Dmitri Smirnov

Russian-born British composer (Tiriel
Died on Thursday April 9th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Dmitri Smirnov:

@PolandHockey: In a sign of good news, KH Torun has re-signed Yegor Feofanov, Denis Sergushkin, Dmitri Kozlov, Artyom Smirnov, and… - 5 years ago

@ReligionProf: SAD NEWS | Russian Composer Dmitri Smirnov Has Died Due to Coronavirus - Aged 71 [RIP] - 5 years ago

@fhvln: Next I’m performing music by Dmitri Smirnov who sadly passed away last week. Here’s the last movement, Postludium,… - 5 years ago

@ideasKathy: RT @op109: (11) Dmitri N. Smirnov: Song of Songs - YouTube - 5 years ago


@freude710: Russian composer Dmitri Smirnov dies of Coronavirus | Article | The Strad - 5 years ago

@gi_dalor: RT @Sheppardskaerve: This morning at the desk: In memoriam Dmitri Smirnov, a treasured collaborator and inspiration. Here's his memorial to… - 5 years ago

@WeeKaplanski: - 5 years ago

@op109: (11) Dmitri N. Smirnov: Song of Songs - YouTube - 5 years ago

@honeynoir: Russian composer Dmitri Smirnov dies of Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@AbbaPhoebe: RT @TheStradMag: Russian modernist Dmitri Smirnov, who served as composer-in-residence @Cambridge_Uni, has died from the consequences of CO… - 5 years ago

@CMusicRenaissa1: RT @TheStradMag: Russian modernist Dmitri Smirnov, who served as composer-in-residence @Cambridge_Uni, has died from the consequences of CO… - 5 years ago

@tommilesz: RT @TheStradMag: Russian modernist Dmitri Smirnov, who served as composer-in-residence @Cambridge_Uni, has died from the consequences of CO… - 5 years ago

@BEliasson2: RT @TheStradMag: Russian modernist Dmitri Smirnov, who served as composer-in-residence @Cambridge_Uni, has died from the consequences of CO… - 5 years ago

@TheStradMag: Russian modernist Dmitri Smirnov, who served as composer-in-residence @Cambridge_Uni, has died from the consequence… - 5 years ago

@RenaudMachart: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@DavidJohnson_27: RT @mbk_center: SAD NEWS! Russian-born composer Dmitri Smirnov has passed away from the #COVID19 #Coronavirus aged 71 He served as Composer… - 5 years ago

@GoldenTent: RT @mbk_center: SAD NEWS! Russian-born composer Dmitri Smirnov has passed away from the #COVID19 #Coronavirus aged 71 He served as Composer… - 5 years ago

@StunnedVoter: RT @mbk_center: SAD NEWS! Russian-born composer Dmitri Smirnov has passed away from the #COVID19 #Coronavirus aged 71 He served as Composer… - 5 years ago

@mbk_center: SAD NEWS! Russian-born composer Dmitri Smirnov has passed away from the #COVID19 #Coronavirus aged 71 He served as… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Dmitri Smirnov   Дми́трий Смирно́в (2 November 1948 – 9 April 2020) - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week. He'd… - 5 years ago

@ShashTrevett: RT @SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week. He'd… - 5 years ago

@vanderaanet: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@johnandrewhall: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@johnandrewhall: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@PhillipWSerna: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@jade_am_ufer: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@robinhaigh1: RT @Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications related to C… - 5 years ago

@Boosey: Today we pay tribute to composer Dmitri Smirnov, published by Sikorski, who sadly died on 9 April of complications… - 5 years ago

@mikeroebuck53: RT @SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week. He'd… - 5 years ago

@artispolitical: RT @SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week. He'd… - 5 years ago

@stephenkeeler: RT @SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week. He'd… - 5 years ago

@SashaDugdale: I've just heard via a mutual friend that the composer and musicologist Dmitri Smirnov died of coronavirus last week… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Dmitri Smirnov, you will be missed - #DmitriSmirnov #Dmitri #Smirnov #rip - 5 years ago

@BlakeQuarterly: RT @Blake2_0: Following the extremely sad news of the death of Dmitri Smirnov, here is a short piece on him at zoamorphosis. - 5 years ago

@dohkux: RT @LuisCardenasMx: #CulturaYEspectáculos en #LaPrimeradeMVS 📌@BluesPills presentó el videoclip 'Low Road' 📌@phoebe_bridgers estrenó el te… - 5 years ago

@OperawireNews: RIP to this great Russian composer - 5 years ago

@LuisCardenasMx: #CulturaYEspectáculos en #LaPrimeradeMVS 📌@BluesPills presentó el videoclip 'Low Road' 📌@phoebe_bridgers estrenó e… - 5 years ago

@xochipillee: RT @rcflores74: Me tocó coincidir con el maestro en dos ocasiones. QEPD. - 5 years ago

@rcflores74: Me tocó coincidir con el maestro en dos ocasiones. QEPD. - 5 years ago

@ZNinelCastillo: RT @quorum_mx: #CulturaEnHuelga 😔 #COVID__19 Después de permanecer varios días hospitalizado en Watford, Inflaterra, por COVID-19, el comp… - 5 years ago

@quorum_mx: #CulturaEnHuelga 😔 #COVID__19 Después de permanecer varios días hospitalizado en Watford, Inflaterra, por COVID-19… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Childrens' rights activist Norah Gibbons; composers Richard Teitelbaum, Dmitri Smirnov; histo… - 5 years ago

@elarsenalmx: Fallece compositor ruso Dmitri Smirnov por COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@GCR_Inter: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@Xiscu_61: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@jlarteaga2: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@PedroPjgrau: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@svmusicology: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@Scherzo_es: Muere a los 71 años por coronavirus el compositor ruso-británico Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@machista_x: RT @anandasukarlan: So sad. I worked with him long time ago performing his piano sonata. RIP Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@anandasukarlan: So sad. I worked with him long time ago performing his piano sonata. RIP Dmitri Smirnov - 5 years ago

@PhilipHensher: @susannaeastburn @FionaMaddocks @larkingrumple @GeorgeHallMusic @GuyHolloway_HCH @Haroldonthejob @gavinplumley… - 5 years ago

@PhilipHensher: @susannaeastburn @FionaMaddocks @larkingrumple @GeorgeHallMusic @GuyHolloway_HCH @Haroldonthejob @gavinplumley… - 5 years ago

@drianpace: @MusicClerk @RichardNSkinner @katherineschof8 @sunnysingh_n6 @DJLdistraction @guywalters @CThomas663 @greg_jenner… - 5 years ago

@chrisschuringa: Sad to hear that composer Dmitri Smirnov has died in the COVID-19 pandemic. For a biography and list of works see h… - 5 years ago

@dr_tarawilson: RT @riley_leman: Terrible news about Dmitri Smirnov, a fine composer and a lovely man. He was a devotee of William Blake who inspired numer… - 5 years ago

@PianoTalent: RT @ANScriabin: Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He died in Watford, UK yesterday from COV… - 5 years ago

@triciagarcia31: @ANScriabin @opera_odyssey Rest In Peace composer Dmitri N. Smirnov. - 5 years ago

@dr_tarawilson: RT @ANScriabin: Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He died in Watford, UK yesterday from COV… - 5 years ago

@AilatanMyopic: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@NicDemocrat: RT @Blake2_0: Following the extremely sad news of the death of Dmitri Smirnov, here is a short piece on him at zoamorphosis. - 5 years ago

@marccold: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@Ellysiumfields: RT @ANScriabin: Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He died in Watford, UK yesterday from COV… - 5 years ago

@Aspasia_1: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@Blake2_0: Following the extremely sad news of the death of Dmitri Smirnov, here is a short piece on him at zoamorphosis. - 5 years ago

@festivaldebardi: RT @opera_odyssey: (1/5) Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He was born in Minsk, Belarus and… - 5 years ago

@dr_tarawilson: RT @BarbaraKelly8: Sad to hear about the deaths of two significant musicians yesterday. Firstly, the composer Dmitri Smirnov, who was at Ke… - 5 years ago

@Marco11630347: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@lindarncm: RT @BarbaraKelly8: Sad to hear about the deaths of two significant musicians yesterday. Firstly, the composer Dmitri Smirnov, who was at Ke… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@ANScriabin: Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He died in Watford, UK yesterday… - 5 years ago

@opera_odyssey: (1/5) Dmitri N. Smirnov (1948-2020), was a Russian and (since 1991) British composer. He was born in Minsk, Belaru… - 5 years ago

@alvisezuani: RT @Sheppardskaerve: This morning at the desk: In memoriam Dmitri Smirnov, a treasured collaborator and inspiration. Here's his memorial to… - 5 years ago

@NikiZohdi: Sad news re. Dmitri Smirnov! Excellent composer and will be a massive loss to music. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Sheppardskaerve: This morning at the desk: In memoriam Dmitri Smirnov, a treasured collaborator and inspiration. Here's his memorial… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraKelly8: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@AmigoniDavid: RT @BarbaraKelly8: Sad to hear about the deaths of two significant musicians yesterday. Firstly, the composer Dmitri Smirnov, who was at Ke… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @BarbaraKelly8: Sad to hear about the deaths of two significant musicians yesterday. Firstly, the composer Dmitri Smirnov, who was at Ke… - 5 years ago

@edmccauley: Very sad to learn of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov from Covid-19, one of my masters tutors at Goldsmiths - 5 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Dmitri Smirnov Composer, COVID-19 , - 5 years ago

@BarbaraKelly8: Sad to hear about the deaths of two significant musicians yesterday. Firstly, the composer Dmitri Smirnov, who was… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Dmitri Smirnov (composer) - 5 years ago

@MASHAN72168146: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@ciurlionis: ロンドン大学時代の恩師で作曲家のDmitri Smirnov先生が昨日、COVID-19感染症のためお亡くなりになったそうです。Facebookでは自身の姿を写真に撮るなどして大丈夫そうに見えていたので、残念です。心から御冥福をお… - 5 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@PetloverHermine: DMITRI SMIRNOV, Russian born British Composer, 1948 to 2020 #COVIDー19 - 5 years ago

@bou_ryuu614: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@elizabethsangha: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@24TrueToneTenor: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@Goethe_Choir: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@drianpace: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@NotationIsGreat: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@dr_tarawilson: RT @Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat There's… - 5 years ago

@falparsimusic: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@Sheppardskaerve: Here's part my much loved score of Dmitri Smirnov's astonishing 1985 Partita - the Chaconne. @NotationIsGreat Ther… - 5 years ago

@SALVADORLACROIX: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@zvelindovsky: R.I.P. Lost to #covid19UK: Russian and British composer, Dmitri Smirnov. Thank you, ⁦@BorisJohnson⁩, for all the d… - 5 years ago

@DinewithRichard: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@dr_tarawilson: RT @Sheppardskaerve: In memoriam Dmitri Smirnov: a great composer and treasured collaborator - here two wonderful early fugues - here is co… - 5 years ago

@Sheppardskaerve: In memoriam Dmitri Smirnov: a great composer and treasured collaborator - here two wonderful early fugues - here is… - 5 years ago

@anthonypilavac1: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@juanmanuelabras: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: Dmitri N. Smirnov: Eternal Refuge, op 10A (1972; rev 2002) #RIP #NowListening #NowPlaying - 5 years ago

@PeterIntheswim: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@ANScriabin: I owe @TadeOKuuMushi huge thanks for reminding me of this work's existence. It is Dmitri N. Smirnov's Eternal Refu… - 5 years ago

@johnhotujec: RT @TadeOKuuMushi: Dmitri N. Smirnov: First Symphony "The Seasons" (1980) #RIP #NowListening #NowPlaying - 5 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: Dmitri N. Smirnov: First Symphony "The Seasons" (1980) #RIP #NowListening #NowPlaying - 5 years ago

@ArtisanPec: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: RT @operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@operamagazine: Tragic news of the death of the composer Dmitri Smirnov, from Covid-19, this afternoon at the age of 71. - 5 years ago

@simonjulien63: Top story: Dmitri N. Smirnov: Tiriel-Prologue - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Dmitri Smirnov (composer) @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #DmitriSmirnov(composer) add some flowers to their g… - 5 years ago

@riley_leman: Terrible news about Dmitri Smirnov, a fine composer and a lovely man. He was a devotee of William Blake who inspire… - 5 years ago

@postmoshemendel: RT @leonbosch: I am absolutely shattered to hear news of the passing of my friend, the composer Dmitri Smirnov - an exemplary life cut trag… - 5 years ago

@DanElphick: RT @leonbosch: I am absolutely shattered to hear news of the passing of my friend, the composer Dmitri Smirnov - an exemplary life cut trag… - 5 years ago

@catekustanczy: #RIP composer Dmitri Smirnov. One of the very best humans x - 5 years ago

@Dangiddy: RT @leonbosch: I am absolutely shattered to hear news of the passing of my friend, the composer Dmitri Smirnov - an exemplary life cut trag… - 5 years ago

@AlanWilliams123: Oh No. Dmitri Smirnov has gone #RIP - 5 years ago

@InfoMusikate: RT @RedgateRoger: Terribly sad to hear about the passing of Dmitri Smirnov, a charming, lovely man. He was a wonderful colleague and such… - 5 years ago

@robinhaigh1: RIP Dmitri Smirnov, an incredible person and composer, whose teaching changed my life. - 5 years ago

@RedgateRoger: Terribly sad to hear about the passing of Dmitri Smirnov, a charming, lovely man. He was a wonderful colleague and… - 5 years ago

@leonbosch: I am absolutely shattered to hear news of the passing of my friend, the composer Dmitri Smirnov - an exemplary life… - 5 years ago

@jimmcwilliam: Very sorry to hear of the death of Dmitri Smirnov, my orchestration teacher throughout my masters. A wonderful comp… - 5 years ago

@erkanozyildirim: Rus başrahip Dmitri Smirnov; gelecek İslam'ın olacak - 5 years ago

@mustafa83144720: Rus başrahip Dmitri Smirnov; gelecek İslam'ın olacak - 5 years ago

@MuratBaytrk: Rus başrahip Dmitri Smirnov; gelecek İslam'ın olacak - 5 years ago

@SengunHakk: Rus başrahip Dmitri Smirnov; gelecek İslam'ın olacak - 5 years ago

@yusufyuksel1969: Rusya’da Dmitri Smirnov adında bir başpapaz ‘Avrupa’nın 30 yıl içinde, Rusya’nın ise belki 50 yıl içinde İslam’a ge… - 5 years ago

@ALZTRK58645963: Rus başrahip Dmitri Smirnov; gelecek İslam'ın olacak - 5 years ago

@AlanWilliams123: I’ve just seen from his Facebook post that wonderful composer Dmitri Smirnov is in Watford hospital on a ventilator… - 5 years ago

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