Dan Walters

American baseball player (San Diego Padres).
Died on Friday April 24th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Dan Walters:

@smash_walters: Nota: necesitas mejorar en tus técnicas de seducción. Son sutiles pero...no dan en el clavo Amahl - 5 years ago

@Margita04011078: RT @DaleRobin_: 🚨San Diego,CA. Police Officer & Former Pro Baseball Player with the San Diego Padres; Dan Walters 53,Has Died of Injuries S… - 5 years ago

@Gigi76893688: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@ScottyMacMAGA: RT @GuiltyHonkey: Dan Walters: Perfect storm clobbers California cities | Columnists | - 5 years ago


@GuiltyHonkey: Dan Walters: Perfect storm clobbers California cities | Columnists | - 5 years ago

@AllenWEtzler: RT @ej_riley: Del. Dan Cox was supposed to speak but isn't here. Reopen Maryland chairman Tim Walters is speaking to a crowd. - 5 years ago

@NottaNitWit: See - 5 years ago

@NottaNitWit: @SBrow5 See - 5 years ago

@NottaNitWit: Decades of mind numbing complexity. Greed, corruption, power, control. A stinking swamp of its own. See… - 5 years ago

@ej_riley: Del. Dan Cox was supposed to speak but isn't here. Reopen Maryland chairman Tim Walters is speaking to a crowd. - 5 years ago

@LtAndyNorris: NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@EllePea10: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago


@ESOP_STL: Rest In Peace, Police Officer Dan Walters, from theSan Diego Police Department. He was paralyzed in 2003 after bein… - 5 years ago

@tom_grose02: @AFLFantasy Rory Laird, Bachar Houli, Sam Docherty, Dan Houston, Jake Lloyd Tom Mitchell, Adam Treloar, Lachie Ne… - 5 years ago

@lloydrobinson4: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@omar_sX3: @susan_walters @gsanroman2 @latimes People need sunshine and social distancing is BS. - 5 years ago

@Ramonasmith90: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@southerncalPI: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@CaseGuards: IN MEMORY OF POLICE OFFICERS DAN WALTERS A brave hero. #memorial #LawEnforcement… - 5 years ago

@RNRCalifornia: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@SanDiegoDonna: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@milhambachtiar: Kebahagiaan akan tumbuh berkembang manakala Anda membantu orang lain. Namun bilamana Anda tidak mencoba membantu se… - 5 years ago

@fluck_gloria: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@Coughlan_dan: @talkSPORTDrive Julie Walters. Amazing actress - 5 years ago

@Limodriver544: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@michaelffay60: #LlyfrCymraegYDydd #29: Drws Dychymyg (casgliad o farddoniaeth i blant/E Davies/J Walters/1980). Dan Drwyn-y-Penrhy… - 5 years ago

@smash_walters: no se dan Mari- digo Gwen - 5 years ago

@UnitedCops: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@Dan_Walters_91: I want to live in this moment forever - 5 years ago

@russ4life: I have a few baseball cards of Dan Walters, but I never knew about his second act as a police officer and the price… - 5 years ago

@jsmytho: Bout time Billy Walters got out of jail. Hopefully Hoopty and Dan are next. - 5 years ago

@Bzboyzmom: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@s91935174: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@exromero: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@StarFortress: RT @ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed gre… - 5 years ago

@ChopperBikerDog: Rest in peace officer Dan Walters. Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice. Your friendship. You will be missed… - 5 years ago

@DrSteveAlbrecht: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@BOOBOOBLEU: RT @DaleRobin_: 🚨San Diego,CA. Police Officer & Former Pro Baseball Player with the San Diego Padres; Dan Walters 53,Has Died of Injuries S… - 5 years ago

@BestofSanDiego1: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@BestofSanDiego1: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@BertHunter20: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Dan Walters, US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler, am 23.04.2020 im Alter von 53 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@SYV_News: DAN WALTERS California’s nearly 500 cities had been hurting financially even before the COVID-19 pandemic clobbered… - 5 years ago

@LompocRecord: DAN WALTERS California’s nearly 500 cities had been hurting financially even before the COVID-19 pandemic clobbered… - 5 years ago

@SantaMariaTimes: DAN WALTERS California’s nearly 500 cities had been hurting financially even before the COVID-19 pandemic clobbered… - 5 years ago

@RWayneFischer1: RT @DaleRobin_: 🚨San Diego,CA. Police Officer & Former Pro Baseball Player with the San Diego Padres; Dan Walters 53,Has Died of Injuries S… - 5 years ago

@EquipforLegacy: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@ChristineLutty: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@Fannyhesterford: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@OmarsDaName: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@AnalyticaGlobal: Former Padre, officer Dan Walters dies 17 years after being shot - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Former Padre, officer Dan Walters dies 17 years after being shot - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@ffkempf: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@BrianAvera12: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@BlueHistoryMont: RT @bluelivesmtr: Hero Down: San Diego Police Officer Dan Walters Dies From 16-Year-Old Wounds Follow @bluelivesmt… - 5 years ago

@EricMor44571434: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@RaoulMartinezTV: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@SheilaFortune: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@gyancita: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@MissGracieCat2U: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@mullins1972: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@dpmikek: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@cindyzatlo: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@rudyjrlopez: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@BrianMarvel: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we had the honor of escorting home the urn of Ofc. Dan Walters. His urn will remain there until a proper service can… - 5 years ago

@BowmanK9Life: RT @GLFOP: Blessed Are The Peacemakers Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California EOW: Thursday, April 23, 2020… - 5 years ago

@PicksMick: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@SantaMariaTimes: DAN WALTERS The COVID-19 pandemic and the severe economic recession it induced are disasters unparalleled in recent… - 5 years ago

@LompocRecord: DAN WALTERS The COVID-19 pandemic and the severe economic recession it induced are disasters unparalleled in recent… - 5 years ago

@LyseCuellar: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@fop_de: RT @GLFOP: Blessed Are The Peacemakers Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California EOW: Thursday, April 23, 2020… - 5 years ago

@lloydrobinson4: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@dan_usztan: RT @jimmyrajackson: Exclusive telly piece in today’s Times: Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads is coming back, by ⁦@dominicjmaxwell⁩. Particularl… - 5 years ago

@StormWaveRider: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@OBTinia: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@ChristineLutty: THIS is a gift to ALL of us: POWERFUL, Heartfelt… - 5 years ago

@tristanholland_: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@ChristineLutty: 2/The San Diego Police Department Rendered Honors to Officer Dan Walters: Last Radio Call… - 5 years ago

@jaketabber82: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@candymanalvarez: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - RIP - 5 years ago

@Pierre018: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@ABlessedTexan: RT @HONORBANDS_: Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department , CA EOW 4/23/20 💙 RIP SIR - 5 years ago

@Ohio_Buckeye_US: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@BCisLoyal: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@laVieRonnie: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@TroyPoole6: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@smash_walters: RT @AvaLordRed: @smash_walters //AYYY,QUE AMOR DE PERSONITA ERES ME DAN GANAS DE ABRAZARTE. - 5 years ago

@AvaLordRed: @smash_walters //AYYY,QUE AMOR DE PERSONITA ERES ME DAN GANAS DE ABRAZARTE. - 5 years ago

@HONORBANDS_: Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department , CA EOW 4/23/20 💙 RIP SIR - 5 years ago

@CNBNEWSNET: OFFICER DOWN: San Diego Police Officer Dan Walters Succumbs - 5 years ago

@CaseGuards: IN MEMORY OF POLICE OFFICERS DAN WALTERS A brave and amazing hero lost. #memorial… - 5 years ago

@CBPPortDirCLX: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@outages_list: 📬 [outages] Anyone else having issues with Microsoft Teams? ⏰ April 27, 2020 at 06:22PM UTC 👤 Dan Walters via Outages - 5 years ago

@JacobG88: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@resa2330: @SBCUSDPOLICE @kxthxryne @SanDiegoPD I’m so sorry for the loss of PD Dan Walters. Praying for God’s peace, strength… - 5 years ago

@resa2330: RT @SBCUSDPOLICE: We join the rest of our brothers and sisters in law enforcement to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of @San… - 5 years ago

@ChristineLutty: 2/The San Diego Police Department Rendered Honors to Officer Dan Walters: Last Radio Call… - 5 years ago

@LincolnCountySO: RT @GLFOP: Blessed Are The Peacemakers Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California EOW: Thursday, April 23, 2020… - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Former Padre, officer Walters dies 17 years after being shot. #DanWalters #Obituary - 5 years ago

@ScottABest1: RT @GLFOP: Blessed Are The Peacemakers Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California EOW: Thursday, April 23, 2020… - 5 years ago

@RobertSollars2: RT @apbweb: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies - 5 years ago

@Bates1Gavin: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@cpptrading: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@cindyzatlo: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@shishito_kdir: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@BigDawgK9: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@karadrienne: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Greatsportfan: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyA48537543: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Broknchip: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@CKwxyd: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@EricEG2017: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@baseballhall: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@ManuelSilvio5: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@newmac72: RT @CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Officer Walt… - 5 years ago

@CBPSanDiego: .@CBP offers our deepest condolences to the @SanDiegoPD on the tragic loss of Officer Dan Walters. Thank you, Offic… - 5 years ago

@CHP_Chico: RT @CHPCommissioner: Sincere condolences on behalf of the women and men of the CHP to the family, friends, and @SanDiegoPD colleagues of Of… - 5 years ago

@jagfit: RT @GLFOP: Blessed Are The Peacemakers Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California EOW: Thursday, April 23, 2020… - 5 years ago

@jessamerr2: @bluelivesmtr RIP Officer Dan Walters 💙🇺🇸🙏 - 5 years ago

@CoreyQBeverage: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@ChristineLutty: 2/The San Diego Police Department Rendered Honors to Officer Dan Walters: Last Radio Call… - 5 years ago

@JoeWinstead2: RT @bluelivesmtr: Hero Down: San Diego Police Officer Dan Walters Dies From 16-Year-Old Wounds Follow @bluelivesmt… - 5 years ago

@Investigator_51: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@draintheazswamp: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@INVUQT: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@JVER1: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@RealLPoslaiko: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@Ytweek1: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@FuJiMa45031605: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@RebeccaMIRELES9: RT @Sheriffrmartin: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California-Once AGAIN a suspect in a #Domesti… - 5 years ago

@PraiseInHisName: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@SoCalEdgyGal: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@grashhoppa: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@MariaTevesGonz: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@dawn_eberhart: RT @bluelivesmtr: Hero Down: San Diego Police Officer Dan Walters Dies From 16-Year-Old Wounds Follow @bluelivesmt… - 5 years ago

@marlo451: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@AnthemRespect: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@dyro874: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@Armyman971: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@Rodave56: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@prophet7889: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@bcn4eva2: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@Gilamanda21: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@DtrEraser: RT @Barb71: The passing of Officer Dan Walters of the San Diego Police Department. May he Rest In Peace 💙💙🙏🙏 ⁦@bigricanman⁩ ⁦@laker477⁩ ⁦@G… - 5 years ago

@BlozikJohn: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@PearlBirdman: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@MarieAimee12: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@NotUnderdog: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@MetalGal: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@ChrisLYanksFan: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@theDago70: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@SaltedMarsh: RT @marinij: Dan Walters: A perfect storm is clobbering budgets of California cities - 5 years ago

@JohnsomSheila: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@JudiBUSA: RIP Officer Dan Walters 🇺🇸 Police Officer, MLB Catcher - 5 years ago

@redd3451: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@marinij: Dan Walters: A perfect storm is clobbering budgets of California cities - 5 years ago

@BigFvckinHammer: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@Rebel45L: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@dovah69_: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@GaryWalters66: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@jlj060453: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@KODISRV: RT @LaReginaNYFL: END OF WATCH ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ 🙏🏻 ✝️ OFFICER DAN WALTERS T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L… - 5 years ago

@SanDiegoBPOA: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@houndsandheroes: RT @BJLaflin: "Tragic story with Dan, terrific person who was a great teammate.” said Bruce Bochy, a coach with the Padres when Walters pla… - 5 years ago

@emotionalstress: RT @CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer Walters su… - 5 years ago

@RDSca: Un ancien des Padres rend l'âme à 53 ans - 5 years ago

@NorthstarSocal: RT @BJLaflin: "Tragic story with Dan, terrific person who was a great teammate.” said Bruce Bochy, a coach with the Padres when Walters pla… - 5 years ago

@BJLaflin: "Tragic story with Dan, terrific person who was a great teammate.” said Bruce Bochy, a coach with the Padres when W… - 5 years ago

@margaritaferro6: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@geo_walters: RT @mochamomma: Now I’m onto watching Dan in Real Life which I truly love and get deeply uncomfortable with when they’re all dancing to Van… - 5 years ago

@BrianAvera12: RT @PORACalifornia: It is with a heavy heart we inform you of the passing of Officer Dan Walters of the @SanDiegoPD @SDPOA. Walters succumb… - 5 years ago

@PatsyMe11608668: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@beancountersd: RT @ChiefZimmerman: You will never be forgotten @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters #RIP 🙏💙😢 - 5 years ago

@AmerHeroesRadio: RT @policeofficer: Dan Walters, a former San Diego Padres catcher-turned-police officer who was paralyzed in a, died Thursday, the police u… - 5 years ago

@journopixs: RT @PORACalifornia: It is with a heavy heart we inform you of the passing of Officer Dan Walters of the @SanDiegoPD @SDPOA. Walters succumb… - 5 years ago

@LincolnCountySO: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@LincolnCountySO: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@ufeellucky: Former Padre, SDPD Officer Dan Walters dies 17 years after being shot. R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@marylizcortese: It’s never too late to start reading Dan Walters @DanCALmatters who has been observing and chronicling California g… - 5 years ago

@Karrasamelia5: RT @CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer Walters su… - 5 years ago

@AndrewScottPCSO: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@CaptainRet: RT @CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer Walters su… - 5 years ago

@JStrunk866: RT @BrettKiser80: Paralyzed cop doesn’t want to be forgotten - 5 years ago

@RSA1943: RT @CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer Walters su… - 5 years ago

@EmergencyToday: RT @CHPCommissioner: Sincere condolences on behalf of the women and men of the CHP to the family, friends, and @SanDiegoPD colleagues of Of… - 5 years ago

@Sheriffrmartin: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California-Once AGAIN a suspect in a… - 5 years ago

@OfficerDownCom: R.I.P. - Off. Dan Walters, 53 - San Diego PD, CA - Shooting - more ---> - 5 years ago

@CHP_Bishop: RT @CHPCommissioner: Sincere condolences on behalf of the women and men of the CHP to the family, friends, and @SanDiegoPD colleagues of Of… - 5 years ago

@MDHotline: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies - 10News - 5 years ago

@PaulRevisited: - 5 years ago

@PaulRevisited: @GOPChairwoman @stacyjostacyjo @realDonaldTrump - 5 years ago

@Okinawa_1945: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@MarkArabo: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@PaulRevisited: - 5 years ago

@PaulRevisited: @SpeakerPelosi - 5 years ago

@JBristolKHOU: Dan Walters was originally drafted and signed by @astros as a 5th-rounder in 1984 draft. Traded to SD in 1988 for E… - 5 years ago

@KS_Sanjose: @orangutanagram @dillonliam Can you discord it over to that ass hat Dan Walters? - 5 years ago

@ericfrost: Many #SDSU lived near him in #DelCerro, remarkable part of our community - 5 years ago

@websterelizabet: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@GrandaAdrian: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@AaronBrennanSD: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@marshab46469344: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@marshab46469344: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@LisaChandler1: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@1baldchick: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@SelmaPoa: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@Todd_Hussey: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@JesusMontanaSD: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@sdblakehill: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@ThePoelander: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@Jamie_Ledezma: RT @DanCALmatters: My namesake died Thursday and he was a hero. Special condolences to his family. San Diego Police Department Officer Dan… - 5 years ago

@thackeraaa: RT @breakdowncards: New blogpost up about Dan Walters and the time I got his autograph as a kid. The former backstop later became a police… - 5 years ago

@SheIsQueenSugar: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@old_take: RT @DanCALmatters: My namesake died Thursday and he was a hero. Special condolences to his family. San Diego Police Department Officer Dan… - 5 years ago

@DanCALmatters: My namesake died Thursday and he was a hero. Special condolences to his family. San Diego Police Department Office… - 5 years ago

@SaludHEALTHinfo: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@Renshi5: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@Renshi5: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@vinniemackenzie: RT @breakdowncards: New blogpost up about Dan Walters and the time I got his autograph as a kid. The former backstop later became a police… - 5 years ago

@CherylTarwater: RT @PORACalifornia: It is with a heavy heart we inform you of the passing of Officer Dan Walters of the @SanDiegoPD @SDPOA. Walters succumb… - 5 years ago

@davidmalamut: RT @breakdowncards: New blogpost up about Dan Walters and the time I got his autograph as a kid. The former backstop later became a police… - 5 years ago

@RichardSalcid12: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@CaptainDupree: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@CaptainDupree: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@Barb71: The passing of Officer Dan Walters of the San Diego Police Department. May he Rest In Peace 💙💙🙏🙏 ⁦@bigricanman⁩ ⁦… - 5 years ago

@phungo2008: RT @breakdowncards: New blogpost up about Dan Walters and the time I got his autograph as a kid. The former backstop later became a police… - 5 years ago

@BoochisSmoochis: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@cadetod: RT @BostonPoliceRA: Sending our Thoughts & Prayers to the Family and Friends of @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters who gave his life serving t… - 5 years ago

@BaseballDigest: We remember Dan Walters - @Padres 1992-93. After @MLB career, became SD police officer and, in 2003, was paralyzed… - 5 years ago

@bluebirdtrini: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@CHP_San_Diego: The San Diego Area CHP is saddened to report the death of Officer Dan Walters from the San Diego Police Department.… - 5 years ago

@BostonPoliceRA: Sending our Thoughts & Prayers to the Family and Friends of @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters who gave his life servi… - 5 years ago

@jtompkins619: Absolutely heart breaking. - 5 years ago

@motovon1: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@EricMor44571434: RT @FBISanDiego: The FBI San Diego Field Office stands together with our partners at the San Diego Police Department and the law enforceme… - 5 years ago

@pizzatoolsx0: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@JoshuaKusnick: RT @sportsdeaths: MLB: Dan Walters, age 53, played w ‘92-93 San Diego Padres - 5 years ago

@Method8Corp: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@sportsdeaths: MLB: Dan Walters, age 53, played w ‘92-93 San Diego Padres - 5 years ago

@shieldrepublic: ACTIVE: Hold The Line Fundraiser for Officer Dan Walters of San Diego Police Department - 5 years ago

@USMarshalsFund: We extend our condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Police Officer Dan Walters of the San Diego (CA… - 5 years ago

@jb_morey: - 5 years ago

@JahPhilMe: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@LRP0EH5mmztutec: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@rib913: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@rib913: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Ben_0698: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@johnolsen727: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@johnolsen727: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@johnolsen727: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@trixywh: RT @FBISanDiego: The FBI San Diego Field Office stands together with our partners at the San Diego Police Department and the law enforceme… - 5 years ago

@CymbleneJ: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@FBISanDiego: The FBI San Diego Field Office stands together with our partners at the San Diego Police Department and the law en… - 5 years ago

@newkarnak: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@tdoyle82: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@SDFDChief: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer Walters su… - 5 years ago

@CalChiefs: Our thoughts & prayers today are w/ Officer Dan Walters’s family & friends. A member of the @SanDiegoPD , Officer W… - 5 years ago

@ayinlathomas: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@Bernadettea777: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@hcmomtobe: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@BZCRStudios: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@lisa_upperman: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@LolaJeep48: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@RiskThomas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@BrandonNews8: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@Nmharley2: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@SelenaLaniel: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@gofishing96: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@charbernerbabe: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@PJrtx: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@emolina619: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@pat_shanks: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@tickelsurfancy: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@Penney_Newell: RT @SDPOA: This video reflects the End of Watch radio call that is put out department-wide when an officer is killed in the Line of Duty. O… - 5 years ago

@vitto_70: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@RickToney01: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@FlotusSupporter: RT @SecretService: The San Diego Field Office and the entire Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, teamm… - 5 years ago

@MelissaPederse: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@ChicagoCAPS10: Police Officer Dan Walters San Diego Police Department, California End of Watch: Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 5 years ago

@BatPhoneGordon: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@SDSOAlpine: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@jefthecrusher: RT @SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of Officer Da… - 5 years ago

@SDSheriff: All of us at @SDSheriff send our deepest condolences to our brothers and sisters at @SanDiegoPD over the death of O… - 5 years ago

@FremontPD: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@SoCalCOPS: Police Officer Dan Walters - 5 years ago

@DavidPockling14: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@Nlets1: We send the most profound condolences and appreciation for the ultimate sacrifice Police Officer Dan Walters made i… - 5 years ago

@fox5sandiego: Dan Walters, a professional baseball player-turned- police officer who was paralyzed from the neck down 17 years ag… - 5 years ago

@SunshineMustang: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@Code3Products: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@Dan_Sinisi: #LODD: #Police Officer Dan Walters #EOW #lawenforcement - 5 years ago

@AirportPoliceLA: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies at 53 | In 1998, Walters be… - 5 years ago

@AAAPOfficers: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies at 53 | - 5 years ago

@mcclain42: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies at 53 | - 5 years ago

@StengelP: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@PMychurch: RT @RScottClark: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@ClayMaloy: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@drgaryslone: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@SimpleeeT: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@CJwithMsT: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@JMoakley: RT @texas_fof: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@LeannEAF: RT @SenBrianJones: Columnist Dan Walters raises agood point that CA bureaucrats shouldn't try forcing people out of their cars into trains… - 5 years ago

@CharlieRGa: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@HartsellePD: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@OSN690427: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Rosehoss1976: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies RIP brother - 5 years ago

@ekellytaylor: RT @ATFHQ: Our thoughts are with @SanDiegoPD and the family and friends of Police Officer Dan Walters, who succumbed to complications of a… - 5 years ago

@Rosehoss1976: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@arlos_collins: RT @knarf2016: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@ryan_eberhart: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@Rosehoss1976: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@DulayMario: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Dan_Cassin: @Jenna_M_Walters @hadleywickham Ima big fan of the polar plots - 5 years ago

@knarf2016: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@rtamesis: RT @American1299: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies. (R.I.P. 🙏🙏) - 5 years ago

@CSP_LaJunta: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@jeff_whatever: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@jwswmwithsharks: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@LolaJeep48: RT @NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@ATFHQ: Our thoughts are with @SanDiegoPD and the family and friends of Police Officer Dan Walters, who succumbed to compli… - 5 years ago

@NLEOMF: RIP Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego (CA) Police Department, - 5 years ago

@PLETDallas: Police Officer Dan Walters - 5 years ago

@Karrasamelia5: RT @privateofficer: Officer Down Police Officer Dan Walters - 5 years ago

@Darlene01631927: RT @American1299: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies. (R.I.P. 🙏🙏) - 5 years ago

@SDFDChief: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@privateofficer: Officer Down Police Officer Dan Walters - 5 years ago

@American1299: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies. (R.I.P. 🙏🙏) - 5 years ago

@GVSFoundation: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@SDCrimJustice: Dan Walters, former Padre and San Diego police officer, dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@erivera50: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@SDCrimJustice: Former Padre, SDPD officer dies - 5 years ago

@erivera50: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@RScottClark: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@TonyinNY: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@SDSOFallbrook: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@spyderdan222: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@N1oreo: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@JakeTheCatholic: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@katdoc12: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@sabdna: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@RevTrinaCCA: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@ghost_9mmdave: Man, I had forgotten about Dan Walters. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Star8400CPD: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@Tim57507317: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@RNRMaryland: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@debbies3360: Ex-San Diego Padre-turned-cop who was paralyzed during on-duty shooting 17 years ago dies - 5 years ago

@FloridaChiefs: Our Thoughts and Prayers are with the Family, Friends and the San Diego P.D. Family Police Officer Dan Walters San… - 5 years ago

@retiredNCSHP: Rest In Peace: Police Officer Dan Walters. San Diego Police Department, California. End of Watch Thursday, April 23… - 5 years ago

@rigdoctormark: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@spischke: RT @NYPDchaplains: Our thoughts & prayers are with the family, friends & colleagues of @SanDiegoPD Police Officer Dan Walters; a former pro… - 5 years ago

@cincopeso: Police Officer Dan Walters - 5 years ago

@JudySoFlorida: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@TheIACP: Our thoughts go out to the family, friends & colleagues of Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department,… - 5 years ago

@spischke: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@bkh74: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@derry300: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@RNRFlorida: RT @RNRKansas: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California #RedNationRising ⁦@RNRCalifornia⁩ ⁦@Bel… - 5 years ago

@ArrickSports: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Savage20112: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@TomJordanNews: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@firesharksar1: Godspeed Officer Walters, #policelivesmatter. Always remember: , - - 5 years ago

@emotionalstress: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@fox5sandiego: Dan Walters, a professional baseball player-turned- police officer who was paralyzed from the neck down 17 years ag… - 5 years ago

@RickisOpie: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@pcgallagher17: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@rog2217: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@MXHuguito: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@bluecourage: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@TimothyCulbers1: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@jwertherpb1: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@monseuir: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@AndySmi53484627: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@blueeyes0928: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@PGHTransitPD: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@D600381200756: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@MDHotline: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies at 53 - CBS News 8 - 5 years ago

@jameshorts: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@ofc_pedersen: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@drivewayliftoff: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@bsherrie64: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@palmbaylou: @RealJamesWoods It reaffirms my belief that many in the news media have hung up their consciences and tossed their… - 5 years ago

@llfftt: RT @10NewsHunt: - 5 years ago

@MichaelB858: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@trevdaddydeluxe: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@RobZombie619: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@Dan_Cassin: @hadleywickham @Jenna_M_Walters - see whole thread - 5 years ago

@SimmonsSunny: RT @EC_Preps_SD: Sad news out of the east county - Former @Padres catcher Dan Walters has passed away. He passed away early this morning.… - 5 years ago

@MAlvarez02: RT @SantanaSultans: Please keep the Walters family in your thoughts; Dan was a Sultan from the Class of 1984 - Today, the San Diego Police… - 5 years ago

@MAlvarez02: RT @EC_Preps_SD: Sad news out of the east county - Former @Padres catcher Dan Walters has passed away. He passed away early this morning.… - 5 years ago

@DepostnCh: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@MZepeda77: Murió Dan Walters: oficial de policía y ex receptor de Padres. Vía @SDUT. #SanDiego #Béisbol - 5 years ago

@LaurieS64123094: Dan Walters, former Padre and San Diego police officer, dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@karlajw: RT @Gunner70947481: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department - - 5 years ago

@Gunner70947481: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department - - 5 years ago

@EricMor44571434: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@kadajoza: Dan Walters, a professional baseball player-turned-police officer who was paralyzed from the neck down 17 years ago… - 5 years ago

@kyyk98: RT @ChiefZimmerman: You will never be forgotten @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters #RIP 🙏💙😢 - 5 years ago

@ZFTWARNING: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@KenPlatt45: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@SteveThomas832: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@SteveThomas832: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@davidhcrocker: Dan Walters died today. For those of you who don't know his story, he was a backup catcher for the @padres in the e… - 5 years ago

@PadresFan_OS: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@TheMattBaz: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@gtv_941: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @sdprobation: Our deepest condolences go out to our brothers and sisters of the San Diego Police Department for the loss of Officer Dan… - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@edraymond1: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@SDPOA: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@RaoulMartinezTV: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@msanchagrin: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@GGall38: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@jtjordon: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@pnphillips_paul: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@JoeWinstead2: RT @BlueWalkPoconos: Prayers sent for our Ofc Walters, @SanDiegoPD, CA, his family, friends and Blue family. Backing up another Officer on… - 5 years ago

@BlueWalkPoconos: Prayers sent for our Ofc Walters, @SanDiegoPD, CA, his family, friends and Blue family. Backing up another Officer… - 5 years ago

@DirtyfaceJose: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@Darkohako: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@Alex_Riggins: Dan Walters, former Padre and San Diego police officer, dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@Will_101stVet: RIP brother 🇺🇸 Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@ScottKaplan: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@stephenpuetz: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@jose22780: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@jefthecrusher: RT @sdut: Dan Walters, former Padre and San Diego police officer, dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@gusportela: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@JezeBunnislayer: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@rothfarms: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@Shrand1: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@markg8988: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@TinaChavis13: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@Wilkey_Jeffery: RT @steveODMP: #OfficerDown #California | @SanDiegoPD Police Officer Dan Walters succumbed to complications of a gunshot wound sustained on… - 5 years ago

@PNWJae: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@BobNiderost: RT @PadresCentral: Learned today of the passing for former #Padres catcher and San Diegan Dan Walters. The Santana High grad played for the… - 5 years ago

@Omi_082: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@BostonJohn9: RT @stevewightman1: Honoring San Diego, California, Police Department Police Officer Dan Walters, died April 23, 2020, from complications o… - 5 years ago

@BkikiKtg: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@IrishCrow72: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@MitchDavis83: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@simplify77: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@sandbarbreak: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@bostedt7: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@HolliCarr4: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@Secure_LA: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@SD4116: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@ACMeinde: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@Elvy_Morey: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@peter47227382: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@Germancop: San Diego Police Department (CA): Police Officer Dan Walters Poli… - 5 years ago

@MjrCitiesChiefs: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@NoemiGr25: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@Kerry_55_: RT @motor_29: RIP Officer Dan Walters! We have the watch from here Brother. Let’s pray that we can get #Below100 #LODD this year. #Officer… - 5 years ago

@TerryRZeigler: Thoughts and prayers for Police Officer Dan Walters’ family and the entire San Diego Police Department, California.… - 5 years ago

@mellynvegas: RT @BreatheSaltAir: PO Dan Walters & his partner we’re both shot in 2003, Officer Walters in the neck and had been paralyzed for 17 years.… - 5 years ago

@ChuckJohnson56: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@BubbaDshaw: RT @ODMP: #officerdown Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department (New Jersey), EOW 4/23/2020 @SanDiegoPD ODMP Memorial: https… - 5 years ago

@Dgood73: Sad... Dan Walters, former Padre and San Diego police officer, dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@nationalfof: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@pacificokevin: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@butchtucker: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@DtrEraser: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@10NewsHunt: - 5 years ago

@sdprobation: Our deepest condolences go out to our brothers and sisters of the San Diego Police Department for the loss of Offic… - 5 years ago

@robfestenstein: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@1199Worf: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@texas_fof: Always remember: Police Officer Dan Walters, San Diego Police Department, California - 5 years ago

@tonymanolatos: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@deanlosal: RT @LosAngelesATF: @LosAngelesATF. honors & remembers @SanDiegoPD Police Officer Dan Walters who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the line of… - 5 years ago

@zetteski: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@EvilMastersKen: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@zetteski: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@SanDiegoCruzer: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@JMLopez209: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@NATIONALCITYPD: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@JohnMoutzourid1: RT @ChiefAndyMills: Ofc Daniel Walters died 4/2020 from a GSW he received in 2003. The gunshot left him paralyzed. He was a former SD Padr… - 5 years ago

@LosAngelesATF: @LosAngelesATF. honors & remembers @SanDiegoPD Police Officer Dan Walters who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the li… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Dan Walters dies - #DanWalters #Dan #Walters #rip - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Dan Walters @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #DanWalters add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@SusanV30582052: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@DrSteveAlbrecht: RT @ChiefZimmerman: You will never be forgotten @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters #RIP 🙏💙😢 - 5 years ago

@Firestorm227: RT @SDPOA: Today, the San Diego Police Department lost another hero who made the ultimate sacrifice: Officer Dan Walters. Visit the SDPOA F… - 5 years ago

@Harry99481312: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@Archangel5875: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@BrianAvera12: RIP Officer Dan Walters. You will never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@tylerburtis: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@ChiefZimmerman: You will never be forgotten @SanDiegoPD Officer Dan Walters #RIP 🙏💙😢 - 5 years ago

@Morestuffsold: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

@WilliaBriggsDDS: RT @nbcsandiego: San Diego Padres player-turned-San Diego police officer Dan Walters has died. He was 53. - 5 years ago

@WilliaBriggsDDS: RT @GarskeNBC: RIP, Officer Walters. - 5 years ago

@noticialminuto: ¡FRANQUICIA DE LUTO! Muere Dan Walters ex catcher de los Padres de San Diego en la MLB - 5 years ago

@paul4604: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@wilsongraham123: RT @SanDiegoPD: As a department we join the family, friends and fellow department members in mourning the loss of Ofc. Dan Walters. We will… - 5 years ago

@sandiegoworks: Former San Diego Padres catcher, SDPD officer Dan Walters dies at 53 - 5 years ago

@DobbsMd5228: RT @SanDiegoPD: Today we rendered honors to our brother, Officer Dan Walters who died today as a result of injuries sustained on-duty in 20… - 5 years ago

@ratbagcostanza: RT @Padres: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former Padres catcher and San Diego Police Department officer, Dan Walters. Ou… - 5 years ago

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