David Caplan

Canadian politician
Died on Thursday July 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to David Caplan:

@OSPE_CEO: RT @AnnetteBergeron: Very sad to hear of David Caplan’s passing. Here he was Minister of Infrastructure and I was President of @O_S_P_E in… - 6 years ago

@AnnetteBergeron: Very sad to hear of David Caplan’s passing. Here he was Minister of Infrastructure and I was President of @O_S_P_E… - 6 years ago

@AllAmericanHC: RT @mysuncoast: Sarasota, you’re beautiful. Thanks to David Caplan, who took this picture from #goldengatepoint - #sarasota #srq #sunset #s… - 6 years ago

@partnershipsont: RT @spaikin: An appropriately massive crowd showed up to remember david caplan, the 54-yr-old former @OntLiberal cabinet minister, who died… - 6 years ago


@stevewightman1: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring #USArmy 2Lt David Leon Caplan, died 8/1/1970 in South Vietnam. Honor him so he is not forgotten. - 6 years ago

@mysuncoast: Sarasota, you’re beautiful. Thanks to David Caplan, who took this picture from #goldengatepoint - #sarasota #srq… - 6 years ago

@johangreg: RT @yowflier: .@JustinTrudeau begins remarks remembering David Caplan, former Ontario cabinet minister who died suddenly last week. - 6 years ago

@GitchieCheechoo: RT @yowflier: .@JustinTrudeau begins remarks remembering David Caplan, former Ontario cabinet minister who died suddenly last week. - 6 years ago

@David_Boaz: @ZachWeiner @bryan_caplan Darts? - 6 years ago

@realeatsRD: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@JacquieLaRocque: RT @yowflier: .@JustinTrudeau begins remarks remembering David Caplan, former Ontario cabinet minister who died suddenly last week. - 6 years ago

@l_stone: RT @yowflier: .@JustinTrudeau begins remarks remembering David Caplan, former Ontario cabinet minister who died suddenly last week. - 6 years ago

@yowflier: .@JustinTrudeau begins remarks remembering David Caplan, former Ontario cabinet minister who died suddenly last week. - 6 years ago

@8yeargap1111: RT @TrueQanuck11: 170) Family of late politician David Caplan (Former Liberal Health Minister) says he died after a 'fire accident' Caplan… - 6 years ago

@PaulMoreau19: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@seantorrie: When David’s son Ben spoke, we learned that Ben was a Special Olympian, too. He summed up his father’s political li… - 6 years ago

@palominorasta: RT @sheamusmurphy: Reflections on David Caplan from @spaikin. "David brokered the Places to Grow Act, which somehow managed to find favour… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @papillon4444: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO A beautiful tribute to a beautiful… - 6 years ago

@OneEssexCourt: Supreme Court clarifies the scope of Article 24 of the Recast Regulation. David Caplan appeared for the successful… - 6 years ago

@PJMoore_TO: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@GetachewSS: Sometimes, politics makes you content (P. Trudeau), bitter (Turner), fulfilled (Chretien), Not-feel-respected (Mulr… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @kamazonia: Rest in peace, David Caplan. Forever in our hearts. You were an amazing big brother to my friend, and a devoted son and fami… - 6 years ago

@papillon4444: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO A beautiful tribute to a bea… - 6 years ago

@bobernest: Beautiful tribute ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@jm_mcgrath: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@jryerson1: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@vindies09640004: RT @robertbenzie: NEW: A statement from David Caplan’s family about the tragic accident that caused the death of the popular former Ontario… - 6 years ago

@ctarny: RT @robertbenzie: NEW: A statement from David Caplan’s family about the tragic accident that caused the death of the popular former Ontario… - 6 years ago

@SharonANavarro: RT @robertbenzie: NEW: A statement from David Caplan’s family about the tragic accident that caused the death of the popular former Ontario… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @theresaboyle: 'Fun, meaningful, purposeful': Remembering David Caplan - - 6 years ago

@juliedilorenzo3: @spaikin David=Honourable&Inspirational. When I was elected Pres.of - 6 years ago

@michaeltaube: Steve Paikin (@spaikin) has written a wonderful piece about David Caplan's life and career. Take a look. - 6 years ago

@jessesmichaels: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@David_W_Gordon: @bryan_caplan Zero. Any country that had my ideal policies would likely have become a dyspotian hellscape along the way. - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @Focalocity: I first met @spaikin when he was a fresh reporter on the medical beat & I was in Communications at the OMA. He was & has re… - 6 years ago

@Focalocity: I first met @spaikin when he was a fresh reporter on the medical beat & I was in Communications at the OMA. He was… - 6 years ago

@BobYuhasz: RT @reggcohn: ICYMI David Caplan showed me how politics was really played. Reflections on the passing of a politician who treated political… - 6 years ago

@kamazonia: Rest in peace, David Caplan. Forever in our hearts. You were an amazing big brother to my friend, and a devoted son… - 6 years ago

@web_of_health: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @sheamusmurphy: Reflections on David Caplan from @spaikin. "David brokered the Places to Grow Act, which somehow managed to find favour… - 6 years ago

@BobYuhasz: RT @peterlbursey: A must-read by @reggcohn for all politicians or aspiring politicians! “He struck me as a poster child for grownup politi… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @hamiltonmama: Thanks @spaikin for this. Exactly the man I knew and a great summary of our celebration. ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’:… - 6 years ago

@LoriSarkisian: RT @TheAgenda: .@spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan - 6 years ago

@MacLeodLisa: RT @TheAgenda: .@spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: .@spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan - 6 years ago

@sheamusmurphy: Reflections on David Caplan from @spaikin. "David brokered the Places to Grow Act, which somehow managed to find fa… - 6 years ago

@hamiltonmama: Thanks @spaikin for this. Exactly the man I knew and a great summary of our celebration. ‘Fun, meaningful, purpos… - 6 years ago

@Gumballmodel: The #rainbowplague hits Canada! Just the beginning! #gumballmodel - 6 years ago

@reggcohn: RT @peterlbursey: A must-read by @reggcohn for all politicians or aspiring politicians! “He struck me as a poster child for grownup politi… - 6 years ago

@JoanVinallCox: RT @reggcohn: ICYMI David Caplan showed me how politics was really played. Reflections on the passing of a politician who treated political… - 6 years ago

@ElaineBelcher4: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@tricialedgar: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@joe_warmington: RT @fgrosso63: Always proud of my husband’’s contribution to good journalism. Particularly proud of this piece on a tremendously compassi… - 6 years ago

@peterlbursey: @reggcohen “He struck me as a poster child for grownup politics...” @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer @ElizabethMay ple… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @fgrosso63: Always proud of my husband’’s contribution to good journalism. Particularly proud of this piece on a tremendously compassi… - 6 years ago

@peterlbursey: A must-read by @reggcohn for all politicians or aspiring politicians! “He struck me as a poster child for grownup… - 6 years ago

@trixiedoyle: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@JordanAGlass: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: .@spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan - 6 years ago

@bryan_leblanc: @JesseRosenberg RT @reggcohn: ICYMI David Caplan showed me how politics was really played. Reflections on the passi… - 6 years ago

@WeirDoug: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan | TVO - 6 years ago

@fgrosso63: Always proud of my husband’’s contribution to good journalism. Particularly proud of this piece on a tremendously… - 6 years ago

@DanielKitts: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@JacquiDow1: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@liz_allder: RT @reggcohn: ICYMI David Caplan showed me how politics was really played. Reflections on the passing of a politician who treated political… - 6 years ago

@TheAgenda: RT @spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

@spaikin: ‘Fun, meaningful, purposeful’: Remembering David Caplan. - 6 years ago

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