Dave Draper

American bodybuilder
Died on Tuesday November 30th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Dave Draper:

@GailWri60411258: Legend Dave Draper passed. Very sad, he will be missed - 3 years ago

@dira_marie: RT @SolBrah: Getting Started on Your New Workout Program - Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@DaraLedet: RT @SolBrah: Getting Started on Your New Workout Program - Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@nowaysbrah: RT @SolBrah: Getting Started on Your New Workout Program - Dave Draper - 3 years ago


@Jim_RustleMD: RT @SolBrah: Getting Started on Your New Workout Program - Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@SolBrah: Getting Started on Your New Workout Program - Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@CovilRafael: Dave Draper: Dave Draper foi um fisiculturista norte americano nascido em 16 de abril de 1842 em secaucus, Nova Jerā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MadGear_Z666: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: Dave Draper - Leroy Colbert's Tribute To His Friend - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: RIP Dave Draper: The Blonde Bomber Passes at Age 79 - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@LoseWeight8119: Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoys bike ride... after paying tribute to 'idol' bodybuilder Dave Draper Arnold Schwarzenegā€¦ - 3 years ago

@realfredburdine: Today will be more important tomorrow. -Dave Draper, RIP - 3 years ago

@StewartTitan: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Empath_Coach_RR: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Diego_Galaviz_: RT @Sooners_B12C: Berry Whitaker Bill Juneau Eugene Van Gent Dave Allerdice Billy Wasmund Dexter Draper WE Metzenthin HR Schneker Ralph Hutā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sooners_B12C: Berry Whitaker Bill Juneau Eugene Van Gent Dave Allerdice Billy Wasmund Dexter Draper WE Metzenthin HR Schneker Ralā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Macson_Heart: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@diariodeunfc: Muere Dave Draper a los 79 aƱos | DIARIO DE UN FISICOCULTURISTA - 3 years ago

@AnyGivenFri: Really enjoyed Dave's writing style and the way he talked about lifting. Motivated me. RIP - 3 years ago

@Sniper137_: RT @Sniper137_: Dave Draper the Golden Age of American Bodybuilding Icon. April 16 1942-November 30 2021. Rest In Peace, Blond Bomber! #Godā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sniper137_: Dave Draper (16/04/1942-30/11/2021) "The Blond Bomber" of the 1960's USA bodybuilding scene, Arnold Schwarzenegger'ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JCon286: RT @KeyesBill: It is with a sad heart that I advise of the passing of bodybuilding icon, Dave Draper, this morning CA time, at 79. A classiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BrunoFinn: RT @ChuckSteeleSr: I had just gotten an email from Laree, (his wife) about Dave's passing; I hadn't seen the news... RIP Blonde Bomber. šŸ˜¢ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ChuckSteeleSr: I had just gotten an email from Laree, (his wife) about Dave's passing; I hadn't seen the news... RIP Blonde Bombeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@snarayan: One of my inspirations, Dave Draper, expired recently aged 79. I remember going through his IronOnline newslettersā€¦ - 3 years ago

@isaiah_520: RIP Dave Draper: The Blonde Bomber Passes at Age 79 - 3 years ago

@SweetAnette96: Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns Death of Bodybuilder Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@Mid_sports: RT @knightsbball: We want to thank ALL of the friends & family of the Middletown Basketball program who have donated so far. Especially Samā€¦ - 3 years ago

@knightsbball: We want to thank ALL of the friends & family of the Middletown Basketball program who have donated so far. Especialā€¦ - 3 years ago

@jploenneke: @DrMJoyner Not sure if they are related somewhere along the line...haha But Dave Draper is certainly a legend - 3 years ago

@DrMJoyner: @jploenneke I thought it might be related to Dave Draperā€¦. - 3 years ago

@ApersFred: @5Djindji Dave Draper ook. - 3 years ago

@aristokrat054: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@kyle_draper: RT @ESPNRittenberg: Believe #Oregon should go all in on Dave Aranda. Could be re-signing with Baylor, but nothing is done yet. He's very loā€¦ - 3 years ago

@NguyetSchweizer: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@schnoddelbotz: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@jacobAwatsonn: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BievesA: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sniper137_: RT @Sniper137_: Dave Draper the Golden Age of American Bodybuilding Icon. April 16 1942-November 30 2021. Rest In Peace, Blond Bomber! #Godā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DianaMSharpton: RT @john_siracusa: Dave Draper - Beverly Hillbillies - 3 years ago

@john_siracusa: Dave Draper - Beverly Hillbillies - 3 years ago

@john_siracusa: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@john_siracusa: Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns Death of Bodybuilder Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@john_siracusa: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@Sniper137_: Dave Draper the Golden Age of American Bodybuilding Icon. April 16 1942-November 30 2021. Rest In Peace, Blond Bombā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Estudio_Rey: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ErikMekyna: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@itsgotastop: Dave Draper - Beverly Hill. - 3 years ago

@LeanStrength: Somehow I missed the news about Dave Draper a few days agoā€¦ if aliens landed & asked what physical culture was, orā€¦ - 3 years ago

@waer883: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@yasuharusaitoh: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@schnoddelbotz: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@haforsko: - 3 years ago

@BatEatsMoth: Dave Draper - Beverly Hill. - 3 years ago

@fett1111: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@IgorIC1: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RUGODA: šŸ†šŸ¤“šŸ…šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead at 79 Years Old : Known as "The Blonde Bomber", Draper won the coveted Mā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Karmaboy4U: R.I.P. to the Blonde Bomber- Dave Draper. šŸ™šŸ‘ - 3 years ago

@athIetedepot: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. Ifā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Lib_Schwarzwald: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@justabidinglaws: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@HifiveStev: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Syndrome_Amok: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@kwamie42: RT @TMZ: Dave Draper -- one of the most legendary figures in the history of bodybuilding -- has died ... and Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BarelyAlive6M: Dave Draper - Beverly Hill. - 3 years ago

@dantrainer: - 3 years ago

@PedanticBohemia: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@johnstoll18: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@LaNutria_: RT @anticomunistaf: Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper es anticomunista. - 3 years ago

@EctomorphBB: #BodyBuilding NEWS FLASH: Schwarzenegger bodybuilding idol Dave Draper dead at age 79 - NPR - 3 years ago

@MaryandBessie: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns #NewsBreak - 3 years ago

@katiedyd2: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@octonion: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BruceWallab44: Dave Draper died 12/1--- he was the "guy" before Arnold Swarzeneggar šŸ¤” - 3 years ago

@catanzarogroup: "They were my solid steel friends that I could trust," Draper wrote on his website. "When the going got tough, whenā€¦ - 3 years ago

@gym_owens: RT @LeeVanCleef1: RIP Blonde Bomber Dave Draper - a True BodyBuilding Legend - 3 years ago

@VincentRmi1: Dave Draper, dĆ©cĆØde Ć  79 ans. LĆ©gende, de l'histoire mondiale de la musculation. Schwartzenegger, pleure son idolā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DundeeNorteno: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RogelioTuason: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@scouse_bob: RT @TheRealXPac: The legendary Dave Draper has passed away. šŸ™ #RIP - 3 years ago

@margreis9: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@Sniper137_: Dave Draper. Arnold Schwarzenegger's friend and mentor. - 3 years ago

@Jimmygotsoul: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@LiteratureTips: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@Edoctor03393607: RT @KeyesBill: It is with a sad heart that I advise of the passing of bodybuilding icon, Dave Draper, this morning CA time, at 79. A classiā€¦ - 3 years ago

@mcutimes: Schwarzenegger bodybuilding idol Dave Draper dies at age 79:Ā NPR - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @GossipCoded: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79 Years OldšŸ’” - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: Dave Draper, iconic American bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@don_pahblo_: RT @GossipCoded: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79 Years OldšŸ’” - 3 years ago

@metawesternsun: RT @SolBrah: INSTINCTIVE WEIGHT TRAINING - by Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@TheIronPriest1: RIP Dave Draper: The Blonde Bomber Passes at Age 79 - 3 years ago

@damagecase1982: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@mirror_man69: #RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@drkevinedward: DAVE DRAPER... I am sorry to hear of Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper passed away today at the age of 79. He was a pā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BatEatsMoth: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@rinaskal: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bernardscott3: @TheBradRules1 @JcsCommentary @CountdownEnded @joerogan Before Schwarzenegger, there was Dave Draper: Bodybuildingā€¦ - 3 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@whoisnas27: RT @SolBrah: INSTINCTIVE WEIGHT TRAINING - by Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@TheKoontzy: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Derbys_Democrat: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JimJ_candid: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Coryransomart: RT @AJWhite47339434: @iamyesyouareno Dave Draper, the blonde bomber, massively underrated Mr. Universe. - 3 years ago

@SedLaCheck_P: RT @NPR: Dave Draper, the sinewy former Mr. Universe who was known as "the Blond Bomber" and inspired a generation of bodybuilders includinā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CAT_GUY10: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@jlmoreno_: RT @menshealthESP: Muere el Ć­dolo culturista de Arnold Schwarzenegger y asĆ­ ha sido cĆ³mo la leyenda ha querido rendirle homenaje. - 3 years ago

@vivaDBSK: RT @menshealthESP: Muere el Ć­dolo culturista de Arnold Schwarzenegger y asĆ­ ha sido cĆ³mo la leyenda ha querido rendirle homenaje. - 3 years ago

@Jayakum52707869: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@PulpNews: Bodybuilding Legend #Dave Draper #Dead At 79, #Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns - Dec 2 @ 1:59 AM ET [video onsite] - 3 years ago

@WEBDENews_Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger trauert um Bodybuilder-Idol Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@WEBDENews: Arnold Schwarzenegger trauert um Bodybuilder-Idol Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@DickBikeRider: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@illbeback_0730: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_TheGMan: RT @RealNickAldis: RIP Dave Draper, one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time. Fun Fact: The only A* I ever got in High School was my GCSā€¦ - 3 years ago

@TarzanandJane7: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@joerogan121: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Ta14296771James: RT @people: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@CRUCUNO56: Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Heartfelt Tribute For The Late Dave Draper: ā€œHe Was One of My Idolsā€ - 3 years ago

@10LbsBiscuit: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@debe1989: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_El_Barto_1: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@De_Li_Yang: RT @menshealthESP: Muere el Ć­dolo culturista de Arnold Schwarzenegger y asĆ­ ha sido cĆ³mo la leyenda ha querido rendirle homenaje. - 3 years ago

@MrWolf61974568: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@billrockyhoney: 7 =DRAPER WINS IFBB Mr. AMERICA =CLICK =R.I.P. MY FRIEND DAVE DRAPER... =FOLLOW ME, Iā€¦ - 3 years ago

@913wood: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@_CiNCiNNaTi: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@babiousB: Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies atĀ 79 - 3 years ago

@TSBull213: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold SchwarzeneggerĀ Mourns - 3 years ago

@CarterPenningtn: Dave Draper was truly inspirational. As a young kid growing up in Brooklyn, images of a strong, fit, muscular persoā€¦ - 3 years ago

@boywithnolove: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@rattlehum: RT @LeeVanCleef1: RIP Blonde Bomber Dave Draper - a True BodyBuilding Legend - 3 years ago

@PapillonFlacko: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@mongehodl: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@svbizjournal: Famed bodybuilder and Santa Cruz businessman Dave Draper dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@modem_: RT @anticomunistaf: Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper es anticomunista. - 3 years ago

@ArthurDTayra: RT @JoeMoose517: Just got the email that The Blonde Bomber, Dave Draper, passed away earlier today. He was my inspiration to lift and his wā€¦ - 3 years ago

@colt_sirstins: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@cemcdnld: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@JoeMoose517: Just got the email that The Blonde Bomber, Dave Draper, passed away earlier today. He was my inspiration to lift anā€¦ - 3 years ago

@dm2021000: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@HMAbdou: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tech4290: RIP Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@MMuagui: RT @SolBrah: To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DillonRoyal4: RT @realdillonroyal: #RIP Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@TMZ_Sports: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns - 3 years ago

@realdillonroyal: #RIP Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@republic: Dave Draper passes away at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger pens tribute to bodybuilding ā€˜idolā€™ - 3 years ago

@Targete14483774: RT @TMZ: Dave Draper -- one of the most legendary figures in the history of bodybuilding -- has died ... and Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@randallboy83: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@LombardyLobby: @ReverieAbsinthe LHP are so sneaky. They never tell you up front, you have to discover it. RIP, Dave Draper. Thisā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Yousstoun: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@1975jetsfan4: RT @TMZ: Dave Draper -- one of the most legendary figures in the history of bodybuilding -- has died ... and Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@djaciidmoon: @Schwarzenegger r.i.p. Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@MiguelHilargiak: RT @menshealthESP: Muere el Ć­dolo culturista de Arnold Schwarzenegger y asĆ­ ha sido cĆ³mo la leyenda ha querido rendirle homenaje. - 3 years ago

@Abc13313156: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Kelseyaep: RT @TMZ_Sports: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns - 3 years ago

@angrypuppyfilms: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CommodusOfRoma: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@TracyYerden: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns - 3 years ago

@jjrbs: @Schwarzenegger Rest In Peace,Mr. David "Dave" Draper. - 3 years ago

@jjrbs: @menshealthESP Descanse en paz,seƱor David "Dave" Draper. - 3 years ago

@Sukhdeep_Butty: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sukhdeep_Butty: RT @RealNickAldis: RIP Dave Draper, one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time. Fun Fact: The only A* I ever got in High School was my GCSā€¦ - 3 years ago

@HuSTLer314STL: RT @RealNickAldis: RIP Dave Draper, one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time. Fun Fact: The only A* I ever got in High School was my GCSā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RealNickAldis: RIP Dave Draper, one of my favorite bodybuilders of all time. Fun Fact: The only A* I ever got in High School was mā€¦ - 3 years ago

@djmcgee_deb: RIP Dave Draper, a hard worker, and real inspiration āœØ - 3 years ago

@SVBizRosie: I had the honor of communicating with some of the people closest to Dave Draper for this obituary including his widā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SmashBlockTV: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold SchwarzeneggerĀ Mourns - 3 years ago

@KaliGoldGaming: RIP Dave Draper. A body builder that inspired me to start lifting weights when I was in high school circa 1970s. #DaveDraper - 3 years ago

@BriGuyTheMainG1: RT @TheRealXPac: The legendary Dave Draper has passed away. šŸ™ #RIP - 3 years ago

@chaos_amethyst: RT @people: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@gummerhubba: RT @people: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@totevt78: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@people: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Dies at 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Him an 'Inspiration' - 3 years ago

@SpecialBranch3: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@VesisSlime: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@408Nate: RT @SVBizRosie: Anyone out there in the #SantaCruz and/or #ScottsValley areas who knew bodybuilder Dave Draper (or frequented his gyms) andā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RexForces: RT @anticomunistaf: Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper es anticomunista. - 3 years ago

@OOCprogresismo: RT @anticomunistaf: Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper es anticomunista. - 3 years ago

@John76327723: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@takayan309: RT @Independent: Arnold Schwarzenegger pays touching tribute to ā€˜idolā€™ who inspired his acting career - 3 years ago

@EuroPseudo: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@anticomunistaf: Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper es anticomunista. - 3 years ago

@ConnieScouts: RT @TMZ: Dave Draper -- one of the most legendary figures in the history of bodybuilding -- has died ... and Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tomy2875: Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns Death of Body Building Legend Dave Draper #NewsBreak - 3 years ago

@SharaVigeant: RIP Dave Draper. Blonde Bomber. If you lift, you know. If you are old school, you know. - 3 years ago

@RanaNb72: RIP Dave Draper ! Condolences go out to youre family & friends at this time . God bless your soul .šŸ•ŠļøšŸ™šŸ¼šŸŒ¹ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@McKinsonGallery: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79, Arnold Schwarzenegger Mourns - 3 years ago

@solarbolism: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@affanmanssoori: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KevinChouinard8: Rest in peace Dave Draper. You were always more than just Mr. universe and Mr. world in the bodybuilding arena. Yoā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BobGermanovich: RIP Dave Draper #RIPDaveDraper - 3 years ago

@green_hindu: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@ironmaglabs: DAVE DRAPER THE BLONDE BOMBER PASSES AWAY AT 79 šŸ˜” šŸ‘‰ #davedraper #blondebomberā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CVitalist: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_fodaemo: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@Noemet_: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@voxSDW: Aptos resident #DaveDraper, an iconic, former world-class bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@adabagcompany: Inside Dave Draperā€™s bodybuilding career as ā€˜Mr Universeā€™ dies agedĀ 79 - 3 years ago

@john_siracusa: RT @john_siracusa: - 3 years ago

@Intransigent33: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@menshealthESP: La leyenda ha querido rendir homenaje en redes a su compaƱero Dave Draper con un texto precioso. - 3 years ago

@TheSunUS: #BREAKING: Iconic bodybuilder dead at 79 as Arnold Schwarzenegger leads tributes - 3 years ago

@lovehatemos: - 3 years ago

@Suffer_Till_End: RT @Independent: Arnold Schwarzenegger pays touching tribute to ā€˜idolā€™ who inspired his acting career - 3 years ago

@alexpk321: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@sigewataru: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BenoitReturn: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@Vlad48458159: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@usdaynews: Unfortunately, an iconic, world-class bodybuilder #DaveDraper, who owned World Gym in Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley,ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@HermitNode: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@LegendaryTony2: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@dullah1993: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@abssportru: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper has Passed Away at 79 #DaveDraper #RIP - 3 years ago

@StanPearse: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@WeaponAutismMK2: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Arnold Schwarzenegger heartbroken as his 'idol' Dave Draper dies - 3 years ago

@sneksnek_1: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@heckoffgoldberg: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@Bangers38: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@a_dhineshraja: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@PereVallK: RT @faustianovich: AdiĆ³s a David 'Dave' Draper, culturista con un memorable personaje en cine: el cachas playero de NO HAGAN OLAS. HabĆ­a heā€¦ - 3 years ago

@schnoddelbotz: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@menshealthESP: Muere el Ć­dolo culturista de Arnold Schwarzenegger y asĆ­ ha sido cĆ³mo la leyenda ha querido rendirle homenaje.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Austin75905600: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@Zetaku5: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@EricMoffitt6: Rest in Peace Mr. Dave "The Blonde Bomber" Draper...ORIGINAL IFBB Bodybuilding legend who shared the stage with allā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MongolBerserker: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@zero2152: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@cincyredbengal: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@Olafdererste: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@lewisbroom99: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@TobiasToxitek: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Amillionhungry1: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@justquisquilia: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@TheNBT: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@AngueraRamON30: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@debbiea22238066: @GoldenEraBodyb1 - 3 years ago

@Saheedah4017: Dave Draper dead, Bodybuilding Legend at 79 Check ā€“ Cause OfĀ Death - 3 years ago

@Creolus_Magnus: RT @GoldenEraBodyb1: Rest in peace, Dave. Dave ā€˜the Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. - 3 years ago

@AndrewMacCloud: @PGrasspriet gaat neet in de bodybuilding scene, ze vallen bij bosjes worst year yet in bodybuilding history, vrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@crom1586: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@jreuben1: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper has Passed Away at 79 - 3 years ago

@stockofficer1: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@trunikov: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RomainTorrese: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@cameroonmag: CM ā€“ Arnold Schwarzenegger RIP Dave Draper, lĆ©gende de la musculation ā€“ Silver ScreenĀ Beat - 3 years ago

@OCanonist: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tech__io: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@TheBarbell: Dave Draper died today at 79. He won the 1965 Mr. America, 1966 Mr. Universe, acted in several films, and was a fixā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Lyndseyhyer: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CRUCUNO56: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper has Passed Away at 79 - 3 years ago

@AaliHasan10: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at age 79. #Davedraper #bodybuilding #USA - 3 years ago

@GossipCoded: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79 Years OldšŸ’” - 3 years ago

@DNAmers: Goodnight #bodybuilding legend Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@alexheard: Here's Dave (playing Mr. Universe) being matchmade with Ellie May Clampett, who's wearing a bathing suit designed fā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Viking_931: RT @corygfitness: RIP - Dave Draper - The Blonde Bomber - 3 years ago

@alexheard: This is a great thread about Dave Draper. I always found him entertaining. Sounds like he was a great person too. - 3 years ago

@cameroonmag: CM ā€“ Le rĆ©sident dā€™Aptos Dave Draper, un ancien bodybuilder emblĆ©matique de classe mondiale, dĆ©cĆØde Ć  79Ā ans - 3 years ago

@KippUpton: RIP Dave Draper. Definitely an inspiration to many. One of the top bodybuilders from the Golden Era, the best era,ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Parth60554378: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Cinekim2016: Legendary Bodybuilder Dave Draper Has Passed Away At 79 Years Old - 3 years ago

@Alexsuprim: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ArthurBluehulk: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@pranav_jais: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@not777s: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RenardFantastiq: On the set of Donā€™t Make Waves. - 3 years ago

@Mattmil53061142: RIP Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@PrabhakarThanks: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Patrick00027294: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RenardFantastiq: RT @C_Truth_: A few more of Dave Draper, aka The Blonde Bomber. ā¤ļø Also pictured is young Arnold, Betty Weider, and Frank Zane. šŸ’ŖšŸŒŠšŸ‘™ #muscleā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RenardFantastiq: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RenardFantastiq: Goddamn. My all-time favorite bodybuilder. I canā€™t say how many times Iā€™ve read this piece over the last 30+ years.ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@joelewisgod: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Rscottstevens: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@briangoff: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@BeingNastik: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@masterplur47: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Musclebeech: RIP Dave ā€œthe Blonde Bomberā€ Draper. Godspeed. #RIP #bodybuilding - 3 years ago

@13cpKaththi: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_Vaibhav_ingle: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@3Clicksinvest: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RockySeth007: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DiegoAleEsco: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SendaiNJ: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead at 79 Years Old | BarBend - 3 years ago

@Jim_Seimas: RT @scsentinel: Aptos resident Dave Draper, an iconic, former world-class bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@maxisottile: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@thepangleangle: RT @barrymccarty: Dave Draper, who was Mr. America in 1965 and Mr. Universe in 1966, passed from this life today. Following his retirementā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Dragongirl341: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SmithyFitnessTo: So sorry to hear that Dave Draper passed away today. My brother and I idolized Dave as we were growing up. The blonā€¦ - 3 years ago

@barrymccarty: Dave Draper, who was Mr. America in 1965 and Mr. Universe in 1966, passed from this life today. Following his retirā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JustinPasciak: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@totowatony: RT @soulrideblog: Bodybuilding legend Dave Draper passed away today at age 79. The former Mr. America and Mr. Universe was in Don't Make Waā€¦ - 3 years ago

@anaboricssh: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@anaboricssh: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@robertel0135: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@hereisramji: Dave Draper, one of the all-time greats in bodybuilding - 3 years ago

@soulrideblog: Bodybuilding legend Dave Draper passed away today at age 79. The former Mr. America and Mr. Universe was in Don't Mā€¦ - 3 years ago

@pajberry: RT @fitness_volt: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper has Passed Away at 79 - 3 years ago

@chadTentBiz: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CaloriesProper: RIP Dave Draper (1942-2021; 79 years young) The Blond Bomber. Legend. - 3 years ago

@tonybordon: @Schwarzenegger Dave Draper was a role model. As an amateur bodybuilder from the mid to late 80s I worshiped and reā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MukundN27: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@scsentinel: Aptos resident Dave Draper, an iconic, former world-class bodybuilder, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@DerVirrey: I just learned that Dave Draper ā€œThe Blond Bomberā€ gave up the Ghost today. Rest In Power King - 3 years ago

@IronHeaver: Dave Draper The Blond Bomber RIP - 3 years ago

@CNutbag: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@FosseLeo: RIP Dave Draper, dead at 79. He was one of the biggest names in bodybuilding in the 1960s, the era before Arnold, aā€¦ - 3 years ago

@DXDdragon11: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RaulM06: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@susantkeiser: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JA2CoolBrEEzE84: RIP Dave Draper definitely did not see this coming, his iconic Draper Curl has always been a staple in my workout rā€¦ - 3 years ago

@AJamalkhani: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SamTee247: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@SMUheavyweight: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@avesikander: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JustinGross11: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@sean_toh: This is specially for Dave Draper, my Bodybuilding Legend and Inspirational Idol! RIP. There is always a dream! Xxxā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RomanPalacka: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Jim_RustleMD: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Sandrokujo: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@galaxy01271998: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JimLNeibaur: SAD FAREWELL I remember muscle man Dave Draper from his appearances in 60s movies and TV shows. I recall on The Bevā€¦ - 3 years ago

@tvsteve: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead at 79 Years Old #SmartNews - 3 years ago

@PatrickP_Viking: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@PatrickP_Viking: RT @fitness_volt: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper has Passed Away at 79 - 3 years ago

@deeohh21: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Charlie_Bant0n: RT @AJA_Cortes: Seriously, unless you have a concussion, you're bleeding or beyond reasonable mobility, there are no excuses, are there? ~ā€¦ - 3 years ago

@newbreen: One of the legendary Giants of bodybuilding! Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead at 79 Years Old - 3 years ago

@gocoo: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@bigtz3: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@supervisor194: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RockRt66: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Lucianososa38: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Murthy9631: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@vanceinla: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CMESportsNews: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Cawfeel: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@edwinmejia_jr: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Hakuman6: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@GabrielDavidson: A throwback, in hooor of Dave Draper. - 3 years ago

@nascibryan: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@EM__KING: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Guhzeh: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ArafatSikdar6: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@captainrodes: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@KennyNakawaki: Rest In Peace to one of the Golden Era legends Dave Draper šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ» always saw him in videos or pics training with Arnoā€¦ - 3 years ago

@kajitsuka19: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@MCsnowball1: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@1finekitty: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@GZeroConspiracy: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead At 79 Years Old - 3 years ago

@Matsu_Iichi: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@whatisamnesia: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@denispaullo: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CasualBosniak: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Ldsadiq: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@EricRawsonPhD: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@iamvengeance_45: RT @GenerationIron: Legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper has passed away at 79 yards old. GI wants to send condolences to friends and family dā€¦ - 3 years ago

@gocoo_59: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@wanrong_liz: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Rodrigo_AHG1: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@OGSamuraiNC: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Dave Draper is no longer with us - #DaveDraper #Dave #Draper #rip - 3 years ago

@cartoonmuscle: RIP Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@DxKsHe: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@Glowpoint: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@faustianovich: AdiĆ³s a David 'Dave' Draper, culturista con un memorable personaje en cine: el cachas playero de NO HAGAN OLAS. Habā€¦ - 3 years ago

@o_xpqx_o: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@ThiemoMeyer: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JackJizzler: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@davidmaddenLKZ: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@VisageCryptic: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@RxRealm: Bodybuilding Legend Dave Draper Dead at 79 Years Old - {BLOG_SOURCE} - 3 years ago

@sami59: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@_dhartez: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@PeterNicoll11: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@John_D_Ewald: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@FFDPFTW_: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@AnthonyIdol: R.I.P. Dave Draper - 3 years ago

@19280604x: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

@CesarC2084: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@1HeavySigh: RT @Schwarzenegger: Dave Draper was an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, including me. He was one of my idols. In Austrā€¦ - 3 years ago

@JoshuaSteinman: RT @SolBrah: Rest In Peace to my favourite ever bodybuilder Dave ā€˜The Blonde Bomberā€™ Draper. Phenomenal writer and unique soul - I will keeā€¦ - 3 years ago

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