David Choby

American Roman Catholic prelate
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to David Choby:

@ArchLouKY: RT @Record_Archlou: .@ArchbishopKurtz recuerda al fallecido obispo David Choby @Archlou_es - 8 years ago

@ArchbishopKurtz: RT @Record_Archlou: .@ArchbishopKurtz recuerda al fallecido obispo David Choby @Archlou_es - 8 years ago

@Record_Archlou: .@ArchbishopKurtz recuerda al fallecido obispo David Choby @Archlou_es - 8 years ago

@PadreTwit: RT @CatholicSentnl: @ArchbishpSample on his friend and teacher: Bishop David Choby of Nashville was a true shepherd. - 8 years ago


@CatholicSentnl: @ArchbishpSample on his friend and teacher: Bishop David Choby of Nashville was a true shepherd.… - 8 years ago

@ALurlena: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@bobsmietana: RT @HollyAMeyer: Nashville Bishop David Choby was laid to rest this weekend. - 8 years ago

@HollyAMeyer: Nashville Bishop David Choby was laid to rest this weekend. - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: David Choby is no longer with us - #DavidChoby #David #Choby #rip - 8 years ago

@TheBread_OfLife: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

@BishopStika: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

@BishopStika: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@TCecilJr: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@ASG_ison2nite: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@brianfleming24: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@ArchLouKY: RT @ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@ArchbishopKurtz: A "priests' priest" and a "bishops' bishop": a remembrance of my dear friend Bishop David Choby. See - 8 years ago

@Jacob_Lamoureux: RT @diezba: Most Rev. David R. Choby, XI Bishop of #Nashville (1947—2017). Requiescat in Pace. - 8 years ago

@higdona82: RT @RichRaho: "He always had time for you" - At funeral today in Nashville, Bishop Choby remembered as "a patient and kind man": - 8 years ago

@higdona82: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

@Miller_B: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

@louiesgems1: RT @diezba: Most Rev. David R. Choby, XI Bishop of #Nashville (1947—2017). Requiescat in Pace. - 8 years ago

@FatherShelton: RT @diezba: Most Rev. David R. Choby, XI Bishop of #Nashville (1947—2017). Requiescat in Pace. - 8 years ago

@FatherShelton: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

@Aj081: RT @diezba: Most Rev. David R. Choby, XI Bishop of #Nashville (1947—2017). Requiescat in Pace. - 8 years ago

@uFVo9rjQEamKLud: RT @winstonfdavis: Most Rev. David R. Choby died on the eve of #Pentecost. Please pray for the repose of +Choby and for the Diocese of Nash… - 8 years ago

@KalinaBoulter: RT @diezba: Most Rev. David R. Choby, XI Bishop of #Nashville (1947—2017). Requiescat in Pace. - 8 years ago

@asbecht: RT @ArchbishpSample: A sad day in Nashville... - 8 years ago

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