Dick Burrows

Australian footballer (Richmond).
Died on Tuesday December 27th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Dick Burrows:

@harree65: @LwynABC @RebelATliance @Askwhyisit I mean, he also created a bug that burrows into little kids eyes and blinds the… - 2 years ago

@Sick7two: @burrowisdagoat @MySportsUpdate He doesn't have better stats than Herbert, remove your mouth from burrows dick, and… - 2 years ago

@Scorchingrevs: You had your chance, Lee Burrows by Piper Rayne. Previous high-school crush (who was a dick) turns out to work at… - 2 years ago

@cukezkillacity: @LegendsRforever @40yobutterball @Mallord39 @NFLGameDay @nflnetwork @JoshAllenQB @BuffaloBills Flexing Burrows wins… - 2 years ago


@imgrund1991: @chainsawmessiah @Jimcart3 @petert_26 @RapSheet @TomPelissero I'm a Vikings fan so why would his dick be in my mout… - 2 years ago

@adub182821: I don't want to look ahead.. But I really want that W vs Cinci so Burrows dick will get slapped out of the mouth of @espn talking heads - 2 years ago

@Indian_raiders: @BlackburnGraves @rebels12321 @Bill15906424 @chargers Dick ride burrow? I only gave him credit where he deserves it… - 2 years ago

@HerbiesBurner: @HamlerMileHigh It’s all the chiefs and raiders fans in the replies riding burrows dick lmao - 2 years ago

@WILCOX2099: @CRITICOD20 Yo elegiría philip k. dick, Asimov y a Orson Scott Card que no entiendo porqué no está en la lista, com… - 2 years ago

@carmelo_v2: @maanaspisati @MVPatMahomes Literally no point in replying when you won't take burrows dick out of your mouth - 2 years ago

@Trevor_Burrows: Elon ran a poll on if he should stay the head of Twitter & he lost big time. Now he is entertaining the idea that "… - 2 years ago

@mattgillman1975: RT @BagleyReid: Romo talking about Burrows pinkie. How this man gets paid to dick ride for 3 hours a weekend is unreal. Bad football player… - 2 years ago

@BlackThanos22: @thekyliewinfrey Preparing myself to be a Joey Burrows dick rider as we need Bengals to knock off Bills to secure that bye week. - 2 years ago

@BagleyReid: Romo talking about Burrows pinkie. How this man gets paid to dick ride for 3 hours a weekend is unreal. Bad footbal… - 2 years ago

@jtwilsonn: @thenatiking @misfit_ultimate @grant_puskar_ Your 100% wrong lmao. Get burrows dick out your mouth lmao. Flag was t… - 2 years ago

@bigtoes44: RT @rhettrospective: #RIP Richard 'Dick' Burrows, 81 The Greensborough Thirds ruckman, who broke into the Richmond seniors in 1961. His fir… - 2 years ago

@rhettrospective: #RIP Richard 'Dick' Burrows, 81 The Greensborough Thirds ruckman, who broke into the Richmond seniors in 1961. His… - 2 years ago

@AntonioGR1221: @jboogey06 @SoardMike @ChiefSutherland @wditw528 @PSchrags Tryna change the subject get off burrows dick or go watc… - 2 years ago

@ChiefSutherland: @jboogey06 @AntonioGR1221 @SoardMike @wditw528 @PSchrags Lmao. Dudes on Burrows dick ands telling you to get off Ma… - 2 years ago

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