David Lowenthal

American geographer and historian.
Died on Wednesday September 19th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to David Lowenthal:

@guardianobits: David Lowenthal obituary. Scholar who established heritage studies as a discipline in its own right - 6 years ago

@StudentStew: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@VardasGeorge: Vale David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@anulah: David Lowenthal obituary “Heritage is not history: heritage is what people make of their history to make themselves… - 6 years ago


@thaumeledone: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@FleisherJeffrey: RT @acshoemaker1: Remembering David Lowenthal, a giant in heritage studies on whoms shoulders we stand - 6 years ago

@acshoemaker1: Remembering David Lowenthal, a giant in heritage studies on whoms shoulders we stand - 6 years ago

@catherineshoard: RT @guardianobits: David Lowenthal obituary. Scholar who established heritage studies as a discipline in its own right - 6 years ago

@catherineshoard: - 6 years ago

@tiina_aikas: - 6 years ago

@futuramiah: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@guardianobits: David Lowenthal obituary. Scholar who established heritage studies as a discipline in its own right - 6 years ago

@KPalmerHeathman: RT @GuardianEdu: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@joelgbarnes: RT @GuardianEdu: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@GuardianEdu: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@TeachFMaths: David Lowenthal obituary - 6 years ago

@naumannlegal: RT @caiglac: Thank you to our speakers, Meigan Everett, David Lowenthal, and Les Weinberg for their educational presentation! #caiglac#caig… - 6 years ago

@caiglac: Thank you to our speakers, Meigan Everett, David Lowenthal, and Les Weinberg for their educational presentation! #c… - 6 years ago

@ThaumPenguin: @OmaceHero @aPebbleInTheSky David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@David_R_Krause: RT @RepLowenthal: Reckless oil and gas development could destroy vulnerable critical arctic ecosystems and put communities at risk. I was p… - 6 years ago

@tgplawson: RT @andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in his vi… - 6 years ago

@LegaciesofPast: RT @andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in his vi… - 6 years ago

@IreneG1979: David Lowenthal ¡Presente! #QDEP - 6 years ago

@jellyschapiro: David Lowenthal (1923-2018) has died. A mensch and scholar of the old school who was new till the end -- he spent… - 6 years ago

@sawcuts: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@DeathandCulture: RT @Pip1066: David Lowenthal was an outstanding scholar and he leaves us his own heritage... his memory will be on scholarly bookshelves fo… - 6 years ago

@VictoriaMYoung: RT @yannishamilakis: David Lowenthal left us today (1923-2018) but his legacy and work will endure...Below a nice and warm discussion with… - 6 years ago

@VictoriaMYoung: RIP David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@Pip1066: David Lowenthal was an outstanding scholar and he leaves us his own heritage... his memory will be on scholarly boo… - 6 years ago

@Holger_Nehring: RT @andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in his vi… - 6 years ago

@pauljmullan01: RT @andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in his vi… - 6 years ago

@davidstowe1919: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@saglikozhan: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@livuniLUCAS: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@LarissaAllwork: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@Lea__David: RT @andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in his vi… - 6 years ago

@huubwijfjes: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@andrewhoskins: Very sorry to hear this. David Lowenthal was a truly inspiring scholar. He brought unique clarity to the field in h… - 6 years ago

@chase_stephen: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@aurigandrea: The @camb_heritage remembers to David Lowenthal with my words. "Although we think of him as the father of Heritage… - 6 years ago

@mobabb3700: RT @lynnegoldstein: David Lowenthal (1923-2018). R.I.P. Now we'll have to try to figure it all out without your help. - 6 years ago

@UPFArchaeo: RT @lynnegoldstein: David Lowenthal (1923-2018). R.I.P. Now we'll have to try to figure it all out without your help. - 6 years ago

@trim_obey: RT @catherineshoard: My lovely father, who died on Saturday. Bit more about him here • • - 6 years ago

@GeographyLane: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@catherineshoard: My lovely father, who died on Saturday. Bit more about him here • •… - 6 years ago

@CLAGeogs: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@IngaSaffron: RT @RFMPennDesign: In 1987, I bought two books (at Olsson’s in DC) that inspired me to go to grad school: The Past is a Foreign Country and… - 6 years ago

@BrionyMcDonagh: RT @ruthyquinn: Sad to hear about the passing of David Lowenthal - a giant of both Heritage Studies and Geography and a wise, often funny g… - 6 years ago

@MartinMichette: Two of my fave #postmodern theorists have passed away in the last week. Their subjects may appear opposite, but the… - 6 years ago

@ruthyquinn: Sad to hear about the passing of David Lowenthal - a giant of both Heritage Studies and Geography and a wise, often… - 6 years ago

@JOSHUAJREYNOLD1: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@dieterknickbock: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@dieterknickbock: RT @CSaumarezSmith: David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@AnthonyJClark: Sad to hear of the death of David Lowenthal. He was an engaging and helpful correspondent with, and very generous w… - 6 years ago

@urbaninsideout: RT @CSaumarezSmith: David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@urbaninsideout: RT @lynnegoldstein: David Lowenthal (1923-2018). R.I.P. Now we'll have to try to figure it all out without your help. - 6 years ago

@urbaninsideout: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@urbaninsideout: RT @RFMPennDesign: In 1987, I bought two books (at Olsson’s in DC) that inspired me to go to grad school: The Past is a Foreign Country and… - 6 years ago

@TedGrunewald: RT @RFMPennDesign: In 1987, I bought two books (at Olsson’s in DC) that inspired me to go to grad school: The Past is a Foreign Country and… - 6 years ago

@RFMPennDesign: In 1987, I bought two books (at Olsson’s in DC) that inspired me to go to grad school: The Past is a Foreign Countr… - 6 years ago

@rumagin: RT @GadHeuman: Very good on, sadly, the late David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: David Lowenthal (95) - 6 years ago

@historicalgeog: RT @WmMJenkins: Sad to hear about the passing of geographer and historian David Lowenthal (b. 1923), author of "The Past is a Foreign Count… - 6 years ago

@alisonbowyer: RIP David Lowenthal. The Past is a Foreign Country was one of the first ‘proper’ books I read. I still remember sta… - 6 years ago

@BWolmers: RT @GadHeuman: Very good on, sadly, the late David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@GadHeuman: Very good on, sadly, the late David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@softgrasswalker: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P David Lowenthal - #DavidLowenthal #David #Lowenthal #rip - 6 years ago

@KinBeyond: RT @GadHeuman: Sad to report that David Lowenthal, the historian and geographer who wrote a book on West Indian Societies (1972) and went o… - 6 years ago

@PeterMandler1: RT @CSaumarezSmith: David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@catherineshoard: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@CSaumarezSmith: David Lowenthal - 6 years ago

@Grrl_Herstorian: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@HaroldBerube: Vraiment triste d'apprendre que David Lowenthal est décédé. The Past is a Foreign Country a eu une grande influence… - 6 years ago

@paige_roberts: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@stwajda: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@GuytheNewton: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@karl_jacoby: RT @markrstoll: Very sorry to hear of the passing of David Lowenthal, scholar of George Perkins Marsh and much else. #EnvHist - 6 years ago

@HRitvo: RT @markrstoll: Very sorry to hear of the passing of David Lowenthal, scholar of George Perkins Marsh and much else. #EnvHist - 6 years ago

@doublehelixhist: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@fiona_handley: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@DavidJarratt1: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@DavidJarratt1: RT @yiminhe3: Re-listened in the train this morning. "We are simple ephemeral lessees of age-old hopes and dreams."- David Lowenthal. RIP h… - 6 years ago

@JoannaSassoon: Vale David Lowenthal, a gentle man who was living proof of the adage 'with age comes wisdom'. His contributions to… - 6 years ago

@malgorzatar: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@CathyDAndrea99: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@EricdeMarylebon: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

@markhelmsing: RT @profdanhicks: RIP David Lowenthal (23 April 1923-15 Sept 2018). One of the few great writers in the academic study of "heritage". https… - 6 years ago

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