Don Edmunds

American race car driver.
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Don Edmunds:

@Glasswells: Our Ipswich & Bury St Edmunds restaurants are open 7 days a week! You don't need to reserve a table and can drop i… - 5 years ago

@theSmartArt: @don_edmunds @dawnsaffron @LolaMotz @GunnelsWarren @EmmaSegasture @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC They definitely need… - 5 years ago

@standanthem91: @Steelersdepot If they could cut/trade some guys not named Ben Minkah etc but like Edmunds any of our 30 RBs and WR… - 5 years ago

@BernardRand: @DrMarshPhysics @edmunds_dr @BenyohaiPhysics I briefly go over this for a horizontal spring, i.e. relate 0.5kx^2 to… - 5 years ago


@WistfulPapadoc: Don't count on getting your hands on Edmunds if you're moving laterally - 5 years ago

@jacquiS21: @EduMsfb It's a lovely city - lots going for it. Don't go very often - tend to go to Bury St Edmunds if I want to g… - 5 years ago

@RealSteveCox: @don_edmunds @_SemaHernandez_ That they’re shitbags. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @RealSteveCox @_SemaHernandez_ Okay. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @_SemaHernandez_ @RealSteveCox Your point is? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @washingtonpost Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @marwilliamson Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @JoshuaPotash Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Amy_Siskind @PortlandPolice Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @MairavZ Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @sav_says_ Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @sav_says_ Bunch of Cos play dorks on both sides. - 5 years ago

@Merks16: @edmunds_jake39 Is it bad I don’t even recognise the pub if it’s an Albury pub? - 5 years ago

@WeveAllGotToEat: @edmunds_jake39 Safe is best option. Don’t get the app though. It doesn’t work. 🤣 - 5 years ago

@K7AGE: @leighdiffey FYI, Don Edmunds 1957 Indy Rookie of the year passed away last week. Have fun with the race tomorrow - 5 years ago

@pckeller: @staffdb66 @edmunds_dr Ooh, I was just about to post that I plan on sharing this with my students as an example of… - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @IamARMANI_: I don’t address people who throw shade. You already showed me you are weak by not being direct. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @AOC: The House passed a second stimulus & UI extensions months ago. Republicans have abandoned the process bc they got their big corpo… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @BernieSanders: While Californians suffer, the president, as usual, blames everyone else. Trump is a pathological liar and his rejection… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @LVanessa213 @TheBernReport I agree with all that you said. If climate catastrophes don't destroy us, it would sti… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @LVanessa213 @TheBernReport I can dig it. In '16 I lived in WA state, and felt comfortable voting for Jill Stein.… - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @CashWRLD: Y’all really don’t kno how hard life can be and it’s funny to me cuz this ain’t even that bad - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @nbanueloss: I cannot express this enough, you have NO IDEA what other people carry with them EVERYDAY. You have NO IDEA what someone’s… - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @4TheCulture____: LMAOO you can’t do pranks on Black parents they don’t play 😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@eFantasy_Cola: @OvertimeIreland @rrpohle @FFPC @YardsPerGretch @RotoViz But if something happens to Drake, Edmunds becomes a bonan… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @RBReich: Many people don't know this, but California relies heavily on incarcerated volunteer firefighters to battle its wildfire seaso… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ElectionMapsCo: Hey @FiveThirtyEight and @NateSilver538, why don't you have polling aggregates for key senate races? Will you have them… - 5 years ago

@LVanessa213: @don_edmunds @TheBernReport lang re subsidies and tax cuts for fossil fuels..they haven't even won yet and they're… - 5 years ago

@LVanessa213: @don_edmunds @TheBernReport sadly for kids and grandkids, regardless of which cand. 'wins', there will be continuin… - 5 years ago

@LVanessa213: @don_edmunds @TheBernReport depends on the state, my vote is throwaway bc of electoral college in a solid blue stat… - 5 years ago

@Parsons13Chad: @Steelersdepot I don’t see Edmunds gone - 5 years ago

@pastjwils: @Steelersdepot I don’t think so, at this stage he should be taking a cut. They can’t lose young good players to sav… - 5 years ago

@r_e_b_1: @don_edmunds Yeah. It was @JohnKasich telling me that @JoeBiden won’t be pushed to the left that really convinced me...🙄 - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: Now that we know who & what Trump really is & is capable of, I hope that the people planning on voting 3rd party (a… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @TheBernReport Now that we know who & what Trump really is & is capable of, I hope that the people planning on voti… - 5 years ago

@dawnsaffron: @don_edmunds @LolaMotz @GunnelsWarren @EmmaSegasture @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @dawnsaffron @LolaMotz @GunnelsWarren @EmmaSegasture @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC Yes. Yes. And yes. Doesn't cha… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @taradublinrocks: Using their own words against them will always be the most effective tactic #TheyKnew #GOPBetrayedAmerica - 5 years ago

@dawnsaffron: @don_edmunds @LolaMotz @GunnelsWarren @EmmaSegasture @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC Have you heard of the Green Party… - 5 years ago

@nickenglish22: RT @Matt_Bove: Josh Norman has a hamstring injury — the #Bills don’t know the severity/timeline of the injury. AJ Klein and Tremaine Edmu… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Amy_Siskind: This is all a horse-shit excuse of a cover up ahead of his testimony. You don’t dismantle sorting machines to save costs.… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Amy_Siskind: I think we all know we will be Belarus if we don’t get rid of Trump in 75 days! - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Amy_Siskind: I am so fucking fed up with our Congress. Enough with the subpoenas and hearings they boycott or attend and don't answer… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Nate_Cohn: Biden opens with an 11 point lead in the USC panel poll--the one that showed Trump leading throughout 2016. (this is in my… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @MarkPocan @joekennedy Unfollowed and you can fuck the fuck right off. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @dawnsaffron @LolaMotz @GunnelsWarren @EmmaSegasture @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC Never heard of this dude before 3 months ago. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @yoyomorena They've been raging against the machine since the early 90's. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @tamburlaine01: BREAKING: Following the Nancy Pelosi endorsement, @EdMarkey raised more than $300,000, compared to Kennedy, who raised j… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @JohnnyAkzam Who cares? - 5 years ago

@BlanchDaddy: @edmunds @FordTrucks I don’t think they’ve confirmed that it has that engine, but let’s hope so! - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @KevinSLeahy @herosnvrdie69 @AOC @dccc @IlhanMN Action=reaction. Blame Pelosi. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @dawn_macc @WoobieTuesday @dilemmv @AOC @dccc @IlhanMN She's a fucking hypocrite. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @PaulRieckhoff @PeteButtigieg How in the world is he qualified to be SoS? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @RashidaTlaib @Kulinski_crat_1 @USPS Would that be considered perjury then? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @PaulRieckhoff @PeteButtigieg - 5 years ago

@WKBW: RT @Matt_Bove: Josh Norman has a hamstring injury — the #Bills don’t know the severity/timeline of the injury. AJ Klein and Tremaine Edmu… - 5 years ago

@NHLSabresNews: RT @Matt_Bove: Josh Norman has a hamstring injury — the #Bills don’t know the severity/timeline of the injury. AJ Klein and Tremaine Edmu… - 5 years ago

@Matt_Bove: Josh Norman has a hamstring injury — the #Bills don’t know the severity/timeline of the injury. AJ Klein and Trem… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Franklin_Graham @DemConvention No Gods have any business being involved in Government decisions, protocols, consid… - 5 years ago

@PerezMapManBush: @West_Suffolk will the Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds be open today. We don't want to travel if they are closed due to winds - 5 years ago

@randomizelyrics: Into my arms The bell from St. Edmunds informs me of the hour Get the loot, don't be slow, we're gonna catch a trout - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @SenhorRaposa: He's got some obscure endorsements like Juan Vargas. I don't even know what that is. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @MattKleinOnline: Today’s a big day for my #DistrictOfTheDay project… today marks 100 districts profiled!!! I don’t have any particular… - 5 years ago

@Sith_Trooper66: @edmunds @CarCastShow @AlistairWeaver @motorator @RamTrucks Just so everyone knows: this is a 2021 TRX compared to… - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @landryguillen: you can’t give me ONE good reason why these workers don’t deserve significant increases in their wages. PLUS real benefi… - 5 years ago

@dezmon_edmunds: RT @Maribaybee_: I don’t even post here.. but I had to post this one. Tomorrow I’m leaving for school and my boyfriend is also moving but h… - 5 years ago

@FantasyfanC: @LegendSports7 If you don’t watch the Bills no fault here but Tremaine Edmunds will be on this list by the end of the season. - 5 years ago

@stilrs_16: @J_R_607 @Urunderarrest Switzer had a bad season last year and Edmunds has no ball skills and I criticize both but… - 5 years ago

@john_hallw: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@joelfeder: @MichaelsPerHour @Edmunds_Test @Ford A simple solution is don't be silly and lower your car. The automaker probably… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: Okay Nancy - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @EdMarkey King - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @christoaivalis: Nancy Pelosi endorsing Joe Kennedy over Ed Markey not only shows she's a hypocrite about primaries, but it also shows h… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @WalkerBragman: After the DCCC created a blacklist of orgs that work against incumbent Democrats, multi-millionaire House Speaker Nancy… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @EdMarkey: Organize - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @ninaturner: #MedicareForAll is how you beat Donald Trump. Pass it on. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @GravelInstitute: The fact that Nancy Pelosi is endorsing Joe Kennedy is a good sign that you should support @EdMarkey. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @4aPeoplesParty: "Adequate housing, healthcare, food, public services, education, mass transit, health & safety standards, and environme… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ChazNuttycombe: If I don't see a good Virginia poll by Labor Day I'm probably gonna start a crowdfund to fund a poll for #VAPREZ, #VASE… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: We need @EdMarkey in the Senate. I just donated. Can you pitch in too to make sure he wins? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @sunrisemvmt: Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Joe Kennedy for Senate is an embarrassment for her and the Democratic establishment. Here's… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @herosnvrdie69: I dont want to hear a single word ever again about someone being primaried. ever EVER again. This party makes me sick. h… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: Also: Fuck you Pelosi - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @PepperOceanna: Ed Markey is fighting for a better future for us, our children & grand children. As Father of a Green New Deal he wants… - 5 years ago

@NonBinaryNtv: @mykola 1. Choose make/model and which year models you will accept 2. If you don’t already know what car you want,… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @umichvoter99: 2016 vs 2020 Florida turnout % change **fair warning: don't use this to predict november, there is a lot of local factor… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @SenhorRaposa: I've played each route twice but I don't think I've played all of them three times each - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ChazNuttycombe: For those who don't know how to shift between different layers on the forecast page, here's a quick gif showing you how… - 5 years ago

@melbop: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@harri_gallagher: @mrsjmasters @edmunds_dr @edwards_dr2 The 2 columns are identical for me, as far as I can see so far. I thought the… - 5 years ago

@jeremyhiggs: @BilkulSahiKaha These prices still don’t make sense. There’s a decent premium being charged. - 5 years ago

@mrsjmasters: @edmunds_dr @STEMyBanda @edwards_dr2 Yeah I don’t remember seeing them both at 8am - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @WajahatAli: This is such a huge story. Please don't let it get lost. The Trump Campaign Accepted Russian Help to Win in 2016. Case Clo… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @WindsorMann: “I don’t know much,” Trump just said, correctly. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @J_Mei21: For those who don’t know me I’m being facetious. I love my Ohioan brothers and sisters more than anyone in the world. We will… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Uncrewed: #HD24 (100% reporting, no absentees): Tom McKay (R)- 66.7% Chuck Kopp (Coalition R, Inc)- 33.3% Kopp looks like he's going… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @JonMIPol: Don't think I don't see the BLM spelled in foam learning letters - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ElectionMapsCo: I will refrain from watching the bigoted, fabricated narratives in the upcoming RNC and I would advise other viewers to… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @jvuppaluri: Can we change Election Twitter to the election mafia? @JMilesColeman we can call you Don Coleman. @kilometerbryman - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @realDonaldTrump Sir, this is a Wendy's drive thru... - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @charliekirk11 Nobody is calling for the abolition of police my guy. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @samstein @Sundaughter9 point two two three is the remedy - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @ProudSocialist @4aPeoplesParty Hopefully the PP focuses on local, State, and Congressional races before, or at lea… - 5 years ago

@davidhcraft: @buffalo_china @JonScottTV True, although I don’t think Milano will be one of 10 highest paid player at his positio… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @CNNPolitics Don't care one way or the other. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @TeamTrump @kayleighmcenany No such thing as blue lives. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @deejay90192: @realDonaldTrump Radical Left Democrats Don't: ❌Separate kids from parents & put them in cages ❌Ignore #coronavirus whe… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @SenhorRaposa: Guys, the House has consistently flipped under the past four Presidents. Dems were always going to flip the House by virt… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @politvidchannel: Trump just tweeted “Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES – They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS.” Goodyear's "zero tolerance policy"… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @kilometerbryman: I 100% don't buy that Biden's up 13 points in IN-05, FWIW. That would be a 25% shift left from 2016. But it's very wi… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @JMilesColeman: *In many states absentees are ultimately allocated to precincts (though we don’t in Louisiana or Virginia), but we shoul… - 5 years ago

@DJGteaching: @AhmedKhattabUK @edmunds_dr @mr_barbanneau I don't know what you mean... - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @AdamParkhomenko: Here’s the thing. I don’t give a rat’s ass if Trump accepts the election results or not. Motherfucker hasn’t accepted… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Amy_Siskind: Yes, Goodyear is important because we don't want to normalize Trump's continually impacting stock prices and intimidating… - 5 years ago

@BodaciousBeer: @FF_Terminator @DynoGameTheory I don't disagree at all...I was coming from, I think people are taking this as, drak… - 5 years ago

@bot24895: @Rainmaker512 @AyyyOhh @MarkKaboly @mlc118 You obviously don’t. Edmunds isn’t a cover SS... the Steelers defense ha… - 5 years ago

@huggishunter: RT @Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0 diesel… - 5 years ago

@wooksteroo: @edmunds_dr Don’t mark the cat! For info, I’m not at all ashamed to say this book often comes in handy for solution… - 5 years ago

@tracyreynolds_g: RT @Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0 diesel… - 5 years ago

@IanSpeed2: RT @Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0 diesel… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Lime76: RT @Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0 diesel… - 5 years ago

@sazmeister88: RT @Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0 diesel… - 5 years ago

@Owen_Riches: It will now cost just under £8 for a return ticket from my village to Bury St Edmunds. The same journey in my 2.0… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @PaulGarvey4 @Mr_N_Wood @DrRLofthouse I'm afraid I don't really know him so wouldn't be able to facilitate that. - 5 years ago

@mrbakerphysics: @bennewmark @edmunds_dr @adamboxer1 It's alright, I always told kids that aliens built the pyramids and that histor… - 5 years ago

@PaulGarvey4: @Mr_N_Wood @edmunds_dr @DrRLofthouse It’s called having a different view. Bennett effectively called the majority o… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @peterdaou I'm voting for a ticket that is infinitely better than Trump/Pence. And no, I'm not voting Green Party… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Jonatha61992076 @carolyn_from @Truth_Truth_Now @MiaFarrow @realDonaldTrump It's a businesses prerogative. - 5 years ago

@alex_kissling: @chrisse_edmunds @bethboett @ASCatOSU No problem! I was just curious because I was covered this summer, even though… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @voxdotcom @AOC All of the idiots on here complaining about procedure and formality. Don't like it? Contact the DNC. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @TLeeJordan1 @voxdotcom @AOC Go make toast. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @DavidJHarrisJr Why did the Trump campaign collude with Russia to steal the election? Why does Trump continue to lie about it? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @dcexaminer @DonaldJTrumpJr Another con man in the family. - 5 years ago

@NEPlaybook: @PrimeBigBen LOL, they made Edmunds the best player. You can tell the people at EA don’t watch football. Edmunds is fucking horrible. 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @Ms_D_Sci @HSE_physics I don't think students actually sitting the PAT have to contend with cats trying to eat their papers... 😅 - 5 years ago

@edmunds_jake39: Don’t mind this. If you’ve got a jumping castle, and there is another getting around...what are you going to do? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @davereaboi If you violate the ToS and/or the CoC, you aren't being're making a choice. - 5 years ago

@Caleb_302: @N3wWRLDOrd3r @TheActualCC I don’t even like Edmunds irl cause he can’t cover for shit. But his mut card is nice asf for the beginning - 5 years ago

@KissHardy: @RBReich @don_edmunds Vote Joe for no change. Believe it, John Kasich says so. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @RBReich: Since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, states with a history of voter suppression have closed 1,688 polling pla… - 5 years ago

@joel1zellem: @Johnny2timez__ Steven Nelson 2nd best corner rating Joe Haden was a pro bowler. MINKAH plays middle field while Ed… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @mfjfox @PhysicsRachel @ChatPhysics @physicstp @PhysicsManSam The spec sheets point you raise is an interesting one… - 5 years ago

@mfjfox: @edmunds_dr @PhysicsRachel @ChatPhysics @physicstp @PhysicsManSam Agreed, the spec sheets of digital apparatus give… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @RSBNetwork @realDonaldTrump Corrupt NYC con man. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @davidsirota: Hi, we broke this story wide open a few days ago -- would be nice to get a mention or a citation of that. Thanks. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @BobbyJindal @AOC You're the Governor of what exactly? - 5 years ago

@bobbydevito: @Pemayeshe And don’t forget - DAVE EDMUNDS was in that band. DAVE EDMUNDS 😎🎸😎 - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @AnandWrites: .@BernieSanders has not gotten enough credit for his incredible patriotism in this election cycle. The patriotism of figh… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @davidsirota You're giving the "voters" too much credit. The DNC & Dem elites chose the latter, and rigged another Primary. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @jaredlholt @MelissaRyan Republicans are showing more and more that too many are bat-shit crazy. - 5 years ago

@GroverforSenate: @don_edmunds @glowstreetlight I'm sure you're right. I wonder how long before the fascists come for everyone who e… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @WSJ Breaking the law makes you a criminal, yes? My understanding is that she didn't want women POC to have the right to vote. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @CarlaRK3 @inovajon Hopefully most will do what's necessary regardless. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @glowstreetlight @GroverforSenate Twitter is retarded and we're all fools for wasting out time here. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @KyleKulinski: The next Bernie won't be so nice - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Bill_Swindle @NickAdamsinUSA You're definitely no Christian. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @dogfaceponysol1 Something is seriously wrong with you people. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @ArtValley818_ And you have a micropenis. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @badfish_cc Idiot. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_jaden: RT @sadierob: let me tell you girls. wait for the guy that you don’t have to stand up to, but that stands up for you. - 5 years ago

@rudlingswakelam: ‘If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.’ Many people think they don’t need to get married because the… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_jake39: @tablordkieren Go your hardest. Grubs that don’t pay for their half of the fence are the lowest form of human. They… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_edd: RT @aproko_doctor: Some people are so thirsty for validation from strangers on the internet that they go as far as lying, cooking up storie… - 5 years ago

@MyopicNinja: @edmunds_dr Same! It was quicker to make my own than find what I wanted on TES 😂 Don't get me wrong, there was some… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @MyopicNinja Glad to hear they were helpful! I'd like to move away from PowerPoints myself, but I'm changing schoo… - 5 years ago

@MyopicNinja: @edmunds_dr Thank you again. I don't use PowerPoints much myself but was tasked with producing or sourcing ks4 phys… - 5 years ago

@GrahamYapp: @edmunds_dr @physicsufo The same as schools since grant-maintained status then fragmented academisation. Popular su… - 5 years ago

@jgillard_: @bmstores can you confirm if the Bury st Edmunds store in Suffolk is open again please? As it closed temporarily du… - 5 years ago

@pinkserif: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@jeromethegnome: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@EthnicArt1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Sarah75795819: @drmstark2 @edmunds_dr I don't think *any* of our current Yr 11's or Yr 13's wanted this. They wanted to finish sch… - 5 years ago

@kidwolfopowers: @SmallTwinkie @SteelersKingdom @FarabaughFB Yeah, I don't think we can really fault Edmunds for this one. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @SenhorRaposa: I don't see why Adam Schiff would givd up the gavel on House Intel to become a junior Senator. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ProjectLincoln: Please don’t retweet this or tag @realDonaldTrump. He’s going to be so upset his favorite meme was used against him.… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @TaraSetmayer: The Dems should run this ad every night of #DNCConvention this week. During network coverage. This is 2:40 well spent fo… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @Yukongold1898: To be clear, I don't fault Election Twitter people for not having worked in politics. Not everybody can or wants to do t… - 5 years ago

@NathandeGargoyl: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ForecasterEnten: I see people are saying it... The undecided category is really small at this point. Biden over 50% in the average is u… - 5 years ago

@DrG_Sci: @edmunds_dr @AhmedKhattabUK Possibly, but I don't know if it will apply as much in future. Many more kids get exper… - 5 years ago

@Glasswells: Did you know that we make all our scones fresh every morning? Our Ipswich & Bury St Edmunds restaurants are now op… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @greeborunner @Ms_D_Sci Thanks; I’m not sure I understand why they don’t just allocate CAGs. It can’t be that much… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @NilesGApol: I don't watch much cable news. I view most of it as just opinions and unhealthy entertainment rather than news. Folks like… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @SenhorRaposa: There's no good way to rectify the lack of diversity in the Senate. There are only three Black Senators. Two of the state… - 5 years ago

@Ms_D_Sci: @edmunds_dr @greeborunner I don't know what to say tbh - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @charlidamelio: to the random guy who told me to takeoff my 40 pounds of make up and delete my tiktok account deleted his tiktok once i… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @greeborunner My question wasn't clear I don't think; CAGs for all GCSE students or will they be able to get a higher moderated grade? - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @DecisionDeskHQ: Just in case you are wondering why our topline chances for Biden and Trump don't add up to 100%....there's a .6% chance… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @_alex_joshua: @USPoliticsPoll I don't have any major problems with any of them, but if we're talking MOST trusted, then @JMilesColeman - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @DrRobDavidson: As a doctor, I'm deeply concerned that the White House's sabotage of USPS may literally cost many Americans their lives.… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @NateSilver538: Is the race tightening? I don't know. Biden peaked in our average at 9.6 points at various times in late June and early… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @RepKatiePorter: I hope the Postmaster General comes prepared. I know I will. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @CYBERCULT45 @_Heineman_ @Breaking911's fully the point. - 5 years ago

@jackpemberton97: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@CYBERCULT45: @don_edmunds @_Heineman_ @Breaking911 Okay? That’s besides the point - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @CYBERCULT45 @_Heineman_ @Breaking911 Trump merch is garbage no matter how it's packaged. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @jackieblue045 @_Heineman_ @Breaking911 Extrapolate... - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Breaking911 Why is she advocating for only Republicans to not vote by mail if she fears fraud or abuse? - 5 years ago

@TaylorR57417014: RT @GrayeJen: @10kmwB @don_edmunds @TaylorR57417014 @chicagotribune Billionaires should be taxed higher than people who make a living wage.… - 5 years ago

@GrayeJen: @10kmwB @don_edmunds @TaylorR57417014 @chicagotribune Billionaires should be taxed higher than people who make a li… - 5 years ago

@RealJimThurman: @Basso488 @Basso488 Braund Spl. was 1959 for Don Edmunds. Thanks for the photos and remembering Don and all the other racers. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @IngrahamAngle Maybe because virtually ALL of them are wearing masks? - 5 years ago

@mrsbiocookie: @edmunds_dr Surely it will depend on the Uni? Some will have capacity and some won’t. I don’t think they can start… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @mrsbiocookie There's gotta be a coherent line across all unis though surely? I don't think having some start again… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @seungscribe Forrest Whitaker's left eye... - 5 years ago

@KingGorilla: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@rosannamiles: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@ejh1528: RT @jarodgray: Don't get it twisted I think Tremaine Edmunds could fly up into this and be a top 10 guy. #IDP123 #IDP411 #IDPArmy - 5 years ago

@elle_edmunds: Imagine not giving us a common room as we can’t social distance in it, but we don’t need to social distance in actu… - 5 years ago

@10kmwB: @GrayeJen @don_edmunds @TaylorR57417014 @chicagotribune Do you have a real job Jen? You need people that honestly… - 5 years ago

@BuryStEdBeyond: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@RichAtkinsonMD: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@BBPMagazines: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@MarcusRomer: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@WistfulCass: @TrevorS53362313 @AvaSantina @MartinRemains John Edmunds exposed accurately. Don't forget his colleagues in SAGE… - 5 years ago

@TomKislingbury: @dwilli I don't think Warner is on the same level as any of those guys from a talent/productivity PoV. He was bette… - 5 years ago

@wlbse: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@MarkourbseBID: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@EmmaLSuckling: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@AaronWeight: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@juliawakelam: RT @TheatreRoyalBSE: Cinderella at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds will go the ball - just fashionably late! We have rescheduled our pantomim… - 5 years ago

@gillianthurston: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@GregVorse: @ZachSheldon of those 4 things my order of insanity, errr, possibility is actually 2 points, goal (my team needs to… - 5 years ago

@IDPArmy: RT @jarodgray: Don't get it twisted I think Tremaine Edmunds could fly up into this and be a top 10 guy. #IDP123 #IDP411 #IDPArmy - 5 years ago

@jarodgray: Don't get it twisted I think Tremaine Edmunds could fly up into this and be a top 10 guy. #IDP123 #IDP411 #IDPArmy - 5 years ago

@UndergroundPixl: @G0LDEK16 @judgeisthegoat1 yeah and I wanted edmunds, we don't all get what we want - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ActorAaronBooth: Just 2 hundredths of a point short of hitting 70% in the end. Obviously, don't read too much into this. Things were… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ActorAaronBooth: Obviously don't expect every state to be at the level that Minnesota is, but you would hope there would be a basic lev… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @lxeagle17: I've done Georgia before, but I don't think the areas of interest popped out as nicely there, because it's harder to tell wh… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @aztammyp: Please don't just scale up your existing program & buy more envelopes. Implement best practices like using these great (FREE… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @aztammyp: Guidance from @usps is to advise voters to mail back the ballot one week before the due date to be certain. Are you mailing… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @TossupBot: a lot of people don't know this but massachusetts is the only state without a 1st district - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @pigheartman I mean, let’s be clear...there’s no “fair” outcome here I don’t think. I’m beginning to think that aw… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @JoshuaPotash: OANN is trending, so in case anyone doesn’t know, OANN is a dumpster-fire Brietbart QAnon Frankenstein child pretending t… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @SenSchumer could have him arrested for contempt of Congress. - 5 years ago

@stevemack2017: @simonloverules As as young boy, I bought "Born to be with you" which had the same label. Since then I don't thin… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @_StreetFights 😄😆😅😂🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @_StreetFights Don't put your hands on people... - 5 years ago

@Gregorygabbard: @don_edmunds @LakeElannia Followed and boosted - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @_YoungAli_ @_StreetFights Fuck around and find out... - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @ChazNuttycombe: If Democrats have a trifecta and don't admit DC and Puerto Rico (especially Puerto Rico) as states before the midterms,… - 5 years ago

@nrmakin: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @MilesPerHoward: I don’t ever want to hear another word about “dignity of work” from a bunch of politicians who went on a month-long vac… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @Imagine71376213: This is speaking truth to power ! Thank you @4aPeoplesParty - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @lt3taylor You're no Christian. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @RepDeanPhillips: What should we do, you ask? We should subpoena the Postmaster immediately and afford him the opportunity to testify. I… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @myafrazier: Maybe every working journalist should go out and interview postal workers in their community to figure out what's going on… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @AmbassadorRice Edward Snowden is a hero. - 5 years ago

@Apo_mitsis: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @KamalaHarris: Why don’t they want us to vote? Why are they creating obstacles to us voting? It’s this simple: when we vote things cha… - 5 years ago

@TobiasM30087355: @don_edmunds @EmilieIkedaFOX5 @flowerunited @FOX5Atlanta Losers like white nationalist, NFAC, etc. - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @_cingraham: But on the other hand we don't *not* know that either because USPS hasn't provided any clear public rationale for why they'… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @_cingraham: One word of caution. A lot of folks are looking at the map and saying these removals are targeted at Dem. strongholds. We d… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @JRubinBlogger: Given that Trump is now using the WH briefing room to make racist attacks against an election opponent why do the press… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @russianbot85983: Yes I know it cut off, I don’t know why. Titled: Likelihood of Winning - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @meenaharris: Some of y’all don’t want to do it, and I see you. 🧐 - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @KamalaHarris: America needs leadership, yet we have a president who cares more about himself than the people who elected him. A preside… - 5 years ago

@systonhouse: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@sopwith0913: @don_edmunds @RubleKB It’s all a small dick club. Micro-penis. - 5 years ago

@FeckOffFlouncer: @philippa22 And filmed in Bury St Edmunds! 🙂 We don’t often get Hollywood in these here parts - 5 years ago

@Lostexasboy: @nearlyfreaky @Spencerk_76 @don_edmunds @fascistanista OUCH! Not fair! You brought the facts into this! Whaaaa 😫 - 5 years ago

@nearlyfreaky: @Spencerk_76 @don_edmunds @fascistanista WRONG! - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @mschlapp I've seen a lot of idiotic things on the internet, and this ranks right up there with the worst of them. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @joelockhart: The Postmaster General is the perfect test of Congressional power. He should be subpoenaed immediately and when he resists… - 5 years ago

@pwnstix: @don_edmunds @WahineAkamai The 'B' stands for Beauregard, probably. - 5 years ago

@Spencerk_76: @don_edmunds @fascistanista Guess what, they are not white nationalists, you just say they are, and you are not correct. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @TheRickyDavila: Just so we’re clear, neo-Nazis, KKK, QAnon, GOP, Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, NRA, MAGA, OANN, Fox*news are all the exact… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @britishbullybee A British person calling others invaders? I'm sure the irony is lost here... - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @RubleKB Literally every white nationalist group I've seen has MAGA hat wearing dorks in it. Every. Single. One. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @fascistanista Literally every white nationalist group I've seen has MAGA hat wearing dorks in it. Every. Single. One. - 5 years ago

@crossjacktar: @edmunds_dr @__codexterous @ofqual Yes, I agree, I don't think anybody should have a U unless that is their CAG, bu… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @wowthingsonly Imported or made in the USA? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: Whoa. This is going on now outside USPS Postmaster General DeJoy's house. via @Meg4Congress #saturdaymorning #AMJ… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Terryharvell Most of them are fat boys who couldn't do 10 pushups to save their lives. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @zoazippy @EmilieIkedaFOX5 @flowerunited @FOX5Atlanta Most of them are fat boys who couldn't do 10 pushups or run to the end of the block. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @Ty_McNamara @EmilieIkedaFOX5 @flowerunited @FOX5Atlanta I agree. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @EmilieIkedaFOX5 @flowerunited @FOX5Atlanta Who the fuck walks around with an assault rifle? - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @flowerunited Lololol fat boys in fatigues!! - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @ThatSeanKeenan @flowerunited @afainatl Who the fuck walks around with assault rifles? Jfc... - 5 years ago

@estefano_lopes: Faleceu no dia 12 de agosto aos 89 anos. - 5 years ago

@LizaD0Little: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DrAlexanderHop1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@endplastic99: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Chris_RA50: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MiftyJackson: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Graeme_Meikle: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @NichilessDey @physicsufo Well I don’t know; but I also don’t know how many schools don’t allow a U to be predicted… - 5 years ago

@JoeSteelerFan: @RenegadeBlitz I don’t expect some big leap of performance from Edmunds at this point. I think he is who he is .... - 5 years ago

@joonbyron: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Sarah75795819: @Catgilbert3 @A_Weatherall @edmunds_dr I would say not - grades above mock grade won't be awarded. Students tend to… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @physicsufo @NichilessDey I disagree; I think the number of Us is a problem. I get that it’s less than in previous… - 5 years ago

@DavidDaandrews: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@dmorgan_r: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Spinningtop2: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Murray35David: @NiloufarW @edmunds_dr Yes, I don't disagree at all. It is the unfairness of not being able to influence the result… - 5 years ago

@Liam_Morris89: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@NiloufarW: @Murray35David @edmunds_dr Usually a student would not be entered to do an exam if they were predicted to get ‘uncl… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @MrsMcBHistory @SaysMiss It doesn't change the sentiment of what you're saying really & it's a very valid point.… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @MrsMcBHistory I agree with the sentiment, but I make 1.8% of 718,276 entries to be around 13,000 allocated U grade… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @MrsMcBHistory @SaysMiss 0.3% of CAGs were a U. 1.8% of allocated grades were a U. I'd be interested in hearing w… - 5 years ago

@Ronniebfawu: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@janiceplant1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MoiraWebster: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@RougeGorge007: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@AncientBat: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@guyson_7: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@nillie: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@WHOSAFK: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @Barkiologist: Hey, everyone, the USPS is asking that we follow their union Twitter feed @APWUnational to show our support. So, please,… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @ARetoske: Calls for #GeneralStrike in the United States. Demands: -Universal Basic Income -Universal Health Care -Green New Deal -Gun… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @InTheNoosphere A government that needs to be overthrown...violently if necessary. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: RT @alanabell: Congress is literally living Socialist European values while carrying the banner of capitalism for everyone else. Long vacat… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @spiritwalker_20 @JohnBasham 2A says nothing about magazines or ammunition. - 5 years ago

@flokosman: @paulrey99 @realcalpol @BlightMick @BorisJohnson @UkNatArchives Is this the same John Edmunds who last month came o… - 5 years ago

@malinimehra: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@LucyKMahoney: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@lunaperla: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@youngapp_pf: RT @butchnofingers: @PhysicsRachel @BernardRand @edmunds_dr @ChatPhysics @physicstp @mrbakerphysics @legophysicsguy @JammyPhysics You don’t… - 5 years ago

@BurnettSJ: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@GrahamWakeham: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@helmut_herberth: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@api_daily: RT @butchnofingers: @PhysicsRachel @BernardRand @edmunds_dr @ChatPhysics @physicstp @mrbakerphysics @legophysicsguy @JammyPhysics You don’t… - 5 years ago

@KnittedKittie: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Bob_in_NYorks: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Don EDMUNDS (1930-2020), American racecar driver and car builder. He had his first start at Indianapolis Mo… - 5 years ago

@Allchanges: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DidoDiam: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@SyzygySyzygysue: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@speedwaydigest: RT @speedwaydigest: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Edmunds Dies at 89: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, also… - 5 years ago

@SHusin13: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@sam_cunanan: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@filsdelenin: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@traceyaj_: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@davidgraywrites: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@butchnofingers: @PhysicsRachel @BernardRand @edmunds_dr @ChatPhysics @physicstp @mrbakerphysics @legophysicsguy @JammyPhysics You d… - 5 years ago

@SDinPraxis: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DarrellFlood: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MrsF159: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@dougiejston: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@roygrubb: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@garysumm: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@louisseee21: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Basso488: Don Edmunds after successfully qualifying for the 1957 Indianapolis 500. - 5 years ago

@harphat: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @TxAppellateAtty @RalphNader @AOC Foh with that fake ass bullshit. - 5 years ago

@AngryStaffNurse: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@CordeliaAppleb1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@ValMRotherhithe: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @lilradishn @RegressiveElf @adammizelle Look up "Unsafe At Any Speed". - 5 years ago

@DTyson15: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@StarterPat: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@camm1509: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@AOWOvalRacing: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@marc_cart: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@wicardossa1957: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@hrhan119: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@Reenee53: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Stormy1073: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@PHughes74470229: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@HappyHerdwick: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MariaCu80986175: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@berylm61: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@RyanBudgie: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Tynegall: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Desdelisa: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@localhero247: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Eranson1986: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Kevin_Harkin1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@pcg591: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@abbeyroad89: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@alexcburrows: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Indys18Wheels: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@jorgekoechlin: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@UmsportsXtre: RT @IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, who died Aug.… - 5 years ago

@IMS: Everyone at @IMS offers their condolences to the family and friends of 1957 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds - 5 years ago

@deelo1311: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@dotty_place: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@PritchardGwen: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@FrazerIzzard: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@radetskymarsch1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@doeBsaft: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@sarahchantrey: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Lisa_V_Ryan: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@NTH_Malcontent: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@katyvans: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@KSmythStephens: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Mortimer4Kim: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeRitchi: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@louisestilgoe: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@hcertainly: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@NackOff: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@sydnets: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DJP455: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@PalserDavid: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Undercover_mole: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Stoic2050: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@gadge_gd: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@thebdaman: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@islingtonlloyd: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@JeremyRaison: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@FooteRikk: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@KLinierung: RT @RACERmag: Robin Miller remembers #Indy500 veteran Don Edmunds, who died today at the age of 89 - 5 years ago

@gats0: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@vanillaman: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@smorrell21: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Mikemccandles: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@spiralunbound: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@SheddyIan: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DianeAsensio: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@WavyDav35850079: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MaggieDownie: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@day4_carole: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Chiclanagirl: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Belibop: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@can_p_one: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Steve_Hooker: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@jebear: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@closey29: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@LJR1626: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@1996GGGGGG: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MattMcGrath2001: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Rich_Swin_Metal: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@declankane60: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@susie5581: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@natvallade: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@NickOwTee: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@JoManion1: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@wingowingster: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@PatrickTAudio: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@7sparky4: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@milairpix: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Molpanc: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Carbis2: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@brenviney: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@GL650_LynneG: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@helenhighwater5: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@siskudd: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@forumeditor: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@arfboston: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@ayee_jane: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@ChantalBB: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@ThreeHeadsInc: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@DebCran: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@robowen18: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@drhjefferson: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@mforshizz: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@lennysperson: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@LaughingSmurf: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Bo_Dudley: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@BoMandeville: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@jeckythump: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@SarahRosemary3: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Beingextorted: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@carwynrhodri: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@sjbnye: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@owlsoflaughter: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@LizStokoe: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@taniajones75: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@cjayanetti: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@kinowords: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@AdbySteven: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@katybeeee: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@autodytis: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@StormyWatersOne: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@MartinRemains: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Helen121: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@lynnecc11: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@RunoPb: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@1875bluesHK: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@tianran: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@LightHealing: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@starbie99: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@tribunecarl: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@treesey: RT @AvaSantina: Asked on #r4today what has changed in the science to allow a further ease of lockdown measures, SAGE member John Edmunds si… - 5 years ago

@Chase_Hend: @don_edmunds @JaneOst_ If you don’t believe your money should fund someone’s transition, then you don’t believe in… - 5 years ago

@ryan___edmunds: RT @wbalatest_: After losing 6k WBA fans from an EFL copyright ban, I thought I’d give this Twitter thing a go again... 😬 If you enjoyed t… - 5 years ago

@SmartassSoc: @don_edmunds I cant imagine why someone wouldn't enjoy you disrespecting their identity and putting people in danger because you're bigoted - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @JaneOst_ Jane is easily triggered it seems, and perhaps isn't interested in opinions that don't align with her own… - 5 years ago

@ADVANGROUPJAPAN: Don Edmunds @ Langhorne, 1957. - 5 years ago

@JaneOst_: @don_edmunds You're not progressive - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @JaneOst_ I've always been torn on this, and I've been to prison. You do your time where biology dictates. I also… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @4aPeoplesParty @jonnyboyca There comes a point where the working class has to stand up and buy sniper rifles. - 5 years ago

@EricLink2: "Don Edmunds 1930-2020 - RACER" - 5 years ago

@KHNASCAR: RT @IMSMuseum: Condolences to the family of Don Edmunds - 1957 #Indy500 Rookie of the Year, his only @IMS start. Don's passing Aug. 11 mean… - 5 years ago

@angsty_the: @don_edmunds @anthonyvclark20 Why? There's hundreds of other songs talking about women's bodies. - 5 years ago

@eberle_ebs8002: @SalSports Just doesn't seem like a strong squad outside Milano and Edmunds, I hope we don't miss Alexander, hopefu… - 5 years ago

@kevinmtriplett: RT @IMSMuseum: Condolences to the family of Don Edmunds - 1957 #Indy500 Rookie of the Year, his only @IMS start. Don's passing Aug. 11 mean… - 5 years ago

@53Hippie: RT @Basso488: #RIP Don Edmunds 9/23/1930 - 8/12/2020. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Don Edmunds is no longer with us - #DonEdmunds #Don #Edmunds #rip - 5 years ago

@BethMetzker: RT @Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Langhorne, 1957. - 5 years ago

@Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Langhorne, 1957. - 5 years ago

@nsrlracing: RT @RACERmag: Robin Miller remembers #Indy500 veteran Don Edmunds, who died today at the age of 89 - 5 years ago

@M30042031: @KyleTreats @CodyPhinney @AdamSchefter I actually think Matt Milano is a fantastic linebacker. For me, it's about v… - 5 years ago

@DarksideLeader: RT @Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Indianapolis, 1957. - 5 years ago

@Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Indianapolis, 1957. - 5 years ago

@paulopdyke417: Godspeed Don Edmunds. I just ordered a model kit of this car on Monday. - 5 years ago

@4turns1loveIMS: @KevinLee23 #talkofgasolinealley Could Donald talk a bit about Don Edmunds. I have never heard much on him. Chroni… - 5 years ago

@booradleysplace: @edmunds_dr Ah it seems like this horrendous downgrade of disadvantaged students results has affected almost every… - 5 years ago

@DarksideLeader: RT @Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Indianapolis, 1957. - 5 years ago

@Basso488: Don Edmunds @ Indianapolis, 1957. - 5 years ago

@strohl_daniel: RT @Edmunds_Test: Catch ‘ya later, dad. Thanks for everything you taught me. Don Edmunds: Sep 23, 1930 - Aug 11, 2020. - 5 years ago

@sdraceupdates: RT @speedwaydigest: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Edmunds Dies at 89: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds, also… - 5 years ago

@speedwaydigest: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Edmunds Dies at 89: 1957 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year Don Edmunds,… - 5 years ago

@HockeyKamen: @KevinLee23 For #TalkofGasolineAlley, could you have Donald Davidson do a profile of Don Edmunds who passed away ye… - 5 years ago

@edmunds_dr: @MissGBiology You know what he was totally normal & friendly straight after the op. I had to stop him from sprintin… - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @SocialistMMA We need snipers. - 5 years ago

@MissGBiology: @edmunds_dr I don’t think you’re going to be forgiven quickly...! He is a gorgeous cat - love his different colour eyes 😀 - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @LeeCamp Kill 'em all... Good album. - 5 years ago

@don_edmunds: @MaryWarrick18 @Breaking911 Me. - 5 years ago

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