Dobri Dobrev

Died on Tuesday February 13th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Dobri Dobrev:

@contrelesrobots: Magnifique ! - 7 years ago

@brindeviolette: RT @InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago

@Ccye3Jean: RT @InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago

@ChrisJGodlewski: RT @InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago


@Vil_et_rat: RT @InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago

@Narowenn: RT @InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago

@InfoMdia: MPI - Dobri Dimitri Dobrev : mort d’un mendiant bienfaiteur de l’Eglise - 7 years ago

@Writesomethink: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@forionpozo: Dobri Dobrev, the Saint of Bailovo, has died at the age of 103. He walked over 20 kilometres each day to sit or sta… - 7 years ago

@muiiio: @dobri_dobrev_ И бързо се приказва 😄 - 7 years ago

@dobri_dobrev_: @muiiio В Италия май само кафето се пие бързо 🙃 - 7 years ago

@Slavorum_org: Meet Dobri Dobrev – The modern day Bulgarian saint who was nicknamed “good” because of his good doing… - 7 years ago

@magic_nut: - 7 years ago

@VoxGenevieve: RT @ChrisGrozje: The good will is just and true. Everything in it is good. We must not lie, nor steal, nor commit adultery. We must love ea… - 7 years ago

@VoxGenevieve: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@ErinAAlexandria: Dobri Dobrev died this month and what a wonderful life. - 7 years ago

@seamusphan: A modern saint whose action is charity and love, Elder Dobri Dobrev, reposed in the Lord. Memory eternal. - 7 years ago

@fatherraphael: Elder Dobri Dobrev has reposed in the Lord. May his memory be eternal! - 7 years ago

@LaJuntaNazarene: RT @adventurer83: Two devoted saints went to rest in the presence of the Lord this week. Billy Graham (1918-2018) preached to 2.2 billion,… - 7 years ago

@adventurer83: Two devoted saints went to rest in the presence of the Lord this week. Billy Graham (1918-2018) preached to 2.2 bil… - 7 years ago

@Atailoredagent: Faith in humanity (slightly) restored: Dobri Dimitrov Dobrev (Bulgarian: Добри Димитров Добрев,) better known as... - 7 years ago

@a_benjamin: Ah yes, killed by recently passed Bulgarian ascetic Dobri Dobrev. His relentless commitment to poverty and charity… - 7 years ago

@ImgurViral: Dobri Dobrev - The Saint Of Bailovo - 7 years ago

@mmhn60: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@portaldnevno: Počivao u miru, dobri anđele! <3 <3 <3 - 7 years ago

@FerrerMVirginia: RT @MamaenBulgaria: Ha fallecido a los 103 años Diado Dobri, el mendigo más famoso de #Bulgaria, un ejemplo de generosidad y humildad. DEP… - 7 years ago

@Jfhcr: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@9jgjlangellosa: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@frantoniomaria: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@RhmKOb8huavbhig: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@stilllonghair: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@shokofany: Pojawić się w kraju krótko po tym, gdy umiera jego ponad 100-letni symbol (Dobri Dobrev) skłania do chwilowej... - 7 years ago

@ThurMonster: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@natashagalkina: RT @seraphimholland: Elder Dobri Dobrev of Bulgaria, “The Saint of Bailovo,” reposes in the Lord / - 7 years ago

@rd_christianity: Dobri Dobrev, the Bulgarian beggar known as the The Saint of Bailovo, who donated more than 40,000 Euros in his lif… - 7 years ago

@graigon21: - Fallece con 103 años Dobri Dobrev, el llamado santo mendigo de Bulgaria - 7 years ago

@zaharaesque: RIP Dobri Dobrev. - 7 years ago

@rafael_cuesta: Agregué un video a una lista de reproducción de @YouTube - 7 years ago

@rafael_cuesta: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 7 years ago

@jondknight: Watch the Documentary Movie For Dobri Dobrev - a Bulgarian Man Known For His Extreme Generosity -… - 7 years ago

@Solipsistic_God: Aww guys Dobri Dobrev died :( - 7 years ago

@Patriot10123353: RT @FatosEsquerda: Em 2000 doou todos os seus bens e começou sua jornada... O pedinte búlgaro Ortodoxo que angariava fundos para restauraçõ… - 7 years ago

@giovannifesta1: Sua Beatitudine Neofit, patriarca della Chiesa ortodossa bulgara, offre i suoi omaggi al f… - 7 years ago

@suha_Alqs_zkria: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago


@seraphi39980141: Sfantul Cerșetor.Dobri Dobrev. - 7 years ago

@OratorIeka: RT @OrthodoxNews2: #Dobri #Dobrev has been laid to rest today in his home village of #Bailovo, 40 km from #Sofia. #Bulgarian #Patriarch Neo… - 7 years ago

@DarkhOrion: Ik heb een video toegevoegd aan een @YouTube-afspeellijst: - 7 years ago

@mendaloNEWS: Kisah Dobri Dobrev, Pengemis yang Dimakamkan Bak Pahlawan Bangsa - 7 years ago

@OHAMalulani: Reminiscences of Elder Dobri Dobrev / - 7 years ago

@in2hisgrace: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@pinochetspilot7: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@welch_sg: RT @Mccrimmons: The amazing story of 'Grandpa Dobri' who has died at the age of 103 ✨ #RIP Elder Dobri Dobrev of… - 7 years ago

@dobri_dobrev_: Impressive... - 7 years ago

@wbdnewton: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@Jmoore37Moore: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@Alphey: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@Homimp1: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@mikeandersonsr: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@fashgordon: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@stirilazi: #StiriDeUltimaOra VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV: Ați auzit de bulga… - 7 years ago

@Mccrimmons: The amazing story of 'Grandpa Dobri' who has died at the age of 103 ✨ #RIP Elder Dobri Do… - 7 years ago


@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV - 7 years ago

@naasparish: Living Saints are everywhere ... we only have to have eyes to see them and hearts to understand them. May the good… - 7 years ago

@newsbuzau: VIDEO - Va amintiti de el? S-A MUTAT LA DOMNUL batranul cersetor DOBRI DOBREV: Ați auzit de… - 7 years ago

@PatriotSRB: RT @PatriotSRB: ДОБРИ СТАРАЦ ДОБРИ ДОБРЕВ - - 7 years ago

@PatriotSRB: ДОБРИ СТАРАЦ ДОБРИ ДОБРЕВ - - 7 years ago

@AnnKerley6: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@stnectarios: Elder Dobri Dobrev of Bulgaria, “The Saint of Bailovo,” reposes in the Lord / - 7 years ago

@JEmenezesusa: RT @FatosEsquerda: Em 2000 doou todos os seus bens e começou sua jornada... O pedinte búlgaro Ortodoxo que angariava fundos para restauraçõ… - 7 years ago

@senastronomy: RT @MamaenBulgaria: Ha fallecido a los 103 años Diado Dobri, el mendigo más famoso de #Bulgaria, un ejemplo de generosidad y humildad. DEP… - 7 years ago

@swanpressagency: - 7 years ago

@kath_de: Bulgarien hat einen seiner berühmtesten Menschen verloren: Dobri Dobrev. Er gilt als Ikone der Askese in seiner... - 7 years ago

@lajouetreine: Dobri Dobrev "The Saint Of Baylovo" “Grandpa” Dobri went to be with the lord! Dobri was 103 🙏🏼 - 7 years ago

@St_Anthony_YEG: Elder Dobri Dobrev of Bulgaria, “The Saint of Bailovo,” reposes in the Lord / - 7 years ago

@TheRisen87: RT @nickthomas98: Please pray for the repose of Dobri Dobrev, who died today, at the age 103 - 7 years ago

@Nikolajkim_: RT @OrthodoxNews2: #Dobri #Dobrev has been laid to rest today in his home village of #Bailovo, 40 km from #Sofia. #Bulgarian #Patriarch Neo… - 7 years ago

@cipion12: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@rguezcheca: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@Crispal: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

@HeesThierry: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the… - 7 years ago

@AgentiaBasilica: Cel cunoscut drept „Bunicul Dobri” sau „Sfântul din Bailovo” cerșea în apropierea Catedralei „Alexander Nevsky”... - 7 years ago

@BaronAlkalar: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@podv_slova: Добри Добрев – Тихи анђео - 7 years ago

@jrserginho: RT @FatosEsquerda: Em 2000 doou todos os seus bens e começou sua jornada... O pedinte búlgaro Ortodoxo que angariava fundos para restauraçõ… - 7 years ago

@ThomasTeinture: Père Dobri Dobrev - Dobri Dobrev - 7 years ago

@PhocasNicephore: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@nara___narayana: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@andpapas: RT @OrthodoxNews2: #Dobri #Dobrev has been laid to rest today in his home village of #Bailovo, 40 km from #Sofia. #Bulgarian #Patriarch Neo… - 7 years ago

@GodiBjorn: Apparently the Saint of Bailovo, Dobri Dobrev, died on the 13th. Memory Eternal! - 7 years ago

@nikavala: 101-Year-Old Grandpa Begs Every Day And Gives It All Away To Orphanages - Dobri Dobrev - 7 years ago

@Lashsa: RT @OrthodoxNews2: #Dobri #Dobrev has been laid to rest today in his home village of #Bailovo, 40 km from #Sofia. #Bulgarian #Patriarch Neo… - 7 years ago

@stodgyschwejk: RT @BalkanInsight: Bulgarians are mourning the loss of Dobre Dobrev, known as Dyado Dobri [grandpa Dobri] or the “Saint from Bailovo”, who… - 7 years ago

@vrymdrn: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@RodrigoBMoraesP: RT @FatosEsquerda: Em 2000 doou todos os seus bens e começou sua jornada... O pedinte búlgaro Ortodoxo que angariava fundos para restauraçõ… - 7 years ago

@CurlyCajunLass: RT @TheIllegit: Bulgarian ascetic Elder Dobri Dobrev, who begged on the streets only to donate the money to charity, reposed in the Lord to… - 7 years ago

@Kasper_Huesos: RT @CarlosBarrax_97: Hoy, a la edad de 103 años, falleció en el monasterio de Kremikovtsi, el asceta búlgaro Dobri Dobrev. Todo el dinero q… - 7 years ago

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