Debra Saunders-White

American educator
Died on Saturday November 26th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Debra Saunders-White:

@Rhonmoss: RT @NCCUsmbc: REMINDER: The 'Celebration of Life Tribute’ for Chancellor Debra Saunders-White will be held tomorrow (12/2) at 2... - 8 years ago

@tierraaaa: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@TheDreEra: RIP Chancellor Debra Saunders-White #NCCU - 8 years ago

@FrankThaGreat: RT @collegetownNC: We were so sad to hear about the death of @NCCU's Debra Saunders-White. But #EagleExcellence lives on. - 8 years ago


@___JazzyJas: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@AbbieRBennett: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@JEPopeIV: Pulled up at Minges, see Coach Moton in parking lot. Just returned from funeral of Debra Saunders-White. - 8 years ago

@ParisTMCF: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@NCPLToastmaster: Dr Debra Saunders-White-Your legacy will live on. #NCCUEaglePride #saundersstrong #NCCU - 8 years ago

@_its_just_b: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@_chukwudumebi: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@dolphins1711: RT @HBCUBuzz: NCCU mourns the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White, who passed away on Saturday after a heroic battle with cancer. - 8 years ago

@dolphins1711: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@csimmons_pr: RT @DurhamSheriff: We join the @NCCU family in remembrance of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. With deep sympathy and great respect, fly li… - 8 years ago

@csimmons_pr: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@Southern_Gal987: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@HSHToria: RT @dlhart05: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@DrRoxbury: Prayers up for our Class II #NCAA_AASP recipient @NCCU as they honor the life of their Chancellor THE amazing & brave Debra Saunders-White❤️ - 8 years ago

@dlhart05: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@rbrownkhs: RT @GKButterfield: Remembering @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. Dr. Saunders-White fought the good fight, kept the faith, and was a f… - 8 years ago

@SheGorgeous_af: RT @NCCU: Chancellor Debra Saunders-White will live in our hearts forever. #saundersstrong #eagleexcellence #soarinpeace - 8 years ago

@TeziManeLaFlare: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@NigerianBrother: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University.… - 8 years ago

@NCCUsmbc: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@Richwithu: Prayers to the family of @ThetaKappaUVA Debra Saunders-White. Such an inspiring career in #education. - 8 years ago

@Coachenoch04: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@DurhamNCLinks: A very moving and beautiful tribute to Link Debra Saunders White, Chancellor of North Carolina… - 8 years ago

@ReniaEdwards: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@clnfairfax: @Daily_Press It would be honorable for your paper to create a news story about the late Dr. Debra Saunders-White, Hampton Native, first 1/2 - 8 years ago

@Tmsm107Tom: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@ViolaJSpells: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@adriese: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@NathanMillion: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@IamLeroyJonesJr: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@PhDTash: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@1990NCCUEagle: RT @HBCUVoice: ‘Episode extra - An interview w/ NCCU coach LeVelle Moton on the passing of Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@LentilsLouis: RT @DurhamChamber: Celebrating the life and legacy of education advocate @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. #SaundersStrong #Durham htt… - 8 years ago

@coachka20: RT @dawnbvaughan: #NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White's brother said at the tribute that she would say, "Oh this is so nice -- now let's… - 8 years ago

@JohnLArnold3: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@sharon216019: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@HipHopPrez: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@NHCNAACP: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@CPWrightMPA: RT @DerrickQLewis: The memorial to remember #NCCU Chancellor Dr. Debra Saunders-White is getting started. - 8 years ago

@DLN_Editor: NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@mlbrownnn: RT @newsobserver: .@NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White remembered for caring, courage and drive for excellence - 8 years ago

@HawkDiesel1906: RT @NCCUAthletics: #NCCU Athletics pays tribute to Chancellor Debra Saunders-White prior to tonight's men's basketball game. - 8 years ago

@MEACSports: RT @NCCUAthletics: #NCCU Athletics pays tribute to Chancellor Debra Saunders-White prior to tonight's men's basketball game. - 8 years ago

@DurhamSheriff: We join the @NCCU family in remembrance of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. With deep sympathy and great respect, f… - 8 years ago

@WarachalEFaison: Thinking of my @NCCU family on the loss of passionate leader Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. Priviliged to have… - 8 years ago

@dlhart05: ‘Celebration of Life Tribute’ for Chancellor Debra Saunders-White will be held today, Dec. 2, at… - 8 years ago

@KickBrainTumors: Rest in peace.......NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White, who died of cancer, Vigil honoring her was at Duke Audito… - 8 years ago

@WCHLChapelboro: #UNCBOG meeting beginning with a moment of silence for @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White, who passed away recently from cancer. - 8 years ago

@jwgiglio: RT @jonmalexander: Here's an extended interview I had with NCCU men's b-ball coach LeVelle Moton on the passing of Debra Saunders-White htt… - 8 years ago

@TheDurhamNews: RT @jonmalexander: Here's an extended interview I had with NCCU men's b-ball coach LeVelle Moton on the passing of Debra Saunders-White htt… - 8 years ago

@ReporterCioffi: RT @jonmalexander: Here's an extended interview I had with NCCU men's b-ball coach LeVelle Moton on the passing of Debra Saunders-White htt… - 8 years ago

@kimandersonsf: Debra Saunders-White Dies Of Cancer At 59: NCCU Chancellor Diagnosed With Kidney Cancer ... - 8 years ago

@BoldestBeauty56: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@NimrodHilliard4: RT @NCCUAthletics: #NCCU Athletics pays tribute to Chancellor Debra Saunders-White prior to tonight's men's basketball game. - 8 years ago

@theovertime1410: RT @janestancill: @UVA alum, @NCCU's late Chancellor Debra Saunders-White, was DuPont Scholar, president of Black Student Alliance. https:/… - 8 years ago

@NCCULife: RT @NCCULife: Do you have any pictures or videos with our late Chancellor Dr.Debra Saunders-White?Well submit them to the email below.#NCCU… - 8 years ago

@NCCUsmbc: REMINDER: The 'Celebration of Life Tribute’ for Chancellor Debra Saunders-White will be held tomorrow (12/2) at 2... - 8 years ago

@JuiceSkywalker_: RT @NCCUAthletics: #NCCU Athletics pays tribute to Chancellor Debra Saunders-White prior to tonight's men's basketball game. - 8 years ago

@Jonte_Angle: RT @NCCUAthletics: #NCCU Athletics pays tribute to Chancellor Debra Saunders-White prior to tonight's men's basketball game. - 8 years ago

@jeffshaferPR: RT @UNCG: We Spartans send heartfelt condolences to our @NCCU family on the loss of their 11th Chancellor, Dr. Debra Saunders-White. https:… - 8 years ago

@SVO_hooligan: RT @DjWicked96: RIP Chancellor Dr Debra Saunders stayed lit with eagle pride queen 👑👑👑👑✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾💕 #NCCU - 8 years ago

@Isis_Almighty: Hadn't cried until central played the tribute video for Debra Saunders-White at the bball game. - 8 years ago

@ayeeyoreggie: Whoever made the remember the chancellor video for Dr. Debra Saunders-White, has me in TEARS! 😔 #foreverSaundersStrong 💕 - 8 years ago

@Amethystt: - 8 years ago

@_theMissAmerica: RT @GKButterfield: Remembering @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. Dr. Saunders-White fought the good fight, kept the faith, and was a f… - 8 years ago

@SVO_hooligan: RT @EastCarolina: Thoughts & sincere condolences from all of Pirate Nation to our @NCCU family on the loss of a great leader, Dr. Debra Sau… - 8 years ago

@THEHBCUNATION: RT @janestancill: @UVA alum, @NCCU's late Chancellor Debra Saunders-White, was DuPont Scholar, president of Black Student Alliance. https:/… - 8 years ago

@_LoveeJCM: RT @EastCarolina: Thoughts & sincere condolences from all of Pirate Nation to our @NCCU family on the loss of a great leader, Dr. Debra Sau… - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @janestancill: @UVA alum, @NCCU's late Chancellor Debra Saunders-White, was DuPont Scholar, president of Black Student Alliance. https:/… - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @UNCG: We Spartans send heartfelt condolences to our @NCCU family on the loss of their 11th Chancellor, Dr. Debra Saunders-White. https:… - 8 years ago

@UNCG: We Spartans send heartfelt condolences to our @NCCU family on the loss of their 11th Chancellor, Dr. Debra Saunders… - 8 years ago

@parker2003: Chancellor Debra Saunders-White: Eagle Excellence In Her Time - YouTube - 8 years ago

@AWill83192048: RT @GKButterfield: Remembering @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. Dr. Saunders-White fought the good fight, kept the faith, and was a f… - 8 years ago

@ImagoDei84: NCCU to Hold ‘Celebration of Life Tribute’ For Chancellor Debra Saunders-White on Dec. 2 - 8 years ago

@YolandaMcDavis: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@CoachAyyCee: RT @jonmalexander: Here's an extended interview I had with NCCU men's b-ball coach LeVelle Moton on the passing of Debra Saunders-White htt… - 8 years ago

@NCCUPD: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@LaurenceOnDeck: RT @GKButterfield: Remembering @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. Dr. Saunders-White fought the good fight, kept the faith, and was a f… - 8 years ago

@TheLightNC: NCCU’s Celebration Of Life For Chancellor Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@HoldOffOnYoHate: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@CoreyDRobinson: RT @HBCUBuzz: The HBCU family is in a collective state of shock, mourning the loss of Dr. Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@iamtiffanyquinn: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@TheBullCityNC: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@coach_Jamal: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @k975: R.I.P. to North Carolina Central University Chancellor, Debra Saunders-White, who passed away… - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @UVA: In Memoriam: UVA alumna Debra Saunders-White, chancellor of North Carolina Central University. - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@NCCU: RT @UNCWilmington: #UNCW Chancellor Sartarelli Comments on the Passing of @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. - 8 years ago

@EOwens12: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@0hhtaylor: RT @jenafrumes: Rest in Paradise Chancellor / Dr. Debra Saunders White 💚💗 #NCCU #HBCU #CANCERSUCKS - 8 years ago

@LOLatMYproblems: RT @jenafrumes: Rest in Paradise Chancellor / Dr. Debra Saunders White 💚💗 #NCCU #HBCU #CANCERSUCKS - 8 years ago

@CAMPAIGN_NICO: RT @jenafrumes: Rest in Paradise Chancellor / Dr. Debra Saunders White 💚💗 #NCCU #HBCU #CANCERSUCKS - 8 years ago

@TarisUnscripted: RT @jenafrumes: Rest in Paradise Chancellor / Dr. Debra Saunders White 💚💗 #NCCU #HBCU #CANCERSUCKS - 8 years ago

@Casi_not_Cassie: RT @jenafrumes: Rest in Paradise Chancellor / Dr. Debra Saunders White 💚💗 #NCCU #HBCU #CANCERSUCKS - 8 years ago

@butterfliesdont: RT @rebeccamstuckey: NCCU you have our deepest condolences on the passing of your Chancellor, Dr. Debra Saunders-White. 👼🏾❤️ #WSSU #NCCU - 8 years ago

@BlackDynamite85: RT @romebrown: New @HBCUVoice episode w/ @LeVelleMoton reflecting on the spirit of @NCCU's late chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@AudioNet_9: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@1heyalright: RT @1990NCCUEagle: 11/28/16 Candlelight Vigil for NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White.....RIP - 8 years ago

@CultureNc: RT @EastCarolina: Thoughts & sincere condolences from all of Pirate Nation to our @NCCU family on the loss of a great leader, Dr. Debra Sau… - 8 years ago

@theovertime1410: RT @campusecho: NCCU celebrates the life of Chancellor Debra Saunders-White - 8 years ago

@SeahawkAD: RT @UNCWilmington: #UNCW Chancellor Sartarelli Comments on the Passing of @NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White. - 8 years ago

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