Dame Deborah James

British journalist (You
Died on Tuesday June 28th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Dame Deborah James:

@lizbarratt: RT @TransformCEO: @TransformTrust; remember the inspiring words of Dame Deborah James "Take risks; love deeply; have no regrets; and always… - 3 years ago

@calvincasino: RT @allontheboard: Rest in Peace Dame Deborah James. We love you and will never forget you. Thank you for being you. Our thoughts and pray… - 3 years ago

@calvincasino: RT @allontheboard: Rest In Peace Dame Deborah James. You will be forever loved, always missed and never forgotten. Thoughts, love, hugs an… - 3 years ago

@calvincasino: RT @allontheboard: Rest in peace Dame Deborah James. You will be forever loved, always missed and never forgotten. Sending thoughts, love… - 3 years ago


@Pirikito1982: - 3 years ago

@adabagcompany: The poo checks Dame Deborah James wanted YOU to do (they might just save your life) - 3 years ago

@carolst06m: RT @ThonJacobite: In memory o' the very brave and bonnie Dame Deborah James ah participated in the NHS bowel screening test. Gin ye get ane… - 3 years ago

@TenV56: RT @ThonJacobite: In memory o' the very brave and bonnie Dame Deborah James ah participated in the NHS bowel screening test. Gin ye get ane… - 3 years ago

@JosieDunne1: RT @hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, not just c… - 3 years ago

@ThonJacobite: In memory o' the very brave and bonnie Dame Deborah James ah participated in the NHS bowel screening test. Gin ye g… - 3 years ago

@Jobi1kanobe: RT @nhenews: Bowel cancer symptom searches increased by tenfold after the untimely death of #DameDeborahJames, the #NHS has revealed. Clic… - 3 years ago

@GustonZimasheen: RT @cuteanimalsrule: A little tribute video to Dame Deborah James, who has sadly passed away today. Sending hugs to all her friends, fami… - 3 years ago

@nhenews: Bowel cancer symptom searches increased by tenfold after the untimely death of #DameDeborahJames, the #NHS has reve… - 3 years ago

@amy_transform: RT @TransformCEO: @TransformTrust; remember the inspiring words of Dame Deborah James "Take risks; love deeply; have no regrets; and always… - 3 years ago

@newyork10048: RT @SamanthaTaghoy: Rest in Peace, Dame Deborah James 🤍 Her tireless work to de-stigmatise “the Big C” served as an inspiration to countle… - 3 years ago

@AnOunceOfMe: AION celebrates the life of Dame Deborah James .. .. #bowelbabe #bowelcancer #cancerawareness #RIP - 3 years ago

@dpayne435: RT @SteveColenso: Another Charity Auction I know last year - my last but asked by some hotels + friends 2 sort 1 for Bowel Cancer following… - 3 years ago

@SteveColenso: Another Charity Auction I know last year - my last but asked by some hotels + friends 2 sort 1 for Bowel Cancer fol… - 3 years ago

@coolkiddo: RT @GutsCharityUK: The passing of Dame Deborah James alerted the nation to the importance of looking at our stools. There's a crippling tab… - 3 years ago

@TransformCEO: @TransformTrust; remember the inspiring words of Dame Deborah James "Take risks; love deeply; have no regrets; and… - 3 years ago

@connah_price: Watching Dame Deborah James: The Last Dance @bowelbabe brining back all my memories with you. How has it been nearl… - 3 years ago

@FrankfurterKra1: RT @Gertsroyals: Cancer Campaigner Dame Deborah James @bowelbabe has passed away today at age 40 of bowel cancer. The Queen made Deborah… - 3 years ago

@VirtuallySmart7: Inspirational Women. Dame Deborah James. One woman's crusade to raise awareness of bowel cancer.… - 3 years ago

@JohneastwoodHos: RT @DyingMatters: "We need to find the light in that rebellious hope, to keep the flame burning in our darkest hours.” @bowelbabe has insp… - 3 years ago

@LTHMedPhysics: RT @DHSCgovuk: The NHS is encouraging people to get checked if they have symptoms of #BowelCancer following the death of Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@BRIGHTcancer: Dame Deborah James has inspired a tenfold increase in the number of people checking bowel cancer symptoms. Over 23,… - 3 years ago

@CancerwatchUK: Powerful message from Dame Deborah James on bowel cancer. NHS website needs to carry more info on how to prevent t… - 3 years ago

@callaghanmusic: #MondayMusic..."Before The Time Runs Out" dedicated to the amazing Dame Deborah @bowelbabe James who sadly passed… - 3 years ago

@MiadHealthcare: NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard has called Dame Deborah James "an inspiration to us all" as thousands more peo… - 3 years ago

@HealthEuropa: The NHS has revealed that thousands more people have searched for symptoms of bowel cancer online this week followi… - 3 years ago

@RespectYourself: RT @NHSEngland: Dame Deborah James continues to save lives.    On Wednesday there was a tenfold increase, from 2,000 to 23,274, in visits t… - 3 years ago

@Carefound: RT @NHSEngland: In the words of the amazing Dame Deborah James — please check your poo. The three main symptoms of bowel cancer are: blood… - 3 years ago

@dying_matters: RT @DyingMatters: "We need to find the light in that rebellious hope, to keep the flame burning in our darkest hours.” @bowelbabe has insp… - 3 years ago

@ActivePRuk: We were so sad to hear of the passing of #Dame #DeborahJames her fight is an inspiration to us all - 3 years ago

@NormalSteve: RT @NHSEngland: In the words of the amazing Dame Deborah James — please check your poo. The three main symptoms of bowel cancer are: blood… - 3 years ago

@dianeemccarthy: RT @NHSEngland: In the words of the amazing Dame Deborah James — please check your poo. The three main symptoms of bowel cancer are: blood… - 3 years ago

@AttewellM1234: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@Zonamagnetica: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@sallypenni1: 'Find a life worth enjoying - take risks' - Dame Deborah James #deborahjames #damedeborahjames #quotation… - 3 years ago

@Zenergi: This week's #MondayMotivation is from the late inspirational charity campaigner, Dame Deborah James. Rest in peace… - 3 years ago

@luphstarmoon: RT @TimeOutLondon: ‘Even in her final days, as she faced her death, my bonkers, beautiful and bloody-minded friend refused to stop’ 💔 https… - 3 years ago

@Alexand07086496: RT @NightingaleCSC: We are so sorry to hear that Dame Deborah James, @bowelbabe, has died. What she did - shining a light on her cancer jou… - 3 years ago

@Stubby4T: @shavo_picto Taboo subject but since Dame Deborah James we should talk about our bowels and not suffer embarrassent… - 3 years ago

@guestherbert2: Podcaster Dame Deborah James dies of bowel cancer aged 40 - 3 years ago

@tdunn1298: watched Dame Deborah James: The Last Dance, what a woman. life can be so unfair 💔 “always, always have rebellious hope” ❤️ - 3 years ago

@HakCOc33vuVecdD: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@joyfulng: RT @royalmarsden: We are extremely saddened to hear the news that Dame Deborah James has died. Deborah was an absolute inspiration to so ma… - 3 years ago

@joyfulng: RT @hellen3030: RIP Dame Deborah James 😔🙏 Deborah said “The Duke was so charming and put all of us at ease immediately. He was incredibly e… - 3 years ago

@VLamonby: RT @DHSCgovuk: The NHS is encouraging people to get checked if they have symptoms of #BowelCancer following the death of Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@DonBarrie: Dame Deborah James, who passed away this week of cancer, had these parting words to listeners of her podcast: “Find… - 3 years ago

@returnofserve: Deborah James was such an inspiring woman. Extraordinary human being who was taken far too early. RIP Dame Deborah. - 3 years ago

@returnofserve: RT @royalmarsden: We are extremely saddened to hear the news that Dame Deborah James has died. Deborah was an absolute inspiration to so ma… - 3 years ago

@Sapie81: @SuzanneRutter - 3 years ago

@Ashley_MWrights: RT @DHSCgovuk: The NHS is encouraging people to get checked if they have symptoms of #BowelCancer following the death of Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@lesleybethell1: RT @hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, not just c… - 3 years ago

@gulllermo: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@VoicesBolton: RT @hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, not just c… - 3 years ago

@MikeAlphaOne: RT @hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, not just c… - 3 years ago

@HanElBrown: RT @hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, not just c… - 3 years ago

@hospiceuk: “Mother, campaigner, influencer, charity fundraiser, runner, make-up lover - all of those things made up Deborah, n… - 3 years ago

@MarkQuarter: RT @RalphLauren: Our hearts are with Dame Deborah James’ family at this incredibly sad time Deborah’s tireless campaigning to raise awaren… - 3 years ago

@LawnMasterNotts: Wishing all of you the best of luck for #SBS this week, keeping my🤞for you Sadly I only have choice this weeks SB… - 3 years ago

@adabagcompany: Dame Deborah James inspired so many with her ‘legacy of strength in adversity’, say fans - 3 years ago

@AlistairAli: RT @STVNews: 'Deborah James touched everyone's life with her message of rebellious hope.' - 3 years ago

@RomiNavaratnam: RIP Dame Deborah James @bowelbabe A truly dignified & inspirational lady who has raised awareness of the simple m… - 3 years ago

@Mike_k_Haden: RT @itvnews: Podcast host and mother-of-two Deborah James has died aged 40 after being diagnosed with bowel cancer in December 2016, her fa… - 3 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Daily Express Obituaries - Dame Deborah James, 1981-2022 - Obituary - 3 years ago

@HannahMillns: RT @BBCBreakfast: Cancer campaigner Dame Deborah James has died. Her final thoughts.. ‘Find a life worth enjoying; take risks; love deeply;… - 3 years ago

@Billiebillie08: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@drleeroyw: RT @DyingMatters: "We need to find the light in that rebellious hope, to keep the flame burning in our darkest hours.” @bowelbabe has insp… - 3 years ago

@LisaWhistance: RT @DyingMatters: "We need to find the light in that rebellious hope, to keep the flame burning in our darkest hours.” @bowelbabe has insp… - 3 years ago

@DonBarrie: RT @BBCBreakfast: 'Rebellious hope forever' Tributes to cancer campaigner Dame Deborah James who has died aged 40. On #BBCBreakfast the mes… - 3 years ago

@ElenaWalczyk: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@mpho_seoyun0: RT @TheSun: The Sun on Sunday challenges YOU to get running in honour of Dame Debs - 3 years ago

@bergi1954: RT @TheSun: The Sun on Sunday challenges YOU to get running in honour of Dame Debs - 3 years ago

@vovakyslytsya: RT @TheSun: The Sun on Sunday challenges YOU to get running in honour of Dame Debs - 3 years ago

@TheSun: The Sun on Sunday challenges YOU to get running in honour of Dame Debs - 3 years ago

@wlois78: RT @DHSCgovuk: The NHS is encouraging people to get checked if they have symptoms of #BowelCancer following the death of Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@alekceebix: RT @sajidjavid: Dame Deborah James changed the conversation around cancer and NHS figures show how many people she’s inspired to get checke… - 3 years ago

@Lizziea73815526: RT @SkyNews: In her final message, posted by her family, Dame Deborah reminded everyone to "check your poo", adding that "it could just sav… - 3 years ago

@LiamKerrMSP: RT @Check4Cancer: In light of the very sad news that Dame Deborah James has passed away, we wanted to pay tribute to her tireless crusade i… - 3 years ago

@YahooLifeUK: As part of her tireless fundraising, #DameDeborahJames teamed up with fashion brand In The Style to launch a charit… - 3 years ago

@ConnieProvost: Dame Deborah James' early signs of bowel cancer before her devastating diagnosis - 3 years ago

@diestreitfrage: #SuddenDeath Dame Deborah James, 40 Jahre #SADS Hat die 💉gefeiert und einen hohen Preis bezahlt - 3 years ago

@OliviaG37717638: RT @Metro_Ents: An emotional documentary celebrating the life and legacy of Dame Deborah James airs tonight on BBC #TheLastDance - 3 years ago

@RyanGSoapKing11: RT @Metro_Ents: An emotional documentary celebrating the life and legacy of Dame Deborah James airs tonight on BBC #TheLastDance - 3 years ago

@Korando_5: RT @domdyer70: A very courageous woman who lived life to the full & left a legacy that will save many lives, a wonderful example to us all… - 3 years ago

@BBCCWR: Dame Deborah James 'gave us so much hope in the darkest of days' Sophie from Fillongley shares her story of batt… - 3 years ago

@Metro_Ents: An emotional documentary celebrating the life and legacy of Dame Deborah James airs tonight on BBC #TheLastDance - 3 years ago

@pr_rotary: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@heardthenews_: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@CRawkeen: RT @Thave_Raez: When there is absolutely no emotion left in you during s#x 😂😂😂 Gistlover funke Dennis Dalot shola #ASUU #FireBoy R Kelly R… - 3 years ago

@Buddol01: RT @Thave_Raez: When there is absolutely no emotion left in you during s#x 😂😂😂 Gistlover funke Dennis Dalot shola #ASUU #FireBoy R Kelly R… - 3 years ago

@researchsuperp1: RT @BBCBreakfast: Cancer campaigner Dame Deborah James has died. Her final thoughts.. ‘Find a life worth enjoying; take risks; love deeply;… - 3 years ago

@DavidM_MC: RT @mariecurieuk: We're incredibly saddened to learn that Dame Deborah James has died, aged 40. Deborah was a journalist, podcaster, autho… - 3 years ago

@GraceWaring22: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@CRUK_Blackheath: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@PatSlat96808958: RT @BreastCancerNow: We're here for you if you’re feeling worried about breast cancer after the sad news about Dame Deborah James ❤️ Our n… - 3 years ago

@hughmc33: RT @BBCNews: Dame Deborah James: The Last Dance - 3 years ago

@BansteadRotary: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@Zagorcic: RT @islasfight: Our heartfelt condolences go out to all @bowelbabe & family, every cancer patient is strong, brave, a fighter & a hero but… - 3 years ago

@Media2Wizz: Dame Deborah James obituary - 3 years ago

@kathy_husser: RT @nickyquinn08: Dame Deborah James Rose was launched at Chelsea Flower Show @bowelbabe a true angel #Dame Deborah James R I P #beautiful… - 3 years ago

@patsypixie2: RT @patsypixie2: Dame Deborah James. I'm gutted she's died. Such a brave woman. Her message: get 'it' checked out. Many doctors are still n… - 3 years ago

@rubymay36023: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@Generallifefor: RT @HoELycjay: Exit of an icon So sad bruh 😂 #ASUU #Shameless | Dame Deborah James #RKelly | RIP 44 - 3 years ago

@CornwallLive: She did everything she could to raise awareness ❤️️ - 3 years ago

@DevonLiveNews: She had an important final wish for everyone - 3 years ago

@BigWoofa: RT @WayneMJohn: Yesterday, Dame Deborah James died of Bowel Cancer. She made the news but she didn't die alone 45 other people also died of… - 3 years ago

@CommunityActLan: RT @NHSuk: In the words of Dame Deborah James - please check your poo. Increasing awareness of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer was… - 3 years ago

@noel_satchell: RT @PiersUncensored: "She will be greatly missed by this country. Thank you, Dame Deborah." Piers Morgan pays tribute to the beloved Dame… - 3 years ago

@unedo18: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@SimonPeterSDG: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@buzz__around: Lorraine Kelly leads tributes to Dame Deborah James in ‘utterly heartbreaking’ BBC documentary The Last Dance - 3 years ago

@Bukowski20191: 'Dame' Deborah James had an extremely privileged life right to the end. Why do the top chosen stories in the media… - 3 years ago

@ngunjiriwambug: RT @bonfacemutugip: Today all roads leads to KICC to listen the manifesto of our main competitor prof Wajackojah. Dame Deborah James Ruto r… - 3 years ago

@marygomesart: RT @Zephyri: I'm not going to make a habit of this, as I consider my health a fairly private thing, but if you've seen any of the news arou… - 3 years ago

@Newsmond1: Lorraine Kelly leads tributes to Dame Deborah James in ‘utterly heartbreaking’ BBC documentary The Last Dance - 3 years ago

@Zan36972201: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@Jaja_Bred: RT @BBCNews: “Even in her most difficult days she never stopped supporting others” Friends of Dame Deborah James pay tribute to “determine… - 3 years ago

@clin_neg_lawyer: RT @BladderBowelUK: We're devastated to hear that the much loved campaigner, Dame Deborah James, has sadly passed away after a long battle… - 3 years ago

@jonkay01: On @BBCiPlayer now and @BBCOne tonight. This film has been made with so much care & respect by #BBCBreakfast report… - 3 years ago

@ClareNews2: RT @BBCBreakfast: ‘Deborah James: The Last Dance’ A celebration of the life and legacy of @bowelbabe Watch it on @BBCiPlayer now - 3 years ago

@tsc0072: RT @BBCNews: Dame Deborah James dies aged 40 - 3 years ago

@Piethagoram: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@UssCeit: RT @crownchronicles: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have paid tribute to Dame Deborah James following the ‘heartbreaking’ news of her de… - 3 years ago

@PhilipEvans08: RT @CR_UK: Dame Deborah James was a true inspiration. Her commitment to helping others affected by cancer was relentless and she’ll be deep… - 3 years ago

@moalbrecht: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@SueMacMidwife: RT @MuddledDaddy: Interviews this morning with @BBCRadioLincs @BBCRadioManc @RadioHumberside @bbcsomerset @bbcnewcastle @bbcsomerset @BBCSu… - 3 years ago

@JulieHu34310020: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@JudyCor40231800: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Kate and Prince William have penned a rare personal message to pay tribute to Dame Deborah James #bowelbabe h… - 3 years ago

@blbbirds: RT @BBCBreakfast: The fund set up by Dame Deborah James has now raised more than 7-million pounds. It will be used for research into new ca… - 3 years ago

@JudyCor40231800: RT @MajestyMagazine: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – W & C – react to the death of Dame Deborah James @bowelbabe. The fundraising con… - 3 years ago

@allyypallyy: RT @carolkirkwood: Deborah James: The Last Dance’ - A celebration of the life and legacy of @BowelBabe. On @BBCOne at 8.30pm Thursday 30th… - 3 years ago

@begilmour: For Dame Deborah James, let’s make it a good day 💚 @bowelbabe #rebellioushope - 3 years ago

@Bcfc_ZaneHD: RT @BBCBreakfast: ‘Deborah James: The Last Dance’ A celebration of her life and legacy. On @BBCiPlayer @bowelbabe… - 3 years ago

@DhanuW84: RT @etnow: Prince William and Kate Middleton are mourning the loss of Dame Deborah James. Read their message: - 3 years ago

@elaine_normoyle: RT @bowelcanceruk: We're thinking of you all following the sad news that bowel cancer patient, advocate and our patron, Dame Deborah James,… - 3 years ago

@chiaa96: RT @LizzieITV: A personal message from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge following the death of Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@jeanlaydon: RT @BorisJohnson: I’m terribly saddened to hear that Dame Deborah James has died. What an inspiration she was to so many. The awareness sh… - 3 years ago

@Marklfc46: RT @itvnews: Charities say Deborah James' efforts to fundraise and spread awareness for bowel cancer will save lives and give people "preci… - 3 years ago

@For_Ever_Autumn: RT @TimesRadio: BREAKING: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have paid tribute to Dame Deborah James following “the heartbreaking news” of h… - 3 years ago

@SThemans: @EllyOldroyd @UniofExeter @bowelbabe It was so poignant for us all to hear about and remember Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@SharonOTUclan: RT @allontheboard: Rest In Peace Dame Deborah James. You will be forever loved, always missed and never forgotten. Thoughts, love, hugs an… - 3 years ago

@Nwacpsg: RT @allontheboard: Rest In Peace Dame Deborah James. You will be forever loved, always missed and never forgotten. Thoughts, love, hugs an… - 3 years ago

@karmenpiper3: RT @GlosLiveOnline: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's moving words in tribute to Dame Deborah James - 3 years ago

@MoctezumaElLoco: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Kate and Prince William have penned a rare personal message to pay tribute to Dame Deborah James #bowelbabe h… - 3 years ago

@QueenAn83290265: RT @bowelcanceruk: We're thinking of you all following the sad news that bowel cancer patient, advocate and our patron, Dame Deborah James,… - 3 years ago

@JeremyNaylor_IG: RT @IGcom: As we mourn the passing of Dame Deborah James, the bowel cancer patient who raised huge amounts and awareness of the disease, Av… - 3 years ago

@clarelcasey1: - 3 years ago

@Marie87618531: RT @MajestyMagazine: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – W & C – react to the death of Dame Deborah James @bowelbabe. The fundraising con… - 3 years ago

@HilaryBaker8: RT @BladderCancerUK: We're incredibly saddened to hear of the death of Dame Deborah James @bowelbabe. Her incredible work raised vital aw… - 3 years ago

@alanpps: RT @EddieSays3: Why did @BBCNewsAt10 pointing out @Keir_Starmer condolences for dear Dame Deborah James and not a mention of our prime mini… - 3 years ago

@QueenAn83290265: RT @CR_UK: Dame Deborah James was a true inspiration. Her commitment to helping others affected by cancer was relentless and she’ll be deep… - 3 years ago

@Raymond65761648: RT @BBCNews: Dame Deborah James has died at the age of 40 after announcing in May she was receiving end-of-life care for bowel cancer htt… - 3 years ago

@19Adube76: RT @Daily_Express: BREAKING: Kate and Prince William have penned a rare personal message to pay tribute to Dame Deborah James #bowelbabe h… - 3 years ago

@Redflags2022: RT @harpersbazaarus: Prince William and Duchess Kate Honor Dame Deborah James After Her Death - 3 years ago

@DaniboyF: What we wake up to everyday in Nigeria #ASUU and we just adapt as if nothing is happening. Who we wan tell? The con… - 3 years ago

@GregSheffield: RT @SkyNews: Dame Deborah James has died aged 40. The podcaster and and cancer campaigner known as 'BowelBabe' raised millions for charity… - 3 years ago

@shereen89001527: RT @hellen3030: RIP Dame Deborah James 😔🙏 Deborah said “The Duke was so charming and put all of us at ease immediately. He was incredibly e… - 3 years ago

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