIntrovert17: I see a lot of kiddrica shippers are back on board 😭. We all say things we don't mean when we are angry. Please don… - 5 years ago

@Preciou76871945: RT @TellBabylove: Prince - how do you feel about Erica Kidd - I love her to bits in a way that I care about her and I don’t want her to hur… - 5 years ago

@Pojubiodun_PB: @David20534589 Pity Kidd ke.. Baba don run Erica street she dey find assurance.. Asokoro boys are not preachers of… - 5 years ago

@xcx_kidd: RT @RastafariM: People don’t need to be saved or rescued. People need knowledge of their own power and how to access it. - 5 years ago

@xklusivemedia_: RT @Iam_Raphstylez: Good morning guys, get this aceee 🌀💗 Just for 10k Please I don't have much followers or money to promote my business,… - 5 years ago

@VKiddwaya: @lyn67530 @bashir_zaynab1 you’re just exhibiting pain. oga u don’t know me😂😂😂 i’m very comfortable in life! emphasi… - 5 years ago

@xcx_kidd: RT @icecube: Don’t let 2020 make you weaker. Get stronger. Keep pushing. - 5 years ago

@chukkysmiles_: RT @Iam_Raphstylez: Good morning guys, get this aceee 🌀💗 Just for 10k Please I don't have much followers or money to promote my business,… - 5 years ago

@OBorntoreign: RT @Iam_Raphstylez: Good morning guys, get this aceee 🌀💗 Just for 10k Please I don't have much followers or money to promote my business,… - 5 years ago

@ZabineLTS: RT @Ayekarib0: How convenient! to add Nengi just to defend your girl Please your team uses people as props for your girl, next time don’t… - 5 years ago

@iamsuperwhales: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Tofunmi_L: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@NkosiHolly: RT @Bolanle_____: If there is a fan base I can't argue with here is wayademgang,mostly females. They never see the wrongs in Kidd. Always… - 5 years ago

@ghonjuih: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@ElemoroBashir_: RT @rasrap21: LAYCON: I still care about U but for now, it has to be this way. Every time U come back to meet me & talk about this, it’s li… - 5 years ago

@Oluwake34118652: @ifewiththeglow @BBNaija @Revolutionplus1 Kidd group didn't got all their point how come they got 100, I don't understand ooo - 5 years ago

@lizzie_Dior: RT @xo_tracee: Kidd father don plan wedding for the both of them for Italy and Lagos. Baba no no say dem just be special friends. Make we t… - 5 years ago

@eyitayoifeee: RT @Proud_Zara: Why is Erica trying to force relationship on kiddwaya he said he just wants dem to be friends abeg prince and tricky leave… - 5 years ago

@s3ns3iowen: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Smot64: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Proud_Zara: Why is Erica trying to force relationship on kiddwaya he said he just wants dem to be friends abeg prince and trick… - 5 years ago

@Mimie_Suleiman: RT @SufyanKhamis: My babies looking out for each other Nengi and Kiddwaya N: Kiddwaya... Kidd o K: Talk N: I will not talk o K: You know I… - 5 years ago

@243Robbinson: Kidd is on mission again Nengi you better don't fall for is trap #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@Judy72112701: @truth_icon1 One thing people don't know is in that whole house, the only person kidd attach importance and protects in that house is Erica - 5 years ago

@peach_kidd: RT @COBlackpacker: I don’t want to be that person but it’s 485 miles, lol - 5 years ago

@AdeotiAdeyinka1: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@justdebby__: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@nwaar__kidd: RT @_damndashaa: The power of Prayer is so real, don’t ever doubt it. - 5 years ago

@Nell76212291: @Mayolamoomy Don't mind Kidd, who does not have respect for friendship. Ozo tieing his durag, he is telling nengi t… - 5 years ago

@Oladapo_77: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Nuesuk: RT @shadduy: Erica is just typical woman brain. U know he's a fuckboy, u said it yourself he's "a friend" n u sef dey enjoy cruise. Now u… - 5 years ago

@anonymo52049738: RT @Miracle67801315: I don't see any reason y'all mentioning Erica and Kidd in your every tweet As long as they are happy , we are happy 😎… - 5 years ago

@appaavi_kidd: @Misschockiicake Don't cry. Happy mode - 5 years ago

@appaavi_kidd: @Appavi__ Don't cry. Time to be happy - 5 years ago

@BoyCalledMun: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@shadduy: Erica is just typical woman brain. U know he's a fuckboy, u said it yourself he's "a friend" n u sef dey enjoy cru… - 5 years ago

@Rahmilove2: RT @TellBabylove: Prince - how do you feel about Erica Kidd - I love her to bits in a way that I care about her and I don’t want her to hur… - 5 years ago

@RajiOlatunde: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Afunsho_O: @Don_kingdimeji @itslaycon He didn’t do shii to erica.. She had a choice and she made it She knew how kidd was from… - 5 years ago

@YeboahForster: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@TabeFedora: RT @Bolanle_____: Y'all should wait for Laycon and Kidd to come out so that they date you. Stop calling Erica manipulative and an emotiona… - 5 years ago

@Dollardeala: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@Lyna4gold: @hero_daniels More than he Kidd is willing to offer,I really don't feel for her,kids like kid are chased all the ti… - 5 years ago

@Chrisvial4: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@manutdbelove: RT @rasrap21: LAYCON: I still care about U but for now, it has to be this way. Every time U come back to meet me & talk about this, it’s li… - 5 years ago

@Neye_Powers: RT @Bolanle_____: Y'all should wait for Laycon and Kidd to come out so that they date you. Stop calling Erica manipulative and an emotiona… - 5 years ago

@BinumarAl_Amin: RT @Auta_Musa_: Please don’t scroll without retweeting. N4000 with free customization of five alphabets. WhatsApp or call 09027916024. P… - 5 years ago

@Saddinho: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@TheMayBanks: RT @Bolanle_____: Y'all should wait for Laycon and Kidd to come out so that they date you. Stop calling Erica manipulative and an emotiona… - 5 years ago

@KadiriRuth1: @machomario3 I don’t understand you, how is it a Jezebel tactic. She does most of her things with Kidd so it’s only… - 5 years ago

@biyione: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@SirFrank_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@kissme4oneluv: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@myriiyerm_gold: RT @Auta_Musa_: I beg you in the name of GOD. Don't scroll without retweeting. Price 6500 WhatsApp 09027916024 Pls contact @Bambi_bambell… - 5 years ago

@KennyBlazeNG: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Ooa1st_: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@Antimuse1: RT @Bolanle_____: Y'all should wait for Laycon and Kidd to come out so that they date you. Stop calling Erica manipulative and an emotiona… - 5 years ago

@Its_Chinenye: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@BlackEm56840103: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@8Waleigh: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@eldymtom: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@deji__johnson: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@sogifted86: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@_Ceksi: RT @strawapril: The difference btw Kiddwaya fans and Ozo fans. Kiddwaya fans don't blame Erica for kidd issues. Ozo fans keeps blaming nen… - 5 years ago

@FZY0001: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@LagosBop: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@sauka07: RT @EgwuRita1: Hei! Why we are still fighting on this street cos of last night, Kidd has crawled to Erica's bed🤒 Oga, pls this time, can y… - 5 years ago

@temi_boanerges: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@linkqueenlybabe: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@norakezz: RT @Nobsdaslushhkid: Btw, Don’t forget that Brighto nudged Kidd to show off himself as a bad Niggah but took the love of his life to bed. - 5 years ago

@Prosper32720686: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Twinkle12538126: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@chigaemezzuu: RT @Yettyclassy: Erica is naive, manipulative, and confused. I don’t even understand. I get her from the “loner” point of view but she need… - 5 years ago

@_JewelofGod: RT @TellBabylove: Prince - how do you feel about Erica Kidd - I love her to bits in a way that I care about her and I don’t want her to hur… - 5 years ago

@mhotunlizzy: RT @effizzyy: Your queen said she made a stupid decision for picking Kidd over @itsIaycon Well we don't care #BBNaija - 5 years ago

@TaiGeezer: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@___iphie: I don’t know what is happening but no one should stress KIDD. #BBNaija #BigBrothernaija2020 - 5 years ago

@bimboluwade18: @Bervelynnnnnn I will continue to vote for her and kidd, however I really don't think they should be together anymore. It's becoming toxic. - 5 years ago

@Yettyclassy: Erica is naive, manipulative, and confused. I don’t even understand. I get her from the “loner” point of view but s… - 5 years ago

@sir_emprince: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@franyjacobsjoor: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@HartViolet2: RT @cashii13: Kidd have finally said that he don't like erica oo all want is the sex oooo #bbnaija - 5 years ago

@kholadesheyi: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@meeky_me: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@iamehijigga: @mellypops_ I swear he does everything a guy should do for “his” lady and he’s not ashamed of it,they will surely m… - 5 years ago

@chizo_alaribe: RT @Nobsdaslushhkid: Btw, Don’t forget that Brighto nudged Kidd to show off himself as a bad Niggah but took the love of his life to bed. - 5 years ago

@Stoajoe20: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Ayoola__: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@TawfiqYunusa: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Mesoma15: @belotti981 I don't understand why you're so pained about kidd and erica,they fight and quarrel,they'll settle. Min… - 5 years ago

@JoyGive20712702: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@dameey_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Emarged: RT @kaladze__: Lmao. I don’t watch this show but I can feel that girl’s pain 😂. And the Kidd guy couldn’t wait for her to just get done wit… - 5 years ago

@jon__ohio: Not every girl is sound enough to know and express boldly what they want and feel. This is such a bold step by Eric… - 5 years ago

@yunglord10: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@marream_e: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@treasuredlyn: @faithfulgirlie @GhostOfEcstasy To me thevictim here is Kidd. Yes am a woman but I don’t like pushing someone and f… - 5 years ago

@h0llaOla: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@derrickkarikari: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@lloydchris_: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@Rabe__jr: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@alao_seyi: Erica please stay with your Kidd, Laycon has received his healing, I swear as a Laycon, I love you but you guys are… - 5 years ago

@qemini_qod: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@bidsman: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@dimplesxoxo3: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Nathani92579489: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@safeinthehandz: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@BrownGbemileke: @DahFreeda Erica... is a disgrace to womanhood.. very loose girl i regret voting for that fool.. And Tacha caused i… - 5 years ago

@honeydjoko: Re Kidd I don’t think he’s as emotionally unavailable as he thinks. This guy ticked off all the love languages in a… - 5 years ago

@GidiBoi_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Dammy__Bharbz: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@busayuor: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@NwakerenduH: RT @Amchizzy: Summary of last night.. Erica wants affection from Kiddwaya. Kidd said he loves her to bit and care alot about her but don… - 5 years ago

@Abdulyaalaji: RT @Auta_Musa_: Please don’t scroll without retweeting. N4000 with free customization of five alphabets. WhatsApp or call 09027916024. P… - 5 years ago

@Bolanle78594712: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@simplyarosybae: RT @Amchizzy: Summary of last night.. Erica wants affection from Kiddwaya. Kidd said he loves her to bit and care alot about her but don… - 5 years ago

@itz_olamiii: Erica, You said from that start that Kidd (kiddwaya) is a fuck boy and you guys just catching cruise with nothing a… - 5 years ago

@Rockets_WWWWW: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@DavidTitiloye: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Oba_adelekeadee: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@ManLikeAkoh: RT @Letter_to_Jack: Looking at Kidd, I don’t think fine face is a thing to him, he must have a surplus of that around him. She expects th… - 5 years ago

@Wasgan: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@lebamapsalm: Abeg they should leave each other. #WayaDemGeng don't want ship again, let Kidd and Erica focus on the game as inde… - 5 years ago

@deejayzigi: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@DicedMaple: RT @faithfulgirlie: What is happening to my ship oh lord! Kidd, don't hurt my Erica 🥺Every strong relationship has its trial time... I beli… - 5 years ago

@Lanreewaju: Lol. Kidd don suffer for this girl hand sha - 5 years ago

@Mikellins: Erica doing to kiddwaya what she accused Laycon of . Talking down on kidd because he don’t want to comment to rela… - 5 years ago

@olamipapa: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@adedirantai: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Petra56233624: RT @LookingForMide: She said who TF is Laycon...Look at yourself...Kidd said to her I cannot beat someone that’s half my body😭😭😭 My boy don… - 5 years ago

@elkareemeey: RT @Auta_Musa_: I beg you in the name of GOD. Don't scroll without retweeting. Price 6500 WhatsApp 09027916024 Pls contact @Bambi_bambell… - 5 years ago

@decoy_1986: @realchrisfrank1 @bellohamzaa @la_ghivver Dined as ronse babe or dined as client..pls let's be frank,Kidd too na pe… - 5 years ago

@dbabe5: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@MooEyins: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@iam_kingMidas: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@Adekemi2408: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Starzysongss: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@niftykaycee: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@iam_kingMidas: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@BlessTheBoy_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@mister_chulo: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Nauty_natty: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@daddyyo247: Nobody should drag Kidd o, Erica needs serious cane, Kidd no go kill himself, he dey try to keep you happy, I don'… - 5 years ago

@Tina73945706: RT @Bolanle_____: I don't understand how Nene feels jealous when Erica and Ozo are together but she's the one who is always all over Kidd .… - 5 years ago

@tunjimdae: RT @cashii13: Kidd have finally said that he don't like erica oo all want is the sex oooo #bbnaija - 5 years ago

@Ikirikogodswill: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@dineomini: @ObasiVivian9 @QueenRaynel @la_ghivver Yes I remember too seems like she fooled herself, feelings don't lie... Kidd… - 5 years ago

@Toyosiy: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@KINIEKAextra: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@Rocksteady_2412: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@KINIEKAextra: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@LuuhKaone: RT @IpThereal: Erica to kiddwaya, triky and prince I'm fucking bored, all we have is sex talk, kisses and romance, I don't feel like you c… - 5 years ago

@Deshysmalls: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Badru_blaq: @slaymama_69 Baba might be tired low-key and just want Erica to end things. Kidd na playboy plus the fact that they… - 5 years ago

@zayyad_haleed: RT @Auta_Musa_: I beg you in the name of GOD. Don't scroll without retweeting. Price 6500 WhatsApp 09027916024 Pls contact @Bambi_bambell… - 5 years ago

@jozfizzle: @BeastyBlack1 @idahoisegabriel @la_ghivver Then he knows where to go. Bt i don't think kidd is that stupid. He didn… - 5 years ago

@aramide_babe: RT @Ms_Darmeey: Kidd really tries for her. I don’t know what else she wants and it’s these things that makes the hm judge him wrongly in th… - 5 years ago

@Iam_Rauna: RT @franking_ng: Did you even see the manner at which prince was indirectly mocking her while she was talking to trikky, prince and kidd. H… - 5 years ago

@amanduregan: RT @cashii13: Kidd have finally said that he don't like erica oo all want is the sex oooo #bbnaija - 5 years ago

@Breezy_vixen: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@AnnMarvel6: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Erica_TeamErica: No one wants to see Kiddrica flourish inside & outside the house. I don’t trust many people in that house. The o… - 5 years ago

@Nene_Steffi: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@bubbly_360: RT @Auta_Musa_: I beg you in the name of GOD. Don't scroll without retweeting. Price 6500 WhatsApp 09027916024 Pls contact @Bambi_bambell… - 5 years ago

@okaforchinonye6: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Bandible1: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@dammykyle: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@d_kidd_: RT @mmpadellan: It'd be a real shame if this clip of trump stumbling went viral. So DON'T retweet it. #StumblingTrump - 5 years ago

@sugarstick4life: RT @Yettyclassy: The thing of badmouthing your partner/friend to another person when you people have issues is very bad. Very bad. Erica sa… - 5 years ago

@kidd_murph: RT @RiseFallNick: Jim Carey trending, and since he is, put some respect on his name for being a literal living cartoon and making so many u… - 5 years ago

@tumza2010: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@beautjay: @merlotalur2 @Pam87910543 We just need to pray for Erica and Kidd. And also pray for a strong will power for Erica… - 5 years ago

@olumefunadepeju: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@JessicaBlaze11: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Etuk_Mma: RT @Yettyclassy: The thing of badmouthing your partner/friend to another person when you people have issues is very bad. Very bad. Erica sa… - 5 years ago

@fan_nengi: @Chinna_pearl @GabriellaSpark6 If you don’t watch just keep quiet. Did you not see when Erica open her full bare na… - 5 years ago

@Aijayomae: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@IamDyzee: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Yettyclassy: The thing of badmouthing your partner/friend to another person when you people have issues is very bad. Very bad. E… - 5 years ago

@KamsonFunmilola: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@MaxRetro_: RT @Bolanle_____: I don't understand how Nene feels jealous when Erica and Ozo are together but she's the one who is always all over Kidd .… - 5 years ago

@RowlandTemitope: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@skidammie: @mumbababez @SpecialBreed8 Don't you think what your girl also is really bad. To the extent she talked about Kidd,… - 5 years ago

@AdemolaTobilob4: RT @hypertenzmusic: The guy knows himself and knows what affects him. Erica wants the emotional backup and assurance from laycon that kidd… - 5 years ago

@munameee: @remen_i I don't know why girls do this all the time, when they're in love, they want to blackmail the guys feeling… - 5 years ago

@mac84008352: @merlotalur2 I prefer watching it self dats why I sleep when um sure Erica and Kidd are asleep coz as 4 others I re… - 5 years ago

@samskidayotv: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@OouStudent: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@mister_laolu: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Tooclean2stain: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@pretahtorach: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@politricktian: @AaliyahJoy12 Chill with the lies. She never said that. She only joked with Kidd that he carried Nengi when he told… - 5 years ago

@teepeeodus: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Theeccentricccc: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Baro_of_Africa: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Sirken5: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@heywhyhoney: MY OPINION( A thread) When the fog clears from her eyes in the morning: Erica to Kidd: I am sorry for all the shit… - 5 years ago

@Sharon44958155: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Adewealth1101: RT @OriginlGangsta: @Giroooud Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say thi… - 5 years ago

@ayeniyemzy: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@mic_lahry: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@acesndeight22: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@ericasmile10: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@BabaTee_ednut: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@StaceyUncommon: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Midoahmed01: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@MarkPerner: @KevinMcC973 I don’t want any part of Jason Kidd anywhere near my team. This is obviously driven by his agent. - 5 years ago

@Lamaris201010: @OluwatoyinAlafe Kidd gives her love but he don't even know he does ,and its obvious we viewers sees that they are both living in denial - 5 years ago

@GFikayo: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Neonbash3: RT @bloggeryanke: If I say Erica na olosho na una go drag me. Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showin… - 5 years ago

@floochowsky: RT @cremechic11: This girl is manipulative and I don’t wanna hear any nonsense again. THIS SAME GIRL THAT WENT TO DRAG KIDD THIS MORNING I… - 5 years ago

@Itsyourgirlbee_: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@SamuelD63683410: @amaraebere9 @Giroooud @that_blacc_girl You can see kidd don't feel the same - 5 years ago

@SimplyIvy29: @MandahTemwa @Amchizzy My dear a lot. I don't even know where to begin. 💔😩😩 Baby G was drunk She broke up with Kidd… - 5 years ago

@Kidd_Acappella: RT @AzizRadhiyyah: All boys wanna do is make sure you don’t fw nobody else while they fw everyone. - 5 years ago

@RemyOguntoyinbo: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@RexNwaukwa: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@Rabe__jr: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@nkeseitam: RT @OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say t… - 5 years ago

@estherdohwe: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@pheallyj: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@RuthAmo31114813: @Ehzynne_rie So the other housemates are not drunk right? Don’t justify her actions by saying she was drunk by the… - 5 years ago

@essyjayy: Some of you turned psychologists on erica and kiddwaya situations 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 abeg this is a normal case of "the love… - 5 years ago

@wale_cares: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@bowei_kay: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@_TheRealDammy_: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Omokhehinde_: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@KobiCase: RT @OriginlGangsta: @Giroooud Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say thi… - 5 years ago

@estherdohwe: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@olamideportable: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Aijayomae: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@IsiomaAdiche: @AgyemangBuobu @elikem_e @wemmytrendy @Neye_Powers I don't think Kidd did anything wrong today. He doesn't deserve… - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @DrOlufunmilayo Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don… - 5 years ago

@BvoOfficial: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@STUPENDOUS1KING: @ngodootion @mellypops_ Ma'am Kidd never loved her. All na Playboy pattern. Don't you get it - 5 years ago

@victory36900909: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @Giroooud Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't say… - 5 years ago

@revampedbyapril: Na wa o. Which one is unstable emotionally here. Every body don turn psychologist ontop Kidd & Erica matter. *Disgu… - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @haduki_ewa Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't s… - 5 years ago

@Expiro: @ClementNosa @HowTweeted Kidd papa don deh arrange big man weeding for them. - 5 years ago

@rna4real: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@DiamondSmart5: RT @IpThereal: Erica to kiddwaya, triky and prince I'm fucking bored, all we have is sex talk, kisses and romance, I don't feel like you c… - 5 years ago

@sekhwete: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@IletogunA: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@ModupeRafiat: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@iykfortune: RT @Bolanle_____: I don't understand how Nene feels jealous when Erica and Ozo are together but she's the one who is always all over Kidd .… - 5 years ago

@geri_joi: @Henrietta_Eddie @Stephie_is_Bae @Ntha_mos If she was smart, she won't be forcing Kidd to assure her in a confined… - 5 years ago

@vahlenteenho: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Grooovy_T: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@louislexy: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@naakademus: @adetoro2cute @Ruqibabe After the show keh don’t you watch Kidd convo with trikky ? Kidd has no heart for loving Er… - 5 years ago

@OluwaQt: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@jennife47025204: RT @Mandie_simza: Prince - Kidd how do u feel about Erica? Kidd - I love this girl to bits and Care about her I just don't wanna hurt her.… - 5 years ago

@sirjero: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@itsfynegal: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@RexNwaukwa: RT @cremechic11: This girl is manipulative and I don’t wanna hear any nonsense again. THIS SAME GIRL THAT WENT TO DRAG KIDD THIS MORNING I… - 5 years ago

@citizen_efya: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't s… - 5 years ago

@BbnaijaViewer: RT @Bolanle_____: I don't understand how Nene feels jealous when Erica and Ozo are together but she's the one who is always all over Kidd .… - 5 years ago

@y_kidd: RT @_Astro_Nerd_: I don't really have any cancer advice to give out that hasn't been said already, all I can say as someone about to battle… - 5 years ago

@Malhilhi_1994: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @la_ghivver Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Moral of the show : Don't s… - 5 years ago

@Itsyourgirlbee_: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@Raichuu_Kidd: Cornballs everywhere looking for the slightest CRUMB of attention You want it so bad Imma give it to ya Don’t be a punk and back down - 5 years ago

@JustinBarbz: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@jiggyboyjre: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@_chiisom: I know we don’t see everything but what has Kidd done wrong? This babe ffs - 5 years ago

@OriginlGangsta: @DrOlufunmilayo Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Don't say things whenev… - 5 years ago

@mr_bosun: @TellBabylove I don't know why you guys can't see that this ship can't work? Both operate at diff wavelengths. Kidd… - 5 years ago

@YK_Fly: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@BankyMercy: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@jiggyboyjre: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@olaniyi_simeon: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@OzoneFallenWall: RT @AdenolaSnr: @Nobsdaslushhkid It’s ends in tears for her 🤣 🤣 I pity does way day watch from Twitter this morning cause the film long 🤣 K… - 5 years ago

@SAYITAS06539841: RT @MsIntrovert17: @AnalyzerFire @SAYITAS06539841 @BBNaija I love Kidd, but I love Erica more. Yes their 'friendship' gets everyone talking… - 5 years ago

@i_amDANNIE: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Don Kidd dies - #DonKidd #Don #Kidd #rip - 5 years ago

@OluwaQt: RT @IpThereal: Erica to kiddwaya, triky and prince I'm fucking bored, all we have is sex talk, kisses and romance, I don't feel like you c… - 5 years ago

@NaijaHappyPlace: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@YourFavsUncle: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@CHUKWUEDOZIE_: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Space_KDet: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@NaijaHappyPlace: RT @sapphyreO: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@IamMoske: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@hahnabelle: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Awe_mide_konami: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Lilgold11: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@Black_Elchulo: @rasrap21 Him wants pity buh stil vee don tell am wen ever erica comes to u act nonchalant Dn't gv a fuck about wat… - 5 years ago

@phollukehlawal: @bronaijapolice @Ace_paintings Lol I don't think you get me. I like them both, Kidd may be flirty but he has grown… - 5 years ago

@Itz_jhennipher: @Jiwor_ Ofcos, I don't even understand her game at this point, does she want prince, neo or Kidd or just wants to r… - 5 years ago

@Stephie_is_Bae: @ojekwedizzzy Ah ah . Nengi is a fine girl. Kidd is my fave doesn’t mean I ship them. Kiddwaya has already put me t… - 5 years ago

@Olahmy02: RT @HowTweeted: Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showing her **** to Kidd. Note: Don't drink while dri… - 5 years ago

@RyanB17671496: RT @Abbye32877023: Erica: I feel like u hate me, u didn't check up on me after I got the strikes. Laycon: I was pissed with you, Kidd and m… - 5 years ago

@Tinusodipo: RT @bloggeryanke: If I say Erica na olosho na una go drag me. Shayo na Bastard o! Shortly before things turned sour, Erica was seen showin… - 5 years ago

@Teamlayconnn: RT @la_ghivver: LAYCON: I still care about you but For now, it has to be this way. Every time you come back to meet me and talk about this,… - 5 years ago

@sekhwete: RT @lastieyy: Erica to laycon I'm on my own,you're the only person I trust but now I don't think I can trust you and me choosing Kidd over… - 5 years ago

@MsIntrovert17: @AnalyzerFire @SAYITAS06539841 @BBNaija I love Kidd, but I love Erica more. Yes their 'friendship' gets everyone ta… - 5 years ago

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