David Wise

American journalist
Died on Wednesday October 10th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to David Wise:

@David__Hamilton: You are nothing until a wise, dgaf, old black woman has guided you somewhere in life - 6 years ago

@SimonPease1: @DavidDavisMP @JeanneBartram @BBC Don’t forget David, you had to leave a job unfinished that you told us you didn’t… - 6 years ago

@twicetheMF: I was really too young to understand policy-wise David Walters as OK governor but I feel like I've learned a ton about him from Twitter. Lol - 6 years ago

@The_David_Soto: RT @EsotericExposal: The wise man should consider that not he alone suffers; all creatures in the world suffer. - 6 years ago


@David_Nnadozie: RT @KayJayGeneus: You know what's wild to me? The fact that a 9 year-old Black kid is brave and wise enough to say "I don't forgive you", w… - 6 years ago

@ZolmaxNews: LivaNova PLC $LIVN Insider David S. Wise Sells 1,500 Shares of Stock - 6 years ago

@suzukiterminal: david wise氏の新作snakepass、日本版はコナミから出るのか - 6 years ago

@KonstantinEZM: @grantkirkhope like you or @David_Wise and some other - 6 years ago

@David_Tropp: @NickDChow Wise words bro! - 6 years ago

@mary_mgnd7: @Dr_AstroPhysics David you have done many things in your day. Very wise young man. - 6 years ago

@Richard_Self: "Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they just have to say something." David Jeremiah - 6 years ago

@JC0N91: @tiggr_ Hi david! Quick odd question for you. If you had to guess, How far off do you think we have tech wise to h… - 6 years ago

@AndyP1693: @EliteErudite @InsaneLeroy_ @City_Watch It’s not really in recent years, maybe when Gundogan was at Dortmund.. come… - 6 years ago

@AUwareaglegirl: RT @JamesRosenTV: David Wise RIP - 6 years ago

@zcyzcy88: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@david_bletcher: Nothing sucks than two wise men in a room... - 6 years ago

@Feenielives4him: RT @MarkSZaidEsq: Saddened to just learn of the passing of noted intelligence author/historian David Wise. I knew David for many years an… - 6 years ago

@jan_susi_: @grantkirkhope @David_Wise This is the most wholesome thing regarding BK I've seen in a while. - 6 years ago

@CoreyBlacksell: @SeanM_DMAg_SA @mrlange81 @jock_mcneil @AdamMorgan77 @andrewpolk7 @theGRDC @david_elwin @nullaboo48 @scootersfarm… - 6 years ago

@Jadeloux_: RT @msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at the first… - 6 years ago

@GorgeousGeek27: RT @msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at the first… - 6 years ago

@ESeraph: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@hayleythompson2: RT @msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at the first… - 6 years ago

@fqnote1: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@mullen_david: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise - 6 years ago

@unotranslations: One is wise to cultivate the tree that bears fruit in our soul. Henry David Thoreau #cultivateweek #inspire - 6 years ago

@be711sm4: RT @msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at the first… - 6 years ago

@isocker: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@sazsmith19: RT @msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at the first… - 6 years ago

@msm4rsh: I’m gonna start being more outdoorsy so I’m gonna go camping with @david_cunliffe3 and @EmilieCunliffe and polly at… - 6 years ago

@cindiayou: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@tgcd1984: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@WayTown1111: RT @DonEvansWm: 美国有两个政府:一个在公民文本中,另一个在现实世界里。中国人拥抱的是前者,而真正发挥作用的是后者 …… 谨以本文致敬第一位深刻揭露“隐形政府”的已故 CIA 专家 David Wise 🍂 走进间谍的世界 ( ❗️还有中国间谍的故事 ) <隐形… - 6 years ago

@AlexSandlin8: Never be cruel,Never be cowardly remember hate is foolish and love is always wise. @dpanabaker @prattprattpratt… - 6 years ago

@Woodlin37: @JulianHillUK @David_Wise @SuperRareGames Haha - 6 years ago

@JulianHillUK: @Woodlin37 @David_Wise @SuperRareGames I know and it’s how I ended up buying Street Fighter 2 on the Amiga ! - 6 years ago

@Woodlin37: @JulianHillUK @David_Wise @SuperRareGames That's what we did back in the day - 6 years ago

@dinah_wise: RT @IoloWilliams2: Sir David Henshaw, former Chief Exec of Liverpool City Council, has been appointed acting Chairman of Natural Resources… - 6 years ago

@Mrpeter555: @ParkerTandA @Bradford_TandA I seen what he done I guess passionately wise he was angry.. Think he needed a bit of… - 6 years ago

@BamaStephen: @dpcassidyC3 David, I just now saw the news regarding #EugenePeterson. Your words are eloquent; I will certainly be… - 6 years ago

@DevaToTheDivine: RT @dave333albiston: @SweeetMamaSue @LucySponza @DevaToTheDivine @28bBlack @mum165 @gammaburleson6 @AaronKeher @MesMitch @garyleerose @ahme… - 6 years ago

@david_sandborn: RT @StephenAmell: Barry and Oliver have really gone next level friendship wise. - 6 years ago

@mrchristian99: RT @_RaviRajan: Lucky to have David's wise counsel and support in my first year. He was thinking about this for some time, but his 30th yr… - 6 years ago

@some_wise: @sxbegle @lteytelman Other biologists are not David Baltimore. They have KPIs, which involve M publications per yea… - 6 years ago

@mikaylasolis123: RT @garcia_alamar: Wise words of David Garcia 😤 - 6 years ago

@_RaviRajan: Lucky to have David's wise counsel and support in my first year. He was thinking about this for some time, but his… - 6 years ago

@2RobinLyons: Wise advice, David!! - 6 years ago

@liinnnnndaa: RT @garcia_alamar: Wise words of David Garcia 😤 - 6 years ago

@garcia_alamar: Wise words of David Garcia 😤 - 6 years ago

@NamugayaGloria: RT @Piousali: "We are wise when we learn from one another. We are strong when we contain our impulses. We are honored when we honor others.… - 6 years ago

@janoorth: David Wise, Journalist Who Exposed C.I.A. Activity, Dies at 88. He was the author of “Invisible Government,” an exp… - 6 years ago

@DoneyAllen: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@RudolphFernandz: RT @Alfredmynnspads: It’s a quiet evening Cricket wise so I recommend listening to The Wicket Keeping episode of Cricket Sadist Hour with @… - 6 years ago

@doorsrepairsny: RT @SuperRareGames: . @Snake_Pass is coming out as a physical release! The blockbuster indie title will be available for order at 10am PDT… - 6 years ago

@vanb_vaughn: RT @TAG_Williams: My favourite non-crypto podcasts of the last year: 1 / @naval on The Knowledge Podcast. Wise wise life words. Wish Nava… - 6 years ago

@SuperNovaAhck: @David_Wise Do you think this is your greatest creation? (musically speaking) Fun Fact, its older than me but it's… - 6 years ago

@David_E_Stack: @Ennaaseret7 [1 / 3] [16 Oct 2018 :: 0001 UTC] You're smart! That is very wise! And sophie (@mtnhousewife) is als… - 6 years ago

@jumbopaulo: RT @tododiavgm: "Jungle Hijinx (DK Island Swing Returns)" Donkey Kong Country Returns compositor: David Wise Wii, 3DS, 2010 - 6 years ago

@tododiavgm: RT @tododiavgm: "Jungle Hijinx (DK Island Swing Returns)" Donkey Kong Country Returns compositor: David Wise Wii, 3DS, 2010 - 6 years ago

@swayekidd: RT @Bassit_MnB: @swayekidd @musingatmidnite True. I remember that period so much. almost every close family I knew had a cassette or CD of… - 6 years ago

@LongTplexTrader: Toronto starting to get wise to the left clowns - Toronto man “strikes a nerve” with message to career politician |… - 6 years ago

@That_MikeyMo23: @djskoolboi33 Listen to the wise Bill James David... - 6 years ago

@Bassit_MnB: @swayekidd @musingatmidnite True. I remember that period so much. almost every close family I knew had a cassette o… - 6 years ago

@Satiristas: RT @cbcasithappens: David Wise, journalist who exposed CIA activity, dies at 88. Audio of our 1986 interview with him at 7:50pm - 6 years ago

@MichaelKendle2: @davidaxelrod @LindseyGrahamSC David, I’ve seen it all now..where a person can have a “ Bogus “ Heritage and benefi… - 6 years ago

@VDFromAToZ: RT @cbcasithappens: David Wise, journalist who exposed CIA activity, dies at 88. Audio of our 1986 interview with him at 7:50pm - 6 years ago

@CoHassl: @techsmartboss Hey David, thanks for the review, really great to see Hassl live in action! We're based in Melbourne… - 6 years ago

@Maustallica: It's great that Kirkhope (and the equally great David Wise) are still getting regular high-profile work, even thoug… - 6 years ago

@zeldazonked: RT @lisapease: "The Invisible Government" author David Wise has passed. The book was the first to take on the CIA in a negative context. Pu… - 6 years ago

@blinkclyro: RT @blinkclyro: 🎮FEATURE🎮 Video games are pretty cool, aren’t they? Here I am to talk about five of my favourite gaming soundtracks, would… - 6 years ago

@KJPritchard4: RT @JamesRosenTV: David Wise RIP - 6 years ago

@Health_Triangle: Listen to the Natural Healing Show @UkHealing presented by @CSCarrigan, medical intuitive healer on @ukhealthradio… - 6 years ago

@ukhealthradio: Listen to the Natural Healing Show @UkHealing presented by @CSCarrigan, medical intuitive healer on @ukhealthradio… - 6 years ago

@mileslunn: @stocat1 And the genius behind this too was David Herle who was the same guy who ran Wynne's campaign, so the Liber… - 6 years ago

@FrankHarwald: RT @0zone0ne: Still in a Battletoads mood so I did another cover, this time Ragnarok Canyon from Battlemaniacs on the SNES! Composed by @Da… - 6 years ago

@hulkIinging: @disasteral_ mcdonald’s fund. [no one’s in here. so. teddy imitates their poor friend david perfectly to say,] how wise, kaplan. - 6 years ago

@Pratik86166911: RT @TAG_Williams: My favourite non-crypto podcasts of the last year: 1 / @naval on The Knowledge Podcast. Wise wise life words. Wish Nava… - 6 years ago

@RobbieJLogan: @blinkclyro @Mick_Gordon @David_Wise I've been practicing on Smash 3DS every day just so I can batter every single… - 6 years ago

@dsquare77: @David_Njoku80 Gonna go out on a limb ....probably not wise - 6 years ago

@JanOsolnik: RT @TAG_Williams: My favourite non-crypto podcasts of the last year: 1 / @naval on The Knowledge Podcast. Wise wise life words. Wish Nava… - 6 years ago

@victimofdunya: RT @TAG_Williams: My favourite non-crypto podcasts of the last year: 1 / @naval on The Knowledge Podcast. Wise wise life words. Wish Nava… - 6 years ago

@biopathic: RT @blinkclyro: 🎮FEATURE🎮 Video games are pretty cool, aren’t they? Here I am to talk about five of my favourite gaming soundtracks, would… - 6 years ago

@blinkclyro: @RobbieJLogan @Mick_Gordon @David_Wise Ay thanks man! Aye the entire series is just littered with great pieces (I p… - 6 years ago

@StapleBuffalo: RT @blinkclyro: 🎮FEATURE🎮 Video games are pretty cool, aren’t they? Here I am to talk about five of my favourite gaming soundtracks, would… - 6 years ago

@RobbieJLogan: @blinkclyro @Mick_Gordon @David_Wise Excellent video mate, also a good shout is the soundtrack for Smash Bros (espe… - 6 years ago

@agostinhozinga: RT @TAG_Williams: My favourite non-crypto podcasts of the last year: 1 / @naval on The Knowledge Podcast. Wise wise life words. Wish Nava… - 6 years ago

@ranigul: RT @swissmarco: @SuperRareGames @Stivizz @Snake_Pass @David_Wise Is there a possibility to add the Vinyl to existing PB#1 Orders ? - 6 years ago

@sorrel_park: RT @TalawaTheatreCo: Embark on a journey between future and past ... Three scientists realise the unfortunate transition the world is about… - 6 years ago

@FwvfyNnxgorMTBh: RT @nintendo_bgm: 【Fear Factory】 出典:スーパードンキーコング 5-1オイルこうじょうと5-6オンボロこうじょうの曲。自然が多い本作の中では異色の工場ステージです。工場らしさもありながら、David Wise氏の美しい曲調が人気です。 http… - 6 years ago

@Sijimi1319034: RT @nintendo_bgm: 【Fear Factory】 出典:スーパードンキーコング 5-1オイルこうじょうと5-6オンボロこうじょうの曲。自然が多い本作の中では異色の工場ステージです。工場らしさもありながら、David Wise氏の美しい曲調が人気です。 http… - 6 years ago

@Cloudy87Bryan: Word to the wise. Dont ever listen to michael holt about how well people play against him in practise 😂 david gilbert having a mare - 6 years ago

@caitepaigexoxo: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@Dope_optic28: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@nintendo_bgm: 【Fear Factory】 出典:スーパードンキーコング 5-1オイルこうじょうと5-6オンボロこうじょうの曲。自然が多い本作の中では異色の工場ステージです。工場らしさもありながら、David Wise氏の美しい曲調が人気です。 - 6 years ago

@erewashmorning: David's Daily Thought Wise people are not always silent, but they know when to be. - 6 years ago

@jiuribe: RT @ccoyne1: "Wise was the author...of 'The Invisible Government,' an explosive 1964 exposé of the C.I.A. and its covert operations...the C… - 6 years ago

@george_yarrow: @RichardAENorth @michaelgove Richard, I failed to notice this the first time around (lots of incoming at the time).… - 6 years ago

@Health_Triangle: Listen to the Natural Healing Show @UkHealing presented by @CSCarrigan, medical intuitive healer on @ukhealthradio… - 6 years ago

@ukhealthradio: Listen to the Natural Healing Show @UkHealing presented by @CSCarrigan, medical intuitive healer on @ukhealthradio… - 6 years ago

@queen__nadine: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@WordofHisGrace1: Wise people keep cool in the furnace. - 6 years ago

@cj_17_: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@JoeCaithness: RT @blipblopwax: The Snake Pass vinyl soundtrack by @David_Wise is now available to preorder via @SuperRareGames: - 6 years ago

@xocarloss: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@tv_breezy19: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@biancameza_: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@Thesethreekings: RT @ccef: "The wise and foolish are distinguishable by how they get angry." - David Powlison - 6 years ago

@Kinging_David: Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise!: Which, having no chief, overseer, or ruler, provides h… - 6 years ago

@Kinging_David: Go to the Ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise! Prov 6:6 - 6 years ago

@justin_ortega22: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@EZavinski: @David_Wise Amazing game with an amazing soundtrack. Thank you for such transporting, lush music! - 6 years ago

@ChasLo: Legit coolness right here - 6 years ago

@dgr888: @HNNAfrica @instablog9ja kemi madam busy body,David nor b pastor david o,dis is OBO he is richer that your entire g… - 6 years ago

@stxphaniegg: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@JaymanOrigins: Fuck all these. I'm listening to David Wise, Grant Kirkhope Yoko Shimomura, Koji Kondo, Mahito Yokota, and Ryo Naga… - 6 years ago

@MrFergusonLive: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@DMEducates: @jcourter25 You're comparing abortions to the enslavement, torture, rapes, murders of my people and the colonizatio… - 6 years ago

@DejuanJeffery: RT @CoachBrunson1: Thank you Lord for this beautiful boy and the blessing of his life. You are loved Wesley David Monroe Brunson! May the L… - 6 years ago

@timson72: @swooper_d @RetroBoyJon @CuppaTea4Meeeee @Muskelsmurf @8bitToNow @Gothweet @VariedDeadBeat @erc4real @prime_retro… - 6 years ago

@swooper_d: @timson72 @RetroBoyJon @CuppaTea4Meeeee @Muskelsmurf @8bitToNow @Gothweet @VariedDeadBeat @erc4real @prime_retro… - 6 years ago

@jostonjustice: Journalism watch: David Wise (1930-2018), reporter-turned-author, expert and dogged investigator on CIA etc. ('The… - 6 years ago

@DaveWuzzHere: tone-wise i dont think anyone has ever or will ever top brian may and david gilmour - 6 years ago

@truneski: RT @rootsecdev: David Wise, author and CIA expert who exposed ‘invisible government,’ dies at 88 - The Washington Post - 6 years ago

@RichardHWood: David Wise, author and CIA expert who exposed ‘invisible government,’ dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@TNordron: RT @Thomas_Drake1: David Wise, noted espionage & NatSec author, dies at 88. Wrote insightful & historically accurat… - 6 years ago

@AnnKeen11: So wise David I agree - 6 years ago

@ReviewsRushed: No joke, every time i hear donkey kong country music, i feel a rush of Nostalgia, even though I only played it for… - 6 years ago

@Voelkerfreund: RT @Thomas_Drake1: David Wise, noted espionage & NatSec author, dies at 88. Wrote insightful & historically accurat… - 6 years ago

@merriekerrie: RT @PerfumeAds: “Wake up” Thunder Wise eagle Infinity pool A pear with a long shadow Cechzlovacian farm Secret forest A pocket… - 6 years ago

@JVolk: R.I.P: David Wise, author and CIA expert who exposed ‘invisible government,’ dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @SculptureLakes: Wise words from Sir David Attenborough, the benefits of nature on our wellbeing. #selfcare #nature #worldmentalhealthda… - 6 years ago

@MolekulaH2O: RT @Thomas_Drake1: David Wise, noted espionage & NatSec author, dies at 88. Wrote insightful & historically accurat… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitptrol Deaths: Former MLB pitcher Jose 'Pantalones' Santiago; singer Nitin Bali; animator Adam Burke; journalis… - 6 years ago

@David____R: RT @alhucema66: GUARDIAS CIVILES ALGO MAS QUE VALENTIA Valor, entrega, pundonor, serenidad, firmeza, prudencia, l… - 6 years ago

@RetroBoyJon: @timson72 @swooper_d @CuppaTea4Meeeee @Muskelsmurf @8bitToNow @Gothweet @VariedDeadBeat @erc4real @prime_retro… - 6 years ago

@timson72: @RetroBoyJon @swooper_d @CuppaTea4Meeeee @Muskelsmurf @8bitToNow @Gothweet @VariedDeadBeat @erc4real @prime_retro… - 6 years ago

@rootsecdev: David Wise, author and CIA expert who exposed ‘invisible government,’ dies at 88 - The Washington Post - 6 years ago

@olmanrvr: David Wise, author and CIA expert who exposed ‘invisible government,’ dies at 88 - 6 years ago

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