Dmitry Kolker

Russian physicist
Died on Friday July 8th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Dmitry Kolker:

@klangwandler: #Russland #FSB Der russische Wissenschaftler Dmitry Kolker verstarb kurze Zeit nach seiner Verhaftung durch den FS… - 3 years ago

@TerekMedia: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Family of scientist Dmitry Kolker wasn’t yet given his body ‘due to bureaucracy’& will have to transport him back at ow… - 3 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago


@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@BexZex: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@tvdlt: RT @mbk_center: No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of cancer bed and jailed… - 3 years ago

@DerClue: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@MicheleAb5: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@erichand: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@hfeldwisch: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@Uli_Gro: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@VeroWendland: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@papijones4: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@DejanV7: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@riascience: RT @NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@NewsfromScience: Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being accused of divulging Russian state secrets. - 3 years ago

@Uuuuuuuj7: RT @siberian_times: Police in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk scientific centre chased away a handmade memorial to scientists Dmitry Kolker & An… - 3 years ago

@VZoey101: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@anniebowieart: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@lbush0409: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@Bobduff1: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@Tree4justice: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@markshopkins: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@BeaugiBear: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@graffic: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@SandyKAlano: RT @mbk_center: Court upholds arrest of scientist Dmitry Kolker, Doctor of physics and mathematics, who died on July 2 in Moscow's pre-tria… - 3 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Family of scientist Dmitry Kolker wasn’t yet given his body ‘due to bureaucracy’& will have to transport him back at ow… - 3 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@KIMPY123: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@MaxPowWow: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@KurakinEgor: RT @meduza_en: Last week, the Russian authorities took physicist Dmitry Kolker from his Novosibirsk hospital bed, where he was receiving st… - 3 years ago

@WitterDo: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@maheath1: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@dassen_van: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@Marisol_Maddox: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@sm9eb: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@sm9eb: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@naturalkitchen7: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@Aontaithe2021: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@Aontaithe2021: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@Irngutaq2: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@rmabenitez: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@ShosheeTav: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@DavidJohnson_27: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@Annelee38515669: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@AgainsTyrants: RT @siberian_times: Body of renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker is still not given back to his family in Siberia to be laid to rest. Doctor of… - 3 years ago

@FredAarten: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@Mattcr08: RT @mbk_center: No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of cancer bed and jailed… - 3 years ago

@RamValsbd: El científic rus Dmitry Kolker va morir aproximadament un dia després de ser arrossegat fora d'una sala de càncer d… - 3 years ago

@justicegu2: 2022年7月1日,俄罗斯科学家德米特里·科尔克(Dmitry Kolker)因涉嫌向中国安全机构提供含有国家机密的材料被捕,他被指控叛国罪,当地时间7月3日,律师和其家属称,德米特里已经去世。 2022年7月2日, 俄导弹攻击敖德萨,至少21人丧生 - 3 years ago

@smadax: RT @nypost: Top Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker dies of cancer two days after 'treason' arrest - 3 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeWrixon: RT @siberian_times: Novosibirsk scientist Dmitry Kolker, pulled out of hospital 7am on 30 June, arrested for suspected state treason & flow… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeWrixon: RT @siberian_times: Family of scientist Dmitry Kolker wasn’t yet given his body ‘due to bureaucracy’& will have to transport him back at ow… - 3 years ago

@questioner_heal: "Dmitry Kolker, forskare: Familjen har inte fått kroppen "pga byråkrati" måste transportera honom egen bekostnad. D… - 3 years ago

@Monimaz1: RT @siberian_times: Family of scientist Dmitry Kolker wasn’t yet given his body ‘due to bureaucracy’& will have to transport him back at ow… - 3 years ago

@Cutwitts: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@HelOperNoc300: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@Eloy_Sauvan: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@DanielleDuches: Le scientifique russe Dmitry Kolker est mort environ un jour après avoir été traîné hors d'un service de cancérolog… - 3 years ago

@andischl: RT @siberian_times: Family of scientist Dmitry Kolker wasn’t yet given his body ‘due to bureaucracy’& will have to transport him back at ow… - 3 years ago

@AlixChaytor: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@nickreeves9876: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@BKrivatsy: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@aiziyou_21: RT @texun007: 俄罗斯当局逮捕中共间谍 俄罗斯新西伯利州当地法院以叛国罪逮捕了新西伯利亚国立大学量子光学技术实验室主任科尔克(Dmitry Kolker),这是地区司法部门向塔斯社提供的,报导称他被指控与中国情报机构合作。 特评:都是自家人,何必呢 🤣🤣 https… - 3 years ago

@Harvard2H: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@endtoxisch: RT @k_sonin: Two days ago, FSB arrested Dmitry Kolker, a professor of quantum physics at the Novosibirsk State University who had a termina… - 3 years ago

@flet_jess: RT @k_sonin: Two days ago, FSB arrested Dmitry Kolker, a professor of quantum physics at the Novosibirsk State University who had a termina… - 3 years ago

@vvitnes: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@CarolMaeWY: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@Tati_Ermolaeva: RT @mbk_center: No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of cancer bed and jailed… - 3 years ago

@Danixa28078456: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@AtWhatIsWrong: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@kellyb20201: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@sisu_sanity: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@mask_39_: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@EvilDoug3: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@CarolYMorrisse1: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@LAPyVVCL: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@adekleine: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@RNiallDMartin: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@upuouo: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@bruinsfan197: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@stephenbbb: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@cubomat: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@BQuest_SHIPsCo_: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@sommelier50: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@cubamartiana: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@BadAzU: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@editeszegedi: RT @RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on a plane to a… - 3 years ago

@RFERL: Russian scientist Dmitry Kolker was dead about one day after being dragged out of a Siberian cancer ward and put on… - 3 years ago

@BQuest_SHIPsCo_: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@alexovalles69: RT @_NOALCOMUNISMO: Un científico ruso murió dos días después de ser arrestado por el Kremlin: “Putin ve espías en todas partes” Rusia detu… - 3 years ago

@declanmfarrell: RT @k_sonin: Two days ago, FSB arrested Dmitry Kolker, a professor of quantum physics at the Novosibirsk State University who had a termina… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Dmitry Kolker - #DmitryKolker #Dmitry #Kolker #rip - 3 years ago

@Mrkalman: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@WillaABell1: RT @Robert4787: He was arrested by Russia's #FSB spy agency at a clinic iwhere he was being treated for terminal cancer, then transferred t… - 3 years ago

@chronophagus: RT @k_sonin: Two days ago, FSB arrested Dmitry Kolker, a professor of quantum physics at the Novosibirsk State University who had a termina… - 3 years ago

@xiaowei613: RT @texun007: 俄罗斯当局逮捕中共间谍 俄罗斯新西伯利州当地法院以叛国罪逮捕了新西伯利亚国立大学量子光学技术实验室主任科尔克(Dmitry Kolker),这是地区司法部门向塔斯社提供的,报导称他被指控与中国情报机构合作。 特评:都是自家人,何必呢 🤣🤣 https… - 3 years ago

@Watchmaker42: Renowned scientist Dmitry Kolker dies after being taken from his hospital bed on espionage charges in Russia: "Extr… - 3 years ago

@Prettypoppett: RT @igorsushko: 🧵 The FSB has murdered a quantum scientist in Russia. Telegram from prison administration to Dmitry Kolker's family: "Infor… - 3 years ago

@WriteAurSimcoe: RT @PutinHasNoPenis: Interesting development, what will relations be if Kolker was actually spying for China. His death, just 3 days after… - 3 years ago

@Pmb69G: RT @mbk_center: No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of cancer bed and jailed… - 3 years ago

@andischl: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@W0rldMaN: A highly regarded #Russian scientist(#Dmitry_Kolker, 54) has died in #Moscow, two days after he was arrested in… - 3 years ago

@zrenner: RT @mbk_center: No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of cancer bed and jailed… - 3 years ago

@denisdorval66: RT @k_sonin: Two days ago, FSB arrested Dmitry Kolker, a professor of quantum physics at the Novosibirsk State University who had a termina… - 3 years ago

@marian51: On Dmitry Kolker's death and the risk to scientists these days - 3 years ago

@BQuest_SHIPsCo_: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@manchan_free: RT @cepa: “Dmitry Kolker, 54, had been suffering from terminal, stage IV pancreatic cancer when FSB officials dragged him from his hospital… - 3 years ago

@Ulrike_TW: @Amb_Ulyanov No words Leading 🇷🇺laser scientist, Dr Dmitry Kolker (54) dies only 2 days after being pulled out of c… - 3 years ago

@cepa: “Dmitry Kolker, 54, had been suffering from terminal, stage IV pancreatic cancer when FSB officials dragged him fro… - 3 years ago

@CeesBoogaart: RT @siberian_times: Russian scientists demanded to bring those responsible for death of physicist Dmitry Kolker to justice. The approach to… - 3 years ago

@Protest_when: RT @cepa: “Dmitry Kolker, 54, had been suffering from terminal, stage IV pancreatic cancer when FSB officials dragged him from his hospital… - 3 years ago

@honeydewhugs: @mediazzzona Scientists need to leave. Apparently they are in as high demand as journalists. RIP Dmitry Kolker - 3 years ago

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