Des Hanafin

Irish politician
Died on Thursday June 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Des Hanafin:

@Watersun555: Breda O’Brien: Des Hanafin transcended media caricature via @IrishTimes - 8 years ago

@MaireadTobin2: RT @prolifecampaign: Pls RT: Our comments on the death of our Honorary President, Des Hanafin: - 8 years ago

@dot_to_dot: @Shippers1983 It's cos I was at this. - 8 years ago

@ThinkFirst6: RT @DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago


@Belgian_Blue: RT @DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago

@familyandmedia: Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - David Quinn - Irish Catholic -- 15:00 - 8 years ago

@nuada2012: RT @DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago

@MelaniaIcon: Cyprus reunification talks with Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has addressed the three seats projection - 8 years ago

@johndwalsh: Daft sectarian proposals of Richard Bruton makes one despair are there any politicians with principles any more like the late Des Hanafin? - 8 years ago

@quim_david: @DavQuinn @IrishCathNews Des Hanafin: religious bully with no womb who helped cause enormous suffering for thousand… - 8 years ago

@MeathRight2Life: RT @DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago

@DavQuinn: DAVID QUINN Des Hanafin: conviction politician and champion of the unborn - 8 years ago

@quim_david: Did Hanafin ever regret the trouble he caused for thousands of women, many of them poor? One religious bully less! - 8 years ago

@MelaniaIcon: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has been confirmed that six the ultimate sacrifice in an incident happened - across - 8 years ago

@FlexBrowne: Some CUN*S aren't they? We can't blame Des Hanafin anyway LOL. Yes...LOL - 8 years ago

@MelaniaIcon: Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has defended the 's Class of Vietnam, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, to - 8 years ago

@johndwalsh: RT @DavQuinn: Political world pays tribute at Des Hanafin funeral - 8 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @DavQuinn: Political world pays tribute at Des Hanafin funeral - 8 years ago

@DavQuinn: Political world pays tribute at Des Hanafin funeral - 8 years ago

@CatholicIreland: Tributes paid to Des Hanafin @prolifecampaign @OireachtasNews @fiannafailparty - 8 years ago

@mtc30: RT @CatholicBishops: Information for media on the Funeral Liturgy for the late Des Hanafin RIP - 8 years ago

@RadioMariaIRE: RT @CatholicBishops: Information for media on the Funeral Liturgy for the late Des Hanafin RIP - 8 years ago

@cochesvoladores: Political world pays tribute at Des Hanafin funeral - - 8 years ago

@IrishNewsFinder: Political world pays tribute at Des Hanafin funeral - - 8 years ago

@cochesvoladores: Breaking: Des Hanafin is laid to rest 'neath his native Thurles soil - Tipperary Star (registration) - 8 years ago

@MelaniaIcon: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has - 8 years ago

@CelticCanada: RT IrishTimesPol: Funeral of former FF senator Des Hanafin in Tipperary - 8 years ago

@Thegurudublin: RT @IrishTimesPol: Funeral of former FF senator Des Hanafin in Tipperary - 8 years ago

@IrishTimes: RT @IrishTimesPol: Funeral of former FF senator Des Hanafin in Tipperary - 8 years ago

@cochesvoladores: Funeral of former FF senator Des Hanafin in Tipperary - Irish Times - 8 years ago

@IrishTimesPol: Funeral of former FF senator Des Hanafin in Tipperary - 8 years ago

@Martin_Long: RT @CatholicBishops: Information for media on the Funeral Liturgy for the late Des Hanafin RIP - 8 years ago

@CatholicBishops: Information for media on the Funeral Liturgy for the late Des Hanafin RIP - 8 years ago

@Stephen__Curtis: Obituary: Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@georgewillow: Former Fianna Fáil Senator Des Hanafin Laid To Rest - 8 years ago

@TippFmNews: “A man for all seasons” -Des Hanafin laid to rest - 8 years ago

@CahirNews: “Des Hanafin was a statesman who embodied a noble political tradition,” @mattiemcgrathtd - 8 years ago

@johndwalsh: Des Hanafin's Funeral in Thurles now - 8 years ago

@TippFmNews: Political figures join locals to mourn Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@martinquinns: Breaking: The world of politics joins with local community to pay respects to the late Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@AveTeresa: RT @psneeze: Obituaries in the Irish Times for Anne Louise Gilligan and Des Hanafin. Ying & Yang; Black & White; Love/Hate; Chalk & Cheese;… - 8 years ago

@ddsdunedin: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@psneeze: Obituaries in the Irish Times for Anne Louise Gilligan and Des Hanafin. Ying & Yang; Black & White; Love/Hate; Chalk & Cheese; Good & Bad. - 8 years ago

@liamruth: @ConorRuth Des Hanafin turning in his gra.... - 8 years ago

@MelaniaIcon: Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has - 8 years ago

@irishexaminer: Former FF senator Des Hanafin to be laid to rest, via @McConnellDaniel - 8 years ago

@RowenaNeville: Thinking of @KZapponeTD today, and wondering if Ann Louise is chuckling that she got top page billing over Des Hana… - 8 years ago

@TippFmNews: A man of conviction and charm –FF Leader on Des Hanafin. - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 16 213) #Former #Fianna #Fáil #Irish #Senator #Des #Hanafin has #died June 22, 2017 #aged 86 - 8 years ago

@InfoEire: Former FF senator Des Hanafin to be laid to rest - - 8 years ago

@Bridogni: RT @alisonoconn: V sorry to hear of death of former FF senator Des Hanafin, aged 86. Always enjoyed a chat with him in Leinster House https… - 8 years ago

@LeonardAllen8: RT @TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@LookLeftMag: Always nice to see the end of a crooked reactionary - 8 years ago

@rmltpie: @URs41 Twas Twitter that finished Des Hanafin off. - 8 years ago

@moydavittsmad: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@FrankNolanEire: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has died (via @thejournal_ie) So sad to hear of the death of Des Hanafin! - 8 years ago

@ProfRayKinsella: RT @peterhenry9: Man of #politics #principles #campaigns #community #family Former #fiannafail senator #RIPDesHanafin - 8 years ago

@FlexBrowne: Dear @fiannafailparty. You've lost a warrior. A disciple of Dev. Des Hanafin. The saddest part is he won't see the 8th amendment repealed!!! - 8 years ago

@johndwalsh: RT @DavQuinn: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin dies, aged 86 - 8 years ago

@FlexBrowne: I just saw now that Des Hanafin is dead. Super news. Utterly contemptible bastard. I hope there's the hell be spoke of and he's there. - 8 years ago

@TimMaherOrchard: RT @TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@TipperaryTimes: Cahill expresses his sadness at passing of former Senator, Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@Nora_McDowell: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@TipperaryTimes: McGrath pays tribute to Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@cochesvoladores: Former FF senator Des Hanafin to be laid to rest - Irish Examiner - 8 years ago

@mattiemcgrathtd: I would like to express my sincere condolences to the family of former Senator, Des Hanafin, who has passed away... - 8 years ago

@ben_moran25: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@ThurlesTown: RT @TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@NenaghGuardian: RT @TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@familyandmedia: RT @DavQuinn: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin dies, aged 86 - 8 years ago

@electionlit: RT @TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@TippStudies: Desmond A. 'Des' Hanafin 9 Sept. 1930 - 22 Jun 2017 Senator 1965-2002 - 8 years ago

@TippFmNews: Des Hanafin – a man who put people first #Tipperary #Thurles - 8 years ago

@HayesHiggi: RT @DeclanJCarr: Just commented on @thejournal_ie: Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has died - - 8 years ago

@Belgian_Blue: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@FelipeMurrelli: RT @MichaelKellyIC: Very sad to hear about the death of Des Hanafin. A politician of conviction in an age of expediency. He stood for what… - 8 years ago

@tonkennykerry: RT @prolifecampaign: Pls RT: Our comments on the death of our Honorary President, Des Hanafin: - 8 years ago

@apb4771: RT @prolifecampaign: Pls RT: Our comments on the death of our Honorary President, Des Hanafin: - 8 years ago

@TippFmNews: Tributes paid to Tipperary great Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@readerireland: Obituary: Des Hanafin - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Des Hanafin, Irish politician, Died at 86 - 8 years ago

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