Denis McQuail

British communication theorist.
Died on Thursday June 29th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Denis McQuail:

@FalatLina: RT @StijnJoye: 'Godfather' en icoon van de communicatiewetenschappen, Denis McQuail is overleden - 8 years ago

@governmenthate2: NO_1 INFORMATION CHANNEL IN NIGERIA: Adieu Denis McQuail - 8 years ago

@FuJoMedia: Denis McQuail's work was foundational to communication studies. Adrian Smyth @olderdigital offers an appraisal - 8 years ago

@JuanAndreRincon: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago


@PParzival: RT @PacoSeoanePerez: My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail - 8 years ago

@mucmeyen: Denis McQuail (1935 bis 2017): Nachruf von Joan Hemels - 8 years ago

@kobra_elahifar: June 25: best-selling author Prof. Denis McQuail passed away. #MassCommunicationTheory #icahdq - 8 years ago

@ICA_FSD: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@meltemagduk: RT @CilerDursun: Denis McQuail'ı Seul'de konferansta dinleme şansım olmuştu.İletişim alanına katkıları yadsınamaz bi teorisyendi:(( https:… - 8 years ago

@KdnGazeteciler: RT @CilerDursun: Denis McQuail'ı Seul'de konferansta dinleme şansım olmuştu.İletişim alanına katkıları yadsınamaz bi teorisyendi:(( https:… - 8 years ago

@CilerDursun: Denis McQuail'ı Seul'de konferansta dinleme şansım olmuştu.İletişim alanına katkıları yadsınamaz bi teorisyendi:(( - 8 years ago

@CilerDursun: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@Helgolaender: RT @Medienhektor: Traurig: Denis McQuail, einer der wichtigsten US-amerikanischen Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler, ist gestorben.… - 8 years ago

@Medienhektor: Traurig: Denis McQuail, einer der wichtigsten US-amerikanischen Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler, ist gest… - 8 years ago

@IMVErlangen: RT @PacoSeoanePerez: My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail - 8 years ago

@vista: 傳播學者Denis McQuail過世了,感謝他為傳播學領域帶來的貢獻。 - 8 years ago

@VtheWanderer: RT @FHeinderyckx: Denis McQuail passed away. He will remain as a major figure of Communication Science. He will be missed as a dear friend… - 8 years ago

@Donkogai: What would Denis McQuail say about this kind of reporting? Fabrications. - 8 years ago

@EthicsWG_IAMCR: RT @FHeinderyckx: Denis McQuail passed away. He will remain as a major figure of Communication Science. He will be missed as a dear friend… - 8 years ago

@EthicsWG_IAMCR: RT @IAMCRtweets: with great sadness #IAMCR reported the death of Denis McQuail to its members - 8 years ago

@ProfBobFranklin: Sad to hear from a friend about the death of Denis McQuail; significant scholar, even better colleague - 8 years ago

@JudithRBaum: RT @janvandenbulck: RIP Denis McQuail, gentle, erudite, soft-spoken - probably the last who had a grasp of the whole field of communication… - 8 years ago

@MichaelMeany: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@DiegoGaRam: RT @IAMCRtweets: with great sadness #IAMCR reported the death of Denis McQuail to its members - 8 years ago

@amarcord95: RT @jabrambila: In memoriam Denis McQuail (1935 – 2017) - ASCoR - University of Amsterdam - 8 years ago

@ProfCatwoman: RIP, Denis Mcquail. You left a corpus of work in comm that future generations of comm scholars will continue to rea… - 8 years ago

@javiermarnie: RT @VictorMari6: Muere uno de los grandes teóricos de la comunicación, Denis McQuail: DEP - 8 years ago

@AJMCS_Journal: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@GiovannaCosenza: RT @GPMazzoleni: Deeply saddened by the death of one of the founding fathers of mass communication research and a marvellous friend: Denis… - 8 years ago

@Lrnztglfrr: Riprendo vecchio testo di Denis McQuail su sociologia dei media e scopro tramite internet che è morto qualche giorn… - 8 years ago

@MediaCritiques: RT @netievalage: RIP Professor Denis McQuail (12 April 1935 - 25 June 2017) - 8 years ago

@netievalage: RIP Professor Denis McQuail (12 April 1935 - 25 June 2017) - 8 years ago

@netievalage: RT @ECREA_eu: We have lost a great scholar. Our thoughts are with Denis McQuail's family. - 8 years ago

@MediaCritiques: RT @ECREA_eu: We have lost a great scholar. Our thoughts are with Denis McQuail's family. - 8 years ago

@fusion_ashu: RT @siromanid: One of the most influential scholars in the field of media & communication Denis McQuail dies at the age of 82 - 8 years ago

@silpianis: RT @AskeKammer: Some very influential scholars have left us these days; first Denis McQuail, now Peter Berger. #RIP - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Denis McQuail, britischer Kommunikationswissenschaftler, am 25.06.2017 im Alter von 82 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@GDRaber: Sad to learn of the passing of communication & media scholar Denis McQuail. Huge loss to the field, but he leaves an amazing legacy - 8 years ago

@lilicastillo17: RT @cscolari: RIP Denis McQuail, una vida dedicada a la investigación en comunicación #MediaStudies #CommTheories - 8 years ago

@LoreBron: RT @ComunicolocosOK: Falleció Denis McQuail, Inv. en #Comunicación. [BAJAR GRATIS] Introducción a la teoría de la comunicación de masas htt… - 8 years ago

@arely_millan: RT @jhidalgo: In memoriam Denis McQuail (1935 – 2017) - ASCoR - University of Amsterdam - 8 years ago

@olderdigital: - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@agapras: RT @FHeinderyckx: Denis McQuail passed away. He will remain as a major figure of Communication Science. He will be missed as a dear friend… - 8 years ago

@ElMuralradio: RT @jaguimera: Ha mort el professor Denis McQuail, problablement el teóric de la comunicació més influent des dels 70. Un crac. - 8 years ago

@neptirubi: जीवनमा पढेका मध्य कुनै पाठ्यपुस्तकका लेखककाे नाम याद छ भने ती Denis Mcquail हुन । कम्ता रूवाएनन् ! - 8 years ago

@RosaPintoLobo: RT @ComunicolocosOK: Falleció Denis McQuail, Inv. en #Comunicación. [BAJAR GRATIS] Introducción a la teoría de la comunicación de masas htt… - 8 years ago

@siromanid: One of the most influential scholars in the field of media & communication Denis McQuail dies at the age of 82 - 8 years ago

@luzmagcruz: RT @jhidalgo: In memoriam Denis McQuail (1935 – 2017) - ASCoR - University of Amsterdam - 8 years ago

@jhidalgo: In memoriam Denis McQuail (1935 – 2017) - ASCoR - University of Amsterdam - 8 years ago

@Denisa_Zajicova: RT @FilipTitlbach: Zemřel jeden z nejznámějších mediálních teoretiků Denis McQuail. S touhle knihou strávil mnoho probdělých nocí nejeden s… - 8 years ago

@fangkc: RT @FHeinderyckx: Denis McQuail passed away. He will remain as a major figure of Communication Science. He will be missed as a dear friend… - 8 years ago

@claragonzagav: RT @abelsuing: #RIP Prof. DENIS MCQUAIL Thank you for your teachings. He opened new routes in communication sciences - 8 years ago

@gayoe: RT @GPMazzoleni: Deeply saddened by the death of one of the founding fathers of mass communication research and a marvellous friend: Denis… - 8 years ago

@abelsuing: #RIP Prof. DENIS MCQUAIL Thank you for your teachings. He opened new routes in communication sciences - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Denis McQuail dies - #DenisMcQuail #Denis #McQuail #rip - 8 years ago

@risquete: El 25 de juny va morir el comunicòleg Denis McQuail - Wikipedia - 8 years ago

@PT_NewsWaver: Morreu especialista de Ciências da Comunicação Denis McQuail - 8 years ago

@PacoSeoanePerez: My Social Science Career: Interview with Denis McQuail - 8 years ago

@Didi_Gar: RT @IAMCRtweets: with great sadness #IAMCR reported the death of Denis McQuail to its members - 8 years ago

@MichalKacafrek: RT @hpcivilizace: Zemřel Denis McQuail, jeden z nejznámějších teoretiků médií. Záznam celého @hpcivilizace česky i anglicky tady: https:/… - 8 years ago

@PacoSeoanePerez: #polcomm Denis McQuail started his career as a researcher at the University of Leeds - 8 years ago

@PacoSeoanePerez: RT @HolliSemetko: Denis McQuail leaves an important legacy in media studies and effects theories. @GPMazzoleni @claesdevreese - 8 years ago

@ClaraInesLuna: RT @beltmondi: El 25 de junio falleció Denis McQuail, gran teórico y pensador danés de la comunicación. Lo bueno es que nos quedan sus vali… - 8 years ago

@jabrambila: RT @LeedsUniMedia: RIP Professor Denis McQuail (12 April 1935 - 25 June 2017) - 8 years ago

@Chanders: Ah my field "Partly for PR & partly because the owner of Granada was a socialist with a mission to improve society." - 8 years ago

@LeedsUniMedia: RIP Professor Denis McQuail (12 April 1935 - 25 June 2017) - 8 years ago

@SlovniHricka: RT @FilipTitlbach: Zemřel jeden z nejznámějších mediálních teoretiků Denis McQuail. S touhle knihou strávil mnoho probdělých nocí nejeden s… - 8 years ago

@waseemabbasjafr: RT @GPMazzoleni: Deeply saddened by the death of one of the founding fathers of mass communication research and a marvellous friend: Denis… - 8 years ago

@Malarija: RT @ECREA_eu: We have lost a great scholar. Our thoughts are with Denis McQuail's family. - 8 years ago

@alegandopelea: RT @cscolari: RIP Denis McQuail, una vida dedicada a la investigación en comunicación #MediaStudies #CommTheories - 8 years ago

@heyone2free: RT @icahdq: Sad to report that longtime member & Comm legend Denis McQuail has passed away - 8 years ago

@TagungsTweet: RT @ECREA_eu: We have lost a great scholar. Our thoughts are with Denis McQuail's family. - 8 years ago

@klaassalverda: RIP Denis #McQuail (1935-2017) - 8 years ago

@judith_moeller: RT @GPMazzoleni: Deeply saddened by the death of one of the founding fathers of mass communication research and a marvellous friend: Denis… - 8 years ago

@jimbaquingo: RT @cscolari: RIP Denis McQuail, una vida dedicada a la investigación en comunicación #MediaStudies #CommTheories - 8 years ago

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