David Darcy

Australian football player (Western Bulldogs
Died on Saturday August 1st 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to David Darcy:

@homelessbunuelo: @HELLCAT_SPNGLD Idk who is Mr. Darcy but I know David would kill it - 5 years ago

@SClENCEFlCTlON: RT @HELLCAT_SPNGLD: david castañeda as mr. darcy of derbyshire and pemberly when. i’m not asking. - 5 years ago

@HELLCAT_SPNGLD: david castañeda as mr. darcy of derbyshire and pemberly when. i’m not asking. - 5 years ago

@Darcy_Donelle: @bromarMorales @naval @david_perell @patrick_oshag @stoolpresidente @ShaneAParrish @jfc_3_ @BrianFeroldi… - 5 years ago


@Darcy_Donelle: @bromarMorales @naval @david_perell @patrick_oshag @stoolpresidente @ShaneAParrish @jfc_3_ @BrianFeroldi… - 5 years ago

@darcy_shapiro: RT @WhySharksMatter: #SharkWeek special (offer does not expire): if you’re a BIPOC grad student in marine biology/fisheries/wildlife ecolog… - 5 years ago

@Hstgrrl: @AngryBlackLady I remain a fan of the 1980 BBC version. David Rintoul isn't my fav Darcy but he's definitely the st… - 5 years ago

@darcy_drmunya: RT @EdmundKudzayi: On August 5, a father failed get transport out of town. He only managed to get back to Mabvuku at 7pm after 6PM curfew a… - 5 years ago

@wicklowgaa: Darcy Sands IFC Second half David Miley point. Laragh 1-10 Ballinacor 1-06 #officialwicklowgaa #wicklowgaa #darcysands - 5 years ago

@wicklowgaa: Darcy Sands IFC Second half David Molloy point is cancelled out by a Ger Byrne point. Laragh 0-07 Ballinacor 1-05… - 5 years ago

@ImitatingtheDog: RT @lancasterarts: Over the past few weeks #BreathingSpace artists Jen Blackwell and David Darcy of @DanceSyndrome have been exploring the… - 5 years ago

@DanceSyndrome: RT @lancasterarts: Over the past few weeks #BreathingSpace artists Jen Blackwell and David Darcy of @DanceSyndrome have been exploring the… - 5 years ago

@lancasterarts: Over the past few weeks #BreathingSpace artists Jen Blackwell and David Darcy of @DanceSyndrome have been explorin… - 5 years ago

@jimmynebula: @DarceySilva Darcy is the Best! How come you didn’t show up to David, Anne, and Deans stand up comedy debut. I had… - 5 years ago

@_David_Edward: RT @redsteeze: 8/7/20 VersUS Media Podcast: NY Times blows an Antifa sized hole through the narrative of a peaceful Seattle Chaz, pushed by… - 5 years ago

@Real_Jagoff99: RT @trump_nhl: Darcy Kuemper has emerged as a total WINNER for the Arizona Coyotes who eliminated dorky David Poile and the chokin' Nashvil… - 5 years ago

@trump_nhl: Darcy Kuemper has emerged as a total WINNER for the Arizona Coyotes who eliminated dorky David Poile and the chokin… - 5 years ago

@KilmaleyGAA: Starting 15 vs @ballyea_club Junior A Championship Sean Ryan, Darragh McMahon, Martin O'Connor, Sean Talty, Kevin M… - 5 years ago

@ThisIsTheDuke: @UncleZatch David Thewlis (Lupin) as Darcy in puppet form. - 5 years ago

@sciosophia: RT @jifueko: Me: *softly sings Uninvited by Alanis Morisette* @dherms: *musing* so basically it's Darcy Me: what David: Uninvited. It's… - 5 years ago

@jifueko: Me: *softly sings Uninvited by Alanis Morisette* @dherms: *musing* so basically it's Darcy Me: what David: Uninv… - 5 years ago

@bruno_pinheiro: @bjorkdaestepe @matryoska Djair, Evair, David, Darcy... - 5 years ago

@luku_darcy: RT @ActuFoot_: Les joueurs d'Arsenal sont mécontents du licenciement de 55 employés du club. Ils avaient convenu d'une réduction de salair… - 5 years ago

@wife_darcy: #BB22 Keep David safe! - 5 years ago

@KitandCatComics: RT @ImageComics: Check it out! #sljteenlive is tomorrow, and we have a bunch of creators on board! 9:40 AM ET: David Lopez 11:00 AM ET:… - 5 years ago

@j_xmas: RT @ChloeIsAGoth: OMG SLJTEEN LIVE 2020 IS STARTING RIGHT NOOOOOW! Join us today for a panel with Darcy Van Poelgeest, David López, Phil H… - 5 years ago

@Vicky_Holmes: @cgsloan @Jane_S_Carroll @catherinerose80 my next door neighbour's cat it titled 'Mr', Mr Darcy, and her other cat… - 5 years ago

@patwrench4: RT @fiftyminus2: @vonkarlsen Good afternoon David, thank you wonderful picture, happy Wednesday & love to you and Libby, peace and love, Da… - 5 years ago

@fiftyminus2: @vonkarlsen Good afternoon David, thank you wonderful picture, happy Wednesday & love to you and Libby, peace and l… - 5 years ago

@ChloeIsAGoth: OMG SLJTEEN LIVE 2020 IS STARTING RIGHT NOOOOOW! Join us today for a panel with Darcy Van Poelgeest, David López,… - 5 years ago

@HeidiZMehl: @AaronCallahan13 IMO Commnttrs 2 move on (in order): Eddie, Bruce, BT & Dwayne. Special Comm 2 move on: David Kin… - 5 years ago

@3ptSpanishking: @1395FIVEaa TEX WALKER!! Chase jones Matt crouch David Mackay All have to go. And I mean don't come next week.… - 5 years ago

@Summert36927104: @90Leaks Ed, David, Tom ,Darcy and Stacy should have been history 5 episode ago. Get real let get new blood. Step… - 5 years ago

@radxbookreviews: RT @ImageComics: Check it out! #sljteenlive is tomorrow, and we have a bunch of creators on board! 9:40 AM ET: David Lopez 11:00 AM ET:… - 5 years ago

@ImageComics: Check it out! #sljteenlive is tomorrow, and we have a bunch of creators on board! 9:40 AM ET: David Lopez 11:00… - 5 years ago

@FansAFL: On behalf of all #AFL fans, sincere sympathy to Eddie McGuire on the loss of his mum, Bridie, and Luke Darcy and th… - 5 years ago

@DaicosMagic: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@AspiridisMan: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@WADoggies: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@brooke_matkovic: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@darrenjdean: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@RyanSimmonds23: RT @SamLandsberger: As reported last night, the Bulldogs simply forgot to wear black armbands for 133-gamer David Darcy. Son Luke, a former… - 5 years ago

@bradhooperarch: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@ChristoffBotha: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@BulldogKing: RT @SamLandsberger: As reported last night, the Bulldogs simply forgot to wear black armbands for 133-gamer David Darcy. Son Luke, a former… - 5 years ago

@BulldogKing: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@SamLandsberger: As reported last night, the Bulldogs simply forgot to wear black armbands for 133-gamer David Darcy. Son Luke, a fo… - 5 years ago

@jacobkalevski7: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recognise… - 5 years ago

@westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs players and staff will wear black armbands this Saturday against the Brisbane Lions to recogni… - 5 years ago

@runsonpizza1: @SammyCStephens Not just her. She was the first but Darcy, Ed and David are all over the top trying to be funny. - 5 years ago

@David_gomezc: RT @andrearoae: Darcy Quinn: #UribeSoyYo Julito Sánchez: #UribeSoyYo Luis Carlos Vélez: #UribeSoyYo Vicky Davila: #UribeSoyYo Néstor Mo… - 5 years ago

@AnnaFangoy: Carla hat nicht ernsthaft das Apartment von David Darcy gekauft. Was ist denn mit der #AudL - 5 years ago

@David_rPo: RT @andrearoae: Darcy Quinn: #UribeSoyYo Julito Sánchez: #UribeSoyYo Luis Carlos Vélez: #UribeSoyYo Vicky Davila: #UribeSoyYo Néstor Mo… - 5 years ago

@frankii31: @Stevo7AFL Stevo. Not much reported on David Darcy’s passing. Or did I miss out ? I’m sure that’s Luke’s father ! RIP - 5 years ago

@DeliaCazzato: @DavidKirby1 Ooh now now David what’s in your tea ☕️ ooh Sharon be blushing 😮 as me 😂😂😂 what bushes 😮😂😂😂😂 you are s… - 5 years ago

@fiftyminus2: @Jaberwag Thank you David, Darcy is fabulous thank you, her new virtually indestructible ball arrived today, she wi… - 5 years ago

@WCE92940618: @westernbulldogs why didn’t your club where black armbands for the late David Darcy? #RIPDave #AFLPortDogs - 5 years ago

@justind1980: @westernbulldogs Why aren’t the players wearing Black Armbands for David Darcy?? 133 Games for the Club, father of former Captain 🙄🤷‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@DazzlerMasters: No black armbands for the passing of David Darcy? #ripdavid - 5 years ago

@FreoPope: Why aren't the @westernbulldogs wearing black arm bands for David Darcy? #AFLPowerDogs - 5 years ago

@scragga4life: @westernbulldogs Where are the black arm bands for David Darcy.. A great of the club and surely deserves it - 5 years ago

@LinAussie: RIP DAVID DARCY - 5 years ago

@adbunn: @js_kay @westernbulldogs Also would have added poignancy of being worn at old home ground for David Darcy’s SANFL club @southadelaidefc - 5 years ago

@WCE92940618: RT @js_kay: I gather it’s an oversight but I’m a little surprised the @westernbulldogs are not wearing black armbands for David Darcy. #AF… - 5 years ago

@js_kay: I gather it’s an oversight but I’m a little surprised the @westernbulldogs are not wearing black armbands for David Darcy. #AFLPowerDogs - 5 years ago

@stewsy_maca: Hey @westernbulldogs why no black armbands for David Darcy. #mightywest #AFLPowerDogs - 5 years ago

@lestwentyman20: The Les Twentyman Foundation send our Condolences to the Darcy Family on the Passing of David. The Darcy Families… - 5 years ago

@holliannwhite: Pride and prejudice but Michael Sheen is Bingley and David Tennant is Darcy - 5 years ago

@AFLstatsmate: CBA's - Round 9 Game 9 – Fremantle 20 - Sean Darcy 16, Caleb Serong 15, David Mundy 14, Connor Blakely 12, Nathan F… - 5 years ago

@AnnaFangoy: Ach btw: In der Zwischenzeit waren Tom und Carla verlobt, haben sich wieder getrennt, dann wurden erst Paule und da… - 5 years ago

@AnnaFangoy: Ratet mal, welches Auto grad in die Luft geflogen ist. Das von David Darcy. Das wars dann wohl mit ihm 😂 #AudL - 5 years ago

@WADoggies: RT @AndrewGigacz: It was a privilege to have a chat yesterday with Gentleman John Schultz on behalf of the @westernbulldogs, and get a few… - 5 years ago

@AndrewGigacz: It was a privilege to have a chat yesterday with Gentleman John Schultz on behalf of the @westernbulldogs, and get… - 5 years ago

@LoganBrowning4: RT @SEL_1500to1900: The SEL Spring "Tudor and Stuart Drama" issue 60, 2 is on MUSE! We open with a tribute to the late David Bevington, fol… - 5 years ago

@BardenEster: @celaenavitiello Ryan e Cara Avika e Karou Ethan e Alexandra Day e June Will e David Darcy e Elizabeth - 5 years ago

@AFLstatsmate: CBA's - Round 9 Game 9 - Fremantle 20 - Sean Darcy 16, Caleb Serong 15, David Mundy 14, Connor Blakely 12, Nathan F… - 5 years ago

@cgthetweeter: Luke Darcy was just talking about his dad last week on the front bar too, that's shithouse. Rest in peace to David Darcy #AFLPowerDogs - 5 years ago

@WhellumAnthony: RT @southadelaidefc: South Adelaide is sadden by the passing of former Player and Coach, David Darcy. Our thoughts are with the Darcy fam… - 5 years ago

@southadelaidefc: South Adelaide is sadden by the passing of former Player and Coach, David Darcy. Our thoughts are with the Darcy… - 5 years ago

@mgiles1870: - 5 years ago

@miltonbm: Sad news another SA sporting figure has passed away. David Darcy gave the Panthers a real presence in the 1970s. - 5 years ago

@DiegoOrtuso: @michelangeloruc @southadelaidefc Sad times for the many that knew him, especially those closest, always respectful… - 5 years ago

@JoparrJo: RT @michelangeloruc: VALE David Darcy, the warmth of his laughter either at @southadelaidefc or on the Channel Nine football desk will neve… - 5 years ago

@lukewilkinson13: My deepest sympathies to the Darcy family on the passing of David yesterday. David was a true gentleman and a fanta… - 5 years ago

@aflfeeds: Bulldogs mourning loss of club great #AFL: The football community is mourning the passing of former Western Bulldog… - 5 years ago

@SullJack48: RT @JWSpry: RIP #DavidDarcy (my neighbour 😢) - 5 years ago

@SarahReed: RT @michelangeloruc: VALE David Darcy, the warmth of his laughter either at @southadelaidefc or on the Channel Nine football desk will neve… - 5 years ago

@michelangeloruc: VALE David Darcy, the warmth of his laughter either at @southadelaidefc or on the Channel Nine football desk will n… - 5 years ago

@RichJWeston: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@Darcy_PyE: RT @emochonaa: HOY NO ESTAMOS TODAS, NOS FALTA GENEBIT, SU NOVIO LA MATO Se llama David Alejandro, no se olviden de su cara #justiciapar… - 5 years ago

@EganGrant: Very sad to hear that David Darcy has passed away a former Westerners member and ongoing friend of the coterie Davi… - 5 years ago

@DuffJug: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@kjlIP2dXDGHNgU8: Marty Walsh William Howard Taft ESPN Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin' Away Isabelle Huppert Cameron Darcy Ryan Suz… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, David Darcy has passed away - #DavidDarcy #David #Darcy #rip - 5 years ago

@JWSpry: RIP #DavidDarcy (my neighbour 😢) - 5 years ago

@phoebetran_: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@GavinQu24: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@SOUNDS757: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@ajholmes75: RT @JudeDonnelly: Vale David Darcy. He was such a wonderful host at the Precinct Hotel in Richmond. Lots of great memories of after work dr… - 5 years ago

@JudeDonnelly: Vale David Darcy. He was such a wonderful host at the Precinct Hotel in Richmond. Lots of great memories of after w… - 5 years ago

@brianhanson68: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@Stephanie85WAGY: RT @ajholmes75: Vale David Darcy. Grew up listening to him calling @sanfl footy alongside Ian Day. Brilliant commentator too. @westernbulld… - 5 years ago

@ajholmes75: Vale David Darcy. Grew up listening to him calling @sanfl footy alongside Ian Day. Brilliant commentator too.… - 5 years ago

@MrTVAus: 7Sport's Luke Darcy not anchoring tonight's #afleaglescats telecast, following very sad family news overnight 😢 "V… - 5 years ago

@Jarrodkurpiel: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@Bulldogs126: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@Bunba: RT @timverrall: Loved David Darcy commentating the @SANFL on TV growing up #RIP - 5 years ago

@benjid88: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@Bunba: @westernbulldogs very sad to read this news - I remember him for his football in South Australia for… - 5 years ago

@Bunba: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@SiderisJim: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@shayne1963: Geez this time last week Luke Darcy was having a joke with his dad about him shampooing his hair at 1/2 time of gam… - 5 years ago

@Howardubee: RT @westernbulldogs: The Western Bulldogs are mourning the death of former player David Darcy. Darcy played 133 games and kicked 47 goals… - 5 years ago

@BobBoblarr1: @Stevo7AFL @7AFL David Darcy was one of the nicest blokes you’d meet. Very sad. - 5 years ago

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