Derek Walcott

Santa Lucia poet and playwright.
Died on Friday March 17th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Derek Walcott:

@thunderclappub: RT @coldplums: The sea. The sea / has locked them up. The sea is History. -Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@vidivige: RT @Martinique1re: Sainte-Lucie offre à Derek Walcott des obsèques digne d'un chef d'État - 8 years ago

@miltonquero: RT @ellibrero: De cuando Derek Walcott visitó Venezuela - 8 years ago

@ReineSansNom: RT @Martinique1re: Sainte-Lucie offre à Derek Walcott des obsèques digne d'un chef d'État - 8 years ago


@Mr__MakeItLast: RT @cduhigg: The Problem with Poetry Students, and Other Lessons from Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@ElHashtag2: RT @pictoline: "El amor después del amor", un poema del hoy fallecido Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott 😔 - 8 years ago

@ConnorBlades: RT @lithub: That is a special kind of love, the writer who helps others speak: @GabbyBellot on Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@platinomax: Entierran en su natal Santa Lucía al escritor Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@Martinique1re: Sainte-Lucie offre à Derek Walcott des obsèques digne d'un chef d'État - 8 years ago

@GabbyBellot: RT @lithub: That is a special kind of love, the writer who helps others speak: @GabbyBellot on Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@gawanmac: RT @mghacademic: Walcott' poetry burns my ears: - 8 years ago

@contrapuntovzla: Entierran en su natal Santa Lucía al escritor Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@modernirish: RT @griffinpoetry: A poet's letter to Derek Walcott (1930-2017) - 8 years ago


@miquelporta: RT @lithub: That is a special kind of love, the writer who helps others speak: @GabbyBellot on Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@KenoshaKidElvis: RT @lithub: That is a special kind of love, the writer who helps others speak: @GabbyBellot on Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@amiegranville: Carolyn Cooper | Derek Walcott's loose tongue: In 1970, Derek Walcott wrote a philosophical introduction to a… - 8 years ago

@alisoncroggon: RT @Katja_Thieme: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours. - 8 years ago


@IenulescDumitra: RT @lithub: That is a special kind of love, the writer who helps others speak: @GabbyBellot on Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@SeHablaArte: RT @cristinaburneos: Buen viaje, querido Derek Walcott. Aquí, "El amor después del amor", traducido por @hectorabadf. - 8 years ago

@kimsmith4290001: RT @BillMoyersHQ: WATCH: Bill Moyers and the late Derek Walcott discuss immigration, race and the American Dream - 8 years ago

@agvicente: RT @SanzIrles: Mi homenaje a Derek Walcott. (En @malagahoy_es ) #TextoSentido #literatura #viernessanzirlista @ - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: @AHoeStory Only if there was a pictorial evidence but I think she has been forced to write this. This gals should be acting bullies in films - 8 years ago

@_infoLibre: En la muerte de un poeta, el obituario de Derek Walcott por José Antonio Gurpegui en #LosDiablosAzules… - 8 years ago

@AlexandraPoleo7: Lectura obligada esta semana.Para todos los que aman Derek Walcott ...una sorpresa deliciosa que nos brinda Ibsen M… - 8 years ago

@tvyxo: RT @dreamhampton: Sit. Feast on your life. ~Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@passageStories: RIP Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @SkySportsNewsHQ: BREAKING: Middlesbrough defender Ben Gibson called into England squad to face Lithuania on Sunday replacing injured Ch… - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @hanjomedia: Chimamanda Adichie makes Fortune magazine’s list of 50 world leaders _ Nigerian author,… - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @HoneyandBanana: Mothers who've successfully used contraceptives to plan family size, click here - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @Pontifex: Let us remember our Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering persecution for their faith. May we be united with them. - 8 years ago

@OnPointRadio: RT @Winooski: 2/2 "This window opens with a man's death, & it doesn't -just the way of the world- stay open forever" @OnPointRadio - 8 years ago

@OnPointRadio: RT @Winooski: 1/2 I'm still convinced that @tomashbrooknpr is a closet poet. About wanting to hear more of Derek Walcott's poetry read alou… - 8 years ago

@KellyKatharin: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours - 8 years ago

@Winooski: 2/2 "This window opens with a man's death, & it doesn't -just the way of the world- stay open forever" @OnPointRadio - 8 years ago

@Winooski: 1/2 I'm still convinced that @tomashbrooknpr is a closet poet. About wanting to hear more of Derek Walcott's poetry read aloud, he says,... - 8 years ago

@SophMidas: RT @parisreview: “I have never separated the writing of poetry from prayer.” —Derek Walcott #WorldPoetryDay - 8 years ago

@melpryorpoetry: RT @parisreview: “I have never separated the writing of poetry from prayer.” —Derek Walcott #WorldPoetryDay - 8 years ago

@AnnaPerrett: The Writing Wisdom of Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: @ArsenalFanTV @thetimes Much better than Ozil - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @GoonerFanzine: Arsenal Directors should not underestimate supporters. Frank Lee warns the board to be wary of the silent majority - htt… - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: @tomgunner14 Lehmann has the guts to criticise this players when he was full of mistakes and slips himself when he played for Arsenal. - 8 years ago

@elmontonero_pe: .@agreda: La fusión de dos versiones fieles del infinito. #DerekWalcott #PremioNobel #Venezuela - 8 years ago

@violetasdev: RT @pictoline: "El amor después del amor", un poema del hoy fallecido Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott 😔 - 8 years ago

@RickAdams14: Derek Walcott, a Mighty Poet, Has Died - 8 years ago

@rgibson103: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@sarah16_20: RT @moldybetamax: The Fist // Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@sarah16_20: RT @OliviaMHope: The great Derek Walcott has died. This is a wonderful poem about being kind to yourself. Love after love - 8 years ago

@hmvanderhart: RT @Don_Share: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours — NewsWorks - 8 years ago

@ThumpHerr: RT @Don_Share: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours — NewsWorks - 8 years ago

@matt_sperling: RT @prospect_uk: It is difficult to think of a longer and more fruitful career in literature than Derek Walcott's - 8 years ago

@ScentsandBeauty: RT @NewsOfStLucia: #StLucia Times: Venezuela pays tribute to Sir Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@CorettaScottKey: RT @Don_Share: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours — NewsWorks - 8 years ago

@ktcheval: RT @Don_Share: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours — NewsWorks - 8 years ago

@WendyCarey2: What a week! Chuck Berry, the attack in Westminster and now Derek Walcott's death. I'm trying to find the rainbow in my tears. - 8 years ago

@themedusaslaugh: RT @PoetryIsAlive: “You will love again the stranger who was your self.” ~ Derek Walcott, Love After Love #RIPDerekWalcott - 8 years ago

@wddaughter: RT @Don_Share: Derek Walcott's sexual harassment problem, and ours — NewsWorks - 8 years ago

@prospect_uk: It is difficult to think of a longer and more fruitful career in literature than Derek Walcott's - 8 years ago

@susanstinson: RT @BillMoyersHQ: Remembering writer Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@AmigoFundagraez: RT @leonmagnom: Gracias a todos los que se sumaron al homenaje a Derek Walcott: - 8 years ago

@abcetcetera: RT @FreeLitOrg: "The future happens. No matter how much we scream." The writing wisdom of Derek Walcott @lithub - 8 years ago

@BillMoyersHQ: Remembering writer Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@MenaiN: RT @Somers_Library: The Writing Wisdom of Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@FLVSCWC: Derek Walcott, Who Wrote Of Caribbean Beauty And Bondage, Dies At 87 - 8 years ago

@ReGqHQPg0FgX01N: RT @nytopinion: Walcott's actions were "not a victimless offense" #NYTLetters - 8 years ago

@Beatriz09121981: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@SaborGaitero: RT @leonmagnom: "El adiós a Derek Walcott" por León Magno Montiel - 8 years ago

@avidreader514: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@alexmbustillo: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@SaborGaitero: RT @leonmagnom: Gracias a todos los que se sumaron al homenaje a Derek Walcott: - 8 years ago

@BikesNBukes: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@leonmagnom: Gracias a todos los que se sumaron al homenaje a Derek Walcott: - 8 years ago

@FrankMarcopolos: Derek Walcott, Nobel Laureate poet, has died, according to St. Lucia Star - 8 years ago

@AuPays_mq: RT @AuPays_mq: DEREK WALCOTT EST MORT - 8 years ago

@shutupsmalls: RT @nytopinion: Walcott's actions were "not a victimless offense" #NYTLetters - 8 years ago

@thinkalot: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@FRANK_J_MILES: RT @HeerJeet: Derek Walcott’s Dueling Legacies - 8 years ago

@nytopinion: Walcott's actions were "not a victimless offense" #NYTLetters - 8 years ago

@WMutunga: RT @brainpicker: Celebrate #WorldPoetryDay with "Love After Love" by Derek Walcott, who died last week at 87 and left us such magic https:/… - 8 years ago

@OccuWorld: Derek Walcott on the the Black Diaspora and the American Dream - 8 years ago

@TRIYANIRA: RT @ConElMazoDando: Venezuela expresó sentidas condolencias a Santa Lucía por la pérdida de Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@iona_english: RT @parisreview: “I have never separated the writing of poetry from prayer.” —Derek Walcott #WorldPoetryDay - 8 years ago

@courtneywatever: RT @lorde: durga sent me this beautiful derek walcott poem today - shadows of "liability" in here i thought. rip - 8 years ago

@Enit_Rosales: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@bunnyBISOUS: RT @WindhamCampbell: Hilton Als on Walcott: writing could be anything as long as it was emotionally & intellectually true - 8 years ago

@Navascity: Venezuela expresó sentidas condolencias a Santa Lucía por la pérdida de Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@FeedAtheism: Remembering Writer Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@griffinpoetry: A Trinidadian Friendship: Derek Walcott and Peter Doig - 8 years ago

@Seg_Integ_apure: RT @TitoAGomez: Venezuela expresa condolencias al pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@StormeWebber: RT @brainpicker: Celebrate #WorldPoetryDay with "Love After Love" by Derek Walcott, who died last week at 87 and left us such magic https:/… - 8 years ago

@Mack1957: RT @BernardoBolanos: Este poema de Derek Walcott traducido por José Luis Rivas viene bien para el día de su muerte. - 8 years ago

@rogiers1963: RT @ConElMazoDando: Venezuela expresó sentidas condolencias a Santa Lucía por la pérdida de Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@AleN2Caceres: RT @ConElMazoDando: Venezuela expresó sentidas condolencias a Santa Lucía por la pérdida de Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@LandscapeRead: Nobel Prize Winner Derek Walcott obituary. - 8 years ago

@Mi_dvenTweet: RT @NewYorker: Derek Walcott’s poems explored, among other themes, the sea, memory, and the joys and terrors of physical love: - 8 years ago

@EventsDiaryNIG: #Happenings Literary community mourns Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@royaltechnique1: Literary community mourns Derek Walcott…Read full details - 8 years ago

@tecnorojo: Venezuela Mourns Death of Saint Lucian Nobel Laureate in Literature Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@ArrezEdda: RT @NasiMaurice: No obtuve matrícula en matemáticas; aprobé; después enseñé el latín básico del amor: Amo, amas, amat. Derek Walcott, 1930… - 8 years ago

@alpha2omegafit: Little Known Black History Fact Sir Derek Walcott was one of the greatest poets of his time,… - 8 years ago

@jhosnel13: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@katiajaeger: Qui était Derek Walcott, Nobel de Littérature 1992 ? via @franceculture - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: @ArsenalPoper @kevdavis736 Sagna has the balls to say this after he left Arsenal because of what everyone is complaining about - trophies. - 8 years ago

@iamfoxyloxy: RT @holdengraber: 'The time will come when, with elation' In Memoriam: Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@Marca_Madrid_: Derek Walcott, premio Nobel de Literatura, fallecía este viernes a los 87 años. Así fue su paso por Casa de América … - 8 years ago

@ErikSchuckers: RT @PittC4C: "Love After Love" by Derek Walcott, 1930-2017 (Photo: Getty Images) - 8 years ago

@Eleanor__01: RT @holdengraber: 'The time will come when, with elation' In Memoriam: Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@eiacosta: RT @ConElMazoDando: Venezuela expresó sentidas condolencias a Santa Lucía por la pérdida de Derek Walcott - - 8 years ago

@The_Reporter24: Derek Walcott, R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @hanjomedia: Japan's oldest porn actress retires at 80 . . After a decade of peeling off for X-rated movies,… - 8 years ago

@AberEnglishDept: RT @AberECWS: Happy World Poetry Day!Alex's reading a lot of Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott's work &having a great time.Let us know some of y… - 8 years ago

@Holmes3Card: Derek Walcott, R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@Madrid_exterior: Derek Walcott, premio Nobel de Literatura, fallecía este viernes a los 87 años. Así fue su paso por Casa de América … - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: @MessiMinutes @Forbes wow. Look at all the flesh on his face. - 8 years ago

@BenRawlence: Joseph Brodsky on Derek Walcott, few better - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @Fact: Twitter is more addictive than cigarettes according to a recent scientific study. - 8 years ago

@Derek_Walcott: RT @hanjomedia: Lagos Bans Live Band At Beer Parlours, Restaurants . . Lagos State government has prohibited… - 8 years ago

@Tasha_Alden: RT @AberECWS: Happy World Poetry Day!Alex's reading a lot of Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott's work &having a great time.Let us know some of y… - 8 years ago

@LGWhiteAuthor: RT @marthamconway: Love Derek Walcott: Poet of the Caribbean - 8 years ago

@LopezLunar: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@getogar64: RT @DrodriguezVen: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gob. y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por la pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott http… - 8 years ago

@dylan_candanga: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@Rayabi: RT @telesurenglish: Decolonizing culture and politics with Derek Walcott. #derekwalcott - 8 years ago

@schuyleresprit: RT @GabbyBellot: For @lithub, I wrote about Derek Walcott and Caribbean literature: - 8 years ago

@rinconesyuri: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@Kindness58: RT @BBCNewsnight: Poet and playwright Derek Walcott died today. In tribute, here's Linton Kwesi Johnson reciting "Love after Love" #Newsnig… - 8 years ago

@oscarrondon36: RT @DrodriguezVen: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gob. y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por la pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott http… - 8 years ago

@f_rassta: RT @CiudadCCS: Venezuela expresa condolencias por muerte del poeta del Caribe Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@ArwinBlueQIandP: RT @marthamconway: Love Derek Walcott: Poet of the Caribbean - 8 years ago

@WimarPeRo: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@marthamconway: Love Derek Walcott: Poet of the Caribbean - 8 years ago

@pniguayana: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@ginachavista: RT @CiudadCCS: Venezuela expresa condolencias por muerte del poeta del Caribe Derek Walcott - 8 years ago

@yeliescalona1: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@PrensaAloha: RT @vencancilleria: Venezuela expresa condolencias al Gobierno y Pueblo de Santa Lucía por pérdida del Nobel de Literatura Derek Walcott ht… - 8 years ago

@prodavinci: Derek Walcott: el otro Calibán; por Rafael Rojas (@librocrepusculo) - 8 years ago

@ronaldohoward: RT @USVInews: #StThomas Source: Derek Walcott, St. Lucian Poet and Nobel Laureate, Wrote Frequently About USVI - 8 years ago

@Bidisha_online: Utterly disgusted that @lithub publishes @bonnienadzam's essay on sexual harassment...and countless grovelling articles about Derek Walcott. - 8 years ago

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