Dharmasena Pathiraja

Sri Lankan film director and screenwriter.
Died on Sunday January 28th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Dharmasena Pathiraja:

@johnjayaw: RT @dbsjeyaraj: To my Mind, Dharmasena Pathiraja’s Name Ranks Alongside That of Lester James Pieris. Article By Gamini Akmeemana - 7 years ago

@dbsjeyaraj: To my Mind, Dharmasena Pathiraja’s Name Ranks Alongside That of Lester James Pieris. Article By Gamini Akmeemana - 7 years ago

@Dili: RT @RoarSinhala: ධර්මසේන පතිරාජයන් ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය සිනමාවේ නොමැකෙන සටහනක් තැබූ සිනමාකරුවෙක්. මෑතකදී අභාවප්‍රාප්ත වූ ඔහු සහ ඔහුගේ නිර්මාණ පිළිබ… - 7 years ago

@RoarSinhala: ධර්මසේන පතිරාජයන් ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය සිනමාවේ නොමැකෙන සටහනක් තැබූ සිනමාකරුවෙක්. මෑතකදී අභාවප්‍රාප්ත වූ ඔහු සහ ඔහුගේ නිර්මා… - 7 years ago


@sujewafantastic: - 7 years ago

@Currentaffair96: Dharmasena Pathiraja died - 7 years ago

@Sarani_Hansi: #Dharmasena_Pathiraja ⭐️ - 7 years ago

@radiogagana: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@siramenna: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@Viruhiru: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by @awanthaartigala #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@ErmizaTegal: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@sansunman: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@RamanayakeR: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by @awanthaartigala #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@RamanayakeR: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by Gihan de Chickera #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@radiogagana: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by @awanthaartigala #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: 'Mayor of Harlem' Leslie Wyche; comics artist Jan Steeman; composer Aleksandrs Kublinskis; crit… - 7 years ago

@skanthakumar_b: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@icamilasjc: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@fillonafrique: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@HaniffaNaushad: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@akeenan23: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@vg123e: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@MFJMonash: RT @Monash_Arts: Film & Screen Studies staff & community are saddened to hear of the death of @MonashAlumni & award winning #film #director… - 7 years ago

@PBastiansz: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by Gihan de Chickera #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@paheer: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@Thass283: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by @awanthaartigala #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@WNOW_NEWS: The great filmmaker "Dharmasena Pathiraja" has left us #RIP #LKA #DharmasenaPathiraja - 7 years ago

@deejayxax: RT @cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by Gihan de Chickera #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@cartoonlka: Tribute to Dharmasena Pathiraja Cartoon by Gihan de Chickera #lka #SriLanka - 7 years ago

@muradmohammed99: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@Religion_Newz: Renowned Sri Lankan filmmaker Dharmasena Pathiraja dead - 7 years ago

@Cokroach: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@danielalphonsus: RT @Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra nationa… - 7 years ago

@Meerasrini: "If you look at the war film genre in general, these films glorify violence. They are generally xenophobic or ultra… - 7 years ago

@MarianneDavid24: RT @Meerasrini: Renowned Sri Lankan filmmaker Dharmasena Pathiraja dead: - 7 years ago

@Thass283: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@HaniffaNaushad: RT @JDSLanka: This articles is shared as a tribute to the memory of legendary Sri Lankan film maker Dharmasēna Pathirāja, who passed away o… - 7 years ago

@Monash_Arts: Film & Screen Studies staff & community are saddened to hear of the death of @MonashAlumni & award winning #film… - 7 years ago

@SuraviFrance: Le cinéaste srilankais Dharmasena Pathiraja nous a quitté dimanche passé. Plus d'infos : - 7 years ago

@SuraviFrance: RT @Meerasrini: Renowned Sri Lankan filmmaker Dharmasena Pathiraja dead: - 7 years ago

@MoonPlutoNYC: RT @ranyamanivannan: - 7 years ago

@RMellawa: RT @garikaalan: Saddened to hear passing away of iconic #Sinhala film director Dharmasena Pathiraja;a good human being & soul. #RIP #Ponman… - 7 years ago

@srilankaglobal: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@ChandaniKirinde: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@deejayxax: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@akilumalli: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@MFA_SriLanka: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@JVPItaly: Dharmasena Pathiraja no more - 7 years ago

@ananthysasi: RT @garikaalan: Saddened to hear passing away of iconic #Sinhala film director Dharmasena Pathiraja;a good human being & soul. #RIP #Ponman… - 7 years ago

@ruhunukumari: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@ThomasAnumeha: Internationally acclaimed film director and screenwriter Dharmasena Pathiraja passed away while receiving treatment… - 7 years ago

@mayooresan: RT @NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote, taken fro… - 7 years ago

@rushdy_nizar: Award winning veteran Film Director and Script Writer Dharmasena Pathiraja passed away at age-74 in a private hospital in Kandy. - 7 years ago

@Nightsecer: The felicitation of 50 year journey of Dharmasena Pathiraja as a film Di... - 7 years ago

@karunaratneadk: Veteran Sri Lankan cinematographer Dharmasena Pathiraja passes away - - 7 years ago

@SLinWarsaw: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@fayazmahroof: RT @NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote, taken fro… - 7 years ago

@gossiplanka: මං සිනමා කාරයෙක් නෙමේ කැම්පස් පඩියෙන් ජීවත් වූනේ - පතිරාජ ජනපති ඉදිරියේ කී හැටි: තමා… - 7 years ago

@gossiplanka: මං සිනමා කාරයෙක් නෙමේ කැම්පස් පඩියෙන් ජීවත් වූනේ - පතිරාජ ජනපති ඉදිරියේ කී හැටි තමා වෘත්තීය සිනමාවේදියෙකු නොවන බව… - 7 years ago

@Raveenthiran80: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@SLinNigeria: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@Apelankawe: RT @NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote, taken fro… - 7 years ago

@Apelankawe: RT @NalakaG: Must films glorify the past? #lka maverick filmmaker and public intellectual #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) did not think so… - 7 years ago

@aly_rikas: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@MFASriLanka: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@Chamath_c: RT @JDSLanka: This articles is shared as a tribute to the memory of legendary Sri Lankan film maker Dharmasēna Pathirāja, who passed away o… - 7 years ago

@Varunap_lk: RT @Senel_W: An artist way ahead of his times. Rest in peace Dharmasena Pathiraja. හඳුනාගත්තොත් ඔබ මා 🎵 - 7 years ago

@SL_BotCN: RT @NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote, taken fro… - 7 years ago

@SL_BotCN: RT @NalakaG: Must films glorify the past? #lka maverick filmmaker and public intellectual #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) did not think so… - 7 years ago

@NalakaG: Must films glorify the past? #lka maverick filmmaker and public intellectual #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) did n… - 7 years ago

@SLinKathmandu: RT @NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote, taken fro… - 7 years ago

@NalakaG: #DharmasenaPathiraja (1943-2018) was one of #lka's most courageous and outspoken filmmakers. Evidence is this quote… - 7 years ago

@crasi1net: RT @RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@RW_UNP: My message of condolence on the passing of Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja - a great loss to the country. - 7 years ago

@culturadotlk: Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja, a revolutionary film director - 7 years ago

@indika27: RT @Rama_Krishnan: #srilanka #SinhalaCinema #Reconciliation - Dharmasena Pathiraja: A world-class Sinhala film director, a keen follower of… - 7 years ago

@AsiaRonn: RT @JDSLanka: This articles is shared as a tribute to the memory of legendary Sri Lankan film maker Dharmasēna Pathirāja, who passed away o… - 7 years ago

@AsiaRonn: RT @garikaalan: 'A culture of political quietism prevails over us '#Dharmasena #Pathiraja - 7 years ago

@Manobuddhi: RT @garikaalan: Saddened to hear passing away of iconic #Sinhala film director Dharmasena Pathiraja;a good human being & soul. #RIP #Ponman… - 7 years ago

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