David Wong Louie

American writer
Died on Thursday September 27th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to David Wong Louie:

@fwgaz: RT @MelindaJoe: This piece by David Wong Louie about losing the ability to eat, which was published a year before his death, is so poignant… - 6 years ago

@MelindaJoe: This piece by David Wong Louie about losing the ability to eat, which was published a year before his death, is so… - 6 years ago

@004nino: RIP 19 052) #In #Memoriam : #Chinese - #American #writer #David #Wong #Louie 63 ( #December 20, 19… - 6 years ago

@andreasharsono: David Wong Louie, an American writer who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories… - 6 years ago


@prpnews: - 6 years ago

@SampanNewspaper: "In a writing career hampered by illness, Mr. Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as an Am… - 6 years ago

@WriterUnboxed: "David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63" @nytimes - 6 years ago

@al3ammil1001: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 - 6 years ago

@VOAStevenson: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 - 6 years ago

@al3ammil1001: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 - 6 years ago

@immigrants24: RT @NYTObits: David Wong Louie, who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories that explored identity, alie… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: David Wong Louie, who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories that explored iden… - 6 years ago

@Bugswantscarrot: RT @andreasharsono: David Wong Louie, an American writer who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories tha… - 6 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@BookWorksNYC: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 - 6 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: “A lot of Asian people, including myself, try to figure out who we are by trying on different guises,” Mr. Louie said. “All m… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: “A lot of Asian people, including myself, try to figure out who we are by trying on different guises,” Mr. Louie sa… - 6 years ago

@kimvie: RT @Harpers: We were so fortunate to publish David Wong Louie's elegy to eating in August 2017 and are saddened to learn of his death. Read… - 6 years ago

@kimvie: RT @Harpers: “I don’t remember how it feels to be in the presence of food and crave it, want to own it, or how it feels to know its pleasur… - 6 years ago

@alexibonsson: RT @PublishersWkly: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@swigball: RT @AARPAAPI: RIP David Louie Wong, a pioneering writer, teacher and chronicler of Chinese America. - 6 years ago

@megmaggio88: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Viet Thanh Nguyen, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Vietnamese-American author, praised David Wong Louie's "imagination,… - 6 years ago

@ZYifangq: RT @nytimes: In a writing career hampered by illness, David Wong Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as an America… - 6 years ago

@DuarteFranch: RT @PublishersWkly: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@hooshmandk: RT @ceciliakang: “The Barbarians are Coming” left such a lasting impression on me. RIP David Wong Louie - 6 years ago

@PrivacyCamp: RT @ceciliakang: “The Barbarians are Coming” left such a lasting impression on me. RIP David Wong Louie - 6 years ago

@SaleyhaAhsan: RT @andreasharsono: David Wong Louie, an American writer who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories tha… - 6 years ago

@andreasharsono: David Wong Louie, an American writer who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories… - 6 years ago

@ceciliakang: “The Barbarians are Coming” left such a lasting impression on me. RIP David Wong Louie - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: David Wong Louie (63) American novelist, short story writer - 6 years ago

@doreenhemlock: RT @mizmaritz: RIP: David Wong Louie’s work influenced younger writers like Viet Thanh Nguyen, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2016 for his nov… - 6 years ago

@mizmaritz: RIP: David Wong Louie’s work influenced younger writers like Viet Thanh Nguyen, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2016 fo… - 6 years ago

@AruniKashyap: RT @WriteLeungWrite: So sorry to hear this morning about the death of David Wong Louie. He published his two books right at the time when… - 6 years ago

@WriteLeungWrite: So sorry to hear this morning about the death of David Wong Louie. He published his two books right at the time wh… - 6 years ago

@WriterWong: RIP [Memoir] | Eat, Memory, by David Wong Louie | - 6 years ago

@whitneydevlin: RT @viet_t_nguyen: Writer David Wong Louie has passed away. I wrote the foreword for the forthcoming University of Washington Press reprint… - 6 years ago

@DennisKoch10: RT @PublishersWkly: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@EduardoCCorral: RT @nytimesbooks: Viet Thanh Nguyen, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Vietnamese-American author, praised David Wong Louie's "imagination, his ca… - 6 years ago

@MariposaBoy: RT @nytimesbooks: Viet Thanh Nguyen, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Vietnamese-American author, praised David Wong Louie's "imagination, his ca… - 6 years ago

@MariposaBoy: RT @viet_t_nguyen: Writer David Wong Louie has passed away. I wrote the foreword for the forthcoming University of Washington Press reprint… - 6 years ago

@MariposaBoy: RT @nytimesworld: David Wong Louie, who drew on his experiences as the son of Chinese immigrants to create stories that explored identity,… - 6 years ago

@MariposaBoy: RT @kundimanforever: "Feast or famine. My plate is suddenly full." ––"The Barbarians Are Coming" by David Wong Louie We remember and celeb… - 6 years ago

@MariposaBoy: RT @PublishersWkly: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@PublishersWkly: David Wong Louie, Who Probed Ethnic Identity in Fiction, Dies at 63 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@DrEPittman: One of the Vassar professors in the early 1990s who advanced inclusive pedagogy and Asian American studies. Also V… - 6 years ago

@LindaChown2018: RT @NYTObits: In a writing career hampered by illness, David Wong Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as an Americ… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: In a writing career hampered by illness, David Wong Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as… - 6 years ago

@GilAsakawa: RT @AARPAAPI: RIP David Louie Wong, a pioneering writer, teacher and chronicler of Chinese America. - 6 years ago

@Gander_News_f3: David Wong Louie, 63, who probed ethnic identity in fiction - 6 years ago

@GlobeMetro: David Wong Louie, 63, who probed ethnic identity in fiction - 6 years ago

@immigrants24: RT @NYTObits: In a writing career hampered by illness, David Wong Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as an Americ… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: In a writing career hampered by illness, David Wong Louie created acclaimed stories that drew on his experiences as… - 6 years ago

@mrheeloy: RT @viet_t_nguyen: Writer David Wong Louie has passed away. I wrote the foreword for the forthcoming University of Washington Press reprint… - 6 years ago

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