Dietrich Mateschitz

Austrian businessman (Red Bull).
Died on Saturday October 22nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Dietrich Mateschitz:

@doctoradela: RT @diegofmejia: Esto toca las fibras. Vettel se pondrá el tradicional casco con el diseño de #RedBull , como en sus inicios. Muy lindo hom… - 2 years ago

@NewsPrime1012: RT @BusinessLiveSA: How Dietrich Mateschitz turned Red Bull into a multibillion-dollar empire - 2 years ago

@BusinessLiveSA: How Dietrich Mateschitz turned Red Bull into a multibillion-dollar empire - 2 years ago

@JuanMam38891047: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago


@TwitPollNL: RT @TwitPollNL: Zaterdag overleed Dietrich Mateschitz, medeoprichter van #RedBull. Heeft u het energiedrankje wel eens op? #peiling Retwee… - 2 years ago

@HernanChaina: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@Alita07179710: RT @The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist #NFT… - 2 years ago

@Lauraamerica8: RT @The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist #NFT… - 2 years ago

@RoseSaintil4: RT @The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist #NFT… - 2 years ago

@Queen05302042: RT @The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist #NFT… - 2 years ago

@sofia25012: RT @The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist #NFT… - 2 years ago

@The_dailynugget: Red Bull gave wings to its own founder. Dietrich Mateschitz R.I.P #RedBull #NFT #nftart #nftcollector #NFTartist… - 2 years ago

@JaidanMaries: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@george_jacob007: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@AntequeraChoque: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@cuatro: El homenaje de Sebastian Vettel a Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@YmwZn: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@petaqui: RT @VirutasF1: El respeto, educación y atención para con el contrincante que existe en la Fórmula 1 es algo que se da poco en el resto de d… - 2 years ago

@jesusherrera_88: RT @AntonioPerezMEX: Mis condolencias para familiares y amigos... Dietrich Mateschitz, Descanse en Paz 🙏🏻✝️ - 2 years ago

@MinguezAmg: RT @VirutasF1: El respeto, educación y atención para con el contrincante que existe en la Fórmula 1 es algo que se da poco en el resto de d… - 2 years ago

@seit1948: Ich verkleide mich morgen als Dietrich Mateschitz 🎃 - 2 years ago

@armando49146037: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@AngyPorrillo: RT @LaEstrategiaMx: 🐃 Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, el hombre más rico de Austria, y creador de un emporio de marketing, ha… - 2 years ago

@Bockel0815: RT @JohannesFehr: This week, the oligarch and #RedBull owner Dietrich Mateschitz passed away. The fans of the RB club in Leipzig decided to… - 2 years ago

@olemar_teixeira: RT @maribecker: A Red Bull perde seu co-fundador Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@strawchewer_: @fabbypirelli commentator (crofty I think) said seb honoring dietrich mateschitz was a lovely touch - 2 years ago

@pelaes_vitor: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@FormulaG2: This Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz Tribute helmet it beautiful 😍😍 #MexicoGP #Formula1 - 2 years ago

@gauthier_prive: RT @lecho: À 78 ans, Dietrich Mateschitz, le fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé. Il laisse derrière lui un empire à plusieurs milliards d'eu… - 2 years ago

@lionheart8279: RT @dw_sports: Sebastian Vettel will return to one of his iconic helmet designs from the start of his career with Red Bull racing in the up… - 2 years ago

@GLBouchez: RT @lecho: À 78 ans, Dietrich Mateschitz, le fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé. Il laisse derrière lui un empire à plusieurs milliards d'eu… - 2 years ago

@twisshie: RT @F1HLM: Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP 🎨 JMD Helmets #sv5 #vettel #redbull #astonmar… - 2 years ago

@Steve2630_Rock: RT @RealRayLalonde: Décès d’un grand pionnier dans le sport mondial aujourd’hui soit Dietrich Mateschitz, co-fondateur et actionnaire prin… - 2 years ago

@DeportesCuatro: 🏁👏🏻 ¿Te sorprende ver a Vettel con un casco con los colores de Red Bull? Este es el motivo - 2 years ago

@yarmes: thinking about this time last week when Martin Brundle gave a touching eulogy to Dietrich Mateschitz whilst looking… - 2 years ago

@RealJamieClough: Prior to the race the founder of the Red Bull brand Dietrich Mateschitz, died aged 78, without his passion for raci… - 2 years ago

@jayjr101: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@Enrique_GDP: La historia de Dietrich Mateschitz y cómo descubrió Red Bull, la “Coca-Cola de las bebidas energéticas”… - 2 years ago

@pajese: RT @elmejordelresto: Como un tributo a Dietrich Mateschitz, Sebastian Vettel va a estar usando este casco especial que conmemora uno de sus… - 2 years ago

@pecovpoco: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@ATGBrokers: News (Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies aged 78) has been published on - 2 years ago

@09osuna: - 2 years ago

@Gladysapazahot1: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@rayjd001: @SkySportsF1 Red Bull have sullied the good name of F1 and dragged the memory of Dietrich Mateschitz through the mu… - 2 years ago

@Dobblesworth: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@CatcomComputers: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@SOLOMON_06_16: Red Bull Founder Dietrich Mateschitz's Recipe: Premium Prices, Smart Marketing - Bloomberg - 2 years ago

@jorgetopo1963: RT @VirutasF1: El respeto, educación y atención para con el contrincante que existe en la Fórmula 1 es algo que se da poco en el resto de d… - 2 years ago

@mmora01: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@chillibanana16: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@KuikDigital: Red Bull’s Dietrich Mateschitz, the Austrian billionaire who transformed F1, soccer, and energy drinks, dies at 78.… - 2 years ago

@Vivdian18: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@rjgms: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@EngineerXander7: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@BRASILSinistros: @F1 annoyance kills! Red bull is entering into an agreement with porsche, Dietrich Mateschitz with his good relati… - 2 years ago

@terrypinner1958: @MrNickKnowles I feel most sorry for Dietrich Mateschitz as there was a guy who built a brand based on adrenaline,… - 2 years ago

@money_and_biz_: [Bloomberg] Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller o - 2 years ago

@Joaking_mar: RT @F1HLM: Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP 🎨 JMD Helmets #sv5 #vettel #redbull #astonmar… - 2 years ago

@ChrisJKenworthy: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@Joaking_mar: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@Joaking_mar: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@iShujaAhmedCh: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks… - 2 years ago

@wiktorglazik: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@ManoloGlez11: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@Arzugl41827514: RT @F1Bilgi: 🔥 Sebastian Vettel’in hayatını kaybeden Red Bull sahibi Dietrich Mateschitz anısına bu hafta sonu kullanacağı nefis kaskı… #F… - 2 years ago

@BloombergFeed: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@quantomnetworks: RT @business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks. @chrismb… - 2 years ago

@business: Unconventional marketing helped Dietrich Mateschitz build Red Bull into the world's biggest seller of energy drinks… - 2 years ago

@kardame_mahir: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@suziadamay2: RT @F1Bilgi: 🔥 Sebastian Vettel’in hayatını kaybeden Red Bull sahibi Dietrich Mateschitz anısına bu hafta sonu kullanacağı nefis kaskı… #F… - 2 years ago

@Jacques_zuma: RT @NationFmKE: Double tragedy for Red bull, their Co owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies at 78 and they have been fined for the F1 budget breac… - 2 years ago

@shimarin117: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@gamhanem4: RT @F1Bilgi: 🔥 Sebastian Vettel’in hayatını kaybeden Red Bull sahibi Dietrich Mateschitz anısına bu hafta sonu kullanacağı nefis kaskı… #F… - 2 years ago

@aMAIziiin: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@Bloodserk3: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@wdcjenson: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@fmecno: Sebastián Vettel lleva un casco de Red Bull en homenaje a Dietrich Mateschitz. Considerando que es un equipo contr… - 2 years ago

@LoggioneSport: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@foodstuffsa: What an extraordinary life and story! RIP... - 2 years ago

@Luca_cx: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@janetrbl2: RT @remco_v_eldik: "Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of #RBR, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of respect, vett… - 2 years ago

@SiposBence9: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@abipolarcosmos: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@ChrisBrey1: RT @LuciaHeister: Letze Woche ist der Red Bull Gründer Dietrich Mateschitz verstorben. Wir erzählen die Geschichte über ihn und sein umstri… - 2 years ago

@singingdentist: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@lzuleger1: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@ZacheryMadore: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@esteban_kopel: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@IVXIMMXXI: @LyllithB Kann mir lebhaft das Geheule von genau den Leuten wie Dunja vorstellen wenn beispielsweise Dietrich Mates… - 2 years ago

@bigraces: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@DiegoArmandDM5: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@FrRacingFan: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@QChanet: RT @OffTrack_FR: 🎨 Sebastian Vettel et Aston Martin rendent hommage à Dietrich Mateschitz ! 🙏 Le 4x champion du monde portera ce magnifiqu… - 2 years ago

@ErinflMoore: RT @F1: We pause to remember Dietrich Mateschitz #USGP @redbullracing - 2 years ago

@ErinflMoore: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@ErinflMoore: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@pandorabookss: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@OctavioPisco: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@Gregoryvignola: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@TS_Bloodthirsty: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@fishtrenado: RT @MarcaClaro: ¡UN CASCO ESPECIAL! ❤️🥲 Como un homenaje a Dietrich Mateschitz, una leyenda del deporte motor, Sebastian Vettel volverá a… - 2 years ago

@rnaudmeunier: RT @ASMexico: El casco que utilizará Sebastian Vettel en el GP de México 🤩🏁🔥🇲🇽 Espectacular homenaje del piloto alemán a Dietrich Mateschi… - 2 years ago

@fishtrenado: RT @ASMexico: El casco que utilizará Sebastian Vettel en el GP de México 🤩🏁🔥🇲🇽 Espectacular homenaje del piloto alemán a Dietrich Mateschi… - 2 years ago

@rnaudmeunier: RT @MarcaClaro: ¡UN CASCO ESPECIAL! ❤️🥲 Como un homenaje a Dietrich Mateschitz, una leyenda del deporte motor, Sebastian Vettel volverá a… - 2 years ago

@rnaudmeunier: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@Dheeraj_db5: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@lexfundi: RT @zeitonline: In Österreich ist schon wieder was passiert und @MatthiasDaum und @jalenz fragen @FlorianGasser, wie das Land aus der Polit… - 2 years ago

@rnaudmeunier: RT @Motorsport_FR: 👀 Sebastian Vettel aura un casque qui rappellera ses jeunes années au #MexicoGP, en hommage au fondateur de Red Bull Die… - 2 years ago

@ClassicshirtsZA: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@NCTSWifeuu: RT @wtf1official: Vettel's classy Dietrich Mateschitz tribute helmet 👏 #MexicoGP - 2 years ago

@Letona_Official: RT @VirutasF1: El respeto, educación y atención para con el contrincante que existe en la Fórmula 1 es algo que se da poco en el resto de d… - 2 years ago

@disinformate_at: RT @Heute_at: Dietrich Mateschitz schuf mit Red Bull eine Weltmarke. Sein Brausegetränk genoss er am liebsten pur – aber er mischte es auch… - 2 years ago

@LucasRacing90: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@Niaaaaaaaw: RT @OffTrack_FR: 🎨 Sebastian Vettel et Aston Martin rendent hommage à Dietrich Mateschitz ! 🙏 Le 4x champion du monde portera ce magnifiqu… - 2 years ago

@constiescobedo: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@cmsnice_com: Red Bull’s Dietrich Mateschitz, the Austrian billionaire who transformed F1, soccer, and energy drinks, dies at 78 - - 2 years ago

@LonchoRS: RT @vincenzolandino: Thankfully, we don't have the one special helmet livery per season rule anymore. Sebastian Vettel is throwing it bac… - 2 years ago

@vincenzolandino: RT @vincenzolandino: Thankfully, we don't have the one special helmet livery per season rule anymore. Sebastian Vettel is throwing it bac… - 2 years ago

@Kalinda94: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@IsmailFiraz: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@albbfx: RT @MarcaClaro: ¡UN CASCO ESPECIAL! ❤️🥲 Como un homenaje a Dietrich Mateschitz, una leyenda del deporte motor, Sebastian Vettel volverá a… - 2 years ago

@AlexVazquezAgs: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@mendez_jda: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@NManthineedi: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@cyborgpenguin1: RT @JMD_helmets: In honor of Dietrich Mateschitz the helmet design of Sebastian Vettel for the #MexicanGP is based on his 1998 karting helm… - 2 years ago

@syahrull83: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@MarcaClaro: ¡UN CASCO ESPECIAL! ❤️🥲 Como un homenaje a Dietrich Mateschitz, una leyenda del deporte motor, Sebastian Vettel vo… - 2 years ago

@_lucciano14_: RT @VirutasF1: El respeto, educación y atención para con el contrincante que existe en la Fórmula 1 es algo que se da poco en el resto de d… - 2 years ago

@geraldified: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@TwitPollNL: RT @TwitPollNL: Zaterdag overleed Dietrich Mateschitz, medeoprichter van #RedBull. Heeft u het energiedrankje wel eens op? #peiling Retwee… - 2 years ago

@bbellido06: RT @AstonMartinF1: Dietrich Mateschitz was a pioneer and legend not only of @redbullracing, but of our sport. As a tribute and mark of res… - 2 years ago

@Flyin18T: ‘He was a great inspiration’ – Vettel and Ricciardo offer heartfelt tributes to Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@simpbizsupport: Red Bull’s Dietrich Mateschitz, the Austrian billionaire who transformed F1, soccer, and energy drinks, dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@umc25: RT @F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@VettelWales: RT @F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@georgyfelix: RT @wearetherace: 🗣️ Sebastian Vettel speaking about the impact Dietrich Mateschitz/Red Bull has had on #F1: 'I think it was six of us on… - 2 years ago

@f1aerojunkie: @redbullracing Love every minute of the “Behind The Charge”. Love Mrs Hanna Schmitz’s voice. Thank you Dietrich Mat… - 2 years ago

@airsports_fai: Red Bull's Dietrich Mateschitz passed away on Saturday & FAI joins the air sports community in expressing our condo… - 2 years ago

@DaAnsahonSports: RT @RedBullRacingEN: Red Bull owner and co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz has unfortunately passed away. There’s been a long-standing concer… - 2 years ago

@F1ToRuleThemAll: RT @F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz 2/2 - 2 years ago

@F1ToRuleThemAll: RT @F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@selarasdelaras: RT @wearetherace: 🗣️ Sebastian Vettel speaking about the impact Dietrich Mateschitz/Red Bull has had on #F1: 'I think it was six of us on… - 2 years ago

@F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz 2/2 - 2 years ago

@F1RulesMedia: Sebastian Vettel on Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@barudik: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@BrigitteLubke: RT @NEksnam: Wo ist dein Problem @MattheusBerg ? Minderwertigkeitskomplex oder Inkompetenz zum Thema #Faschismus ? Wer keine Ahnung hat, so… - 2 years ago

@aleksan30409461: RT @wearetherace: 🗣️ Sebastian Vettel speaking about the impact Dietrich Mateschitz/Red Bull has had on #F1: 'I think it was six of us on… - 2 years ago

@the_squarrell: RT @wearetherace: 🗣️ Sebastian Vettel speaking about the impact Dietrich Mateschitz/Red Bull has had on #F1: 'I think it was six of us on… - 2 years ago

@AndyBuhaj: @redbullracing RIP Dietrich Mateschitz. Thanks for all you did. - 2 years ago

@wearetherace: 🗣️ Sebastian Vettel speaking about the impact Dietrich Mateschitz/Red Bull has had on #F1: 'I think it was six of… - 2 years ago

@SabinaSchmidt20: RT @marko_kovic: 6/ Sein öffentliches politisches Erwachen hatte Mateschitz 2017. Er beklagte sich über gescheiterte Flüchtlingspolitik und… - 2 years ago

@asjeplak: Dietrich Mateschitz Jamin Masa Depan Red Bull Aman - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Doch das Meinungsdiktat des politisch Korrekten sagt: Russland ist ein Schurkenst… - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Ich bin Humanist, Kosmopolit, Pazifist und Individualist. Und ich bin jemand, der… - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Man muss von Anfang an richtig und vorausdenkend entscheiden. Würde man in einem… - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Man will den unmündigen, kritiklosen und verängstigten Staatsbürger. Metternich w… - 2 years ago

@CreatibDisseny: Muere Dietrich Mateschitz, el as del marketing que dio alas (estratosféricas) a Red Bull - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Ich rede darüber, dass keiner von denen, die „Willkommen“ oder „Wir schaffen das“… - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Ich habe mir nur versprochen, dass ich mit dieser allgemeinen Nörgelei aufhöre un… - 2 years ago

@Allerseelen: Dietrich Mateschitz, 15.04.2017: "Wenn ich auf sogenannte Kritik aufmerksam gemacht werde, schaue ich als Erstes, v… - 2 years ago

@funkobald: Nach dem Ableben von Dietrich Mateschitz hier meine aktualisierte Liste top 3 Lieblings CEOs 1. Mikhail Ponomarev… - 2 years ago

@corkinho: Asked about status of New York club after death of Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz, Schneider says “we will co… - 2 years ago

@Galo_Roldos_A: A pocos días del fallecimiento del dueño y fundador de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, vamos a revisar cómo este hom… - 2 years ago

@extratippcom: „Hast mein Leben bereichert“: Andreas Gabalier trauert um Red-Bull-Chef Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@esportenaband: ELE DEU ASAS!🚀 Conheça a história de Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador da marca Red Bull, que deu origem à equipe de… - 2 years ago

@wiwo: Das Vermächtnis des kürzlich verstorbenen Dietrich #Mateschitz: Red Bull dominiert den Markt für Energydrinks. Und… - 2 years ago

@showdoesporte: ELE DEU ASAS!🚀 Conheça a história de Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador da marca Red Bull, que deu origem à equipe de… - 2 years ago

@formulatwtindo: RT @GarisBalap: Garis Balap akan membahas balapan yang cukup kacau di Texas beberapa waktu lalu yang dimenangkan oleh Max Verstappen, yang… - 2 years ago

@yuichi220mp4: RT @VerstappenCOM: Max tribute to Dietrich Mateschitz was special ❤️ - 2 years ago

@F1icom: Christian Horner says the future of Red Bull in F1 is secure thanks to the foundation that was put in place by foun… - 2 years ago

@sergiofnunez: 🏁El legado de un revolucionario: Dietrich Mateschitz. “Siempre fue entusiasta (…) es la razón por la que estamos a… - 2 years ago

@CHAVATTEC: RT @MSportLtd: M-Sport was saddened to hear about the passing of Red Bull co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz on the weekend during Rally Spain.… - 2 years ago

@OrlandoFerrera5: RT @FelipeVicini: Dietrich Mateschitz, Creator of the Red Bull Empire, Dies at 78 - The New York Times - 2 years ago

@kazeuzura: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@OnyekoJ: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@GiftSharron: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@UmbaMonga: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@AbelCristianRey: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@LatifaTomusange: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@KigoziVicent: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@manuelkatongol2: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@james_atiku: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@saidisoli: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@JolieMansang: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@BatuliAndrew: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@alfeus_sikwaya: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@leticia_sanic: RT @ESPNF1: Vettel went straight to the Red Bull garage to console the team after the news of Dietrich Mateschitz's passing. The man who g… - 2 years ago

@bolivarianesimo: RT @RedRadioVe: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Fallece Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@Subarufahrer201: RT @Rioramscht: Der Tod von Dietrich Mateschitz hat gezeigt, wie viel Hass und Menschenverachtung in Grün-Roten steckt - hier ein würdige… - 2 years ago

@cmsnice_com: Red Bull’s Dietrich Mateschitz, the Austrian billionaire who transformed F1, soccer, and energy drinks, dies at 78 - - 2 years ago

@pmarca_follows: RT @ShenzhenSaxon: "I don’t believe in 50 friends. I believe in a smaller number. Nor do I care about society events. It’s the most sensele… - 2 years ago

@IWC88N8mOygcQZZ: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@moneycontrolcom: Dietrich Mateschitz developed not only a new product but also a unique marketing concept and launched Red Bull Ener… - 2 years ago

@fpmaia: RT @grandepremio: Dietrich Mateschitz tem sucesso no mundo empresarial e também do esporte, mas teve associação frequente com a extrema-dir… - 2 years ago

@Thom50521528: RT @RBLeipzig: Das ganze Stadion erinnert mit einem großen Applaus Dietrich Mateschitz. Danke für alles, danke Didi! - 2 years ago

@MEDIEN360G: Der Unternehmer Dietrich #Mateschitz hat mit seinem Engagement die Medienlandschaft nachhaltig geprägt, und hinterl… - 2 years ago

@indoorstoooften: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@lagagagagaga: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@tcku: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz dies aged 78 - 2 years ago

@grandepremio: Dietrich Mateschitz tem sucesso no mundo empresarial e também do esporte, mas teve associação frequente com a extre… - 2 years ago

@sweets0vl: RT @mult1formula: 👏 RED BULL CAMPIONI DEL MONDO 2022! Dopo un weekend intenso con la scomparsa del fondatore Dietrich Mateschitz, può fes… - 2 years ago

@mult1formula: 👏 RED BULL CAMPIONI DEL MONDO 2022! Dopo un weekend intenso con la scomparsa del fondatore Dietrich Mateschitz, p… - 2 years ago

@olifantoliver: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@AnderlRainer: RT @RBLeipzig: Das ganze Stadion erinnert mit einem großen Applaus Dietrich Mateschitz. Danke für alles, danke Didi! - 2 years ago

@L_Borussicum: RT @Dummokratie: Dietrich #Mateschitz ist gestern gestorben. Unter diesem Hashtag versammeln sich mittlerweile alle hässlichen Menschen mi… - 2 years ago

@PixLuka: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@gagaberlin: RT @Rioramscht: Der Tod von Dietrich Mateschitz hat gezeigt, wie viel Hass und Menschenverachtung in Grün-Roten steckt - hier ein würdige… - 2 years ago

@Zonderpaard: Noted. - 2 years ago

@SchwarzeHexe5: RT @RolandTichy: Servus-TV abgesichert: Der verstorbene Milliardär Dieter Mateschitz hat seine Sponsoring-Aktivitäten offensichtlich kurz v… - 2 years ago

@Tony1petrolhead: RT @BanzaiMatai: Breaking News: - 2 years ago

@buntewelt1966: RT @Rioramscht: Der Tod von Dietrich Mateschitz hat gezeigt, wie viel Hass und Menschenverachtung in Grün-Roten steckt - hier ein würdige… - 2 years ago

@real_Richard22: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@Gregoryvignola: L’impero di Mateschitz, fondatore di Red Bull: l’isola alle Fiji, i cavalli in via d’estinzione, 30 castelli - 2 years ago

@diazalbert_cl: RT @RBLeipzig: Das ganze Stadion erinnert mit einem großen Applaus Dietrich Mateschitz. Danke für alles, danke Didi! - 2 years ago

@Theo33500: Le lendemain de la mort de Dietrich Mateschitz (Createur de la marque RedBull et de RedBull Racing, un grand fan de… - 2 years ago

@lemonluust: RT @F1: We pause to remember Dietrich Mateschitz #USGP @redbullracing - 2 years ago

@DantezyGenya: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@OlaniyanSodiqA4: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@RaceStory_f1: 🚨 FIA e Redbull sarebbero giunti ad un accordo sul patteggiamento per l’infrazione del budget cup. La FIA avrebbe d… - 2 years ago

@RaceStory_f1: 🚨 FIA e Redbull sarebbero giunti ad un accordo sul patteggiamento per l’infrazione del budget cup La FIA avrebbe do… - 2 years ago

@RaceStory_f1: 🚨 FIA e Redbull sarebbero giunti ad un accordo sul patteggiamento per l’infrazione del budget cup e avrebbero dovut… - 2 years ago

@laridust: RT @RBLeipzig: Das ganze Stadion erinnert mit einem großen Applaus Dietrich Mateschitz. Danke für alles, danke Didi! - 2 years ago

@NZZ: Dietrich Mateschitz war nicht nur Unternehmer und Formel-1-Mogul, er war auch Liebhaber historischer Flugzeuge. Die… - 2 years ago

@Basit32989757: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@Lex89691932: RT @relevo: 📌 Salzburgo y Leipzig han homenajeado con un minuto de silencio a Dietrich Mateschitz, jefe de Red Bull, que falleció el pasado… - 2 years ago

@Netshifhefhe81: RB Salzburg paid tribute to Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz who passed away aged 78 last Saturday. ❤️ 📲… - 2 years ago

@Gehwegefrei: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@matthewsyed: Dietrich Mateschitz: How Red Bull genius built $20bn empire - 2 years ago

@PWinkelser: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz🕊️ - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Sports News Roundup: Tennis-Pegula beats Azarenka to reach Guadalajara final; Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz di… - 2 years ago

@justin_sepenu: RT @ChelseaFC: A moment of applause for RB Salzburg’s co-founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, following his passing on Saturday. 💙 - 2 years ago

@welt_eu: ➦ Verstorbener Red-Bull-Gründer Mateschitz: Das Fax von der „Türkenbrause“ » Der verstorbene Dietrich Mateschitz w… - 2 years ago

@Daniel_Roetzer: Der beste Nachruf bisher und auch einer der besten Texte von ⁦@mfleischhacker1⁩ die ich bis jetzt las. Vielleicht e… - 2 years ago

@ausgrandprix: A man that has left his mark on so many 🤍 This week, F1 author and journalist @SportmphMark spoke on our podcast d… - 2 years ago

@ntvde_sport: Red-Bull-Gründer ist tot: Das rätselhafte Genie Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@sn_aktuell: Das Sportimperium im Zeichen des Bullen - 2 years ago

@rose_catb: RT @SaksithCNA: Dietrich Mateschitz, who took Krating Daeng from a local energy drink to a global marketing and sports juggernaut as Red Bu… - 2 years ago

@caneldem_: Yarış hafta sonunun yoğunluğu ve gündem ile beraber Dietrich Mateschitz'ten hiç söz etmedim. Nasıl bir insandır, i… - 2 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @herbieschmidt: Dietrich Mateschitz hatte ein Faible für Flugzeug-Oldies - 2 years ago

@F1fangr: Πολύ κοντά στην επίτευξη συμφωνίας (ΑΒΑ) με την FIA βρίσκονται οι Red Bull και Aston Martin, με την υπόθεση των Αυσ… - 2 years ago

@therisingpanjab: Red Bull Owner Dietrich Mateschitz Passes Away At 78. - 2 years ago

@AzFacemark: Dietrich Mateschitz "Red Bull" markasını necə yaradıb? #redbull #dietrichmateschitz #energydrink - 2 years ago

@sumedhathawale0: Horner dedicates Red Bull 2022 Constructors’ Title Triumph to Dietrich Mateschitz – The Checkered Flag - 2 years ago

@toe56: Christian Horner: Dietrich Mateschitz would have been very proud of Red ... - 2 years ago

@DrTroster: RT @mmachowecz: „Ich lernte Leipzig als eine der tollsten und schönsten Städte kennen, die ich je besucht habe. Da stand für mich fest: All… - 2 years ago

@kayongaruti: Dietrich Mateschitz, Creator of the Red Bull Empire, Dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@Totila: RT @Markus70044344: @MarterbauerM An den österreichischen Staat lieferte Red Bull 2020 rd € 405 Mio an Steuern ab, nach € 316 Mio 2019. Dam… - 2 years ago

@richardnegrete2: RT @FormulaArgOK: 🚨El fundador de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz, que había estado enfermo durante este último tiempo, falleció a los 78 años… - 2 years ago

@disinformate_at: RT @sn_aktuell: Dietrich Mateschitz: Nur dem britischen König gehören mehr Landsitze - 2 years ago

@SirRawly: Pour one out for the king 👑 - 2 years ago

@KURIERat: Der Ex-Salzburg und ÖFB-Stürmer über einen Anruf, der in ihm auch eine Verbundenheit zu Red Bull entstehen ließ. - 2 years ago

@ScottLi43175678: RT @Forbes: “When we first started, we said there is no existing market for Red Bull. But Red Bull will create it,” Red Bull founder Dietri… - 2 years ago

@Arantza_cmz: RT @TelemetricoF1: Murió a los 78 años, Dietrich Mateschitz, el fundador de @redbullracing #telemetricof1 - 2 years ago

@Rwindelange: RT @motorsportcomnl: Christian Horner weet dat Red Bull haar strategie in de Formule 1 niet zal veranderen na het overlijden van oprichter… - 2 years ago

@bwaldrof: RT @SaksithCNA: Dietrich Mateschitz, who took Krating Daeng from a local energy drink to a global marketing and sports juggernaut as Red Bu… - 2 years ago

@emmaKnigthly: RT @arminthurnher: Sumpfpause! Statt eines Nachrufs auf Dietrich Mateschitz (kommt im neuen @falter_at) eine kleine Geschichte über einen H… - 2 years ago

@gut_001: RT @motorsportcomnl: Christian Horner weet dat Red Bull haar strategie in de Formule 1 niet zal veranderen na het overlijden van oprichter… - 2 years ago

@motorsportcomnl: Christian Horner weet dat Red Bull haar strategie in de Formule 1 niet zal veranderen na het overlijden van opricht… - 2 years ago

@Stello_Official: RT @nikothefinn: Founder of Red Bull passed away. 25 years of "Red Bull Gives You Wings" is epic, second only to "Just Do It" from Nike. Th… - 2 years ago

@arminthurnher: Sumpfpause! Statt eines Nachrufs auf Dietrich Mateschitz (kommt im neuen @falter_at) eine kleine Geschichte über ei… - 2 years ago

@bradwilliamz: He died of overstokedness. - 2 years ago

@MiguelAguilarC2: RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: "Verstappen, 'Checo' Pérez, Horner, Marko y Newey han encumbrado a Dietrich Mateschtiz", quien falleció horas antes de… - 2 years ago

@boback: Dietrich Mateschitz, Creator of the Red Bull Empire, Dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@NatDeeRed: RT @SaksithCNA: Dietrich Mateschitz, who took Krating Daeng from a local energy drink to a global marketing and sports juggernaut as Red Bu… - 2 years ago

@kabarotocom: Red Bull Racing persembahkan gelar juara konstruktor untuk sang pendiri Red Bull, mendiang Dietrich Mateschitz.… - 2 years ago

@dav_ucci: RT @pallonatefaccia: Mentre tramite i suoi club Mateschitz promuoveva campagne inclusive, personalmente finanziava politici di destra popul… - 2 years ago

@15MinuteNews: Dietrich Mateschitz, Creator of the Red Bull Empire, Dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@Tanduit: RT @nikitheblogger: Unter #Mateschitz sieht man sehr deutlich, dass die ach so moralischen Grünen und Linken sich öffentlich freuen, wenn e… - 2 years ago

@TRENdotNEWS: Dietrich Mateschitz, Creator of the Red Bull Empire, Dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@jrobertoguanaj1: Muere el multimillonario dueño de Red Bull y gigante de la F1, Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@Wolfgaehn: Erinnerungen von @mfleischhacker1 an Dietrich Mateschitz: Er war für viele so wichtig, weil er sich nicht wichtig… - 2 years ago

@HeimatKurier: Der Tod von Dietrich Mateschitz hat bei selbsternannten Gutmenschen zu zynischen und hasserfüllten Reaktionen gefüh… - 2 years ago

@YleSporten: Glädje och sorg präglade världsmästarstallets veckoslut – experten om Dietrich Mateschitz betydelse: ”Teamet gick f… - 2 years ago

@poltronaggio: Thread su Dietrich #Mateschitz, fondatore di Red Bull, morto ieri. Ma in vita non fu solo un case history di marke… - 2 years ago

@Marpelrostock: RT @pohlers_: Die DFL empfiehlt für die Begegnungen der Bundesliga und 2. Bundesliga am kommenden Spieltag eine Schweigeminute zu Ehren von… - 2 years ago

@martial_you: RT @RTLFrance: Décès de l'Autrichien Dietrich Mateschitz, fondateur de #RedBull, à 78 ans "Dans le top 100 des marques les plus connues pa… - 2 years ago

@Drauschwimmer: RT @KarinStanger: Dietrich #Mateschitz hat Journalisten bedroht, keinen Betriebsrat in seinem Unternehmen zugelassen und Rechtsextreme und… - 2 years ago

@laggardthai: RT @SolarSaxon: "I don’t believe in 50 friends. I believe in a smaller number. Nor do I care about society events. It’s the most senseless… - 2 years ago

@david_melden: RT @RobertSara_26: Zemřel Dietrich Mateschitz, zakladatel Red Bullu. A marketingový génius. Roky pracoval jako marketing. manažer ve společ… - 2 years ago

@FonteUfficiale: Dietrich Mateschitz, co-fondatore della Red Bull, è morto all'età di 78 anni. L'imprenditore austriaco nella metà d… - 2 years ago

@domitwin: RT @MichaelBonvalot: Wenn es eine Erbschaftssteuer von 99 Prozent für Milliardär:innen geben würde, würden die Erben von Dietrich Mateschit… - 2 years ago

@lacikiszely: #from_vienna_with_love 11. Dietrich Mateschitz / Red Bull / Vállalkozás és startup. E hétvégén hunyt el a Red Bull… - 2 years ago

@danny_chips_: @F1 @redbullracing I celebrated the same way when I heard renowned racist and homophobe Dietrich Mateschitz died - 2 years ago

@annapr94: ¿Lo mejor de esta foto? Ver a los antiguos pilotos de la casa Red Bull: Ricciardo, Sainz, Vettel y Albon. Buen hom… - 2 years ago

@Aktivations: RT @SolarSaxon: "I don’t believe in 50 friends. I believe in a smaller number. Nor do I care about society events. It’s the most senseless… - 2 years ago

@F1TurkiyeOrg: Red Bull'un efsanevi patronu vefat etti. Red Bull'un şuandaki görkemli günlerine gelmesinde baş roldeki insanın ölü… - 2 years ago

@B0kxVlCtQFX1BXf: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@fahrradunioner: RT @PeterBorbe: Ich mache mir Sorgen um #ServusTV. Nach dem Tod von Dietrich #Mateschitz wird der Sender vermutlich in eines der großen wok… - 2 years ago

@1994Robbert: RT @telesport: ,,Deze overwinning dragen we op aan Dietrich Mateschitz. Winnen was de enige optie.” #F1 #Verstappen - 2 years ago

@KSTA: Einen Tag nach dem Tod des Red Bull Gründers widmet Max Verstappen seinen Sieg seinem Förderer. An der Spitze sorgt… - 2 years ago

@FrauNicoleHB: RT @PeterBorbe: Ich mache mir Sorgen um #ServusTV. Nach dem Tod von Dietrich #Mateschitz wird der Sender vermutlich in eines der großen wok… - 2 years ago

@tourer_speed: RT @andrewbensonf1: Red Bull say that, following the death of Dietrich Mateschitz, conversations with the FIA over their budget-cap breach… - 2 years ago

@NldTmv: RT @PeterBorbe: Ich mache mir Sorgen um #ServusTV. Nach dem Tod von Dietrich #Mateschitz wird der Sender vermutlich in eines der großen wok… - 2 years ago

@LVZ: Nach dem Tod von Dietrich #Mateschitz ist Betroffenheit im Sport weltweit groß. Wir haben in der Region, vor allem… - 2 years ago

@mrstone0856: RT @Tino_Chrupalla: Dietrich #Mateschitz war ein großer Unternehmer und eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit. Er war sozial engagiert, tat viel f… - 2 years ago

@GueneyK58: RT @rendiwagner: Ich habe seine politischen Ansichten nicht geteilt. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg von Dietrich Mateschitz und vor allem seine… - 2 years ago

@Mayrumba: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Dietrich Mateschitz se encontraba en la lista de personas más ricas del planeta - 2 years ago

@Lecuuuuuu: RT @ActuFoot_: L’Autrichien Dietrich Mateschitz, fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@HoracioLlorens: A true visionary has left us. Someone who believed that extreme sports could be the best platform for @redbull to f… - 2 years ago

@DrPeterLutz1: RT @a_nnaschneider: All die ekelhafte Häme ad Dietrich #Mateschitz‘ Tod gelesen und mir gedacht, Feindbild Unternehmer hat wiedermal Konjun… - 2 years ago

@PEstulano: RT @CentralDoBraga: A Red Bull confirmou a morte do co-fundador da empresa e principal proprietário, Dietrich Mateschitz, aos 78 anos de id… - 2 years ago

@Todd24ever: RT @DanielKriete4: R.I.P Dietrich Mateschitz. Co Founder of Red Bull Racing - 2 years ago

@ni_kki__: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@Jonathan_Fjeld: RT @A_S12: There is expected to be a tribute to late @RedBull founder Dietrich Mateschitz today @COTA, following the announcement of his pa… - 2 years ago

@ultimavuelta1: RT @Carlossainz55: 🇺🇸 Pole para mañana! Lo daremos absolutamente todo para intentar convertirla en victoria. Pero no puedo estar del todo c… - 2 years ago

@dion_kllokoqi: RT @KarinStanger: Dietrich #Mateschitz hat Journalisten bedroht, keinen Betriebsrat in seinem Unternehmen zugelassen und Rechtsextreme und… - 2 years ago

@DarthJoined: RT @Tino_Chrupalla: Dietrich #Mateschitz war ein großer Unternehmer und eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit. Er war sozial engagiert, tat viel f… - 2 years ago

@Tom11317: RT @a_nnaschneider: All die ekelhafte Häme ad Dietrich #Mateschitz‘ Tod gelesen und mir gedacht, Feindbild Unternehmer hat wiedermal Konjun… - 2 years ago

@PascalCostanti1: RT @OffTrack_FR: 🔴 Selon #AMuS, Red Bull et la FIA se sont mis d'accord en interne sur une sanction concernant le dépassement du "Budget Ca… - 2 years ago

@DanielPedraglio: RT @infobae: Murió Dietrich Mateschitz, el multimillonario dueño de Red Bull - 2 years ago

@Im_ED__: RT @adonustikuy: Yuki Tsunoda with a black band in honor of Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@RGuillaumie: RT @Secteur_F1: Dietrich Mateschitz, cofondateur et propriétaire de la marque Red Bull, est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. - 2 years ago

@Risikorei: RT @DonProletarus: Leider erfährt man durch den Tod von Dietrich #Mateschitz wieder was für unfassbare erbärmliche Gestalten sich hier heru… - 2 years ago

@qudach: Tributes have been paid to Dietrich Mateschitz, the owner and co-founder of the sports drink company Red Bull, who… - 2 years ago

@Ostseeolaf: RT @Patriotismus22: Wer hat mehr für die Gesellschaft geleistet? Der Patriot und Unternehmer Dietrich #Mateschitz, oder die grüne Ideologin… - 2 years ago

@2005Ferive: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@schweizerillu: Trauer um Dietrich Mateschitz: «Grosser Schock» für Sebastian Vettel - 2 years ago

@ChristianNehri4: RT @KarinStanger: Dietrich #Mateschitz hat Journalisten bedroht, keinen Betriebsrat in seinem Unternehmen zugelassen und Rechtsextreme und… - 2 years ago

@GrantMabena: RT @HaasF1Team: We’re saddened to hear the passing of Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz. We pass on our condolences to both the team a… - 2 years ago

@fifty_fifty140: RT @ActuFoot_: L’Autrichien Dietrich Mateschitz, fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@_s04_bhoy: RT @Sportbuzzer: #RBLeipzig und #RBSalzburg trauern um verstorbenen #RedBull-Gründer Dietrich #Mateschitz: "Große Dankbarkeit" ▶️ - 2 years ago

@VRnikkor: RT @MotorsportJP: レッドブル共同創設者、ディートリッヒ・マテシッツが死去。現代のF1に多大な貢献 #F1jp #F1dazn #F1アメリカGP #Redbull #redbullracing - 2 years ago

@puls24news: Dietrich "Didi" Mateschitz verstarb nach langer Krankheit im Alter von 78 Jahren. Nicht nur die Sportwelt betrauert… - 2 years ago

@martin_gr: RT @a_nnaschneider: All die ekelhafte Häme ad Dietrich #Mateschitz‘ Tod gelesen und mir gedacht, Feindbild Unternehmer hat wiedermal Konjun… - 2 years ago

@kruemelsuwe: RT @RBLeipzig: RB Leipzig trauert um Dietrich Mateschitz. - 2 years ago

@vhenriquezortiz: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@callme_jk_: RT @realmartinluthe: RIP Dieter Mateschitz. 78 Jahre. Nun sind die Flügel im Red Bull Himmel. - 2 years ago

@LuisPolodeLimon: Al dueño de Red Bull ya le han salido las alas. 🧐🤔🍋🚀👇🙄🕯️ Muere Dietrich Mateschitz, el multimillonario austríaco fu… - 2 years ago

@JCPartal: - 2 years ago

@beelzemaid: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@colinofski: The man who made Red Bull the world's best-known energy drink and amassed a $25 billion fortune has died aged 78… - 2 years ago

@SNAKENAKED5: RT @HondaRacingGLB: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. A figure so intertwined with motorsports, and Hon… - 2 years ago

@sIZnKYLeHcTBCK: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@elabsent_minded: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@rav4ss: RT @virtualstatman: There can be no doubt: Dietrich Mateschitz is one of most important people in F1 history. Who knows what would have b… - 2 years ago

@ChristopherSix1: Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies aged 78 - 2 years ago

@darkshadow792: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@SilvanaMFischer: RT @oe3newsflash: Red Bull-Gründer Dietrich Mateschitz ist tot. Der gebürtige Steirer ist im Alter von 78 Jahren nach langer Krankheit gest… - 2 years ago

@kana_kub: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@HebertSalas12: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@MediaBites2: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@MickeyCharafi: RT @lemondefr: Mort de Dietrich Mateschitz, le fondateur autrichien de l’empire Red Bull - 2 years ago

@tematsuSK: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@shaun_blockley: RT @virtualstatman: There can be no doubt: Dietrich Mateschitz is one of most important people in F1 history. Who knows what would have b… - 2 years ago

@Pirjo_Suomi: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@Leelah1: RT @mmachowecz: „Ich lernte Leipzig als eine der tollsten und schönsten Städte kennen, die ich je besucht habe. Da stand für mich fest: All… - 2 years ago

@RueschendorfD: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz is dead. - 2 years ago

@ChampIsHere02: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@mik18714041: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@ElperversoSV1: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@FKbB072i2BS1bN0: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@isabellnino: RT @Tino_Chrupalla: Dietrich #Mateschitz war ein großer Unternehmer und eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit. Er war sozial engagiert, tat viel f… - 2 years ago

@AashishpAtyaL: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@valent_nico: RT @RedBullRacingID: BERITA DUKA Hari ini adalah hari yang sedih bagi keluarga besar Red Bull Racing. Dietrich Mateschitz, pendiri dan pem… - 2 years ago

@y001yms: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@Kyushu_Trains: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@seamarshmetrosb: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

@felicitas66: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@F1sasha: There are thousands of athletes across the planet that have been able to showcase their extraordinary talents in va… - 2 years ago

@Will13CFC: RT @Lonraydinho: So dietrich mateschitz the owner of red bull died today. He ain’t passing on ownership and the new owners of red bull do… - 2 years ago

@JezkalEl: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@BILD_Formel1: Gegründet von Dietrich Mateschitz (†78) - Wie Red Bull zur Formel-1-Macht wurde - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: El fundador y propietario de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz falleció a los 78 años 🔎 - 2 years ago

@RedhoodUnoffl: RT @the_hindu: #DietrichMateschitz, the billionaire founder and owner of energy drink company #Redbull, died at the age 78 on Saturday. For… - 2 years ago

@sakkun_224: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@GonzaloMani: RT @lopezdoriga: El gran @SChecoPerez lamentó la muerte del propietario del equipo y de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, al que intentarán re… - 2 years ago

@yvhf666: RT @CaraotaDigital: El fundador y propietario de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz falleció a los 78 años 👇 - 2 years ago

@shirofor: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@andresgarciatal: RT @VirutasF1: Es oficial. Lo ha hecho público la marca Red Bull. Dietrich Mateschitz ha fallecido - 2 years ago

@Mok_Chwan_Yee: RT @FT: Red Bull co-founder and F1 team owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@klebdavid912: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@ajicurlyhair: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@RWO0dQIvLRkIHN7: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@nikiwonho: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@eljacaguero: Muere el multimillonario dueño de Red Bull y gigante de la F1, Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@adityayellanki: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@yojikiuchi: これでRB本隊がRBレーシングを売却する方向に進むのかな👉レッドブル共同創設者、ディートリッヒ・マテシッツが死去。 - 2 years ago

@CHRISTOPHEIvan3: RT @OffTrack_FR: 🚨 Dietrich Mateschitz, fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé à l'âge de 78 ans des suites d'une longue maladie. #F1 - 2 years ago

@m_adams74: RT @RedRadioVe: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Fallece Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@ANZDarrenA: Honestly. It’s getting to the point where Twitter is a no go zone on an #F1 GP weekend. The volume of TeamLH tripe… - 2 years ago

@xolovexoxoxoxo: Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies, company says - 2 years ago

@KJejoka: RT @MundoEConflicto: #⃣ #AHORA | Murió el multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, propietario de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@Celtic67Fins72: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@MadhavRegmi: @redbull का मालिक पनि बितेछन् लौ। रेड बुल पिउनेहरुले सम्झनुपर्ने मान्छे। Red Bull founder and billionaire Dietrich… - 2 years ago

@wilmerperezc: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@NAGI_cat_KOBAN: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@champagnesainz: RT @Carlossainz55: 🇺🇸 Pole para mañana! Lo daremos absolutamente todo para intentar convertirla en victoria. Pero no puedo estar del todo c… - 2 years ago

@TMReserve: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz dead at 78 #TMRWorld #TMRNews - 2 years ago

@valent_nico: RT @denkmit: Red Bull cofounder Dietrich Mateschitz, a man who has probably invested more of his own money into motorsport than anyone else… - 2 years ago

@nanahina04: RT @FastestPitStop: I’ve seen some horrible tweets in my mentions regarding the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. Whether you like Red Bull… - 2 years ago

@LaloRdzDeLeon: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@formulanny: RT @Carlossainz55: 🇺🇸 Pole para mañana! Lo daremos absolutamente todo para intentar convertirla en victoria. Pero no puedo estar del todo c… - 2 years ago

@keeelg_: RT @Carlossainz55: 🇺🇸 Pole for tomorrow! We’ll give our absolute best to try and convert it into a win. But I cannot be fully happy today a… - 2 years ago

@zakyadn_: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Amit8RMCF: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@fuckyousssvvvn: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@CHR19_21: RT @F1Total102: Vettel abrazando a Helmut Marko tras conocerse la noticia del fallecimiento de Dietrich Mateschitz 😢❤️ - 2 years ago

@MummaBear0471: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@formulatony45: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@tu_chairo: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@nicolefairlyng: RT @Reuters: Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies aged 78 - 2 years ago

@lf_albert: RT @F1Total102: Vettel abrazando a Helmut Marko tras conocerse la noticia del fallecimiento de Dietrich Mateschitz 😢❤️ - 2 years ago

@jaruvera: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@rururuka_reborn: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@ricardo35342935: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@NeneLobo1: RT @CNNEE: Muere Dietrich Mateschitz, propietario y fundador de Red Bull - 2 years ago

@elmajof: RT @alobatof1: Ha muerto Dietrich Mateschitz el fundador de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@Laelena6: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@jorjato72: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@davb2010: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@Alfredo_len: RT @TelemetricoF1: Murió a los 78 años, Dietrich Mateschitz, el fundador de @redbullracing #telemetricof1 - 2 years ago

@Luis20sanchez1: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@runnykirizaki: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@fabrianauz: RT @f1enestadopuro: Fallece Dietrich Mateschitz el dueño dueño de Red Bull, a sus 78 años. DEP #F1 #redbullracing #USAGP - 2 years ago

@sombr3rero: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@hernando33_es: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Dietrich Mateschitz, el cofundador de Red Bull que se convirtió en el hombre más rico de Austria - 2 years ago

@A3cK7iGoW4pn9ga: RT @amasehimika147: レッドブル創設者ディートリッヒ・マテシッツ氏、22日死去 「彼は類のない男だ。彼が達成したことは他の追随を許さない」クリスチャン・ホーナー 22日日運 コード274「レッドブル」 コー… - 2 years ago

@MILPASONLINE: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Dietrich Mateschitz, el cofundador de Red Bull que se convirtió en el hombre más rico de Austria - 2 years ago

@kumajijkumajii: RT @MotoGP: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Red Bull co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz. A motorsport lover whose support was key fo… - 2 years ago

@carlosmorenobe2: RT @mexicogp: Nos entristece saber de la muerte de Dietrich Mateschitz, co-fundador de Red Bull.  Dietrich deja un gran legado con su inval… - 2 years ago

@rrobaLopez: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇦🇹 | AHORA: El multimillonario austríaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull y varios clubes del fútbol además de l… - 2 years ago

@LOGANQR_PDLR: RT @SkySportsF1: Carlos Sainz pays tribute to Dietrich Mateschitz. - 2 years ago

@juantaboada1965: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@PhilPhilipp: RT @handelsblatt: Der Red-Bull-Gründer ist im Alter von 78 Jahren verstorben. Ob sein Sohn nun das Unternehmen um den Energy-Drink übernehm… - 2 years ago

@HugoEcheverry: RT @AFPespanol: #ÚLTIMAHORA El multimillonario austriaco Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de la empresa de bebidas energéticas Red Bull, murió… - 2 years ago

@AguilarJose93: RT @infobaeamerica: Murió Dietrich Mateschitz, el multimillonario dueño de Red Bull - 2 years ago

@naoki10825084: RT @MotorsportJP: レッドブル共同創設者、ディートリッヒ・マテシッツが死去。現代のF1に多大な貢献 #F1jp #F1dazn #F1アメリカGP #Redbull #redbullracing - 2 years ago

@furkangorur_: RT @bpthaber: Red Bull'un kurucusu Dietrich Mateschitz hayatını kaybetti. - 2 years ago

@abevox: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@Gus_Hurtado_Hz: RT @SChecoPerez: A sad day to all the Red Bull Family. Tomorrow we will do our best for Dietrich and all the Mateschitz familly 🙏 #USGP U… - 2 years ago

@dorandae_il: RT @matoxley: Dietrich Mateschitz, co-founder and 49% owner of Red Bull, has died, aged 78. Red Bull is based on the Thai drink Krating Dae… - 2 years ago

@ManuelTorrres: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@VCPNewz: F1 team: Red Bull co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz dies at 78 - 2 years ago

@TAKESHI_ONO: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@MV1_RBR: RT @ErikvHaren: Max Verstappen: "We gaan proberen Dietrich Mateschitz trots te maken tijdens de race morgen. Dit is vreselijk nieuws. Hij h… - 2 years ago

@EgduvyM: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@f1fanworld: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@TAKESHI_ONO: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@csaba_gyenes: RT @McLarenF1: Following the sad passing of Dietrich Mateschitz, our thoughts and condolences are with Dietrich’s family and friends, @RedB… - 2 years ago

@OffTrack_FR: 🎙️ Max Verstappen : "On manquait un petit peu aujourd'hui, on essaiera de rendre Dietrich Mateschitz fier demain. J… - 2 years ago

@yassamary: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@ttjoeramos: RT @esportenaband: Morre Dietrich Mateschitz, dono da Red Bull, aos 78 anos de idade Fundador da marca de energéticos, e da equipe de F1,… - 2 years ago

@ErikvHaren: Max Verstappen: "We gaan proberen Dietrich Mateschitz trots te maken tijdens de race morgen. Dit is vreselijk nieuw… - 2 years ago

@Andi_Knight47: Ruhe in Frieden, Dietrich Mateschitz. Kaum ein Mensch hat so einen Einfluss auf den globalen Sport genommen wie er.… - 2 years ago

@toysforbigboys8: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@real_biersen: RT @Tino_Chrupalla: Dietrich #Mateschitz war ein großer Unternehmer und eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit. Er war sozial engagiert, tat viel f… - 2 years ago

@AndrsCceres12: RT @elmejordelresto: El dueño de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, ha fallecido hoy a sus 78 años. Es por eso que todo el equipo estaba reunid… - 2 years ago

@JosLuis70091010: RT @PatricioOWard: THANK YOU for everything you have done for our sport and for giving many athletes a chance to show their talent. Rest in… - 2 years ago

@GabrielV997: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@cafc_daniel: RT @McLarenF1: Following the sad passing of Dietrich Mateschitz, our thoughts and condolences are with Dietrich’s family and friends, @RedB… - 2 years ago

@LMentertain: - 2 years ago

@dibyendu_1980: RT @Reuters: Dietrich Mateschitz, Red bull owner, dies aged 78, Sky News reports - 2 years ago

@coconubo: @ActualidadRT's account has been withheld in Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Estonia, Malta, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom in response to a legal demand. Learn more. - 2 years ago

@GehSteiger: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@JSaylorIII: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@thezacc18: RT @SkySportsF1: Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner pays an emotional tribute to Dietrich Mateschitz. - 2 years ago

@VirgiStudio: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@CKPolitics23: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull, has died, the company says - 2 years ago

@pilotosprimera: #F1 ⚫ | Falleció Dietrich Mateschitz, dueño de Red Bull, tenía 78 años. - 2 years ago

@cpfc_Rob: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@SteveStevens47: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@ikhtmns: RT @ScuderiaFerrari: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. A man who loved our sport and challenges. On beh… - 2 years ago

@AYMERICK_CHT: RT @ScuderiaFerrari: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. A man who loved our sport and challenges. On beh… - 2 years ago

@colpo77: RT @ScuderiaFerrari: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. A man who loved our sport and challenges. On beh… - 2 years ago

@monvmental: RT @elhotzo: Dietrich Mateschitz kann eure Witze über ihn nicht mehr lesen, aber denkt bitte daran dass es da draußen noch jede Menge ander… - 2 years ago

@A_LynnxG: RT @FastestPitStop: I’ve seen some horrible tweets in my mentions regarding the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. Whether you like Red Bull… - 2 years ago

@CAPACIALI: RT @CapaMag: Red Bull'un kurucusu Dietrich Mateschitz hayatını kaybetti. - 2 years ago

@UmaronCars: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@SaschaRiefe: RT @startinggrid_f1: In Gedenken an Didi Heute trauern wir mit @redbullracing um Dietrich Mateschitz, der im Alter von 78 Jahren verstorbe… - 2 years ago

@SydRonflex: RT @ScuderiaFerrari: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. A man who loved our sport and challenges. On beh… - 2 years ago

@Steviep1871: RT @McLarenF1: Following the sad passing of Dietrich Mateschitz, our thoughts and condolences are with Dietrich’s family and friends, @RedB… - 2 years ago

@derStandardat: Dietrich Mateschitz im Alter von 78 Jahren verstorben: - 2 years ago

@AlviRomeroB: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@ibarra_pablo: Gracias don Dietrich Mateschitz, es difícil imaginar la F1 moderna sin su intervención. Descanse en paz. - 2 years ago

@TomBauser: RT @JerryHebestreit: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz 🖤#AustinGP - 2 years ago

@Darthphilly: RT @MattyWTF1: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz. Very sad news. - 2 years ago

@CircusFuno: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz e grazie per aver dato così tanto alla Formula 1, al motorsport ma anche a tutti gli altri sport. - 2 years ago

@USS007S: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@francisomaria: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@DrWetti: #redbull hab ich noch nie getrunken, aber #servustv schalt ich hin und wieder ein. Jetzt ist der Unternehmer Dietri… - 2 years ago

@DmHeloise: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@aadgroenewegen: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@GUILIGLESIAS: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@Tianherselman91: RT @SkySportsF1: Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner pays an emotional tribute to Dietrich Mateschitz. - 2 years ago

@deepmpolar: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@StevenTrew2: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@bitciholding: RT CapaMag: Red Bull'un kurucusu Dietrich Mateschitz hayatını kaybetti. #Sondakika #Haber #Haberler #Turkiye - 2 years ago

@Cynthior1: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@DaciaF1Team: RT @ErikvHaren: Red Bull-teambaas Christian Horner reageerde zojuist op het overlijden van Dietrich Mateschitz. "Hij was altijd enthousia… - 2 years ago

@us_ain: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@nowa_era_f1: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@MJvanZanten1: RT @Jaeggi: Red Bull Racing-teambaas Christian Horner staat in de F1-paddock de pers te woord na het droevige nieuws dat Red Bull-oprichter… - 2 years ago

@mryktys: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@kmr_130: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@milena_y_huan: RT @AlertaF1: "Es muy triste haber perdido a tan gran hombre, mucha gente en el pitlane le debe mucho, afortunadamente pudo ver a Max campe… - 2 years ago

@hego_033: RT @MundoEConflicto: #⃣ #AHORA | Murió el multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, propietario de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@kru0w0: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@thegreengote: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Formula1F1News2: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@jtiagoneves18: RT @F1PToficial: Faleceu Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador da Red Bull e um dos grandes responsáveis pela presença da marca na Fórmula 1. #USG… - 2 years ago

@chieff89: RT @ntv_EIL: Red-Bull-Gründer Dietrich Mateschitz gestorben - 2 years ago

@Lee20620106: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@sintoista: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@SMYRNAS1903: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@KManhololive: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@CaiPhilippsen: Im Alter von 78 Jahren: Red-Bull-Gründer Dietrich Mateschitz gestorben via @faznet - 2 years ago

@MagnusIsHere: RT @AuRupteur: Dietrich Mateschitz cofondateur de la société Red Bull GmbH est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. Racheter Jaguar en 2004 pour un e… - 2 years ago

@FR_MUFC1: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@Wesslan9: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Janielalima: RT @BRredbullracing: A RBR acaba de confirmar o falecimento do dono da Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz, infelizmente o mundo perde uma grande… - 2 years ago

@hiraicel: RT @voidlap58: Dietrich Mateschitz hit both the budget cap and age cap 😭💯 - 2 years ago

@blog_formula1: RT @blog_formula1: 🚨 URGENTE 🚨 Dietrich Mateschitz, proprietário e cofundador da Red Bull, acaba de falecer aos 78 anos. - 2 years ago

@sunflwrspecter: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@yaboi_kryp2o: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@devdave_: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@bebbouze2: RT @CanalplusF1: Le cofondateur de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz est décédé. - 2 years ago

@Teddddddddddyyy: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@NicomyGOAT: I personally don't like Dietrich Mateschitz but RIP and I hope his family have support during these tough times. It… - 2 years ago

@jimstephenwall: RT @LeeMcKenzieTV: Very sad news about Dietrich Mateschitz. His huge involvement , support and love for #F1 and across so many sports and… - 2 years ago

@Jake_ekaJ_Jake: RT @Secteur_F1: Dietrich Mateschitz, cofondateur et propriétaire de la marque Red Bull, est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. - 2 years ago

@John_Stickel: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@SantiHari43: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@Theomadry: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@nufcjames_: RT @voidlap58: Dietrich Mateschitz hit both the budget cap and age cap 😭💯 - 2 years ago

@0x7d987f6: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@mXiyaan: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@Carlos74GP: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@6565_nd201: RT @formula1_data: レッドブル創業者、ディートリヒ・マテシッツが78歳で死去…F1アメリカGPを直前に控え - 2 years ago

@Rich_0529: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@Louida9: RT @FastestPitStop: BREAKING: The entire Red Bull team has gathered in the hospitality unit, however it is NOT cost cap related. Rumours… - 2 years ago

@chris1899: Ich hab bei der Rückkehr der Formel 1 nach Österreich, dank meiner Tätigkeit im F&B, ein paar Worte mit Dietrich Ma… - 2 years ago

@AlFa47945175: #RedBull Gründer Dietrich #Mateschitz ist tot RIP - 2 years ago

@fafisbooks: RT @crisenaredbull: Se a Red Bull é o que é hoje, foi por causa desse cara. Um simples energético se tornou uma das grandes da maior catego… - 2 years ago

@franky19mc: Dietrich Mateschitz est décédé - 2 years ago

@bebbouze2: RT @lenny_torrent: Je viens de voir des tweets atroces sur le décès de Dietrich Mateschitz… Vous êtes la honte de ce sport, on ne s’amuse j… - 2 years ago

@Formula1F1News2: BREAKING NEWS According to several media reports, Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz has died #usgp #redbull #f1 - 2 years ago

@KarsyK: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@gandolfinijum: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@amachefe: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Dawideq_2115: RT @F1: - 2 years ago

@corpo_varela: RT @DBeckerF: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull,murió. Fuente Alerta Mundial. - 2 years ago

@AtanasMargarit1: RT @MattyWTF1: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz. Very sad news. - 2 years ago

@ibrahimacar5334: RT @beINSPORTS_TR: Red Bull'un kurucusu ve sahibi Dietrich Mateschitz, 78 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 2 years ago

@mramosm99: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@OperatorSainz: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Ibumx: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@aldhamtz: RT @AlertaF1: "Es muy triste haber perdido a tan gran hombre, mucha gente en el pitlane le debe mucho, afortunadamente pudo ver a Max campe… - 2 years ago

@Waschbaer69: Unter #mateschitz sieht man zahlreiche erbärmliche und bemitleidenswerte Opfer, die selbst in zehn Leben auch nicht… - 2 years ago

@Nissan_R34Drift: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@bailey_hamner: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull, has died, the company says - 2 years ago

@ariangtz12: RT @ESPNF1: Red Bull have announced that company co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away at the age of 78. What a legacy… - 2 years ago

@eyeslipseye: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@beingbeninstead: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@califidalgo: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Ludo_Go: RT @AuRupteur: Dietrich Mateschitz cofondateur de la société Red Bull GmbH est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. Racheter Jaguar en 2004 pour un e… - 2 years ago

@ItsCrystalGayle: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@philip_ml_: @cytrusf1 Bro stfu. I know that it is fucking asshole what this people do but if anyone from Mercedes died you woul… - 2 years ago

@curiozone: Dietrich Mateschitz, bilionário dono da gigante de bebidas Red Bull, morre aos 78 anos. - 2 years ago

@obandios: RT @PitLane_F1: Nuestro directo de hoy se lo dedicamos a Dietrich Mateschitz, un hombre que aportó mucho a que la F1 sea lo que es hoy. Nos… - 2 years ago

@lauravettelista: RT @marca: ⚫ Hace unos días empezó a circular por el 'paddock' que Dietrich Mateschitz estaba gravemente enfermo. Desgraciadamente, los rum… - 2 years ago

@HansBuhrs67: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@camillacris12: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz 😞💔🕊️🕯️🙏 - 2 years ago

@newclouds_: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@butterflymsc_: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@cranemtn: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull, has died, the company says - 2 years ago

@urshafner1: Milliardär Dietrich Mateschitz ist mit 78 Jahren verstorben  - 2 years ago

@duralmustafa23: RT @F1tutkumuz: 🚨SON DAKİKA! ☹️Red Bull şirketinin sahibi Dietrich Mateschitz yaşamını yitirdi! - 2 years ago

@felixeff21: RT @AlertaF1: "Es muy triste haber perdido a tan gran hombre, mucha gente en el pitlane le debe mucho, afortunadamente pudo ver a Max campe… - 2 years ago

@ChuckieRNews: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull, has died, the company says - 2 years ago

@WaveyGerard: RT @ChrisMedlandF1: Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull owner - has died at the age of 78 #F1 - 2 years ago

@neeraj_Xz: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@ilMenestrelloh: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@miguelvalverde0: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@Morolalo1: RT @elmejordelresto: El dueño de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, ha fallecido hoy a sus 78 años. Es por eso que todo el equipo estaba reunid… - 2 years ago

@alessandro_sbin: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@RaulMolinaRecio: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@benekamavuak: RT @OffTrack_FR: 🚨 Dietrich Mateschitz, fondateur de Red Bull, est décédé à l'âge de 78 ans des suites d'une longue maladie. #F1 - 2 years ago

@aarunyapaliwal: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Russell_63x: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@fcbniki007: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@Sufianstwitt: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@CarlAlbertT: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@AntoineFp: RT @redbullf1france: Dietrich Mateschitz, PdG de #RedBull, est décédé aujourd'hui à l'âge de 78 ans. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait… - 2 years ago

@khulekanii_: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@BasZzHD: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@JonathanSainz24: RT @Motorsport: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz has sadly passed away🌹 He cofounded the energy drink in 1987 and was keen on promotin… - 2 years ago

@ChinaksOfLagos: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@siwardsport: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@Smurphi_: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@DerickMuhumuza1: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

@swimmyge3k: RT @F1: We are saddened to hear of the death of Dietrich Mateschitz The co-founder of Red Bull made an unforgettable contribution to F1,… - 2 years ago

@LilFin12: RT @oshillex: Rest in peace Dietrich Mateschitz btw, he had a huge impact in F1 - 2 years ago

@JirkaSlegl: Šok v předvečer GP USA. Zemřel Dietrich Mateschitz. Bylo mu 78 let. #F1 #USGP - 2 years ago

@i_speedracet: #Budgetcap are you all now happy #Toto, #Hamilton #Brown R.I.P. mr. Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@OC_Berlin: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@y4su0: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@Alejandrotum_: RT @AlbertFabrega: El propietario de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz ha fallecido. Red Bull's owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died - 2 years ago

@gabriel799002D: RT @MundoEConflicto: #⃣ #AHORA | Murió el multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, propietario de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@gennhime2: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@Rowlinson_F1: RT @andrewbensonf1: Red Bull co-owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78, the team have said - 2 years ago

@Canelonli: RT @infobae: 🔴 AHORA | Murió Dietrich Mateschitz, el multimillonario dueño de Red Bull - 2 years ago

@O_G_Log: RT @BBCSport: Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. He set up the Red Bull Formula 1 team that has become one of the leading forces… - 2 years ago

@old_skool069: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@PaulLagerberg: RT @rickwinkelman: Dietrich Mateschitz, de man die Red Bull groot maakte, is overleden. - 2 years ago

@juansalvatiguti: RT @TelemetricoF1: Murió a los 78 años, Dietrich Mateschitz, el fundador de @redbullracing #telemetricof1 - 2 years ago

@idkbrittt: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@PisiReyes: RT @andrewbensonf1: Red Bull co-owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78, the team have said - 2 years ago

@HondaShREDBULL: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@Ferrari_Hat: Sad news before qualifying today. RIP Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@liTako_: RT @AuRupteur: Dietrich Mateschitz cofondateur de la société Red Bull GmbH est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. Racheter Jaguar en 2004 pour un e… - 2 years ago

@alp_sermet: RT @ocsebvettel: You believed in him You saw his talent You gave him a home You gave him a team If it wasn’t for you Dietrich mateschitz… - 2 years ago

@Erryhards: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@micky_h76: @eliz_blackstock Have you heard the Dietrich Mateschitz news? - 2 years ago

@virtualstatman: There can be no doubt: Dietrich Mateschitz is one of most important people in F1 history. Who knows what would ha… - 2 years ago

@brenk__: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz, F1 Twitter going to be a cesspit this weekend. #UnitedStatesGP - 2 years ago

@KManhololive: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@anukii97: RT @alobatof1: Ha muerto Dietrich Mateschitz el fundador de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@Mardyhm: RT @elmejordelresto: El dueño de Red Bull, Dietrich Mateschitz, ha fallecido hoy a sus 78 años. Es por eso que todo el equipo estaba reunid… - 2 years ago

@foodbullracing: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@Lewis_Larkam: Red Bull founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz dies aged 78 - 2 years ago

@VAuyero: RT @andrewbensonf1: Red Bull co-owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78, the team have said - 2 years ago

@gglnx: RT @axdemolished: Ruhe in Frieden, Dietrich Mateschitz. - 2 years ago

@DesignSieg: RT @Motorsport: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz has sadly passed away🌹 He cofounded the energy drink in 1987 and was keen on promotin… - 2 years ago

@MarcoRudas3: RT @MundoEConflicto: #⃣ #AHORA | Murió el multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, propietario de Red Bull. - 2 years ago

@mannajustin: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz. Great entrepreneur and the man who changed adventure, extreme sports and motorsports forever. - 2 years ago

@tom220love: Dietrich Mateschitz passing has hit me quite hard i mean a lot of my favourite athletes are redbull sponsored this… - 2 years ago

@phillomavad: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@pkarigi: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@k_cristian_: RT @BRredbullracing: Dietrich Mateschitz revolucionou não só a marca Red Bull, mas revolucionou o esporte como um todo. A Red Bull patrocin… - 2 years ago

@processanalyzer: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@max1hundred80: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@KarenLennartz: RT @GeraldGrosz: Ein großartiger Gründer, Unternehmer und Mäzen ist nicht mehr. Ein Leben lang integer, mit seiner Heimat tief verbunden. R… - 2 years ago

@Sascha1982wtal: Red-Bull-Gründer Dietrich Mateschitz ist tot - 2 years ago

@doleshka: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@remingtonreid: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@DiegoJI74: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@flaverstappete: RT @BRredbullracing: Rest in peace Dietrich Mateschitz 🕊️🖤 - 2 years ago

@FrankWoest: Red Bull-eigenaar Dietrich Mateschitz is overleden. Hij herkende veel van zichzelf in Max Verstappen… - 2 years ago

@BarrakiAxonn: RT @EmmanuelTouzot: La triste nouvelle de la soirée... Dietrich Mateschitz avait réussi à faire de Red Bull une équipe crédible de Formule… - 2 years ago

@milk_chocol4tte: Rest in Peace, Dietrich Mateschitz 😔 - 2 years ago

@RobinV147: So sad and shocked to hear about the news that CEO and founder of #Redbull, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away.… - 2 years ago

@Rickster1001: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@jim_utter: RT @Motorsport: Obituary: Red Bull co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz, who has died at the age of 78, made an extraordinary impact across the w… - 2 years ago

@mcom0101: RT @DanniMendiola: Se confirma el fallecimiento de Dietrich Mateschitz, co-fundador y dueño de #RedBull, a los 78 años de edad. #QEPD https… - 2 years ago

@jamesberriman: RT @autosportlive: Speaking to Sky Sports, Red Bull F1 boss Christian Horner on Dietrich Mateschitz's passing: "It is very, very sad, what… - 2 years ago

@ITriepels: RT @ErikvHaren: Red Bull-baas Dietrich Mateschitz, die al enige tijd ziek was, is op 78-jarige leeftijd overleden. - 2 years ago

@Iriskoentje: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@barretsdiego: RT @Motorsport: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz has sadly passed away🌹 He cofounded the energy drink in 1987 and was keen on promotin… - 2 years ago

@_Alejandro_DP_: RT @Formula_Stats: Falleció Dietrich Mateschitz, un fánatico como nosotros de las carreras, que apostó por la #F1 mucho tiempo. Construyó u… - 2 years ago

@RFCJAAY: RT @formularacers_: Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away, aged 78. - 2 years ago

@HafsertMandara: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@AntoinePapinn: RT @F1nfoFR: Dietrich Mateschitz est mort à l'âge de 78 ans 🕊️ Il était le co-fondateur de la Boisson Énergisante, Red Bull. (@FastestPit… - 2 years ago

@DiegoJI74: RT @TeamRoldan: 🚨ÚLTIMA HORA🚨 🖤 Red Bull confirma el fallecimiento de Dietrich Mateschitz a los 78 años, tras pasar mucho tiempo luchando… - 2 years ago

@sylkud: RT @AIertaMundiaI: LO ÚLTIMO: El multimillonario Dietrich Mateschitz, cofundador de Red Bull, ha muerto, dice la compañía. - 2 years ago

@gnu4545: È morto a 78 anni Dietrich Mateschitz, fondatore della #RedBull e proprietario del team di #Formula1. Stavolta ha v… - 2 years ago

@WrR0n: RT @RedBullRacingEN: Red Bull owner and co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz has unfortunately passed away. There’s been a long-standing concer… - 2 years ago

@BEDIAKU21: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

@FootballFan_8: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@cesarvalero98: RT @SoyMotor: Fallece Dietrich Mateschitz, fundador de Red Bull, a los 78 años #RIPDietrichMateschitz #DEP #USAGP #F1 - 2 years ago

@odineiedson: RT @andrewbensonf1: Red Bull co-owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78, the team have said - 2 years ago

@andycaastro_: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@DiegoJI74: RT @formularacers_: Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away, aged 78. - 2 years ago

@IAVAIN18: RIP Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@StephenC2022: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

@flaverstappete: RT @crisenaredbull: Se a Red Bull é o que é hoje, foi por causa desse cara. Um simples energético se tornou uma das grandes da maior catego… - 2 years ago

@_izur_: RT @ocsebvettel: You believed in him You saw his talent You gave him a home You gave him a team If it wasn’t for you Dietrich mateschitz… - 2 years ago

@DiegoJI74: RT @AlbertFabrega: El propietario de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz ha fallecido. Red Bull's owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died - 2 years ago

@CyFi10: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull, has died, the company says - 2 years ago

@LZelenicic: RT @Motorsport: Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz has sadly passed away🌹 He cofounded the energy drink in 1987 and was keen on promotin… - 2 years ago

@RaezZarina: RT @FormulaDirecta: ⚫️ OFICIAL: Fallece Dietrich Mateschitz a los 78 años de edad. El fundador de Red Bull, que en su día compró el equipo… - 2 years ago

@selgverstappen: RT @BRredbullracing: A RBR acaba de confirmar o falecimento do dono da Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz, infelizmente o mundo perde uma grande… - 2 years ago

@robjvwcom: RIP Dietrich - condolences to the Mateschitz family - a significant figure in the world of F1 - my thoughts are wit… - 2 years ago

@Ralfmacher: RT @PieroLadisa: È morto il proprietario della Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz. Aveva 78 anni. Che la terra ti sia lieve. RIP 🙏🏻 - 2 years ago

@duartesilva_16: RT @AlbertFabrega: El propietario de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz ha fallecido. Red Bull's owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died - 2 years ago

@WMS_Thomas: RT @wtf1official: Some sad news ahead of qualifying. Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has passed away aged 78. Rest in peace 🖤 - 2 years ago

@QntMadsen: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@GlennHobsonGH: RT @joshrevellyt: Race in Peace, Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@Bettybl43431834: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@DGIveyNASCARFan: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

@d_aniel_O: RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Dietrich Mateschitz, billionaire co-founder of Red Bull, has died. - 2 years ago

@CrypttoManiac_: RT @autosport: Red Bull has announced that company founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, has passed away at the age of 78. Mateschitz bought the J… - 2 years ago

@cerveaubrouille: RT @AuRupteur: Dietrich Mateschitz cofondateur de la société Red Bull GmbH est décédé à l’âge de 78 ans. Racheter Jaguar en 2004 pour un e… - 2 years ago

@Inka3Punkt14: R.I.P. Dietrich Mateschitz - 2 years ago

@strulovric: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@RessacaF1: Dietrich Mateschitz era um visionário que investiu em vários esportes e transformou a marca Red Bull em algo gigant… - 2 years ago

@eySoleR: RT @AlbertFabrega: El propietario de Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz ha fallecido. Red Bull's owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died - 2 years ago

@CarpideWilliams: RT @WilliamsRacing: Williams Racing is very sad to learn of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz. We are sending our thoughts and condolences… - 2 years ago

@sommerulme7: RT @FanaticsFerrari: Deeply saddened to hear the death of Dietrich Mateschitz, at age 78. A revolutionary entrepreneur who founded the wor… - 2 years ago

@Ajibola_2: RT @SkySportsNews: Red Bull co-founder and owner Dietrich Mateschitz has died at the age of 78. - 2 years ago

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