David Petersen

Canadian actor (Fast Company
Died on Monday November 26th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to David Petersen:

@casalasv: RT @PittsburghSport: The list is LONG: Gay Randle El Foote McFadden Harrison Spaeth Rasby Lipps Willie Williams Holmes Burress Chad Brown… - 6 years ago

@PittsburghSport: The list is LONG: Gay Randle El Foote McFadden Harrison Spaeth Rasby Lipps Willie Williams Holmes Burress Chad Bro… - 6 years ago

@MasterTes: Chris Petersen. David Shaw. Mike Leach. Chip Kelly. Herm Edwards. Kyle Whittingham. Kevin Sumlin. And now Kliff K… - 6 years ago

@ECLemus1: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago


@jbdarroch: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@JRodneyPage: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@Thereadingchimp: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@SherlockofHomes: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@SherlockofHomes: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Have a #kindle? All my books are listed here on #Amazon - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@Ruth_Mysteries: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@Ruth_Mysteries: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@jgmacleodauthor: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@jgmacleodauthor: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@ERamich411: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@ERamich411: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TEAR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels in time to the American Civil War #Kobo - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@melanyhz1: YO we can geek out to Stanley Kubrick, Steven spielberg, Wes Anderson, John Hughes, terry zwigoff, Greta Gerwig, Gu… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS - the secrets of Zeus uncovered #Kobo W… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ATLANTIS - secrets revealed - #Kobo - 6 years ago

@LGWhiteAuthor: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@RHodgson_Nihilo: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@nlg2013: Wooooooo buddy it was subtle but David Pollack just called out Chris Petersen for not being charismatic - 6 years ago

@TechWrestling: Hey wrestlers and wrestling fans, @MNUSAW has some great pictures posted from the STMA Invitational on Facebook tak… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@RHodgson_Nihilo: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS (book 3) - 6 years ago

@LGWhiteAuthor: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@david_kehler: RT @ByBerkowitz: Chris Petersen now at $450,000 in bonuses for the season: $50K for appearance in Pac-12 title game $100K for winning Pac-1… - 6 years ago

@LGWhiteAuthor: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Have a #kindle? All my books are listed here on #Amazon - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@RidgeRunnerKY: RT @notaliberal1: Especially after watching and listening to all the leftists blacks on MSM; they are the only ones I notice color in as th… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Have a #kindle? All my books are listed here on #Amazon - 6 years ago

@bbusa617: RT @notaliberal1: Especially after watching and listening to all the leftists blacks on MSM; they are the only ones I notice color in as th… - 6 years ago

@notaliberal1: Especially after watching and listening to all the leftists blacks on MSM; they are the only ones I notice color in… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@Ironmannews: Startlist 👕 Ironman Western Australia Terenzo Bozzone 🇳🇿 Luke McKenzie 🇦🇺 Cameron Wurf 🇦🇺📸 James Cunnama 🇿🇦 Davi… - 6 years ago

@palvancouver: RT @bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's song "Missile Love" from the #cultmovie #BIGMEATEATER performed by friend @RielHahn Nov 25, 18 at his… - 6 years ago

@palvancouver: RT @bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's title song from the Vancouver cult movie BIG MEAT EATER performed Nov 25, 2018 at his Celebration of… - 6 years ago

@RHodgson_Nihilo: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: I'M A MURDERER: Simon Price has found his cure. He has found his solace. He has found MURDER - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: I'M A MURDERER: Simon Price has found his cure. He has found his solace. He has found MURDER - 6 years ago

@Jasmine_P_Ant: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@WWFantasySports: VAN DER SPUY, Rourke -4 | PETERSEN, Derick -4 | @mattpavon -3 | DRYSDALE, David -3 | #AfrasiaBankMauritiusOpenatAnahita - 6 years ago

@WWFantasySports: PETERSEN, Derick -4 | @mattpavon -3 | VAN DER SPUY, Rourke -3 | DRYSDALE, David -3 | #AfrasiaBankMauritiusOpenatAnahita - 6 years ago

@WWFantasySports: PETERSEN, Derick -4 | CATLIN, John -4 | VAN DER SPUY, Rourke -3 | DRYSDALE, David -3 | #AfrasiaBankMauritiusOpenatAnahita - 6 years ago

@luizlima09061: @sirmmarconi @legadaosb Acho que o próprio Pettine ou alguma mente ofensiva do College como o Chris Petersen de Was… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@NDCL_Boosters: RT @NDCLathletics: Congrats to Augie King being named first-team and Harmond Richardson third team! Honorable mention nods to David Beebe,… - 6 years ago

@CYCAustralia: F15M3: David Wood (USA) beat Jeffrey Petersen (USA) #matchracing - 6 years ago

@Torontoplex: RT @bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's title song from the Vancouver cult movie BIG MEAT EATER performed Nov 25, 2018 at his Celebration of… - 6 years ago

@NDCL_Football: RT @NDCLathletics: Congrats to Augie King being named first-team and Harmond Richardson third team! Honorable mention nods to David Beebe,… - 6 years ago

@Loutriv00: RT @NDCLathletics: Congrats to Augie King being named first-team and Harmond Richardson third team! Honorable mention nods to David Beebe,… - 6 years ago

@NDCLathletics: Congrats to Augie King being named first-team and Harmond Richardson third team! Honorable mention nods to David Be… - 6 years ago

@tontowilliams: 4 of 5 stars to Ghost Grizzlies by David Petersen - 6 years ago

@LBuist: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Have a #kindle? All my books are listed here on #Amazon - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Have a #kindle? All my books are listed here on #Amazon - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@benswoodard: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TEAR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels in time to the American Civil War #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TEAR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels in time to the American Civil War #Kobo - 6 years ago

@lUPFstZehxtfX6O: coed dorm ing - 6 years ago

@laurencekeane: RT @bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's title song from the Vancouver cult movie BIG MEAT EATER performed Nov 25, 2018 at his Celebration of… - 6 years ago

@laurencekeane: RT @bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's song "Missile Love" from the #cultmovie #BIGMEATEATER performed by friend @RielHahn Nov 25, 18 at his… - 6 years ago

@bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's song "Missile Love" from the #cultmovie #BIGMEATEATER performed by friend @RielHahn Nov 25, 18 at… - 6 years ago

@ChestonNewhall: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@bigmeateatermov: David Petersen's title song from the Vancouver cult movie BIG MEAT EATER performed Nov 25, 2018 at his Celebration… - 6 years ago

@elviralount: David Petersen’s song “Missile Love” from BIG MEAT EATER performed at his Celebration of Life Nov 25: - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@djlonewolfhd: Updated Tracklist... For Now... 1. J.A. Stylez aka Johnathan Alves ft. ***** 2. OnlyD3 aka David Petersen III ft.… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS - the secrets of Zeus uncovered #Kobo W… - 6 years ago

@FollowPaxPrime: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ATLANTIS - secrets revealed - #Kobo - 6 years ago

@kleincreativity: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS - the secrets of Zeus uncovered #Kobo WEAP… - 6 years ago

@CYCAustralia: F14M1: David Wood (USA) beat Jeffrey Petersen (USA) #matchracing - 6 years ago

@allan_was_here: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@b_191bmiller: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@b_191bmiller: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@drdrayer: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@TheRealRitzy: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@Go_Dawgs_91: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@UCLAaddict: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@UWBolt: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@gonzo7626: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@EvaMarie73: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@on_freddie: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@GoGoldenBears1: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@wildfootballfan: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@duckandwildcat: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@mccryptonite: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@CardinalFanAll1: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@LeftCoaster6: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@JoashFarlow: RT @SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kelly, UCL… - 6 years ago

@SportsPac12: Best active Pac-12-only FB coaching records (4+ years) thru 2018 reg season 1. David Shaw, Stan, 80-26 2. Chip Kel… - 6 years ago

@JKGordonn: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@LilGerard_: RT @SteveDraft_: If Gruden fails to make the playoffs, here are my top coaching candidates (my column): 1. John Harbaugh (if fired) 2. Ji… - 6 years ago

@LaybackSalim: RT @SteveDraft_: If Gruden fails to make the playoffs, here are my top coaching candidates (my column): 1. John Harbaugh (if fired) 2. Ji… - 6 years ago

@redskinsrunn21: RT @SteveDraft_: If Gruden fails to make the playoffs, here are my top coaching candidates (my column): 1. John Harbaugh (if fired) 2. Ji… - 6 years ago

@tdacus: RT @SteveDraft_: If Gruden fails to make the playoffs, here are my top coaching candidates (my column): 1. John Harbaugh (if fired) 2. Ji… - 6 years ago

@SteveDraft_: If Gruden fails to make the playoffs, here are my top coaching candidates (my column): 1. John Harbaugh (if fired… - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@_UWRecruiting: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@ClubOregon: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@ASUUte: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@NGygi13: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@therealutahutes: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@UW_BL23: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@Chris_Fetters: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@LeftCoaster6: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@CardinalFanAll1: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@mccryptonite: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@duckandwildcat: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@wildfootballfan: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@GoGoldenBears1: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@on_freddie: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@LondonStarbuck: RT @SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. David Sh… - 6 years ago

@SportsPac12: Winningest active Pac-12 football coaches (4+ years) after 2018 regular season 1. Chris Petersen, UW, 138-32 2. D… - 6 years ago

@sehickman12: @Jon__Reed Chris Petersen, David Shaw, Bob Stoops - 6 years ago

@SusanneLeist: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( David Petersen - #DavidPetersen #David #Petersen #rip - 6 years ago

@BlueHarmonie: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Atlantis, Time Travel, Adventure, Thrillers - #KOBO - 6 years ago

@RHodgson_Nihilo: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@elviralount: RT @palvancouver: David Petersen’s life will be celebrated at @palvancouver Sun Nov. 25 at 4pm - 6 years ago

@ClaudeDancourt: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@ericadawn16: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: Like adventure - Atlantis? How about time travel? All my books are on #ITunes - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: TEAR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels in time to the American Civil War #Kobo - 6 years ago

@Bella623: RT @ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@88SEATTLE61: RT @willbgreene: @Softykjr Basking! David Shaw had Chris Petersen nightmares last night. Permanent new #KingInTheNorth - 6 years ago

@RedeemerOakmont: 3252. Looking Forward to a Day of Thankgiving (1-Year Lectionary) - Pr. David Petersen, 11/21/18 - 6 years ago

@willbgreene: @Softykjr Basking! David Shaw had Chris Petersen nightmares last night. Permanent new #KingInTheNorth - 6 years ago

@VeraAres: RT @NormaEdUSA: ¿Has pensado alguna vez que quizás tu vida no es tan diferente a la de un ratón? 🐭 No hablamos de metafísica ni nada pareci… - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: SAVIOR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels to ancient Rome #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TEAR IN TIME - Modern surgeon travels in time to the American Civil War #Kobo - 6 years ago

@RPAYCYouthMatch: F13M2: David Wood (USA) beat Jeffrey Petersen (USA) #matchracing - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: ATLANTIS: THE SACRED ORB - (Book 5). #Kobo - 6 years ago

@ChrisPetersenTX: TOMB OF ZEUS - the secrets of Zeus uncovered #Kobo W… - 6 years ago

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