David Rockefeller

American banker (Chase Manhattan) and philanthropist.
Died on Monday March 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to David Rockefeller:

@diarioliberdade: RT @fromgaliza: Sociedades fundadas na desigualdade e na exploraçom trocam justiça por filantropia: a isto me referia eu neste texto https:… - 8 years ago

@dansuvil: RT @fromgaliza: Sociedades fundadas na desigualdade e na exploraçom trocam justiça por filantropia: a isto me referia eu neste texto https:… - 8 years ago

@TD28771438: RT @Col_Connaughton: David #Rockefeller FINALLY connected to 9/11 - 8 years ago

@kokonyap: RT @BillGates: David Rockefeller led a remarkable life. I enjoyed our conversations about giving back and learned a lot from him. - 8 years ago


@ahmetyalcinnn11: RT @tedaselectricas: David Rockefeller kimdir - 8 years ago

@SageOfQuay: James Corbett - The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@ASEH_Portugal: RT @fromgaliza: Sociedades fundadas na desigualdade e na exploraçom trocam justiça por filantropia: a isto me referia eu neste texto https:… - 8 years ago

@plasma210669: RT @Cyrotonus: .@boris_lay @plasma210669 Bonus "Le dernier verrou qui doit sauter est celui de l'État Nation" David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@infomanusa: David Rockefeller's Chilling 1991 Speech at a Bilderberg Meeting - 8 years ago

@Cyrotonus: .@boris_lay @plasma210669 Bonus "Le dernier verrou qui doit sauter est celui de l'État Nation" David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@freakonometrics: "David Rockefeller as an Economist" - 8 years ago

@ebruhwiler: RT @corbettreport: For anyone experiencing audio issues on the Rockefeller podcast video, here is the mp4 version with corrected audio http… - 8 years ago

@iamscotty4u: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@MovDisidente: Casualidad que rotos los tratados de libre comercio americanos haya muerto?David Rockefeller y Dick Cheney en el CFR - 8 years ago

@fromgaliza: Sociedades fundadas na desigualdade e na exploraçom trocam justiça por filantropia: a isto me referia eu neste text… - 8 years ago

@JaimeFSanchez: @ActualidadRT que lástima que David Rockefeller no lo vio. - 8 years ago

@CorayAnita: The #Unauthorized #Biography of #David #Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@JgvJaime: COBRA Situation Update Justice of Maat! After „tasting the medicine“ David Rockefeller had heart failure and left - 8 years ago

@Tnilge_Ebooks: David rockefeller dead rt. Why the fuck. - 8 years ago

@Col_Connaughton: David #Rockefeller FINALLY connected to 9/11 - 8 years ago

@NURSANAT4: RT @Karikaturgram: David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@fabianscabuzzo: Necrología no autorizada de David Rockefeller (I) El magnicidio de los Kennedy y sus móviles - 8 years ago

@Correction2016: RT @DRAINTHESWAMP17: David brock has a heart attack the same week Rockefeller croaks. The swamp is draining itself friends! #draintheswamp… - 8 years ago

@Joe_America1776: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller #TCOT #WakeUpAmerica - 8 years ago

@laberinto: Necrología no autorizada de David Rockefeller (I) El magnicidio de los Kennedy y sus móviles - 8 years ago

@PatoSanchezT: "David Rockefeller y Dick Cheney en el CFR." @Melvecs - 8 years ago

@Bearinamsterdam: Episode 316 – The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller. - 8 years ago

@3Clicksinvest: RT @777RIT: READ THE HEADLINE. David Rockefeller was a 7 lifepath 6/12/1915=6+1+2+1+9+1+5=25=2+5=7. Characterist… - 8 years ago

@i1440: #NEWS 🐦 The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller #INFO #MEDIA #US #EU - 8 years ago

@NEWS_WORLD_: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@GG33___: RT @777RIT: David Rockefeller 6/12/1915=CAT died in enemy ROOSTER YR #astrology Entered 9 year 6/12/2016=6+1+2+2+0+1+6=18=1+8=9 9=Completio… - 8 years ago

@GG33___: RT @777RIT: READ THE HEADLINE. David Rockefeller was a 7 lifepath 6/12/1915=6+1+2+1+9+1+5=25=2+5=7. Characterist… - 8 years ago

@Debstarcabstar: RT @mnrothbard: Looks like David Rockefeller's widow is as happy as some of us. - 8 years ago

@banubtn: RT @say_cem: Sabah şeysinde bir "yazar" 102 yaşında ölen David Rockefeller'in 200 sene yaşamayı planladığını ama "Reis'in presine dayanamad… - 8 years ago

@fraudeamplio: RT @Mision_Verdad: David Rockefeller financió a la CIA y al Mossad para capacitar oficiales expertos en espionaje en Medio Oriente. https:/… - 8 years ago

@jimenimble: RT @mnrothbard: Looks like David Rockefeller's widow is as happy as some of us. - 8 years ago


@jtbongolino1: RT @culpaderusia: #EncuestaCDR ¿Qué grado de responsabilidad tienen Rusia y sus servicios secretos en la muerte prematura de David Rockefel… - 8 years ago

@kahraman_h: RT @tedaselectricas: David Rockefeller kimdir - 8 years ago

@javibrantiuk: Necrología no autorizada de David Rockefeller (I) El magnicidio de los Kennedy y sus móviles - 8 years ago

@BiancaJMoore: He Played the Long Game: David Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Legacy - 8 years ago

@1geZBnqvX3dorUk: RT @neiltyson: David Rockefeller’s (1915-2017) $900M in lifetime philanthropy is equivalent to donating $24,000 for every day of his life. - 8 years ago

@jamiearrington: I liked 6 Surprising Facts about David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@oCLL3H21c3ntnJq: RT @neiltyson: David Rockefeller’s (1915-2017) $900M in lifetime philanthropy is equivalent to donating $24,000 for every day of his life. - 8 years ago

@RosarioPisciot3: RT @RevistaSemana: La dinastía Rockefeller, dio su último suspiro la semana pasada, con la muerte de su último miembro prominente - 8 years ago

@adiscover: RT @jimgoad: Wow, David Rockefeller is roughly as hideous as George Soros. When you're a globalist puppeteer, the corruption starts showing… - 8 years ago

@alnaviocom: David Rockefeller falleció el mismo día que la revista Forbes calculó su fortuna en 3.300 millones de dólares - 8 years ago

@berberx5: RT @musasertr: Modern firavun David Rockefeller'in ölümünden önce Şilili bir vatandaşın isyanı. Bir çok insanı öldürdünüz ! - 8 years ago

@YoungSouth53: Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s Grandson I Thought Everyone Knew. Did You? - 8 years ago

@Marwhite01gmail: RT @The__Bosch: "David Rockefeller trabajó 85 años y produjo 3.5 billones, mientras tanto, la hija de Chávez, sin trabajar lleva 4.5 billon… - 8 years ago

@nadeltanz48: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@bxsbx: David Rockefeller, Erdoğan'ın baskısı sonucu ölmüş ! En sonunda Rockefeller bile kötü polis oldu ne uçtunuz be ark… - 8 years ago

@BoCHerlin: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@Lewicauk: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@RebootBill: David Rockefeller has passed away but his legacy still remains… and what a legacy it is - 1 OF THE GLOBALIST LEADERS - 8 years ago

@uberneyvallejo: RT @The__Bosch: "David Rockefeller trabajó 85 años y produjo 3.5 billones, mientras tanto, la hija de Chávez, sin trabajar lleva 4.5 billon… - 8 years ago

@stellaesterella: RT @say_cem: Sabah şeysinde bir "yazar" 102 yaşında ölen David Rockefeller'in 200 sene yaşamayı planladığını ama "Reis'in presine dayanamad… - 8 years ago

@Morpheous_one: Puppet Master: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller 👁 - 8 years ago

@twoosheds: RT @EricLiptonNYT: Thanks @DavidWDunlap for writing this important piece re David & Nelson Rockeller's New York. Era of powerbrokers. http… - 8 years ago

@twoosheds: RT @DavidWDunlap: Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to go through ULURP. David Rockefeller just picked up the phone. https… - 8 years ago

@PeterSineh: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller | Corbett Report - 8 years ago

@Monoganie: RT @lagendijk16: David Rockefeller: De man achter iederen crisis! @buddendorf @lampjel @JohannesDreijer @Freeflip… - 8 years ago

@FCriticalThink: The late David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@holenewman: Interesting take on the late crime boss. The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@jawndeaux441: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@GavinNascimento: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@Vasqz7: RT @IngenieroDice: Ha muerto a los 101 años y después de seis trasplantes de corazón David Rockefeller. Un verdadero vampiro del capitalism… - 8 years ago

@yuberc: RT @The__Bosch: "David Rockefeller trabajó 85 años y produjo 3.5 billones, mientras tanto, la hija de Chávez, sin trabajar lleva 4.5 billon… - 8 years ago

@Medariiftihar: Sabah yazarı Ersin Ramoğlu “David Rockefeller'i kalp yetmezliği değil, Kasımpaşa Sendromu öldürdü. Reis'in presine dayanamadı adam" YILDIM - 8 years ago

@RogerGLewis: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@roona_uk: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@CreativeMusicFd: RT @Philanthropy: With the death last week of David Rockefeller, the fund he created with his siblings will exceed $1 billion: - 8 years ago

@RossBlake: David & Nelson Rockefeller & The Satanic New World Order Exposed Like Ne... - 8 years ago

@AstrologerJoe: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@Chaos2silent: RT @TheVeGAINator: David Rockefeller Dead at 101 is not a moment of victory: - 8 years ago

@sascha_janzen: He Played the Long Game: David Rockefeller's #Philanthropy and #Legacy - 8 years ago

@ReyuDeslgn: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@ElHombreRie: RT @corbettreport: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

@steenis_van: RT @lagendijk16: David Rockefeller: De man achter iederen crisis! @buddendorf @lampjel @JohannesDreijer @Freeflip… - 8 years ago

@keithhardcore: The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller - 8 years ago

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