Daniel Callahan

American philosopher.
Died on Saturday July 20th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Daniel Callahan:

@diariomedico: ¿Has leído el último artículo de @rogaltro en #EnLosPasillosDeLaBioética? Aquí lo tienes: - 6 years ago

@audioHomie: RT @commonwealmag: Daniel Callahan was one of the most influential editors in Commonweal’s history, and the preeminent creator of the field… - 6 years ago

@talemaniannotti: RT @commonwealmag: "Time and again, Dan provoked controversy, sometimes heated controversy, by defying the reigning assumptions of many col… - 6 years ago

@enrigranados: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago


@scinet_it: È morto il 16 luglio il bioeticista Daniel Callahan, fra i fondatori dello Hastings Center, e fra i principali pens… - 6 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: Obituary: "[Daniel Callahan's] thinking was always fresh and his prose clear and penetrating.”… - 6 years ago

@robertloerzel: The officer's name is spelled "Callahan" in most reports, but he signed it as "Callaghan" on his World War I draft… - 6 years ago

@robertloerzel: There are many conflicting reports about what exactly happened on the beach that day. According to most reports, a… - 6 years ago

@s_kodama: Bioethicist and Life Extension Opponent Daniel Callahan Has Died キャラハン先生追悼文 - 6 years ago

@s_kodama: Remembering Daniel Callahan, A Pioneer Of Bioethics キャラハン先生死去 - 6 years ago

@s_kodama: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - The New York Times キャラハン追悼文 - 6 years ago

@traversjul: RT @DavidCallahanIP: While I wasn't exactly sure what my father did for a living when I was a kid, he became a great role model and inspira… - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: "Time and again, Dan provoked controversy, sometimes heated controversy, by defying the reigning assumptions of man… - 6 years ago

@RudyMarRN: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago

@PeterLandau: Daniel Callahan (right), Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ #obitpix #danielcallahan #bioethicist… - 6 years ago

@ChiefxPressDog: RT @NYTObits: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago

@JudgeHopkins: RT @StefB99749630: Daniel Callahan, a pioneer in bioethics, dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@DaveHA: Daniel Callahan: R.I.P. - NRL News Today - 6 years ago

@lucacarra50: In morte di Daniel Callahan - 6 years ago

@fdibazar: RT @NYTScience: Daniel Callahan, who explored ethical issues posed by medical advances, has died at 88. He focused on what he called “human… - 6 years ago

@Jessica61620980: RT @PittsburghPG: Pre-eminent, probing bioethicist - 6 years ago

@carynjrogers: RT @PittsburghPG: Pre-eminent, probing bioethicist - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Pre-eminent, probing bioethicist - - 6 years ago

@PittsburghPG: Pre-eminent, probing bioethicist - 6 years ago

@isarosepress: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ — NYT > Books - 6 years ago

@DeathRef: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’. Callahan co-founded the Hastings Center for… - 6 years ago

@danielsilliman: Daniel Callahan, who helped found the field of bioethics, has died at 88 - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Bioethicist Daniel Callahan; musician Daniel Rae Costello; poet Peter Hamm; writer Brigitte Kro… - 6 years ago

@TheScientistLLC: Obituary: Bioethicist Daniel Callahan wrote 47 books, nine of which received national awards.… - 6 years ago

@SDKArbogast: RT @commonwealmag: Peter Steinfels remembers former Commonweal editor Daniel Callahan, a man who never stopped asking hard questions. http… - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: Peter Steinfels remembers former Commonweal editor Daniel Callahan, a man who never stopped asking hard questions.… - 6 years ago

@beyerstein: RT @commonwealmag: Daniel Callahan was one of the most influential editors in Commonweal’s history, and the preeminent creator of the field… - 6 years ago

@phlu: RT @Health_Affairs: "Daniel Callahan, who pioneered the field of #bioethics, died July 17th, two days before his 89th birthday. Dan’s mento… - 6 years ago

@healthpolicygrp: RT @Health_Affairs: "Daniel Callahan, who pioneered the field of #bioethics, died July 17th, two days before his 89th birthday. Dan’s mento… - 6 years ago

@WiseUpOnAging: RIP: Co-author of Book Longevity Rules — Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago

@JulieLeiningerP: Daniel Callahan: ¡Presente! 🌟RIP. - 6 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Daniel Callahan, a pioneering bioethicist, has died at 88. He was called "the most influential Catholic layman of the 1960s."… - 6 years ago

@ArthurCaplan: RT @Health_Affairs: "Daniel Callahan, who pioneered the field of #bioethics, died July 17th, two days before his 89th birthday. Dan’s mento… - 6 years ago

@bioethics_net: #Bioethics News: In Memoriam: Daniel Callahan, 1930-2019, who pioneered the field of bioethics and was cofounder an… - 6 years ago

@IngridMattson: - 6 years ago

@EthosWork: RT @PeterNeumann11: A nice tribute to Daniel Callahan by @ArthurCaplan in @Health_Affairs. "Dan’s mentoring tree seems to involve half the… - 6 years ago

@Model23C: Callahan was a fierce critic of the quest of "perfect health" and efforts to dramatically increase healthy life spa… - 6 years ago

@bioedge: "#DanielCallahan’s bioethical #scholarship was both original and countercultural... arguing that #scholars had lost… - 6 years ago

@sewoHJR: RT @hastingscenter: The Hastings Center is mourning. Our co-founder, philosopher Dan Callahan, has died. A loss for medicine and science, f… - 6 years ago

@Blair_Callahan: RT @shannonrwatts: If you are an American woman, you have a moral imperative right now to run for office. Don’t tell me you’re not qualifie… - 6 years ago

@GuidaSurveying: Wishing all our hardworking interns: Yulissa Miguel, Daniel Callahan, and Trevor Holombo a happy #NationalInternDay… - 6 years ago

@pbmit: RT @mitpress: Saddened by news of Daniel Callahan's passing this month. Few philosophers have done more to shape our understanding of bioet… - 6 years ago

@csumbIP: Who is ready to go abroad?!🌏✈️ Applications for Spring 2020 open Aug 1st. Mark your 🗓 and check out our programs at… - 6 years ago

@kwasson2: RT @JournalofEthics: “The proper question is not whether we are succeeding in giving a longer life to the aged,” he wrote, but “whether we… - 6 years ago

@hastingscenter: RT @PeterNeumann11: A nice tribute to Daniel Callahan by @ArthurCaplan in @Health_Affairs. "Dan’s mentoring tree seems to involve half the… - 6 years ago

@MatthewSitman: RT @commonwealmag: Daniel Callahan was one of the most influential editors in Commonweal’s history, and the preeminent creator of the field… - 6 years ago

@CarlosLozadaWP: RT @commonwealmag: Daniel Callahan was one of the most influential editors in Commonweal’s history, and the preeminent creator of the field… - 6 years ago

@commonwealmag: Daniel Callahan was one of the most influential editors in Commonweal’s history, and the preeminent creator of the… - 6 years ago

@BobMong1949: Daniel Callahan, 88, Dies; Bioethics Pioneer Weighed ‘Human Finitude’ - 6 years ago

@billybobblugg: Bioethics pioneer Daniel Callahan has died: I mourn the passing of this man of integrity. - 6 years ago

@chaiyi_lin: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP pioneering bioethicist Daniel Callahan, 88: - 6 years ago

@dwtigard: RT @JournalofEthics: “The proper question is not whether we are succeeding in giving a longer life to the aged,” he wrote, but “whether we… - 6 years ago

@KentBottles: RT @FearLoathingBTX: "Callahan was known for conducting himself with humility, humor and an appreciation for nuance." - 6 years ago

@MBoudway: Peter Steinfels on his friend and former colleague Daniel Callahan. - 6 years ago

@agoodbirth: RT @FearLoathingBTX: "Callahan was known for conducting himself with humility, humor and an appreciation for nuance." - 6 years ago

@dammitPuja: RT @jessicapellien: Almost every press I've worked at had a Daniel Callahan book in the works or in the backlist... Hard to overestimate hi… - 6 years ago

@jessicapellien: Almost every press I've worked at had a Daniel Callahan book in the works or in the backlist... Hard to overestimat… - 6 years ago

@hastingscenter: RT @DonaghueFnd: Not waiting 4 #FlashbackFriday. In light of Daniel Callahan’s recent death @DonaghueFnd is reflecting on our long associat… - 6 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @mitpress: Saddened by news of Daniel Callahan's passing this month. Few philosophers have done more to shape our understanding of bioet… - 6 years ago

@mitpress: Saddened by news of Daniel Callahan's passing this month. Few philosophers have done more to shape our understandin… - 6 years ago

@strandofscience: Remembering Daniel Callahan - Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics - 6 years ago

@maga72: - 6 years ago

@DaveHA: Daniel Callahan: R.I.P. - NRL News Today: - 6 years ago

@EricaKohl: RT @BenSoskis: If you appreciate (as I do) the thoughtfulness & acuity of @DavidCallahanIP’s writing on philanthropy, u might be interested… - 6 years ago

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