Denis Adam

German-born New Zealand arts patron.
Died on Wednesday October 17th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Denis Adam:

@MunkacsiLab: Philanthropist Denis Adam believed art 'nurtured the finer instincts of human beings' - 6 years ago

@denis_flamingo: RT @MaliGuller: Metroya binerken inenleri beklemeden binen ama inerken, inmesini beklemeden binmeye çalışanlara büyük tepki gösteren adam..… - 6 years ago

@AnneFarmer65: RT @Abbe_Rezina: Découvrez le top 20 des prénoms masculins les plus donnés en Seine-Saint-Denis en 2019 : MOHAMED, ADAM, IBRAHIM, RAYAN, IS… - 6 years ago

@Lucille_Denis: RT @HYPHENHYPHEN: BE HIGH WITH ME adam 💓 - 6 years ago


@winpescom: Made face only Denis Glushakov! Russian Premier League! Exclusive? There is no Russian stadium! At least one! Nope… - 6 years ago

@Adam_Wattara_Mb: RT @congosouverain: Le Président de la République SEM Denis Sassou Nguesso a quitté Brazzaville ce 25 octobre 2018 pour N’Djamena au Tchad… - 6 years ago

@denis_keke: Sen hic yol parasiz kaldin mi Kekem, Gitmen gereken yolun vardir, Ne yazik ki; Ne ödüyecek paran, Ne seni götüre… - 6 years ago

@pavlinakrnacov1: P-chybí mi Adam do pice V-me zase Denis to je tak kdyz se dotycnym osobám libi nekdo jiny a ne my :)) - 6 years ago

@KatweUnitedFC: Our probable lineup against #Singo FC at Ssaza grounds. 1)Mugierwa Adam 2)Ssebadweka Steven 3)Ssendisa Niko 4)Sse… - 6 years ago

@HK_Sweeney: Enemy is just incredible. Denis Villeneuve created something brilliant with this, it's such a facsinating film abou… - 6 years ago

@modernletters: ‘When generosity comes with commitment and determination, then it is a powerful force. I think this may be why Deni… - 6 years ago

@CPWNetwork: The voting poll for @UnfavoredLean (Adam Cole) versus @Denis_GFX (Kenny Omega) is now live! Vote now as it ends on… - 6 years ago

@videopromotionc: 8 Letters - Why Don't We (Denis Coleman and Adam Jammer Cover) - 6 years ago

@videopromotionc: 8 Letters - Why Don't We (Denis Coleman and Adam Jammer Cover) - 6 years ago

@mbch331: Ik vind een @YouTube-video leuk: - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @svmtyl: Kalbi güzel adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@denis_keke: RT @za_gula: Kadın Türkçe diyor... Adam Kürtçe anlıyor... Zekâ’ya değinmek istemiyorum:) Düşmanlığın boyutu 😡 - 6 years ago

@_ArtsFoundation: Last week we heard the sad news that Denis Adam, prolific philanthropist and inaugural recipient of the Arts Founda… - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @koycuayse: Insan yüreği kadar adamdır ve sen boyutları olmayan bi yüreğe sahip genç adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @HazalMeri4: Gülen adam cok seviliyorsun #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @fatosphaselis01: Aslan yürekli alçak gönüllü güzel adam denince #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @baharzen181: Adam gibi adam erkan meriç #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @MineToy5: Kalbi güzel gönl güzel adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @Hifa1461: Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @ZeynebTarakci01: Adam kelimesinin vücut bulmuş hali #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @hazermrrc: Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @_merics_: Sevgisinde bol adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @AdaletciZehra: Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @Perihandemirgn1: Sayfa sayfa anlatılan hani insan vardır ya seni ne kadar anlatmaya çalışsakta eksik kalır yüreği gönlü güzel insan ada… - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @Perihandemirgn1: Bismillah adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @_merics_: Güzel seven adam güzel sevilmeye layıktır #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @iamre7ab: Karizmatik güzel adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @sevilayergun75: Başlıyoruz tağın başına anlamlı cümleler yazalım ilk tweet bol et fav güler yüzlü adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @daimahazer: Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @nida_aysun: Adam diye yazılır sen diye okunur #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @HazalMeri4: Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @ASencan1053: @daimahazer Adam gibi adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @daimahazer: Çok özlendin koca adam #ErkanMeriç - 6 years ago

@denis_duman: @edastein Adam king👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 - 6 years ago

@hazer_denis: RT @plentybelz: Bir adam var düşümde Tam dokunacakken uyandırıldığım Saudade OySer - 6 years ago

@newmanjam: RT @Adam_G_Howe: SCAPEGOAT influences #6... #StephenHopkins's JUDGMENT NIGHT. Remembered mostly for its killer soundtrack, and the unlikely… - 6 years ago

@Adam_G_Howe: SCAPEGOAT influences #6... #StephenHopkins's JUDGMENT NIGHT. Remembered mostly for its killer soundtrack, and the u… - 6 years ago

@DMSingNZ: RT @NZSQ: A totara has fallen. RIP Denis Adam, whose contribution to the arts in NZ was immense. Our society has been so much the richer fo… - 6 years ago

@ElizabethxKerr: @RNZConcert playing the Bach by Candlelight concert from the last #adamchambermusicfestival with @moniquelapins fro… - 6 years ago

@EwanClarkMusic: RT @NZSQ: A totara has fallen. RIP Denis Adam, whose contribution to the arts in NZ was immense. Our society has been so much the richer fo… - 6 years ago

@davidcapie: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@BrightWingsNZ: RT @NZSQ: A totara has fallen. RIP Denis Adam, whose contribution to the arts in NZ was immense. Our society has been so much the richer fo… - 6 years ago

@NaliniBaruch: Deeply saddened by this news. Never had I witnessed philanthropy of this kind nor met a kinder human being like Mr… - 6 years ago

@njordan_nz: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@NZSQ: A totara has fallen. RIP Denis Adam, whose contribution to the arts in NZ was immense. Our society has been so much… - 6 years ago

@AndrewPaulWood: Denis Adam, major supporter of music, has died - 6 years ago

@VicUniWgtn: Philanthropist and #arts advocate Denis Adam, who together with his wife Verna supported a range of #VicUniWgtn pro… - 6 years ago

@MiezaPaola: ❥«Info.» "GISELLE" TONIGHT (Oct. 9th, 2018) at The Bolshoi Theatre. Svetlana Zakharova (as Giselle, peasant girl)… - 6 years ago

@lowe_adam: RT @democracynow: Read Amy Goodman's latest column with Denis Moynihan: "The Final Sermon of St. Óscar Romero Resonates Today" - 6 years ago

@johnnyboy1606: Super Inspiring ... ... to see the Team at Graven Hill today. Jade, Mason, Andy, Pete and Denis Building our firs… - 6 years ago

@shortflyslip: Hard to overstate the contribution Denis Adam made to the arts in New Zealand and especially Wellington. - 6 years ago

@paultudor: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@nmjyoung: RT @CapDayDom: Godfather of the arts Denis Adam changed cultural landscape - 6 years ago

@therealgregjack: RT @2covet: Denis Adam has made such a huge contribution to the New Zealand arts sector. #RIP Arts patron Denis Adam dies - 6 years ago

@2covet: Denis Adam has made such a huge contribution to the New Zealand arts sector. #RIP Arts patron Denis Adam dies - 6 years ago

@dontcallmewhaea: Arts patron Denis Adam dies - 6 years ago

@nzballet: We were saddened to hear of the passing of Denis Adam today, an extraordinarily generous man and a much loved and g… - 6 years ago

@Heliopan1: Arts patron Denis Adam dies - 6 years ago

@ChoirsNZ: Mourning the passing of our longtime supporter and generous philanthropist for many arts organisations in New Zeala… - 6 years ago

@radionz: RT @RNZConcert: Denis Adam, a major supporter of music in New Zealand, has died - 6 years ago

@PipAdam: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@RNZConcert: Denis Adam, a major supporter of music in New Zealand, has died - 6 years ago

@CapDayDom: Godfather of the arts Denis Adam changed cultural landscape - 6 years ago

@AstroPuss: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@modernletters: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: German-born New Zealand arts patron, Denis Adam, Died at 94 - 6 years ago

@entbuz: German-born New Zealand arts patron, Denis Adam, Died at 94 - 6 years ago

@121reggae: German-born New Zealand arts patron, Denis Adam, Died at 94 - 6 years ago

@modernletters: Our thoughts are with Verna at this sad time. Denis was always great company and he loved the connections he had wi… - 6 years ago

@morganeleanor: RT @pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he made po… - 6 years ago

@pacificraft: Very sad to hear that Denis Adam has died. A real philanthropist, who got such genuine pleasure from everything he… - 6 years ago

@CityGalleryWgtn: Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa—ka nui te mihi ki a koutou. It is with great sadness that the team at C… - 6 years ago

@ScoopWellington: Death of Denis Adam, arts philanthropist - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Denis Adam - #DenisAdam #Denis #Adam #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Denis Adam, 94, German-born New Zealand arts patron. - 6 years ago

@adam_reu: Tydligare motiveringar och bättre kontroll av beslut om yrkanden av verkställighetshinder efterfrågar @louisedane i… - 6 years ago

@nexsqueezeal: @fanzouzesara @henock_adam @TPMP @balbir_denis J'aimerais bien voir sa tête si quelqu'un disait "les Noirs devraien… - 6 years ago

@fanzouzesara: @henock_adam @TPMP @balbir_denis T un homme tu peux peut-être pas comprendre - 6 years ago

@henock_adam: @fanzouzesara @TPMP @balbir_denis ohhh du calme t'es atteint du verdezien - 6 years ago

@denis_kinsella: RT @lanesainty: Doctors say refugee children who are suicidal or in a coma-like state cannot recover on Nauru. When Adam Bandt asked the go… - 6 years ago

@rishabpant_fan: RT @DelhiDaredevils: .@RishabPant777 has become the 5th wicket keeper to hit 80+ runs in three consecutive innings after Alan Knott, Denis… - 6 years ago

@denis_kalyadine: RT @JuanFerrerVila: "They were just words written on water." Paterson / Adam Driver. Paterson (2016) Jim Jarmusch. - 6 years ago

@arxivml: "Quasi-hyperbolic momentum and Adam for deep learning", Jerry Ma, Denis Yarats - 6 years ago

@BrundageBot: Quasi-hyperbolic momentum and Adam for deep learning. Jerry Ma and Denis Yarats - 6 years ago

@thecomicpimp: r.i.p. denis hof. thank you for being a great friend and an #awesomesauce mentor I love you sir and will cherish t… - 6 years ago

@EpiC_tout: @AdamRoussy @balbir_denis Excellent Mister Adam - 6 years ago

@adam_dzz: RT @ActuFoot_: Denis Balbir : "Je sais qu'on va me traiter de misogyne et de sexiste, mais une femme qui commente le foot masculin, je suis… - 6 years ago

@AdriKoshien: @DansLaMusette Y à Denis Balbir, y a eu CJP et au cyclisme on s’est farci Thierry Adam des plombes, franchement ça… - 6 years ago

@ShariqueAghaz14: Rishabh Pant is the 5th Wicket-Keeper to hit 80+ in three consecutive innings after Alan Knott, Denis Lindsay, Matt… - 6 years ago

@waswa_adam: RT @nickopiyo: The police offices seen in this video have been identified as No 67021 PPC Oguma Denis, No 61018 PPC Mangubo Samuel, No 6758… - 6 years ago

@adam_rso: RT @lequipe: Denis Balbir : «Une femme qui commente le foot masculin, je suis contre. Dans une action de folie, elle va monter dans les aig… - 6 years ago

@denis_hyera: @adam_adyz @YuleBoi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙌 - 6 years ago

@adam_reu: RT @louisedane: Skulle vilja läsa beslutet. Är minst sagt nyfiken på hur bedömningen av barnets bästa gjorts här. - 6 years ago

@Adam_Aber: RT @julopez1318: Je vis et travaille (notamment) en Seine-Saint-Denis. Ce matin un journaliste de @lemondefr sur @franceinter m'explique qu… - 6 years ago

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