Diana Kennedy

British food writer.
Died on Sunday July 24th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Diana Kennedy:

@JohnTerryHoover: He started to offend me John Terry Hoover, great great grandson of former President Herbert Hoover, great grandson… - 3 years ago

@kennedy_jessie: cellist Diana Llewellyn who has composed a stunning cello trio titled “Agnes Clerke”, @francescafflowers who has br… - 3 years ago

@Bettouia: RT @Excelsior: Jon Benjamin (@JonBenjamin19) escribe: Diana Kennedy, embajadora gastronómica de México ante el mundo. - 3 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Diana Kennedy, influential guru of Mexican cuisine, dies at 99 - 3 years ago


@katura_art: RT @GustavoArellano: MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Column: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy.… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @NBCNews: Diana Kennedy, the James Beard Award-winning food writer credited with raising awareness of the sophistication and distinctive… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @BBCWorld: Doyenne of Mexican cuisine Diana Kennedy dies aged 99 - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @PadmaLakshmi: I’m so sad to hear of the passing of cookbook author Diana Kennedy. We became friends at the Cherry Bombe Jubilee one yea… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @MexCultureDC: It is with sadness that we bid farewell to British-born culinary author Diana Kennedy, one of the greatest contemporary r… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @latimes: Diana Kennedy, the British-born author who translated her love of Mexican cuisine into cookbooks that made hundreds of regiona… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @chezpim: The more I read how people talk about Diana Kennedy the more incandescent with rage I get, too. She was not unkind or mean jus… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @washingtonpost: Diana Kennedy, cookbook author who promoted Mexican cuisine, dies at 99 - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: A huge loss for #Mexico, the UK and Mexican gastronomy and soft power. The great and glorious Diana Kennedy has left u… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @cultura_mx: Desde @CencalliCultura despedimos a Diana Kennedy, cuya vida fue dedicada a descubrir, recopilar y preservar la riqueza de… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @chefjoseandres: My friend!😔She loved Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican cooking like no one! Her books open a window into the soul of Mexico!… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @DoliaEstevez: Diana Kennedy fue la autoridad de la gastronomía mexicana. Venerada en el mundo, su nombre evocaba “sabiduría culinaria”,… - 3 years ago

@SaraRose2480: RT @nytimes: Diana Kennedy, an Englishwoman whose 1972 cookbook "The Cuisines of Mexico" revealed the glories of regional Mexican fare to A… - 3 years ago

@tinywhiteliesAu: The Food World Remembers the "One and Only" Diana Kennedy – She revealed \"the soul of Mexican cooking,\" chefs say… - 3 years ago

@EattheWorldLA: RT @Laurie_Ochoa: Was this tamale standoff an example of a white lady trying to tell Mexicans how to cook their own food? Or were the young… - 3 years ago

@thefilmgoer: RT @Laurie_Ochoa: Was this tamale standoff an example of a white lady trying to tell Mexicans how to cook their own food? Or were the young… - 3 years ago

@FarsaPandemia: RT @EustaquioVill10: @geovanni_bello @FarsaPandemia No creo que mucha gente entienda y mucho menos los panameños como les haces ver que EL… - 3 years ago

@EustaquioVill10: @geovanni_bello @FarsaPandemia No creo que mucha gente entienda y mucho menos los panameños como les haces ver que… - 3 years ago

@CarlosTorresM88: ❤️❤️ - 3 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @isanchezprado: If you missed me on Canal 22, here is the link again for my interview on Diana Kennedy in Por si las moscas (photo by my… - 3 years ago

@alestedelabahia: RT @isanchezprado: Aquí mi conversación con Guillermo Osorno sobre el legado de Diana Kennedy, la idea de autenticidad en la comida mexican… - 3 years ago

@jasonbarkerm: - 3 years ago

@dianadi58: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@TT_Foodie: Diana Kennedy Dies at 99 After a Lifetime Documenting Mexico’s Culinary History - 3 years ago

@aziendabiologic: Chefs and Writers Honor Diana Kennedy, Author of Mexican Cookbooks - 3 years ago

@chefsws: RT @SAVEURMAG: Diana Kennedy leaves behind a lifetime of documenting Mexico's culinary history: - 3 years ago

@foods_HQ: RT @SAVEURMAG: Diana Kennedy leaves behind a lifetime of documenting Mexico's culinary history: - 3 years ago

@SAVEURMAG: Diana Kennedy leaves behind a lifetime of documenting Mexico's culinary history: - 3 years ago

@Es_3: RT @isanchezprado: If you missed me on Canal 22, here is the link again for my interview on Diana Kennedy in Por si las moscas (photo by my… - 3 years ago

@Andrulus: RT @isanchezprado: If you missed me on Canal 22, here is the link again for my interview on Diana Kennedy in Por si las moscas (photo by my… - 3 years ago

@ilikenewspapers: RT @isanchezprado: If you missed me on Canal 22, here is the link again for my interview on Diana Kennedy in Por si las moscas (photo by my… - 3 years ago

@AuthorDaveMills: But Kennedy’s professional life was centred on the burgeoning cookery schools of America, where she was in constant… - 3 years ago

@GomezLiam789: RT @DiodoroCarrasco: Lamento el fallecimiento de Diana Kennedy, investigadora y promotora incansable de nuestra cultura gastronómica. Q.E… - 3 years ago

@gaha54158024: RT @mexicond: Ambassador and ‘rock star’ of Mexican cuisine, Diana Kennedy dies at 99. - 3 years ago

@intervencionyc1: RT @isanchezprado: If you missed me on Canal 22, here is the link again for my interview on Diana Kennedy in Por si las moscas (photo by my… - 3 years ago

@DRAVILAINP: Una inglesa mexicana. Valiosa y gigante. La recordaremos siempre. Diana Kennedy en la memoria - 3 years ago

@bvaldesp50: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@bluedrummajor: RT @TexasMonthly: Throughout her fifty-year career, the English-born cook influenced—and even advised—chefs of some of Texas’s best Mexican… - 3 years ago

@ByDCP: RT @longdrivesouth: MUST READ: Why does Diana Kennedy have us so divided? Laurie Ochoa once again with the wisdom elixer; she lays out what… - 3 years ago

@ZajorSamm: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@Foodienista: I fell in love with Mexican cuisine because of Diana Kennedy. Her 1972 classic, "Recipes from the Regional Cooks of… - 3 years ago

@Sifuentes: @Desperate_Moon Me encontré este texto y recordé cuando te querían explicar sobre el chile... - 3 years ago

@KinichPaz: Diana Kennedy, la inglesa que nos enseñó a preparar un guacamole - 3 years ago

@KinichPaz: Falleció Diana Kennedy, escribía sobre la comida mexicana - 3 years ago

@TexasMonthly: Throughout her fifty-year career, the English-born cook influenced—and even advised—chefs of some of Texas’s best M… - 3 years ago

@Lucas_Wyrsch: Thank You Forever, Diana Kennedy, For Helping Preserve Traditional Mexican Cuisine - 3 years ago

@SPORTSCIRCUSINT: Thank You Forever, Diana Kennedy, For Helping Preserve Traditional Mexican Cuisine - 3 years ago

@SolomonPhoenix_: #Dining #dining Thank You Forever, Diana Kennedy, For Helping Preserve Traditional Mexican Cuisine: No other writer… - 3 years ago

@thedextazlab: Thank You Forever, Diana Kennedy, For Helping Preserve Traditional Mexican Cuisine - 3 years ago

@GrunsPierdant: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@avecesprosa: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@ISRIV: RT @isanchezprado: Aquí mi conversación con Guillermo Osorno sobre el legado de Diana Kennedy, la idea de autenticidad en la comida mexican… - 3 years ago

@SamAugustDean: RT @longdrivesouth: MUST READ: Why does Diana Kennedy have us so divided? Laurie Ochoa once again with the wisdom elixer; she lays out what… - 3 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @longdrivesouth: MUST READ: Why does Diana Kennedy have us so divided? Laurie Ochoa once again with the wisdom elixer; she lays out what… - 3 years ago

@margotroosevelt: RT @longdrivesouth: MUST READ: Why does Diana Kennedy have us so divided? Laurie Ochoa once again with the wisdom elixer; she lays out what… - 3 years ago

@luizenorc: President Kennedy mort a l'age de 103 ans...John John & Lady Diana ❤ - 3 years ago

@venih1: RT @longdrivesouth: Mi reporte ... I have a soft spot for old people who stop giving a damn. Diana Kennedy was 🔥 in physical form. She was… - 3 years ago

@venih1: @MrKamp Sounds like Rick deserved it! Rest in peace, Diana Kennedy. - 3 years ago

@tijuanapress: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@venih1: RT @MrKamp: RIP Diana Kennedy, the original gringo evangelist for *real* Mexican cookery. For my book THE UNITED STATES OF ARUGULA, I asked… - 3 years ago

@venih1: RT @nytimes: Diana Kennedy, an Englishwoman whose 1972 cookbook "The Cuisines of Mexico" revealed the glories of regional Mexican fare to A… - 3 years ago

@juancalder: Diana Kennedy y su compleja relación con la cocina mexicana - Por @tejalrao (@nytimes).- La brillante, brutal y dev… - 3 years ago

@venih1: RT @chefjoseandres: My friend!😔She loved Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican cooking like no one! Her books open a window into the soul of Mexico!… - 3 years ago

@marianobegue: RT @Letras_Libres: Diana Kennedy (1923-2022) no se consideraba chef y prefería decirse cocinera. Tal vez su mayor hazaña, escribe Laura Emi… - 3 years ago

@venih1: RT @GustavoArellano: MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Column: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy.… - 3 years ago

@venih1: @GustavoArellano Descanse en paz, Diana Kennedy, the best promoter of traditional and original Mexican cooking -- l… - 3 years ago

@nellstra: RT @isanchezprado: Aquí mi conversación con Guillermo Osorno sobre el legado de Diana Kennedy, la idea de autenticidad en la comida mexican… - 3 years ago

@DaubignyFanny: RT @IziBook: #Auteurs Diana Kennedy, la Julia Child de la cuisine mexicaine, nous a quittés : Diane Kennedy, connue pour avoir popularisé l… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @chefjoseandres: My friend!😔She loved Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican cooking like no one! Her books open a window into the soul of Mexico!… - 3 years ago

@derrickclickVO: @diana_kennedy That's why im doing this 😅 if i dont they'll never be used - 3 years ago

@JanetRobertsha1: RT @MakeItStopHarry: Meghan wants to be Amal Clooney, Ivanka Trump, Michelle Obama, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, Lady Diana and the Duchess of… - 3 years ago

@4MotherEagle: RT @mstoroc: PRINCESS DIANA & JACKIE KENNEDY NEWS! - 3 years ago

@vc_freeman: @diana_kennedy @itsmelissawhite NFT = No Fucking Thanks. Along with AI stuff, NFTs can go die in a fire. They are the death of artistry. - 3 years ago

@itsmelissawhite: @diana_kennedy YEP - 3 years ago

@rafaelomx: RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: Mexican and British soft power entwined. 💪🏽 👇🏽 "Diana Kennedy devoted her life to chronicling Mexican cuisine" https:/… - 3 years ago

@Capibara_7: RT @animalgourmet: Diana Kennedy fue una defensora y difusora de la cocina mexicana, escritora e investigadora gastronómica que, tras su mu… - 3 years ago

@GabrielaBel03: RT @animalgourmet: Diana Kennedy fue una defensora y difusora de la cocina mexicana, escritora e investigadora gastronómica que, tras su mu… - 3 years ago

@nesos17_diana: RT @personeriabta: ¡Nos sentimos orgullosos!🎖️ La Veeduría se Seguridad Ciudadana de #Kennedy resaltó el trabajo de nuestro Personero Loca… - 3 years ago

@animalgourmet: Diana Kennedy fue una defensora y difusora de la cocina mexicana, escritora e investigadora gastronómica que, tras… - 3 years ago

@cbmrs193: 23:50:38 #incêndio local: Conselheiro Diana, Kennedy, #Jaguarao - incêndio em residência unifamiliar sem vítima(s) - 3 years ago

@estherlallen: RT @isanchezprado: Aquí mi conversación con Guillermo Osorno sobre el legado de Diana Kennedy, la idea de autenticidad en la comida mexican… - 3 years ago

@marcelabeltranb: RT @isanchezprado: Aquí mi conversación con Guillermo Osorno sobre el legado de Diana Kennedy, la idea de autenticidad en la comida mexican… - 3 years ago

@tjerrian: RT @GastroHistory: 'Does it take an outsider like Kennedy to show the breadth of a cuisine...? Yet does that outsider also have to take car… - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: I got dressed up and made up for the @WCAnimated livestream today because I didn’t ask if it was necessary. It was… - 3 years ago

@RegArmVO: @diana_kennedy @BigBenVa1 - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: @derrickclickVO I don’t use my CCC coins either - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Diana Kennedy, an Englishwoman whose 1972 cookbook "The Cuisines of Mexico" revealed the glories of regional Mexica… - 3 years ago

@jm_sharp: Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@ebeno22: Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@ebeno22: Diana Kennedy, who spent decades documenting Mexican regional cuisines, dies at 99 - 3 years ago

@samuelpab: @rdeaisyah Lady Diana is mythic. But sometimes that’s the effect of people who died before their time. JFK dan k… - 3 years ago

@ethicalgourmet: RT @naomiduguid: I'm touched and honoured that in his fine obituary of Diana Kennedy Tom Jaine included me in his list of like-minded food… - 3 years ago

@cuisine_copine: Diana Kennedy, influential guru of Mexican cuisine, dies at 99 | Mexico | The Guardian - 3 years ago

@askforabigail: @diana_kennedy ❤️❤️😉 - 3 years ago

@TheDorsetFoodie: RT @naomiduguid: I'm touched and honoured that in his fine obituary of Diana Kennedy Tom Jaine included me in his list of like-minded food… - 3 years ago

@cfluis: RT @GustavoArellano: MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Column: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy.… - 3 years ago

@paulrimple: My first two cookbooks were impulsive Chicago thrift store snatches: Princess Pamela's Soul Food Cookbook, and Dian… - 3 years ago

@DennisW38343236: Diana Kennedy obituary - 3 years ago

@ElPocho: Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@cuisine_copine: Diana Kennedy, cookbook author who promoted Mexican cuisine, dies at 99 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@MartinBeck: RT @cmonstah: Love this tribute. Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@longdrivesouth: RT @cmonstah: Love this tribute. Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@cmonstah: I really dig this one too. - 3 years ago

@nadin007nadin: RT @809Matriarch: @SteveBDolby @2tall4u2 @XoxoLeigh1 @Yahoo John Kennedy cheated on his gorgeous wife Jackie. Cheating has nothing to do wi… - 3 years ago

@PrincessRizu: @diana_kennedy For sure! As long as it's a tightly-woven fabric that won't shed fibers, don't want to be adding extra dust haha! - 3 years ago

@kaotickiii: @diana_kennedy Same to you!! 😊 - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: @kaotickiii @splazartj Looking forward to working with you! - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: @PrincessRizu Hmmm I think I have an extra DND dice bag I can use… thank you for the tip I had no idea! - 3 years ago

@Jazzmom12: RT @809Matriarch: @SteveBDolby @2tall4u2 @XoxoLeigh1 @Yahoo John Kennedy cheated on his gorgeous wife Jackie. Cheating has nothing to do wi… - 3 years ago

@muthersdaughter: RT @agracia623: We love women like Marilyn Monroe, like princess Diana and like Jackie Kennedy. Part of society that loves tortured women a… - 3 years ago

@vmingoa: RT @naomiduguid: I'm touched and honoured that in his fine obituary of Diana Kennedy Tom Jaine included me in his list of like-minded food… - 3 years ago

@thornburgh: RT @cmonstah: Love this tribute. Why Diana Kennedy was angry at the food world and what else I learned at her Mexican home - 3 years ago

@GustavoArellano: RT @kurtsh: I love @GustavoArellano. "Column: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy" - LA Times… - 3 years ago

@GustavoArellano: RT @WashburneMaggie: Arellano: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy. Dear Abby-Arellano, I hav… - 3 years ago

@EvelynsCrackers: RT @naomiduguid: I'm touched and honoured that in his fine obituary of Diana Kennedy Tom Jaine included me in his list of like-minded food… - 3 years ago

@naomiduguid: I'm touched and honoured that in his fine obituary of Diana Kennedy Tom Jaine included me in his list of like-minde… - 3 years ago

@claugrey74: RT @DiplomaciaPubl: Recordemos a Diana Kennedy, una mujer inglesa quien fue pionera de la diplomacia gastronómica mexicana, ya que con sus… - 3 years ago

@TheGameAllStar: RT @splazartj: Part 2 of the cast that I did for #slycooper : @NelsonAbregoVA as James Barkley @LeventeTarr as Sir Raleigh @NelsonAbregoVA… - 3 years ago

@splazartj: Part 2 of the cast that I did for #slycooper : @NelsonAbregoVA as James Barkley @LeventeTarr as Sir Raleigh… - 3 years ago

@jesusmanuelh: #ElRinconDeZalacain: Zalacaín rinde homenaje a la investigadora, escritora, divulgadora de la cocina regional mexic… - 3 years ago

@ProfJonTaylor: RT @UTSA: We're remembering Diana Kennedy, beloved friend and ethno-gastronomer, who passed away on Sunday. Her Mexican Cookbook collection… - 3 years ago

@nicma87: RT @UTSA: We're remembering Diana Kennedy, beloved friend and ethno-gastronomer, who passed away on Sunday. Her Mexican Cookbook collection… - 3 years ago

@UTSA: We're remembering Diana Kennedy, beloved friend and ethno-gastronomer, who passed away on Sunday. Her Mexican Cookb… - 3 years ago

@Kaiserofl06: RT @DoliaEstevez: Diana Kennedy fue la autoridad de la gastronomía mexicana. Venerada en el mundo, su nombre evocaba “sabiduría culinaria”,… - 3 years ago

@boppinalong: RT @restofesto: It’s quite telling, and not at all surprising, how little stage time the food media is giving this side of the story Re: Di… - 3 years ago

@restofesto: @RanchoGordo @chefpmistry This piece for example offers no counterpoint, basically parrots tweets from food cognosc… - 3 years ago

@gsanroman2: RT @GustavoArellano: MY LATEST @latimes COLUMNA: Column: Choco Taco isn’t ‘authentic,’ but this Mexican respects it. Sorry, Diana Kennedy.… - 3 years ago

@chefpmistry: RT @restofesto: It’s quite telling, and not at all surprising, how little stage time the food media is giving this side of the story Re: Di… - 3 years ago

@Christo13284584: RT @haileybranson: .@GustavoArellano on the recent deaths of two Mexican food legends: "The praise for [Diana] Kennedy is coming mostly fro… - 3 years ago

@CastroCastr16: @nytimes @tejalrao Rao belongs to an elite and she is defining Salsa Macha for millions of people in the NYT Cookin… - 3 years ago

@lisaguido: “the military was out because she refused to salute anybody” 🦋 Diana Kennedy 🦋 - 3 years ago

@criveramx: RIP. Diana Kennedy, Authority on Mexican Cooking, Dies at 99 - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: At a time when most Americans’ concept of Mexican food was limited to tacos and enchiladas, Diana Kennedy unfurled… - 3 years ago

@TobaZaritsky: RT @chefjoseandres: My friend!😔She loved Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican cooking like no one! Her books open a window into the soul of Mexico!… - 3 years ago

@QuickFoxEditors: RT @ShelfAwareness: In today's @ShelfAwareness: Employees unionize at Book Soup and Page 1 Books; TN's Nolensville Book Nook @NoloBookNook… - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: @AllanRTate My bad. I will get right on that. - 3 years ago

@AllanRTate: @diana_kennedy OK. This was a gentle nudge. Would be great to catch up. - 3 years ago

@diana_kennedy: @TheVoiceoverist Death to hyperbole - 3 years ago

@andreuilar: RT @DoliaEstevez: Kennedy murió hoy a los 99 años en “La Quinta Diana”, su finca en Michoacán donde, en 2002, ofreció una comida privada en… - 3 years ago

@IvonneNavaGall2: RT @cultura_mx: Desde @CencalliCultura despedimos a Diana Kennedy, cuya vida fue dedicada a descubrir, recopilar y preservar la riqueza de… - 3 years ago

@Dianamacias32: RT @cocina_facil_mx: La escritora que dedicó su vida a difundir la riqueza de la gastronomía mexicana en el mundo de habla inglesa, falleci… - 3 years ago

@eripalestino: RT @nytimes: Diana Kennedy, an Englishwoman whose 1972 cookbook "The Cuisines of Mexico" revealed the glories of regional Mexican fare to A… - 3 years ago

@azcthingstodo: Diana Kennedy, British food writer devoted to Mexican cuisine, dies at 99 - 3 years ago

@verzely: RT @MarianaOE: Murió Diana Kennedy, investigadora y cocinera que se enamoró tanto de México y su gastronomía que lo dejó todo y decidió que… - 3 years ago

@robertcameron: @longdrivesouth @latimes Perfect article. I had dinner with Diana Kennedy and 2 other friends a few years ago when… - 3 years ago

@eripalestino: RT @DoliaEstevez: Diana Kennedy fue la autoridad de la gastronomía mexicana. Venerada en el mundo, su nombre evocaba “sabiduría culinaria”,… - 3 years ago

@drnoahross: Why Diana Kennedy was so angry at the food world - Los Angeles Times - 3 years ago

@chuno1071: RT @benitoysolange: Fallece Diana Kennedy, autora británica que se enamoró de la cocina mexicana - 3 years ago

@lucero_vargasc: RT @MarianaOE: Murió Diana Kennedy, investigadora y cocinera que se enamoró tanto de México y su gastronomía que lo dejó todo y decidió que… - 3 years ago

@rssuen: RT @tejalrao: Diana Kennedy seemed to imagine Mexican dishes as artifacts she could guard against obscurity, preserve and teach. Her work w… - 3 years ago

@chefjasondady: RT @MrKamp: RIP Diana Kennedy, the original gringo evangelist for *real* Mexican cookery. For my book THE UNITED STATES OF ARUGULA, I asked… - 3 years ago

@AmericanCousin1: RT @WaPoFood: "Intrepid, salty and forthright, Mrs. Kennedy had no patience for inefficiency, inaccuracy or waste, and she often punctuated… - 3 years ago

@WaPoFood: "Intrepid, salty and forthright, Mrs. Kennedy had no patience for inefficiency, inaccuracy or waste, and she often… - 3 years ago

@dearButtercup: RT @chefjoseandres: My friend!😔She loved Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican cooking like no one! Her books open a window into the soul of Mexico!… - 3 years ago

@azdangonzalez: Let's be honest. Her books, though they elevated Mexican cuisine to the heights it deserves, were white validation… - 3 years ago

@bellalaus: RT @mariaor25158950: @chefjoseandres Mexico loves you Diana Kennedy, you are an inspiration to all of us. I'm a Hispanic US citizen hoping… - 3 years ago

@elitzy13: RT @MarcoBeteta: El 24 de julio falleció Diana Kennedy, una investigadora gastronómica inglesa, quien fue reconocida por seguir de cerca el… - 3 years ago

@muraldegenero: Diana Kennedy, la inglesa que nos enseñó a preparar un guacamole de manera honorable y nos hizo amar aún más a las… - 3 years ago

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