Dieter Moebius

Swiss-German electronic musician
Died on Monday July 20th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Dieter Moebius:

@peter_hill_: RT @WaldoKanto: Dieter Moebius – five classic recordings

@gonpashin: RT @JETSET_TE: 7/21に惜しくも急逝したClusterのメンバー、Dieter Moebius氏が83年にクラウトロック御大らと共に制作した歴史的名作『Zero Set』収録曲が新リミックスで登場→

@JETSET_TE: 7/21に惜しくも急逝したClusterのメンバー、Dieter Moebius氏が83年にクラウトロック御大らと共に制作した歴史的名作『Zero Set』収録曲が新リミックスで登場→

@akasbohm: RT @WaldoKanto: Dieter Moebius – five classic recordings


@WaldoKanto: Dieter Moebius – five classic recordings

@IRMA_Sales21: Muere Dieter Moebius, pionero de la música electrónica - Excélsior (Comunicado de prensa) (blog)

@mejalertunc: Dieter Moebius, a giant in the genre of electronic music, died Monday, his Harmonia bandmate Michael Rother confirmed on Facebook

@bridmaster: RT @dark_shark: RIP Dieter Moebius #Cluster #Kluster

@JonBlanthorn: Dieter Moebius, Krautrock pioneer with bands Cluster and Harmonia, dies at 71

@bridmaster: RT @dark_shark: Dieter Moebius interviewed in 2012 #BrianEno #Cluster #HansJoachimRoedelius @geetadayal

@gawata_GAGA: RT @dark_shark: RIP Dieter Moebius #Cluster #Kluster

@bridmaster: RT @amass_jp: クラスター(Cluster)やハルモニア(Harmonia)での活躍でも知られるエレクトロニック・ミュージック/クラウト・ロックのパイオニア、ディーター・メビウス(Dieter Moebius)が7月20日に死去。71歳でした 

@pro_uni: RT @amass_jp: クラスター(Cluster)やハルモニア(Harmonia)での活躍でも知られるエレクトロニック・ミュージック/クラウト・ロックのパイオニア、ディーター・メビウス(Dieter Moebius)が7月20日に死去。71歳でした 

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: Echoes JULY 22, 2015 > Dieter Moebius, Electronic Pioneer, Switches Off #BrianEno #Cluster

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: LA Times JULY 24, 2015 > Dieter Moebius: A sonic appreciation #Cluster #Harmonia #BrianEno

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: The Guardian JULY 23, 2015 > Dieter Moebius #BrianEno #ConnyPlank #MichaelRother #Roedelius

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: Dieter Moebius interviewed in 2012 #BrianEno #Cluster #HansJoachimRoedelius @geetadayal

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: Brian Eno and Harmonia (Michael Rother, Dieter Moebius and Hans-Joachim Roedelius) circa 1976

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: Brian Eno, Dieter Moebius & Hans-Joachim Roedelius: The Belldog - from their 1978 album, After The Heat

@pro_uni: RT @dark_shark: RIP Dieter Moebius #Cluster #Kluster

@imckeyclodu: Dieter Moebius, a giant in the genre of electronic music, died Monday, his Harmonia bandmate Michael Rother confirmed on Facebook

@ORLANDOMORETES: RT @nexosmexico: .@Hualgami nos ofrece una aproximación a Dieter Moebius, pionero del krautrock.

@nexosmexico: .@Hualgami nos ofrece una aproximación a Dieter Moebius, pionero del krautrock.

@SomaEarwaves: ♬ Dieter Moebius - Alte Mir ♬

@goncalopena67: Michael Rother in ZDB, Lisbon - in memoriam Dieter Moebius. NEU!/Harmonia außergewöhnlich!

@kingbritt: RT @TimNoakes: Tune in to NTS from 7pm tonight to hear my tribute to electronic music pioneer Dieter Moebius!

@ELPODERELECTRO1: ¡Dieter Moebius, padre de la música electrónica, muere a los 71 años! -Aunque hoy se le venere como a un pionero,...

@hector_aravena_: "Que triste pérdida. Nos queda su música." — Leonardo Jara Monsalve

@Latinurbano: Muere Dieter Moebius, pionero de la música electrónica

@djmotojz: RT @ra_japan: ニュース -- Dieter Moebiusが死去: Clusterのメンバーが71歳で亡くなった。

@GarethAverill: RT @NTSlive: Today's Synth Heroes w/ @TimNoakes is dedicated to the iconic synth legend, Dieter Moebius.

@AngstromHoot: RT @NTSlive: Today's Synth Heroes w/ @TimNoakes is dedicated to the iconic synth legend, Dieter Moebius.

@NTSlive: Today's Synth Heroes w/ @TimNoakes is dedicated to the iconic synth legend, Dieter Moebius.

@pitchperfectpr: RT @LilEdit: A Dieter Moebius playlist and @latimes appreciation of the late synth master

@MandiLennard: RT @TimNoakes: Tune in to NTS from 7pm tonight to hear my tribute to electronic music pioneer Dieter Moebius!

@TimNoakes: Tune in to NTS from 7pm tonight to hear my tribute to electronic music pioneer Dieter Moebius!

@totallyradio: RT @thelostidol: V excited about the Harmonia LP set out late Oct. Great way to remember the pioneering spirit of Dieter Moebius too http:/…

@SideTwoVinyl: Sad that Dieter Moebius has left us, but v excited about this Harmonia LP box set coming late Oct!

@NINI_ETERNALSOL: Electronic Pioneer Dieter Moebius Has Passed Away | Thump

@nubient: RT @thelostidol: V excited about the Harmonia LP set out late Oct. Great way to remember the pioneering spirit of Dieter Moebius too http:/…

@machotrouts: So I'm Dieter Moebius... Big Deal You Know What "Dieter Moebius" Is, Don't You? IT'S "DIE" WITH A "TER MOEBIUS", THAT'S WHAT IT IS

@thelostidol: V excited about the Harmonia LP set out late Oct. Great way to remember the pioneering spirit of Dieter Moebius too

@CMVpiPnHCziYT06: Dieter Moebius mixtape: A sonic appreciation of the late synth master

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