Dame Carmen Callil

Australian publisher
Died on Tuesday October 18th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Dame Carmen Callil:

@indiebookpromos: RT @HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@WomenPromo: RT @HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@RomPromoCentral: RT @HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@BookSpaceOnTw: RT @HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago


@BookHelpForYou: RT @HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@HelenWalshBooks: Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, was a woman who truly changed the game for female authors. Dame Carmen Cal… - 2 years ago

@harleyloudon: @TheBlueAcorn @ViragoBooks thanks hadn't realised what with being abroad in a place called Europe and losing the go… - 2 years ago

@andyinfrance1: RT @menacesof2019: #CarmenCallil, who created @ViragoBooks, has sadly died. She knew the value of rescuing forgotten books through #ViragoM… - 2 years ago

@menacesof2019: #CarmenCallil, who created @ViragoBooks, has sadly died. She knew the value of rescuing forgotten books through… - 2 years ago

@Brunch_O_Turfs: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@telegraphobits: Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, which championed women writers and transformed British publishing – ob… - 2 years ago

@JFM13: RT @LisaAppignanesi: Sad to learn that Carmen Callil has died - a woman of substance. RIP Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@NetBobxx101: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@FeministViz: RIP Carmen Callil. Founder of one of the first feminist publishing houses, Virago. Amazing influence. She helped ch… - 2 years ago

@JenBarclayBooks: Virago aimed to provide a mass-market publisher for 52% of the population – women – at a time when they were permit… - 2 years ago

@DanyNobus: RT @LisaAppignanesi: Sad to learn that Carmen Callil has died - a woman of substance. RIP Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@NRoffe: RT @LisaAppignanesi: Sad to learn that Carmen Callil has died - a woman of substance. RIP Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@LisaAppignanesi: Sad to learn that Carmen Callil has died - a woman of substance. RIP Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@MartinWestlake: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@jackshebang: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@cjgrool: Sad to learn that the founder of the monumental, feminist Virago press Dame Carmen Callil has passed. “I always wan… - 2 years ago

@JaneCWoods: I've had a glorious morning adding new posts to the blog. Books seem to feature a lot, definitely inspired by Carme… - 2 years ago

@menacesof2019: RT @gerardpatrick: Dame Carmen Callil |1938-2022 - 2 years ago

@Michael_Jongen: RT @gld301218: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@gld301218: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@jaynejo77758011: RT @gxbooks: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Dame Carmen Callil, founder of the ground-breaking feminist publisher Virago Pr… - 2 years ago

@michaelkeegan14: RT @pirateirwin: - 2 years ago

@buckinghamh: There are 2 imprints I always look out for in bookshops, @PersephoneBooks (not v common, people hang on to them I t… - 2 years ago

@CarmenCallil: RT @CWBookshop: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Dame Carmen Callil, founder of the ground-breaking feminist publisher Virago… - 2 years ago

@IsolaTiberina: - 2 years ago

@expendablemudge: I'm saddened to learn that Carmen Callil, one of the founders of Virago Press, has died. Sh… - 2 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: - 2 years ago

@circumflexible: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@circumflexible: RT @telegraphobits: Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, which championed women writers and transformed British publishing – obitua… - 2 years ago

@SahikaYuksel: 1972 “Spare Rib “ çok önemli bir dergi kadınların sözünü dünyaya duyurmağa başladı.Carmen Calil teşekkürler Dame C… - 2 years ago

@MarkSipps: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@ValDobson: Just heard that Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, has died. - 2 years ago

@BiblioDeviant: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@IrwellEdition: RT @IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared with… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From The Guardian Obituaries - Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@CIoJournalist: Liz Thomson writes obituary for Guardian: 'Dame Carmen Callil. Publisher who founded Virago, which champions women’… - 2 years ago

@booksirelandmag: Founder of Virago Press Dame Carmen Callil has died aged 84 - 2 years ago

@MsPasty: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@WellmannGwen: RT @StanCarey: "I always wanted to change the world. It simply wasn't good enough." RIP, Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press: - 2 years ago

@StanCarey: "I always wanted to change the world. It simply wasn't good enough." RIP, Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press: - 2 years ago

@skiourophile: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@ThePhraser: RT @rsutcliff: RIP Car­men Callil (b 1938, d 2022) writer and fe­male au­thors’ cham­pion, who founded Virago Press — which was named after… - 2 years ago

@LizMcInnes60: So sorry to hear that Dame Carmen Callil has died. A true pioneer who championed women writers - she really did cha… - 2 years ago

@josephjohn000: Carmen Callil, founder of the feminist publishing company Virago has died. I remember Virago as a quiz question fro… - 2 years ago

@TimMorton2: "she and the journalist Rosie Boycott chanced on the word virago – a heroic, warlike woman – in a book about goddes… - 2 years ago

@rsutcliff: RIP Car­men Callil (b 1938, d 2022) writer and fe­male au­thors’ cham­pion, who founded Virago Press — which was na… - 2 years ago

@mponsford: Esta mujer fue una grandísima editora. Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@marshall_proEU: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@adollarmore: Great obit by Liz. Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@TimesObits: Young underlings complained that she forgot their names and sent fierce memos. One wrote to her parents to say her… - 2 years ago

@kcwc_womensclub: RT @annesebba: Inspirational force working for women and books. So pleased to have known her. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Dame Carmen Callil |1938-2022 - 2 years ago

@gxbooks: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Dame Carmen Callil, founder of the ground-breaking feminist publishe… - 2 years ago

@CWBookshop: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Dame Carmen Callil, founder of the ground-breaking feminist publishe… - 2 years ago

@FANZArts: We're very sad to hear of the passing of Australian publisher Dame Carmen Callil. Spending most of her career in th… - 2 years ago

@timstorriekc: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@gusdeblouis: RT @ewanventers: Although I never knew Dame Carmen Callil personally, I like so many others are saddened to hear of her passing. A true pio… - 2 years ago

@annesebba: Inspirational force working for women and books. So pleased to have known her. Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@CharlieRose1: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@ron_of_kochi: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@VGenPensioen: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@HFormaini: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@bookcoverlove: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@cape_eye: Dame Carmen Callil - 2 years ago

@kk_thornback: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@bleuroses: RT @carollovekin: RIP Dame Carmen Thérèse Callil, pioneering champion of women writers who founded Virago Press in 1973. - 2 years ago

@Thievesbook: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@telegraphobits: Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Press, which championed women writers and transformed British publishing – ob… - 2 years ago

@PaulPrigby: Dame Carmen Callil obituary | Publishing | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@deBeauxOs1: RT @IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared with… - 2 years ago

@MaynardLara: Dame #CarmenCallil obituary - 2 years ago

@SpanglishGuiri: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@clivescollins1: Bought and read all the early issues of Spare Rib. Even submitted a very short story once. It was rejected but so… - 2 years ago

@Sulli864: RT @IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared with… - 2 years ago

@bearomine: RT @thatkirstylang: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. - 2 years ago

@TashPri: RT @JonnoGordon: RIP: great publisher. - 2 years ago

@PublishScotland: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@thatkirstylang: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. - 2 years ago

@KarolineAKemp: In honour of Dame Carmen Callil, who is the person who has probably had the most influence on my reading life. - 2 years ago

@janebrutonUK: Wonderful tribute, seriously wonderful woman: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@EllenMoody1: Carmen Callil has died. A beautiful obituary. - 2 years ago

@ewanventers: Although I never knew Dame Carmen Callil personally, I like so many others are saddened to hear of her passing. A t… - 2 years ago

@kreeve: RT @EHChalus: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@xeronaut1: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@Cats4mice: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - The Times of London Here’s the model. To be read by mothers, daughters, nieces and a… - 2 years ago

@abzbyrne: I was really sad to hear this today. I remember buying my first Virago book when I student, The Edible Women by Ma… - 2 years ago

@VPointon: - 2 years ago

@CamUniLibrarian: RT @ElixirLibri: …and a touching profile on the very recently deceased Dame Carmen Callil: ‘How many people come into the world and change… - 2 years ago

@dljaques: RT @jemimadury: Remembering Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Books, publisher and writer, championing women writers since 1973. virag… - 2 years ago

@DemolitionsLdn: 💔Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@Asitseemstome: Dame Carmen Callil obituary #BllodyBrilliantWomen #CarmenCallil - 2 years ago

@jfitzgaynard: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@ClaireMabey: The founder of ⁦@ViragoBooks⁩ - Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@writersinoxford: A great loss to publishing, to feminism and to activism @Rebel_Writers. Her spirit will be missed. Condolences to h… - 2 years ago

@SuzanneCollier: Really sad to hear of the passing of Dame Carmen Callil, founder of @ViragoBooks and one time publicist for Andre D… - 2 years ago

@adamboultonTABB: RT @IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared with… - 2 years ago

@SaffronKim: RT @thegentleauthor: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@BadDebutante: Carmen Callil, whose Virago Press published Angela Carter, Antonia White, Monica Ali, Margaret Atwood, Eve Ensler e… - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @EHChalus: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@sarahemilyduff: 'Virago aimed to provide a mass-market publisher for 52% of the population – women – at a time when they were permi… - 2 years ago

@EHChalus: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@Kava_Palaver: RT @jemimadury: Remembering Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Books, publisher and writer, championing women writers since 1973. virag… - 2 years ago

@Catniptwoshoes: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@thegentleauthor: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@ACraigBennett: RT @Bubliegummer: Dame Carmen Callil obituary, publisher who founded Virago, which champions women’s writing and books on feminist topics h… - 2 years ago

@jemimadury: Remembering Dame Carmen Callil, founder of Virago Books, publisher and writer, championing women writers since 1973… - 2 years ago

@BookSexyReview: RT @damiankelleher: Very since RIP to Dame Carmen Callil, found of Virago Press - 2 years ago

@Bubliegummer: Dame Carmen Callil obituary, publisher who founded Virago, which champions women’s writing and books on feminist to… - 2 years ago

@galofhal: Farewell to the founder of dark green spines on my bookshelf. - 2 years ago

@ElixirLibri: …and a touching profile on the very recently deceased Dame Carmen Callil: ‘How many people come into the world and… - 2 years ago

@kjohnson57: - 2 years ago

@faziarizvi: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@Bookywookydooda: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @guardian: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@BaronessGoudie: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@IfeanyiUddin: Goodnight, Dame Carmen Thérèse Callil! - 2 years ago

@gusdeblouis: RT @IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared with… - 2 years ago

@BradfordLitFest: We are so sad to hear about the passing of Dame Carmen Callil, publishing pioneer and author. She will be remembere… - 2 years ago

@IrwellEdition: Does anyone remember the episode of BBC2's Late Show with Clive James from c.1989, in which Carmen Callil appeared… - 2 years ago

@LionWatchful: RT @guardian: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@symptomatic: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@gusdeblouis: RT @AnimalPeopleA: ‘She loved animals; a request for time off work to grieve for a pet would be met with understanding, and on holiday in F… - 2 years ago

@AnimalPeopleA: ‘She loved animals; a request for time off work to grieve for a pet would be met with understanding, and on holiday… - 2 years ago

@guardian: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@JonnoGordon: RIP: great publisher. - 2 years ago

@cockayne_jones: RT @ElixirLibri: …and here is the obit proper… - 2 years ago

@OrphansPublish: Farewell to an inspirational woman and pioneering publisher: “I always wanted to change the world,” Callil once s… - 2 years ago

@miririnmiri: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@NatForeman: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@PeterAlanRoss: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@saliltripathi: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@dduane: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@GuardianBooks: Dame Carmen Callil obituary - 2 years ago

@ElixirLibri: …and here is the obit proper… - 2 years ago

@lisa_carden: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@kmflett: RT @guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics http… - 2 years ago

@guardianobits: Dame Carmen Callil obituary. Publisher who founded Virago, championing women’s writing and books on feminist topics - 2 years ago

@gusdeblouis: RT @AnimalPeopleA: It is with immense sadness that we inform you of the passing of our trustee, dearest Dame Carmen Callil. A passionate… - 2 years ago

@AnimalPeopleA: It is with immense sadness that we inform you of the passing of our trustee, dearest Dame Carmen Callil. A passio… - 2 years ago

@damiankelleher: Very since RIP to Dame Carmen Callil, found of Virago Press - 2 years ago

@AmorginaAnnie: RT @drstephencarver: 'All that was required was to know they were there, to love them, and to publish them.' Dame Carmen Callil, 15 July 19… - 2 years ago

@MarinaSofia8: RT @carollovekin: RIP Dame Carmen Thérèse Callil, pioneering champion of women writers who founded Virago Press in 1973. - 2 years ago

@LaineEleslaine: RT @drstephencarver: 'All that was required was to know they were there, to love them, and to publish them.' Dame Carmen Callil, 15 July 19… - 2 years ago

@drstephencarver: 'All that was required was to know they were there, to love them, and to publish them.' Dame Carmen Callil, 15 July… - 2 years ago

@katelaity: RT @RSLiterature: We are saddened to learn of the death of two RSL Fellows - Dame Carmen Callil and Katherine Duncan-Jones. - 2 years ago

@carollovekin: RIP Dame Carmen Thérèse Callil, pioneering champion of women writers who founded Virago Press in 1973. - 2 years ago

@Matthew_Kilburn: RT @RSLiterature: We are saddened to learn of the death of two RSL Fellows - Dame Carmen Callil and Katherine Duncan-Jones. - 2 years ago

@Joannechocolat: RT @RSLiterature: We are saddened to learn of the death of two RSL Fellows - Dame Carmen Callil and Katherine Duncan-Jones. - 2 years ago

@RSLiterature: We are saddened to learn of the death of two RSL Fellows - Dame Carmen Callil and Katherine Duncan-Jones. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Dame Carmen Callil, you will be missed - #DameCarmenCallil #Dame #CarmenCallil #rip - 2 years ago

@kaupokikkas: Dame Carmen Callil 1938-2022 Another loss in the last few days. Brilliant writer, founder of Virago Press, beautif… - 2 years ago

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