Don Banfield

Australian politician
Died on Wednesday June 4th 2014

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Don Banfield:

@brookecoryx3: I work hella more hours at Banfield than Wawa, but I love it so much that I don't care 😍😎

@Don_Pep: @chirolaquemero @lolarnr12 bueno, agrego uno mío particular, no sé si es generalizado, Banfield

@KellyGlath: RT @Carly_Larkins: Pissed at @Banfield in Vestal NY. Don't have me drop my dog at 730am if he can't be seen til 12, I told you I'm driving …

@Carly_Larkins: Pissed at @Banfield in Vestal NY. Don't have me drop my dog at 730am if he can't be seen til 12, I told you I'm driving 90 mins to bring him


@17_banfield: RT @MovieMsgs: "Don't choose the better guy. Choose the guy that's going to make you a better girl. " -This Means War.

@hotcanalla: @Ernestou @Don_Pep Banfield se la perdió con Vos Lanus...

@EuDevitoTiAmo: RT @federicodevito: Don't wait for the world to be ready!

@Don_Pep: RT @Copa_Argentina: #CopaArgentina @BocaJrsOficial eliminó a Huracán Las Heras y se enfrentará con Banfield http://t…

@Alexis_Banfield: RT @Fitness_ttips: You feel that burn? That's your MUSCLES working, your FAT melting.. It's you becoming FIT. It's you becoming HOT. Don't …

@Don_Pep: @facu_faaa @gastorino MISTICA BANFIELD

@tokeahontis_: Don't mind my face but.... Her >> 😍😍 #weloveyourpets #Banfield

@Markos_Banfield: RT @ChazMichaelsBOG: Don't wanna close my eyes Don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I miss you Jimmy And I don't wanna miss a thing. #aerosmith h…

@jackiesaud: Banfield vs Don Bosco? Dorrego?. No distingo, me agarró conjuntivitis de lo malas que son. #diosmio

@banfield_brett: Somehow I don't think Putin would be happy if she wins as a gay invasion would happen next year to make russia oh so sparkly #SBSEurovision

@nahuelolmedo: RT @ufologia_ok: Falleció en su casa de Banfield "Zultham el majestuoso" mentalista que tenía el don natural de adivinar a cuál equipo pert…

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