Deborah Cook

American operatic soprano.
Died on Wednesday May 8th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Deborah Cook:

@brat2381: RT @elviscoal: @busbee_deborah @LifeOnTheBeach7 @Katnuss72 @brat2381 @BubbaJoeJimBob1 @retiredfirstsgt @veterans_i @Hell_HasCome I never re… - 6 years ago

@elviscoal: @busbee_deborah @LifeOnTheBeach7 @Katnuss72 @brat2381 @BubbaJoeJimBob1 @retiredfirstsgt @veterans_i @Hell_HasCome I… - 6 years ago

@docpgb: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Honoured to have Drs. Deborah Cook, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra and Abbas Hyderi as guest adjudicators at today's Critical Care… - 6 years ago

@Fleurdelisazure: @brat2381 @veterans_i @busbee_deborah @BlueBeeInDaBoot @Utleyjacobite @Hell_HasCome @elviscoal I made the mistake o… - 6 years ago


@brat2381: @veterans_i @busbee_deborah @Fleurdelisazure @BlueBeeInDaBoot @Utleyjacobite @Hell_HasCome @elviscoal My 2 favorite… - 6 years ago

@Fleurdelisazure: @busbee_deborah @brat2381 @veterans_i @BlueBeeInDaBoot @Utleyjacobite @Hell_HasCome @elviscoal My grandmother was p… - 6 years ago

@busbee_deborah: @veterans_i @Utleyjacobite @brat2381 @Hell_HasCome @elviscoal Down with olive oil. Poured Cajun butter in it and ru… - 6 years ago

@busbee_deborah: @Utleyjacobite @brat2381 @Hell_HasCome @veterans_i @elviscoal Gia taught me how to cook fried rice, egg rolls and k… - 6 years ago

@busbee_deborah: @BlueBeeInDaBoot @brat2381 @Utleyjacobite @Hell_HasCome @veterans_i @elviscoal My Dad would cook is earth worms. Na… - 6 years ago

@busbee_deborah: @brat2381 @Hell_HasCome @veterans_i @Utleyjacobite @elviscoal My Man Friend came over tonight and asked me to cook… - 6 years ago

@mohbedo: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Honoured to have Drs. Deborah Cook, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra and Abbas Hyderi as guest adjudicators at today's Critical Care… - 6 years ago

@JoannaDionne: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Honoured to have Drs. Deborah Cook, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra and Abbas Hyderi as guest adjudicators at today's Critical Care… - 6 years ago

@Buchanan_MD: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Honoured to have Drs. Deborah Cook, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra and Abbas Hyderi as guest adjudicators at today's Critical Care… - 6 years ago

@UAlberta_ICU: Honoured to have Drs. Deborah Cook, Gonzalo Garcia Guerra and Abbas Hyderi as guest adjudicators at today's Critica… - 6 years ago

@dbrhvilliers111: Deborah villiers give it 115 130 United States of America sitting on the stage President offered to the Defense Dep… - 6 years ago


@mahgecmd: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Please join us tomorrow for the 2nd Annual R.T. Noel Gibney Lecture in Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Deborah Cook will be… - 6 years ago

@mohbedo: RT @UAlberta_ICU: Please join us tomorrow for the 2nd Annual R.T. Noel Gibney Lecture in Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Deborah Cook will be… - 6 years ago

@UAlberta_ICU: Please join us tomorrow for the 2nd Annual R.T. Noel Gibney Lecture in Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Deborah Cook wi… - 6 years ago

@AkoHikoCluster: My Marvellous Mum - 6 years ago

@hud002: I am blessed to have two moms. Thank you dear sweet Aloma Hudson for your love, strength, Christian guidance, and f… - 6 years ago

@alira2debcook: NOW THAT'S A LOT OF BULL! - 6 years ago

@OperawireNews: Rip - 6 years ago

@deborah_haynes: RT @stae_elephants: The ongoing ignorance shown by elements of the media as to the terrible suffering of Asian elephants in tourism is exem… - 6 years ago

@alira2debcook: - 6 years ago

@alira2debcook: - 6 years ago

@ReluctantJudge: @JustAHunter_ >me such a fright, did you hurt yourself, Child?" Deborah looks over to Gabe, sees his warning look,… - 6 years ago

@ReluctantJudge: @JustAHunter_ A glass mug crashed to the floor, and the cook gasped, but Deborah didn't hear her. Her eyes were on… - 6 years ago

@MHHarper: Attending the Blues Music Awards with Deborah Harper, Danny Jones, Samuel Harper, Cathy Channon Harper, John Housto… - 6 years ago

@PawtucketPL: The beautiful Deborah Cook Sayles Library basking in this afternoon's sunshine. - 6 years ago

@critter77812189: POETS : Jonathan K. Rice, Tobi Alfier, Christopher Todd Anderson, Clint Bowman, Devika Brandt, Michael Carrino, Car… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Deborah Cook (80) American operatic soprano - 6 years ago

@Deborah_Anne16: @sterussell @BBCNews In the story they mentioned teaching adults to cook, did they not? Also does that not raise a… - 6 years ago

@Deborah_Anne16: @sterussell @BBCNews Adults/parents who cant cook. Hopefully learning will help them to manage their money better. - 6 years ago

@tinypackmule: I like how there are three different versions of food on here. Sorry not everyone has time and energy to cook a ful… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Deborah Cook (soprano) - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Deborah Cook dies - #DeborahCook #Deborah #Cook #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Deborah Cook, 80, American operatic soprano. - 6 years ago

@lsnsweet16: RT @Perry_Gambino: Students at Sea Breeze Elementary thanked dedicated volunteers for their support during the 2018/19 school year. Caroly… - 6 years ago

@JMaxonBerrier: RT @Perry_Gambino: Students at Sea Breeze Elementary thanked dedicated volunteers for their support during the 2018/19 school year. Caroly… - 6 years ago

@Deborah_Anne16: @BBCNews Stopped watching. Adults who cant cook. Piss off - 6 years ago

@Manateeschools: RT @Perry_Gambino: Students at Sea Breeze Elementary thanked dedicated volunteers for their support during the 2018/19 school year. Caroly… - 6 years ago

@Perry_Gambino: Students at Sea Breeze Elementary thanked dedicated volunteers for their support during the 2018/19 school year. C… - 6 years ago

@EliteDaily: Here's What It's Like Designing Costumes For An Animated Film: - 6 years ago

@MPAA: Drawing inspiration from Victorian-era fashion, #MissingLink costume designer Deborah Cook explains how she designe… - 6 years ago

@ompa_org: Meet Deborah Cook - the woman behind the tiny costumes for every @LAIKAStudios production thus far. 🧵🧥 #stopmotion… - 6 years ago

@deborah_thicc: I love unknown cook errors. - 6 years ago

@DrDDRheum: RT @TKarachi_MD: McMaster/Western Critical Care Research Day. Lessons for success from an icon, Dr Deborah Cook O.C. “Reflections from a… - 6 years ago

@deborah_v4: RT @ariasagirl: any female born after 1993 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip… - 6 years ago

@erik_radio: -deborah cook, 'adorno, foucault, and the critique of the west' - 6 years ago

@SCVSignal: Nance’s father was a cook in the Army during World War I, so when he died, she decided to join the service. - 6 years ago

@AnouckSak: Costume designer Deborah Cook makes tiny clothes for movie stars - 6 years ago

@ResearchStJoes: RT @STJOESHAMILTON: Dr. Deborah Cook & The 3 Wishes Project team: "Clinicians working together to compassionately empower families to digni… - 6 years ago

@deborah_goma: RT @queenperi16: Hi guys. I am chefPeri of Peri’s Kitchen. I love to cook and know how to do so, very well. You can place orders for your s… - 6 years ago

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