Dennis Ritchie

inventor of UNIX
Died on Saturday October 8th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Dennis Ritchie:

@hikotaro_san: RT @kenji_ki: C言語およびUNIXの父、デニス・リッチー死去 ― 享年70歳 | TechCrunch Japan - 8 years ago

@webdev_links: Dennis Richie of C fame dies at 70 ... far to early if you ask me #web #dev - 8 years ago

@AODQIG: I just saw a few articles about Dennis Ritchie "just having died." He died back in 2011. Nice job media. - 8 years ago

@RAMAKANTABAG: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies - 8 years ago


@racecf137: Five years since his death, we remember Dennis Ritchie.... - 8 years ago

@DigBeingADad: The notion of a "record" is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card. ― Dennis M. Ritchie - 8 years ago

@carlolisa: RT @salthewaker: :_( - 8 years ago

@1908yadav: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies - 8 years ago

@buena_dds: Last week Father of gadgets passed away and now Father of C programming Dennis Ritchie passed away. Worst month of the year! - 8 years ago

@miket2598: The notion of a "record" is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card. ― Dennis M. Ritchie - 8 years ago

@dnefedkin: RT @drjmetz: RIP Dennis Ritchie. - 8 years ago

@amitdhoke: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co - developer of UNIX dies.. include<studio.h> main() { printf("RIP"); } - 8 years ago

@maukacarlos: Without Dennis Ritchie, there would be no Steve Jobs | ZDNet - 8 years ago

@CleSewingQueen: A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. ― Dennis M. Ritchie - 8 years ago

@Portal_Fazgame: Morre Dennis Ritchie, pai do Unix e da linguagem de programação C #G1 - 8 years ago

@webdev_links: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies #web #dev - 8 years ago

@mynameismuerte: The notion of a "record" is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card. ― Dennis M. Ritchie - 8 years ago

@Dileepraut: RT @drckraut: RIP, Dennis Ritchie. - 8 years ago

@RickTwt: Today in 1973, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson presented their first paper on Unix at Purdue University. - 8 years ago

@Meramona: 12/10 :c... - 8 years ago

@SecNewsBot: Hacker News - Dennis Ritchie, Trailblazer in Digital Era, Dies at 70 - 8 years ago

@ryf_feed: Dennis Ritchie, Trailblazer in Digital Era, Dies at 70 - 8 years ago

@developerhcnews: Dennis Ritchie, Trailblazer in Digital Era, Dies at 70 - 8 years ago

@ksttcc: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies - 8 years ago

@linusjf: Dennis Ritchie: UNIX - 8 years ago

@plskeggs: RT @Crell: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies | - 8 years ago

@BLEND8156: UNIXの親が亡くなった。 UNIX無ければLinuxもなかったろうし、 MS-DOSも、となるとWindowsも危うい(厳密に言うと系統は別だけど 本当にありがとうございました。 - 8 years ago

@t_seki: 実は昔、他の言語の本を書くときに構成などとても参考にしたカーニハン/リッチーのC言語本。私の本もおかげでいい書評をもらいました…。RIP C言語およびUNIXの父、デニス・リッチー死去 ― 享年70歳 - 8 years ago

@djwade91: The notion of a "record" is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card. ― Dennis M. Ritchie - 8 years ago

@singlyzm: dennis ritchie varken steve jobs kim amk - 8 years ago

@fabioafa: RT @bielversallini: Morre Dennis Ritchie, pai do Unix e da linguagem de programação C - 8 years ago

@gasmanic: Anyway, why are we all sharing a news item from four months ago? I bet Dennis Ritchie wouldn't stand for this sort of nonsense. - 8 years ago

@salthewaker: :_( - 8 years ago

@bielversallini: Morre Dennis Ritchie, pai do Unix e da linguagem de programação C - 8 years ago

@fajprdev: RT @InformaticoFFUU: Dennis Ritchie murió hace 5 años, con poca repercusión, pero nos dejó un gran legado printf("descanse en paz") ; htt… - 8 years ago

@pawanalluru: For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace. ~Dennis Ritchie #technology - 8 years ago

@danield2web: Uma grande perda!! - 8 years ago

@itzz_Jason: For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace. ~Dennis Ritchie #technology - 8 years ago

@quotedojo: For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace. ~Dennis Ritchie #technology - 8 years ago

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