David Lewiston

British music collector
Died on Tuesday May 30th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to David Lewiston:

@t_hisashi: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@w_illmurph: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@deepvard: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@milehighcompany: nprmusic David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has die… - 8 years ago


@nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died.… - 8 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: In 1966, David Lewiston set out for Bali, carrying two borrowed microphones and a Japanese tape recorder - 8 years ago

@CFWorldMusic: Remembering David Lewiston and his "great testimonies in sound of our time" @NPRmusic - 8 years ago

@Alrigonz: RT @nytimesmusic: In 1966, David Lewiston set out for Bali, carrying two borrowed microphones and a Japanese tape recorder - 8 years ago

@nytimesmusic: In 1966, David Lewiston set out for Bali, carrying two borrowed microphones and a Japanese tape recorder - 8 years ago

@MusicalAmerica: David Lewiston, Pioneering Ethnomusicologist, Dies at 88 #MusicalAmericaNews - 8 years ago

@PaulVis186: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears : The Record : NPR - 8 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@FolkAlley: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@GaryWhitehouse3: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@NonesuchRecords: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@130watanabe: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@milehighcompany: nprmusic David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has die… - 8 years ago

@typode: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died. - 8 years ago

@nprmusic: David Lewiston, the force behind more than two dozen recordings for the Nonesuch Explorer series, has died.… - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@milo_jeff: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@RachelMaston: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@prettygossipn: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@solojaj: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: David Lewiston liked to call himself a “musical tourist.” No sound was alien to him. - 8 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nprmusic: David Lewiston, a seminal producer of music from around the world, has died at the age of 88. - 8 years ago

@wtem: RT @vocalfrier: About to go on air at WFMU! A little David Lewiston memorial, a haka, Hawaiian slack key, naturjodels & more http: - 8 years ago

@sharcoal: RT @tom_dizzo: RIP | David Lewiston, Who Recorded Indigenous Music Far and Wide, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@tom_dizzo: RIP | David Lewiston, Who Recorded Indigenous Music Far and Wide, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@vocalfrier: About to go on air at WFMU! A little David Lewiston memorial, a haka, Hawaiian slack key, naturjodels & more http:… - 8 years ago

@MusicREDEF: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears (@anastasiat - @npr) - 8 years ago

@audphi: RT @anastasiat: Remembering David Lewiston, the "musical tourist" who brought old sounds to new ears. - 8 years ago

@lellingw: RT @nytimesmusic: David Lewiston liked to call himself a “musical tourist.” No sound was alien to him. - 8 years ago

@unearthingmusic: RT @nytimesmusic: David Lewiston liked to call himself a “musical tourist.” No sound was alien to him. - 8 years ago

@MusiaNoten: RT @nytimesmusic: David Lewiston liked to call himself a “musical tourist.” No sound was alien to him. - 8 years ago

@nytimesmusic: David Lewiston liked to call himself a “musical tourist.” No sound was alien to him. - 8 years ago

@Ricardo_Gardel: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@nkc47str: New story on NPR: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@NonesuchRecords: RT @anastasiat: Remembering David Lewiston, the "musical tourist" who brought old sounds to new ears. - 8 years ago

@LindaChown2017: RT @NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@hitcafe: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@RamiroGil1990: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears David Lewiston, the "mus - 8 years ago

@winterthur: RT @NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@DJ_BIGVIC: David Lewiston, A World-Spanning 'Musical Tourist' Who Brought Old Sounds To New Ears - 8 years ago

@fearfulsyms: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@jandersnoyd: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@Bil_Arm: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@HoracePeters3: RT @parisreview: When Lewiston made his recordings, music was still a local affair, with no Western pop seeping into the melodies. - 8 years ago

@later_tatter: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@Cazziemo: RT @nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. https:/… - 8 years ago

@nytimesmusic: The journey went on and on. He accumulated hundreds of hours of Buddhist chants. He sought Sufi music in Morocco. - 8 years ago

@songprocess: RT @hissgldnmssr: A fond farewell to David Lewiston, whose recordings expanded my world. - 8 years ago

@bjorn: RT @NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: David Lewiston, who recorded the music of Tibet, Bali and other farawy lands for adventurous listeners, has died - 8 years ago

@MarissaRutt5n: RT @RevAnneCapeAnn: Remembering David Lewiston, Who Recorded Music Around the World - 8 years ago

@hissgldnmssr: A fond farewell to David Lewiston, whose recordings expanded my world. - 8 years ago

@rubinbooty: RIP David Lewiston, who recorded these Bali classics & so many other Nonesuch Explorer albums - 8 years ago

@RevAnneCapeAnn: Remembering David Lewiston, Who Recorded Music Around the World - 8 years ago

@starnewsn1: World Music Producer David Lewiston Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@PHanahoeDosch: RT @parisreview: Lewiston’s field recordings crackled with the sheer joy of the music and the warmth and depth of the sound. - 8 years ago

@jonandali: RT @parisreview: Lewiston’s field recordings crackled with the sheer joy of the music and the warmth and depth of the sound. - 8 years ago

@jerezim: RT @parisreview: Lewiston’s field recordings crackled with the sheer joy of the music and the warmth and depth of the sound. - 8 years ago

@AbhishekThanvi: RT @parisreview: Lewiston’s field recordings crackled with the sheer joy of the music and the warmth and depth of the sound. - 8 years ago

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