David Davis

American television writer and producer.
Died on Saturday November 5th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to David Davis:

@colleenhartlan1: RT @DannyHill_VAU: Its a busy night tonight. Hospitals & AV all busy but doing their best. Its good to see the Libs acknowledge ramping. W… - 2 years ago

@ChrisDWilliams: I don't buy this Russell T Davis thing about not wanting David Tennant to wear womens clothes. It's a deflection. T… - 2 years ago

@AlixChaytor: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@malh1955: @AntheaJayne4 No because we've seen it in Priti Patel's and David Davis's constituencies - 2 years ago


@mamiesmith: David Davis - Tell Me (ft. Elizabeth Dellinger) - 2 years ago

@kate_edmonds_EU: RT @Big_Headers: It does seem that David Davis was a shill telling lies for his corporate sugar sponsors, rather than someone interested in… - 2 years ago

@coleraineyid: And this coming from David Davis! - 2 years ago

@chrismullinexmp: RT @lara_spirit: Big intervention on foreign aid in @timesredbox this morning Senior Tory David Davis says govt plan to count billions mor… - 2 years ago

@BrockDSmith: RT @WheelingNailers: #Nailers take back the lead! 🚨CÉDRIC PARÉ 🍎DAVIS BUNZ 🍏DAVID DRAKE - 2 years ago

@maureen07653054: @DavidDavisMP A true and honest politician. David Davis should be our prime minister strong with lots of common sense - 2 years ago

@richbsys: @DavirossRoss @JaMussSein @MFIJake @AdamBienkov Seem to remember a number of years ago it was the ultra-brexiter Da… - 2 years ago

@xtinaelenacherk: RT @WheelingNailers: #Nailers take back the lead! 🚨CÉDRIC PARÉ 🍎DAVIS BUNZ 🍏DAVID DRAKE - 2 years ago

@Jolewbis: @SharonHepworth3 #30DayMusicVideoChallenge Day 10: The Motels - "Shame" (1985). How's about not just Martha Davi… - 2 years ago

@BingoBobBaenig: RT @WheelingNailers: #Nailers take back the lead! 🚨CÉDRIC PARÉ 🍎DAVIS BUNZ 🍏DAVID DRAKE - 2 years ago

@WheelingNailers: #Nailers take back the lead! 🚨CÉDRIC PARÉ 🍎DAVIS BUNZ 🍏DAVID DRAKE - 2 years ago

@David_A0126: RT @BolWrld: Lakers traded Lonzo Ingram Josh hart and picks for AD The funny thing is Brandon Ingram is now better than Anthony Davis - 2 years ago

@gazza647: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@IndiaRids: @DavidDavisMP Thanks for making this clear David Davis. The government’s abandonment of its commitments and our sup… - 2 years ago

@NigelThornton: RT @lara_spirit: Big intervention on foreign aid in @timesredbox this morning Senior Tory David Davis says govt plan to count billions mor… - 2 years ago

@GuldenBayaz: RT @lara_spirit: Big intervention on foreign aid in @timesredbox this morning Senior Tory David Davis says govt plan to count billions mor… - 2 years ago

@EconMitch: RT @lara_spirit: Big intervention on foreign aid in @timesredbox this morning Senior Tory David Davis says govt plan to count billions mor… - 2 years ago

@MikeFoster1403: “I agree with David Davis”, there’s a statement I never thought I’d type. - 2 years ago

@RadDance: This is only music. Press play on your radio and let's dance baby. Now playing The world is mine (feat. JD Davis) b… - 2 years ago

@Darksideofwoman: RT @doug_marco: Miles Davis photograph by David Bailey (1969) - 2 years ago

@doug_marco: Miles Davis photograph by David Bailey (1969) - 2 years ago

@editoraboitempo: Tem Marx-Engels e Mundo do Trabalho, tem Boitatá, tem José Paulo Netto, Angela Davis, David Harvey, Patricia Hill C… - 2 years ago

@SaveCEO_UK: RT @lara_spirit: Big intervention on foreign aid in @timesredbox this morning Senior Tory David Davis says govt plan to count billions mor… - 2 years ago

@whkte: @MBFantasyLife @MatthewBerryTMR Should I start David Montgomery,Gabriel Davis or Dionte Johnson ? - 2 years ago

@HarryDibbs_: @WalkerMarcus One of the things I most admired in people like David Davis was a healthy respect for civil liberties… - 2 years ago

@whittpau: @david_murphy698 @newboldsteve @terrychristian Have a read David, the UK is bigger than your sunlit upland working… - 2 years ago

@ansellalan7: RT @DannyHill_VAU: Its a busy night tonight. Hospitals & AV all busy but doing their best. Its good to see the Libs acknowledge ramping. W… - 2 years ago

@jrloading: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: NC's Congressional Representatives for the next two years. 7D, 7R. There will be a new map for 2024: D1: Don Davis (D)… - 2 years ago

@phrb1961: @hscoffield @althiaraj @TorontoStar From Bill Davis and David Peterson to Doug Ford. Given the history of Ford Nat… - 2 years ago

@BrazosPress: Davis Zahl, author of #LowAnthropology, joins the @MuchDoth podcast for a great discussion about where our true ho… - 2 years ago

@LoonAuntie: RT @JoeBrunoWSOC9: NC's Congressional Representatives for the next two years. 7D, 7R. There will be a new map for 2024: D1: Don Davis (D)… - 2 years ago

@MAD__B: @k6txh @rosscoulthart You just have to read top Drs of Antigravity: Puthoff and Davis AATIP reports, Sarfati, David… - 2 years ago

@mikekh2365: @LFProduct @eastyorkstech @daviddunninguk World economic forum. They’re also in Partnership with United Kingdom gov… - 2 years ago

@platinumriggs: RT @lunaperla: @KEdge23 Why is it a *necessary* step? Voter fraud is close to zero. Listen to David Davis. Voter ID is a solution looking… - 2 years ago

@Big_Headers: RT @Big_Headers: It does seem that David Davis was a shill telling lies for his corporate sugar sponsors, rather than someone interested in… - 2 years ago

@firlachiel: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@RobEllor: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@gordon_riches: David Davis asked to name Brexit benefit – and his response is embarrassing - 2 years ago

@sw19: RT @Big_Headers: It does seem that David Davis was a shill telling lies for his corporate sugar sponsors, rather than someone interested in… - 2 years ago

@sevendoubley: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@Big_Headers: It does seem that David Davis was a shill telling lies for his corporate sugar sponsors, rather than someone intere… - 2 years ago

@KingKing3107: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@SarahJayneKeny1: @JohnJCrace David Davis walked out. - 2 years ago

@Big_Headers: RT @YorksBylines: In October 2016 David Davis said, “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. We've now reco… - 2 years ago

@weareactors1: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@BetiBarrera71: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a David Davis, guionista y productor de clásicos de la pequeña pantalla como LA CHICA DE LA TELE, TAXI, EL SHOW DE… - 2 years ago

@Millerman213: @daverichard gabe davis or david mont for flex? #askfft - 2 years ago

@coll44_22: RT @DavidDavisMP: The thousands of illegal migrants coming to Britain from safe countries are undermining our asylum system. It is time t… - 2 years ago

@ianbeckett: 2/ shadowy ex- Met cops/2-bit spooks in the saddle. David Davis (MP & former cabinet minister) said the investigat… - 2 years ago

@MXDforever: RT @EdMorrissey: RIP. Thanks for a lot of great memories. // David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob… - 2 years ago

@singinshrops: RT @leather_designs: @MarieAnnUK @baratheongirl Jo Maugham ( 2016 'ish) and David Davis 2002 - 2 years ago

@JoshKraushaar: RT @EdMorrissey: RIP. Thanks for a lot of great memories. // David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob… - 2 years ago

@EdMorrissey: RIP. Thanks for a lot of great memories. // David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘… - 2 years ago

@Mitch_homedepot: RT @KaylaLeMoine2: DDW recognition! Pro lot loader David, PA Christa, D27 associate Ray and DH Davis! Amazing dedicated associates laser fo… - 2 years ago

@Editwit: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@gradyaikens: I’m glad my biggest problem this morning is deciding on who i should start at my flex2 on fantasy. Gabe Davis or Da… - 2 years ago

@oreibot: Coming in 2046... David Davis's Escape from a Cursed Graveyard Featuring, John Johnson - 2 years ago

@alerttsc: RT @csurDeportes: David Ferrer en Canal Sur: "Málaga nos dio todas las facilidades" para acoger la Copa Davis La fase final será en el pab… - 2 years ago

@DwWork2: @paul123pe @LordAshcroft @elonmusk Yes, that was the basic problem of Brexit, we thought we could take a decision &… - 2 years ago

@Md1819: @Justme6165 @KevinBrigger @Miss_Bellatrix @kctaylor35 I respectfully disagree David, once Lee surrendered the gig w… - 2 years ago

@JimmyGClears: Top 10 linebackers right now (Micah Parson excluded I count him as an edge rusher): 1. Fred Warner 2. Shaq Leonard… - 2 years ago

@shopshi: RT @smithsoniannpg: Clive Davis shaped countless careers as a Grammy Award-winning music industry executive. His new portrait by David Hock… - 2 years ago

@jorie_graham: @aliner Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, Baudelaire, Apollinaire,TS Eliot,Ezra Pound,David Jones, HD,Marianne Moore,… - 2 years ago

@javonedmonds45: ⁦@OwlScoop_com⁩ - Essie Davis, David Hawkins highlight Temple's Hall of Fame class - 2 years ago

@BrentHodgson: RT @WokeBrownie: Received this flyer on Friday from local Liberal upper house Member for Southern Metro, David Davis, about the Liberal's p… - 2 years ago

@WingsofCrystal: r.i.p. - 2 years ago

@Notjustanyuser: @IsabelOakeshott You bigged up Brexit many times on Live TV Question Time. Either you ,David Davis and that Bloke t… - 2 years ago

@geof_johns: RT @DavidDavisMP: The thousands of illegal migrants coming to Britain from safe countries are undermining our asylum system. It is time t… - 2 years ago

@BillyCrazy2: @WokeBrownie Did Mr David use this quote from the age when discussing integrity "‘Hammered’ frontbencher David Davi… - 2 years ago

@WellsWellskm: RT @WokeBrownie: Received this flyer on Friday from local Liberal upper house Member for Southern Metro, David Davis, about the Liberal's p… - 2 years ago

@jeguru1: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@stiripesurse_ro: - 2 years ago

@Lucille69932448: RT @SteveOscarbravo: Neil Mitchell said he does not like the personal attacks on Tim Smith and David Davis in the Labour ad , yet he attack… - 2 years ago

@Alejandra_Fueja: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a David Davis, guionista y productor de clásicos de la pequeña pantalla como LA CHICA DE LA TELE, TAXI, EL SHOW DE… - 2 years ago

@NorerPKRAT: Lez go 🫡 @Elliott9John @davis_dobelis @Datacatz @D_David_81 @tpayne7277 @StheticSoftware @zzz_toby @verklemptnft… - 2 years ago

@WokeBrownie: Received this flyer on Friday from local Liberal upper house Member for Southern Metro, David Davis, about the Libe… - 2 years ago

@edugalan: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a David Davis, guionista y productor de clásicos de la pequeña pantalla como LA CHICA DE LA TELE, TAXI, EL SHOW DE… - 2 years ago

@satrian: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@ShirleyBroadw12: @drdavidbull @TalkTV @DrHoenderkamp @ricky_panesar @CarolineFeraday @AndrewM3105 @ReemAmirIbrahim @YasmineAhmed001… - 2 years ago

@bluesenthused: Morning Stuart and Mark @BBC6Music. Just wanted to note that it was just Sportsnight for many years, as the ‘with C… - 2 years ago

@WillTheLandMan: - 2 years ago

@HaHaScribe: RIP David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Co-Creator Was 86 – The Hollywood Reporter - 2 years ago

@harth_david: Claremont and Davis, which is a lot bar to clear since Excalibur has historically been bad since Davis’s writer/art… - 2 years ago

@SocialPiranha3: RT @SteveOscarbravo: Neil Mitchell said he does not like the personal attacks on Tim Smith and David Davis in the Labour ad , yet he attack… - 2 years ago

@calibandog: RT @SteveOscarbravo: Neil Mitchell said he does not like the personal attacks on Tim Smith and David Davis in the Labour ad , yet he attack… - 2 years ago

@SakinatTijani: RT @ZindiAfrica: Happy Blog Day! 🚀 Our favourite Data Scientist, Davis David, give you the front row seat on how you can perform data augme… - 2 years ago

@FranchiseTalkSM: RT @PeteHaileyNBCS: Cole Holcomb AND David Mayo will both be out this weekend. Look for Jamin Davis and Kam Curl to fill those voids at the… - 2 years ago

@hugsrgood: RT @SteveOscarbravo: Neil Mitchell said he does not like the personal attacks on Tim Smith and David Davis in the Labour ad , yet he attack… - 2 years ago

@MelVicOz: @merradeth @oneunderscore__ They're going after Tim Smith, David Davis, Matthew Guy, Morrison, Abbott. Some about p… - 2 years ago

@FordCarole: RT @BridgeeCee: To claim asylum you need to show that you "have a well founded fear of persecution". This can be because of race, religion,… - 2 years ago

@growthingsYeg: RT @Samdfriedman226: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 ht… - 2 years ago

@TCGBNH: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86- - 2 years ago

@chris_h71: RT @RhodaTVShow: Rest in Peace David Davis, writer & producer for "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "Rhoda," "The Bob Newhart Show" & Taxi." He… - 2 years ago

@RickOls31127168: RT @RhodaTVShow: Rest in Peace David Davis, writer & producer for "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "Rhoda," "The Bob Newhart Show" & Taxi." He… - 2 years ago

@Samdfriedman226: RT @mid_day: #MiddayNews | Comedy writer David Davis known for co-creating 'Bob Newhart Show' passes away at 86 #DavidDavis #BobNewhartSh… - 2 years ago

@Samdfriedman226: RT @WIONews: Comedy writer #DavidDavis, who co-created the indelible ensemble comedies 'The Bob Newhart Show' and 'Taxi,' passed away at 86… - 2 years ago

@Samdfriedman226: RT @JuddApatow: David Davis, Writer-Producer on 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show,' 'Rhoda,' 'The Bob Newhart Show' and 'Taxi,' Dies at 86 - The H… - 2 years ago

@Samdfriedman226: RT @RhodaTVShow: Rest in Peace David Davis, writer & producer for "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," "Rhoda," "The Bob Newhart Show" & Taxi." He… - 2 years ago

@Jeremy_Peeples: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@khanartist79: RIP David Davis, one of my all-time faves. - 2 years ago

@bugsburnett: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@faustianovich: La relación de David Davis con el cine se limitó a ser el autor del argumento que dio pie a la comedia con Jerry Le… - 2 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós a David Davis, guionista y productor de clásicos de la pequeña pantalla como LA CHICA DE LA TELE, TAXI, EL SH… - 2 years ago

@toddwacha: RIP David Davis, the comedy writer for shows like The Bob Newhart Show and Taxi. - 2 years ago

@Steffi_955: RT @Samdfriedman226: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 ht… - 2 years ago

@ImDavidC_: "It was a once in a lifetime experience": David Christopher on his experience being on Cosmic Love and connection w… - 2 years ago

@comedynews: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 – Variety - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 300) #American #David #Davis #Dead #November 4, 2022 : '#Bob #Newhart #Show,' '#Taxi' #Writer was 86 -… - 2 years ago

@Frances30683219: RT @Samdfriedman226: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 ht… - 2 years ago

@james_sellnow: @PFF_Fantasy Who should I start for my flex position in my 10 team full-point PPR league… Gabe Davis, David Montgomery, or Deon Jackson? - 2 years ago

@mizabitha: RT @Samdfriedman226: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 ht… - 2 years ago

@UFO_canada: RT @Samdfriedman226: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 ht… - 2 years ago

@UFO_canada: RT @ThatGuy3002: Breaking my self-imposed Twitter exile to share the sad news of the passing of David Davis, Co-Creator of The Bob Newhart… - 2 years ago

@MO8ManFootball: Milestones reached in District Quarterfinals: Coaching Wins: Johnnie Silkett: 35 wins Drew Smith: 30 wins Chuck Dav… - 2 years ago

@brianmagee31: Davis House - Governor David Kennedy shows us round the new 372 cell block yankee dogs - 2 years ago

@SlackerWriter: RT @ThatGuy3002: Breaking my self-imposed Twitter exile to share the sad news of the passing of David Davis, Co-Creator of The Bob Newhart… - 2 years ago

@draftniks: David Price and Greinke also got silly $, along with Justin Upton, Chris Davis, Jordan Zimmermann and Alex Gordon.… - 2 years ago

@MakoMameli: Come parte dell'iniziativa #SaluteToService, sul retro del casco oltre all'adesivo con il nastro camo ci saranno an… - 2 years ago

@JPPT1974: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. David Davis, and thank you. - 2 years ago

@tltrojansports: End of Q3 TL 10 - NM 4 David Finney, Jee Davis each add 1 - 2 years ago

@kaplanikids: RT @kaplanikids: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@kaplanikids: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@MR_GD_LXIX: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@Soriano310ms: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@GinaLawriw: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86… - 2 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @SteveOscarbravo: Neil Mitchell said he does not like the personal attacks on Tim Smith and David Davis in the Labour ad , yet he attack… - 2 years ago

@Anika_roy_: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@leo_olive_: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@foggybottomgal: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created 'Bob Newhart Show' and 'Taxi,' Dies at 86 - Variety - 2 years ago

@TheJoyWriter: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Scampicus: RT @BridgeeCee: To claim asylum you need to show that you "have a well founded fear of persecution". This can be because of race, religion,… - 2 years ago

@PiggAlert: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@corporal_of: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Allareblessed2: @Frankie43900665 @Michelle60711 Frankie, I’ve given Harry and David fruit of the month to my family for decades. I… - 2 years ago

@WeR1WW: RT @staffsuk: - 2 years ago

@realchipriggs: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@rogos87373: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@thetoyman1: RT @johnnydollar01: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@DarrellDWRSE7EN: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@gracepolk17: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@wetwangworrier: RT @DavidDavisMP: The thousands of illegal migrants coming to Britain from safe countries are undermining our asylum system. It is time t… - 2 years ago

@advogato: RT @Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@andywomyn: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@johnnydollar01: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@teams4taps: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@Variety: David Davis, Comedy Writer Who Co-Created ‘Bob Newhart Show‘ and ’Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Emma_2le: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@Olivia7zx: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Writer was 86 - 2 years ago

@staffsuk: - 2 years ago

@TheBookN3rd: RT @ThatGuy3002: Breaking my self-imposed Twitter exile to share the sad news of the passing of David Davis, Co-Creator of The Bob Newhart… - 2 years ago

@_ryyaann_: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@chrispilz: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86… - 2 years ago

@JasonRickey: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_Formby: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

@ClarkCThor1: .@RexChapman This gentleman was a producer on several classic sitcoms. Gave Julie Kavner her speaking part on a sho… - 2 years ago

@cliff_toghill: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

@MorganDavii: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@DEERSnBEERS: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@VandyWBB: RT @KIngramSports: Fun new edition of The Anchor podcast with @AAllegretta… with guests Sacha Washington from @VandyWBB, @VandyFootball’s R… - 2 years ago

@ScottJenningsHH: RT @Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai Bolton 💛… - 2 years ago

@Commanders: And tomorrow, we'll be honoring all five of their fallen family members with decals on our helmets: 💛 1SG Rajai B… - 2 years ago

@mauriceg88: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

@JoeRowl49545003: @alanshearer By the time I got to 18 years of age I got to watch, Wyn Davis, pop Robson,david Craig, Frank Clark, m… - 2 years ago

@satrian: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Coach_Davis_4: RT @CoachThrash: Great job David! A State Championship is always special! @Monterey_Sports - 2 years ago

@facedances3: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@BittrScrptReadr: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@NoahMallin: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@VRValicento: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Burstyn1fan1972: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@Louwat2: RT @DavidDavisMP: The thousands of illegal migrants coming to Britain from safe countries are undermining our asylum system. It is time t… - 2 years ago

@Highcalibre: David Davis Dead: ‘Bob Newhart Show,’ ‘Taxi’ Co-Creator Was 86 – The Hollywood Reporter - 2 years ago

@Dojo50113598: RT @DavidDavisMP: The thousands of illegal migrants coming to Britain from safe countries are undermining our asylum system. It is time t… - 2 years ago

@densusa: @JohnApplebyLD @goodclimate That would be pointless. They key is have the government issue personal identity papers… - 2 years ago

@Vineeshvinni: RT @THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@MayMoore1542: @mikegalsworthy @YorksBylines In the name of Heaven I'm serious now who in the right mind especially anyone over th… - 2 years ago

@RestInPeaceBot: RIP David Davis #DavidDavis - 2 years ago

@THR: David Davis, Writer-Producer on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ ‘Rhoda,’ ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ and ‘Taxi,’ Dies at 86 - 2 years ago

@AggregateGlobal: The government threat to YOUR free speech: Misguided Online Safety Bill will be 'catastrophic' for ordinary people'… - 2 years ago

@Archie1955: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: David Davis, you will be missed - #DavidDavis #David #Davis #rip - 2 years ago

@bti_simon: RT @AlastairMorgan: We need to see more of David "No Downsides" Davis on our TV screens. Or Michael "We Hold All The Cards" Gove. Or Lia… - 2 years ago

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