David Koch

Executive Vice President of Koch Industries.
Died on Friday August 23rd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to David Koch:

@winterthur: RT @emorwee: I am not at work today. Technically, I am taking a personal day. But then I learned that David Koch died. So I wrote this,… - 6 years ago

@Marcie_too: RT @mehdirhasan: Seeing lots of headlines about David Koch's death referring to "billionaire", "industrialist" or "libertarian" Koch. Hav… - 6 years ago

@griffithmelanie: RT @Tentoads4truth: @Stephaniefishm4 @JedGarren The top donors listed in Project Veritas’s annual filings are Donors Trust and Donors Capit… - 6 years ago

@duo_mobile: He's the funder of the PACS You know him well He's finally dead To go to hell It's DK David Koch DK David Koch is dead - 6 years ago


@jameskass: @jwPencilAndPad I’d rather watch a rabid badger tunnel his way into the dry decaying asshole of David Koch’s freshl… - 6 years ago

@Tentoads4truth: RT @Tentoads4truth: @Stephaniefishm4 @JedGarren The top donors listed in Project Veritas’s annual filings are Donors Trust and Donors Capit… - 6 years ago

@meddeviceeng: RT @SenWhitehouse: The @WSJ opinion page mouthpiece for the fossil fuel industry manages to ignore Koch-funded massive apparatus dedicated… - 6 years ago

@equi_noctis: Celebrating the death of David Koch was just a warm-up for #RIP45 - 6 years ago

@jtacuff: RT @sprzyslp: @ReaderAdrift @mattyglesias RW faux Christianity part of perfect storm. Cross in the sickle. Evil Kochroaches deny science to… - 6 years ago

@JamesRogerDavis: ROASTING IN HELL, JUST LIKE HE WAS TRYING TO DO TO US !!! - David Koch Is Dead, But His Legacy of Climate Denial Li… - 6 years ago

@VetsFlagatGmail: RT @marklevinshow: Bill Maher, lowlife - 6 years ago

@ragnorakishere: RT @TheRealNews: "The #KochBrothers and the fossil fuel interest that they worked with, have literally spent tens of billions of dollars tr… - 6 years ago

@llymoore: RT @bourgeoisalien: I'm really disappointed in the behavior and lack of civility from so many of you. David Koch died and some of you still… - 6 years ago

@TimBurk89339590: RT @TheRealNews: "The #KochBrothers and the fossil fuel interest that they worked with, have literally spent tens of billions of dollars tr… - 6 years ago

@sap1028: RT @SenWhitehouse: The @WSJ opinion page mouthpiece for the fossil fuel industry manages to ignore Koch-funded massive apparatus dedicated… - 6 years ago

@dpmax100: RT @smartdissent: Good riddance to David Koch who "set the world on fire, then died and left us to face the rising flames." #SmartDissent… - 6 years ago

@NancyCrandall3: RT @greggutfeld: so @billmaher said he's glad david koch died, and his audience applauded. evidence of a needy phony and a gleeful mob unit… - 6 years ago

@chgogrl3828: RT @4TaxFairness: GOP mega-financier David Koch leaves behind a $50 billion estate upon his passing. A proper estate tax on this cash would… - 6 years ago

@RevRevolution11: RT @WatcherDead: @Cordicon @w_terrence @Jesse_onya_m8 Billionaire David Koch dies #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Epstein #GreatA… - 6 years ago

@RevRevolution11: RT @WatcherDead: @Cordicon @w_terrence @Jesse_onya_m8 David Koch was another one of Epstein's contacts in his little black book Pretty con… - 6 years ago

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