Daniel Keyes

American author (Flowers for Algernon)
Died on Sunday June 15th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Daniel Keyes:

@israelmiguelis4: Daniel Keyes - Flowers For Algernon (2005) - Used - Trade Paper (Paperback) http://t.co/rKA1qJsPqA http://t.co/hivJrNOu6C

@PolinaLeykina: just read A book of Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon" made me cryyyyyy , so good😳👋👋

@keyes_daniel: I don't even watch basketball I just want steph curry to win 😂

@keyes_daniel: When you're feet are so big you trip over your own feet 😂 #LeBronJames


@molypilla: On page 255 of 318 of Virágot Algernonnak, by Daniel Keyes http://t.co/BvWvU8SQsz

@keyes_daniel: RT @allysonholding: my world right here🌎☺️💗 http://t.co/VI8AqjtJsV

@keyes_daniel: RT @AlysssaCabral: @UberFacts @keyes_daniel ME!!!!!!!!!!

@bird_with_coat: Daniel Keyes. Flowers for Algernon. Amazing. http://t.co/TuRgzbCITD

@convyusboy: finished reading the indonesian version of "Flowers for Algernon", another masterpiece from Daniel Keyes,… [pic] — https://t.co/7DOkIAmfrL

@molypilla: On page 176 of 318 of Virágot Algernonnak, by Daniel Keyes http://t.co/OckrV67wWz

@molypilla: On page 165 of 318 of Virágot Algernonnak, by Daniel Keyes http://t.co/KkNNyPtTK6

@molypilla: On page 143 of 318 of Virágot Algernonnak, by Daniel Keyes http://t.co/T8GfBEHWzr

@AlysssaCabral: @UberFacts @keyes_daniel ME!!!!!!!!!!

@Inast_Soebroto: @Gramedia Saya: reread Charlie ( Daniel Keyes)#bacaanwiken

@abcdxyzlmp: #6: Flowers for Algernon: Student Edition Flowers for Algernon: Student EditionDaniel Keyes (著)(27)25点の新品/中古品を見る:… http://t.co/DGuDhoJgPL

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