David Dushman

German Red Army soldier and Olympic fencer.
Died on Sunday June 6th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to David Dushman:

@Pili98545363: RT @carolacaracola5: Muere el último soldado que quedaba con vida de los que ayudaron a liberar el campo de Auschwitz David Dushman aplast… - 4 years ago

@LinoelSidreru: RT @carolacaracola5: Muere el último soldado que quedaba con vida de los que ayudaron a liberar el campo de Auschwitz David Dushman aplast… - 4 years ago

@wbruce44: @RepMTG - 4 years ago

@nyx_with: David Dushman, Last Surviving Soldier Who Liberated Auschwitz, Dies at 98: 'Particularly Painful'… - 4 years ago


@Iraklisscot: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@Craigor47238257: RT @CelticDale: 🚨The Last Surviving Soldier who helped Liberate & Free the Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz & it’s imprisoned Men,Women,& Childr… - 4 years ago

@quevomitona: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@mpierrelouis1: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@lucena51: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@PeterTyras: The Last Surviving Soldier Who Liberated Auschwitz Has Died #RIP #Hero - 4 years ago

@PuntoEuropeoES: 📰Lectura recomendada: Muere en Múnich David Dushman, un soldado soviético de origen judío que demolió con su tanqu… - 4 years ago

@freeandclear1: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@SuzyTweetsStuff: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@Celt1776: RT @CelticDale: 🚨The Last Surviving Soldier who helped Liberate & Free the Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz & it’s imprisoned Men,Women,& Childr… - 4 years ago

@coldkeyes: RT @CelticDale: 🚨The Last Surviving Soldier who helped Liberate & Free the Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz & it’s imprisoned Men,Women,& Childr… - 4 years ago

@gracetosio45: RT @CelticDale: 🚨The Last Surviving Soldier who helped Liberate & Free the Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz & it’s imprisoned Men,Women,& Childr… - 4 years ago

@CelticDale: RT @CelticDale: 🚨The Last Surviving Soldier who helped Liberate & Free the Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz & it’s imprisoned Men,Women,& Childr… - 4 years ago

@Ms_Muphry: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@Deb90243593: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@Amayar25b: RT @ABC: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who freed prisoners from the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in 1945 has died at age 98. D… - 4 years ago

@brukkia: RT @dwnews: Driving a Soviet tank in 1945, 21-year-old David Dushman mowed down an electric fence at Auschwitz in then-Nazi-occupied Poland… - 4 years ago

@orangeorchards: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@TYEASLEY1: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@CRAllenTX: RT @cnni: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish c… - 4 years ago

@Mariave88805651: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Aurania101: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@thelucydoherty: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@GreggoShowPod: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@g0thbutch: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@LaSirena_txo: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@PuenteAereo1: RT @PuenteAereo1: 🛑El último héroe rojo El fallecimiento de David Dushman a los 98 años pone fin a los testimonios en primera persona sobre… - 4 years ago

@lamanoylapluma: LA MANO Y LA PLUMA...: La semana pasada murió David Dushman, el último li... - 4 years ago

@StellaMarinaLu2: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Isabel34514633: RT @HomeroAE: Fallece a los 98 años el último libertador de Auschwitz y entrenador olímpico de esgrima, David Dushman - 4 years ago

@EmbaVEArgentina: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@edel_miller: Muere David Dushman, el último liberador de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@EmaLannister: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Tabucarude: @CCIUruguay David Dushman el último liberador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz murió en la madrug… - 4 years ago

@Tabucarude: RT @CCIUruguay: Falleció David Dushman, soldado judío ruso, el último sobreviviente de la "liberación" de Auschwitz #Auschwitz #Shoa https:… - 4 years ago

@SportsEndeavour: RT @AusHCFJ: David drove his tank through the death camp fence - 4 years ago

@torimodosu21: RT @AusHCFJ: David drove his tank through the death camp fence - 4 years ago

@AusHCFJ: David drove his tank through the death camp fence - 4 years ago

@felipe_42: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@enmanue51142187: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@TG_Meirelles: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@malungorei: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@odio_nao: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@DglsAraujo: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@nyr_diniz: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@allianortis: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@advogato: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@felps_silveira: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@ismaelbneto: RT @medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. No co… - 4 years ago

@medoedeliriobr: "O calendário apontava 27 de janeiro de 1945 e, em meio ao ataque, o soldado soviético David Dushman não hesitou. N… - 4 years ago

@euskaldulano: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@oteb1000: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@OtroEnfoque2018: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@ERVIROD: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@silvia27836889: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@comalaquias: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@Sirius0503: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@transformajoven: David Dushman, el último soldado liberador de Auschwitz que seguía vivo, muere a los 98 años - 4 years ago

@ClauPochi: @FacilDesviarse Dónde puedo encontrar el audio sobre la muerte de David Dushman? Juanchi contó historia de la cuida… - 4 years ago

@FlaTvrs: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@VampsOfMacapa: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@abigaildrag: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@ruisgoncalves: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@_reclamona_: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@ArlekinoDeIoio: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@JustLizabiz: RT @AP_Europe: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@superhesbian: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@zorro1w: David Dushman, Soviet Soldier Who Helped Liberate Auschwitz, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@cris29bra: RT @dw_brasil: Morto aos 98 anos, o ex-soldado do Exército Vermelho David Dushman tinha apenas 21 quando derrubou cerca do maior campo de e… - 4 years ago

@jblakeslee1: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@RadioDuna: 🔶¿Quién fue David Dushman?: El último soldado que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz que seguía con vida falle… - 4 years ago

@PrinceHallWoman: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@PrinceHallWoman: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Ellie12_fml: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Elijah_McC: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@Cherie86719841: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@krazjolan: RT @CPBritain: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz sadly passed away on Sunday. Rest… - 4 years ago

@joy24543463_joy: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Brick715: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@FuneralCel: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Cranmorian: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@TimothySNull: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@keaneli: @stuffKRISwrites If makes me sad that the people who fought in WWII are almost all gone. - 4 years ago

@InconWhaleAuto: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@locomama53: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@Olehandro9: @Mottel Read about David Dushman (a jew by the way) who liberated Auschwitz How can people… - 4 years ago

@LGSoderlund1: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@Wgsimply: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@ElletteJames: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@loret28: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@Lauraseriously1: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@mktsutherland: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@keddle01: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@HannaAndSkeffy: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@truthdogg: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@northlancing: David Dushman, Soviet tank driver who helped to liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau – obituary. His tank smashed through th… - 4 years ago

@stellar_leslie: RT @LauraLibman: Just imagine all the things this man witnessed in his lifetime, and how this experience in his early twenties must have sh… - 4 years ago

@retiredfirstsgt: RT @LauraLibman: Just imagine all the things this man witnessed in his lifetime, and how this experience in his early twenties must have sh… - 4 years ago

@Sandi452: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@Kking578: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@MSN100MS46: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@lastdays58: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who took part in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in 19… - 4 years ago

@markburgerenerg: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@TeachESL: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@gherraizm: RT @cubero_alberto: Este sábado falleció David Dushman a los 98 años, el último libertador del campo de exterminio de Auschwitz que seguía… - 4 years ago

@Nel18475333: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@AK_Hibby: RT @ArtlessxArts: @awinkandawonk @nkulw - 4 years ago

@_seanmonteith: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@maru_lovenature: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@RebekahLove25: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@crazyazzkile: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@jfd4humanrights: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@boydma42: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@FakeDanWeber: @JHWeissmann @grylxndr Literally a Soviet-made tank crashed through the barbed wire at Auschwitz, and then Soviet g… - 4 years ago

@equataraxia: RT @washingtonpost: To liberate Auschwitz, David Dushman drove a Soviet tank through its barbed wire. Horrors awaited inside. - 4 years ago

@alessteles: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@pauliegtweets: @LaurelLeader74 @Bob4Florida @BRyvkin @CathyYoung63 He must have broken out of a "Soviet ghetto", cleverly disguise… - 4 years ago

@NYSoviet: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@Auzzielvr: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@ohgodscrewthis: RT @AllezLesBoulez: David Dushman, the Jewish tanker who knocked down the fence at Auschwitz (and who died a week ago), was driving a T-34… - 4 years ago

@akelamulher: RT @rianhez: Hoje faleceu David Dushman, o último soldado soviético libertador de Auschwitz que estava vivo. Ele ainda participou das batal… - 4 years ago

@honigmaydl: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@jagpratar3: RT @AdamJSchwarz: RIP David Dushman (1923 - 2021) - the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, who died yesterday aged 9… - 4 years ago

@388shark: RT @RepValDemings: More than 1.1 million men, women and children were systematically murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the passing of th… - 4 years ago

@Starlington2: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@R6Rider: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@BellaDonnaNicks: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@DianKeto2: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@kadiridapo: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@NewGuyUserName1: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@big_book_of_bug: RT @queerPOTUS: @JordanUhl Last auschwitz liberator, red army soldier David Dushman, died this week - 4 years ago

@CopperTucker: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@Garebear__11: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@b_chshevik: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@damicca: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@skydroid3: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@audio_embed: @Yair_Rosenberg - 4 years ago

@realtybird: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@Rofi_Rangeela: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@audio_embed: @Yair_Rosenberg @ryangrim By saying that ‘the Soviet Union ended the Holocaust’ is “historically false”, aren’t you… - 4 years ago

@angmarsrealm: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@Joseph2709: RT @JewsandJapan: アウシュビッツ収容所を解放したソ連軍最後の兵士が98歳で逝去。歴史の証人が去っていく。 私も、フィリピンで捕虜となりその後日本の鉱山などで強制労働に就かされた米兵の体験(10%が日本で死亡)を伝えようと20年近く活動したが、彼らの生の声をも… - 4 years ago

@Rofi_Rangeela: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@audio_embed: @Yair_Rosenberg - 4 years ago

@goatofballst: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@uhusofreedom: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@KCin_Tokorozawa: RT @SecretsAndSpies: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - BBC News - 4 years ago

@AllezLesBoulez: David Dushman, the Jewish tanker who knocked down the fence at Auschwitz (and who died a week ago), was driving a T-34 not a Sherman - 4 years ago

@ClaatBomba: RT @queerPOTUS: @JordanUhl Last auschwitz liberator, red army soldier David Dushman, died this week - 4 years ago

@AngryAlienAlien: RT @euronews: As a young Red Army soldier, David Dushman flattened the forbidding electric fence around the notorious Nazi death camp with… - 4 years ago

@AllezLesBoulez: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl - 4 years ago

@heather_c_c: RT @RoseAJacob: @stevejames91 @JordanUhl In fact, sadly the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in liberating Auschwitz passed away earl… - 4 years ago

@DocRods: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@FakeDanWeber: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl read literally any book: - 4 years ago

@ComandanteCabr1: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@juniorhegelian: Missed this before but RIP to this absolute hero. "As a young Red Army soldier, Dushman flattened the forbidding… - 4 years ago

@InAusterity: RT @MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@jasdye: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@comrade__mikey: RT @queerPOTUS: @JordanUhl Last auschwitz liberator, red army soldier David Dushman, died this week - 4 years ago

@MascaraStJames: RT @queerPOTUS: @JordanUhl Last auschwitz liberator, red army soldier David Dushman, died this week - 4 years ago

@fearhand_: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@clarimer: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@keewa: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@NerdyGerdyMan: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@SammyBytes: @SecDef #DDay - 4 years ago

@askforcawmbyok: RT @MissPavIichenko: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died on Sunday and you couldn't even wait a week before disr… - 4 years ago

@BakhuisChris: RT @Vergenoeg13: David Dushman, een vd slechts 69 soldaten vd 12.000 man sterke tankdivisie die WOII overleefde, is overleden. Op 27 januar… - 4 years ago

@keepsayingit1: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@liketrav: RT @ABC: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who freed prisoners from the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in 1945, has died at age 98.… - 4 years ago

@Vergenoeg13: - 4 years ago

@Vergenoeg13: David Dushman, een vd slechts 69 soldaten vd 12.000 man sterke tankdivisie die WOII overleefde, is overleden. Op 27… - 4 years ago

@yenanoha: RT @RoseAJacob: @stevejames91 @JordanUhl In fact, sadly the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in liberating Auschwitz passed away earl… - 4 years ago

@communistkiss: Literally… the Red Army liberated Auschwitz. That guy who recently passed, David Dushman, was the last survivor. - 4 years ago

@EscritorVictorD: RT @FotosDeFatos: David Dushman, último sobrevivente dos libertadores de Auschwitz, morre aos 98 anos. Judeu russo morreu em Munique, no s… - 4 years ago

@RoseAJacob: @stevejames91 @JordanUhl In fact, sadly the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in liberating Auschwitz passed a… - 4 years ago

@Zenith_Zealotry: RT @prachatai: เดวิช ดูชมัน (David Dushman) สมาชิกคนสุดท้ายของหน่วยปลดแอกค่ายกักกันเอาช์วิทซ์ที่เคยมีชีวิตอยู่ เสียชีวิตแล้วด้วยวัย 98 ปี เ… - 4 years ago

@MrL1ama: @JHWeissmann @JordanUhl Who liberated Auschwitz again? - 4 years ago

@AJTexasRN: RT @ABC: The last of the soldiers who liberated the Nazi death camp Auschwitz has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: RT @kare11: David Du... - 4 years ago

@SIB_e_News: O último libertador de Auschwitz David Dushman, o último soldado soviético sobrevivente envolvido na libertação do… - 4 years ago

@CarlosScarllaty: QUE NUNCA ESQUEÇAMOS! ❤️ David Dushman era o último militar vivo que havia participado na libertação do campo de co… - 4 years ago

@cal3bg: David Dushman, Soviet Soldier Who Helped Liberate Auschwitz, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@80812709a5654a6: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@Cardonalcarlos: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@Tom49102098: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@DustinHapli: socialjusticeinamerica:David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Alttllightmrnng: RT @franceinfo: David Dushman, dernier libérateur survivant du camp d'Auschwitz, est mort - 4 years ago

@Mslovesbruiser: RIP David Dushman, forever hero. - 4 years ago

@ManuelMateusL: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@HdoPinillaPatin: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@Eduardo34335233: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@elmonacho: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@Juliana76974503: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@trotaaa: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@plata107: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@pcrincon: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@RubnFarfn2: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@ArcenioSantos7: RT @NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@NoticiasRCN: Falleció David Dushman, el último soldado vivo que ayudó a liberar Auschwitz, en la Segunda Guerra Mundial ⬇️ - 4 years ago

@frabong83: David Dushman, dernier libérateur survivant du camp d’Auschwitz, est mort - 4 years ago

@To_Spourgitaki: RT @johnson: This man liberated Auschwitz and also took part in Stalingrad and Kursk. He was one of 69 soldiers to survive out of a 12,000-… - 4 years ago

@To_Spourgitaki: RT @dwnews: Driving a Soviet tank in 1945, 21-year-old David Dushman mowed down an electric fence at Auschwitz in then-Nazi-occupied Poland… - 4 years ago

@BaylessMarilyn: David Dushman, Soviet Soldier Who Helped Liberate Auschwitz, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@BaylessMarilyn: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@vasijas_rotas: RT @esqbremen: Kämpfer und Antifaschist - 4 years ago

@esqbremen: Kämpfer und Antifaschist - 4 years ago

@AdriMCMLXI: RT @kourianinova: When David Dushman flattened the electric fence around the #Nazi #death camp with his #T-34 on #January 1945, he and his… - 4 years ago

@jowalton15: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@OddlyB: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@HessomRoxanne: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@carole0898: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@saralynne65: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@tinkreynolds: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@CHawksRun: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@Mooncatadams: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@InTheLionsDen_: RT @AviKaner: Remembering hero David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who liberated prisoners from the Auschwitz death camp. He used his… - 4 years ago

@wystrach: Immer wenn ein Zeitzeuge des #Holocaust stirbt, macht das klar: Es liegt an uns, der Schrecken weiter zu gedenken.… - 4 years ago

@Tribuna_ISR: Murió David Dushman, el último liberador sobreviviente de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@antonio82gg: RT @mangelberlin: El último soldado. Ha muerto David Dushman, 98 años. El soldado del ejército rojo que arrolló con su panzer la valla de a… - 4 years ago

@JohnMontaigne: RT @RobertBrodey: #HumanSpirit. David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98. - 4 years ago

@Maaksu: David Dushman - 4 years ago

@xaipe3: RT @ABC: The last of the soldiers who liberated the Nazi death camp Auschwitz has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@mkt_1108: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@TO_TransitOp: RT @BnaiBrith: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has died at 98. Nazis murdered more than a million people, mostly Je… - 4 years ago

@MichelSerfaty: RT @Fondation_Shoah: Le 27 janvier 1945, à 21 ans, David Dushman a participé à l'ouverture du camp d'Auschwitz-Birkenau, où se trouvaient… - 4 years ago

@Wequitsmoking01: RT @Wequitsmoking01: To liberate Auschwitz, David Dushman drove a Soviet tank through its barbed wire. Horrors awaited inside. - 4 years ago

@eddy7790: RT @nbjewbolshevik: the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, David Dushman, passed away at the age of 98. he was a soviet jew who was a… - 4 years ago

@Hammbear: “Everywhere there were skeletons…[surviving prisoners] stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It w… - 4 years ago

@NilaAdi30: RT @zei_squirrel: two days ago david dushman, the last surviving soviet soldier who participated in the liberation of auschwitz, passed awa… - 4 years ago

@zachariasd: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@rainbowberrydew: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@QD_Mie: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@WhatsWr84599077: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@ReidelGallo: RT @escambraycu: #DavidDushman quien fuera el último sobreviviente de los soldados que liberaron #Auschwitz , además de un talentoso esgrim… - 4 years ago

@carsforforces: "As a young Red Army soldier, Mr Dushman flattened the forbidding fence around the notorious Nazi death camp with h… - 4 years ago

@ChristGegenwart: Er walzte einen KZ-Zaun nieder und rettete unzählige Leben. Jetzt ist David Dushman, der letzte noch lebende Befrei… - 4 years ago

@ssaari: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@MarpleCreative: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@SittinTwitty: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@BlessAmysHeart: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@NEWRELIC1: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@Crumlinfinglas: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@write2esme: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@LehighMiningNav: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@MsInformation: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@RyanMaraldo: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@mybitchmother11: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@RaviR16: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@tRUMP4nthng: RT @guardian: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@AdinaGenn: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@dhallback: RT @mattizcoop: “They stumbled from the barracks, sat and lay among the dead. It was horrifying. We threw all of our canned food at them an… - 4 years ago

@AConcept5: RT @petersagal: “He said he was one of only 69 men from the 12,000 in his division to survive.” - 4 years ago

@marlene_rivad: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@jodeldiplomiert: RT @mondschaf23: RIP David Dushman. Es bleibt an uns, die Erinnerung lebendig zu halten. Denn auch, wenn wir keine direkte Schuld tragen,… - 4 years ago

@Showboat7: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@CaspasWelt: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@MonagasPcv: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@3beesbuzz: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@buchaloveko: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@423ZB: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead ... - 4 years ago

@Sarwat313: RT @Halima_Begum: "Hero of #Auschwitz" David Dushman - the last of the allied soldiers to liberate the death camps - has died age 98. Tho w… - 4 years ago

@JesusGonzaloLJ: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@RationalistSTL: RT @Wequitsmoking01: To liberate Auschwitz, David Dushman drove a Soviet tank through its barbed wire. Horrors awaited inside. - 4 years ago

@indiana34591808: RT @JewsandJapan: アウシュビッツ収容所を解放したソ連軍最後の兵士が98歳で逝去。歴史の証人が去っていく。 私も、フィリピンで捕虜となりその後日本の鉱山などで強制労働に就かされた米兵の体験(10%が日本で死亡)を伝えようと20年近く活動したが、彼らの生の声をも… - 4 years ago

@Peytonm9l: RT @abcnews: 'Saying farewell to David Dushman is particularly painful': Soviet soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz dies - 4 years ago

@Paulanewport02: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@Victoriapvw0m: RT @abcnews: 'Saying farewell to David Dushman is particularly painful': Soviet soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz dies - 4 years ago

@phlegmfighter: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@NaplesQueen: RT @WarrenPlatts: "Skeletons everywhere," he recalled in a 2015 interview with a Munich newspaper. "They stumbled out of the barracks, they… - 4 years ago

@mariolasala: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@Rowenluw: RT @CNN: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish co… - 4 years ago

@andrewpasq: Morto a 98 anni #DavidDushman, il soldato russo che liberò il campo di sterminio di €Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@mokomokai: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@TheRealClauZi: 🖤Chapeau - In der Nacht zu Sonnabend starb mit David Dushman der letzte Befreier des Konzentrationslagers… - 4 years ago

@ETregaskes: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@BrockSamspon: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@CalhounDemGOTV: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@IvanParro1: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@Metricsafrica: RT @Metricsafrica: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Colehh_: RT @AdamJSchwarz: RIP David Dushman (1923 - 2021) - the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, who died yesterday aged 9… - 4 years ago

@PParzival: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@nnyrG6mn5UqyPy1: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@Ladyporki89: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@sadcjp: RT @WorldJewishCong: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz concentration camp, has died aged 98. "He was one of th… - 4 years ago

@Der_Dutschi: RT @jungewelt: In der Nacht zu Sonnabend starb mit David Dushman der letzte Befreier des Konzentrationslagers #Auschwitz. Er war einer de… - 4 years ago

@faberman45: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@Blush777777: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Aus... - 4 years ago

@republicanoedu: RT @RGAritz_: Hace unos días nos dejaba David Dushman, soldado del Ejército Rojo con más de 40 condecoraciones. El 27 de enero de 1945 con… - 4 years ago

@ststcccccc: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@LehiRed: RT @WorldJewishCong: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz concentration camp, has died aged 98. "He was one of th… - 4 years ago

@tommitulpe62: RT @SevimDagdelen: Bewegender Abschied von David Dushman, Befreier von Auschwitz und Veteran der Roten Armee. Mit eindrücklichen Worten von… - 4 years ago

@VE1RUS: RT @VE3WZW: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - BBC News - 4 years ago

@Gnosens: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@amlozyk: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@IGrosmen: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@Clark74907511: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@haveweallgonem2: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@fincjb: RT @Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forget. RIP… - 4 years ago

@Victoria59L: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98. He kept the history alive so we would never forge… - 4 years ago

@Quintero_Funes: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@Nefertivi: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@jackecha1: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@mariposatuitera: RT @HistoriaNG: Además de luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y contribuir a poner fin al exterminio de los judíos, Dushman fue un reputado… - 4 years ago

@romanachiaro: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@grumpypearson: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@AugustEve2012: To liberate Auschwitz, David Dushman drove a Soviet tank through its barbed wire. Horrors awaited inside. - 4 years ago

@sbfga: RT @nypost: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@publicelder: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@BarracudaNoiret: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@JohnPA598: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@AJ_amaze: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@johngadsby2011: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@AlexCan83126283: RT @BarryMotivates: David Dushman Soviet Soldier Who Helped Liberate #Auschwitz , Dies at 98. He’s the last surviving liberator of the camp… - 4 years ago

@tzzzt123: RT @SevimDagdelen: Sehr traurig. Ein Held unserer Zeit ist gestorben. Der jüdische Veteran der Roten Armee und letzter Befreier des Vernich… - 4 years ago

@Jem200019: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@vodblu: RT @meehawl: @davidjoachim "Skeletons everywhere—They stumbled out of the barracks, they sat and lay among the dead. Terrible. We threw the… - 4 years ago

@pennycooper294: RT @StephenUzzell2: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98. - 4 years ago

@vodblu: RT @davidjoachim: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who took part in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died a… - 4 years ago

@tomokoutomo: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@DMorenoPedrosa: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@EthanFelson: May his memory be for a blessing - 4 years ago

@Shi4Tech: RT @BarryMotivates: David Dushman Soviet Soldier Who Helped Liberate #Auschwitz , Dies at 98. He’s the last surviving liberator of the camp… - 4 years ago

@Penelop11785074: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@Lenthebastard: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@vdgjose: RT @memoria_parets: El 27 gener de 1945 un jove soldat soviètic jueu trencava la valla del camp d'Auschwitz conduint el seu tanc. David Dus… - 4 years ago

@BlyntJames: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@ragtime27: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@_paulwetzel: RT @Bini_Guttmann: David Dushman was 21 year old Jewish soldier in the Red Army when he drove his tank through the electric fence surroundi… - 4 years ago

@AlDavoodi: RT @Bini_Guttmann: David Dushman was 21 year old Jewish soldier in the Red Army when he drove his tank through the electric fence surroundi… - 4 years ago

@cryborg: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@tonymellor7: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@Yucato_Sama: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@tari1231: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@rogerablackwell: RT @RT_com: David Dushman, the last living Soviet soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz in January 1945, has passed away at the age of 98.… - 4 years ago

@AndradeRNegro2: RT @rianhez: Hoje faleceu David Dushman, o último soldado soviético libertador de Auschwitz que estava vivo. Ele ainda participou das batal… - 4 years ago

@Fuksoks: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@Femulator: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@rrnunez: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@jacquicandy: RT @jeremycorbyn: David Dushman, the last soldier to have assisted at the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII, has died… - 4 years ago

@TRUMPUNCLASSIF1: HERO! To liberate Auschwitz, David Dushman drove a Soviet tank through its barbed wire. Horrors awaited inside. - 4 years ago

@ArielleGarton: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@TabithaStevens8: RT @NTarnopolsky: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier who liberated Auschwitz, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@Bosphiz: RT @nytimesworld: David Dushman, a soldier for the Soviet army, drove his tank through the barbed-wire fence around Auschwitz in 1945. He l… - 4 years ago

@croker_joe: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@ras2193: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@AnnCas77: RT @enlacejudio: Dushman, un soldado del Ejército Rojo que luego se convirtió en esgrimista internacional, murió el sábado, dijo el Comité… - 4 years ago

@Locou9: RT @tribelaw: Former Soviet soldier David Dushman, the last living Allied soldier involved in liberating the Auschwitz concentration camp i… - 4 years ago

@AguirreFran2010: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@ngel271: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@Shirapta: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@johnlynch4492: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@SamanthaAlcazar: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@Heidydc: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@QuirozOrmeno: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@NewcombJon: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@ANDRESMO58: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@Quintero_Funes: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@jbonifaz7: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@FabriiAV19: RT @Quintoregimien2: Fallece David Dushman. Con 21 años años fue el tanquista soviético que derribó la valla de Auschwitz. Descansa en paz.… - 4 years ago

@Oblivion_access: RT @rianhez: Hoje faleceu David Dushman, o último soldado soviético libertador de Auschwitz que estava vivo. Ele ainda participou das batal… - 4 years ago

@0306juan: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@MarioEmmanue: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz, murió este sábado, a los 98 años de… - 4 years ago

@thebobwills: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@isacesi22: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@kathk55: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@loucattani: RT @tartaro7: Nella notte tra venerdì e sabato è morto a Monaco, all'età di 98 anni, David Dushman, il carrista sovietico che abbatté la re… - 4 years ago

@RobertCHeale: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@dbugarti: RT @business: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died at… - 4 years ago

@toni_nampelkafe: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@can_cpolat: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: Auschwitz'i kurtaran Kızıl Ordu askerlerinden hayatta kalan son kişiydi: David Dushman 98 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi http… - 4 years ago

@Planero4: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@ZigyyStardust: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@muno5760: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: Auschwitz'i kurtaran Kızıl Ordu askerlerinden hayatta kalan son kişiydi: David Dushman 98 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi http… - 4 years ago

@mersea_essea: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@ArjPascal: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@IsaakDinensen: RT @rianhez: Hoje faleceu David Dushman, o último soldado soviético libertador de Auschwitz que estava vivo. Ele ainda participou das batal… - 4 years ago

@zaferost: Cumhuriyet Auschwitz'i kurtaran Kızıl Ordu askerlerinden hayatta kalan son kişiydi: David Dushman 98 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi - 4 years ago

@cengizseref1008: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: Auschwitz'i kurtaran Kızıl Ordu askerlerinden hayatta kalan son kişiydi: David Dushman 98 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi http… - 4 years ago

@RosieVegGdn: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@DayananTaylan: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: Auschwitz'i kurtaran Kızıl Ordu askerlerinden hayatta kalan son kişiydi: David Dushman 98 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi http… - 4 years ago

@JMHardinBoston: RT @Claudio_Report: Dushman was a total badass. “Dushman was just one of just 69 men in his 12,000-person unit to survive the war, but he… - 4 years ago

@ikarinoneko8: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@CARLITOPSCORPIO: RT @WESH: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@_charleswere: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@bats_johnny: RT @nowthisnews: David Dushman, believed to be the last surviving ‘Hero of Auschwitz,’ passed away in Germany on June 5. He was 98 years ol… - 4 years ago

@bboywitt: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@Txus1312: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@ODFlacko: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@Dark0Nite: RT @AdamJSchwarz: RIP David Dushman (1923 - 2021) - the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, who died yesterday aged 9… - 4 years ago

@GaryClover2: RT @HMD_UK: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, died yesterday aged 98. On 27 January 1945, David flattened the ele… - 4 years ago

@OdeyaPinkus: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@SheaFraley: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@enlacejudio: Dushman, un soldado del Ejército Rojo que luego se convirtió en esgrimista internacional, murió el sábado, dijo el… - 4 years ago

@lreis_es: RT @AdamJSchwarz: RIP David Dushman (1923 - 2021) - the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, who died yesterday aged 9… - 4 years ago

@JhordyanRuiz: RT @AdamJSchwarz: RIP David Dushman (1923 - 2021) - the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, who died yesterday aged 9… - 4 years ago

@MMexville: RT @nowthisnews: David Dushman, believed to be the last surviving ‘Hero of Auschwitz,’ passed away in Germany on June 5. He was 98 years ol… - 4 years ago

@OWorld22: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@Bronzekat13: RT @nowthisnews: David Dushman, believed to be the last surviving ‘Hero of Auschwitz,’ passed away in Germany on June 5. He was 98 years ol… - 4 years ago

@namshine: RT @nowthisnews: David Dushman, believed to be the last surviving ‘Hero of Auschwitz,’ passed away in Germany on June 5. He was 98 years ol… - 4 years ago

@spiffykiid: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@ftlmike65: RT @nowthisnews: David Dushman, believed to be the last surviving ‘Hero of Auschwitz,’ passed away in Germany on June 5. He was 98 years ol… - 4 years ago

@vohenfels: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@perrydnnll: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@kmendozahumada: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@fishy_brain: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@luigipapa: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@happyboneslee: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@L8dyrider: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@talib_sitti: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@FrankieStile: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@UnstableLeo: RT @ajplus: The last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp where over 1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered has died… - 4 years ago

@Kaladin44474402: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@alice_radley: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@VossieA: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@Tiburtius: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@cindyatbobwhite: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@DIELINKE_Bochum: RT @SevimDagdelen: Sehr traurig. Ein Held unserer Zeit ist gestorben. Der jüdische Veteran der Roten Armee und letzter Befreier des Vernich… - 4 years ago

@maite_verd: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Hiswe_: RT @memoria_parets: El 27 gener de 1945 un jove soldat soviètic jueu trencava la valla del camp d'Auschwitz conduint el seu tanc. David Dus… - 4 years ago

@cris397: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Lusc4o: RT @rianhez: Hoje faleceu David Dushman, o último soldado soviético libertador de Auschwitz que estava vivo. Ele ainda participou das batal… - 4 years ago

@GCDileo: RT @bordoni_russia: È morto a 98 anni David Dushman, l'ultimo liberatore di Auschwitz. Fu lui, il 27 gennaio 1945, ad abbattere a bordo di… - 4 years ago

@hg10273: RT @Quintoregimien2: Fallece David Dushman. Con 21 años años fue el tanquista soviético que derribó la valla de Auschwitz. Descansa en paz.… - 4 years ago

@CentralBLP: RT @nhs_groverhaus: David Dushman was a fought at the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk before liberating Auschwitz. In the space of 4 short… - 4 years ago

@Mudmutter: RT @joelmsiegel: "Approaching the camp, he peered through the viewing slit of his tank and, even after years of bloody fighting, was shocke… - 4 years ago

@nasty_woman2: RT @zen4ever2us: Last Of Soviet Soldiers Who Liberated Auschwitz Dies. David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the li… - 4 years ago

@Carme170359782: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Isabelgranadina: RT @CarlesCasamayor: Muere el último soldado vivo que participó en la liberación de Auschwitz. David Dushman aplastó la valla del campo de… - 4 years ago

@AntisemitismoEs: DEP. David Dushman, el último soldado liberador de Auschwitz que seguía vivo, muere a los 98 años. - 4 years ago

@NatalieGarfiel1: RT @joelmsiegel: "Approaching the camp, he peered through the viewing slit of his tank and, even after years of bloody fighting, was shocke… - 4 years ago

@WitlessDesign: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@unmossodemagat1: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@ProgressiveHoc1: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@frigganfrankie: RT @joelmsiegel: "Approaching the camp, he peered through the viewing slit of his tank and, even after years of bloody fighting, was shocke… - 4 years ago

@RobsRamblins: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@IIIRepublica14A: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@FatouuEyaa: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@brontyman: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - The Guardian - 4 years ago

@itsnickharter: RT @10TV: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@GabrielZD94: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@TinitaroC: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@HYTTIOAOA_: RT @KatharinaKoenig: Letzter Befreier des NS-Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz-Birkenau,David Dushman, ist tot. „Dushman stand an vorderster Fro… - 4 years ago

@ijustmightbe: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@pwcdanica: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@tmntseruh: RT @nytimes: David Dushman, who as a Soviet soldier drove a tank through the electric fence surrounding Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945, died in… - 4 years ago

@Mapecuesta33: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@ClayLinks: David Dushman was a true antifascist hero who lived one helluva life. Rest in Power, comrade. - 4 years ago

@wsb5001: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@rundinaka: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@waynethebutcher: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@RobTricchinelli: RT @middleeast: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died a… - 4 years ago

@Irma_Kaplan: RT @nytimes: David Dushman, who as a Soviet soldier drove a tank through the electric fence surrounding Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945, died in… - 4 years ago

@SarahRapp: RT @alexburnsNYT: "They stumbled out of the barracks, they sat and lay among the dead. Terrible. We threw them all of our canned food and i… - 4 years ago

@GrumpyLibGrunt: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@swansonerik: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@NathanNgumi: RT @nytimes: David Dushman, who as a Soviet soldier drove a tank through the electric fence surrounding Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945, died in… - 4 years ago

@bellababikian: RT @nytimes: David Dushman, who as a Soviet soldier drove a tank through the electric fence surrounding Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945, died in… - 4 years ago

@TourayWinnie: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@The_Burchator: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Wayasuwicasa: RT @juedischemuseum: „Ich habe mein Leben lang gekämpft.“ Der Fechter und Auschwitzbefreier David Dushman ist am Wochenende im Alter von 98… - 4 years ago

@tokaybean: RT @nytimes: David Dushman, who as a Soviet soldier drove a tank through the electric fence surrounding Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945, died in… - 4 years ago

@PittsburghPG: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz and later Soviet fencing coach, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Jordanfabian: RT @alexburnsNYT: "They stumbled out of the barracks, they sat and lay among the dead. Terrible. We threw them all of our canned food and i… - 4 years ago

@CaseyAn298: RT @auschwitzxhibit: Last surviving Auschwitz liberator David Dushman dies #Restinpeace - 4 years ago

@AWKWORDrap: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@CarterManeEst89: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@Peter_Heinzel: RT @juedischemuseum: „Ich habe mein Leben lang gekämpft.“ Der Fechter und Auschwitzbefreier David Dushman ist am Wochenende im Alter von 98… - 4 years ago

@senallot: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@GutaHegarty: RT @Metropoles: ➡️ Morre David Dushman, último soldado sobrevivente que liberou Auschwitz. Ex-militar russo era judeu e comandou a equipe… - 4 years ago

@Brysonvhse2: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Kyngkap41: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@meyer_lucas: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@kentaro_niwa: RT @afpbbcom: アウシュビッツ解放の「英雄」 最後の一人が死去 98歳1945年にナチス・ドイツのアウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ強制収容所を解放した赤軍部隊の隊員で、唯一存命していたダビト・ドゥシュマン(David Dus… - 4 years ago

@thepn_org: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@MaitriRodrigo: RT @memoria_parets: El 27 gener de 1945 un jove soldat soviètic jueu trencava la valla del camp d'Auschwitz conduint el seu tanc. David Dus… - 4 years ago

@f_a_hasanli: RT @FuadJafarl1: David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz Concentration Camp passed away. He was in the Red Army. May his… - 4 years ago

@ChristineR825: RT @CBSNews: David Dushman, last surviving soldier who helped liberate Nazi's Auschwitz death camp, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@HolocaustLearn: sad to hear of the death of David Dushman... - 4 years ago

@nasty_vero: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@gilbmarie: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@valrick06: RT @AuschwitzMuseum: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 Learn about final days of the… - 4 years ago

@Connor_P_Murphy: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@MMStewartNews: RT @AP: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@RuthStClaire2: RT @AviKaner: Remembering hero David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who liberated prisoners from the Auschwitz death camp. He used his… - 4 years ago

@Brittanie_25: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Karma27127869: RT @cnni: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish c… - 4 years ago

@pazi_petunia: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@haydeneccles: RT @Halima_Begum: "Hero of #Auschwitz" David Dushman - the last of the allied soldiers to liberate the death camps - has died age 98. Tho w… - 4 years ago

@Alex_Bonomo: RT @bordoni_russia: È morto a 98 anni David Dushman, l'ultimo liberatore di Auschwitz. Fu lui, il 27 gennaio 1945, ad abbattere a bordo di… - 4 years ago

@ELIOROMERO13: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@SarahPrzed: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@breakingnewsit: Nelle tendenze alle 14:03: Miss Hitler, Thomas, Pronto Soccorso, David Dushman e #twittamibeautiful - 4 years ago

@SylviaB26189116: RT @cnni: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish c… - 4 years ago

@kensgal3: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@Naidionka: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@MohammedOmwanda: RT @cnni: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish c… - 4 years ago

@calmaPuebloEc: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@GavinKing9: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98. One of just 69 men in his 12,000-strong division t… - 4 years ago

@RouthierJim: RT @joncoopertweets: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98. h… - 4 years ago

@PManjarin: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@scibib: RT @eurojewcong: It's with great sadness that we have learned of the death of David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz. In… - 4 years ago

@Felipede1894: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado liberador de Auschwitz que seguía vivo, muere a los 98 años. - 4 years ago

@WorldNews24CZ: Poslední z vojáků, kteří 27. ledna 1945 osvobodili vyhlazovací tábor v Osvětimi, zemřel v 98 letech. Ruský Žid Davi… - 4 years ago

@doloresmagro: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Counterpleadin5: RT @joncoopertweets: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98. h… - 4 years ago

@harkins_jane: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@VeraPar88750449: RT @CTVNews: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@melodicvibe: RT @MissPavIichenko: Absolutely devastated at David Dushman's passing. The Auschwitz liberators were all heroes of the highest magnitude bu… - 4 years ago

@LaPetiteWolfe: RT @cnni: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish c… - 4 years ago

@aldimo4: RT @CNNEE: David Dushman, el último soldado liberador de Auschwitz que seguía vivo, muere a los 98 años. - 4 years ago

@MailhotMVPS: RT @CTVNews: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Pajaribiel: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@Obknoxious4: RT @CTVNews: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Michael26689428: RT @AlexPaknadel: Rest in glory, you noble and righteous man. - 4 years ago

@momofJaketheCat: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@histbuff0313: RT @joncoopertweets: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98. h… - 4 years ago

@halo2705: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@politicstw: RT @eurojewcong: It's with great sadness that we have learned of the death of David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz. In… - 4 years ago

@pranikakar: RT @AuschwitzMuseum: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 Learn about final days of the… - 4 years ago

@dougrleaffan: RT @CTVNews: David Dushman, last surviving liberator of Auschwitz, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@brunogomespan: RT @FotosDeFatos: David Dushman, último sobrevivente dos libertadores de Auschwitz, morre aos 98 anos. Judeu russo morreu em Munique, no s… - 4 years ago

@nprworld: The Last Surviving Soldier Who Liberated Auschwitz Has Died - 4 years ago

@FNAMERDEM: RT @ww2turkiye: T-34 tankıyla Auschwitz'in elektrikli tellerini ezerek kampı özgürleştiren ilk askerler arasındaki Stalingrad ve Kursk gaz… - 4 years ago

@SimoneBartels3: RT @JoopSoesan: De laatste bevrijder van Auschwitz is overleden - 4 years ago

@BadJewishBoy: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@HIPKARMELAHOP: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@RMBras1973: RT @JoopSoesan: De laatste bevrijder van Auschwitz is overleden - 4 years ago

@leo_______7: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@joselito_chagas: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@gutoalvesp: RT @gerdwenzel: In Memorian. David Dushman, o último libertador de Auschwitz. David Dushman morreu neste domingo aos 98 anos em Munique ond… - 4 years ago

@BoondockMom: RT @CNN: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish co… - 4 years ago

@Puigjaner1714: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Queirii: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@jmkramer65: RT @CNN: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who helped liberate Auschwitz-Birkenau, died on Saturday at the age of 98, the Jewish co… - 4 years ago

@SolPenny: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@civil_spanish: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@WildPalmsLtd: RT @Wolfe321: David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who took part in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died at 98… - 4 years ago

@a_tarrog: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@MichaBrocke: RT @JuedischeOnline: Der letzte noch lebende Befreier des NS-Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz-Birkenau, David Dushman, ist tot. Er verstarb in… - 4 years ago

@Maricar29452716: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@jorge06803571: RT @guardian: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Le_Belliqueux_: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@Joakeron: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @rnz_news: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@clock1258: @WW2girl1944 David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@andrewbenjamin1: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@WoltronUte: RT @oliverdasgupta: Gute Reise, David Dushman. Als Rotarmist hatte er mit seinem Panzer am 27. Januar 1945 den Zaun des Konzentrationslag… - 4 years ago

@Marxian_Theory: RT @chapoisat: The last surviving liberator of the Nazi Auschwitz camp, David Dushman, demolished the electric fence of the extermination c… - 4 years ago

@LoyalPromise: RT @FOX4: After the war, David Dushman visited schools to tell students about the war and the horrors of the Holocaust. He also regularly d… - 4 years ago

@Suedstern99: RT @xavidomenech99: David Dushman, l'ùnic soldat q encara quedava amb vida dels que van alliberar Auschwitz ha mort als 98 anys a Munic "Va… - 4 years ago

@EngelbertoMart4: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@realAnsonFong: David Dushman, le dernier libérateur d’Auschwitz @LeDevoir - 4 years ago

@coronawrocki: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@santifer_8: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@JohnHenryKurtz: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@ArtArturoagjim: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@marianpy1: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@authorAPT: I’ve visited #Auschwitz. It’s a chilling place as you might expect. Important to ensure we all remember. David D… - 4 years ago

@flybone_robin: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@vineyardman: RT @ABC: The last of the soldiers who liberated the Nazi death camp Auschwitz has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@yehuda_feldmann: RT @ABC: The last of the soldiers who liberated the Nazi death camp Auschwitz has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@GuemesBruno: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@blaaaa35495124: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@JEEZUS1919: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@MCrismani: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@KellyLMcKevitt: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Matt_Cates: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@denise_snively: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@InsiderNews: David Dushman, the last of the Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz in 1945, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@smoreira31: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@PacoWanderlust: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@khirst1978: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@jmwensley: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@RabbiLawyer: RT @AviKaner: Remembering hero David Dushman, the last surviving soldier who liberated prisoners from the Auschwitz death camp. He used his… - 4 years ago

@frzachk: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@therecycla: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@LadyAshelle: RT @DPCassidyTKC: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@EnerGeoPolitics: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@Loupo85: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@marceluda: RT @SantiMayor: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, era el último soldado vivo del Ejército Rojo que liberó Auschwitz. “Salieron tambaleánd… - 4 years ago

@misskylie77: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@theoplay88: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@RayvzBlanca1: RT @guardiannews: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@katroy2012: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@AimeeMonahan: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@NatTweets810: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@HKMPC: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@DianaRiedel3: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@can_tdisplay: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@cgnunez_1981: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@jane_labate: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@CoreySimpson5: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@bannedz: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@LewisGallagher3: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@nxtsiobhxn: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@avoidchaos: RT @guardiannews: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@arturocazal: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@TheRealJTIII: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@sameerMohan2: RT @guardiannews: ‘Hero of Auschwitz’ David Dushman, last surviving liberator of death camp, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@michelle_verran: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@trivcap: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@dbeyer1969: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@JustinM63075705: David Dushman, Soviet Army veteran & last surviving Auschwitz liberator who rammed death camp’s fence with his tank… - 4 years ago

@baynesa: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@jclaytonread: RT @plowmanj3: May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@246Cyd: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@AJHolland01: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@runcalamity: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@brownteaming: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@notalemming70: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@xaica69ona: RT @xavidomenech99: David Dushman, l'ùnic soldat q encara quedava amb vida dels que van alliberar Auschwitz ha mort als 98 anys a Munic "Va… - 4 years ago

@Joel37143212: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@jonathanangui13: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@JJohnsonLaw: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Vixen95Trish: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@jamesmcahoy: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@SaraGottlieb1: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@NateCrossett: RT @nypost: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@701007: RT @nypost: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@pswartzpk: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@friendlystinger: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@kroltanz: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@palomito666: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@tparsi: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@staysafe1224: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@sksknwldg: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@gloabeyta: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Editor_JMike: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@frannyhelen: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@aemilius_heros: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@IrkallaRaziel: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@DBTayor: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@JeielVtx: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@NolaLegalmvp: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@maggielea31: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@aifosana22: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@MatthewCronin9: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@JoeFlow71430962: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@collywolly41: RT @plowmanj3: May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@candy76_lor: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@MPPSMiranda: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@chiefster16: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@gil22768: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@The87thTxlege: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@42Lives: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@jgreyes_21: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@anaduarte11: RT @plcdelmedio: #MUNDO | ⚫ El 27 de enero de 1945, Dushman de tan solo 21 años, soldado soviético de origen judío, demolía con su tanque T… - 4 years ago

@umarwrites: RT @nuclear94: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - BBC News - 4 years ago

@Mjolyyy_: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@sylvia12fr: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@GWillia20837281: RT @plowmanj3: May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@joejanecek: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@baaysic: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@patriotismoBS: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@GusFantastico: RT @KATVNews: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died. He… - 4 years ago

@Eurofactor1: New: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@ZStewart574: RT @WNDU: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier who liberated Auschwitz, has died at 98: - 4 years ago

@MiguelJimnezGo7: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@TheoFruitier: RT @franceinfo: David Dushman, dernier libérateur survivant du camp d'Auschwitz, est mort - 4 years ago

@Eil0nwy: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@FrancesJ42: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@orions_bow: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Kouban: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@MaggieRasmusse2: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@JudyLargo4: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@K4r5e2vCw5eCXU3: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Rantes2769: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@jornnielsen6: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@facuarguello27: RT @JonathanBerim: ALEMANIA: David Dushman, el último soldado sobreviviente que participó en la liberación del campo de concentración de Au… - 4 years ago

@NothingAndNowh1: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Rantes2769: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@pinguinus: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@myfine100: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@aristeu2022: RT @repubblica: David Dushman, il soldato che buttò giù il recinto di Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@Mortaelorock: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@Tweety2719: RT @xavidomenech99: David Dushman, l'ùnic soldat q encara quedava amb vida dels que van alliberar Auschwitz ha mort als 98 anys a Munic "Va… - 4 years ago

@KCTV5: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, ha… - 4 years ago

@SKeithPryor: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@happysorceress: RT @TribLIVE: David Dushman, the last surviving Soviet soldier involved in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, has died. He… - 4 years ago

@d_mhg: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@StayCalmBeKind1: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@rqskye: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Emmalynj5sl: RT @nypost: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@DavidRLinn: RT @AuschwitzMuseum: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 Learn about final days of the… - 4 years ago

@Life12832983: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@geoffpilkington: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@DeborahAnn0e: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@Uvaack: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Juan_Carlone: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@stephenlynnward: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@wcnc: As a young Red Army soldier, Dushman flattened the forbidding electric fence around the notorious Nazi death camp w… - 4 years ago

@CarlieP: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@MsCynMet: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@jimantle: RT @RyanNDanker: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Campechano36: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@notthatcute: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@ErrantThoughts: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@JeffRWhyte: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@feralartist: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@VickiJoe6: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@eelisehlz: RT @ConflitsFrance: 🇷🇺 🇩🇪 🎖 FLASH | David #Dushman, dernier #libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration #nazi d'#Auschwitz, est décé… - 4 years ago

@joelpberger: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@TueroRichard: RT @ComisionOctubre: David Dushman narraba la llegada del Ejército Rojo al campo de la muerte de Auschwitz: tras ver a supervivientes salir… - 4 years ago

@Meouse: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Deanmcguire4639: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@oufenix: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@lfishgirl67: May he Rest In Peace. David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Christo78362971: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - BBC News - 4 years ago

@stopthatgirl7: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@trash_gryphon: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Brentisbackbaby: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@michael75lewis: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Paveloropeza: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. David DUSHMAN (1 Apr. 1923 — 4 Jun. 2021), Free City of Danzig-born former Red Army soldier. ✡️ He was the… - 4 years ago

@jonesy89cfpd: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Gambling4Kitten: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Tree4justice: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@gurlow: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@DavisBalgley: - 4 years ago

@gigidelacitee: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@Davey5311: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@sUnSiSoL: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@snbbloopers: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@NucD: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@monicamccarty: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@RyanNDanker: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@NewsApac: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@AlexanderMcCoy4: RT @RobbieGramer: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@TueroRichard: RT @Miquel_R: Muere a los 98 años David Dushman (1923 - 2021), el último libertador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz. C… - 4 years ago

@democra04254334: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@challlass: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Serabbi: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@rcondon17: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@eegarim: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Kathy17867025: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@arnaldomonique: RT @ComisionOctubre: Muere el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz. David Dushman, un héroe del Ejército Rojo de la URSS q… - 4 years ago

@CraigGriffen_: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@jaidling: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@MTokarsky: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@BrigeedaRocks: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@GrnKnght: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@Andresuco68: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@kw1979: RT @joshtpm: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 | The Times of Israel - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for David Dushman - #DavidDushman #David #Dushman #rip - 4 years ago

@ItsNotewell: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@JaneMWL3: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@DavidLBrownMD: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Fosters_mom_14: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@pat_pendergast: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@StrangerSong: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@stephengroves: RT @JZBleiberg: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. - 4 years ago

@mmerz155: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@crismoody: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@drossk: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@bunnypatella: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@CAROLlNACROWN: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@dansmama: RT @starsandstripes: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. https:/… - 4 years ago

@ciscowski: RT @abc27News: David Dushman, the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died. He was 98. As a young Re… - 4 years ago

@tetldh: RT @ABCDigital: #ABCMundo🌏: David Dushman, el último liberador con vida del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz, murió a los 98 años. ht… - 4 years ago

@JGrassot: RT @xavidomenech99: David Dushman, l'ùnic soldat q encara quedava amb vida dels que van alliberar Auschwitz ha mort als 98 anys a Munic "Va… - 4 years ago

@JeanetteKStone1: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@Muazzamaliyuu: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@meinmelbourne: RT @davenewworld_2: David Dushman, the last surviving Auschwitz liberator, has passed away at the age of 98. Dushman drove a tank through t… - 4 years ago

@TOwlwatcher: RT @AmichaiStein1: David Dushman (98) the last surviving Allied soldier involved in the liberation of Auschwitz, has died - 4 years ago

@fuffys: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@BarryWilliamsIE: RT @rtenews: David Dushman was the last surviving soldier who took part in the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in 1945 https… - 4 years ago

@GriffinTripp1: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@BirdOwl: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@heberth_f: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Murió a los 98 años David Dushman, el último liberador con vida del campo nazi de Auschwitz - 4 years ago

@Grimshade89: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@margoroths: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Purgatorrie: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@TbrnTyffanie: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@PatriciaFacquet: RT @nypost: David Dushman, last of Soviet soldiers who liberated Auschwitz, dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@kitty_witty_cat: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@legsrjust4show: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@Irngutaq2: RT @BBCNews: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

@napstageist: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@swarf14: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@dantelfer: RT @HelenKennedy: RIP David Dushman, the last surviving liberator of the Auschwitz death camp. A Russian Jew, he broke down the camp fence… - 4 years ago

@quepasoputo: RT @Mediavenir: 🇩🇪 FLASH - David #Dushman, dernier libérateur encore en vie du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz est décédé à l'âge de 98 a… - 4 years ago

@anarcogalego: RT @FonsiLoaiza: Ha fallecido David Dushman a los 98 años. Era el último liberador con vida de Auschwitz. Aplastó con un tanque del Ejércit… - 4 years ago

@paulspallone: RT @BBCWorld: David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 - 4 years ago

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