Daniel Berrigan

American Jesuit priest and peace activist.
Died on Saturday April 30th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Daniel Berrigan:

@WoodhullIrish: Found another picture of Fr Daniel Berrigan, SJ when he spoke to the first high school Pax… - 9 years ago

@cgalliher: RT @Mondoweiss: RIP Dan'l Berrigan who said Israel used "5th rate sociological jargon to prove racial superiority to ppl it crushed" https:… - 9 years ago

@decerteau_eu: Il 30 aprile 2016 è morto, all’età di 94 anni, Daniel Berrigan, gesuita, poeta, militante nei movimenti pacifisti... - 9 years ago

@nayasala: RT @jimwallis: I was always very moved & grateful for the way #DanielBerrigan consistently made connections between peace & justice https:/… - 9 years ago


@JimKammerer406: Daniel Berrigan, a leader of peaceful opposition to Vietnam War, inspired a generation of activists - 9 years ago

@zabhat: R.I.P. Daniel Berrigan - 9 years ago

@jimwallis: I was always very moved & grateful for the way #DanielBerrigan consistently made connections between peace & justice - 9 years ago

@JSithavady: RT @BillMoyersHQ: May is historically a month for protests. And this month we protest the death of #DanBerrigan, says @MichaelWinship https… - 9 years ago

@rattlecans: "One of the Great Revolutionaries": Daniel Berrigan Remembered as Hundreds Gather for Funeral - 9 years ago

@DavidDark: Daniel Berrigan, everyone. Let's get started. #liturgy - 9 years ago

@awfoosh: RT @ReligionEthics: Fr. Berrigan never gave up his conviction that following the Gospel requires making peace. - 9 years ago

@CNS_Rhina: RT @ReligionEthics: Fr. Berrigan never gave up his conviction that following the Gospel requires making peace. - 9 years ago

@BeechemTerry: Daniel Berrigan a TRUE American hero! We will miss you. - 9 years ago

@NEWS_WORLD_: "One of the Great Revolutionaries": Daniel Berrigan Remembered as Hundreds Gather for Funeral: - 9 years ago

@IGsolidarityNET: RT @ReligionEthics: Fr. Berrigan never gave up his conviction that following the Gospel requires making peace. - 9 years ago

@FrTimSJ: RT @JesuitsUCS: Want the work of Fr. Daniel Berrigan to continue? Donate to the Peacemaking Fund for programs in #Jesuit schools: - 9 years ago

@jesuitnews: RT @ReligionEthics: Fr. Berrigan never gave up his conviction that following the Gospel requires making peace. - 9 years ago

@urbanbeesbuzz: RT @BronwenAE: #DanielBerrigan #RIP - 9 years ago

@iamrtc: I liked a @YouTube video - 9 years ago

@Solutioneer72: RT @tuneintorevcom: Daniel #Berrigan : A Life of Courageous Resistance to the Crimes of the U.S. Empire - 9 years ago

@CKoscs1979: RT @mattdpearce: Daniel Berrigan's radical opposition to war in Vietnam as a priest made him "an enemy of both state and church." - 9 years ago

@dianammuller: RT @americamag: Daniel Berrigan remembered as apostle of peace at Easter Season homily by Luke Hansen, S.J. - 9 years ago

@djhanson_87: On waging peace.... Chris Hedges on Why Daniel Berrigan’s Most Important Contribution Wasn’t Activism - 9 years ago

@JenniWeston1: 'We have chosen to be branded peace criminals by war criminals'. Shivers down spine watching napalmed draft papers - 9 years ago

@brianstiltner: RT @americamag: Daniel Berrigan remembered as apostle of peace at Easter Season homily by @lukejhansen - 9 years ago

@JenniWeston1: RIP Daniel Berrigan ❤️ - 9 years ago

@brianpiero: RT @americamag: Who gets to claim Dan Berrigan, asks @nathanairplane? - 9 years ago

@ceesa_ma: RT @JohnHamblett1: Daniel Berrigan Funeral | Recap - 9 years ago

@chickfactorzine: RT @theintercept: Daniel Berrigan was the first U.S. priest arrested for protesting war. - 9 years ago

@FortElgin: RT @deltawestmom: Remembering Daniel Berrigan: A Penniless, Powerful Voice for Peace - 9 years ago

@Trojan60: RT @mattdpearce: It was Daniel Berrigan's death and the White House Correspondents Dinner that inspired me to pick up "Best and The Brighte… - 9 years ago

@CiaronOReilly: RT @JohnHamblett1: Daniel Berrigan Funeral | Recap - 9 years ago

@InekeandGeneral: RT @RNS: Moving photos of the Rev. #DanielBerrigan's funeral in New York - 9 years ago

@GuyJanus: RT @theintercept: J. Edgar Hoover hired 1,000 agents to counter Berrigan's anti-war movement, but agents wanted to fight real crime. https:… - 9 years ago

@julian_eaton: RIP Daniel Berrigan. Beat your swords into ploughshares and study war no more - @bbcradio4 - 9 years ago

@aroomofmyown1: RT @paxchristiuk: Daniel Berrigan, a leader of peaceful opposition to Vietnam War, inspired a generation of activists - 9 years ago

@AnnFarr46: RT @paxchristiuk: Daniel Berrigan, a leader of peaceful opposition to Vietnam War, inspired a generation of activists - 9 years ago

@PaulMSeligman: Last Word on @BBCRadio4 starts with an audio obituary of peace campaigner Reverend Daniel Berrigan. Recommended: - 9 years ago

@AlanNeff: RT @mattdpearce: Daniel Berrigan's radical opposition to war in Vietnam as a priest made him "an enemy of both state and church." - 9 years ago

@tom_wein: RT @mattdpearce: It was Daniel Berrigan's death and the White House Correspondents Dinner that inspired me to pick up "Best and The Brighte… - 9 years ago

@minnesotabrown: Death of priest, peace activist Daniel Berrigan recalls his Iron Range youth. Peace or War, an everyday choice. - 9 years ago

@MOJO21C: RT @theintercept: Daniel Berrigan, a leader of peaceful opposition to Vietnam War, inspired a generation of activists - 9 years ago

@rdhudgens: Paul Elie on the life of Berrigan (Elie's The Life You Save May Be Your Own is one of my favorite book on... - 9 years ago

@DrNeuville: Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace: Natasha Hakimi - 9 years ago

@P2MustReads: Added @smirkingchimp May’s the Month for Protest. Daniel Berrigan Would Agree. - 9 years ago

@IAmThePOTUSFool: May’s the Month for Protest. Daniel Berrigan Would Agree.: - 9 years ago

@Doomstead666: Price for Witnessing Against War - Ray McGovern Fr. Daniel Berrigan’s funeral was being live-streamed Friday, a... - 9 years ago

@puigreixach: RT @IGsolidarityNET: Unedited video of burning of draft files by Dan Berrigan & 8 others: - 9 years ago

@Schmactors: RT @cbcasithappens: Martin Sheen remembers #DanielBerrigan and their arrest at 1986 anti-nuclear protest: - 9 years ago

@aymanfadel: RT @CSRAPeace: Icon of the US antiwar movement, back when the left was principled about being antiwar. RIP (Rocky posting) - 9 years ago

@BelmontTheology: "Dan deeply believed that we are all participants in the Gospel story." - 9 years ago

@retrochbabe: RT @RNS: Moving photos of the Rev. #DanielBerrigan's funeral in New York - 9 years ago

@cmm_claire: RT @cbcasithappens: Martin Sheen remembers #DanielBerrigan and their arrest at 1986 anti-nuclear protest: - 9 years ago

@cbcasithappens: Martin Sheen remembers #DanielBerrigan and their arrest at 1986 anti-nuclear protest: - 9 years ago

@MMCHealthPsy: Daniel Berrigan, A fabulous life in Justice and poetry1921-2016 - 9 years ago

@Rougepprince: Jeremy Scahill Remembers His Longtime Friend, Father Daniel Berrigan: "T... - 9 years ago

@RecoveringArmyB: May Is the Month for Protest—Daniel Berrigan Would Agree - 9 years ago

@mindtraps: @Janefonda Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace - 9 years ago

@mindtraps: @durancevile Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace - 9 years ago

@mindtraps: @johncusack Truthdigger of the Week: The Late Daniel Berrigan, Lifelong Activist for Peace - 9 years ago

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