Denzil Davies

British politician
Died on Thursday October 11th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Denzil Davies:

@llanellionline: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@CofioJim: - 6 years ago

@alunllety: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@Shakesvshav: @SamanthaPippin7 @georgegalloway @StuartWheeler28 @piersmorgan @campbellclaret Sorry to learn of the death of Welsh… - 6 years ago


@crouchendwalks: RT @WWalks: Dad (Chris Moncrieff) gets a mention in Denzil Davies’ obituary in ⁦@guardian⁩ - the famous middle of the night resignation cal… - 6 years ago

@WWalks: Dad (Chris Moncrieff) gets a mention in Denzil Davies’ obituary in ⁦@guardian⁩ - the famous middle of the night res… - 6 years ago

@labour1969: RT @AMCarwyn: Denzil Davies’ passing is a tragic loss for Wales, Llanelli and the whole Labour movement. A man of principle and intelligenc… - 6 years ago

@BarondeBrock: RT @ThorneyIslandSo: We are sad to report the death of Denzil Davies, the very talented former Labour minister who was married to Ann Carlt… - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @lloyddavidjohn: @elrick1 @telegraphobits @Telegraph I knew Denzil Davies in the 1980s - a bright star that faded far too soon - 6 years ago

@labour_lives: First class brain & a career that did not see him hold high Office. Mercurial & independent minded. And an excellen… - 6 years ago

@guardianobits: Denzil Davies obituary. Brilliant Labour MP and Treasury minister who opposed Welsh devolution and campaigned again… - 6 years ago

@panteryrod: RT @guardian: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@aledscourfield: RT @guardian: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@DemolitionsLdn: RT @ThorneyIslandSo: We are sad to report the death of Denzil Davies, the very talented former Labour minister who was married to Ann Carlt… - 6 years ago

@ThorneyIslandSo: We are sad to report the death of Denzil Davies, the very talented former Labour minister who was married to Ann Ca… - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@airiters: Denzil Davies obituary - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: Denzil Davies, Eurosceptic Labour MP – obituary - 6 years ago

@004nino: RIP 19 137) #BBC @BBC #News - #British #Former #Llanelli #MP #Denzil #Davies #dies #October 10, 2018… - 6 years ago

@RCTemerloh: RT @LlanelliRotary: Rotarian and Past Robert Lloyd @rlloydpr will be on @HenoS4C @S4C this evening, saying a few words of tribute about for… - 6 years ago

@Richard50336211: @ConwyR Yes a tad higher than when we were down there with Denzil Davies!!!! - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Rt. Hon. David John Denzil DAVIES, PC (1938-2018), British Labour politician. He served for 35 years as the… - 6 years ago

@LlanelliLab: RT @NiaGriffithMP: So sad to hear that the Rt Hon Denzil Davies has passed away. He was a great parliamentarian, combining his great intell… - 6 years ago

@Golwg360: ‘Gallai Denzil Davies fod wedi curo Gwynfor Evans’ #newyddion - 6 years ago

@LlanelliHerald: Former MP Denzil Davies dies - 6 years ago

@carmsherald: Former MP Denzil Davies dies - 6 years ago

@JohnGillibrand: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@welshronald: RT @Amanwy: Sorry to hear of the passing of Denzil Davies. He was the MP for #Llanelli from 1970 to 2005. As Treasury Minister in the Calla… - 6 years ago

@systonhouse: RT @AmIRightSir: Denzil Davies, Labour MP for Llanelli 1970-2005 and a Treasury Minister 1975-79, has died age 80: - 6 years ago

@melville72: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@StephenShughes: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@sharonhafmorgan: RT @VaughanRoderick: So sad to hear of the death of former Llanelli MP Denzil Davies, a lovely decent man. - 6 years ago

@ArwynThomas3: Former MP for Llanelli Denzil Davies has died. Denzil was Labour Shadow Defence Minister who resigned from the shad… - 6 years ago

@benfitzgerald24: RT @AnnClwyd: My tribute to Denzil Davies on BBC Wales Today earlier - 6 years ago

@llanellionline: A journalist’s tribute to Denzil Davies - 6 years ago

@HefinaRendle: RT @Amanwy: Sorry to hear of the passing of Denzil Davies. He was the MP for #Llanelli from 1970 to 2005. As Treasury Minister in the Calla… - 6 years ago

@Golwg360: #PrifStraeon360 Bu farw cyn-Aelod Seneddol Llanelli, Denzil Davies, yn 80 oed. - 6 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Denzil Davies. - 6 years ago

@GoodwayCardiff: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@charliebach: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@owen_garry: A gallwch glywed Vaughan yn trafod bywyd,gwaith a gweledigaeth Denzil Davies cyn AS Llanelli trwy wrando eto ar… - 6 years ago

@HenoS4C: Yn un o Aelodau Seneddol mwyaf deallus ei genhedlaeth ac yn AS dros Llanelli am 35 o flynyddoedd, bydd y golled ar… - 6 years ago

@AnnClwyd: My tribute to Denzil Davies on BBC Wales Today earlier - 6 years ago

@SimonBatesUK: RT @richardheller: Very sad to learn of the sudden death of former Labour MP, Denzil Davies, who was "my" minister at the Treasury in the 1… - 6 years ago

@MadocLeonard: RT @rlloydpr: If I don't end up on the cutting room floor, then I will be on @HenoS4C @S4C this evening, saying a few words of tribute abou… - 6 years ago

@Plfcealstudents: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@MadocLeonard: RT @rlloydpr: On @BBCRadioWales shortly to talk about the life of Denzil Davies, former #Llanelli MP . - 6 years ago

@RIMooreHistory: RT @richardheller: Very sad to learn of the sudden death of former Labour MP, Denzil Davies, who was "my" minister at the Treasury in the 1… - 6 years ago

@3coffeesbad: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@rowlands_sheila: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@BeccaAngharad: A fitting tribute to Rt Hon Denzil Davies MP this morning by @rlloydpr on @BBCRadioWales Braf clywed @rlloydpr yn r… - 6 years ago

@RobertBuckland: RT @ParlyApp: Solicitor general @RobertBuckland pays tribute to Denzil Davies. “He was the first member of Parliament I ever met ... althou… - 6 years ago

@SallyAMcGuinne3: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@ElisStaines: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@Jdm_progressive: RT @huwbbc: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies - a good friend over many years - has died. His towering intellect and forensic legal ability te… - 6 years ago

@jerryhayes1: RT @richardheller: Very sad to learn of the sudden death of former Labour MP, Denzil Davies, who was "my" minister at the Treasury in the 1… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Denzil Davies is no longer with us - #DenzilDavies #Denzil #Davies #rip - 6 years ago

@rhinedd346: RT @owen_garry: Teyrngedau lleol i Denzil Davies ar #tarorpost Alban Rees Pontyberem.. " Wedi neud ei waith cartre o hyd" "Cofio Margaret T… - 6 years ago

@ToshFan44: RT @rhyswal: As a Llanelli boy living in Kent I was sad to hear about the passing of Denzil Davies MP. My next door neighbour here in Tonbr… - 6 years ago

@richardheller: Very sad to learn of the sudden death of former Labour MP, Denzil Davies, who was "my" minister at the Treasury in… - 6 years ago

@shirleydavisfox: RT @NiaGriffithMP: So sad to hear that the Rt Hon Denzil Davies has passed away. He was a great parliamentarian, combining his great intell… - 6 years ago

@jawclough: RT @AmIRightSir: Denzil Davies was one of only 3 people to have been MP for Llanelli in the last 82 years - 6 years ago

@jawclough: RT @AmIRightSir: Denzil Davies, Labour MP for Llanelli 1970-2005 and a Treasury Minister 1975-79, has died age 80: - 6 years ago

@donsview: RT @donsview: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies, the long-serving former Llanelli MP, has died RIP Denzil - 6 years ago

@SE25A: RT @NiaGriffithMP: So sad to hear that the Rt Hon Denzil Davies has passed away. He was a great parliamentarian, combining his great intell… - 6 years ago

@LlanelliRotary: Rotarian and Past Robert Lloyd @rlloydpr will be on @HenoS4C @S4C this evening, saying a few words of tribute about… - 6 years ago

@wasserhouse: RT @donsview: Sad to hear that Denzil Davies, the long-serving former Llanelli MP, has died RIP Denzil - 6 years ago

@ParlyApp: Solicitor general @RobertBuckland pays tribute to Denzil Davies. “He was the first member of Parliament I ever met… - 6 years ago

@rlloydpr: If I don't end up on the cutting room floor, then I will be on @HenoS4C @S4C this evening, saying a few words of tr… - 6 years ago

@ginamil30046367: RT @VaughanRoderick: So sad to hear of the death of former Llanelli MP Denzil Davies, a lovely decent man. - 6 years ago

@garsiderachael: @rlloydpr excellent interview earlier on @BBCRadioWales & a lovely tribute to Denzil Davies - 6 years ago

@WWChronicle: Denzil Davies MP Dies aged 80 - 6 years ago

@ParlyApp: Denzil Davies, MP for Llanelli from 1970 to 2005, has died aged 80. He served as minister of state at the Treasury… - 6 years ago

@ParlyApp: RT @NiaGriffithMP: So sad to hear that the Rt Hon Denzil Davies has passed away. He was a great parliamentarian, combining his great intell… - 6 years ago

@AMCarwyn: Denzil Davies’ passing is a tragic loss for Wales, Llanelli and the whole Labour movement. A man of principle and i… - 6 years ago

@ToshFan44: @huwbbc David Morris, the former MEP for Mid & West Wales, once said to me that Denzil Davies should have become Le… - 6 years ago

@GwilymDafydd: @carolyn_hitt @AmeliaAber @WelshLibraries @librariesweek @YLolfa Pnawn da Garry. Dyma un neges Trydar gen i ddoe p… - 6 years ago

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