Danny Schechter

American journalist and filmmaker.
Died on Thursday March 19th 2015

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Danny Schechter:

@istuffsendeschl: Ab jetzt zeigen wir 2007-06-03_ISWI_-_Danny_Schechter_(How_to_fight_media_and_tell_the_truth).wmv

@Killuminati662: 2/2 Where a media which is supposed 2 check political abuse is part of the political abuse."Danny Schechter (former CNN & ABC news producer)

@istuffsendeschl: Ab jetzt zeigen wir 2007-06-03_ISWI_-_Danny_Schechter_(How_to_fight_media_and_tell_the_truth).wmv

@zobefucavig: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/RlRfA81fOj


@verodytykij: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/1RpKsbE9Wd

@kygaduryquna: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/ycCVU24uZc

@mylalabojuqi: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/DqJX49LUb7

@depypesumyr: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/n5wi4FewDl

@dyqovyfisev: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/w6eIrbmnUx

@taxexexeqep: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/oR28laJfdT

@pobudisiwavo: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/AYKizVSle2

@nymytyxahuho: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics: By Danny Schechter Oh, the gnash... http://t.co/5XVkVMChvZ

@Jualbukusastra: Danny Schechter, Matinya Media, Perjuangan Menyelamatkan Demokrasi, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007, xiv+117hlm, 30.000 http://t.co/kyhxuYtt88

@GiterDoneGossip: #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithGoat Danny Schechter, ... #DannySchechter #MainstreamTelevision #PancreaticCancer http://t.co/vljllghh8U

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