David MacMichael

American whistleblower.
Died on Thursday June 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to David MacMichael:

@CitizenFront: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@outerspacemanII: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tshewang: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NorcalLiberal: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago


@PalmyraJones2: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@wrodgers2: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@sdpark: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@atriana: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MaryKBingler: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@nonilex: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@chefmichelle5: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aresef: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@matthewccook5: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@other95: RT @KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence as partā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KatrinaNation: RIP- David C. MacMichael, CIA analyst who rightly accused Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligence asā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BirgittaDE2: RT @couragefound: RIP David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower - 3 years ago

@Free_Courage: RT @couragefound: RIP David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower - 3 years ago

@billm9: RT @couragefound: RIP David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower - 3 years ago

@kckitty: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@RassBariaw: David C. MacMichael - 3 years ago

@robotnr7312: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Reikilass: Rest in Peace David C. MacMichael I do not know why his evidence was published in newspapers & no harm came to publā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bruculino: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@LilGirlCressida: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NathanPGoodman: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Reikilass: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@addermonk: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@jankysanjuan: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Neclovian: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JoseAVillalobos: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@darcelink: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Gaius_Gracchus_: RT @ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicaragua.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bluesonofspeke: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@lenovo_marco: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ChipGibbons89: Very embarrassed to admit I am just learning about this amazing CIA whistleblower who exposed Reagan's war in Nicarā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ValcinWilliams2: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CrockPotRadical: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@utkarshsundaram: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ChakraDestroyer: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RnaudBertrand: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Rooperino: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SxLongshadow: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RenegadeExmo: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ClemFandango987: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@redrumro: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_Duck_Tweeting: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@BoettnerTed: good example of a hero; few around today. - 3 years ago

@Cloud9Ken: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@New_Narrative: David C. MacMichael, CIA Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@fails_when: RT @NYTObits: David MacMichael resigned from the CIA to reveal Reaganā€™s plans to topple the Nicaraguan government, after which the White Hoā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ParaPolitik: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BillSou: RT @starsandstripes: David C. MacMichael, a disillusioned CIA analyst who accused the Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligenceā€¦ - 3 years ago

@nobleInfanTree: RT @starsandstripes: David C. MacMichael, a disillusioned CIA analyst who accused the Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligenceā€¦ - 3 years ago

@textwhileudrive: RT @starsandstripes: David C. MacMichael, a disillusioned CIA analyst who accused the Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligenceā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SkyNetPlatform: David C. MacMichael, a disillusioned CIA analyst who accused the Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@starsandstripes: David C. MacMichael, a disillusioned CIA analyst who accused the Reagan administration of misrepresenting intelligeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Lloydhart13: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@kry1lbo54: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SWillmetts: RT @Folly_and_Glory: An honorable man who resigned from CIA in protest over the war in Central America. Only Assistant Secretary of State Rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ArbysVevo: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@hopelessxentric: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Carrot1983: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DourosPablo: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ekrapil: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@1Whistleblowers: RT @bernsteinobits: #irancontra David C. MacMichael, #CIA #whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@robotnr7312: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Harsh43007639: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@PRM_Media: 2003 interview with CIA analyst and whistleblower David MacMichael, held by PRM - 3 years ago

@PRM_Media: Former CIA analyst David MacMichael: ā€œWhen this new Central Intelligence Agency was proposed, it was very controveā€¦ - 3 years ago

@AaronMacK: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@PRM_Media: PRM holds 2003 interview with former CIA analyst David MacMichael - 3 years ago

@PRM_Media: Via New York Times: "David MacMichael, CIA Whistleblower, Dies at 95" - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @postobits: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@Castle8492: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KODXSeattle: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JamesDa87268658: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RobSame: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@sujitdasesq: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@markdavidfields: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@Jngl_Jane: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ShadowCitizen1: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@hash_tigre: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@UtopiaPipeDream: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Djloriee: RT @Folly_and_Glory: An honorable man who resigned from CIA in protest over the war in Central America. Only Assistant Secretary of State Rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tomservo10: RT @Folly_and_Glory: An honorable man who resigned from CIA in protest over the war in Central America. Only Assistant Secretary of State Rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Viletas2cozy: RT @Folly_and_Glory: An honorable man who resigned from CIA in protest over the war in Central America. Only Assistant Secretary of State Rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@reachforgemap: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@big_catsf: RT @kitchen5203: This! šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” Rest in Peace, DavidšŸ˜¢āœļøšŸ•Æļø David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@soulful_cracker: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@harrisondsmith: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - - 3 years ago

@WhitfordTed: RT @kitchen5203: This! šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” Rest in Peace, DavidšŸ˜¢āœļøšŸ•Æļø David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” Rest in Peace, DavidšŸ˜¢āœļøšŸ•Æļø David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@PJ4MJJ: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @postobits: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@wavetop: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@rogue_corq: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@MrSlawr: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@more_contentpls: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@ACarlaSimpson: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@postobits: David C. MacMichael, CIA whistleblower under Reagan, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@Citywide45: RT @jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@jilevin: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 via NYT - 3 years ago

@alilalateef: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Chandle64208452: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RobDMartin21: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@witwittgenstein: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@nobody1618: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@dbbmatt: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CynicalVision50: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@internetlefty: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@t_virus96: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NessGordo: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@IBC_Yoh: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@IBC_Yoh: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@joey_da_rat: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MikeyBridges: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bad_takes: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@nkulw: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ADrugResearcher: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: David MacMichael resigned from the CIA to reveal Reaganā€™s plans to topple the Nicaraguan government, after which thā€¦ - 3 years ago

@AJMoz19: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ConceptHuman: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ASPertierra: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@elderrumbao: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@kjsturr: A patriot. - 3 years ago

@naeemsiddiqi: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@wagnerblog: ā€œ'We are, in a very real sense here, dealing with an obsession, and it is not one limited to the current administraā€¦ - 3 years ago

@dipsey_doodle: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@TheSmokingPun: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MaryJoMcConahay: A good man is gone. ā€œYou only come to the plate once and had better take your swings. I took my swings." #Nicaraguaā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NihariFan: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@crmawa: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_1804SPORT: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@shoutoutmapes__: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@The_Psi_Lord: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ubdlalala: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@AsapXJordon: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@thevetkin: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ShyTurista: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@liam_maccarthy: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@GabdullaButcha: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@cabey12: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@IvanBuchanJanus: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ClaatBomba: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@cajafa8: RT @jomaburt: Whistleblower David MacMichael revealed Reaganā€™s obsession with ousting the Sandinista leadership. This led to the Iran-contrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@centarosa: RT @sodergrengirl: Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a subscriā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KaiMThaler: Obituary for David MacMichael, CIA analyst turned whistleblower on Reagan administration escalation plans regardingā€¦ - 3 years ago

@VPKreon: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@aw_journal2021: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies atĀ 95 - 3 years ago

@straitarrow10: RT @sodergrengirl: Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a subscriā€¦ - 3 years ago

@azeke1984: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BAugB: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_oftoday_: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 An expert on Latin America, he left the agency and called ouā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ilhaamcook: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@LastmanZaf: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SonyaBaker2: RT @sodergrengirl: Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a subscriā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tontonlove: RT @jomaburt: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95. He revealed that the Reagan administration was grossly exaggerating thā€¦ - 3 years ago

@dan_hanke: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Badtzmaru51: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@makarov__: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@rebeastie: RT @samhusseini: Fairly good NYT obit for former CIA analyst David MacMichael. RIP. He blew the whistle and may have stopped US coup in Nicā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sunnipulse786: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@editwest: RT @andygr: NYT Obituary of David C. MacMichael, whistleblower of Iran-Contra - 3 years ago

@CateguerricalII: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@casaabyayala: RT @OurHiddenHistry: Sad to hear David MacMichael has passed. He blew the whistle on the Reagan adminā€™s deadly Central American policies. hā€¦ - 3 years ago

@risenc: RT @ricfouad: All rise: Officer on deck. Nice send off of David C. MacMichael, CIA Whistleblower, from @risenc, great reminder of Reagan Gā€¦ - 3 years ago

@flowertimezones: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ThePundick: RT @nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that the Reaganā€¦ - 3 years ago

@nytpolitics: David C. MacMichael, an intelligence analyst who resigned from the CIA in 1983 to go public with evidence that theā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ricfouad: All rise: Officer on deck. Nice send off of David C. MacMichael, CIA Whistleblower, from @risenc, great reminder oā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JessePolansky1: ā€œYou only come to the plate once and had better take your swings. I took my swings. That was my one ethical plus inā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bongiovij: - 3 years ago

@TejNagaraja: a Marine ā€” turned historian ā€” turned CIA contractor ā€” turned anti-CIA whistleblower on Nicaragua - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, David MacMichael dies - #DavidMacMichael #David #MacMichael #rip - 3 years ago

@M2bliquis: RT @jlLegalery: Mort dā€™un lanceur dā€™alerte - 3 years ago

@jlLegalery: Mort dā€™un lanceur dā€™alerte - 3 years ago

@virginiabrown8: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 Very civilized behavior - soon to beā€¦ - 3 years ago

@1Whistleblowers: RT @GlobalNewsTH: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. #Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - @nytimes - 3 years ago

@GlobalNewsTH: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. #Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - @nytimes - 3 years ago

@mischling2nd: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@tvsteve: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@FitzgeraldKeith: - 3 years ago

@clancynewyork: "David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95" - 3 years ago

@carmelitequotes: #Nicaragua #ICYMI #PorSiTeLoPerdiste #IranContra David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@seawiz2: RT @alexrblackwell: ā€œA history professor turned contract analyst for the C.I.Aā€¦ā€ - 3 years ago

@FurddieG: - 3 years ago

@nerdswire: Der Kongress lehnte Reagans Bitte um mehr Hilfe fĆ¼r die Contras ab. Abgeschnitten wandte sich die Regierung einemā€¦ - 3 years ago

@oppolse775: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 - 3 years ago

@john_slotkin: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@TrailersNowGA: Read this: "David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95" by Clay Risen via NYT - 3 years ago

@NetionalD: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies atĀ 95 - 3 years ago

@DaraWehmeyer: "David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95" by Clay Risen via NYT - 3 years ago

@BitchR: "David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95" by BY CLAY RISEN via NYT New York Times - 3 years ago

@akilligundem: David C. MacMichael, C.I.A. Whistleblower, Dies at 95 Denis Darnel - #AkilliGundem - 3 years ago

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